Re: [Gnustep-cvs] r23971 - in /libs/back/trunk: ChangeLog Source/x11/XGServerWindow.m Source/x11/XIMInputServer.m

2006-11-05 Thread Sheldon Gill

David Ayers wrote:
> Fred Kiefer schrieb:
>> Author: fredkiefer
>> Date: Fri Oct 27 14:25:26 2006
>> New Revision: 23971
>> URL:
>> Log:
>> Small correction to adopt to base change also remove annoying warning.
>> Modified:
>> libs/back/trunk/ChangeLog
>> libs/back/trunk/Source/x11/XGServerWindow.m
>> libs/back/trunk/Source/x11/XIMInputServer.m
> I still feel that GetEncodingName (or GSEncodingName, or
> GSNameFromEncoding()) is generally useful.  Does anyone else agree?

I think it may be. I think, though, its a specific case of a more general issue 
we have which is Additions in policy and practice. We've got a systemic issue 
to resolve. Trying to argue individual functions is just side-stepping in my view.

Time for a thread on this I think...


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Backend <-> GUI Library Interaction

2006-11-06 Thread Sheldon Gill

Hi Christopher,

Nice to hear from you...

Christopher Armstrong wrote:

There are outstanding issues with the windows backend related to window
management. I believe some of these can be fixed by responding to
certain Win32 window messages that MSWindows posts out. I am referring
to the problems with window layering/levels/ordering and related focus
issues that seem to affect everything from windows going missing to
modal windows playing up. 

Not to mention the click twice to edit problem ;)

There are some methods which appear in GSDisplayServer that appear to
relate to these things. Without checking in detail what gnustep-gui
does, could I get some clarifications on how the following methods work
in response to certain inputs/outputs.

- (void) orderwindow: (int) op : (int) otherWin : (int) winNum

This one does appears to do window ordering (to state the bleedingly
obvious). Obviously when a window is ordered it should obey the window
level that is set. 

It should order self relative to otherWin according to op (NSWindowAbove, 
NSWindowBelow etc), staying within it's level.

Take a hypothetical situation with three windows:

A - window level 0
B - window level 50
C - window level 0

C is above A. B is on top of A & C (in terms of Z-order).

So we have B-C-A (z-order front to back)

if orderwindow was called to place A on top of B, should it order A to
the top of its window level (i.e. between C and B) or should it ignore
the message? 

I'm not sure what Cocoa does and it would be best to behave compatibly.
That said, I think it should reposition itself to the top of its level so we'd 
get B-A-C

Say the reverse happened (orderwindow was called asking it to order a a
lower level window above a higher level window), what should occur in
that case? The backend currently does what gnustep-gui tells it to do,
ignoring window layering.

That is wrong. Layering should be respected at all times.

In the AppKit, there are two notifications,
NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification and its counterpart
NSApplicationWillBecomeActiveNotification. Are these supposed to be sent
through an application when one of it's windows is made "active" (i.e.
becomes key)? Or is it when an application begins responding to event

?? we have NSApplicationDidBecomeKeyNotification and 

Do don't have NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification

- (void) setinputfocus: (int) winNum

In GNUstep parlance there appear to be two things: a key window (which
responds to keyboard events) and a main window. Is this correct? How
exactly does a main window fit into the window focus equation? Is
setinputfocus: supposed to main a window "key"? If a window is not to
become the key window (e.g. some floating palette windows), does
gnustep-gui take messages from the backend that the window was made the
key window, and respond by making another window the key window?

setinputfocus: sets focus to the window so it will receive key events. This is 
the X11 idea of focus, by the way. So on windows it makes the window active.

The main window has a responder chain to processes the menu etc. So if you have 
a floating palette it can become 'key' but will never be 'main'.

Win32 provides some window messages such as WM_ACTIVATE (a window in an
application was given/lost the keyboard focus), WM_ACTIVATEAPP (your
application itself lost/gained the keyboard focus) and
resize/move/focus/Z-order events where the outcome can be "adjusted"). I
think these could help.

Probably, although correcting calls to SetWindowPos() should fix the vast 
majority of problems.

Does anyone have some guidance on this matter? I would like to start
investigating some fixes so that perhaps I could get this working on
Windows properly.



Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: [Gnustep-cvs] r24082 - in /tests/testsuite/trunk: ChangeLog base/NSCalendarDate/basic.m base/NSCalendarDate/test00.m base/NSCalendarDate/test01.m base/NSCalendarDate/test02.m base/NSDate/create.m

2006-11-14 Thread Sheldon Gill

David Ayers wrote:

Richard Frith-Macdonald schrieb:

On 13 Nov 2006, at 21:09, David Ayers wrote:

--- /tests/testsuite/trunk/base/NSDate/create.m2006/11/13

I'm not sure about this change to the test suite...

Does this imply that constructing an NSDate with an ISO date without
specifing the time is invalid?  I'm afraid that may break some adaptor
implementations where the database fields differentiate between dates
and timestamps.

Yes it does mean that it's invalid ... if you want to create a date 
from a string without the timestamp then the format should not  contain

a timestamp part.
Such code would not work on MacOS-X (or with the base library with  the
appropriate bugfix).  The method initWithString... is explicitly 
documented to say that the string must match the format.

Well I guess that's a unfortunate result of an evolving API.  It implies
that the date class of an EOAttribute must be an NSCalendarDate (or
subclass thereof) since NSDate does not have the API to specify a
format.  I'm almost certain (but just haven't found to verify) that
OPENSTEP allowed ISO dates without timestamps for NSDate class.  But oh

Umm.. doesn't it simply need to comply with a format that an NSDateFormatter 
can parse?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Window manager interaction

2009-10-17 Thread Sheldon Gill

On 18/10/2009, at 02:45 , Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 17 Oct 2009, at 12:04, Philippe Roussel wrote:

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 07:02:12AM +0100, Richard Frith-Macdonald  
It sounds reasonable to allow interface style to control that sort  

thing, and the behavior you suggest makes sense for a windows app.

Just for the record, I like the vertical menus :o)

Anyway ... see what you think of the change to allow unhide by  

miniaturised windows (eg in a task bar).

It works for me (under Metacity), thanks Richard ! I think this is a
big step for better integration. I would prefer something to appear  
the task bar instead (so demanding...) of the appicon but it's a  

One option might be to scrap the backend miniaturisation/ 
deminiaturisation API entirely, and have the frontend strictly  
implement that  using the window/miniwindow counterpart pairing.  So  
to miniaturise a window, we order in the counterpart miniwindow  
(implicitly ordering the main window out), and to deminiaturise the  
window, we order it in (implicitly ordering the miniwindow out), and  
let the backend decide what it's going to do about the way it  
displays that on-screen.
In the case where we don't have real counterpart miniwindows because  
the window manager is actually just putting labels on a taskbar, i  
guess the backend could provide some sort of dummy placeholder.

Anyway .. that's just an idea ... don't know how much it would  
really help simplify things.

Actually, I think it would simplify things a great deal if we dropped  
the miniwindow entirely.

I believe the fundamental problem here is one of design and the flaw  
is trying to get -gui to handle miniwindows. For any compatibility  
desktop we want to consider (GNOME, KDE, MS-WIN...) the answer is  
conceptually straight-forward:
  a window sets its state to whatever, including MAXIMIZED, ICONIFIED/ 

  the desktop environment does the display

So what -gui should be doing is just that, setting the window state  
appropriately and letting the backend translate that into the desktop  

The architecture is supposed to go like this:

The application handles it's windows and draw in them/etc.  This is - 
gui & -back.

The window manager decorates the windows and provides the mechanisms  
for users to interact with them. (Move them around, re-layer, pin,  
show/hide, whatever)

The application manager (pager) handles launching applications,  
showing what is running and switching between them. This is the  
taskbar / kicker / fiend / dock thing.  This is the thing which would  
be displaying miniwindows for those desktop environments where its  

It seems to me that we're trying to get -gui/back to sometimes be a  
window manager and sometimes be an application manager and getting  
(understandably) very confused.


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Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: [Gnustep-cvs] gnustep/core/base ChangeLog Headers/Foundation/...

2005-03-15 Thread Sheldon Gill
Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
> On 2005-03-15 08:26:46 + Stefan Urbanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> Hi,
>> In GSFindNamedFile you use:
>>   file_name = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"[EMAIL PROTECTED]@", aName,
>> anExtension];
>> should not that be rather:
>>   file_name = [aName stringByAppendingPathExtension:anExtension];
> Yes.  Thanks.
> I'm still finding oddities in this patch ... and tidying up when I notice
> them.

Actually, no it shouldn't be. At least, not from my design view.
There was a reason I did (A) rather than (B):
GSFindNamedFile is supposed to be called like this:
  located_app = GSFindNamedFile( NSStandardApplicationsPaths(),
  icon_for_file = GSFindNamedFile( icon_places,
For this sort of use stringByAppendingPathExtension goes through various 
steps and calls before hitting stringWithFormat as above so (A) is 
faster and incurs less overhead.

The benefit of using (B) means
  icon_for_file = GSFindNamedFile( icon_places,
will still find "TextFile.png" where as for (A) it would fail trying to 
find ".png" in the "TextFile" sub-directory of each place in the search 

From an API conceptual point of view aName should really be the name of 
the file and not a path spec. The pathing is handled already by the 
array of places. If you wanted to search in the "TextFile" sub-directory 
you'd add it to each element of the path array, *not* the name.

{who sometimes has method behind his madness}
Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Installation on windows (fwd)

2005-03-15 Thread Sheldon Gill
Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On 2005-03-14 19:43:01 + Alex Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Nicola Pero wrote:

here are currently issues with the path handling
which causes certain things to only work inside the msys 
environment. If you remove it before those issues are fixed, you 
will introduce more problems.

Thanks -- ... there might be some confusion ? ;-) ... we are talking of
the msys developer toolkit (ie, additional developer tools), not of msys
(the base development environment).
Anyway.  Which issues ?  Which path handling ? :-)

Unicode path handling under win32 is basically completely broken. I am 
not privy to the details, but all I can say for sure is that I believe 
it manifests itself as a problem when you launch a gpbs or gdnc (which 
are both true GNUstep tools, unlike gdomap, which AFAIR is a C app) 
from a path with a space in it, it fails miserably. This should not 
happen. Windows is riddled with paths with spaces, and they must be 
properly supported. I understand the inherent limitations of GNU Make 
and GNUstep-make and spaces, but this is not what I am referring to. 
GNUstep apps at runtime should have 100% support for being launched in 
a directory with spaces, as well as opening files up in directories 
with spaces. The current installer "works around" this problem by 
installing GNUstep to c:\GNUstep, which is in violation of the Windows 
FSH, but it's the only solution that currently works without fixing 
the problem with win32 path handling properly and completely.

To the best of my knowledge, the problem with launching apps in paths
containing a space was fixed about a month ago, and was due to a
bug/feature of the way that windows deals with the arguments when 
spawning a
subprocess ... it had nothing to do with unicode string handling.
Certainly, I can run gdnc from directories whose names contain spaces.
Also, I have never heard of gnustep having any problem opening files whose
names contain spaces.  Which is not to say that there can't be problems
where application programmers parse strings assuming that spaces are being
used as filename separators.
Anyway, there are no outstanding unfixed bug reports on the issue of spaces
in the base library, and no windows specific bug reports for unicode
problems that I can remember at all.

Let's fix them if we have any.

Sheldon Gill knows probably better than anyone else what needs to be 
done to resolve this. I suggest you send him an e-mail, since I don't 
think he's subscribed to this list currently. I've been discussing 
various aspects of win32 gnustep issues with him privately recently, 
and he knows far more about it than I'd ever care to know :) You can 
contact him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] , or if he is lurking on the 
list reading this, I'd like to encourage him to come out of his hole 
and speak to this :)
*Emerges from hole*
Hmm... FYI my involvement has been interrupted by RL and my Wallstreet 
not booting. Also other unspeakable things on the doze box.

By the way, the spaces in paths isn't really the issue we were discussing.
It's definitely worth checking with Sheldon in case he knows of any bugs he
hasn't bothered to report ... though my impression was that most of his
problems were wishes that things would work more 'naturally' in a windows
environment rather than bugs as such, and I think most/all of the ideas
discussed with him have been applied by Adam recently.
Ahhem! ...bothered... ?!!
I've a range of "problems" regarding GNUstep in respect to the file 
system, some of which are wishes for better behaviour but some are 
certainly what I'd categorize as bugs. These "wishes" aren't restricted 
to the windows environment either.

Some of the ideas discussed have begun to be implemented in stages. I 
wouldn't call it most and definitely not all.

