[Goanet]konkani script: creating problems where there should be none

2005-07-16 Thread graceful
Let us face it; a script is only a tool to write a language in.
The language is the content of what you write. With proliferation
of computers, it is easy to write software by which at the click
of a mouse, devnagari can be transformed into romi or kannada or
mallyalam or vice versa. 

Yes, computers are not widespread yet, but they could be made widespread.

Let people write in the script of their choice, and let scripts be
converted at the click of  a mouse.

But will Goans listen to this? Or will they be perenially fighting on
which script should be official or which is better?


[Goanet]Re: Information poverty in Goa

2005-07-15 Thread graceful
What is the investment that you are willing to put into this?
No business can run unless it scales, and for that money is
needed. I know a lot of Goan entreprenuers who may be willing
to take this up if there are investors willing to invest.


Gabriel writes:


I think if the lazy govt depts don't do anything about
this, I think it is high time some private enterprise
should do something.  

First of all, acquire the rights to something like
www.whitepages.goa.in ;

Then get sponsorship in form of advertisements etc to
pay for setting up the site and its upkeep;

Develop a seach engine for telephone numbers - a
simple database search will do for starters (could be
expanded later on to supply the address / location /
map of the place based on what we have recently heard
about digitising Goa's streets). Electronic Yellow
pages could follow (this is, search for businesses
local to the searcher, e.g. florist, car mechanic,

Finally, advertise in the local papers that a website
is to be set up to hold directory information for Goan
telephone / mobile numbers, and should people want
their numbers on the site, they ought to contact the
administrator of the website, giving the tel no and/or
the postal address where they couls send the
information to.  Hopefully, people will respond to the

As an incentive, perhaps the people could be offered
book versions of the directory for a low sum of money
or even for free (one directory per supplier of the
number) if enough sponsorship is obtained through

Anybody willing enough to take on the responsibilty to
>see this idea through?


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia. 

Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.com 

[Goanet]Information poverty in Goa

2005-07-15 Thread graceful
This can be transformed into a business opportunity.
Bangalore has a number hosted by a private company: it is called  
You dial that number and an operator will give you any listed
number. If you ask for a computer shop number, the operator
will ask you : are you looking for a computer, and will also
give you numbers of ten other computer sellers.
The computer sellers pay for such a listing.

Getting access to any shop or service has become tremendously
easy here in Bangalore now. Perhaps Bangalore has not just beaten
the rest of India, but even  some Western countries.


- Original Message - 
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 1:12 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Information poverty... in Goa

> Goa lacks a decent and uptodate telephone directory of its own! This is
> even more acutely felt in a time when Goa's phone network is seeing some
> vast expansion. To get the maximum efficiency out of the telephone
> network, we really need to know who else is there on it. Otherwise, we
> won't get out the benefits of the 'networked economy'. 
> Time that we all campaigned to make officials realise how such a deep
> level of 'information poverty' affects basic efficiency in the state. 
> If I want to follow-up on computer repairs, if I need to talk to a
> friend who's into the music scene... there's just no place to check.
> Ringing 197 (enquiry) is an option; but there must be an easier and less
> wasteful way of sourcing information. I'd like to be more organised
> myself, but multi-taking with seemingly a 101 tasks that all needed to
> be completed yesterday has its own limitations!
>  By contrast, when I was passing through Mangalore recently
>  en route to Thiruvananthapuram (the state-capital of Kerala),
>  it was nice to see the way their society is making the fullest
>  use of information.
> Apart from having a whole lot of printing presses churning out useful
> information, the region also had a tiny pocketbook sized 'Mangalore City
> White Pages'. Costing just Rs 10, the 'book' ofers links to a whole
> range of information -- from airlines and air timings to water supply.
> One never ceases to be amazed how effectively South India makes use of
> all the information it has. This is perhaps one reason why the South is
> faring fairly well -- and has probable raced ahead of the advantages
> that Goa had in the past -- in a number of fields, ranging from
> education, to IT, to transparency in public life, involvement of
> citizens in civic affairs and village administration, and more.
> Information poverty cripples. It's time Goa realised that. FN

[Goanet]SEZ in Goa: which industries are we targetting?

