Re: Coding style question

2008-04-14 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Apr 14, 2008, at 9:56 AM, Markus Hitter wrote:
Well, I'm still stunning why people prefer variable types of  
undefined size[1] (int, NSInteger, etc.) over those with defined  
size (int16, int32, int64, etc.). To my understanding of coding, one  
should always care about the size of variables, ruling out types of  
undefined size. Additionally, ideal code compiles and works on a 16  
bit platform just as good as on a 128 bit platform, without  
conditional code or similar clutches.

Generally, I think one should care about the minimum guaranteed range  
of variables, not the exact size.  The exact size should only be  
important if one needs to rely on the overflow or modulo properties of  
the type, or perform I/O using a machine-independent network packet or  
file format.  Using exact-sized types in cases where it is not  
necessary is over-specification, and may produce suboptimal code in  
some situations.

At least as of C99, C specifies minimum ranges to be supported by the  
built-in types (see Numerical Limits).  I'm not sure if this  
was true prior to C99.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: PATCH: suppress deprecation warnings on OS X Leopard

2008-03-30 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Mar 30, 2008, at 5:31 PM, David Ayers wrote:

Tim McIntosh schrieb:

GNUstep seems to do a lot of mucking with the runtime structures that
are no longer visible with Obj-C 2.0, so I think the changes I made  
just barely scratching the surface in view of what is actually  
Not being familiar enough with the GNUstep code base, I have to  

if all of the direct use of the runtime APIs is really needed;  I can
see where it would be necessary on occasion within -base, but I was
surprised by the number of times I saw it being used in higher-level

Indeed we heavily rely on that mucking in GDL2.

But let me state this clearly... we are not mucking in the runtime for
performance reasons... we are just trying to get WO45  
compatibility.  So

if anyone has better ideas on how we can solve these issues with the
public API of Foundation, I'm up for it!

Thanks for the info and clarification.  I didn't mean to pick on GDL2  
here;  I had just gotten the impression from experimenting with  
various things that the runtime API is used in a number of places  
outside of -base, and sometimes it was not clear why.  I think part of  
this impression may have come from GSObjCRuntime.h getting pulled in  
by GSCategories.h in cases where it is not necessarily needed.  This  
is why I was attempting to eliminate that #include.

In any case, it looked to me like there may be a lot of work to do wrt  
supporting the GSObjCRuntime.h interface on the Apple's Obj-C 2.0  
runtime (which is probably really only needed to support 64-bit;  I  
can't see them removing the old APIs in the 32-bit version any time  


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: PATCH: suppress deprecation warnings on OS X Leopard

2008-03-30 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Mar 30, 2008, at 9:27 AM, Nicola Pero wrote:

The right fix still seems to be to update the Apple runtime code in  
gnustep-base to work with the new runtime if available, but in the  
if we add the -Wno-deprecated flag, we should probably add it inside  
gnustep-base so that when support for the new runtime is available, we

can remove it in sync. :-)

It's been a few months, so I'm starting to forget everything, but  
IIRC, I did a small bit of work in this area when creating the  
GNUstepWeb packages for Mac OS X:

I believe I was also trying to reorganize some code to eliminate the  
need to include GSObjCRuntime.h in GSCategories.h and minimize the  
inclusion of GSObjCRuntime.h in general outside of -base.  I was  
planning to go back and sort all of this out when I found some time-- 
reviewing everything, eliminating unnecessary changes, and breaking  
the remaining changes down into smaller patches that I could submit  
for consideration--but I haven't gotten around to that yet.

GNUstep seems to do a lot of mucking with the runtime structures that  
are no longer visible with Obj-C 2.0, so I think the changes I made  
were just barely scratching the surface in view of what is actually  
needed.  Not being familiar enough with the GNUstep code base, I have  
to wonder if all of the direct use of the runtime APIs is really  
needed;  I can see where it would be necessary on occasion within - 
base, but I was surprised by the number of times I saw it being used  
in higher-level frameworks.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: EOFault / NSAutoreleasePool

2008-03-13 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Mar 13, 2008, at 12:03 PM, David Ayers wrote:

Fred Kiefer schrieb:

I only follow this discussion with out any deeper knowledge of the
subject, so my suggestion may be utter nonsense. But to me it seems  
NSAutoreleasePool does the right thing. It seems wrong to me to  
return a

different selector from +instanceMethodForSelector: than from

If one would call:

[[aFaultedObject class] instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(release)];

one would actually get the implementation of the unfaulted object.

Yet if one would call that method directly on the faulted object,  
get undefined behavior (ie most likely some kind of memory  
corruption if

ivars are being accessed before some other method happens to fire the

But what NSAutoreleasePool was doing is:

When this optimization was introduced I had to add the  
implementation to

EOFault even though it shouldn't be needed.  But since most other code
never saw the EOFault class (as they call -class instead of
GSObjCClass()), didn't use +instanceMethodForSelecotor: but called
methods which would trigger forwardInvocation: (just like
methodForSelector: does) that didn't much matter.