At the path handling on windows, essentially the issues arise because
OpenStep -> POSIX -> (emulation) -> Win32
is the current layering and that introduces all sorts of issues as we
move from layer to layer. The "impedance mismatch" gets compounded and
we add both overhead and complexity in the process.
Unicode compounds the issues. Especially as there are Unicode issues
with mingw and msys. I'm not sure what exactly has been fixed for the 
latest release but definitely are there for earlier ones.

Internally, the current -core code has some parts working with unicode 
strings for the file system while other parts don't.

After quite some investigation I believe the best way is to go
OpenStep -> Win32
as far as possible. This means that all things should be in
UTF-16 and left untransformed as far as possible and reasonable.
The only transformation which should be done is variable expansion on
paths read from the environment/registry so that absolute paths are used

Re: Installation on windows (fwd)

2005-03-16 Thread Sheldon Gill
Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On 2005-03-16 06:06:11 + Sheldon Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've a range of "problems" regarding GNUstep in respect to the file 
system, some of which are wishes for better behaviour but some are 
certainly what I'd categorize as bugs. These "wishes" aren't 
restricted to the windows environment either.
Perhaps starting with reporting individual bugs would make sense ... since
they generally only get fixed if people know about them, and a problem
broken down into individual parts is much easier to deal with.
Sure. I've not done much testing with the latest revisions. If I have a 
test case to provide demonstrating a bug, I'll do so.

In the interim, a review of the code has suggested a number of possible 
bug scenarios. I will get to them...

Some of the ideas discussed have begun to be implemented in stages. I 
wouldn't call it most and definitely not all.

At the path handling on windows, essentially the issues arise because
OpenStep -> POSIX -> (emulation) -> Win32
is the current layering and that introduces all sorts of issues as we
move from layer to layer. The "impedance mismatch" gets compounded and
we add both overhead and complexity in the process.
Unicode compounds the issues. Especially as there are Unicode issues
with mingw and msys. I'm not sure what exactly has been fixed for the 
latest release but definitely are there for earlier ones.

Internally, the current -core code has some parts working with unicode 
strings for the file system while other parts don't.

I see support for unicode filesystem as a strong wishlist item... it's not
part of OpenStep, but I feel we should add it since my guess is that the
windows implementation of the the posix functions used in a lot of places
does not handle it.
I disagree that Unicode to the file system isn't part of OpenStep. 
Mostly, the OSAPI uses NSStrings passed to NSFileManager or 
NSFileHandle. It is Unicode clean as far as possible.

There is even a specific method to transform from an NSString to a path 
string which the OS system routines can handle to provide compatibility 
between the OpenStep fully unicode API and the underlying OS requirements.

There are string methods to help manipulating strings which represent 
paths and many of them are rather POSIX focused but that is a different 
thing. Mostly they don't care path separator etc and are done in a 
sufficiently abstract way so it doesn't matter.

After quite some investigation I believe the best way is to go
OpenStep -> Win32
as far as possible. This means that all things should be in
UTF-16 and left untransformed as far as possible and reasonable.
I'm not sure what you mean above ...
If you simply mean that we should use win32 api calls directly (eg
CreateFile() rather than creat()), then I think that's uncontroversial and
is the direction we are moving in for the sake of performance and
Then we are in complete agreement about this. Excellent!
One thing that bugs me about current code is that, because it was 
written by
a variety of unix people, it uses fopen(), fread() fclose() etc in a lot of
places where it should realy be using NSFileHandle/NSFileManager to
encapsulate system dependencies.  Thats' not to say that the existing code
is buggy in any way, just that it's less easily maintainable/portable than
it might be.
Again, we are in complete agreement. In fact, I'd already done work in 
this regard but there wasn't any point in submitting it as it followed 
on from previous work on NSPathUtilities, NSFileManager and the Win32 
support routines.

The only transformation which should be done is variable expansion on
paths read from the environment/registry so that absolute paths are used
internally in their native form.
This is the safe, sane and future compatible way to go. Least harm,
smallest set of assumptions. Leads to least code and smallest overhead.
This does lead to some issues with the path handling NSString methods
which need to be considered but they aren't show stoppers. There 
really just needs to be some consideration and handling of the 
non-POSIX Win32 case where:
  "\" is the separator
  "/" isn't the FS root
  symlinks don't exist
  "~" is meaningless
I think on this point you are asking to break GNUsteps OpenStep/MacOSX
compatibility and ignore the userbase of  programmers wishing to write
portable code.
Umm.. no. I really don't want to break compatibility. In fact, I want to 
enhance it and make it easier. That doesn't mean, though, that I 
advocate doing everything to try and support existing code as written 
where it makes sense to have a better approach.

I'd actually say that the current changes do more to break compatibility 
in porting code than my goal to do th

Re: Installation on windows (fwd)

2005-03-16 Thread Sheldon Gill
Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On 2005-03-16 08:13:42 + Sheldon Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I disagree that Unicode to the file system isn't part of OpenStep. 
the OSAPI uses NSStrings passed to NSFileManager or NSFileHandle. It is
Unicode clean as far as possible.

Hmm ... While I guess I can see why you might think that, I don't really 
that as anything to do with the filesystem. OpenStep uses NSString objects
internally, so inevitably the API to those classes passes NSString objects
... to me that implies nothing about the underlying filesystem support.
Plainly having a unicode filesystem is a good thing, and I feel that 
for unicode filesystems is a natural extension, but the support of unicode
strings doesn't mean that unicode filesystems were supported.

There is even a specific method to transform from an NSString to a path
string which the OS system routines can handle to provide compatibility
between the OpenStep fully unicode API and the underlying OS 

Specifically, that converts FROM and NSString (which may be thought of as
unicode. even if it is oftern stored as 8byte characters) TO an 8-bit per
character filesystem representation.  This says that the internal format 
be 16bit unicode, but the external one isn't ... OpenStep anticipates that
the filesystem will be using CStrings rather than unicode.
My take on that goes a little differently. It recognises that file
system calls on the underlying OS probably require a CString. Exactly
what type of CString can differ. On some platforms you'll need to
convert to a specific codepage. On others it'd be preferred UTF-8.
Having one call to convert makes it easy.
I don't think it is mean as a convert to/from "internal" format
mechanism. Its a convenient support mechanism when the underlying OS
uses CString parameters.
In the case of Windows, it can handle UTF-16 directly. In this case
there are no code page or other encoding transforms that need to take
place so you can always pass a UTF-16 string.
There are string methods to help manipulating strings which represent 
and many of them are rather POSIX focused but that is a different thing.
Mostly they don't care path separator etc and are done in a sufficiently
abstract way so it doesn't matter.
Yes ... I think we should try to keep things as abstract as possible and
OpenStep goes a long way towards this.
Agreed. Nice and abstract so mostly applications don't need to care too
Umm.. no. I really don't want to break compatibility. In fact, I want to
enhance it and make it easier. That doesn't mean, though, that I advocate
doing everything to try and support existing code as written where it 
sense to have a better approach.

I'd actually say that the current changes do more to break 
compatibility in
porting code than my goal to do things cleanly "under the hood".

The current situation forces localToOpenStep and openStepToLocal. 
These are
extensions to the API and complicate things. In my view, they are
unnecessary. We can do better without them.
I'm not really happy with them ... but I'm not sure there is a better
approach, and they seem to make things simpler than any alternative.  A 
efficient api might take 16bit character strings directly ... but then what
about 32bit unicode strings etc etc.
This API may require two stages (one to convert between external data 
and NSString,  and one to convert between external path format and internal
path format), but it keeps additional methods to a minimum given that the
This is the real point between us. I am sure there is a better approach 
and that is to do without them.

Under MacOS-X, *nix and even YellowBox I could:
   * get an NSString from an environment variable via NSProcessInfo
   * Use that string as a path to NSFileManager
I believe that's also the case in GNUstep (unless recently broken).  The
interesting question is to what extent path manipulation can be 
performed on
such a string rather than whether it can be used literally.  In GNUstep
that's minimal.
However, while it way work, I've not seen it recommended anywhere..

under gnustep-CVS I have to add an intermediate step:
   * get an NSString from an environment variable via NSProcessInfo
   * openStepToLocal the string

You mean openStepPathFromLocal: ?
Yes, I do. I often shorthand method/function names when I think its 
reasonably unambiguous. Must be the Aussie influence ;)

The issue I have is this:
You need to call the local/OpenStep conversion routines on Win32. You 
don't on other platforms. So it is actually making porting *more* difficult.

These routines add semantic complexity. You have to keep track of when a 
string is in "internal" format and when it is in "external" format.

   * Use that string as a path to NSFile

Re: Installation on windows (fwd)

2005-03-16 Thread Sheldon Gill
On reflection, it sounds like we agree about everything apart from whether
to store system-specific or standardised paths internally (we may disagree
about what the API implies in this regard too ... but I think the principle
is the main issue).
Pretty much. The principle, though, has implications on the whole 

We both seem to believe in much the same objectives, but disagree about how
to achieve them.
I'll try to clarify my reasoning in principle ...  I think we want to be
able to write portable code with minimal knowledge of filesystem
differences, and to me it makes sense to say to application developers -
Work to a single set of behaviors and use standard, simple mechanism for
converting paths to/from the standard on the infrequent occasions when 
it is necessary to read in or write out local paths.

To you it makes sense to say - determine what system your app is running 
and expect to use paths in the local format. Stick to the standard methods
for path manipulation and there will be few occasions where you need to
adjust your code to do things in a system specific way.
A reasonable characterisation of our positions.
My background is very much one of distributed programming, where an
application will deal with input from many machines simultaneously.  From
that perspective, having different path representations on different
machines is horrible.  However, I do realise that it is an unusual
perspective, and the vast majority of programs don't have an isuse with
Actually, coming from SCADA & Process Automation, heterogenous 
multi-nodal systems aren't alien to me at all.

I'm not sure of your requirement, here. I'm wondering why different 
machines are senting path representations for their local file system.

If the situation is that they're sharing storage I can see why you'd 
send a path but then that is a path into the shared space. I'd have 
thought it'd be easy enough to send references relative to the mount 
point in which case your Win32 code would ensure it sends the path in an 
acceptible way for the transfer. The winbox won't share a mount point 
and will probably use UNC in this case so you are encountering the 
semantic differences.

While my feeling is that the two approaches are fairly evenly balanced
(leaving aside distributed systems, and the fact that we have one system
already working in the libraries, and consideration for the existing
application codebase), I'd like to hear what other people think about the
general prionciples.
So would I. Hence I've been quiet for a bit.
Speak up, people.
Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Rendering of fixed-width fonts

2005-03-17 Thread Sheldon Gill
Adrian Robert wrote:
On Mar 16, 2005, at 5:12 AM, Banlu Kemiyatorn wrote:
On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 23:57:45 -0500, Adrian Robert
For another, I'm not sure when the y advancement should be used.  I
guess even the Japanese are mostly writing horizontally now, at
least on computers?  ;-)
How very gaijin of you.
How very gwailo of you.
I have seen a *lot* of japanese text in the field of publishing that use
vertical layout.

Well, my confusion was this: since, at least in Chinese and Japanese, 
the same font can be used for either horizontal or vertical layout 
(correct me if I'm wrong here), and presumably has both x and y 
advancements set nonzero, how should a PS command like moveshow(txt) 
know to advance the point vertically or horizontally per character?  The 
current implementation in Art just assumes horizontal.

It seems like some type of layout preference info would need to be 
passed from a higher level.
Welcome to the wonderful world of complex script layout.
Truth is, it needs to be much more complicated than just "preference 
info". If Chinese & Japanese are confusing you, just wait til you hit Farsi!

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: More Windows stuff ... Gorm works ... sort of

2005-03-22 Thread Sheldon Gill
... but I still think that assuming advanced building features in 
"core"  components is not a good idea.  Gorm is a "core" component 
and it would be
nice if it was very portable and worked almost automatically as soon as
the very basic stuff is ported to a platform.

Support for weak symbols are hardly advanced, they have been a feature 
of ELF
since it's creation.  As I pointed out before, it's Window's use of 
the rather
ancient COFF standard which is the real problem.
I wanted to point out that weak-linking has been supported by Visual 
Studio (MS tools) since at least version 6 which is quite old now. The 
problem wasn't just the PE binary format, it also had to do with the 
run-time support in windows.