2005-07-02 Thread graceful
I am not sure which industries are being targetted via this SEZ.
As far as IT industry is concerned, having an STPI (software technology
park) is good enough. I am not sure if Bangalore has SEZ for instance.

IT industry needs good telecom, good power, and good skilled engineers.
Besides, IT industry needs a brand (to attract customers)
, and no uncertainties such as strikes,
bandhs etc. 

To begin with, the Bangalore brand can be leveraged. The trend for the IT
industry is to go to lower cost places. Wipro for instance is banking big
on Orissa. Wipro was to come to Goa, but apparently has changed its mind.

Inviting IT giants to open a division of theirs in Goa will slowly help
Goa build a brand in IT. Once the brand is built, it is a positive feedback
loop whereby entreprenuers will automatically come to Goa.

However, for the biggies to come to Goa, they have to be offered a better deal
than what they get in Bangalore and (now) other competing places.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Wille a casteist? what bull...

2005-06-29 Thread graceful
I have seen that many people are so casteist, that they cannot see
or recognize someone who is not a casteist. For their eyes, every
and all behaviour is casteist behaviour or comes for a root cause
which is then somehow linked to the person's caste.

May be to see a non-casteist, there must be a hint of non-casteism in
the beholder him/herself. In other words, at least a bit of an open mind...

Samir Kelekar

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi Santosh,
>I am not clear as to exactly what you are asking in
>your question. Please can you clarify the point you
>are making.


It appears to me that Antonio's rhetorical question
constitutes a generalization which suggests that
certain individuals cannot be anticasteists just
because they were born into a certain caste. I am
wondering whether this in itself cannot be regarded as
a casteist generalization.

I think a true anticasteist would be completely blind
to caste. S/he would never refer to anybody's caste,
and never stereotype anybody based on his/her caste.
S/he would never attribute by generalization any kind
of limitation or behavioral trait, such as the
inability to become an anticasteist, to any person, by
referring to the fact that s/he belongs to a
particular caste, and by virtue of it.



[Goanet]Spreading fear through Chain letters

2005-06-21 Thread graceful
Spreading fear through chain letters (such and such a pin was found
in a theater and someone got AIDS through it) -- unless
these claims are substantiated through evidence --- should not
just be banned, but those who post such posts should be
held liable for any damages caused.

I remember when I was a  child, I have got personally affected by such hoaxes.

I suggest Goanet admin be held liable if they continue to approve
such posts.

Many times I have found that those who spread such chain letters
have a very cynical and negative view of the world.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Re: Historic 18 june

2005-06-18 Thread graceful
Hi Avelino:
Manoharrai sardessai poetry sprouts from the Goan soil.
And in this poem, he doesnt just talk about 18 june, but
has articulated a vision for Goa --- improve the lot
of the gavddo. What can be a better vision than to improve
the lot of the poorest ?

It is sad that instead of getting close to the vision,
we have the mess that Goa is in today. 

Borem magun,

>A beautiful and inspiring poem!

Well done!




Otthra June 18 th June
by Manohar Sardesai

[Goanet]Historic 18 June

2005-06-18 Thread graceful
Today is a historic day in the history of Goa. On this day,
in 1946, an unarmed
Ram Manohar Lohia took on the might of the armed Portuguese
empire. On this day, Dr. Lohia and
several thousand Goans defied Portuguese law to converge on an open
ground in Margao, Salcette, Goa to demand the colony's freedom. A
policeman is said to have aimed a pistol at Dr Lohia wherupon the
freedom-fighter held his hand saying, "If you shoot me, do you know
what will happen to you?" The policeman backed off. Dr. Lohia and his
companions were placed under arrest. After Goa's liberation, the venue
of that historic meeting was christened Dr Lohia Maidan.

This immortal poem written by Goa's no. 1 poet, Dr. Manoharrai
Sardessai brings back that historic day to all of us.