Seems to me like this deserves a comment in -emptyPool, so it doesn't  
get broken inadvertently (again).

One thing I've noticed while looking at GNUstep is some strange ways  
of doing things, like this, where it is not immediately evident why  
the normal pattern/idiom is not being used.  It would be nice if all  
such things were clearly commented, so that it would be easier to know  
that the oddity was intentional rather than accidental.  For instance  
in GSWeb I see occurrences of the following, which I had convinced  
myself is wrong:

  [[self superclass]dealloc];  // should be [super dealloc]


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: fyi - Mac OS native GDL2 / GSWeb Installer package

2008-03-12 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Mar 11, 2008, at 3:11 PM, David Ayers wrote:

David Ayers schrieb:

Tim McIntosh schrieb:

For example:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@count

With Cocoa's -[NSArray valueForKeyPath:] behavior, this would invoke
[object valueForKeyPath: @"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"] on each object in the
display group, then return the sum of the counts.

Actually, since Cocoa currently supports the aggregate keys, then  

we need to move some of GDL2 KVC to -base... and then also -base's KVC
would need more context with valueForKeyPath: on NSArray

I should've read this before responding to the previous message. ;)

Yes, Cocoa supports the aggregate keys, though it's approach is  
apparently not extensible like the EOF design.  Would it make sense to  
treat this as a GNUstep extension and implement it in the -base  
Additions?  That way you would still override the Cocoa implementation  
on Mac OS and maintain the ability to extend the set of aggregate keys.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: fyi - Mac OS native GDL2 / GSWeb Installer package

2008-03-12 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Mar 11, 2008, at 2:02 PM, David Ayers wrote:

Hello Tim.

just a quick status report...

Tim McIntosh schrieb:

I think I was being too vague with regard to KVC.  I wasn't  
referring to

the deprecated KVC methods issue that has been discussed on the list
recently, but something much more trivial.  All I was talking about  

the difference in behavior of -[NSDictionary valueForKey:] and
-[NSDictionary storedValueForKey:] with respect to "special keys"
(GDL2's @"allKeys" vs. Cocoa's @"@allKeys"),  and the different  

of NSArray aggregate functions when there is a key path following the
aggregating operator instead of a simple key.

For example:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@count

With Cocoa's -[NSArray valueForKeyPath:] behavior, this would invoke
[object valueForKeyPath: @"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"] on each object in the
display group, then return the sum of the counts.

This definitely doesn't work with WO45, but I think it is a natural
extension of its concepts.  So I'm inclined to attempt to support it.

The funny thing is, that I think we already could do this if  

valueForKeyPath: would invoke valueForKeyPath: on the result of the
valueForKey: of the first component with the remaining key path  

of calling valueForKey: with each component.

Seems that way to me, but it sounds like -base is just following the  
Apple documentation, which says:  "The default implementation gets the  
destination object for each relationship using valueForKey: and  
returns the result of a valueForKey: message to the final object."

Yet this is currently just a theory and I suppose you were having  

on Cocoa's Foundation?

From the above, it sounds like Cocoa's NSObject works the same as - 
base, but I didn't test it.

Note: On Cocoa, I think it worked to just eliminate -valueForKeyPath:  
entirely from EOKeyValueCoding.m for this specific example, since  
Cocoa's NSArray implements a fixed set of operators, which includes  
the @sum and @count operators (see 
.  However, since Cocoa does not implement the generalized/extensible  
behavior as found in EOF, I figured it would be better to stick with  
the implementation in EOKeyValueCoding if it could be made to provide  
a superset of what Cocoa supports.

With GDL2's behavior, this would attempt to invoke [[object  

@"itemsArray"] decimalValue] on each object in the display group, sum
the results, and then invoke [result valueForKey: @"@count"] on the
sum--none of which would actually work as intended in this case.

Actually I'm not sure I get this far yet with -base.  But it's  

I think we could handle.

I'm not sure how far it was actually making it.  I thought I was  
crashing on the -decimalValue message being sent to an array, but it's  
been too long since I actually debugged it to remember for sure.

I think this deserves a feature request bug report.  Maybe you could
open one (assign it to gdl2 and me if that's possible).  Possibly  

you patch also.

(Didn't see where I could assign you but I added you for e-mail  


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: fyi - Mac OS native GDL2 / GSWeb Installer package

2008-03-07 Thread Tim McIntosh

Hi David,

On Mar 6, 2008, at 7:54 AM, David Ayers wrote:

Tim McIntosh schrieb:

I have made a number of minor changes that I eventually intend to  
undo or get accepted into the mainline.  One difference in this  

that may never make it into the mainline is the use of Cocoa-style
(native) KVC (as opposed to WO-4.5 style), which I wanted for use  

the WO5 app that I'm porting.