The solution actually lies in the linker and a bit of library code, not 
the source nor the build system itself. It ends up working rather like 

Actually, Windows uses PE-COFF, which is still fraught with plenty of 
COFFish limitations, but it's extended enough that weak link support 
itself is actually supported by the spec. This is the support for which 
Aaron LaWhatsHisName has recently implemented in GCC and binutils.
I didn't realise this had been done yet. I must investigate further.
Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: [RFC: Rewriting of the GNUstep User FAQ, specifically re: Frameworks]

2005-04-04 Thread Sheldon Gill
Alex Perez wrote:
Since people (see 
)are actually reading the GNUstep User FAQ  (see 
 ), and the information in it regarding Frameworks is IMHO grossly out 
of date, I'd like to propose that it be revised to reflect the current 
state of Frameworks and also the fact that our pseudo-frameworks now 
work under windows, as well as describe what is required for "true" 
framework support (eg, linker and compiler support, binary format 
enhancement to ELF, etc) and perhaps even mention that Matt Rice has 
done some work towards this goal and to contact him if anyone is 
interested in it.

What do you think?
I think it is a good idea but that work on it should be held off for a 
little while. GNUstep is about to enter an 'unstable' cycle while 
important changes are made. This is the time when 
binary-incompatibilities are being introduced.

Thus, I believe any current update on the faq will need updating again 
in the near future. If someone feels like doing it both times thats 
fine. Otherwise, perhaps a note to the effect:
This FAQ is out of date. New FAQ will be issued in ?July?

or something like that.
Gnustep-dev mailing list

More building on Win32

2005-04-25 Thread Sheldon Gill
Building CVS GNUstep on W2k. No XML, no OpenSSL.
There are, of course, warnings:
Info: resolving ___objc_class_name_Object by linking to 
__impobjc_class_name_Object (auto-import)

but checking the import table is interesting. The C runtime library gets 
imported twice and the objc library a great deal more than once. The end 
of the imports section lists it many times for a single entry point each 

Hence, instead of 6 imported libraries there are 45!
What is giving rise to this behaviour and how do we fix it?
--- Import table (libraries: 45) ---
  objc.dll (imports: 64)
  msvcrt.dll (imports: 7)
  msvcrt.dll (imports: 76)
  objc.dll (imports: 1)
  objc.dll (imports: 1)
  objc.dll (imports: 1)
  objc.dll (imports: 1)
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  objc.dll (imports: 1)
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  objc.dll (imports: 1)
  objc.dll (imports: 1)
  objc.dll (imports: 1)
  objc.dll (imports: 1)
Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Crosscompiling gnustep

2005-04-26 Thread Sheldon Gill
Adam Fedor wrote:
On Apr 26, 2005, at 12:19 PM, Stefan Urbanek wrote:
Besides that, I expect GNUstep make to want me to run later
during compilation. However, what I should run? The one I
have just installed? But if that script calls some binary executables,
they will not work on my system.
Er, well you should run the you just installed to set up the 
build environment right.  But you are right - there are some binary 
executables that will run
Only one: user_home. Host native version will work fine. Just make sure 
you don't have a ~/ to confuse things.

One way to ensure things are clean is to do your cross-compiling as a 
specific user with the environment set up for it.

user_home should just not run when we are cross compiling.  The more 
problematic one is which_lib, which should really be compiled to run 
locally I guess...  I think we used to have which_lib written as a perl 
script to deal with this problem before, but that was removed long ago, 
probably because no one every really used cross compiling...
user_home and which_lib should work fine by using the host native 
versions. Just move the target versions away and copy in the host ones.

Neither do very target or host specific things at the moment.

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Crosscompiling gnustep

2005-04-26 Thread Sheldon Gill
Stefan Urbanek wrote:
On Tue, 2005-04-26 at 14:40 -0600, Adam Fedor wrote:
On Apr 26, 2005, at 2:28 PM, Stefan Urbanek wrote:

On Tue, 2005-04-26 at 14:24 -0600, Adam Fedor wrote:
On Apr 26, 2005, at 1:11 PM, Stefan Urbanek wrote:
checking callback.h usability... yes
checking callback.h presence... yes
checking for callback.h... yes
checking "for forwarding callback in runtime"... yes
checking "FFI library usage"... none
Well, the config.log file would help here.  It's just trying to see if
the ffcall libraries link correctly, which should work when

Well here's the error message. Did ffcall really get installed 

/home/stevko/Developer/Windows/lib//libcallback.a: could not read 
symbols: Archive has no index; run ranlib to add one

I run ranlib manually. From ffcall installation output I see:
/usr/bin/install -c -m
644 .libs/libcallback.a /home/stevko/Developer/Windows//lib/libcallback.a
ranlib /home/stevko/Developer/Windows//lib/libcallback.a
chmod 644 /home/stevko/Developer/Windows//lib/libcallback.a
the ranlib line should read:
i586-mingw32-ranlib /home/stevko/Developer/Windows//lib/libcallback.a
Looks like misconfiguration of ffcall or a bug there.
Then I used this configure command with --includedir and --libdir added:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] base]$ ./configure --host=i586-mingw32
--prefix=/home/stevko/Developer/Windows/GNUstep --enable-ffcall
I ended with:
 Compiling file NSPathUtilities.m ...
NSPathUtilities.m: In function `NSHomeDirectoryForUser':
NSPathUtilities.m:789: warning: implicit declaration of function
NSPathUtilities.m:789: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer
without a cast
NSPathUtilities.m:790: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
NSPathUtilities.m:792: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
make[2]: *** [shared_obj/NSPathUtilities.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [libgnustep-base.all.library.variables] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [internal-all] Error 2
It is too late now, i have to go to sleep. If anyone has any hints what
should be done and what should do as next steps, let me know. I am also
interested in the problem mentioned before.
For see other post.
Problem here is __MINGW__ doesn't seem to be defined. It should be in
If you're cross-compiling for windows getting that definition happening 
is pretty vital!

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Apple changed documentation for -[NSString stringByExpandingTildeInPath]

2005-05-07 Thread Sheldon Gill
Philippe C.D. Robert wrote:
On May 6, 2005, at 10:10 PM, Markus Hitter wrote:
P.S.: All the methods handling C strings are in the depreceated  
section now.
That is not quite true, actually many of them are replaced by methods  
taking an encoding parameter in addition. E.g. cString becomes  
cStringUsingEncoding: and so on.
That is right. As I see it, they are rightly trying to move things 
forward for better internationalisation.

If you use a C string it needs to have a specific encoding.
Relying on a "default" encoding and using a C string isn't a good idea. 
In the modern unix world you are much better off using UTF8 strings.
In the modern windows world it should all be UTF16

I'm working on string methods now as part of my path & win32 effort, if 
anyone is interested.

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Apple changed documentation for -[NSString stringByExpandingTildeInPath]

2005-05-08 Thread Sheldon Gill
Helge Hess wrote:
How disappointing! :-|
Yes, it is rather.
I suppose it was dropped because people did not understand what it is  
doing / good for and misused the methods (pretty similiar to - 
fileSystemRepresentationWithPath: which is seldom used).
I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. There isn't anything in the 
on-line documentation so far which would point to reasons.

It could also be a prelude for newer APIs which rely on UTF16.
That is not quite true, actually many of them are replaced by  
methods  taking an encoding parameter in addition. E.g. cString  
becomes  cStringUsingEncoding: and so on.
Thats not the same. The -initWithCString: per definition takes  strings 
in the system encoding, so if you are getting a value from a  standard 
C-API (say readlink()) you now need to do:

  s = [NSString stringWithCString:buf
encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]];
which obviously is a major inconvenience (and slowdown!) when  
interfacing with C.
Yes, except on MacOS-X you'd go
s = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: buf];
which is an easy update from
s = [NSString stringWithCString: buf];
so for it isn't a significant inconvenience. As for slowdown, I'm not 
sure that Cocoa doesn't now call down to specify the encoding anyway.

I'd also say that a Cocoa application should never call readlink() 
anyway. It's supposed to resolveSymLinksInPath ;)

That is right. As I see it, they are rightly trying to move things  
forward for better internationalisation.
I wonder how this is supposed to improve internationalization. A  pretty 
good optimization which had _no_ drawback wrt  internationalization was 
dropped in favor to a method which will  hardly get used in practice.
See above. I think you're right and encoding: will not be used very 
much. I'm sure this is what Apple wants.

Instead they could have used their energy to add Cocoa API for  
supporting arbitary encodings without resorting to CoreFoundation.  
_That_ would have been an improvement for internationalization.
Absolutely. It seems a very simple thing to do as well.
Actually, a lot of the revisions are IMO half-way. Where there is a 
reasonable CF way they often point and that instead. Worse-is-better

Relying on a "default" encoding and using a C string isn't a good  idea.
Why not? This way its guaranteed to match. The "default" encoding is  
the encoding configured in your Unix environment. You know, modern  Unix 
_has_ proper support for localization (see LANG, LC_xxx etc)?
I know. I can similarly argue that the "default" encoding is always UTF8 
so just go with that.

The real problem I see with relying on the "default" encoding is when 
moving from machine to machine.

In the modern unix world you are much better off using UTF8 strings.
In the modern windows world it should all be UTF16
Hm, yes? This is why UTF-8 or UTF-16 might be the default C-String  
encoding if this is the case. This is what -initWithCString: aka  
defaultCStringEncoding is made for! If your Unix does UTF-8, you just  
switch the default encoding and everything works instantly.
You're forgetting. This is Cocoa and there is no your Unix and mine. 
There is only MacOS-X.

Also your point doesn't apply since we already have - 
initWithUTF8String: (every C API which doesn't use the system  encoding 
most likely uses UTF-8 on Unix) and -initWithCharacters:.
So dropping -initWithCString: gains you nothing here.
I do get your point. I think the rationale has more to do with 
social/human factors and technical merits.

Oh well,
Exactly. I'm trying to defend Apples decision so much as interpret it.
I've come to the opinion that it isn't entirely without merit.
Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Apple changed documentation for -[NSString stringByExpandingTildeInPath]

2005-05-09 Thread Sheldon Gill
I'm working on string methods now as part of my path & win32 effort, if 
anyone is interested.
I'd be interested in knowing what exactly  as I have a load of 
uncommitted windows path changes on my system (I was waiting for 
feedback on the last tranch of changes), and I'm also occasionally 
updating bits and pieces to match MacOS-X API.
In no particular order and off the top of my head:
* NSHomeDirectoryForUser() now finds other users on Win32
* Additional directory keys for NSSearchPath() including
  all the new Tiger keys.
* GSSearchPath() for porting/compatibility
* New implemenation of SearchPathForDirectories; O(1)
Very much faster and more readily extensible
* Paths from registry in Win32 for mingw32 native
* standardised, improved way to determine win32 IsExecutableFile
* hide/show extensions on win32 in sync with Explorer
* Flexibilty improvements in FS layout for platform-specific packaging
  Better PLATFORM_SUPPORT. {stuff I was mentioning to Helge}
* Some string methods do better argument checking and/or raise an
  exception when invalid/nil
* Documentation for all this and more
Still progressing
* Path handling fixes in the rest of base and gui: where we have
  assumptions about layout which are no longer valid or where
  the code can be cleaned up
* More and better use of Unicode and Win32 api. We should be
  using either Step or native methods as far as possible to
  improve behaviour. This will be ongoing for a while...
* Framework support on win32. With my _find_framework() in NSBundle we
  can now properly locate the framework directory and so know exactly
  where the DLL is. We can load it explicitly when needed.
  Its a case now of linking and symbol resolution.
  A ways off (because of time)
* Remove PathHandling mode
I'm quite concerned about PathHandling mode and want to remove it. I
don't think it's necessary and adds more confusion and complexity.
Currently, it's a global variable. The mode could be changed by a
loadable bundle without the application code being aware of it.
Hence, code can be expecting to run in one mode and be invoked when it's
Further, it could be changed in one thread and mess up the processing in
a different thread which happens to be executing at that time.
Under this scheme, to write safe code you need to
1 check what the current mode is and remember it
2 set it to what you expect
3 process
4 set it back to what it was so you don't confuse other things
5 pray no other thread is changes mode under you
I understand the concerns which lead to implementing the mode but I
really think it isn't needed and adds more complexity than it solves.
* review and recommendations for NSString & NSFileManager
I've argued that we don't need Local<->OpenStep conversion generally
We also don't need the special ~drive and [EMAIL PROTECTED] notations. For
starters, though I find it bizarre I have come across accounts with user
name eg 'a'. Anyway, we don't need the ~ encodings.
I'm working on demonstration code to remove these by defining clear path
handling semantics which are appropriate for *nix and for win32 without
confusing either.
Current behaviour can be apparently inconsistent and confusing:
Path string for test is /./Development
Standardised  '/./Development'
FileSystem rep'\.\Development'
OSFromLocal gives '/./Development'
Path string for test is F:/./Development
Standardised  'F:/./Development'
FileSystem rep'F:\.\Development'
OSFromLocal gives '~F//./Development'
Path string for test is F:\.\Development
Standardised  'F:/./Development'
FileSystem rep'F:\.\Development'
OSFromLocal gives '~F/Development'
Path string for test is F:\\.\Development
Standardised  'F://Development'
FileSystem rep'F:\\Development'
OSFromLocal gives '~F/Development'
Path string for test is F://./Development
Standardised  'F://Development'
FileSystem rep'F:\\Development'
OSFromLocal gives '~F///./Development'
* string optimisations for the Win32 API where buffers are used
extensively. Initial testing suggests significant savings are possible 
but I want to investigate further.

