2006-06-03 Thread dommart...@juno.com

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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It would be more preferable if Goans worldwide could purchase a total of three 
postcards . . . the third one promptly addressed to CTT Correios of Portugal, 
thanking for the gift of a commemorative postcard in Abbe Faria's name and 
memory.  Furthermore, requesting CTT Correios to reconsider the issuance of an 
actual stamp during Abbe's 250th Birth Anniversary year, since a colorful 
marquette of the would be stamp has been created and the same test-printed on 
the commemorative postcard with stunning results!

CTT's mailing address is:

CTT - Correios de Portugal, SA 
Rua S. José, 20  
1166-001 Lisboa  

website:  ctt.pt

Dom Martin

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Re: [Goanet] Woman priest says Mass

2006-06-03 Thread Marlon Menezes

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The answer to the Mario's question is pretty simple:
It is called a welfare state. If in case Gilbert and
Mario are not aware, secular, democratic rule has
superseded the closed, theocratic institutions they
talk so highly about. If anything one could argue that
the reach and cradle to grave scope of the secular
welfare state has become overly excessive.

As for a consistent moral compass that religion
apparently provides, one has to wonder which religion
or even brand of Christianity they are referring to. I
do agree that Christianity has been so successful
-there are so many versions of them, covering the
gamut from rationalizing slavery and apartheid to the
selfless charity of Mother Theresa. Christian? Yes.
Consistent? Hmm.

The dichotomy of views and lack of consistency is also
apparent in the beliefs of these two individuals.
Mario for example stated that the late Pope John Paul
aligned the Catholic Church with the Islamic
fundamentalists by opposing the US led attack on Iraq.
Gilbert for his part believes that the Catholic Church
can do no wrong to the point of denying that Hindu
temples were destroyed during Portuguese rule in Goa.
Will the true defender of the Christian faith please
stand up!


--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Mario,
> I am sure you would not mind / want to
> "discriminate" / prevent other card carrying
> atheists / agnostics from answering the second
> paragraph of your well written post (see below).  In
> my communications with this group, they are great in
> articulating the limitations of other's beliefs. Yet
> when it comes to explaining their own beliefs and
> actions they appear tongue-tied.  
> I'd welcome / encourage them to have a "Progressive
> Igroz" with a woman pope.  They even have a good
> candidate for the job.  And very articulate members
> on this forum (don’t have to go far) who could
> hold other high offices. Their religion could
> expound on multiple spouses, lax moral, social and
> legal codes etc etc. So what is holding them back?
> Their joy of torturing the rest of us perhaps.:=)) 
> The next demographic study of Goans can even have a
> category of Goan atheists/agnostics. This in
> addition to the current Hindus, Catholics and
> Muslims.  I am sure the ever-generous Khoro Niz
> Goenkars will make room for these "bhaile".
> Kind Regards, GL
> From: Mario Goveia 
> As an atheist convert and evangelist with the
> typical hubris and "what can I get away with today"
> moral compass, it does not surprise me at all that
> you are deliberately misconstruing my posts, because
> I have done anything but blindly follow the
> shephard. 
> > 
> I will have far more respect when you can show me
> long-standing and world-wide atheist-supported
> schools, hospitals, nursing homes, homes for the
> aged, orphanages and other charitable organizations,
> as well as a rock solid moral compass going back
> thousands of years that no one with even half a
> brain can misunderstand. 

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[Goanet] Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961

2006-06-03 Thread Constantino Xavier

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Dear Prof. Cornel,

by "continental" I mean the Portuguese territory situated on the European 
continent, i.e. on the European mainland. This is where Portugal was founded 
and where, for over eight centuries, its capital has been situated.

continent (LAND)  noun [C]
one of the seven large land masses on the Earth's surface, surrounded, or 
mainly surrounded, by sea and usually consisting of various countries:

the North American continent
Asia and Africa are the two biggest continents.

continental waters

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Message: 8
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 16:21:50 +0100
From: "cornel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961

Please will you clarify the term you used below"continental Portugal?"
- Original Message -

 specially in continental Portugal,

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Re: [Goanet] Past BBC programmes on Goa

2006-06-03 Thread cornel

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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In the ongoing discussions about Portugal Goa and India, I had inadvertantly 
overlooked the important point made by Marlon that,  "Portugal later 
recognized India's annexation of Goa". Does anyone readily have the date for 
this please?

- Original Message - 
From: "Marlon Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 8:49 AM
Subject: RE: [Goanet] Past BBC programmes on Goa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Perhaps Mario should read American history books!
The US backed Portugal and condemned the Indian
invasion/liberation of Goa. The USSR and China
supported India. Looks like Mario has officially
ackowledged his links to the leftist brigade! The
issue was closed when Portugal later recognized
India's annexation of Goa.


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mario responds:
Typical Paulo... :-))
You are obviously reading Portuguese history books,
friend.  That's not what MY history books say :-))
Believe me, as a nationalist whose family were
to stay away from Goa by the dictatorial Portuguese
colonialists, I liked the events of December 18,
a lot!  We celebrated with the little fenny we had
left.  We had no "authentic" cheurisam made from
live sanitation system left :-))  We had no parra
left.  Finally, we could go to Goa, experience again
place caught in a time-warp, bathe in well water
fresh, read by candlelight, walk the rutted, dusty
roads, pluck cajus and mangos off the trees, and
replenish our stocks of Goan delicacies and refill
garafaos :-))

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Galileo, Dan Brown and The Church

2006-06-03 Thread Joe Vaz

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Given the predominence of Catholic

Goans on this list, there is a large bank of people
who will mount a vigorous defence of their religion if
it is attacked. Unfortunately, when individuals make
insensitive and bigoted comments against hindus and
muslims on this forum, one is often met with silence.
My desire is to defend the under-represented on this
forum. <

What an incredible way of defending the under-represented  -- by offending 
the rest of the populace and thrashing their religious beliefs.  Lack of 
self-respect invariably renders insensitivity and disrespect for others.

Joe Vaz

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2006-06-03 Thread dommart...@juno.com

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
Although CTT Correios of Portugal has not updated its website, one can view the 
commemorative Abbe Faria postcard it issued at www.abbefaria.com.  Once CTT 
updates its website, the postcard can be purchased online.

I ask Goans worldwide to purchase two postcards.  The first postcard to be 
addressed to Mr. Sachin Kishore , Assistant Director General, Ministry of 
Communications & IT, India -- with whom, I have been in contact with and who is 
somewhat hopeful on the issuance of an Abbe Faria stamp -- urging him to 
prioritize the request and consideration of an Abbe Faria stamp when India’s 
Philatelic Advisory Committee next meets.

Mr. Sachin Kishore’s mailing address is:

Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi 111

The second postcard is to be retained and subsequently -- hopefully -- affixed 
with an Abbe Faria stamp issued by India, and the postcard then circulated 
worldwide to ensure Abbe Faria’s legacy among Goans and non-Goans, as also to 
educate them on one solitary Goan’s epic contribution to science more than 2 
centuries ago.

Objectives can be achieved if we undertake the burden rather than depute it on 
others while we rock ourselves on the complacent chair of expectations. 

Dom Martin

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Re: [Goanet] Woman priest says Mass

2006-06-03 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd welcome / encourage them to have a "Progressive
> Igroz" with a woman pope.  They even have a good
> candidate for the job.  And very articulate members
> on this forum (don’t have to go far) who could
> hold other high offices. Their religion could
> expound on multiple spouses, lax moral, social and
> legal codes etc etc. So what is holding them back?
> Their joy of torturing the rest of us perhaps.:=)) 
> The next demographic study of Goans can even have a
> category of Goan atheists/agnostics. This in
> addition to the current Hindus, Catholics and
> Muslims.  I am sure the ever-generous Khoro Niz
> Goenkars will make room for these "bhaile".
> Kind Regards, GL
Mario observes:
You have taken a far more scholarly approach to this
that I had ever intended.  I will now get out of the
way of the inevitable brickbats :-))
There I was, minding my own business, chatting with
Elizabeth about the hubris of the woman who just up
and declares herself a "Roman Catholic woman priest"
when suddenly, out of the Canadian bushes, up jumps
Kevin, with a nasty and totally fact-free comment
attacking me for being a servile "sheep" blindly
following and being manipulated by "the shepherd" (see
Anyone who has read my posts knows that I have been a
vociferous critic of the current and previous
shepherds, publicly challenging the conventional
wisdom for very narrow and specific reasons that have
been articulated in great detail.
I also have respect for whatever beliefs people choose
to have, unless they shove these in my face, or make
wildly bogus comments, whichever comes first.
So, I politely pointed out to Kevin, that he was
wrong, and that his personal, unorganized "what can I
get away with today" version of "The Seven
Suggestions" had failed to grasp the facts of my
beliefs, and, if deliberate, perhaps needed to be
taken in for some fine tuning :-))
I know that Kevin has worked very hard at re-defining
"The Ten Commandments" into his personal "unorganized
atheist" version of "The Seven Suggestions", so he
should be all right now.  Just needed a friendly
reminder :-))

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RE: [Goanet] Reminder on morality and social conscience

2006-06-03 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is to remind ourselves that the notion that a
> moral compass or social conscience is dependent on
> adherence to some form of ideology, religion or
> atheistic belief system, has been thoroughly
> discredited in this and other Goan forums. 
> It has also been shown that no religion, ideology or
> atheistic belief system has ever had a rock-solid
> moral compass.
Mario responds:
I agree with Santosh's redundant reminder that an
individual's moral compass is theoretically not
dependent on any ideology or religious or
non-religious belief, and that the results can be the
same on a day-to-day basis.
However, I must have missed "been shown" that there is
no "rock solid" religious moral compass.  By
definition an individual unorganized atheist, as
opposed to defined and highly organized atheist groups
like the Buddhists and Jains and others that function
very much like religions, cannot have anything that
can be called a rock solid moral compass because it is
whatever the unorganized individual says it is.
The difference in my opinion is one of checks and
balances.  For example, Christians have a rock-solid
"Golden Rule" and also a rock solid list of Ten
Commandments.  While individual Christians may follow
their own course, doing so comes with religious
consequences for a practicing Christian.  Similarly,
organized atheists groups like Buddhists and Jains
have rock solid standards for their members.
Individual unorganized atheists MAY have what could be
summarized as the "Seven Suggestions" that overlap
similar strictures in the Ten Commandments.  However,
these carry no consequences by any organized and
influential group other than those imposed by civil or
criminal law.

