Re: [Gluster-users] Segfaults after upgrade to GlusterFS 3.10.9

2018-01-19 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
What's /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern set to for you? For me it is

% cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern

which will drop a core file in the working directory of the process.

On 19/01/2018 12.56, Frank Wall wrote:
> Is there something I could do to trigger the creation of core files?
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] create volume in two different Data Centers

2017-10-24 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
On 24/10/17 13:01, Alessandro Briosi wrote:
> I would set up a VPN (tinc could work well).

I, too, would recommend to try tinc for this, it can automatically route
traffic of nodes that don't have direct access to other nodes via those
nodes that do.

I have a publicly available setup of Gluster over tinc on NixOS here:
and it works pretty well, certainly tinc is not a bottleneck in it
(though note my nodes do have full mesh connectivity and I use this only
with 0.5 ms latency).
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] Confusing lstat() performance

2017-09-20 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
Note, I have now put out a patch for bup that makes it 50x faster on my
1M files on gluster, exploiting the fact that stat() is fast after
getdents() on it:!topic/bup-list/6CM7Jr7b_Ek

I'd still be interested in answers to this question though:

> What caching could this be, and how could I convince gluster to serve
> these stat()s as fast as if a getdents() had been done just before them?
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] Confusing lstat() performance

2017-09-19 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
On 18/09/17 17:23, Ben Turner wrote:
> Do you want tuned or untuned?  If tuned I'd like to try one of my tunings for 
> metadata, but I will use yours if you want.

(Re-CC'd list)

I would be interested in both, if possible: To confirm that it's not
only my machines that exhibit this behaviour given my settings, and to
see what can be achieved with your tuned settings.

Thank you!
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] Confusing lstat() performance

2017-09-19 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
On 18/09/17 16:51, Ben Turner wrote:
> I wouldn't mind, but I don't have your dataset.

Oh sorry, I thought I had posted that here but in fact I did so in a
different issue regarding getdents() performance (bug 1478411).

My benchmarking data set is trivial: 100k empty files.

In a directory on your gluster mount:

  seq 1 10 | xargs touch

I found this simple benchmark data set (and even 10k empty files) to
exhibit the same lstat() problems as my directory with 1M files "real"
work load.
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] Confusing lstat() performance

2017-09-19 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
Hi Ben,

do you know if the smallfile benchmark also does interleaved getdents()
and lstat, which is what I found as being the key difference that
creates the performance gap (further down this thread)?

Also, wouldn't `--threads 8` change the performance numbers by factor 8
versus the plain `ls` and `rsync` that I did?

Would you mind running those commands directly/plainly on your cluster
to confirm or refute my numbers?

Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] Confusing lstat() performance

2017-09-19 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
I found the reason now, at least for this set of lstat()s I was looking at.

bup first does all getdents(), obtaining all file names in the
directory, and then stat()s them.

Apparently this destroys some of gluster's caching, making stat()s ~100x

What caching could this be, and how could I convince gluster to serve
these stat()s as fast as if a getdents() had been done just before them?
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] Confusing lstat() performance

2017-09-19 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
On 17/09/17 18:03, Niklas Hambüchen wrote:
> So far the only difference between `ls` and `bup index` I could observe
> is that `bup index` chdir()s into the directory to index, ls doesn't.
> But when I `cd` into the dir and run `ls` without directory argument, it
> is still much faster than bup index for each stat().

Hmm, bup uses the fchdir() syscall to go into the target directory.
Might that make a difference for gluster?
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] Confusing lstat() performance

2017-09-19 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
On 15/09/17 03:46, Niklas Hambüchen wrote:
>> Out of interest have you tried testing performance
>> with performance.stat-prefetch enabled?

I have now tested with `performance.stat-prefetch: on` but am not
observing a difference.

So far the only difference between `ls` and `bup index` I could observe
is that `bup index` chdir()s into the directory to index, ls doesn't.

But when I `cd` into the dir and run `ls` without directory argument, it
is still much faster than bup index for each stat().
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] Confusing lstat() performance

2017-09-18 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
On 15/09/17 02:45, Sam McLeod wrote:
> Out of interest have you tried testing performance
> with performance.stat-prefetch enabled?