I'm sorry if this was a little terse but I'm pressed for time right now. 
Off to see clients...


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Apple changed documentation for -[NSString stringByExpandingTildeInPath]

2005-05-10 Thread Sheldon Gill
I'm working on string methods now as part of my path & win32 effort, 
if anyone is interested.
I'd be interested in knowing what exactly  as I have a load of 
uncommitted windows path changes on my system (I was waiting for 
feedback on the last tranch of changes), and I'm also occasionally 
updating bits and pieces to match MacOS-X API.
In no particular order and off the top of my head:
* NSHomeDirectoryForUser() now finds other users on Win32
* Additional directory keys for NSSearchPath() including
  all the new Tiger keys.
* GSSearchPath() for porting/compatibility
* New implemenation of SearchPathForDirectories; O(1)
Very much faster and more readily extensible
* Paths from registry in Win32 for mingw32 native
* standardised, improved way to determine win32 IsExecutableFile
* hide/show extensions on win32 in sync with Explorer
* Flexibilty improvements in FS layout for platform-specific packaging
  Better PLATFORM_SUPPORT. {stuff I was mentioning to Helge}
* Some string methods do better argument checking and/or raise an
  exception when invalid/nil
* Documentation for all this and more

Wow ... that's a lot of changes.
That's actually quite well contained, really. There is more of my 
NSPathUtilities bit and a few more Win32 support routines. {Strings 

I found the new Tiger dirs to be amusing. I had to drop my 
GSCacheDirectory and GSDesktopDirectory keys...

IsExecutable and show/hide extensions are pretty trivial NSFileManager 
based on that.

I've also a rev for NSTimeZone which fixes some Win32 strangeness, 
cleans a little code and provides for more flexible packaging but I 
thought this was a little outside of this discussion. Again, it needs 
the Win32 support improvements.

So I was thinking it'd be a reasonably straight-forward commit but there 
is the binary compatibility break we're heading to, which is the right 
time to do this.

* Remove PathHandling mode
I'm quite concerned about PathHandling mode and want to remove it. I
don't think it's necessary and adds more confusion and complexity.
As you know, we had much discussion about path handling, and there was 
definitely no consensus ... so the current code is a compromise allowing 
the various viewpoints to be more or less satisfied, and switching of 
modes during runtime was purely for testing that.  I think the aim is to 
move to the 'do the right thing' mode once people are generally happy 
(though perhaps mode control on process startup using an environment 
variable will be supported).
In my view there should be one and only one mode. Well defined behaviour 
 that can be relied on.

The current behaviour of 'do the right thing' doesn't, in my view, do 
the right thing and gives rise to some quite strange results on win32.

* review and recommendations for NSString & NSFileManager
I've argued that we don't need Local<->OpenStep conversion generally
We also don't need the special ~drive and [EMAIL PROTECTED] notations. For
starters, though I find it bizarre I have come across accounts with user
name eg 'a'. Anyway, we don't need the ~ encodings.
I'm working on demonstration code to remove these by defining clear path
handling semantics which are appropriate for *nix and for win32 without
confusing either.
I've already done that ...
That's why I wanted to know what you were doing :-)
I thought you might have. That's why I issued the invitation to ask ;)
Does this use the current path handling mode semantics?
* string optimisations for the Win32 API where buffers are used
extensively. Initial testing suggests significant savings are possible 
but I want to investigate further.
Sounds good.
Yes and people will be happy that things are faster. I'm not sure 
they'll like delving into the code, though. I'm taking GStr here.

Gnustep-dev mailing list

[Gnustep-cvs] gnustep/core/base/Resources GNUmakefile Languag...

2005-05-10 Thread Sheldon Gill
Module name:gnustep
Changes by: Sheldon Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>05/05/10 10:28:42

Modified files:
core/base/Resources: GNUmakefile 
core/base/Resources/Languages: Locale.aliases 
Added files:
core/base/Resources/Spanish.lproj: Localizable.strings 

Log message:
* Resources/GNUmakefile
* Resources/Languages/Locale.aliases
* Resources/Spanish
* Resources/Spanish.lproj/Localizable.strings

Spanish localization from diemyr


[Gnustep-cvs] gnustep/core/base/Resources/Spanish.lproj

2005-05-10 Thread Sheldon Gill
Module name:gnustep
Changes by: Sheldon Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>05/05/10 10:11:36


Update of /cvsroot/gnustep/gnustep/core/base/Resources/Spanish.lproj
In directory savannah:/tmp/cvs-serv6275/Spanish.lproj

Log Message:
Directory /cvsroot/gnustep/gnustep/core/base/Resources/Spanish.lproj added to 
the repository

[Gnustep-cvs] gnustep/core/base/Resources/Languages Spanish

2005-05-10 Thread Sheldon Gill
Module name:gnustep
Changes by: Sheldon Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>05/05/10 10:39:51

Added files:
core/base/Resources/Languages: Spanish 

Log message:
* Resources/Languages/Spanish

Spanish localization from diemyr


[Gnustep-cvs] gnustep/core/base ChangeLog

2005-05-12 Thread Sheldon Gill
Module name:gnustep
Changes by: Sheldon Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>05/05/12 11:20:35

Modified files:
core/base  : ChangeLog 

Log message:
spanish language localisation entry


Re: Windows port direction

2005-05-21 Thread Sheldon Gill
efined locations for that" I assume you mean to a key 
in the registry, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GNUstep or something?

To be spec compliant it needs to write it's preference data to

so we'd need eg


Supporting this properly requires a different NSUserDefaults module. The amount 
of common code which factors out is small and leads to more confusion in my 
view than separate implementations.

There are a lot more things to cover but I think that this should be  
enough for the first day, or even week to discuss.  I also hope that  
it is clear that I'm not talking about removing anything, only about  
adding support for Windows conventions and novelties.

Yep, it's fairly should also talk to Sheldon Gill, he's been 
working on various win32 things such as path handlinc recently.

Yes, talk to me :->


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Building in a separate directory

2005-05-27 Thread Sheldon Gill
BTW, first they moved to JAM, then they internalized JAM's code into 
Xcode so it's not invoked as a separate process.  It's possible that 
JAM  is able to handle spaces, though maybe Apple had to modify it for 

Jam handles spaces (and a number of other things)


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Release check

2005-06-02 Thread Sheldon Gill
Is anyone planning on adding something to the GNUstep libraries that 
will make them binary incompatible (i.e. compared to the current CVS)? 
It would be nice to start working on getting the next release out. 
Adding binary compatible changes is still fine, of course.

I'm going to be integrating the next step of PathUtilities changes we've 

Also, I'm planning to propose a change so that NSSearchPath() only supports 
NSxxxDirectory and add GSSearchPath which supports the additional 
GSxxxDirectory specifiers. This would make writing portable code much easier.

Perhaps we should be managing a stable branch while moving HEAD to the new 
binary incompatible release?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Internal Error: The private GNUstep function to establish the argv and environment was not called

2005-06-02 Thread Sheldon Gill

Jürgen Lorenz Simon wrote:

Hi again,

just in case I ran a debugger on the deployment machine to extract a 

GNUSTEP Internal Error:
The private GNUstep function to establish the argv and environment
variables was not called.
Please report the error to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maybe it helps to localise the problem.

For some reason, either that the code isn't executing +load or (more likely) 
there is an issue with GS_FAKE_MAIN.

The easy way around this is:

main( int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  NSProcessInfo *thisProcess;

  thisProcess = [NSProcessInfo initializeWithArguments: argv
 count: argc
   environment: env];


although you might get it to work simply by using:

  thisProcess = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];

The hard way is to work out why the fake main/load-initialize isn't working 


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: GNUstep improvements bounty

2005-06-16 Thread Sheldon Gill

Alex Perez has suggested using some of the funds that GNUstep has  
(and/or directed donations from individuals) to fund a part-time  
programmer to improve GNUstep.  Some specific projects include  


May be we could create smaller bounties for more specific stuff, here  
are some ideas :

I'd like to add accessibility to the list:

I think this going to be an increasingly hot issue for people deploying
applications into regulated environments such as government and
education sectors, in addition to the rather more basic interest in
making GNUstep useful to a diverse user population.

I also think Accessibility is an important addition but it is unfortunately a 
rather complex topic.
{I worked with various special needs in the past and so have more experience 
with accessibility than most}

The problem is compounded at the moment because there are many different 
efforts to add better accessibility support to *nix, none of which are 
reasonably mature.

Further, fully featured support is something that needs to be integrated into 
the desktop rather than something that can be simply added to -core.

Thus, I don't think it's something we can just add to the list and attribute a 
bounty to.

However, Accessibility and complex input methods are actually quite closely 
related topics at the developer level. We can certainly move GNUstep closer to 
the goal by working on support for diverse input methods. While this is only 
part of what is required, it does get us closer and gives an immediate benefit 
of better multi-lingual support which is also needed.

There are probably a few other small specific tasks we can add to the list to 
prepare a better foundation for this, too.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: GNUstep improvements bounty

2005-06-16 Thread Sheldon Gill

Adrian Robert wrote:
I agree with Fabien's opinion (below).  People are always interested to 
work on new features -- it seems like the CoreData stuff for example is 
already well on its way even though Tiger's just out -- but it's the 
more thankless work like fixing bugs and filling in rarely-invoked 
implementations that most needs to be compensated to occur at all.

Alex Perez has suggested using some of the funds that GNUstep has
(and/or directed donations from individuals) to fund a part-time
programmer to improve GNUstep.  Some specific projects include CoreData
and Predicates. Are other people interested in seeing these things 
added to GNUstep?

I think the general idea of the improvements bounty is great.  CoreData
and Predicates both seem interesting are probably good candidates to
figure out how to structure such bounty project.

I think that CoreData, Predicates, KVO and a number of other things are 
actually very bad candidates. The reason is this:

Community projects tend to get lots of work done in the areas which are 
considered interesting or which are clearly visible to others. It is the things 
which don't and probably won't get done which should have the bounty as incentive.

Also, as the GNUstep funds and administration are very limited, I'd suggest it 
best that bounty tasks be small, contained and very well defined. They should 
be work on the -core libraries which provide benefit to large numbers of users.

As there are commercial interests using GNUstep, it would be great if those 
companies would offer bounties for functionality they'd like. Instead of paying 
an internal programmer, offer the sum as a bounty with a time limit. Then there 
is a chance that the work is already done before your internal programmers get 
to the task. You can actually shorten your project timeline at the same cost 
without risk.

I think it would be usefull to fix all bugs in AppKit / backend first
see :

Make stable and "bugs free" all we already have should be the first 

Agreed in principle.

Other suggestions :
- Icons for the default NeXTish look.
- a clone of HearderViewer ( and pre-compiled headers )
- Port of WebCore

I'd vote against all three of these. There are icons out there already to use. 
More can be done. They are quite visible and there is recognition factor in 
contributing them so I don't think icons are a good candidate at this stage.

HeaderViewer is an app. If enough people want it, it'll happen. The 
functionality can come through other means anyway.

There already has been quite some effort in porting WebCore and the concensus 
seems to be to wait for ObjC++ support in GNU gcc. Hence, WebCore will happen 
in time anyway.

Pre-compiled header support in -make is definitely a good thing. I believe 
Nicola and some others have already looked into this...


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Frameworks on windows.

2005-06-28 Thread Sheldon Gill

OTOH, similar to the workarounds we have in -make for frameworks on
non-Darwin systems, we could probably make it work in conjunction with
Free versions of junction command line tools.  But understand this is
not the relocatable framework which compiler/linker/loader handle via
-F/-framework.  And windows users must be educated to not attempt to
remove symlinked/junctioned directories via standard tools like rm, del
or the Explorer.

Yes. Warning: The term Junction is not the correct term, and
windows'/microsoft terminology for symlinks and hard links are known to
be internally inconsistant within their own documentation.

Interesting, what is the correct term?  I've seen the term junction:;EN-US;q205524

and multiple other places:

The technical functionality used under windows is a "Reparse point". The 
details get somewhat messy.