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Re: [Goanet] Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961

2006-06-03 Thread Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Do you really maintain that the last part of your following sentence is
correct: «Goa has never
been independent, nor has there been any relevant movement aspiring to that
status»? If so, how would you classify the "Conjuracao dos Pintos" (The
Pinto Revolt) of 1787 which aimed at making of Goa a republic based on the
lofty principles (later proclaimed by the French) of liberty, equality and


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2006-06-03 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario
> You must be reading Fox News. Good luck to you.
Mario responds:
You are obviously reading The Guardian and the BBC,
which is why you have no clue that it was the UN that
dropped the ball in Timor Leste :-))

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2006-06-03 Thread Jean & Marcos Catao

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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---    GOA INITIATIVES: THEN AND NOW...I wanted to make a few comments on two pertinent points/questions raised by HELGA do ROSARIO GOMES on the matter  Her first question refers to the relative paucity of Goans taking initiatives in the industrial/commercial sectors. For a long time now, people have wondered why Goans, eminent in fields as diverse as medicine, law, engineering, music and arts have been conspicuous by their absence in big business. The only recorded instance of an 'eminent' Goan businessman is that of Sir Roger Faria who was born in 1770(his father was from Sangolda) and died in 1828. He owned two ships and did extensive trade overseas as far as China. Jamshetjee Jeejeebhoy was a partner in his firm.  After that there is a big blank until the fifties when mid-sized Companies like Salgaonkar, Dempo appeared with the 'take-off' of the mining industry.  In my view, there may be two reasons ascribable for this:in the first place, the Christian idea of profit as 'filthy lucre," i.e. as something essentially undesirable, if not downright sinful 'could have over the years seeped into the psyche, creating a certain aversion to it, more specially when you consider it is widely believed you cannot succeed in business unless you do some underhand jugglery. Secondly, the so called 'riches' of the Goan rich are infinitessimal in relation to the huge capital requirements for an industry.  The follow-up period of the December l961 events would have been a golden opportunity to start remedying the situation, had we not
 been sent a janizary from Delhi to look after our affairs whose interest did not coincide with Goa's. Even later Governments proved remiss and did nothing to limit or ban the sale of land to outsiders, as in Kashmir or to provide loans on special terms to Goans on the lines of those provided by the USA Federal Govt. to minorities. As a result, most industry in Goa fell into the hands of Indian industrialists.  The second question refers to her query as to whether education to-day has become too science-centric. I do not view to-day's education as science-centric as much as 'utilitarian' i.e. It concentrates students' minds on certain subjects that, in India, will get them into IIT or similar institutions as passports to American riches.  Traditionally, education was meant to provide an all-round development of mind and body(the Roman Mens Sana in Corpore
 Sano:sound mind in a sound body)through instruction(studies), discipline, adequate social behaviour and sports. After class, students would return to school for recreation(football, hockey, cricket, etc).Schools were the nurseries that produced the host of Goan players who, in many cases, dominated sports(the l948 Indian Hockey Olympic team had five Goan players out of eleven).To-day playing fields are empty because students are at home 'cramming' for that half extra point in the total that would open the doors to higher learning(who remembers that 'the battle of Waterloo was won on the fields of Eton?).An important element of education has thus been lost in as much as sports foster teamwork and camaraderie  Secondly, humanities have been relegated to the very bottom of the rung, a waste of time to study, sort of. It is no consolation that India reproduces in this respect the same features as the USA. Andrew
 Delbanco in an article entitled 'Colleges:an endangered species' in the New York Review of Books points out that of l4 million students enrolled in American Universities, barely 100,000 are pursuing Humanities. Naturally you are producing men and women with relaively narrow minds. The famous Spanish philosopher-writer Jose Ortega y Gasset used to say :'Scientists now are learned ignoramuses. They know a lot about very little' I myself have met people from here with double Ph.Ds in Science whose general cultural levels were apalling, to put it mildly.  Fortunately, this is not a global tendency. In a country like France whose end of high school examination is known as the Baccalaureat, the first paper the students have to appear for is Philosophy. And that is why their general cultural level is so much higher than that of the average Indian or American. The British “Financial Times” reporting on an interview with
 the French philosopher, Bernard Henri Levy, had as sub-title 'Only in France could a philosopher garner more attention than a rock-star'.  In India, if a Goan youngster expressed a de


2006-06-03 Thread Francis Rodrigues

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Let's give it a rest shall we, Mario ? Being
garrulous is no excuse for being verbose.
You threw, I called it. When we meet in
person, we shall see the proof of the pudding
shan't we ??? As Cornel says, you sure are one
mixed-up 'kid'. Like him, Paulo, etc. I shall leave
you to your own devices. I'm sure Kevin, Alfred,
etc, will continue to provide more fodder for you.

Whilst on the subject,GN, how about an annual or
biennial Goa-Netters Ball ? I know Fred has tried
without too much success to organise Goanetter
get-togethers in Goa, in the past. In the meantime,
Goa-net has grown from a fledgling couple of dozen
netters, to numbers in excess of 9,000 which speaks
volumes - if any small goan social club with a couple of
hundred members can organise lavish annual dances,
balls, what's to stop Goa-net, virtually 50 times their
size !! Fred's started the ball rolling, lets's go for it.

Naturally, there's considerations of time and space. Not
everybody is available at the same time or place - given
goanetter distribution throughout the diaspora. But
given their fair traffic through the UK, Goa or North
America, one of the 3 would be a rather better choice
than say, the Middle East or Australia, 2 lesser goanet
strongholds. Even though I don't live there, Goa however
would be an obvious choice - this is after all a mailing-list,
a forum, by Goans, for Goans - bound by our unique Goan
identity. I'm willing to give it a shot, how about other netters?

I shall be happy to play host, either in Goa or N. America (well,
at least the first time!). Choose a good time - summer, easter
or christmas vacations sound good. Christmas would seem the
somewhat obvious choice - it's a common holiday season through-
out the diaspora, truckloads of goans from all over the world pour
into amchem goem - and there's nothing to beat that old-world
nostalgia of goan 'natalam'. With stalwarts like Fred, Bosco, George,
Floriano to organise the 'awards nite', we can certainly go places.

My own personal experience is that social interaction of this sort not
only builds stronger bonds (and God knows we need that!), but
engenders mutual respect ! Netters who've been virulently combative
over the years finally meet, to find out its just a kindly soul at the other
end rather than 'bitter old men'! What an opportunity to meet Dominic,
VM de M, Valmiki, Cecil d'Expression, Bospam, Dulci Gabe, antsy-pantsy
'super-Mario', Miguel, Rico, and of course, the enigmatic ever-young
Herman, even younger 'dear aunty'(haha) and countless other netters.

Finally, my sympathies to you Mario, for being  'unable to place' me, oh
how deliciously delightful that phrase rolls. I did mention being ' a 
bird of passage' didn't I ?! I'll leave you with my favorite-Baroness 

Scarlet Pimpernel "They seek him here, they seek him there..!"


I have no idea what an "un-goan" thing is, but just to
relieve "Francis" and his complex personality of his
delusion of intellectual superiority, I really didn't
want to know anything about this incredible search for
eternal youth and a sinless, spoon-bending nirvana on
earth, though it does explain some of the other, more
earthy, tendencies that we have seen from him on
Goanet :-))

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2006-06-03 Thread Philip Thomas

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Ottawa looking to return Mirabel land
2006-06-02 08:23:58

The federal government should decide by the end of the summer how it will
return 4,400 hectares [~11000 acres] of land expropriated in 1975 to build
the Mirabel airport, Le Devoir reports.
The way the land will be returned has not been decided. The newspaper said
the federal government is looking at selling it to the region's farmers or
to the town of Mirabel, which is lobbying for that plan.
Returning the expropriated land was one of the Conservatives' campaign
promises in the last election.
Transport Minister Lawrence Cannon said in a committee meeting Thursday the
government hopes to make a decision on the land between now and the end of
the summer.
Government and airport authorities decided in 2004 to move all passenger
flights into Montreal to Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, after
Mirabel consistently failed to meet its growth projections.


If they do this at Mopa at the right time, they might make a killing on the
real estate market! Wow!

Thos who are interested in the fascinating story of two airports in Canada,
one of which seems to have been planned like Mopa, can check out this link:


Btw, the Mopa report was prepared under the direction of a Canada based
organisation, ICAO. And yet it (Mopa) has all the makings of a white
elephant like its Canadian counterpart. Why do people never learn? Oh well

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[Goanet] Ship breaks up, oil spill touches Goa

2006-06-03 Thread D'Souza, Avelino

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Ship breaks up, oil spill touches Goa
Chennai Online News Service

Panaji, June 3: A merchant vessel stranded in the rocks off the Karwar
coast near Devgad Island, broke into two and the oil that spilled from
the vessel touched south Goan shores Friday even as the Coast Guard
tried to contain the spill. 

"The ship MV Ocean Seraya, broke into two but there is nothing much to
worry as the portion with the tank has parted as an entire separate
piece," Commander R M Sharma, Deputy Inspector General, Indian Coast
Guard, said. 
The vessel had hit the rocks off Karwar coast on Monday night due to
rough weather in the Arabian Sea. All crew members, except one, were
rescued by the Indian Coast Guard. 

As Coast Guard helicopters, aircraft and a vessel continued to work to
contain the oil spill, riding on the westerly winds, the spill touched
Goa's shores after hitting Karwar and Deobag coasts. 
"The spill has touched Polem beach on Goa-Karnataka border but the
quantity is marginal," Comdt Sharma said, adding "the spill is not
flowing further down and there is no need to be panicky." 

The Indian Coast Guard would continue their operations to disintegrate
the spill further, he said. 

Meanwhile, Karwar port authorities and district administration have laid
booms in a one kilometre area surrounding the wrecked ship to contain
the spill. "Various material like coir fibre and palm tree leaves are
used to control the spill from travelling further," officials stated.




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[Goanet] 24 gaddas outside GMC removed

2006-06-03 Thread Gabe Menezes

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24 gaddas outside GMC removed

PANJIM,  JUNE 2 – The North Goa Administration on Friday removed
twenty-four gaddas stationed outside the GMC, Bambolim.
The North Goa Administration  had  received a  communiqué  fromGMC
authorities following instructions from the government that the
kiosks dotting the entrance of GMC complex should be removed.In all,
24 gaddas were removed  in the operation  between 11 am to  4 pm under
the supervision of  the Deputy Collector, Agnel Fernandes assisted by
Joint Mamlatdar Parag Nagarcekar.  Gaddawallas were served with
ultimatum to clear their activities within 24 hours on, informed


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] RE : Kiss which cheek first?

2006-06-03 Thread Gabe Menezes

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On 02/06/06, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mario observes:
For the spatially challenged among us, if the "kisser"
starts with the "kissee's" right cheek, he or she
would be starting from their - the "kisser's" - left,
and vice versa.  I think the "kisser" should start on
their right, which would be the "kissee's" left cheek.

RESPONSE: Needless to say, you think incorrectly; I trust that kissing
on the cheeks, by Goan Catholics, is derived from the former
Colonialists, the Portuguese. The way it is done in Portugal as
explained by a Portuguese, is as follows:


Social interactions: Kissing
Written by Mundus on October 7, 2003.