It depends on how well we can emulate compatibility.  Currently
GSWeb/GDL2 is used for Projects that are currently still deployed as
GNUstep based and WO45 based applications.

So it's very important not to break WO45 compatibility.  Yet if we can
emulate it in a similar way as -base is currently trying, then I'd  

the patches as long as they don't show issues.

Sounds good.

Do you really need to change the internal KVC?  Maybe we just need to
implement a few more legacy methods in EOKeyValueCoding.m to get it  

on OS X.  (And avoid some warnings from -base while we are at it.)

I think I was being too vague with regard to KVC.  I wasn't referring  
to the deprecated KVC methods issue that has been discussed on the  
list recently, but something much more trivial.  All I was talking  
about was the difference in behavior of -[NSDictionary valueForKey:]  
and -[NSDictionary storedValueForKey:] with respect to "special  
keys" (GDL2's @"allKeys" vs. Cocoa's @"@allKeys"),  and the different  
handling of NSArray aggregate functions when there is a key path  
following the aggregating operator instead of a simple key.

For example:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@count

With Cocoa's -[NSArray valueForKeyPath:] behavior, this would invoke  
[object valueForKeyPath: @"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"] on each object in the  
display group, then return the sum of the counts.

With GDL2's behavior, this would attempt to invoke [[object  
valueForKey: @"itemsArray"] decimalValue] on each object in the  
display group, sum the results, and then invoke [result valueForKey:  
@"@count"] on the sum--none of which would actually work as intended  
in this case.

My KVC changes are really pretty simple/naive (see attached patch).  I  
was assuming this was an EOF vs. Cocoa behavior difference, but I'm  
not really sure about that.  The old EOF documentation that I looked  
at didn't seem to be clear on what the behavior should be in this  
case, and I didn't have a setup where I could test EOF to see what it  
does, compared to GDL2.  I don't have a high degree of confidence that  
I'm doing "the right thing" here, but I was trying to get a specific  
application working without changing any of its logic, and this seemed  
to do the trick.

Thanks for your help,

Description: Binary data

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: GDL2 EOFault.m patch to fix -[EOFault forward::] on MacOS 10.4

2008-03-07 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Mar 6, 2008, at 7:39 AM, David Ayers wrote:

Is this patch too evil, or can we do something like this?

Hehe... actually, it's not evil enough. ;-)

I've committed a patch that should replace the runtime implementation
pointer of EOFault's forward:: method with the one of NSObject.  This
should also save us a level of indirection at the price of not being
able to set a breakpoint in gdb for EOFault'S forward::.

For gnu-gnu-gnu (i.e. the GNU runtime) forward:: is actually not  
anymore so I can't really test it.  Could you please let me know if  

works for you?

Thanks!  It works with the new patch below, i.e., check for NULL.  I  
forgot to mention that it appears that forward:: is neither called nor  
implemented by NSObject under 10.5.  It is implemented and called  
under 10.4.

It allows -[EOFault forward::] to work on MacOS 10.4, gets rid of  
some code
duplicated from NSObject.m,  and allows the following unimplemented  
methods to

be deleted from GSCategories.h and GSCompatibility.m in base:

   // Used only in EOFault.m, -[EOFault forward::], for Object  

   @interface NSInvocation(GSCompatibility)
   - (retval_t) returnFrame:(arglist_t)args;
   - (id) initWithArgframe:(arglist_t)args selector:(SEL)selector;

Indeed, if this works (and if that was really the last place these
methods were used) then I'm fine with having this removed from -base.

The comment shown above is from the actual code in SVN, though I don't  
know if it is true.  I deleted these methods in my copy and have not  
noticed any problems, but that's not saying much.

Thanks again,

Description: Binary data

Gnustep-dev mailing list

fyi - Mac OS native GDL2 / GSWeb Installer package

2008-03-05 Thread Tim McIntosh

Hi All,

I mentioned this last week over on the GSW Hackers list, but I'll  
repeat it here in case anyone is interested who doesn't subscribe to  
that list (I've also made some progress since my original post) -

I've been working on a Mac OS native port of the GSWeb and GDL2  
frameworks, for use with Xcode and the Cocoa frameworks outside of a  
full GNUstep environment.  I have put together Installer packages for  
Mac OS 10.4 and 10.5, which can be found here:

I have made a number of minor changes that I eventually intend to  
either undo or get accepted into the mainline.  One difference in this  
version that may never make it into the mainline is the use of Cocoa- 
style (native) KVC (as opposed to WO-4.5 style), which I wanted for  
use with the WO5 app that I'm porting.