Otthra June 18 th June
by Manohar Sardesai

translated from the Konkani by Jaime de Mello and Samir Kelekar

A sentence in Konkani Its English translation

Udok legit zal'lem rogot Even the water had turned to blood
Ani rogot zal'lem hun And the blood had become hot.
Bhava tuka iad asa Brother, do you remember
Otthra Jun? The 18th of June?

Bondkhonniche dukhest chire The sad bricks of the prison
Nove axen dhodd'dhoddle Throbbed with new hope,
Finrgealem mostem bonder The insolent flag of the foreigner
Thorthorot somzolem Trembled with understanding
Vavzhoddint vetlem mhonnun It would be swept in the windy rain,
Pinzun Pinzun Torn to shreds.
Bhava tuka iad asa Brother, do you remember
Otthra Jun? The 18th of June?

Mongllaracho aslo dis It was a Tuesday,
Pavs nettan poddttalo A hard rain was falling,
Ambeamullant gavddeapor Under the mango tree, a Gawdi boy
Kuddkuddot roddttalo Was shivering and crying,
Lokhnnacho ailo purus An iron man appeared
Khoim sakun konna khobor Nobody knows from where,
Tujea xinvaulean gelim You felt a shudder
Amchim bhuzam xinxinvun Running through your shoulders.
Thoran poram ailim dhanvot Children came running
Konnak khobor khoim sakun From nowhere,
Zulmachea tubkantlean The cannons of war
Ujeagulle gele suttun Unleashed fire balls,
Rogtachi ub mellun The heat of blood
Bhuim amchi zali hun Scorched our land.
Bhava tuka iad asa Brother, do you remember
Otthra Jun? The 18th of June?

Soddnnukecho ailo dis The day of liberation arrived,
Utthun ubo ravlo monis The people stood upright,
Sogle pas poddle tuttun Each and every shackle broken.
Bhava tuka iad asa Brother, do you remember
Otthra Jun? The 18th of June?

Kitle oxe aile gele Many days have gone by
Otthra Jun! Like the 18th of June!
Ambeamullant Kuddkuddta But, under the mango tree,
Gavddeacho por ozun The Gawdi boy still weeps,
Bhangrachem Goem amchem And our golden Goa
Kitlem asa pois ozun! Remains far beyond our reach!

Mollbacho mattov pinzun Let the sky's canopy be torn asunder,
Kupam foddun, goddgoddun And clouds broken with the roar of thunder,
Zoglachea zhogzhogant And the flash of lightning,
Ghiss korun zhogzhogun May the light dazzle,
Doddkevori lottun, futtun Rush and break like a storm,
Ienv di porot Otthra Jun Let the 18th of June return!
Bhava tuka iad asa? Brother, do you remember?

Tea disa ugddasan The memories of that day
Hodd'ddem mhojem pett'ta oz Still light up my heart.
Bhava tuka iad asa Brother, do you remember
Otthra Jun? Tne 18th of June?

Glossary : "Finrgealem" (derived from `Firangi' meaning foreigner or
Portuguese a.k.a "paklo" singular plural
meaning "white (man)" in Konkani. Gawdi = aborigine, a
native of Goa.

Today, we need liberation from the sex-scandalist and other
looters of Goa. We have already liberated ourselves from the
communal BJP.

Let us pledge that we will not rest till we do so.

Jai Hind!


[Goanet]Babush's warm heart?

2005-06-08 Thread graceful
What if your sister was a victim of the sex scandal?
You would have then learnt to appreciate the present!
Babush has destroyed lives.

Comeon, have some dignity.
No wonder Goa is getting famous as a whore house!


>Samir Kelekar

Is babush the only one who has skeletons in the cupboard? How many sex 
scandals we have had in Goa? If you could elaborate those first and see 
which ladder babush falls in? Sex scandal should not be an issue for the 
moment, right now its a (BONKAR FONT ON THE BJP LIKE THE DONKEY'S FONT), and 
having a congress Govt. in Goa. If it wasn't for Babush congress wouldn't 
manage to come to power.