Junction is the usual term for using the reparse point functionality to create 
a directory which points (path reparses) to another directory.

This gives a symlink to a directory. As far as I know, the link must be 
absolute. I'll experiment sometime to confirm that, but I'm 80% relative paths 
won't work.

Anyway, I don't think that trying to support symlinks under windows is the 
right way to go. For starters, you can't symlink to a file. Deletion is 

Finally, it doesn't really help get the *real* functionality we're looking for. 
What we want is a single directory tree for the framework. That can be done 
without symlinks with the loss of versioning via symlinks.
The ability to locate and load the framework code is key and can be done now 
that -base searches the framework paths properly.
The next part is properly linking programs so they activate the framework 
location mechanism (NSBundle). That is gcc/binutils territory.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Core release, Wed

2005-07-18 Thread Sheldon Gill

Nicola Pero wrote:
I'm mostly satisfied with the libraries now, which is to say, I don't 
really have any time to make any significant changes. So I'll plan on 
freezing the release this Wednesday. Unless there are any objections.

The Windows pseudo-framework support needs more polishing ...  hopefully I
can do some more tomorrow (there are nice patches and suggestions pending
-- thanks!).

It's probably not a release-critical issue though ?

I also have some windows changes changes to check in. Was planning to do that 
over the next couple of days.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: GNUstep moving forward

2005-10-23 Thread Sheldon Gill

Gregory John Casamento wrote:
GNUstep has been relatively stagnant over the last several months  
and it has

become a cause for concern for me.

I am observing the same thing and realised few reasons (ordered how  
they comeunder my fingers on keyboard):

External issues:
1. GNUstep desperately lacks an attractor for developers 

Although we have Gorm and ProjectCenter, I believe we do need more to make
GNUstep attractive to devs.   Some debugging (think MallocDebug) tools and
other things might be nice in this regard.

Also, a fully working ProjectCenter would be good as well.

I sort of agree with this. I feel it's more a symptom than a cause. We need 
better documentation and better support tools. To some degree these become self 
generating when the project is moving well with momentum.

2. GNUstep lacks attractor for users (this adds to the impact on 1.)

We need more apps to make this happen.

If you build it, they will come.
Better dev environment means better dev, a precursor to the apps.

Internal issues:
4. GNUstep has no project management, nor resources management, nor  
task management
5. GNUstep has no single achievable goal, neither short therm nor  
long term

Both of these can be taken care of by the creation of a roadmap to show what
the project is and will be doing in the future.

I disagree. Completely. A roadmap is not project management. It's not resource 
management. It's not even task management. It's an idea of where things are 
going, not an implementable plan of how to get there.

I do agree entirely that project management is a key issue. Probably THE issue. 
The size and complexity have grown beyond simple, organic organisation.

You have already mentioned some solutions that I have removed from  
this email, as they are already being discussed. Your suggestions  
address mainly points 2,3 and somehow point 1. But there is still  
problem 4 and 5.

GNUstep developers and friends are pulling the rope on the same end,  
but to thousands of different directions :-) This reminds me a story  
for children by Czech writer Josef Capek in a book Of Dog and Cat.  
Dog (the dog) and Cat (the cat) wanted to bake a cake. They were  
putting in a pot everything they liked and they thought that would be  
good to have in the cake... "I like this, so I add it there" "Ok,  
that would be fine. I'll at that, because I like that and it is  
good" ... The cake was mixture only of "all good things", however at  
the end it was uneatable. We are baking similar cake too...

Lack of larger picture, roadmap and kind of management affects  
development. Also lack of requirements specifications is making  
development of GNUstep much difficult and slow. Potential developers  
do not know what should be implemented, not speaking about how it  
should be developed.

From management point of view, first step that should be done in  
GNUstep is detailed roadmap with very good task breakdown and  
expressend depencencies. For this I would suggest to either revive  
the 'Tasks' on savannah or use Wiki. With savannah one would have  
better task tracking, however on the wiki there would be better  
public visibility and accessibility, even it would be in a plain- 
text. I would vote for the wiki option.

I'd vote for savannah unless we have a better solution. The one I'd really like 
to see is one written around oOGO/gsweb...

Tasks should be laid in a tree-like structure with good breakdown.  
'CORBA' is an example of very bad task. Yes, one should start with  
taks like 'Windows support', but then it should be broken into  
'Installation', 'Pasteboard', 'UI', 'Distributed Objects', etc. It is  
still not enough, because neither current nor new developer would  
know, what should be implemented for 'pasteboard'. Therefore one who  
knows should write: 'implement handling of type XY this or that way'.

Now back to the project, people, resources and time. Many, if not  
all, core gnustep developers complain that they do not have time. Ok,  
every core developer was able to find just a little bit of time to  
write unordered bulleted list of his observations or knowledge about  
GNUstep that would be really helpful. And most importantly, write  
what is missing. GNUstep developers do not even know what they do not  
know, not to say that they do not know what they do not know and they  
need to know.

This sort of thing would be very useful. If you take a look at NSTimeZone there 
is a lengthy comments section at the start which talks about the module and 
what it does. I wrote that original lengthy spiel. I should contribute such 
discussions to other modules.

I'd say, though, that a better solution is to identify those with the knowledge 
and interest/dedication for a particular modul

Re: NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains and non-existing directories

2005-10-24 Thread Sheldon Gill

Andriy Gapon wrote:

Let me shoot the question first - what is the rationale behind
NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains not returning directory name if the
directory does not exist ? Esp. so if NSUserDomainMask is used ?

This is the way the function was defined to work a long time ago. In other 
words, it behaves as specified.

The idea in general terms is that you are asking for a location. If that 
location doesn't exist, it returns  rather than an exception.
The location may not exist because you're running on an old or new version 
where it doesn't exist anymore. Things change.

Calling code is supposed to know and respect this.

In my opinion what NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains() does now is
incorrect. I don't have an opportunity to verify how this function
behaves in original NeXTStep or how it behaves in OS X framework, but I
think GNUstep behavior is unreasonable.

I see two possible ways of improving NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains():

1. just return the names and let calling code worry if the directories
actually exist
2. try to create non-existing directories in the list and only if that
fails that remove them from the list

I personally am torn between simplicity and elegance of #1 and
user-friendliness of #2.

I think you've mis-diagnosed the behaviour problem. It isn't in NSSearchPath() 
but rather the calling code. Creation of a path isn't and shouldn't be the 
responsibility of NSSearchPath(). That needs to be handled elsewhere. Generally 
it is, by the way.

There is some sense in (1) but the question arises: "what do you do when the 
specified directory doesn't make sense on the current system?"   You'd end up 
needing to handle an exception or error return anyway.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: "Desktop bundles" and host-platform interfaces

2005-10-27 Thread Sheldon Gill

Peter Cooper wrote:

Hi everyone

I was going to update the wiki with some thoughts about desktop bundles
and host-platform service interfaces, but it's still locked. Instead,
the dev mailing list will get spammed - it might be useful to discuss

There's been some discussion about the need for "desktop bundles" in
GNUstep. They are intended to support using GNUstep apps within a native
desktop environment like GNOME, KDE, Windows and MacOSX. I guess these
bundles will be tied in to some kind of UI theme, too.

Probably will be tied to a UI theme eventually. Initially much of the work is 
at a lower level.

I think it's a good idea, it'd be nice to be able to use GNUstep and the
development tools to create native-like apps for other platforms. Even
better, doing this might make a GNUstep-native environment richer, by
creating a GNUstep-native bundle that enables the same kind of
functionality in a GNUstep desktop kind of way.

This is where things get murky. What's a "GNUstep desktop kind of way"?

I believe that the key initial direction is a set of API/Classes which 
appropriately provide the underlying mechanisms or re-target existing ones so 
that the platform specific approach is well integrated.

My view is that an environment discovery mechanism (ala Gestalt) is the right 
starting point. So applications can ask "hasX" or "supportsX" questions.

The key areas I can think of that would benefit from a bundle of 
prebuilt standard dialogs, integrated host-desktop dialogs, controls

and GNUstep-like APIs are:

* disk and file management
  - managing volumes - platform/filesystem independent capacity,
read-only/read-write status, formatting, inserting, ejecting
  - utilising local shortcut schemes, special folders, VFS schemes etc
  - integration into local indexing services

I agree that applications should be able to cleanly access this functionality. 
Not so sure about UI facilities. They'd be per application rather than provided 
by a bundle.

* misc hardware
  - power management integration
  - battery data
  - screen topology (how many? what layout?), bit-depth and blanking
  - local printer services
  - consumer electronics services (cameras, music players, home
entertainment devices)

* data, IPC and helper apps
  - integration into local cut and paste services where not already 
operational, or where extra functionality exists

  - use of local calendar, identity (vCard-like), authenication,
privilege-escalation, and mail services
  - messaging, voice and video services
  - integration of local IPC types where appropriate into GS mechanisms
  - use of and registration into local MIME and file type mappings
  - start and stop local services

* networking
  - interface configuration
  - interface authentication
  - profiles
  - remote desktop services
  - web and internet services (proxies, system-wide aggregators)

* internationalisation and localisation
  - integration into local localisation services for currency symbols,
date formats, sort orders, timezone name display-names, well-known
filesystem locations...
  - keyboard layout etc

There is a lot of work in -core still needed in this area.

* assistive and automation services
  - local screen readers and assistance services
  - local alternative data entry systems
  - proxies for local automation services

The idea would be first to be able to harvest these things from the
local system, so that our application that wishes to appear native can
use local services, provide expected functionality, display the
appropriate local directory names depending on the language settings of
the user, battery charge status etc.

In some cases, there are new Cocoa classes that would be well-suited to
deliver this functionality to a GNUstep app, and where a desktop bundle
could provide UI wrapping for it. In other cases, it'd be necessary to
create some kind of well-thought-out GS extension classes I guess.

Definitely. There are actually quite a few extension classes required to 
encapsulate all the above. For some of it the design work needed is actually 
quite extensive.

For example, network authentication and authorisation would be a big design 
task unless you go with Open Directory.
Messaging is an extensive field of much interest but also debate. It gets too 
close to Collaboration and GroupWare...

You'd probably need a backend bundle - GNOME runs on a large number of
platforms, all of which have different ways of doing power-management,
for example. KDE and a native GNUstep desktop are in the same boat -
it seems sensible to create common backends for them for Linux, the
BSDs, etc.

Some of this is being addressed by the FreeDesktop standards. I personally 
think some of their solutions aren't what they should be but until I put up 
I'll keep quiet.

Is anyone doing any work on these things at this point? 

Umm... yes. Me. Mostly for Win32 at this point because it's the outlyer but 
also because it 


2005-11-26 Thread Sheldon Gill

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
1. it says current base/make/back ... but what about ms-windows  support 
... I'm guessing we want base/make/back fixes/improvements  for windows 
as it's not nearly such a good state as unix-style  systems.  I'm not 
sure this is a 1.1 issue rather than 1.0

In my opinion it's definitely a 1.0 issue. A short explanation why:

* it's high-lighting assumptions and specifications made in the codebase for 
unix generally and window maker specifically.

* focus issues are, to varying degrees, problems on KDE, GNOME etc as well

* add to that window manager interaction. We're not doing well with other 
window managers.

I'd but back with gui because the two really do go together. We should consider 
base, make and GUI as three separate categories and focus on what needs to be 
done on each.

This also ignores the fact that window manager interaction (focus in  
particular) is undoubtedly the biggest problem with current apps, and  
is a backend issue at least as much as a gui issue.

Hear, hear!

2. gui seems wildly ambitious (complete coding on all existing  classes) .
I'm not sure what 'improve printing support' entails
The 'fix major bugs' is obviously required, but we should decide on  
what those bugs are
I haven't heard anyone suggesting removal of classes before, and I  
don't approve of the idea ... rather we should have *big* warnings  
about works in progress so that people don't try to use them unless  
they are also willing to work on improving them. (ie clear  information 
in the docs and warnings generated at runtime).

"Complete coding on all existing classes."
"Remove any classes which are not going to be finished for or included in the 
1.0 release."

These two seem to be contradictory: we'll complete everything except those we 
don't be completing which we'll remove instead so we can say its all complete.

I think the map should really be *much* more specific about what needs to be 

- Documentation
- alpha/compositing support
- themes
- panel auto-sizing and layout
- architectural changes to improve platform/desktop support work

Breakup of gui and base into component libraries ... I've never heard  
of this and haven't seen anything saying why it would be at all  
desirable, let alone worth making into a target.