You are welcome to try it out if you're interested.  Please keep in  
mind that this is unsupported work-in-progress.  The build is  
Universal but I've only tested on PowerPC (no Intel machines here).   
Your mileage may vary.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

GDL2 EOFault.m patch to fix -[EOFault forward::] on MacOS 10.4

2008-03-05 Thread Tim McIntosh
Hi All,Is this patch too evil, or can we do something like this?It allows -[EOFault forward::] to work on MacOS 10.4, gets rid of some code duplicated from NSObject.m,  and allows the following unimplemented methods to be deleted from GSCategories.h and GSCompatibility.m in base:  // Used only in EOFault.m, -[EOFault forward::], for Object compatibility@interface NSInvocation(GSCompatibility)- (retval_t) returnFrame:(arglist_t)args;- (id) initWithArgframe:(arglist_t)args selector:(SEL)selector;@end-Tim

Description: Binary data
Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: GNUstep-make and C++ projects...

2008-03-03 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Mar 3, 2008, at 5:30 PM, Nicola Pero wrote:

PS: The variables used to specify C++ and ObjC++ flags in gnustep- 
make are
etc), not CXXFLAGS

and OBJCXXFLAGS.  Not sure why.  If CXXFLAGS and OBJCXXFLAGS are more
"natural" to C++ developers, we could set up a new terminology I  
it would also be nice to be consistent with the new CXX variable  
used for the C++
compiler (I couldn't use CC there since it's already in use for the  

compiler). ;-)

Oh, yeah, I was just talking about vanilla gmake--those are the  
variables used by its built-in rules (see gmake -p).  I was not too  
familiar with what gnustep-make actually uses.  I guess it doesn't  
matter, as long as you don't rely on the built-in rules.  Sorry for  
the confusion, and thanks for clarifying this.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: GNUstepBase: Unicode.m: NSProprietaryStringEncoding

2008-03-02 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Mar 2, 2008, at 1:30 PM, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 2 Mar 2008, at 19:20, Tim McIntosh wrote:

Should the #if around NSProprietaryStringEncoding (around line 210)  


instead of:

#if defined(GNUSTEP)

I don't think so ... In MacOS-X NSProprietaryStringEncoding  
disappears after version 10.4, but in GNUstep it doesn't, and we  
don't want to disable the code on GNUstep systems.

I guess we don't want to disable it when built on pre-10.5 macOS-X  
either, so perhaps it should be this ...

#if defined(GNUSTEP) ||  

Yeah, I think that makes sense.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

GNUstepBase: Unicode.m: NSProprietaryStringEncoding

2008-03-02 Thread Tim McIntosh

Should the #if around NSProprietaryStringEncoding (around line 210) be:


instead of:

#if defined(GNUSTEP)


This is what I had in my private copy.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: GNUstep-make and C++ projects...

2008-03-01 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Mar 1, 2008, at 7:19 AM, Helge Hess wrote:

On 01.03.2008, at 12:16, Nicola Pero wrote:

make CC=g++

Hm, is there a special CC variable for CPP files? I think I wondered  
about that.

There is CXX and CXXFLAGS.

It would be nice if gnustep-make was to automatically do all of  
this.  Not that sure how to decide when to use C++ linking (is it  
when only CC_FILES are non-empty and all the other xxx_FILES are  
empty ?) and how to best automate it.  Suggestions from C++ users  
are welcome.

Wouldn't it be whenever CC_OBJS or OBJCC_OBJS is non-empty?


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: RFA: Reorganize GS extensions (was: RFC: en/decodeBase64 relocation)

2007-12-08 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Dec 8, 2007, at 4:43 AM, David Ayers wrote:

- find a solution for extensions like NSStringEncoding enum

Note that NSStringEncoding is an unsigned int in Mac OS X and  
OPENSTEP, not an enum (int) as it is in GNUstep.  I noticed this  
discrepancy when attempting to decode .gorm files under OS X.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: RFC: en/decodeBase64 relocation

2007-12-06 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Dec 6, 2007, at 9:54 AM, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
my current feeling is that the best approacch is to try to move  
as completely compatible as we can with the main part of the base  

and isolate the extensions etc in the Additions subproject.

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.  ;)

The reasoning behind this is that our best bet for encouraging Apple  
developers to adopt GNUstep is by having them see good apps (such as  
GNUMail) which work in both worlds, and the best way to encourage  
ourselves to produce stuff that works on MacOS is to make sure that  
everything (from the includes we need to use to the undocumented  
behavior of individual methods) is as consistent between the two as  

Amen.  It would certainly be a great help to people like me, who  
occasionally get the silly idea to waste their entire weekend trying  
to create Xcode projects to build GNUstep apps & non-core frameworks  
on top of Apple's Foundation/AppKit without GS Make (okay maybe I'm  
the only one stupid enough to attempt this ;).

One thing that recently bit me is that the OPENSTEP/MacOSX version  
numbers used in GSVersionMacros.h are incompatible/different than the  
same definitions on Mac OS X (e.g., MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_2=100200 vs.  
1020 in Mac OS); when compiling GNUstep stuff under Xcode, I end up  
picking up the Apple definition of MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED, for  
example, which was causing the OS_API_VERSION(ADD,REM) macro to  
produce unexpected results.  Modifying GSVersionMacros.h to use  
compatible version numbers solved the problem.