Bill clinton was involved in a scandal but that does not stop us from 
appreciating his good works, Michael Jackson is involved in a scandal too 
but again people are not going to stop buying his music, what about Dayanand 
Narvekar where is he today and many such persons.The world is filled with 
scandals be it an ordinary person , a politician, or someone else life moves 

Learn to appreciate the present and keep the past as a history otherwise we 
shall remain static.


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[Goanet]Warm heart of Babush?

2005-06-06 Thread graceful
>I would like to thank from my heart to Mr. Babush Monseratte, if it wasn't 
him today congress would never be able to form the Government. Everybody 
picks on negative sides of Babush not positive as one rightly said GOOD 
>cares the world has two sides of a coin a saint and a sinner.

Would you like to elaborate the role of Babush in the Miramar sex scandal?

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Support Floriano Lobo to defeat Monserrate

2005-05-21 Thread graceful
I read in Goan Observer that Floriano is taking on
the muscle power man, sex-scandalist, money power man 
Monserrate from Taleigaon.

This deserves all the support. All Goa netters who care
about Goa should dip into their pockets and support Floriano.

If there is one need in Goa today, it is to defeat the mercenary

I am committing a sum of Rs. 5000/-. As also, I am planning to visit
Goa coming weekend to campaign for Floriano.

Let us ensure Floriano wins.

Jai Hind!


[Goanet]Third-rate technologies dont constitute industrical progress --- steel plant near Londa

2005-04-30 Thread graceful
Jobs are needed but not at the cost of losing one's lives
due to poisonous gases; jobs are needed but not at the cost
of polluting our rivers, killing our fish; jobs are needed,
but not at the cost of giving us T.B. due to dust.

Jobs can be created by building small dams that preserve
ecology; that build power plants that are not polluting and
that dont disturb ecology. Factories that follow environmental
guidelines can be built.

Question is: are you serious about exploring the above, or all
you care is make money and screw the rest of the world, and their

This is the question the likes of Halur Rasho must answer first.


Halur Rasho writes:
>A poor country with 200 million people below the
poverty line, needs jobs. How does a country create
jobs without building dams, power plants and factories
It seems there are Indians (apologies to those Goans
who feel insulted to be called Indians), who hate to
see any kind of industrial progress in India. They
would like to see her remain poor, so they can sneer
at her poverty and feel superior.
--- shrihari kugaji  wrote:
> Well! the recent news is about new steel plant
> coming up in the ecologically 
> sensitive and most fragile western ghats - just
> close to  Londa Railway 
> station , surrounded by the thick forest  in the
> Belgaum district - the group 
> is from goa 
> Kundil Ispat Ltd - township of  nearly 25000
> population is going to 
> established in the dense forests around here - 
> which is going to being 
> immensely damaging to the environment and forest
> around.
> The area has been already under consideration for
> and the Ministry of Enviornment and forest New Delhi
> is already looking 
> towards declaring the same area as eclogically
> sensitve area. 
> There is already case going with the centrally
> empowered commmittee of the 
> Hon'ble Supreme Court with regard to provide
> protection to this area and to 
> looking into the declining forest cover in the
> ghats.
> please send information about the Kundil Ispat ltd
> of Goa and other d detail 
> we really want to know more.
> On Sat, 23 Apr 2005 sebastian Rodrigues wrote :
> >
> >
> >> Residents of Bicholim town in North Goa today
> evening organised road 
> blokade at the Bicholim Bus stand. Some of them
> belonged to a group called 
> MARG- Movement towards Amity to Roads in Goa. The
> demand was to stop dust dust 
> pollution due to transportation of iron ore through
> trucks inside the city. 50 
> People from Bicholim grouped together at 4.pm at the
> bus stand and then 
> started stopping the mining  trucks that were not
> covered properly by the 
> tarpoline.

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[Goanet]What if there was a fire in the vatican?

2005-04-19 Thread graceful
The concept of black smoke, white smoke to indicate the
election of the Pope is quite funny. I mean this in the
age of cell phones, and SMS!

Also, what there was a real fire in Vatican and the smoke
was due to that than the election of pope?