Portuguese love to kiss. When I lived in the US I almost got myself
into trouble because when I got introduced to girls I would give them
two kisses, even with their boyfriends there. That's the way we do it
in Portugal. Very few hand shakes between opposite sex people. The
tipical Portuguese kiss goes like this: you turn your head to the left
and kiss the other people's right cheek then you turn your head to the
right and kiss the left cheek. Simple! Now go out there and do some


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] review of The DaVinci Code

2006-06-03 Thread Eugene Correia

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Just after I had posted my views on The DaVinci Code,
afriend sent me this. I think it's from The New

"The Da Vinci Code."
Issue of 2006-05-29
Posted 2006-05-22

The story of "The Da Vinci Code" goes lik  this. A
dead Frenchman is found laid out on th  floor of the
Louvre. His final act was to carve  number of bloody
markings into his own flesh  indicating, to the expert
eye, that he wa  preparing to roll in fresh herbs and
sear himsel  in olive oil for three minutes on each
side. This  however, is not the conclusion reached b 
Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks), a professor o  symbology
at Harvard, who happens to be i  Paris. Questioned by
Bezu Fache (Jean Reno)  the investigating policeman at
the scene  Langdon starts rabbiting about pentacles an
 pagans and God knows what. But what does God know,
exactly? And can He keep His mouth shut?
Help arrives in the shape of Sophie Neveu (Audrey
Tautou), a police cryptographer. She turns out to be
the granddaughter of the deceased, and a dab hand at
reversing down Paris streets in a car the size of a
pissoir. This is useful, since she and Langdon are
soon on the run, convinced that Fache is about to nail
the professor on a murder charge-the blaming of
Americans, on any pretext, being a much loved Gallic
sport. Our hero, needing somebody to trust, does the
same dumb thing that every fleeing innocent has done
since Robert Donat in "The Thirty-nine Steps." He and
Sophie visit a cheery old duffer in the countryside
and spill every possible bean. In this case, the
duffer is Sir Leigh Teabing (Ian McKellen), who
lectures them on the Emperor Constantine and the
Council of Nicaea, in 325 A.D. We get a flashback to
the council in question, and I must say that, though I
have recited the Nicene Creed throughout my adult
life, I never realized that it was originally
formulated in the middle of a Beastie Boys concert.
Fache is not the only hunter on Langdon's scent. There
is also Silas (Paul Bettany), a cowled albino monk
whose hobbies include self-flagellation, multiple
homicide, and irregular Latin verbs. He works for Opus
Dei, the Catholic organization so intensely secretive
that its American headquarters are tucked away in a
seventeen-story building on Lexington Avenue. Silas
answers to Bishop Aringarosa (Alfred Molina), who in
turn answers to his cell phone, his Creator, and not
much else. Between them, they track Langdon and Sophie
to England, where a new villain, hitherto suspected by
nobody except the audience, is prevented from shooting
his quarry because, unusual for London, there is a
gaggle of nuns in the way-God's Work if ever I saw it,
although I wouldn't say so to a member of Opus Dei.
The task of the Bishop and his hit man is to thwart
the unveiling of what Teabing modestly calls "the
greatest secret in modern history," so powerful that,
"if revealed, it would devastate the very foundations
of Christianity." Later, realizing that this sounds a
little meek and mild, he stretches it to "the greatest
coverup in human history." As a rule, you should
beware of any movie in which characters utter lines of
dialogue whose proper place is on the advertising
poster. (Just imagine Sigourney Weaver, halfway
through "Alien," turning to John Hurt and explaining,
"In space, no one can hear you scream.") There is a
nasty sense in "The Da Vinci Code" that, not unlike
Langdon, we are being bullied into taking its
pronouncements at face value. Such nagging has a
double effect. First, any chance to enjoy the
proceedings as hokum-as a whip-cracking quest along
the lines of "Raiders of the Lost Ark"-is rapidly
stifled and stilled. Second, one's natural reaction to
arm-twisters of any description is to wriggle free,
turn around, and kick them in the pentacles. So here
There has been much debate over Dan Brown's novel ever
since it was published, in 2003, but no question has
been more contentious than this: if a person of sound
mind begins reading the book at ten o'clock in the
morning, at what time will he or she come to the
realization that it is unmitigated junk? The answer,
in my case, was 10:00.03, shortly after I read the
opening sentence: "Renowned curator Jacques Saunière
staggered through the vaulted archway of the museum's
Grand Gallery." With that one word, "renowned," Brown
proves that he hails from the school of
elbow-joggers-nervy, worrisome authors who can't stop
shoving us along wit

[Goanet] 'Purumentanchem' feast-fair to continue in St Cruz, Panaji & Margao

2006-06-03 Thread D'Souza, Avelino

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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'Purumentanchem' feast-fair to continue in St Cruz, Panaji & Margao
June 1, 2006

A huge fair was held on the occasion of Purumentanchem feast near the
Mary Immaculate Panaji Church Square recently. 

In earlier days, the fair used to have provisional items comprising Goan
chillies, dry fish, spices, onion and other eatables and toys but now
the items on for sale are mainly ready-made garments for gents, ladies
and children, footwear, house-hold items, imitation jewellery items and
the like. 

The feast used to normally remain for about a week for the residents to
shop and buy the items of their choice.
In the past, only local people used to sell their locally made items and

In fact this time, 'Purumentanchem' feast begins from Agacaim and will
move to St Cruz, Panaji city and thereafter to Margao.




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[Goanet] link to award-winning story

2006-06-03 Thread Eugene Correia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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A friend in Canada won the second prize in the
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's short story
Here's the link



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Re: [Goanet] Dev Borem Korum, Adieu, Adios.

2006-06-03 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A few months ago it seems a hornet's nest was
> disturbed, by the farewell salutations used here! 
> Yesterday whilst watching Master Mind, a common 
> farewell used in French and Spanish amongst
> other 'Latin' languages, Adieu = To God
> So it seems it is not just Konkani that invokes God,
> so eat your hearts out fellas!
Mario adds:
In addition, those familiar with Hindi speaking
central India would be familiar with a popular
greeting in Hindi, "Ram, Ram!"
Are there some other God-related greetings in other
languages that we can document to confound our atheist
brethren? :-))

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[Goanet] Book ‘Alfred da Silva and BoB in Goa’ released

2006-06-03 Thread Goanet News

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Book ‘Alfred da Silva and BoB in Goa’ released 

NT News Desk 

Panaji, June 3: The second edition of brochure, ‘Alfred da Silva and BoB
in Goa’ authored by Dr Jose de Sousa and late Maria Luis, was released
at International Centre, Goa, at Dona Paula, recently, by Dr Pedro
Cabral Adao, the Consul General of Portugal in Goa.

Present on the occasion were Mr C P Kulkarni, assistant general manager
of Bank of Baroda, staff members and former staff members of the bank.

Retrospecting on the occasion, Dr Jose de Sousa, former manager of Bank
of Baroda, outlined various features of the bank during the tenure of
late Alfred da Silva, the first manager in various branches in Goa, who
had been a banker par excellence and under whose dynamic leadership, in
a short span of seven years, 13 branches were opened in Goa.

Rich tributes were paid to late Alfred da Silva and late Maria Luis, the
co-author of the brochure by Mr Kulkarni and by Dr Adao.

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[Goanet] Goa news for June 4, 2006

2006-06-03 Thread Goanet News Service

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Goa News from Yahoo! News and Goanet.org

Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Da Vinci banned in more states (Gulf Times)

NEW DELHI: In less than a week after the delayed release of
"The Da Vinci Code" in India, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and
Pondicherry have joined Goa, Nagaland, Punjab and Tamil Nadu in
banning the controversial film.


*** 'Da Vinci Code' movied banned in parts of India (CBC)

Seven of India's 29 states have banned the movie The Da Vinci
Code saying it is insulting to Christians. Officials in the
southern state of Andhra Pradesh said Friday they were joining
six other states including Goa, Punjab and Tamil Nadu which
have made similar announcements this week.


*** Goa geared up to tackle oil spill (Navhind Times)

Panaji, June 1: The state government machinery is geared up to
tackle any oil spill menace along the Goa coast, officials
sources said, following reports that the oil spilled from a
merchant vessel off-Karwar coast has touched Karwar and Deobag
coasts in Karnataka and that the spill is moving towards Goa.


*** Underground power lines in S Goa: Goa to ask Centre for Rs
60 crore (Navhind Times)

Margao, June 1: The state government is going to ask for Rs 60
crore from the Centre to undertake the underground cabling of
all 33 KV and 11 KV high tension lines in the coastal belt of
Benaulim, Colva, Betalbatim, Varca, Fatrade going right up to


*** Heavy rain in Gujarat, Goa (The Hindu)

Four more persons died in rain-related incidents in Gujarat


*** Monsoon enters Mumbai, widespread rains in Goa, Kerala
(Outlook India)

The South-West monsoon entered Mumbai with torrential showers
lashing the metropolis today injuring six even as incessant
rains continued to pound Kerala and Goa claiming 11 lives so
far and leaving a trail of destruction.


*** Heavy rains in Gujarat, Goa; four more dead (Outlook

Heavy rains today lashed Goa inundating low-lying areas and
Gujarat, where four more persons died in rain-related incidents
pushing the toll in the past two days to 12 as monsoon gathered
strength in Arunachal Pradesh cutting off a part of the state
from rest of the country.


*** Ship breaks into two, oil spill moves to south Goa coast
(Outlook India)

A merchant vessel stranded in the rocks off Karwar coast near
Devgad island today broke into two pieces and the oil that
spilled from the vessel touched south Goan shores even as Coast
Guard continued the operations to contain the spill.


*** Coastal Goan villages alerted about spread of oil spill
(Outlook India)

Goa government has alerted all coastal village panchayats and
municipalities besides the tourism department to maintain a
strict watch to check spread of oil spill along the coastline
even as Coast Guard was engaged in disintegrating the oil
leaked into the Arabian Sea from a ship.


*** Congress MP threatens to stop screening of `Da Vinci Code''
(India Daily)

With a multiplex in Goa starting to show the controversial film
"The Da Vinci Code", Congress MP Churchill Alemao has threatened
to "forcibly" stop the screenings from tomorrow. "The Inox
multiplex management has been given a deadline till this
evening to stop screening the movie.


Compiled by Goanet News Service

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[Goanet] Goa wants expats to leave (Pushpa Iyengar in DNA)

2006-06-03 Thread Goanet News

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Goa wants expats to leave
Pushpa Iyengar
Saturday, June 03, 2006  21:04 IST

PANAJI: They helped build brand Goa, fell in love with it and
decided to stay on forever. But it seems that they have worn
out their welcome.