Another thing I noticed is that it looks like GNUstep is going to have  
big problems if you ever want to jump to ObjC 2.0, at least on top of  
the Apple runtime.  Deprecated methods in the Apple runtime seem to be  
used in lots of places.

But main issue is:
a) should we (continue to) add categories to standard classes
b) should we try to limit all future extensions to custom classes
I'm undecided leaning towards a) (at least until we have the first
collision with OS X).

I'm fairly happy with categories (though the possibility of a  
collision with MacOS-X methods of the same name does worry me a bit)  
as well as new custom classes, but I'd like to see them in separate  
header files so we have to explicitly include them and be more aware  
that we are using extensions.  In theory, if we do that, then the  
only thing we would need to do to port a program to MacOS-X is to  
link it with the Additions library ... a single change to the  

I would also encourage people developing GNUstep applications to avoid  
using instance variables and private methods of (GNUstep) Foundation/ 
AppKit classes in application programs (why weren't the GS-specific  
instance variables declared @private, in the first place?), and  
instead add functionality to Additions, or find a portable way to do  
whatever needs to be done.  This seems to be a common practice in the  
GS applications I've seen, and it has thwarted virtually every attempt  
I've made over the last 10 years to port nontrivial GNUstep apps to  
Mac OS X.

That said, keep up the good work.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Application crashes when embedding GNU Smalltalk lib - Help?

2007-05-01 Thread Tim McIntosh

fyi -

At the moment I seem to be successfully avoiding the problem by  
statically linking libgst (and libexecinfo) into my framework, as  

	LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON = -Wl,-Bsymbolic,-Bstatic,-lgst,-lexecinfo,- 
Bdynamic -lreadline -lm

This is probably what I want to do anyway, since I'd like to  
encapsulate libgst in the framework to avoid the need to install it  


On May 1, 2007, at 10:27 PM, Tim McIntosh wrote:


Good call!  Apparently libgst includes libsnprintfv, which provides  
another version of register_printf_function (incompatible, of  
course -- it returns a pointer upon success).  I'll have to think  
about how to best work around this.

This brings up another question, though:  is it really safe/ 
advisable to raise an exception in NSString +initialize?  Is there  
a better way to handle this error condition?  I've never seen the  
exception actually get printed;  the app always crashes with  
SIGSEGV.  In the original application where I first encountered  
this, I couldn't even get a usable stack trace--it looked like a  
stack overflow was occurring due to recursion or something.


On May 1, 2007, at 10:07 AM, Nicola Pero wrote:

from the stacktrace that you provided, it seems that the problem  
is in NSString +initialize.

In particular, you're getting the following exception:

  if (register_printf_function ('@',
[NSException raise: NSGenericException
 format: @"register printf handling of %%@  


Maybe if you link GNU smalltalk, that interferes with  
register_printf_function() somehow ?  Or anyway

causes it to fail

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: Application crashes when embedding GNU Smalltalk lib - Help?

2007-05-01 Thread Tim McIntosh


Good call!  Apparently libgst includes libsnprintfv, which provides  
another version of register_printf_function (incompatible, of course  
-- it returns a pointer upon success).  I'll have to think about how  
to best work around this.

This brings up another question, though:  is it really safe/advisable  
to raise an exception in NSString +initialize?  Is there a better way  
to handle this error condition?  I've never seen the exception  
actually get printed;  the app always crashes with SIGSEGV.  In the  
original application where I first encountered this, I couldn't even  
get a usable stack trace--it looked like a stack overflow was  
occurring due to recursion or something.


On May 1, 2007, at 10:07 AM, Nicola Pero wrote:

from the stacktrace that you provided, it seems that the problem is  
in NSString +initialize.

In particular, you're getting the following exception:

  if (register_printf_function ('@',
[NSException raise: NSGenericException
 format: @"register printf handling of %%@  


Maybe if you link GNU smalltalk, that interferes with  
register_printf_function() somehow ?  Or anyway

causes it to fail

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Application crashes when embedding GNU Smalltalk lib - Help?