Well I can see why some things may be worth separating out. For example, 
Openstep actually had a separate pdo library. Headers in Foundation, linking 
and using not a problem. It could help contain areas of functionality. This may 
help in a few ways technically, but also might make maintenance easier in that 
we could allocate a maintainer to a smaller code-base. It may also encourage 
competing implementations or people assisting in the more specific arenas of 
interest to them. Right now trying to get involved is somewhat daunting because 
of the size and complexity of the libraries.

I definitely think that the IconApp (aka 'fiend') code should be entirely 
separated out and become a loadable-bundle/whatever. It is NeXT desktop 
specific and should be packaged accordingly. Just as other "features" may be 
specific to other desktop environments.

I can see some cause for separating parts of image support so that the imaging 
can rely on different libraries. More front-end/back-end stuff.

Some are interested in, for example, NSNetService and friends. We should be 
able to add those in as base extensions.

Anyway, I don't remember any proposals being put forward and this is definitely 
a dicussion for a different thread.

Make GNUstep more compliant with the FHS as an option ... this ought  to 
be quite easy ... so why not make it part of 1.0 if it's actually  a 
good 'selling' point?

I've done much on this. Some parts are easier but we can get a whole lot more 
compliant without breakage or significant inconvenience. The level of 
compliance we can achieve is pretty close to Debian.

{If we can make it there we can make it anywhere...}

The only problem in doing this is the amount of configuration involved to 
tailor the installation. My idea was always for this to be for package 
maintainers ony.

Again, specifics should be a different thread.

Better Windows support ... yes ... but we need to get windows users  to 
define what they need improving

I have a long list (of not just my own items) so I guess I should put together 
the "Road to Windows"?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: DO compatibility with Apple DO

2005-11-26 Thread Sheldon Gill

Jiva DeVoe wrote:
Yeah, the problem is, you'd have to be SURE Apple was using the XML 
format for all DO operations - and I'd bet you couldn't do that.

Oh well.

Again, sorry for bringing up a topic that's in the FAQ.

Actually, although quite a challenge I think it should be possible get a 
reasonable degree of inter-operability by installing a daemon on MacOS which 
will do GDO over the wire and call out to PDO...


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Rumor Mill: Apple Considering Revival of YellowBox (??)

2005-12-15 Thread Sheldon Gill

Gregory John Casamento wrote:

As many of you may have heard, there is a rumor floating around which indicates
that Apple is considering reviving YellowBox, under the codename "Dharma."

We have had an opportunity up until now to port applications from Cocoa to
Windows using GNUstep.   If Apple comes out with YellowBox, that door will be
vitually closed to us as people will naturally go to Apple for that solution.

If we can beat Apple to it and get a viable system going on Windows prior to
Apple's release of Dharma/YellowBox, that could be a major coup for GNUstep.

The need for a more complete environment on Windows

Now that Gorm is working properly under Windows, it's time to start thinking
about bringing some of the other apps over as well.

A significant blocker to getting ProjectCenter working on Windows at the moment
is the fact that it uses frameworks.

I believe that ProjectCenter should use libraries for greater portability,
until it becomes possible for users to build using frameworks on Windows.

I'm not sure this is the way to go. I think we can get better framework support 
on windows in the near term with some dedicated effort which would provide a 
bigger payoff than re-factoring PC to use bundles/libraries.

At the momement, we have findframeworks() added. That gives us the run-time 
support required to locate the shared library code and load it.

So I see the problem as really being about "building".

Windows Theme
We need to get a windows theme prepared so that GUI will blend in better with
Windows applications.  Also, we need to make it so that menus are attached to
the windows and not free floating.

Yes, this is very important and I'm currently working on it.

My view on Menus is that we should separate menu handling between -gui and 
-back. The idea being that NeXT-style menus are alien not only to windows but 
GNOME and KDE as well. Then there are those who wish to experiment with 
circular menus etc.

One other thing that is needed is another installer which allows the user to
install these applications without needing to compile them.

Umm.. maybe not?  Once an application is compiled and prepared for distribution 
it should run from where-ever it is.

If the application is complex enough to require installation into separate 
areas (such as shared frameworks) then we should be using conventional windows 

These are just some thoughts I've been having along these lines...  if anyone
has anything to add, please let me know.

There are still many bugs/issues...

  * Pop-up menus are slow, don't scroll
  * Focus bugs
  * Apps compiled to run in Console sub-system rather than GUI
  * problems running modal panels
  * imaging compositing
  * icon in taskbar

and so on.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: CVS changes

2006-01-11 Thread Sheldon Gill

Adam Fedor wrote:
People have complained at various times about the CVS version of GNUstep 
being unstable.  I've had various ideas for fixing this, but I think my 
best one is this: Don't ever tell some one they should use the CVS 
version due to a bug.  If it really is an important problem, I will make 
a patch release of the library that includes a fix, otherwise, I try to 
make releases every month or two anyway, so that is not that long to 
wait for less important fixes.

Might I make a suggestion?

How about a 1.11.2-stable (or whatever) branch, open only for bug fixes.

Then it'd be easy for you to make minor releases very regularly and have more 
time to prepare (iron out issues in) major releases.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Gorm/Nib compability progress

2006-01-11 Thread Sheldon Gill

Fred Kiefer wrote:

I am deeply impressed on what you achieved here.

Hear! Hear!

Now I am looking forward to see all this show up in the standard GNUstep
CVS branch.

As are we all.

I just have to add one word of caution. Before we ever change Gorm to
use an XML based format, we should make sure, we have an XML parser for
all environments. Our current one will only work if libXML is present,
which seems to be a problem on Windows. Again in myStep there could be a
solution to this, as hns wrote a simple XML parser for his MIB files. I
hope we are able to integrate this, as soon as the copyright assignment
is sorted out.

I believe, Greg, you've expressed a desire to stay with the .gorm format as 
preferred for now and I think that is a good way to go. The only reason to move 
to an XML format would be to support Apple nibs.

Apple will be using XML because it opens the format up for their developers. 
Ours is already open ;)

libXML compiles and runs on windows (2.6.22) so its looking good. Base detects 
it and compiles fine. I haven't tested it enough to be happy yet which is why 
I've not said much about it.

The short form, XML support in GNUstep on Windows is there.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Repository change to SVN, Jan 28th

2006-01-22 Thread Sheldon Gill

Fred Kiefer wrote:

I also think that with the new possibilities of SVN there come a few
more rules that we need to set up and follow. We expect that SVN will
make it easier to have multiple branches with actual development going
on. Now what will be the rules for merging this branches back into the
main trunk? At work we are using ClearCase and have rather complicated
procedures that have to be followed to make this step save. Something
simpler might be enough for GNUstep. At least all changes from the trunk
need to be merged down first, conficts resolved and the code tested.
Then a review could happen, before the changes get actually merged.

Actually, I think Fred has raised a good point here. We do, I think, need some 
clarification about branches and merging back to trunk. A few additional rules 
and guidelines may be useful. I've some questions:

  - are we going to stick with the SVN recommended 'trunk', 'branch' and 'tag'
  - how are branches to be named? What about sub-branches?
  - how are developers going to communicate about branches and what's going on 
in them?

  - what goes into tag? When?
  - Are we going to import more vendor trees? (like ffcall, portaudio etc)

Things to think about.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Repository change to SVN, Jan 28th

2006-01-22 Thread Sheldon Gill

David Ayers wrote:

Sheldon Gill schrieb:

Fred Kiefer wrote:


  - are we going to stick with the SVN recommended 'trunk', 'branch' and

I would like to see this.

So would I. The thing I was thinking about is experimental or proof-of-concept 
type work. At the moment it seems that mostly goes on in private sandboxes. It 
may be beneficial to bring some of that work into the open?

  - how are branches to be named? What about sub-branches?

I believe there were some suggestions before.  I had no objections but
also no strong feelings.

Neither do I but I feel a set of guidelines would be a good thing.

  - how are developers going to communicate about branches and what's
going on in them?

I would suggest the Wiki.

I'm all for that. Maybe with occasional announcements to the -dev list.

  - what goes into tag? When?

You mean other than releases?  Well since we have defined repository
states through revision numbers, I can't think of any necessity for more
tags.  It's not like gnustep is seeing the kind of development activity
like, say, GCC.  But maybe you have something specific in mind?

Main releases are obvious. I'm wondering about branch snapshots.

  - Are we going to import more vendor trees? (like ffcall, portaudio etc)

I think we should keep anything not FSF assigned in a separate
repository so we have clear boundaries from where we can blindly
copy-and-paste code.  Other than that I think there should be a
dedicated maintainer(s) for any external vendor tree who will keep them
up to date.

I'm not sure we need a separate repository. Wouldn't a vendor directory tree 
would make the boundary equally clear?

Other than that, I'm in agreement with this.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Problems with automatic start of gdnc, gpbs, and gdomap on Linux...

2006-01-22 Thread Sheldon Gill


Gregory John Casamento wrote:
The subject basically says it.  When I log in, it's reporting that it 
had trouble starting gdnc.  Is anyone else having this problem?

Could you please let us know what the messages/logs say?
I take it you're running HEAD ?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Repository change to SVN, Jan 28th

2006-01-23 Thread Sheldon Gill

David Ayers wrote:

Sheldon Gill schrieb:

David Ayers wrote:

You mean other than releases?  Well since we have defined repository
states through revision numbers, I can't think of any necessity for more
tags.  It's not like gnustep is seeing the kind of development activity
like, say, GCC.  But maybe you have something specific in mind?

Main releases are obvious. I'm wondering about branch snapshots.

Not sure why you'd want a snapshot of a branch unless your releasing
from branch (as in dedicated release branches with bugfix releases à la

I was thinking of two things here:
One is branch releases where a branch is somewhat experimental. This would help 
with testing and review.

The other is bugfix releases, ala GCC.

  - Are we going to import more vendor trees? (like ffcall, portaudio

I think we should keep anything not FSF assigned in a separate
repository so we have clear boundaries from where we can blindly
copy-and-paste code.  Other than that I think there should be a
dedicated maintainer(s) for any external vendor tree who will keep them
up to date.

I'm not sure we need a separate repository. Wouldn't a vendor directory
tree would make the boundary equally clear?
Other than that, I'm in agreement with this.

IMO the copyright assignment boundary should be pretty clear especially
if we have all projects at top level as was originally proposed, IIRC.
I'm still in favor of a separate repository, but that's just my opinion.

Same or separate, as long as the boundary and use is clear. I wasn't thinking 
of having vendor items mixed in at the top level with the rest of GNUstep 
items. Rather a separate directory, so it's apparent they are in the Vendor 
tree. (Or whatever we choose to call it)


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Graceful termination again

2006-01-23 Thread Sheldon Gill

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 23 Jan 2006, at 21:36, David Ayers wrote:

Richard Frith-Macdonald schrieb:

We could finish getting the NSWorkspace class to do what it was
originally designed to do ... provide the list of launched apps as
supplied by the workspace manager.  That would be a small  modification
to NSWorkspace and to GWorkspace.  However, we would  want some fallback
option for if/when GWorkspace is not running.   Perhaps a minimal
workspace manager daemon, or perhaps NSWorkspace  could write to a small
database (eg a plist file in a temporary  directory) to maintain the
state information.  The latter has the  advantages of not requiring an
additional daemon to run (I have no  problem with daemons, but I know
many people have objections to them)  and is persistent if the workspace
manager is restarted (we need  that).  The former has the advantages
that it would provide a testbed  and reference implementation for
workspace managers.  I suppose we  could do both.

For what its worth, I think the current approach within -core is right. Minimal 
NSWorkspace. Keep it lean.

The functionality should be implemented by the desktop shell. That'd be:
- GWorkspace/WindowMaker for most
- For KDE, there'll need to be a different implementation
- Win32 needs to talk to the Shell (Explorer)

For KDE & Win32 there is no need for another daemon as there already is one 

I'm pretty sure there is a GNOMEish solution, too.

I could very well be missing something obvious but I seems to me that
gdnc would be a good candidate to provide this service.

If we want to put the functionality into an existing daemon, I think 
gpbs would be the best option, as it is part of the gui/back libraries 
(ie related to applications) while gdnc provides a service for the base 

I really think the functionality shouldn't be incorporated into either daemon 
but left for a real NSWorkspace implementation appropriate for the particular 
running desktop.

However, if we want to provide a reference implementation that 
developers of workspace managers can look at, I think a standalone 
process would be better than attaching the functionality to an existing 
daemon... and if we don't want to do that, my preference would be not to 
bother at all ... just use an on-disk database of  the information we 
need, and modify GWorkspace as our standard workspace manager.

A reference/sample implementation is definitely a good idea.
I also agree that modifying GWorkspace is the right way...