Foreigners who helped make Goa what it is today are no longer
welcome to stay. 'Spend your Euros and return home', is the
clear message that is being sent out to the expatriates —
especially the predominant British population. This message
also extends to the French, German and Italian populace,
among others, who have made Goa their home and run some of
its most successful restaurants.

These expats have stayed on by extending their tourist visas,
which demands them to return home after the expiry period.
They inevitably return to India with an extension of the
period of their stay. Ironically enough, the Congress
government which is trying to make it difficult for
foreigners with tourist visas to live permanently in Goa is
unsure if its unwelcome gesture is legal. To begin with Chief
Minister Pratapsing Rane said foreigners on tourist visas may
no longer buy land or do business in the state. The business
he is believed to be referring to includes running bars,
bakeries and restaurants.

For instance, a German expatriate living in Anjuna began the
first genuine production of whole wheat bread in the 70s. His
success spawned a host of so-called 'German bread' bakeries
in Goa. Candolim's (north Goa) La Fenice Pvt Ltd, a
registered firm run by two Italians who have adopted Indian
names and run a Italian restaurant or Mobor's (south Goa)
Gaffino Ventures Inc whose director Brian Gaffino lives in
California during the off season, are many such success

Surprisingly, the first objection was raised by the
Nationalist Congress party, whose president Dr Wilfred de
Souza is married to a UK national. Rane responded saying his
government would send circulars to concerned sub-registrars
to submit details of foreigners seeking registration for
buying property. The details and government's legal position
will be studied before registering properties.

Rane has also threatened an investigation into properties
already registered which could expose the nexus between
locals who sell properties and foreign buyers contravening
FEMA (foreign Exchange Management Act) that allows foreigners
on business and commercial visas to buy properties by forming
Indian companies under the Companies Act.

But not all foreigners are worried. Sinead Mcnanus who runs a
hotel Pepper Valley near a wildlife sanctuary said, "I think
it's fair. You must have laws that differentiate between
business and tourist visas for those who want to run
businesses at least."

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[Goanet] ALERT:Civil Supplies Inspector caught taking bribe in South Goa

2006-06-03 Thread goadesc

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help others be BETTER INFORMED,
The time is come for the people of Goa
Civil Supplies inspector caught on camera
An Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) team 
on Friday evening trapped a Civil Supplies 
inspector allegedly accepting a bribe from 
a fair price shop owner in a hotel at 
Quepem Bazaar.

Inspector Jercy Pinto, a resident of Velim, 
was allegedly caught red-handed on camera in 
the hotel accepting a bribe of Rs 1,000 from 
the shop owner, Pramod Naik Borkar of Cacora-Curchorem, 
officials said.  

They further stated that Pinto had allegedly demanded 
a kickback from Borkar to withdraw a show-cause notice 
issued to him by the Civil Supplies Department for 
irregularities in one of his fair price shops. 

On May 29, Pinto met Borkar at the same hotel where he 
asked the latter for the bribe. The complainant taped 
the conversation and presented it to the ACB who swung 
into action, the officials said. 

DySP Om Kurtarkar, PI Rajendra Prabhudessai, along with 
others, under the supervision of ACB Superintendent 
Bosco George set the trap.
HERALD 3/06/06 page 1
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa 
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78  Mapusa,  Goa 403 507 

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[Goanet] STOCKMARKET: Sesa Goa: Buy

2006-06-03 Thread Goanet News

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Sesa Goa: Buy

Radhika Kamath

Firm pricing outlook, likely improvement in met coke
division, strong operational and financial contours and
attractive valuations offer scope for capital appreciation.

China's demand for steel to fuel iron ore exports by Sesa

Firm pricing environment for iron ore, improving outlook for
met coke and pig iron, strong operational and financial
contours and attractive valuations make the Sesa Goa stock an
attractive investment candidate. Business Line has buy
recommendations outstanding on the stock at prices between Rs
375 and Rs 800, the latest being in June 2005.

The stock, after touching its historic high of Rs 1,613.7 in
early May, has corrected by about 25 per cent since. It is
trading at a price-to-earnings multiple of about six times
its likely FY-07 earnings. We maintain our positive stance on
the stock and recommend fresh exposures with one/two-year

Prime beneficiary

Recent negotiations between global iron ore miners and
steelmakers in Europe and Japan have resulted in a 19 per
cent Year-on-Year rise in the price of contracted iron ore.
However, China, the largest importer of iron ore, is yet to
accept the price hike. Even if the Chinese steelmakers manage
to negotiate a lower price, we believe the prices are still
going to be higher by 10-15 per cent from the FY-05 level.

CVRD, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, the three global mining
giants which account for over 70 per cent of the global
sea-borne trade in iron ore, have announced investment plans
of about $2.5 billion for increasing their mining capacity.

The global iron ore market, is, however expected to remain in
deficit the next couple of years, as the new mines are likely
to begin production only in 2008-09.

Sesa Goa, India's largest exporter of iron ore in the private
sector, will be the prime beneficiary of the price hike, as
this is likely to have a direct impact on its bottomline.
About 40 per cent of Sesa's iron ore sales volumes in FY-07
is likely to be at higher prices, resulting in higher

Despite repeated attempts by the Chinese Government to check
iron-ore import — China accounted for about 60 per cent of
global sea-borne iron ore imports in FY-06 — they are
expected to rise owing to shortage of superior quality ore in
China and growing demand from the steelmakers.

This lends an encouraging outlook for Sesa's business as
China accounts for over 55 per cent of its sales volume
followed by Europe and Japan with shares of 16 per cent and
11 per cent respectively.


The metallurgical coke division, which has been a drag on
Sesa's profitability over the last 12-16 months, is likely to
see an improvement in performance. International coke prices,
after touching historic high of about $420 a tonne in 2004,
have corrected considerably since then. Currently at about
$120 a tonne, they appear to have bottomed out.

However, prices have gained by $20-30 per tonne over the last
month and are likely to stabilise at these levels.

On the other hand, prices of coking coal (primary raw
material for making coke) are showing signs of softening
after remaining firm over the last one year. This is
indicated from the recent negotiations between Nippon Steel
of Japan and BHP Billiton; long-term prices were contracted 8
per cent lower than the FY-06 level. Sesa is likely to
benefit from this development as it sells coke in the spot
market and purchases coking coal through long-term contracts.

We take a positive view of the pig iron business on the back
of revival in demand and the improvement in prices the last
two months. The proposed merger of Sesa Industries (Sesa
Goa's 88.25 per cent subsidiary that manufactures and sells
pig iron) would be accretive to the per share earnings.

Firm prices and a healthy rise in volumes — the pace is
likely to be moderate compared to those of the past two years
— are also likely to bolster revenues and improve margins.
The company has been able to maintain its operating profit
margins above 45 per cent over the last three-four years.

Sesa Goa's investments in wagons to lower logistics costs and
the imminent completion of a railway line that would provide
a better link to the Paradip port in Orissa are also likely
to improve profitability levels. As also the increase in the
proportion of ore exports from Karnataka

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Thoddem Hanschem Thoddem Niallchem

2006-06-03 Thread lino dourado

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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 Thoddem Hanschem Thoddem Niallchem.

“Chotrai: ……sokoilea Pisatt vaddeantlea Baltazaran 5
hozar dileat. Ani oxem toren amkam sabhar zannanim
udhar monan adar kela. Tankam songleank Padri
Vigarachea nanvan Dev borem korum mhonntam ani
Kurpevont Saibinnicho axirvadd tancher poddunk amchim
prathonam. Toxench eka borea magpean bizli vo light
vochot zalear stand by, generator dovorlolo.  Tache
dinvas attovpache amkam goroz podli na, kiteak bizli
geli na.”

“Devachea kurpen ani igorz mhatteche kaide pormonnem
kazar zatat Damaciano Visitação Braganza mogall put
Isdorio ani Santa Monica Braganza ganvant Dabollecho,
hichea thaim Petrociana Jaquina Barbosa mogall dhuv
Custodio ani Carmelina Barbosa hanchi, ganvant
Mopa-chem. Nhovro Dabolle-cho ani hokoll Mopa-chem
aslelean kazarachi saud’d Shri Churchill Alemao
ubhartolo mhonn donui kuttumbachea vangddeanim kolit
korunk sanglam”. 

“Chotrai: Mattvant bhitor aslelea loka thaim amchi
vinonti. Tumchi ‘kapot’ angar choddoun apli boska
samballchi. Tiatr suru korpak tiatracho digdorspi ani
kollakar toiar, punn fokot pavsachi vatt polloun asat.
Taitrachem nanv KAPOT aslelean, pavs zhoddtokoch ho
tiatr suru zatolo. Hachem karan mhollear poilea
pavsachea vadollant Ponnje rajdhani xar khoxem ani
kiteak lagon buddunk pavtta tem ami survatechea
dekhaveant dakhovpache asat. Tea mhonnosor “Pavs addon
aila muge maim doria gazota’ hem dulpott aikat”.

“AIDS pidde velean zavpi sonkoxtt tumchea nodrek
mukhar ami haddleat. Ganvche protek vaddeantle vichun
kaddil’le manadik protonidi (representatives) tumi
ghov-bhailam ani fuddarak logn zat’lim hokoll-nhovre
asat. Dekhunuch tumi zata titlo, ami sangil’lea
pormonnem tumchea vaddeantlea lokak AIDS pidde voir
somzonim divn zagrut korcho. Konnui-i HIV piddecho
boli tumchea nodrek ailo zalear veg-vegim bholaike
khateak kollonvchem. Tea mhonnosor Bolaike Khatean
(Health Department) HIV pidde koddsun surokxit ravchem
mhonn funkott condoms vanttpant ietlim. Tumi poilo
upeog korun hea rubber-ik koslo-i dox (defect) aslear
sorkarak soroll sangun divnchem.”

“Chotrai: Ani hi executive committee-chi zomat
xevottak pavchea adim tumkam ugddas korun dista. Hea
khepek May Queen Ball 2006 vorsavolicho nach ghoddun
haddpak xavos (possible) zalem na. Tachem karan
mhollear, dusre mhoinnem asat, zoxe porim Junh, Juhl,
Agost, Setembr, Otubr, Novembr, Dezembr, Janer,
Febrer, Mars, Abril hannim khor nixedh porgotaila. 
Tanchai-i mhoinneant zolman ail’lea cholieank “Queen”
sarkelo man mellcho oxi tanchi kodok suchnna amkam
pavleat. Mhoji khuxi, Eemergency general body meeting
apoun konnachem mon dukhoinastana dor mhoinnenk Beauty
Queen vichun kaddpak. Ani ho tharav kosloch zagor
(vulgar) karnneo nastana ek motan pass zatlo mhunn
mhaka katri asa. Uprant mhoineache-mhoine nach-nach.