2007-04-29 Thread Tim McIntosh
Does anyone happen to know why the mere presence of "-lgst" (GNU Smalltalk library) in the link would cause the attached app to crash? (see transcript below)Thanks!-TimTranscript:% uname -aFreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Jan 12 11:05:30 UTC 2007     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP  i386### NOTE:  As shown below, app runs when -lgst is suppressed; same results if the Test_GUI_LIBS line is simply removed from the Makefile: ###% gmake Test_GUI_LIBS=This is gnustep-make 2.0.0. Type ’make print-gnustep-make-help’ for help.Making all for app Test... Creating Compiling file main.m ... Linking app Test ... Creating Creating Creating openapp ./Test2007-04-29 19:33:45.080 Test[80416] Unable to read color file at "/Network/Users/tmcintos/Library/Colors/Emacs.clr" -- unknown format.^C% gmake cleanThis is gnustep-make 2.0.0. Type ’make print-gnustep-make-help’ for help.rm -rf ./*~ ./obj(cd .; \        rm -rf    *.app)### NOTE:  Here is the build with -lgst where the crash is observed: ###% gmakeThis is gnustep-make 2.0.0. Type ’make print-gnustep-make-help’ for help.Making all for app Test... Creating Compiling file main.m ... Linking app Test ... Creating Creating Creating openapp ./TestSegmentation fault% debugapp ./TestGNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you arewelcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.Type "show copying" to see the conditions.There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.This GDB was configured as "i386-marcel-freebsd"...(gdb) runStarting program: /.amd_mnt/alderaan/Exports/Users/tmcintos/Development/SmallTalk/SmallStep/Test.subproj/ Unable to get location for thread creation breakpoint: generic error[New LWP 100098][New Thread 0x8054018 (LWP 100098)]Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.[Switching to Thread 0x8054018 (LWP 100098)]0x in ?? ()(gdb) bt#0  0x in ?? ()#1  0x2852fde2 in +[NSAutoreleasePool new] (self=0x28773a80, _cmd=0x28773b08) at NSAutoreleasePool.m:143#2  0x285300e4 in +[NSAutoreleasePool addObject:] (self=0x28773a80, _cmd=0x2879d208, anObj=0x80c9b60)    at NSAutoreleasePool.m:247#3  0x285bbd30 in -[NSObject autorelease] (self=0x80c9b60, _cmd=0x287d6960) at NSObject.m:1790#4  0x28653a29 in +[NSString(GSCategories) stringWithFormat:arguments:] (self=0x287b2880, _cmd=0x28789f68,    format=0x287b2ddc, argList=0xbfbfdc90 "x¬\t\b%") at GSCategories.m:1100#5  0x285828aa in +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] (self=0x28789d80, _cmd=0x28789f60, name=0x2878a07c,    format=0x287b2ddc, argList=0xbfbfdc90 "x¬\t\b%") at NSException.m:751#6  0x28582854 in +[NSException raise:format:] (self=0x28789d80, _cmd=0x287b28e8, name=0x2878a07c,    format=0x287b2ddc) at NSException.m:739#7  0x28602c39 in +[NSString initialize] (self=0x287b2880, _cmd=0x287c5408) at NSString.m:598#8  0x287edce7 in __objc_install_premature_dtable () from /usr/lib/  0x287ee3b0 in objc_msg_lookup () from /usr/lib/ 0x285baca7 in +[NSObject initialize] (self=0x2879d140, _cmd=0x287c5408) at NSObject.m:1133#11 0x287edce7 in __objc_install_premature_dtable () from /usr/lib/ 0x287edcf4 in __objc_install_premature_dtable () from /usr/lib/ 0x287ee3b0 in objc_msg_lookup () from /usr/lib/ 0x281a6ee1 in NSApplicationMain (argc=1, argv=0xbfbfdeb4) at Functions.m:53#15 0x0804868f in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfbfdeb4) at main.m:16(gdb) quitThe program is running.  Exit anyway? (y or n) y% ldd => /usr/local/lib/ (0x2807a000) => /System/Library/Libraries/ (0x28114000) => /System/Library/Libraries/ (0x2847d000) => /usr/lib/ (0x287e4000) => /lib/ (0x287f8000) => /lib/ (0x2880e000) => /lib/ (0x28833000) => /usr/lib/ (0x28918000) => /lib/ (0x289e3000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x28a1) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x28a1b000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x28a3f000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x28b0a000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x28b12000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x28b34000) => /lib/ (0x28b82000) => /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.

mac FilesystemLayout is broken (patch)

2007-03-29 Thread Tim McIntosh


Can someone fix the 'mac' file system layout?  It is out of sync with  
the others.

Attached are patches to core/make/FilesystemLayouts/mac and core/base/ 
Source/NSPathUtilities.m, which seem to fix the problems for me.

The patch to NSPathUtilities.m is to fix  
NSAllDomainsMask, YES) so that it will just return ("/Users", "/ 
Network/Users") rather than ("/Users", "/Network/Users", "").  It  
attempts to change the handling of keys in the config file with empty  
values, so that they are treated as if they were not specified at all.


Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: NSUserDirectory ... was Re: (no subject)

2007-03-06 Thread Tim McIntosh

On Mar 6, 2007, at 5:27 AM, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

I agree ... it's not an idea I'd want to base my code on (I guess  
you can use NSHomeDirectoryForUser() in most cases).
Presumably the idea is that you can iterate through the  
subdirectories of these paths to find all the 'normal' user  
directories.  I've never needed to do that.

I could also imagine using this to populate a list of default home  
directory locations in a user account creation program.