Gnustep-dev mailing list

System & System Extension color lists

2006-02-06 Thread Sheldon Gill

Unification of the System color list

To support better theming and user configurability generally it is desirable 
for users to be able to specify the use of colors.

Currently this is done through the System color list, which is created at 
initialisation through hardcode values or by loading a user created list.

GSToolbar uses a "System extension" to add it's two color values.

Is there any reason why we can't unite these additions into the System color 

Saving of the color list

At the moment, in NSColor.m -> initSystemColors()

If there is no previously saved System color list, it will automatically write 
one out.

I'd like to change this. That is:
  if there is no previously saved list, we don't simply write a default one
  out but rather rely on the initialiser every time.

Any objections?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: System & System Extension color lists

2006-02-06 Thread Sheldon Gill

Adrian Robert wrote:

Saving of the color list

At the moment, in NSColor.m -> initSystemColors()

If there is no previously saved System color list, it will 
automatically write one out.

I'd like to change this. That is:
  if there is no previously saved list, we don't simply write a 
default one

  out but rather rely on the initialiser every time.

What rationale?

(Playing devil's advocate, I can imagine the writing of the default one 
speeding future startups and being useful to give the user something to 
edit, although clearly things should move towards a 
style approach to customization.)

1) Users have complained about creating files, seemingly "unnecessarily". If 
they're relying on the default colors, why is it 'making a mess' (minor)

2) It writes to the user specific color lists. It is then impossible to tell if 
it is a list the user decided to use or one the system simply wrote by its own 

3) Many environments have system colors defined elsewhere. Think KDE, GNOME and 
Win32. WindowMaker also has some. Its desirable for GNUstep to 'play nice' on 
those systems and rely on externally supplied lists.

4) Those other environments support changing colors and all applications 
responding. With current GNUstep, it becomes difficult to support this nicely. 
Essentially we either clobber user settings or not.

Considering your "pro" items:

a) Giving the user something to edit shouldn't be a "System.clr" text file but 
an application or tool which will help them do it. Most users aren't happy 
playing with separate numbers for RGB values in text format, IMHO.

b) Giving the user something to edit as a "System.clr" file is easy. Give them 
an URL

c) If it's a good idea in a particular configuration to speed things up then it 
is really a packaging issue. In this case, provide a default System.clr 
installed in SYSTEM_ROOT\Library\Colors

(Happily engaging in debate...)


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: svn+ssh on mingw32?

2006-02-08 Thread Sheldon Gill

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
Has anyone managed to get svn+ssh working on windowing in the ming32 
environment yet?

Well, I have. At least, I've fetched the code without issue over ssh using my 

Actually, without issue isn't strictly true:

svn co svn+step://

returned an error after checking out the first level: couldn't find external 

That's not a windows problem, though.

After installing svn-win32-1.3.0 to use from the msys command line I get 
'svn: Connection closed unexpectedly'

My ssh setup works fine for me normally (I was using it to access the 
CVS repository without trouble).

> I have tried adding an ssh key without password protection so that I
> know that svn won't be confused by ssh wanting a password.
> I have told ssh what username to use when contacting
> My ssh config file says -
> Protocol 2
> Host
> User rfm
> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/insecure

I'd suggest you check it. Specifically with the gna server. Like this:

ssh -l rfm

(modify if you're using some other command/tool)
If you've got it set up right, it'll ask you for the passphrase to your key. Or 
if you're using an unprotected key, it'll go through ready for a command.

If this bit won't work, there's no point going further.

Any ideas?  It would be a pity if the move to subversion means we stop 
doing windows development.

It would seem to me that the problem is your ssh session isn't being 
established with the right credentials or that the key isn't registered. The 
"Connection closed unexpectedly" message is the tunnel being closed prematurely.

Oh... did you tell about your new key?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: svn+ssh on mingw32?

2006-02-08 Thread Sheldon Gill

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

I expect so ... but the question is ... why?
My ssh connection works fine.
svn+ssh works fine on linux.
So the issue must be something to do with the subversion client ... my guess is 
it's not picking up the ssh configuration from ~/.ssh for some reason, but I 
haven't figured out how/why that can be the case.  I also don't see how a 
problem with the command-line client could also effect the TortoiseSVN stuff 
... which I configured completely independently using Putty stuff rather than 
OpenSSH stuff.  That's two different ssh implementations being used and both 
giving the same error.

Maybe this will help:

export SVN_SSH=ssh -l rfm -i ~/.ssh/your_key

Have you checked that using plink gets you an authenticated connection?

Incidentally, are you running any firewall software on your machine?  I've come 
across some which rely on the process name for permissions. I've also come 
across virus-scanner/security tools which don't play too nicely. Suspect them 
as well.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: svn+ssh on mingw32?

2006-02-08 Thread Sheldon Gill

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 8 Feb 2006, at 10:45, Sheldon Gill wrote:

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

I expect so ... but the question is ... why?
My ssh connection works fine.
svn+ssh works fine on linux.
So the issue must be something to do with the subversion client ... 
my guess is it's not picking up the ssh configuration from ~/.ssh for 
some reason, but I haven't figured out how/why that can be the case.  
I also don't see how a problem with the command-line client could 
also effect the TortoiseSVN stuff ... which I configured completely 
independently using Putty stuff rather than OpenSSH stuff.  That's 
two different ssh implementations being used and both giving the same 

Maybe this will help:

export SVN_SSH=ssh -l rfm -i ~/.ssh/your_key

Thanks ... but I've just now got it working, and I'm inclined to stick 
with what I've got.

I edited 'C:/Documents and Settings/richard/Application 
Data/Subversion/config'  and added a line to explicitly specify the path 
to my mingw32/msys copy of ssh ...

'ssh = $SVN_SSH C:/msys/1.0/bin/ssh.exe'

Actually, editing [tunnels] in subversion config was my next suggestion.

For what its worth, here's a summary for getting PuTTY going:

* download and install svn client
* download and install putty, plink, pageant...

  Make sure both are in your path somewhere. I like \Program Files\Bin\

* Generate a key using puttygen
  (It can also import existing keys from elsewhere...)
  Save it somewhere as 

* Tell about the key and wait an hour
* Check ssh access

  plink -v -ssh -l  -i

* Edit Subversion configuration %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Subversion\config

  putty = plink -ssh -l 

* Launch pageant and add your key

* Check subversion access

  svn list svn+putty://


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: svn+ssh on mingw32?

2006-02-08 Thread Sheldon Gill

Andrew Ruder wrote:

  svn list svn+putty://

You'll probably want to figure out how to get it so you can checkout
with svn+ssh.  The /devmodules is configured such that it checks the
externals out with svn+ssh.  I got windows working and booted into this
morning, when I get home this evening, hopefully I am able to check
things out (no pun intended) ;)

To make the above work with /devmodules externals property definitions you 
simply need to change the Subversion configuration file:

ssh = $SVN_SSH plink -ssh -l 

The first tunnel definition I gave was because I've got multiple ssh methods 


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Subversion problems on windows

2006-02-09 Thread Sheldon Gill

Derek Zhou wrote:

Most sane Unix editors can cope with windows CR/LF automatically too;
as long as no one is mixing styles in the same file, everyone should be
fine. If the style is mixed up within the same file, even "eol-native"
can not guranty to do the right thing anyway. My suggestion is the
origin author of a file decides which style this file should be, be it
windows or unix or mac, and everybody just follow the convention
within this file.

The trouble with using the "svn:eol-native" property is that it makes 
subversion do a line conversion. So it does the unix2dos or dos2unix 
conversion. So your suggestion of letting the author decide and everybody else 
just stick with that can only be done if the property is *not* set.

Otherwise you check out a file and it's always native to the platform you 
checked out on.

Having to keep track of which file is ascii and which file is binary
is tedious. 

Agreed and there is no need to do that if we delete the propery. Note though, 
that we'd otherwise need to keep track of which file is considered 'text' by 
subversion but is encoded non-ascii.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: libgnustep-base split proposal

2006-02-25 Thread Sheldon Gill

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 23 Feb 2006, at 01:04, Gregory John Casamento wrote:

Actually ... I'm getting the impression that the best thing to do might 
just be not warn about missing external resources if the library is 
installed in a path other than System/Library/Libraries

Might I suggest:

library messages (base & gui) are assigned a level:


and output is according to chosen level.

If the library is looking for a resource and can't find it
  If the problem means execution can't continue
report as Error
  If the problem is likely to cause execution failure
report as Warning
report as Technical

{Exact details, of course, to be agreed...}


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: libgnustep-base split proposal

2006-03-01 Thread Sheldon Gill

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 25 Feb 2006, at 04:37, Sheldon Gill wrote:

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 23 Feb 2006, at 01:04, Gregory John Casamento wrote:


So, only four categories rather than six ... even so, I think 
NSWarnLog() is hardly ever used ... I think it's really,  really hard to 
assign some messages to particular categories ... for anything which is 
not a fatal error and is not clearly for  debugging purposes, it's 
horribly different to classify, because what is appropriate usually 
depends on the audiance/user and what they are trying to do with the 

I think its actually much easier to classify than you thing. The audience to 
consider is "run-of-the-mill" user running a packaged installation. After all, 
this is the target audience in the end for just about everyone.

In my experience, most such end users only want logs containing bad things they 
really need to know about. Less, rather than more.

Power users and developers have the savvy to up their logging level. They can 
also be presumed to understand more detail/technical info.

However, an audit would be good ... I suspect a number of NSLog() calls 
should be NSWarnLog() or even NSDebugLog()

Basically what I'm getting at. Problem is, at the moment there isn't any rule 
or guideline about how to classify such messages.

The problem we have with NSWarnLog() is that it is being used for information 
level messages rather than warning/alert level messages. It should be more like 
GSInfoLog() to be clear. I'd expect most packaged installs to have such 
messages off.

In my view there are lots of messages which need to be sorted. I would rather 
change them after we have some general agreement on categorisation.

What I was referring to in an earlier email is the idea that in some 
circumstances (a normal install) missing resource files are a real 
oddity and mean that the program won't behave as expected ... which may 
well constitute a failure, but in other circumstances (deliberately 
installed without resources as a standalone library) you could assume 
that the lack of locatable resources was intentional, so any program 
using the library presumably expects the changed behavior and it is not 
a failure.  Thinking more about it, this is probably not a good idea to 
infer from library location.

Great. With you on that.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: GNUSTEP_CONFIG_FILE value ('/etc/GNUstep/GNUstep.conf') is not an absolute path

2006-03-07 Thread Sheldon Gill

Tom Koelman wrote:


I am fixing the Windows Installer with regard to the GNUstep.conf
file. I am building base 1.11.2 and gui 0.10.2.

I use the following incantations:

In the directory with source of GNUstep make:

cd /gnustep-source/make
./configure --prefix=$GNUSTEP_INSTALL_DIR 
make install

[...] Build ffcall [...]

# Build and install the base library itself
cd /gnustep-source/base
./configure --disable-xml --with-config-file=$GNUSTEP_INSTALL_DIR/GNUstep.conf
make install messages=yes warn=no

Now, if I run the defaults.exe program or some other GNUstep using
program I get the following:

2006-03-06 14:57:21.708 defaults.exe[3680] GNUSTEP_CONFIG_FILE value 
('/etc/GNUstep/GNUstep.conf') is not an absolute path.  Please rebuild 
GNUstep-base specifying a valid path to the config file.

What do I do wrong? As far as I can tell I already build GNUstep-base
specifying a valid path to the config file.

If you have specified a file and it's been picked up correctly you will find 
your definition in:


I suggest you check that first.

Are you using the *release* of base 1.11.2 or a later CVS version?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Config updates

2006-09-18 Thread Sheldon Gill

Nicola Pero wrote:

I committed some changes to gnustep-make that should fix a few remaining
issues in the config system.  There are a few things worth nothing.

**1. No more need to source :-)

It works for me, might need more work to work for everyone I guess ;-)

Anyway in the standard flattened/no-multi-arch case, once I add the
gnustep dirs
to /etc/ and to PATH (I'm on GNU), I can now compile stuff by
just doing:

export GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES=/opt/gnustep/System/Library/Makefiles

No more need to source :-)
(hope it works for you as well, if not, let me know!)

I'm afraid that won't work on MS-Windows. For starters, no /etc/

Also, I'm not that keen on adding all those dirs to either or my 

IMHO there is a better solution for those who don't want to source 
and that is to place a command on their path which sets up the environment and 
evokes make.