“Goenche avoi-bapaik ek khaxali chotrai: Bharotache
khubxe rajeantlea ghorabeani cheddvancho unnav zala.
Dottichem hea mull karanank lagon cheddvam,
avoi-bapaik zodd zaleant. Avoichea kusveant rochtelem
foll, cheddum mhunn koll’na fuddem, tancho gorbhpat
(abortion) kortat. Hea fuddem Goencheo avoi-io oslo
nixttur khun korcheo nant. Goenchea sorkaran, xikxonna
mollar noveo sovloti cheddum bhurgeak dovorleat. Poilo
to atthvo vorg meren funkott pustokam, kapot
(raincoats) ani atthvea vorgant  pavlelea choliek
funkott saikol mellteli. Goenchea avoi-anchea tonddar
hanso full’la zalear, bapaicho husko sodeak vaddla.
Voilea vo ghantti lokacho Geonkaram vonn ankddo
disandis choddot vheta ani osleo funkott sovloti
mellunk laglear Goeant ghantti baileo gurvar asleleo
chodduch disteleo”

“Aicho futtboll khell zoitivontt zalele ttimink mhojim
porbim. Ani piddear zal’le ttimin poilo zago mellunk
dusre khepek try korchi. Chodd sangonam punn ek
chotrai tumchea mukhar haddtam. Aicho khell pollevn
oxem dista amche Goenche huxear futtboll khellgodi
fuddarak Bharotachem nanv roshan kortele. Thoddea
disanim German-an FIFA world cup suru zatolo. Zori tor
tumi mhaka fuddlea vechnnukek portean nivddun haddlo
zalear, aichea futtboll final-ik khell’lele
khellkogddi fuddlea 2010 FIFA world kopak South
Africa-k pavlech mhunn somzuchem…..”

Hovomanxasnn (meteorological) khatean kolit kelam

[Goanet] Death announcement: Susan Pinto

2006-06-03 Thread Herman Carneiro

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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It is with deep sorrow we announce that Susan Pinto, cherished wife of 
Anthony Pinto and beloved mother of Leon, passed away at 7:40 PM, on Friday, 
June 2nd, 2006, after long illness courageously borne.

May her soul be escorted by hordes of angles to her Creator.

"To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die."


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[Goanet] Stray dog bite sends lady into tizzy at GMC

2006-06-03 Thread Sachin Phadte

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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I was shocked to read the story from Navhind Times.  In particular at  the 
very end the aricle says: "The cases of dog bites have been  increasing in 
the recent past with some deaths also having been reported  in the state 

This is the first time I am hearing of deaths in Goa.  Can anyone give  the 
number of such deaths?

Sachin Phadte

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[Goanet] UAE Indian Expat Football League

2006-06-03 Thread Gulf International Promotions

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Vaxim Divar led by versatile 
Russel Rodrigues emerged champions in the First UAE Indian Expat Football League 
organized by Gulf International Promotions. In an exciting final played at the 
Iranian Stadium Dubai, in front of a large crowd Divar defeated a strong Copy 
Corner Sporting by six goals to four in a penalty shoot out. Both the teams were 
locked 1-1 at the end of normal time and extra time failed to produce a goal. In 
a fast paced game both teams went all out for victory with Russel Rodrigues and 
Orlando Viegas missing sitters for the Divar team. Copy Corner had their own 
share of spoils when Manoj G and Rasheed has near misses. Divar took the lead in 
the seventeenth minute when Russel Rodrigues past the Copy Corner Keeper Thomas. 
Copy Corner were back on level terms thirty seconds later when a quick restart 
of the game when a through ball from Dileep found Subair in the penalty area and 
he mad no mistake to put the game on level terms. There was no further scoring 
and the result has to be resolved by the tie breaker. Divar  hero was their Goalkeeper Jonas D’souza 
who made two brilliant saves to deny Rasheed and Dileep. Subair , Manoj G, and 
Basheer K managed to score from the spot. Divar players made no mistake with 
their kicks with Randel Pereira, Russel Rodrigues, Creighton Travasso, Ashok S, 
Russel Rosario and Orlando Viegas burying the ball into the net to earn a well 
deserved victory and lift the handsome winners trophy.
Earlier in the quarter finals of 
the main tournament Siolim United got the better of Varca FC by one goal to nil 
in extra time. Shriram Vernekar scored the all important goal. In the second 
quarter final Divar managed to defeat a determined Cansaulim by a lone Derrick 
D’Souza goal. Benit D’Souza and Navel Pereira played well for Cansaulim. In  the third quarter final Copy Corner 
Sporting had to pull out all stops to defeat Zyco Dubai FC by one goal to nil. 
Subair made no mistake from close range when put through by Basheer. K K Riyaz 
and Baby Job had a good game for Zyco Dubai. In the last quarter finals of the 
main event Young St Marys boys led by the only female manager Candida K scored 
to quick goals through Wilton Goes to march into the semi final against Vaxim 
Divar. In the first semi final Copy Corner had to wait until extra time before 
scoring a late winner against a strong Siolim United FC. Striker Rasheed proved 
to be the hero with the match winner three minutes before the end of extra time. 
The second Semi Final saw experience against youth. Vaxim Divar had to use all 
their experience before overcoming St Marys boys by two goals to nil. Randell 
Pereira and Derrick D’souza ensured the victory for the Divar team. Siolim 
United had the consolation of winning the third place play off defeating St 
Marys Boys by two goals to nil. John Fernandes and Shriram vernekar scored for 
the winners. The tournament lived up to its billing as an exciting one when the 
Plate event was just as exciting as the main event. Zuari FC led by Savio 
Cardozo lifted the plate trophy defeating St Anthonys 6-5 via the penalty shoot 
out. In an exciting game Zuari and St Anthony were locked in a one all draw 
despite extra time. Julius Noronha who had a good tournament gave Zuari the lead 
in the eighth minute only to see Darryl Carvalho equalize from close range. Both 
teams went in search of the equalizer but failed to do so. In the penalty shoot 
out Lynton D’Souza, Savio Cardozo, Joaquim Fernandes, Godfrey Almeida and Ashton 
D’Souza made no mistake from the spot. Kevin Fernandes, Oswald Fernandes, Darryl 
Rasquinha and Darryl Carvalho scored their efforts while Sandy Fernandes shot 
wide. In the quarter finals of the plate event SFX Old Goa did not turn up for 
their game against Almoe Fc, Dragon All Starz went down to Emirates Flight 
Catering by two goals to nil courtesy Caitan Fernandes and Thomas Dias. Zuari 
had to thank Lynton D’Souza, Oswald Fernandes, Karlton for their three nil 
victory over Desert Cubs. St Anthonys had to resort to penalties before 
overcoming Phoenix Loutolim by four goals to three. Kevin Fernandes, Oswald 
Fernandes, Darryl Carvalho and Darryl Rasquinha scored for St Anthony while 
Lucas Fernandes, Baptist D’Souza and Lawrie Gonsalves scored for Loutolim with 
Moses and Benjamin missing from the spot. In the first semi final Zu

[Goanet] 7 illegal kiosks cleared at GMC

2006-06-03 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

7 illegal kiosks cleared at GMC

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, June 2: The demolition squad of the Tiswadi sub-divisional
magistrate�s office here today removed several unauthorised kiosks on
government land located at the periphery of the Goa Medical College
and Hospital, Bambolim.

The removal of seven kiosks was effected after the SDM, Mr Agnelo A J
Fernandes, received a written communication from the GMC authorities
complaining about the nuisance caused by the kiosks and the
anti-social elements, who frequented them late in the evening.

The GMC authorities had also complained about the �eve teasing� by the
drivers of the taxis which are parked in the GMC complex and have
sought their removal too.

Meanwhile, sources in the government said that drive against the taxi
owners at the GMC complex would be initiated soon and that the taxis
would be allowed to be parked on the levelled ground outside the


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Comment: An excellent start, now other illegal kiosks should be targeted!
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[Goanet] Martin’s Corner finds mention in From mer’s Guide

2006-06-03 Thread Gabe Menezes

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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Martin's Corner finds mention in Frommer's Guide

by Aditya Anand

After retiring from the Mormugao Port Trust in 1989, the late Martin
Pereira of Betalbatim did not have much to do and hence on his wife's
suggestion, Ms Carafina Pereira, set up a small joint selling
delicious Goan fast-food like sausage bread, sorpotel and other beef
and pork delicacies. They named it Martin's Corner.

Today Martin's Corner needs no formal introduction. It is run by Ms
Carafina and she is ably assisted by her sons, Mr Pobre and Mr Bonny
and also by her third son, Mr Jose working for Carnival Cruise Lines.

The joint at Betalbatim has a full-fledged kitchen dishing out Goan,
Indian, Chinese and a bit of continental cuisine as well. So also,
Martin's Corner has moved from 16 covers in 1989 to servicing 30
covers today.

The two staff that the late Martin employed have since made way for
another expert 35 staff members. Its popularity can be gauged from the
reviews in most up-market and elite travel magazines and websites. It
also finds mention in Frommer's Guide, the well-known international
travel guide.The secret behind the joint's success is the masala used
in the cooking. For 17 years, Ms Carafina has been preparing the
spices herself. Now 58, she still has her liking for cooking going
strong, Carafina can still be seen in the kitchen personally
supervising the cooking.

Among diners that Martin's Corner has hosted include master blaster,
Sachin Tendulkar who has since become a devout customer of the joint
and had even gone to the extent of acknowledging that his hotel chain
concept called Tendulkar's was in many a way influenced by Martin's
Corner. Ms Carafina for a long time supplied masala to Tendulkar's
after the former Indian skipper made a personal request.

Tendulkar, a food buff also introduced the place to many others from
the glamour and sports world.

Sanjay Dutt, Hrithik and Suzanne Roshan, Rakesh Roshan, Aishwarya Rai,
Abhishek Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Remo Fernandes, Mr Sharad Pawar,
Madhuri Dixit, Ravi Shastri, John Abraham and Bipasha Basu form part
of the long list narrated by Mr Bonny. Some Goans, including
politicians are also regulars, he added.

"When we started out locals from the coastal belt right from Colva to
Cavelossim and many more from Betalbatim itself frequented to taste
the Goan fast-food prepared by mom. Today the improved changes still
makes them visit thanks to the quality of food being maintained," said
Mr Bonny, the youngest of the three brothers and a commerce graduate.

The family continues to run the business on its own rather than
employing professional help as most other restaurants do. "Cooking
apart, Pobre and I handle the other daily requirements of running
restaurant," Mr Bonny confided.

After the death of their father fours years ago, Mr Pobre and Mr Bonny
still continue to handle accounts and other activities like shopping,
while Mr Jose chips in with ideas gathered from his travel around the

From sorpotel bread savoured by the local clientele in 1989, Martin's

Corner is today known for its speciality Goan cuisine comprising
'reicheido', butter garlic, 'caldin', and in Goan delights the Goan
fish curry, 'vindaloo', 'xacuti', 'cafreal', 'ambot tik', 'balchao'
and 'xec xec'.