[Goanet]Marx: creator of history or dustbin of history?

2005-04-03 Thread graceful
>Mario wrote:
>Very clever observation, Mervyn.  Doesn't change the
fact that his theories are in the dustbin of history

Whether one likes Marx's theories or not, the fact remains
that no other person had greater influence on the history of
the 20 th century through his writings than Marx. Correct
me if I am wrong. For someone's writings to last out for
such a long time is no mean achievement, you must agree.


[Goanet]The case against Reliance

2005-04-03 Thread graceful
Hi All:
> > 
> > Let me stick to facts, and newspaper reports here.
> > I would like you to go through this, ask as many
> > questions
> > as you want, and come to your own conclusions.
> > 
> > regards,
> > samir
> > 
> > 
> >

> > 
> > 
> > There have been a number of cases of illegalites
> by
> > the
> > Reliance group.
> > 
> > However, the convictions haven't been as many as
> > they
> > should have
> > been. And in many cases, even though the
> > courts/govt.
> > have agreed
> > that these have been illegalities, the govt. has
> > either retrospectively
> > changed the law to suit Reliance or let Reliance
> get
> > away with a paltry fine.
> > 
> > Reliance has been convicted and had to pay a fine
> of
> > Rs. 150 crores
> > for routing international calls as local.
> > See below:
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > The above crime is also a danger to the nations's
> > security, as it is
> > not possible to track calls from across the border
> > ---
> > from terrorists etc
> > any more --- as they get camoflauged as local.
> With
> > the fact,
> > the mobile calls become an important tracking
> > mechanism for
> > catching crimes --- remember the attack on the
> > Parliament --
> > it becomes an anti-national act.
> > 
> > The nature of our legal system is that for a crime
> > of
> > much
> > smaller magnitude, there are other smaller
> > businessmen
> > who have
> > got arrested!!! 
> > 
> > (please see the news item from TOI at the end of
> the
> > post)
> > 
> > Reliance broke the law in offering roaming
> > when they did not have the licence for doing so.
> > Here
> > is a link
> > for that.
> >
> > 
> > In retrospect, the govt. brought a unified
> licence.
> > 
> > 
> > The Indian govt. has launched an investigation
> > against
> > Reliance to
> > check if there were any violations in offering RIC
> > shares to
> > Mahajan (the then Minister's) contacts.
> > Here is a link to that.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Here is a link to a petition that asks the PM to
> > intervene;
> > one of the investors has launched a complaint with
> > SEBi regarding this.
> > 
> >
> http://www.petitiononline.com/mno87918/petition.html
> > 
> > Asian Age has done detailed investigations into
> > this.
> > I can pass the links
> > if you wish.
> > 
> > 
> > Even Anil Ambani has made allegations against RIL.
> > Check out:
> > 
> > http://www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20041228/biz.htm
> > 
> > 
> > The point is: in most cases Reliance gets away
> > paying
> > paltry fines. 
> > In other words, the breaking of the law, and
> getting
> > away by paying
> > the fines is incorporated in their business model
> > itself.
> > Given that fines are not much, the law does not
> end
> > up
> > having any
> > teeth.
> > 
> > Thus, Reliance's methods are well-known. 
> > 
> > In a country such as India, where corruption is so
> > rampant, there is
> > hardly any seriousness in implementation of laws
> > against corporate fraud.
> > 
> > Please note that violating licence conditions and
> > then
> > getting away with
> > it gave undue advantage to Reliance over other
> > competitors.
> > 
> > There is also documented evidence of Reliance
> > harassing its consumers,
> > bringing about false bills etc. The foll. is the
> > case
> > in case of power.
> > please note that suburban Bombay consumers have no
> > choice regarding power.
> > There is a Reliance monopoly out there.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > There are cases of false billing in case of their
> > mobile service also.
> > 
> > 
> > There are also complaints against Reliance for
> > anti-competitive/predatory
> > pricing.
> > 
> > Here is a complaint by the cellular operators
> > against
> > Reliance predatory
> > pricing.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > The idea is simple here: capture the market by
> > predatory pricing, then
> > increase the price once customers are gained.
> Fines
> > levied if any will
> > come under business expenses, as these are
> accounted
> > for in the business
> > model.
> > 
> > Here is TRAI's investigation into Reliance's
> > predatory
> > pricing.
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > But going by past records, TRAI has failed to show
> > that they have teeth.
> > 
> > Read in detail: Gurumurthy's article for which I
> > have
> > given the link
> > above. Here is the link again.
> >
> > 
> > Also, TRAI chief 