Gnustep-dev mailing list

GNUstep apps crash with SYSEGV on Debian/Alpha 3.1

2007-02-12 Thread Tim McIntosh


On Debian/Alpha 3.1, most (all?) GNUstep apps seem to crash  
immediately on startup with SYSSEGV, as shown below.  At the time of  
the crash, the menu, icons, and windows are shown on the display.   
This seems to be the same problem described here:  http://  Does  
anyone know anything about this?  Any hints on how to quickly isolate/ 
fix this problem would be appreciated.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ uname -a
Linux alpha 2.4.27-3-generic #1 Tue Dec 5 18:39:08 UTC 2006 alpha GNU/ 

ii  gnustep3  The GNUstep Development Environment  
-- user

ii  gnustep-back   0.9.5-1The GNUstep GUI Backend
ii  gnustep-base-c 1.10.3-1   GNUstep Base library - common files
ii  gnustep-base-d 1.10.3-1   Documentation for the GNUstep Base  
ii  gnustep-base-e 1.10.3-1   Examples using the GNUstep Base  
ii  gnustep-core   3  The GNUstep Development Environment  
-- core
ii  gnustep-core-d 3  The GNUstep Development Environment  
-- core
ii  gnustep-core-d 3  The GNUstep Development Environment  
-- core
ii  gnustep-devel  3  The GNUstep Development Environment  
-- devel

ii  gnustep-exampl 1.0.0-1GNUstep Example Applications
ii  gnustep-gui-co 0.9.5-1GNUstep Gui Library - common files
ii  gnustep-gui-do 0.9.5-1Documentation for the GNUstep Gui  

ii  gnustep-make   1.10.0-5   Basic GNUstep Scripts and Makefiles
ii  gnustep-make-d 1.10.0-5   Documentation for GNUstep-make
ii  gnustep-netcla 0.0.20040112-2 Objective-C framework for socket  

ii  gnustep-ppd1.0.0-4GNUstep Postscript Printer Description
ii  libgnustep-bas 1.10.3-1   GNUstep Base library
ii  libgnustep-bas 1.10.3-1   GNUstep Base library - debug version
ii  libgnustep-bas 1.10.3-1   GNUstep Base header files and  
development li

ii  libgnustep-gui 0.9.5-1GNUstep Gui Library
ii  libgnustep-gui 0.9.5-1GNUstep Gui Library - debugging  
ii  libgnustep-gui 0.9.5-1GNUstep Gui header files and static  

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ debugapp
GNU gdb 6.3-debian
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and  
you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain  

Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for  

This GDB was configured as "alpha-linux"...(no debugging symbols found)
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/".

(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Applications/ 

(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 16384 (LWP 1512)]
(no debugging symbols found)
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(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
---Type  to continue, or q  to quit---
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 1512)]
0x029e4ea8 in objc_msg_lookup () from /usr/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x029e4ea8 in objc_msg_lookup () from /usr/lib/
#1  0x026f073c in NSDecimalFromString () from /usr/lib/ 
#2  0x02000107abb8 in __builtin_avcall () from /usr/lib/

Cannot access memory at address 0x20344180
(gdb) info reg
v0 0x29df9e02199033608672
t0 0x0  0
t1 0x0  0
t2 0x12001a4c0  4831945920
t3 0x1200f6fa0  4832849824
t4 0x3a6e   14958
t5 0x2  2
t6 0x3  3
t7 0x7  7
s0 0x20344180   540295552
s1 0x2000

Re: [Gnustep-cvs] r22892 - in /libs/gui/trunk: ChangeLog Documentation/GuiUser/DefaultsSummary.gsdoc Source/GSDragView.m Source/NSApplication.m

2006-05-11 Thread Tim McIntosh

Hi Fred,

On May 11, 2006, at 5:41 PM, Fred Kiefer wrote:

Quentin Mathé wrote:

I think it could be better to phrase the key 'GSDontShowAppIcon'  
in  an

affirmative way, just 'GSShowAppIcon'. It seems to be the usual  rule
with boolean choice in UI and API.

But then it was not the only reason, it is also easier to check that
way, as the default, when the option is no specified at all, should be
to show the icon. This also means that when you want to show the icon,
you don't have to provide a setting, an option is only needed to  

it off. That's why I did stick with the way Saso decided to do it.

How about something like one of the following?



Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: remote hosting

2006-01-30 Thread Tim McIntosh

Hi Fred,

Sorry for the confusion.  The specific case that I want to work is as  
follows:  I have a machine running GNUstep (call it 'localhost').  I  
log into this machine from another non-GNUstep machine (call it  
'remotehost') using 'Xnest' (display ":1") to connect to the xdm on  
'localhost'.  Thus, DISPLAY is 'remotehost:1.0' and the GNUstep  
processes are running on 'localhost'.

This "sort of" works without the patch.  The initial processes that  
are launched _without_ the '-NSHost' argument will correctly display  
on 'remotehost:1.0', while printing the warning "NOTE: Only one  
display per host fully supported."  However, the 'NSHost' default  
will be (incorrectly) set to 'remotehost' by the code I've proposed  
deleting.  As I understand it, this default causes the programs to  
look for 'gdnc', 'gpbs', etc. on 'remotehost', instead of  
'localhost', where they are actually running.