Seafood consists of the king crab, tiger prawns, pomfrets, king fish,
snappers, squids, 'modso', pickled fish and shark (masala fried,
butter garlic, grilled/tandoori, 'para') among others.

"The industry does not appreciate the government's so-called efforts
in the tourism sector. Being a born tourist attraction people just
keep coming to Goa. But as a restaurateur what benefits does the
government extend to me," asked Mr Bonny pointing out to a power bill
of Rs 30,000 that he has received.

"There is no regular power and water supply. And we end up spending
more money on running the diesel generator and water through tanker
supply," he said throwing up his hands in despair before warning that
the government will have to act fast.

Apart from seafood and Goan food that form the main essence of Martins
Corner, the joint caters the diner with live music and Karaoke. "The
Karaoke concept at our place has grown along with Martin's Corner and
all our visitors have enjoyed immensely," the brothers observed.

Referring to a particular 'Go Goa 365 Days on a Holiday'
advertisement, Mr Bonny said, "Th

[Goanet] ADC- June 3

2006-06-03 Thread Edward Verdes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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'Kanvllo bosunk ani talli moddunk ek zalem'Konkani Proverb

The crow sits on the branch and the branch breaks at the same time by
Sometimes things happen so simultaneously that we consider one is the result
of another.

Edward Verdes

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[Goanet] Congratulations Balbir Singh-ji on your latest Award ! You Are The Best Ever !

2006-06-03 Thread CARMO DCRUZ

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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Congratulations Balbir Singh-ji on being accorded the prestigous honour of  
"Best Sikh Player" in Indian Hockey. That was an appropriate and well 
deserved award. (see Times of India article below)

You are the undoubtedly the "Best Hockey Ambassador" we have ever had on and 
off the field as a hockey player, coach, manager, mentor, and role model to 
legions of hockey players worldwide.

I was surprised that your contributions to Indian Hockey as Chief Coach and 
Manager of the only World Cup winning Indian Hockey Team (Kuala Lumpur - 
1975) were not mentioned in the artiicle below.

I am eagerly looking forward to your forthcoming book "The Golden Yard 
Stick" on Hockey Coaching. I strongly recommend that your previous inspiring 
biographical book "The Golden Hatrick - My Hockey Days" (1977)  should be 
required reading for all Indian School Children.

Congratulations Again !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida.

Honouring Sardars of Indian hockey


NEW DELHI, April 26: The Capital, on Wednesday, saw some of the biggest 
names in Indian hockey - from the legendary Balbir Singh (Senior) to Pargat 
Singh - come together under the same roof. The occasion? Selection of 10 
best Sikh players who have played for the country.

Balbir Singh (senior) was chosen the best among the lot by a panel headed by 
former Chief Justice of India, JS Verma and comprising former Olympians like 
Leslie Claudius.

It was a rare sight. The players who created awe in the minds of the rivals 
on the field, and for decades lived in the hearts of the fans, enlivened the 
proceedings in the conference hall of a city hotel, recounting interesting 
tales of those golden days that have now been confined to history books.

Balbir sounded very excited when he talked about his goals in the Helsinki 
Olympics, where India won the gold. "Those were one of the best days of my 
life. It's a great honour to have played for my country and I am proud to 
have been chosen for this award from amongst some of the greatest players," 
said Balbir, who helped India win three Olympic gold medals in 1948, 1952 
and 1956.

Another top-ten player Pargat Singh went down the memory lane describing his 
moves during his magical display against Germany in a 1985 Champions Trophy 
league match where India came back from 1-5 down to draw the match 5-5. Of 
the goal he had scored, Pargat said: "It was a lucky goal."

But probably the most appealing words came from the sister of former forward 
Udham Singh, who while accepting the honour on the behalf of her late 
brother, asked the likes of Balbir Singh and Ajitpal Singh to work for 
hockey's cause.

"He (Udham) was a role model for Sansarpur hockey players. I still remember 
that whenever he went for practice Balbir, Ajitpal and Tarsem (Singh) would 
follow him. Now that both Balbir and Ajitpal have also been picked as top 
players, I would like to ask them to do something for hockey," she said.

A noble thought indeed and the gesture was well appreciated by the audience, 
which included the likes of former IHF president Ashwini Kumar, mercurial 
striker Dhanraj Pillay, assistant coach of the national team Harendra Singh 
and Jagbir Singh.

The top 10 Sikh players: Balbir Singh (Sr), Udham Singh, Surjit Sigh, 
Harbinder Singh, Prithpal Singh, Ajitpal Singh, Dharam Singh (Sr), Balbir 
Singh (Railways), Balbir Singh (Services) and Pargat Singh.


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[Goanet] re: immigration

2006-06-03 Thread Eugene Correia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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There's been a lot of debate over immigration -- local
and foreign. As the US is in the midst of a crisis and
Canada under the Conservative Stephen Harper is also
turning into anti-minority, immigration is come under
fire from the right-wing forces.
Europe too has seen its share of troubles. Though the
US periodically breaks into mayhem over immigration,
Canada and Australia see the issue to the forefront
On the issue of a Toronto-based Tamil group banned for
its alleged terrorist links by the Canadian government
and the subsequest debate if the new government is
anti-immigrant, here's one quote from a Canadian list.

--Giacomo Cardinal Biffi, archbishop of Bologna, who
created a stir on September 12, 2000, by writing that:
"The criteria for admitting immigrants can never be
just economic. It is necessary to concern oneself
seriously with saving the nation's own identity. Italy
is not a deserted land, without history, without
living and vital traditions, without an unmistakable
cultural and spiritual physiognomy, to be populated
indiscriminately, as if it were not a model legacy of
humanism and culture that must not be allowed to
I believe the bishop was talking of the period when
the wave of new immigrants was threatening Italy. The
quote's logic has been applied to keep out those
immigrants who do not fall into the category of
cultural ethos. 
Many in Goa feel that outsiders coming to settle in
Goa do not fall into the Goan cultural and social mix.
There's no doubt the indiscrimination on colour, race
and ethnicity prevails subtly in Canada, the ethnics
have made lot of progress.
The battle for equality continues to be fought in the
corridors of power and academia. Indo-Canadians have
been one of the groups in the forefront of this
To the new Conservative government's credit, a public
enquiry has been ordered into the Air India crash. The
ousted Liberals and before that the Mulroney
government had not found it necessary to set up a
The Harpen government have may scored a major
political point in gaining support from the
Indo-Canadians, who form part of the minority
Among the South Asians in Toronto, the Tamils (most of
them from Sri Lanka) were close to overcoming the
Sikhs in terms of population.


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2006-06-03 Thread Marlon Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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Does poverty and caste really have such a strong
congruence? What about a low cast person who has the
means and a supposedly high cast person who does not?
Why not simplify the whole process and base aid solely
on financial need? Why do we need to add a dependent
variable (or mathematically speaking a non orthogonal
variable) into this argument? Stated in other words,
the cast factor is built into the financial need


--- Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why not? I fail to understand the logic of this
> BJP-inspired argument.
> When poverty and caste has such a close congruence
> in our part of the
> world, why can't caste be used as the determining
> factor? The
> equivalent of this argument would be: arguments in
> court should be
> allowed only to those who have a logical mind, but
> should never be
> restricted to a profession (e.g. lawyers)!

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Galileo, Dan Brown and The Church

2006-06-03 Thread Marlon Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

It looks like you only disagreed with the tone of my
message, and not my actual message. I used the word
"fiction"  while you used "myths" to refer to aspects
of the bible.  Fundamentally, we agree that much of
the content in the Bible is non factual, cannot be
verified or cannot be explained by any known laws of

While I understand your need to factor in the
sensitivies of  christians who may be offended by my
frank statements, I feel it is unfair to compare my
views to the extremely hostile views expressed by some
fundamentalist christians against hindus and muslims
on this forum. Given the predominence of Catholic
Goans on this list, there is a large bank of people
who will mount a vigorous defence of their religion if
it is attacked. Unfortunately, when individuals make
insensitive and bigoted comments against hindus and
muslims on this forum, one is often met with silence.
My desire is to defend the under-represented on this

My views are definately not hostile to Christianity.
People should be free to worship or believe in any
thing they wish, and I have strongly defended the
right of christians in India to prostelize  without
any restrictions or government inteference.

The rather extreme and narrow minded response by so
many Indian Christians to this movie is quite
stunning. I'm sure people have received all kinds of
christian spam from their older friends and relatives
urging them to fight/boycott this "evil" movie. Pretty
humorous, but also pretty sad. To me it is not just a
religious issue, but also highlights a clear
generation gap.


--- Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cornel / Marlon,
> This is a belated response.
> My position was against the dismissive stance Marlon
> took, of The Holy Book, 
> due to the sensitivies of fellow Goanetters.
> Marlon's position was the other end of the spectrum
> as compared to Nasci who 
> has positioned himself like a Chistian supremacist

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[Goanet] RE: The Da Vince Code (Hightlights)- The Mind only .....

2006-06-03 Thread Eugene Correia

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Saw the film yesterday and found it drab in content.
However, the direction was superb. Ron Howard, the
director, is able to play with a difficult subject
There was laughter when the historian Sir Leigh
Teabing says to Audrey Tautou that she is the last
living descendant of Jesus. I would term it as "black
As critics have noted, Tom Hanks plays a lifeless
Harvard Prof. Robert Langdon. He seems a confused man
and moves about aimlessly throughout the movie.

That the heroine is indeed the "Holy Grail" is another
"comic" element. She at last finds her "home" in a
priory (a place where missionaries live) where the
story tells us she really belongs.

The Opus Dei undertone are also comical in part. The
monk is becomes a murderer and the Archbiship
Aringorosa are whacky characters.

The explanation of the Last Supper with Mary Magdalene
next to Jesus and the theory that she was pregnant and
migrated to France seems ridiculous. 

Since I haven't read the book, I am not sure how much
it follows the book. 

The movie cannot be considered as a "serious" film
and, in fact, seems a partial parody on the Church.
The superfluous mixes with fantasy and fiction
overides truth.

It's a curious film that one should watch for what it
tries to define, among other things, that Jesus was
"human". A school of thought on Jesus's humanity is
very much in existence. So, no surprise here.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] RE: In small Goa ...

2006-06-03 Thread Philip Thomas

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1. It does seem to be true that in Goa a "village" perspective tends to
prevail over even that of a unified "state". The challenge to the state
leadership is to truly understand the state's needs (including in the
national context)  and then try to persuade the affected people who may have
to sacrifice in the larger interest of the community. Hopefully, over time
every one will get to bear their own fair share of the burden and wont have
reason to feel they are beng singled out.