[Goanet]Mukesh Ambani dropped as an invitee for the Pan-IIT meet

2005-03-25 Thread graceful
This is thanks to our efforts. Join up jai-hind yahoogroups to fight
corrupt Reliance.



Continuing damage

On the possibility of a settlement between the
brothers, sources say that the battle is getting more
complicated rather than showing signs of ending. We
learn that Anil Ambani not only wants a division of
assets, but also wants the valuation to build in a
‘control’ premium for relinquishing his stake in the
flagship RIL. Clearly the next round of the battle
will involve a slugfest over whether either brother
can demand a ‘control’ premium when the largest chunk
of equity (34 per cent) was held through a complicated
web of investment companies, whose ultimate control
vested with the Reliance Chairman. Meanwhile, Mukesh
Ambani continues to suffer the consequences of the
charges against RIL’s corporate practices and the
investigation of Reliance Infocomm. A Pan-IIT meet to
be held in Washington DC has reportedly dropped Mukesh
Ambani from the invitee list, following protests from
a section of the IIT alumni about his presence.

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[Goanet]Complaint against Reliance with Sebi -- please sign petition

2005-03-13 Thread graceful
-- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Maneesh Rane is the person who has made a
complaint to Sebi about Reliance fraud in
shares allotment.


--- Maneesh Rane wrote:
> Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 02:31:55 -0800 (PST)
> From: Maneesh Rane
> Subject: Re: Fwd: Complaint to Sebi
> To: Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> We have written an open letter/petition to The Prime
> Minister of India and The Chief Justice of the SC.
> Please forward it to all your friends and request
> them to sign in.
> http://www.petitiononline.com/mno87918/petition.html
> Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Maneesh Rane and co:
> I am writing to congratulate you on your complaint
> to SEBI re: the Reliance Infocomm share allotments
> and the nexus with Pramod Mahajan.
> It is to be noted that Reliance as a company has
> had and continues to have scant respect for law.
> Reliance, largely through the unethical means,
> has now become very big so as to become a threat
> to the economic freedom of the Indian people.
> We cannot afford to pass our critical core sectors
> into the hands of a company which has no qualms
> about doing anything to further their interests.
> Politicians come and go, but Reliance continues
> to grow stronger.
> We are a bunch of people who are spearheading
> a Say No to Reliance campaign. We are actively
> campaigning to boycott all Reliance products and
> services. We believe this is the only way Reliance
> can be stopped.
> I presume as an investor your interests are a bit
> different. All this time, Reliance used to give
> good returns to its investors, but now their greed
> has grown so big that even investors are not
> spared.
> I congratulate you and your group for the complaint,
> and would like to extend any help that you may
> need.
> Thanking you,

[Goanet]Re: Mathany, principle, and interest

2005-03-07 Thread graceful
Hi Nagueshbab:
It is not a random statement, nor is it an allegation of corruption against
Mathany. It is a loud speculation as to what sort of principle Mathany would
be talking given that his actions in the last few years (after he has become
an MLA) have betrayed all his principles.

Mathany was a people's person. He did not speak out when legal houses were
demolished in Baina, along with illegal ones. He was part of the govt. that
blew 100 crores on IFFI -- something that did not help the people of Goa in
any way. He did not speak up (in fact he was part of the govt) when the DGP
was removed in an arbitrary manner. He did not speak up when Parrikar took
personal revenge on Datta Naik and Dr. Colaco only because they opposed his

All of the above actions show that Mathany has betrayed his principles. So
I am wondering aloud what principle he is talking about. 