The problem gets worse when one of those initial processes (e.g.  
GWorkspace) launches another GNUstep application via the NSWorkspace  
methods.  Since the parent process has the 'NSHost' default set, the  
new process will be launched with the '-NSHost' argument (see  
NSWorkspace.m).  When the -NSHost argument is specified, the code in  
the patched method (_initXContext) ignores the DISPLAY settings.   
Thus, the launched applications will use 'remotehost:0.0' for the  
display.  This leads to some surprising results when 'remotehost:0.0'  
is a valid display.

From looking at the code, I think you would also see a similar  
problem if you attempted to use display ":1" (or any nonzero display)  
on 'localhost', though I haven't tried this.

I think it makes sense for the '-NSHost' argument to override the  
DISPLAY setting, as it does today.  I think the problem is the  
assumption that the 'NSHost' default should be set according to  
DISPLAY if -NSHost was not explicitly specified.  As I see it, the '- 
NSHost' argument says that I want to connect to a remote GNUstep  
session.  If I don't specify -NSHost, I'm saying I want to run  
GNUstep on the local host and display according to the DISPLAY setting.

I realize that this is slightly less convenient in the case where you  
want to use a remote GNUstep session on 'remotehost:0.0' and would  
like to rely on the DISPLAY setting, but I'd rather have more control  
over the display.  Having to specify the -NSHost argument seems  
reasonable, especially considering that you had to do this under  
OPENSTEP and you'd have to do it anyway if you weren't using X11.


On Jan 30, 2006, at 4:30 AM, Fred Kiefer wrote:

Hi Tim,

I read through your mail and your patch, but still don't quite get the
issue you have. It is a know problem that GNUstep will complain about
multiple displays and it even may not work fully correctly in that  

but what is causing you problems?

What value are you using for DISPLAY? ":0.3" or ":1.0" or
"localhost:1.0"? And in what way does it harm your application that
NSHost gets automatically set? What value does it get set to?
I would expect that having NSHost set to something like "localhost"
would result in the same behaviour as not having it set at all. If  

is not the case, we need to look into that.

I am not sure, if your solution, forcing people to set two environment
variable to matching values, is a great idea. It most likely will  

in additional problems.


Gnustep-dev mailing list

Re: remote hosting

2006-01-29 Thread Tim McIntosh


I tried to send this message last week, but there were problems with  
my list subscription so I think it ended up in a black hole somewhere.

Has anyone ever addressed the issues raised in 
archive/html/gnustep-dev/2002-01/msg00013.html, regarding -NSHost  
support with X?  I couldn't find any further discussion on this topic.

Two issues arising from recent discussions on the mailing list -
1. X systems can have multiple 'displays' (each display consisting  
or a keyboard,
a mouse, and one or more screens), but the NSHost mechanism  
presumes that a host is

a workstation with a single user.

Should we implement some extension to -NSHost to allow for this?

2. X systems can be dumb machines without GNUstep running, so would  
not run the

pasteboard, notification centre, and workspace processes

Should we implement some mechanism whereby some other GNUstep  
machine could run

the required processes on behalf of the dumb X terminal?

Ignoring, for now, the problem of supporting multiple GNUstep users  
on a single host, I'd like to have the ability to use a DISPLAY  
setting other than ":0.0" while using a local GNUstep session (gpbs,  
gdnc, etc.).  This would allow me to run GNUstep on a local display  
other than ":0.0", or control a machine remotely via a dumb  
Xterminal.  Today, this doesn't seem to be possible, as it is assumed  
that a GNUstep session is running on the remote host.

To allow this to work, I propose deleting the code that automatically  
sets the "NSHost" default whenever -NSHost is not specified and  
DISPLAY is defined (see attachment).  This would produce the behavior  
described by the table below.  The only difference from today is in  
case (B).  The proposed change would make it necessary to specify the  
-NSHost argument whenever you want to connect to a remote GNUstep  
session;  it does NOT attempt to address the issue of being able to  
specify a display other than "remote:0.0" when using -NSHost.

  -NSHost specified?  DISPLAY defined?  Behavior
A.  NO  NO  Local GNUstep session,  
display on local:0.0
B.  NO  YES Local GNUstep session,  
display on $DISPLAY
C.  YES NO  Remote GNUstep session,  
display on remote:0.0
D.  YES YES Remote GNUstep session,  
display on remote:0.0 (DISPLAY ignored)

This behavior seems reasonable to me, and supports my needs.   
However, I'm not really familiar with the GNUstep internals, so  
please set me straight if this is a bad idea.  Otherwise, I'd be very  
happy if someone could implement this change in the main  
distribution.  I could enter this as a bug report if that's the  
appropriate course of action for change requests.


Tim McIntosh

Description: Binary data

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