2. I also think the present government is taking the easy way out by saying
they are a soft target for protesters because they are "more democratic". I
dont know how previous regimes dealt with protesters, but the present one
was definitely less than transparent and perhaps even mendacious about Mopa
airport project, a capstone development project for the state if ever there
was one.

P.S. I checked the conversion table and found "10,000 sq m" is only 2.5
acres. How is this golf course a "big development project"? A mountain out
of a mole hill?

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RE: [Goanet] Reminder on morality and social conscience

2006-06-03 Thread Santosh Helekar

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This is to remind ourselves that the notion that a
moral compass or social conscience is dependent on
adherence to some form of ideology, religion or
atheistic belief system, has been thoroughly
discredited in this and other Goan forums. 

It has also been shown that no religion, ideology or
atheistic belief system has ever had a rock-solid
moral compass.



--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will have far more respect for your side of the
> spectrum when you can show me long-standing and
> world-wide atheist-supported schools, hospitals,
> nursing homes, homes for the aged, orphanages and
> other charitable organizations, as well as a rock
> solid moral compass going back thousands of years
> that no one with even half a brain can

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[Goanet] outstanding goan Ralph Silva

2006-06-03 Thread gilbert menezes

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Young Ralph Silva from Vasco, son of the late Willy and Maria Silva,
has secured 25th rank in the All India IIT entrance exam. This is
possibly the highest rank ever achieved by any Goan ever, in this
tough exam.  The achievement is all the more outstanding because about
300, 000 people took the exam this year.
Ralph intends opting for Engineering Physics in IIT Bombay.
Well done Ralph! You are destined for great things.

regards, Gilbert Menezes.

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RE: [Goanet] Past BBC programmes on Goa

2006-06-03 Thread Marlon Menezes

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Perhaps Mario should read American history books!
The US backed Portugal and condemned the Indian
invasion/liberation of Goa. The USSR and China
supported India. Looks like Mario has officially
ackowledged his links to the leftist brigade! The
issue was closed when Portugal later recognized
India's annexation of Goa.


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mario responds:
> >
> Typical Paulo... :-))
> >
> You are obviously reading Portuguese history books,
> my
> friend.  That's not what MY history books say :-))
> >
> Believe me, as a nationalist whose family were
> warned
> to stay away from Goa by the dictatorial Portuguese
> colonialists, I liked the events of December 18,
> 1961,
> a lot!  We celebrated with the little fenny we had
> left.  We had no "authentic" cheurisam made from
> Goa's
> live sanitation system left :-))  We had no parra
> left.  Finally, we could go to Goa, experience again
> a
> place caught in a time-warp, bathe in well water
> drawn
> fresh, read by candlelight, walk the rutted, dusty
> red
> roads, pluck cajus and mangos off the trees, and
> replenish our stocks of Goan delicacies and refill
> our
> garafaos :-))
> >

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2006-06-03 Thread goasuraj

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- Original Message - 
From: goasuraj 

Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 10:54 AM

Date:  June 1, 2006
To,The  Chief Election 
Commissioner,Election Commission Of India,Nirvachan Sadan,Ashoka 
Road,New-Delhi - 110 001.
In the aftermath of the President 
of India returning the “(Prevention of Disqualification) Amendment Bill 
2006  back to the Parliament for 
serious consideration, the main reason being that the Bill has sought to 
retrospectively save chairpersons occupying ‘Offices of Profits’ from 
disqualification  in a manner of 
putting dust in the eyes of better knowing  
citizens of India, the Goa Su-Raj Party, through this communication 
seeks  answers from your esteemed 
office to the following pertinent questions: 

  is the reason, as given to the EC,  
  for Ms. Sonia Gandhi’s resignation from the  Parliament as its elected and running 

  what grounds did the Election Commission allow Ms. Sonia Gandhi to seek 
  re-election from the same constituency from which she has resigned of her own 

  much did the re-election of Ms. Sonia Gandhi cost the national exchequer and 
  the reason why a citizen tax payer should pay for such unwarranted 

  Ms Sonia Gandhi occupy  the Office 
  of Profit as the Chairperson of the National Advisory Council, and,  if she did not resign and re-contest, 
  she would have attracted  
  disqualification as the MP? 

  allowing Ms. Gandhi to re-contest from the same constituency from which  she resigned,   did not the Election Commission 
  play a dubious role to clear her path to go back to the Parliament and seek to 
  regularize/amend laws and rules which would disqualify herself as well as 
  other members of the august Parliament even retrospectively? Is this ‘resign 
  and re-contest the same seat not setting a dangerous precedent for the 

  not the Election Commission of India  
  a party to this charade where the national Parliament is seen as being 
  used by the honourable elected MPs to defraud the tax-paying citizens of this 
We shall be highly obliged if you 
will satisfy us on the above queries. Your good response  or the lack of it shall be the deciding 
factor for this Registered Political Party to take this matter to the Courts of 
Law, even up to Supreme Court of India,  
to get justice for ordinary tax-paying citizens who seem to be paying 
through their noses for acts of commission and omission  by our elected  honourable Members of Parliament and 
State Legislatures with the active collusion from autonomous institutions such 
as the Election Commission of India.
Further, so that your good office may take note of our 
serious intentions vis a vis ‘Offices of Profit’ we append herewith the  ‘Article 38’  of our Party’s Constitution which is 
registered with your good office where we have endeavoured to completely 
eliminate the role of ‘Offices of Profit’ nearly six years ago when this Party 
was formed and seeing to it that future amendments to dilute the founding 
intensions are sealed in Article 41 with a rider “HOWEVER ARTICLE NUMBERS 
03, 08(a), 12, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 SHALL NOT BE AMENDED AFTER THE 
The members of the Party who 
are elected to the Legislative Assembly as MLAs and who are not included in the 
Cabinet shall be ineligible to be appointed as chairpersons and/or directors of 
government corporations and institutions.
We shall anxiously await  your positive response.
Always in the service of the Nation,
Yours faithfully,for Goa Su-Raj 
Copy to: The President of India, Rashtrapati Bhavan, 
New Delhi.Copy to: PMO, New Delhi.
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[Goanet] Woman priest says Mass

2006-06-03 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

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Hi Mario,
I am sure you would not mind / want to "discriminate" / prevent other card 
carrying atheists / agnostics from answering the second paragraph of your well 
written post (see below).  In my communications with this group, they are great 
in articulating the limitations of other's beliefs. Yet when it comes to 
explaining their own beliefs and actions they appear tongue-tied.  

I'd welcome / encourage them to have a "Progressive Igroz" with a woman pope.  
They even have a good candidate for the job.  And very articulate members on 
this forum (don’t have to go far) who could hold other high offices. Their 
religion could expound on multiple spouses, lax moral, social and legal codes 
etc etc. So what is holding them back? Their joy of torturing the rest of us 

The next demographic study of Goans can even have a category of Goan 
atheists/agnostics. This in addition to the current Hindus, Catholics and 
Muslims.  I am sure the ever-generous Khoro Niz Goenkars will make room for 
these "bhaile".
Kind Regards, GL

From: Mario Goveia 
As an atheist convert and evangelist with the typical hubris and "what can I 
get away with today" moral compass, it does not surprise me at all that you are 
deliberately misconstruing my posts, because I have done anything but blindly 
follow the shephard. 
I will have far more respect when you can show me long-standing and world-wide 
atheist-supported schools, hospitals, nursing homes, homes for the aged, 
orphanages and other charitable organizations, as well as a rock solid moral 
compass going back thousands of years that no one with even half a brain can 

> That is exactly where the church wants you with the rest of the sheep who 
> keep their heads down grazing on the verbiage it provides without questioning 
> or looking up except to follow directions from the shepherd.

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[Goanet] Re: Shantaram Naik, Developmental Projects & Enemies of the State

2006-06-03 Thread Edwin Pinto

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June 1, 2006

The Editor,


While Shantaram Naik has warned Goans not to tolerate "at any cost" those
"opposing projects for getting pecuniary or political advantage", (Herald,
May 31, 2006), he has alas, he has alas, not seen fit to enlighten the
people of Goa as to how they are to judge if a person's opposition to
developmental projects is based on pecuniary gain or political advantage.

It is imperative that developmental projects need to be publicly debated and
examined threadbare before being executed after  much serious thought and
consideration, taking differing viewpoints into account, since Goa is an
extremely small state with limited land holdings and ill conceived
development can have irrevocable and disastrous consequences for our little

As part of the Congress Party, Shantaram Naik probably views the Congress
Government's developmental works through rose tinted glasses. People of
course, have a different perspective. Most of those who have been on the
receiving end of the governments grandiose developmental works, allege that
these projects are undertaken by the Government, precisely for either
pecuniary gain or political mileage - the very same motives that Shantaram
Naik attributes to the opponents of developmental works.

And in the words of Shantaram Naik, should we dub the Government as an
"enemy of the state" for the disaster their so called "developmental
projects" have wreaked on the local populace? The twenty point programme
initiated by the Congress Party is a prime example of developmental work
coldbloodedly conceived for political mileage. If Shantaram Naik really
seeks to undertand  the consequences of his Party's developmental plans,
then should visit  the twenty point programme at Nagoa Salcete, to see for
himself how land which was taken from Goans is now fully in the hands of
rich and well to do migrants in total violation of conditions on which it
was allocated in the first place, with no corrective action or
accountability from the enforcing authorities over the years.

Once upon a time, the residents of the villages surrounding the Verna
Industrial Estate lived in a pristine environment, enjoying abundant water
sourced from their perennial wells. Then came the development of the Verna
Industrial Estate, also initiated by Shantaram Naik's esteemed Congress
party, which we were told we should welcome, as it would provide employment
to locals, just as Shantaram Naik today tells us we should welcome the
development of the National Highway from Patradevi to Polem. The stark
reality however, is that today, we still have no employment for locals,
although the lands have been forcibly taken over from them. Instead, the
villagers have to tolerate an unending influx of migrant labour irreversibly
changing their demography and utilising the once unblemished environment as
a public toilet. Since practically every industry has arbitarily sunk
borewells in the absence of provision of adequate water supply as promised
by the Government, villagers are now contending with dry wells, for the
first time ever, not to mention polluted ground water. This developmental
project was apparently conceptualised by Shantaram Naik's Congress
Government without any thought as to where industrial waste would be dumped
and whether the residents would appreciate the ugly urbanisation of their
villages. That is why we are now seeing an increase in protests by cynical
and distrustful Goans wherever the Government moots one of its so called
developmental plans.

Therefore, in the light of past experience, all of us, including Shantaram
Naik, need to seriously ponder over the issue of who is the actual enemy of
the state. Is it the Government who initiates and implements ill conceived
development or the party/individual who sticks his neck out and risks going
against the establishment to question and raise relevant objections, which I
may point out,  the Government has the choice to publicly refute if it has a
valid response.