Something like this:


# Command to make GNUstep applications
#   Sets up the environment correctly and then
#   invokes make.

. /usr/shared/GNUstep/Makefiles/

make $@

That works everywhere and makes it easy to change things when needed. Doesn't 
require any mods to nor changes to the existing PATH

I've put mine into /usr/bin/ so things are sweet. No sourcing, no 
need to mod the environment nor edit my .bashrc or profile. Nada.

Also, your solution *still* requires


which sort of defeats the purpose in my view because you still need a 
preliminary step before you can build.

**2. Each library-combo needs to be configured separately

Second, Richard started a change to move the gnustep-make config into a
library-combo subdir,
which I've now completed ... it has a few implications:

 1. you can configure different library-combos to use different compilers
with different flags;
I assume this was the main reason behind the change (presumably it helps
with apple-apple-apple
vs gnu-gnu-gnu on Mac OS X ?)

Sound in theory.

 2. if you haven't configured a library-combo, you can no longer use it. 
For example, if you plan on

using both gnu-gnu-gnu and gnu-ld-nil, you need to do
 ./configure --with-library-combo=gnu-gnu-gnu --disable-flattened
 su -c 'make install'

 ./configure --with-library-combo=gnu-ld-nil  --disable-flattened
 su -c 'make install'

The second one is needed because it will install
If you try to compile using a library-combo that wasn't configured, it
won't work.  This is because
each one has got its own CC, OPTFLAGS, etc flags now.  Hmmm.

Hmm.. won't this will mean that all Headers will actually be in


right? So we'd have like


As long as flattened continues to be supported.
I'll have to look at the flags issue sometime.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Compiling and running a test tool

2006-09-20 Thread Sheldon Gill


I can compile and run a test tool consisting of a single source file by 
invoking "make test" using a GNUmakefile like this

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make


include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/test-tool.make


which is pretty sweet. Trouble is, how do you extend this to a test tool which 
is spread over multiple source files?

Or a test tool which depends on another tool build beforehand?

The obvious thing to try was:

thing_OBJC_FILES=foo.m bar.m

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/test-tool.make


but that doesn't work at all. Changing that depends to

test: thing

means it will all compile and link sweetly but won't be run.

It's getting late and my brain is slow.

Help anyone?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Compiling and running a test tool

2006-09-20 Thread Sheldon Gill


Sorry to reply to my own post.

Sorry to post in the first place.

It is late and my brain is slow.

I've sorted it now.

*mutters about TABs in makefiles*


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: make help

2006-09-27 Thread Sheldon Gill

Nicola Pero wrote:

I was thinking of adding a little bit of inline help for gnustep-make.
What's the best way ?  I was thinking of adding a target like

$> make help
This is gnustep-make 1.13.0.

Most common targets:
 make all (builds)
 make install (installs)
 make uninstall (uninstalls)
 make clean (deletes built files)
 make distclean (deletes all built files)
 make dist (creates a .tar.gz of the software sources)

Most common options that can be used with any of the targets:
 debug=no (turns off generation of debug symbols)
 strip=yes (strips executables and objects before installing)
 shared=no (builds static executable and objects)
 messages=yes (prints verbosely all commands being executed)
 GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR=/usr/GNUstep/System (installs in the specified dir)


I'm all for adding more documentation and help...


please *don't* make it a target!

$> make help

is used to generate application help files.

> Anyone has got a better idea ?

The obvious one would be --help but that'd invoke 'make's own, of course ;)

Here are some other ideas you could use:


or make it an option



Gnustep-dev mailing list


2006-10-12 Thread Sheldon Gill

Nicola Pero wrote:

Would it be an idea to have an option that decides what kind of tree is
going to be used like:


We're not far from that ;-) ... that option will be used when configuring

It is -base which decides what goes where so we shouldn't we really be 
configuring base, not -make?

Decoupling the dependencies is a good thing, IMHO.

We just need to save the configured filesystem structure in GNUstep.conf,
and use it to set GNUSTEP_APPS etc. in common.make, and we're almost done
that a few things, like GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR, will no longer work in that
context). ;-)

Then every application, at launch time, must set up the whole fs structure?

 >> And then GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR decides where the root is, maybe it

should be called GNUSTEP_FS_ROOT, like in

Why not GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN then, which is an 'abstract' definition
of where things should be installed ?  gnustep-make would then map it to
the local reality. :-)

For consideration, isn't GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN a little too confusing?

I'd prefer something a little more like:

GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR  (we'd have to change some -make internals)

or perhaps we should be thinking more along packaging lines...


Packagers can easily add a line to their makefile or preamble this way...


Gnustep-dev mailing list


2006-10-12 Thread Sheldon Gill

Nicola Pero wrote:

Would it be an idea to have an option that decides what kind of tree is
going to be used like:


We're not far from that ;-) ... that option will be used when configuring

It is -base which decides what goes where so we shouldn't we really be
configuring base, not -make?

Decoupling the dependencies is a good thing, IMHO.

You would be able to change your filesystem structure at any time by
editing your GNUstep.conf.

GNUstep.conf is initially created by gnustep-make, so it makes sense to
have the option there.

Yes, but it doesn't need to be. It's a development tool.

Things should be decoupled ... -make and -base don't really talk or depend
on each other.

Not entirely true. Currently -base depends on -make for configuration.

Everything is driven by GNUstep.conf.  You'll be able to use -base (/any
other GNUstep software)
without -make if you want, if you set manually everything in GNUstep.conf.

That's right. Yet if -base generated GNUstep.conf then you wouldn't need to do 
that. You could replace -make with any other tool that could translate from the 

We just need to save the configured filesystem structure in GNUstep.conf,
and use it to set GNUSTEP_APPS etc. in common.make, and we're almost done
that a few things, like GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR, will no longer work

in that

context). ;-)

Then every application, at launch time, must set up the whole fs structure?

Yes ... we're not really "almost done". :-( ... we also need to have
gnustep-base load
the directory structure from GNUstep.conf and use it when searching for stuff
at runtime :-/

For long lived processes this might be fine but for short lived tools you're 
imposing a considerable startup delay.

I added PLATFORM_SUPPORT as a step in avoiding that.

If you said something like:


you'd get your library installing into /usr/lib and so forth.

So any GNUSTEP_* spec uses OpenStep domain layout.
Any PLATFORM_* spec uses the local platform specifics.

For consideration, isn't GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN a little too


I'd prefer something a little more like:

GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR  (we'd have to change some -make internals)

The problem with this is that it would break backwards compatibility ;-)


There are makefiles out there that might be using it in the old meaning.
We can't break those, at least not when they are used in the old context. ;-)

Well, yes. Making it *ION_DIRECTORY would solve that while keeping the semantic 


or perhaps we should be thinking more along packaging lines...


Packagers can easily add a line to their makefile or preamble this way...

I don't really have an opinion, I like GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN but
we can change the option name, it's not a problem. :-)

Comments/suggestions on the name are welcome. :-)

Cool. Others?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Private library symbols...

2006-10-15 Thread Sheldon Gill

Hi Richard,

You've made some recent changes to base with the idea of making private 
functions in base more obviously private and less accessible.

It seems to be that there is really only one goal with these changes:

  applications/tools shouldn't be using private functions in base

Is there any other objective that I'm missing?

If this is the case, I think the approach being taken here isn't the one which 
we should be pursuing.

The original situation is we have functions like these:

NSString  *GSLastError(int);
BOOL   GSEnvironmentFlag( const char *, BOOL );

which make these functions seem like GNUstep API additions but really they are 

What has been done is create an "artificial" object

@interface _GSPrivate : NSObject
+ (NSString*) error;

@interface _GSPrivate (ProcessInfo)
+ (BOOL) environmentFlag: (const char *)name defaultValue: (BOOL)def;

Now I say artificial because it doesn't conform to an object design. There 
never is an actual instantiation, for example, so you're always sending 
messages to the class. There are many other things which make this not really 
an object.

Doing this adds many more bytes to the library.
It also makes these method lookups rather than function calls so they are 

So we've added an artificial/strange object, increased the library size and 
slowed down those function calls all in an effort to prevent applications using 
our private functions. Is this right?

Now its long been idomatic to use the underscore to mark private symbols. In 
fact, this is precisely what you've done with the class name.

Further, I think this makes navigating the source harder. Quick, tell me 
without searching where you're going to find the implementation for the above 
two functions?

Why don't we simply change the functions to conform to idomatic norms?

NSString  *_GSLastError(int);
BOOL   _GSEnvironmentFlag( const char *, BOOL );

and be done with it?

This won't add to size.
This won't slow things down.
This stays in convention.

If you really want, we could further decorate along the lines of:

NSString  *_private_GSLastError(int);
BOOL   _private_GSEnvironmentFlag( const char *, BOOL );

although I don't see the point of doing that. I do see some merit in making 
these private functions GNU convention

NSString  *_gs_last_error(int);
BOOL   _gs_environment_flag( const char *, BOOL );

as that is keeping with the style guide.

Further, if the problem is, as you say, "symbol pollution" why not stop the 
pollution where it really is occurring: the exports symbol table? Its a linker 
problem, not really a source code problem.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Private library symbols...

2006-10-17 Thread Sheldon Gill

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 16 Oct 2006, at 04:13, Sheldon Gill wrote:

Hi Richard,

You've made some recent changes to base with the idea of making 
private functions in base more obviously private and less accessible.

Yes ... as obviously private as possible.

It seems to be that there is really only one goal with these changes:

  applications/tools shouldn't be using private functions in base

Is there any other objective that I'm missing?

Well, that's the main tactical objective ... the strategic objective is 
to improve maintainability ... so centralisation and clarification 
internally is almost as much of a goal as simply trying to ensure that 
external apps/tools don't use private stuff.


If this is the case, I think the approach being taken here isn't the 
one which we should be pursuing.

The original situation is we have functions like these:

NSString  *GSLastError(int);
BOOL   GSEnvironmentFlag( const char *, BOOL );

which make these functions seem like GNUstep API additions but really 
they are private.

What has been done is create an "artificial" object

@interface _GSPrivate : NSObject
+ (NSString*) error;

@interface _GSPrivate (ProcessInfo)
+ (BOOL) environmentFlag: (const char *)name defaultValue: (BOOL)def;

Yes, the idea is to collect everything together as much as possible, 
making it easier to find these things and making it clear that the 
various mechanisms are used internally.

Now I say artificial because it doesn't conform to an object design. 
There never is an actual instantiation, for example, so you're always 
sending messages to the class. There are many other things which make 
this not really an object.

This is a work in progress ... I'm not sure yet whether it would be good 
to have an instance and use instance methods rather than just a class 
and use class methods.  The main reason for using a class is to use 
language features to support encapsulation and maintainability rather 
than depending solely on conventions.

Well, you  actually are relying on conventions anyway. You've called the class 
_GSPrivate using the underscore convention to indicate privacy.

Also, these are private function calls within the library. Encapsulation 
doesn't really apply here.

Doing this adds many more bytes to the library.
It also makes these method lookups rather than function calls so they 
are slower.

True, but these are very minor overheads and I think clarity and 
maintainability come first before looking at optimisation (obviously we 
can optimise by caching method IMPs or by using a struct as a dispatch 
table rather than using a class).

I'm quite aware of how we can optimise method calls but this isn't really 

I also find this inconsistent with your previous statements about avoiding 
'bloat', as you put it. Surely more size and less speed for no functional 
changes is the very essence of 'bloat'?

I don't agree that these changes make anything more maintainable or easier than 
simply decorating the function calls with an underscore in the conventional way.

So we've added an artificial/strange object, increased the library 
size and slowed down those function calls all in an effort to prevent 
applications using our private functions. Is this right?

As you can tell from my answers above, it's only partially right.

Now its long been idomatic to use the underscore to mark private 
symbols. In fact, this is precisely what you've done with the class name.

Yes, I've tried to use every signal I could think of  ... the leading 
underscore, the word 'Private' the exclusion from any external headers 
and reduced linker symbols, and the inclusion of comments.

Further, I think this makes navigating the source harder. Quick, tell 
me without searching where you're going to find the implementation for 
the above two functions?

I'm very surprised at this comment ... since a big part of the intent is 
to make navigating the source *easier* and I believe this is achieved.
I certainly think it's not obvious where the old functions were ... but 
the new methods are clear since the category names tell you where the 
individual method implementations in each group are, the declarations 
are all in a single place, and you can find all the private methods 
implementations easily using a search for @implementation _GSPrivate.  

Making sure all declarations are in GSPrivate.h is good but a matter of 
programmer discipline and has no bearing on the function call vs class method 

> That's a big improvement over the older code.

Conventional layout has private functions near the top of the source file, just 
after header includes. They aren't that hard to find. Especially if you keep to 
convention with the underscores.

Sure, the category names he