Not yet, because I'm still struggling to understand the current more
basic setup's performance behaviour (with it being off), but it's
definitely on my list and I'll report the outcome.
Gluster-users mailing list

[Gluster-users] Confusing lstat() performance

2017-09-14 Thread Niklas Hambüchen

I have a gluster 3.10 volume with a dir with ~1 million small files in
them, say mounted at /mnt/dir with FUSE, and I'm observing something weird:

When I list and stat them all using rsync, then the lstat() calls that
rsync does are incredibly fast (23 microseconds per call on average,
definitely faster than a network roundtrip between my 3-machine bricks
connected via Ethernet).
But when I try to back them up with the `bup` tool
(, which (at least according to strace) does
the same syscalls as rsync to stat all files, it takes 1700 microseconds
per lstat() call, and the total time to go over all files is 50x higher.

These are my strace statistics:

rsync strace:

  $ strace -f -w -c rsync -a --dry-run /mnt/dir /tmp/nonexisting

  % time seconds  usecs/call callserrors syscall
  -- --- --- - - 
   52.35   69.682773   26617  2618 1 select
   39.60   52.7122921056 49907   getdents
8.00   10.655949  11998102   lstat
0.020.022890  12  1900   read
0.010.017219  21   829   write
0.010.012093  14   868   munmap
0.010.006656  11   606   mmap
0.000.0041681389 3   readlink
0.000.0017961796 1   chdir
0.000.001019 510 2   clone
0.000.000841  441913 open

Took ~50 seconds real time to complete.

bup strace (I interrupted it after a while):

  strace: Process 10749 attached
  strace: Process 10750 attached
  Indexing: 25600 (566 paths/s)
  % time seconds  usecs/call callserrors syscall
  -- --- --- - - 
   89.55 1140.8373251700671016   lstat
3.92   49.875376 934 53387   getdents
3.58   45.655985   52238   874   read
2.14   27.293944 789 34588  5799 open
0.577.266342 141 51384   llistxattr
0.091.090689  42 25692 25692 getxattr
0.060.780977  26 29825  1019 close
0.050.601806  23 25739 25722 ioctl
0.030.3738941851   202   select
0.000.055953  14  3879   brk

  sys 0m11.456s

Note I passed `-c -w` to strace to measure wall time of the syscalls
spend, not system CPU time.


  time strace -f -c -w ls -lU /mnt/dir > /dev/null

shows that ls is as fast as rsync (also in 50 seconds).

(Aside: I've filed the large number of getdents() as but that's not the
core question of this email.)

My volume info:

# gluster vol info

Volume Name: myvol
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: ...
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
changelog.capture-del-path: on
changelog.changelog: on on
nfs.disable: on
transport.address-family: inet
client.ssl: on
server.ssl: on
storage.linux-aio: on 64
performance.readdir-ahead: on
server.event-threads: 32
client.event-threads: 32
server.outstanding-rpc-limit: 64
cluster.lookup-unhashed: auto
performance.flush-behind: on
performance.strict-write-ordering: off
performance.high-prio-threads: 64
performance.normal-prio-threads: 64
performance.low-prio-threads: 64
performance.write-behind-window-size: 10MB
cluster.ensure-durability: on
performance.lazy-open: yes
cluster.use-compound-fops: off on
features.cache-invalidation: off
performance.quick-read: off off
performance.stat-prefetch: off
changelog.rollover-time: 1
cluster.self-heal-daemon: enable


What could explain why bup's lstat()s are slow and rsync's lstat()s are

Also, how comes rsync's lstat()s can be faster than a network roundtrip
at all, given that I have all caching disabled (e.g. stat-prefetch: off,
cache-invalidation: off)?

Is there some caching going on? Might bup issue its syscalls in an order
that might destroy this caching, while rsync and ls use a favourable order?

Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] Issue in installing Gluster 3.9.0

2017-02-24 Thread Niklas Hambüchen
I also found that the Ubuntu PPAs maintained by the gluster team, when
unpacked, contain a patch in the debian/patches directory that addresses
these issues (but of course it'd be better to have it fixed upstream).

On 22/02/17 18:42, Shyam wrote:
> Optionally try patching the sources with this commit and building,
> Shyam
> On 02/09/2017 02:26 AM, Amudhan P wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Using  'configure --disable-events` fixes above problem.
>> Thank you, Niklas for forwarding this info.
>> regards
>> Amudhan
Gluster-users mailing list