But then, Shantaram Naik can hardly be expected to look upon "pecuniary
gain" involved with development with an unbiased eye, since it is
indisputably his Congress Party that boasts, tolerates and in fact nurtures
the largest number of inexplicable "rags to riches" stories amongst its

Diana Pinto

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[Goanet] Foreigners on tourist visas banned from buying land ( Open Reply)

2006-06-03 Thread Stephen Fernandes

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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REPLY: Dear Goan, if out side People buy our land n
what is our Goan  Future r we doing England, Cananda
or Europe country in Goa. we strong object BAN
Foreigners in Goa BAN Building in Goa Ban all NON GOan
throw out of Goan if our Pigs Ministers Can't do this
change the Ministers name n BAN them in Goa. Bring
down our LATE Jack Sequeira Soul to Save three Word
Goa. their Cannot even built one Statu (idol)of our
Late Jack Sequeira. As we Gulf Goan already is back to
Goa as we are BAN to Work in GULF. More in Muscat.so
Better Save MY GOA,
Stephen fernandes
Foreigners on tourist visas banned from buying land
They can’t run businesses in Goa either
PANJIM, JUNE 1 — Taking cognizance of foreigners
buying property and running businesses in Goa, Chief
Minister Pratapsing Rane on Thursday made it clear
that foreigners who come on tourist visas can neither
buy land nor run business concerns in the State and
that necessary action would be initiated.
Instructions have been issued to Sub-Registrars to
route all files pertaining to registration of
properties through the Home Department for
verification. Mr Rane said if properties are found to
have been bought in violation of the law of the land,
they would vest in the custody of the Government. 
Mr Rane also attributed foreign tourists buying
properties to ‘unscrupulous elements’ who he said were
misguiding foreigners on purchase of immoveable
properties. The Government, he said, would come out
with publicity material informing foreigners not to
get misguided by these elements. 
Admitting that cases of foreign tourists buying
properties has come to the knowledge of the Government
Mr Rane said foreigners who have business visas and
clearances from Reserve Bank of India (RBI) can
undertake such activities.
Mr Rane told Herald that the Government would probe
all aspects including the role of touts, middlemen and
legal advisors. “Action will be taken against all
concerned,” he added.
Taking serious view of newspaper reports and voices of
concern expressed on the issue, the chief minister
held a high-level meeting to discuss the matter. Chief
Secretary J P Singh, Development Commissioner J K
Dadoo, Advocate General Subodh Kantak, Law Secretary,
Revenue Secretary and DIG Ujjwal Mishra were among
those present for the meeting, sources said.
The chief minister also instructed the Police
Department to clamp down on businesses being run by
foreigners without valid licences. Until now, the
Government has been going soft on foreign tourists
carrying out business activities. Several restaurants
and beach shacks are run by foreign tourists during
the tourist season between October and April.
As reported in the Herald earlier, some employees of
the Sub-Registrar’s office in connivance with some
lawyers or middlemen help foreigners acquire property
sale deeds registered where no verification of the
conditions laid down in the Foreign Exchange
Management Act (FEMA) is carried out by the Law
Department. Recently, the Nationalist Youth Congress
had also raised the issue with various Government

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Re: [Goanet] Goa importing poverty/response to Elisabeth

2006-06-03 Thread Mario Goveia

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--- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
> I too am a free-market proponent and as such believe
> that micro-managing economies is an exercise in
> futility. However, we've learnt through history
> free-markets cannot be allowed to reign without a
> social conscience. If this persists, what we get are
> neo-feudal societies, where one group grows more
> powerful at the expense of another.
Mario replies:
Where did you get the notion that you were a
"free-market proponent"?  The "However" proves that
you are not, by definition.
Who gets to decide whose "social conscience" is the
correct one?  Is the notion of a social conscience a
case of providing good intentions or producing good
Free market economies provide more wealth for more
people that any other alternative that has been tried.
Elisabeth writes:
> We can argue the economics of this at length, and we
> won't arrive at any conclusion.
Mario replies:
No need to "argue".  Just look at the record.  The
facts are there for all to see.  India in economics,
before liberalization, and after.  China in economics,
likewise.  The old Soviet Union countries, before and
after.  The stagnant major European countries like
France and Germany with "social consciences". 
Practically all the African countries, which have
their own version of a "social conscience", except
South Africa.
Elisabeth writes:
> I'd like to invite debate on the social impact of 
> such mass migration.  No doubt, it will change the 
> demographics of Goa. Is such a change welcome? Is 
> it accepted because "there is nothing to be done". 
Mario responds:
Again, who gets to decide whether freely induced mass
migration desirable or not, or is welcome or not?  Who
gets to decide what, if anything, should be done about
any social and economic changes taking place?
We saw from Vivian's poignant personal experience,
which is duplicated by every small business in Goa,
that he would have either paid a huge price, or been
unable to get his work done had he insisted in using
Goan Konkani-speaking labor.  Had he been a business
he would have gone under.  What kind of "social
conscience" would want that across a whole state?
Elisabeth writes:
> We have to learn lessons from Mumbai and Bangalore,
> where Marathas and Kannadigas are now in the
> minority, a small voice unheard in their own 
> politics. Mumbai as we all know is a city drowning 
> in urban poverty despite being the commercial 
> capital of India.
Mario observes:
The "lessons" are what you choose to see.  What's
wrong with Marathas and Kannadigas being in the
minority in Mumbai or Bangalore?  Everyone who lives
in Mumbai is there by choice.  Drowning in poverty? 
With electrified "jhopdis", refrigerators, TV sets,
PC's, "mobile" phones.  Poverty, compared to what?
Elisabeth writes:
> Is this what we want for Goa? Or is there a way to
> systematically go about insisting on certain things;
> like proper housing for migrants instead of
> sprawling slums on communidade land, insist that 
> they learn Konkanni as their language, insist that 
> their children are schooled and not roaming the 
> streets as beggars and urchins plying services for 
> pedophiles, insist that the culture poverty that 
> they bring with them is reconditioned. These are 
> the hard questions for Goans living in Goa to 
> answer.
Mario replies:
Elisabeth, with so many "insists" you have clearly
answered my question above about who knows what's good
for everyone else, even better than they do :-))  When
you return to India, I suggest you run for a seat in
the Goa government.
What you have outlined above is the exact opposite of
a "free-market proponent" who would "insist" that
market forces, which means millions of buyers and
sellers, each with their own enlightened self-interest
and social conscience, freely exchanging goods and
services at prices acceptable to them, get to decide,
helped by freely elected governments maintaining the
infrastructure, security and safety, and a fairly
enforced legal system arbitrating disputes.
Elisabeth writes:
> If we don't address these issues now, what we will
> have is a sort of social apartheid. Two societies
> living in parallel worlds. And Goa is not immune to
> becoming just another Soweto.
Mario replies:
Soweto was a by-product of a heinous and abominable
system of institutionalized racism and discrimination.
 India has a secular population that

Re: [Goanet] What is a Portophile? Actually, just like a Lusophile:-))

2006-06-03 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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--- Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Portophile has you confounded poor, otherwise
> sapient, Mario?
Mario observes<
You will pleased to know that my sapience is not only
intact but now bolstered by my research :-)) However,
where did you even get such an idea?  Certainly not
from my post.  In fact, mostly because I took the time
to research the issue, I am far more sapient on this
subject than almost anyone else.
Alfred writes:
> How aboot plain and simple: a lover of Porto a.k.a
> Oporto, the city on the banks of balmy Douro?
Mario replies:
Far too plain and simple.  The word is Portophile, not
Oportophile or PortVinhophile :-))
Alfred writes:
> If, along with a bottle of hock, you listen to those
> nostalgic lyrics "As lendas do rio Douro..." rest 
> assured you will turn into such a Portophile.
Mario replies:
Alfred, I have been a Portophile almost all my life,
ever since I learned that a village in Portugal had
assumed my family name several hundred years ago, and
has now grown into a decent sized city, and also
learned that the Portuguese were color-blind when it
came to people, which makes them unique, not only
among Europeans but also among everyone else :-))
However, what may have confused you and led you to
impressions that cannot be supported by facts is that
my admiration and affection for the Portuguese people
had an exception for the way in which the country
conquered and colonized my ancestral homeland, until
they were eased out by a stronger native force of my
countrymen in 1961.
Alfred writes:
> Alfred, a staunch phile of them both, the nectar,
> red & white and perish the gout, as well as the 
> town.
Mario replies:
All I can say to that is, "Salud!"

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Re: [Goanet] The Judas Gospel & Huna Phenomenon.

2006-06-03 Thread Mario Goveia

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--- Francis Rodrigues wrote:
> OK, I've done lots of strange un-goan things ! Big
> deal. Mario wants to know more ! 
Mario responds:
I have no idea what an "un-goan" thing is, but just to
relieve "Francis" and his complex personality of his
delusion of intellectual superiority, I really didn't
want to know anything about this incredible search for
eternal youth and a sinless, spoon-bending nirvana on
earth, though it does explain some of the other, more
earthy, tendencies that we have seen from him on
Goanet :-))
I did remind him of his threat to regale us with tales
of 40 years of globe trotting and his expertise in the
Gospel of Judas, which, as we all know, has been
excluded from credible consideration by mainstream
Christian scholars, along with the Gospel of Mary and
other gospels.  Whether he has done so, at least in
this post, I will leave up to others.
However, I am more than a little perplexed that the
study of "mental mastery" under obscure Hawaian
medicine men (?!) did not lead to a far more mature
approach to life than are apparent in the deep-seated
resentment and snide and transparent and totally
unnecessary personal references to me in this and
other posts, and long-standing grudges against other
respected Goanetters who cannot even place him, which
I will not go into here.
My suggestion to Francis is to stop embarrassing
himself by slipping in the snide and unnecessary
references to me in unrelated posts, and to focus on
his Aunty Ponty impersonations, which some on Goanet
actually like :-))

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RE: [Goanet] Respectfully ... (was) Woman priest says Mass (2)

2006-06-03 Thread Mario Goveia

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
> Respect begets respect.
Mario replies:
That is precisely why your "new convert" lack of
respect for religion begets lack of respect for your
brand of atheist evangelism.
Kevin writes:
> Why was Christian aid refused during the tsunami
> crisis? 
Mario asks:
I don't know.  Why?
Kevin asks:
> For all your xapotam, there is hardly ever 
> any 'religious' aid provided without strings
> attached.
Mario replies:
That is just flat out false.
Kevin writes:
> In Ontario, the Catholics are hanging on
> to publicly funded religious schools even though 
> majority of the students are from 'non-practicing' 
> families to further their attempts at brainwashing 
> the younger generations.
Mario responds:
This is what Jose calls "bandollam".  The Catholic
schools cannot capriciously "hang on to" anything that
is publicly funded.  Who are you trying to brain wash?

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