I have no issue with your statements that Congress people are highly corrupt.
I am however very glad that a communal, dictatorial and a nepotist and
corrupt regime
(a look at who were allocated huge contracts will show it) is out.


From: "Nagesh Bhatcar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 10:04 PM
Subject: RE: [Goanet]Mathany, principle and interest

> Samir,
> Instead of making such random statements, can you prove that Mathany
> has been corrupt in anyway? Please provide some proof.
> I do not believe that he is half as corrupt as all the Congress MLAs 
> are in the Rane ministry now. Please compare the wealths of MR. Rane,
> Dayanand Narvenkar, Dr. Willie, Luizinho Faleiro, Fransico Sardinha 
> their becoming MLAs and ministers.
> Or is it just good enough that they belong to the Congress and have
> a carte blanche for fleecing Goa? I can understand your very known
> disdain for the likes of Mr. Parrikar, but so far, I have believed 
> Mr. Mathany Saldanha is more principled than many others that are
> ministers in Goa or have been MLAs.
> Rumours abound in Goa that the Congress party has pumped in crores
> of rupees for dessertions. Isidore Fernandes, who was a pariah, a few
> months ago for leaving the Congress is now a Minister! Whatever 
> to the CBI raids now?  Or is it okay for the Congress to pay off 
people to
> resign?
> We cannot have double standards. We need clean and non-corrupt people
> to be our leaders.
> Nagesh Bhatcar

[Goanet]Mathany, principle and interest

2005-03-06 Thread graceful
For all you know, when Mathany talks of principle and interest,
he must be talking of language of finance! A principle of x gives
an interest of y%!!!

Mathany has annuled his long social service in just one term as
an MLA.


- Original Message - 
From: "flower" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2005 2:27 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Matanhy's Press Statement

> like a true leader since he so self righteously claims that he is a 
> adherent to principled politics and
> his constant refrain is "all things I do are in the interest of the
> people of Goa" . He conveniently uses and abuses the UGDP to suit his

[Goanet]Friday balaco on Patent Amendment Act

2005-03-02 Thread graceful
>On the other hand, India's thriving pharmaceutical industry has
shown that the price fixed by the monopolists has nothing to do
with the cost of production. Indian generic manufacturers export
generic medicines to over 200 countries. Indian generic pharmaceutical
companies by bringing down prices of medicines have greatly
>facilitated access to anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment

When you are saying that the price of production of drugs is low,
are you taking into account the huge costs of research?

Indian pharmaceutical industry is used to having a free ride on
the research done by some others. It is time this stops, and hence
we should support the Patent Amendment Act.

If citizens want life-saving drugs, the govt. should fund research and
can subsidize the drugs. 

How do these drugs get made in the first place, if there is no research?

It is time this atttitude of "stealing" other people's research and then
claiming it as one's fundamental right should stop.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Re: Goan observer subscription rates

2005-02-19 Thread graceful
>Reply:The amt quoted for online Goan observer subscription per
annum is Rs1000=00 Only.So what Rs20=00, is being referred to
here?. R.N. deserves to be commended, no doubt..

Given that there are 52 weeks in a year, and GO is a weekly,
it comes to approximately Rs. 20/- per issue.


[Goanet]Goan observer web subscription rates

2005-02-19 Thread graceful
I think Rs. 20/- or so per issue of Goan observer is well
justified for the content that it gives. While all other
papers (except perhaps Gomantak Times now) dont take independent
stands, Rajan Narayan takes courageous stands, and that has
cost him very dearly in the past (he has received beatings).
I think continuing such a stand is priceless, and nothing 
today in the market in Goa compares that.

I would urge people not just to subscribe but generously
donate to Goan observer. That is the least that one can do.

Samir Kelekar

--- "v. fernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello There!!!
> Came across the web page(GOAN OBSERVER Online).How
> come they
> intend to charge Rs1000/for a year's 'online
> subscription'? Does
> the content justify the amt? What is the frequency
> of the print
> edition? Can some one throw light on the subject?
> v.f.

[Goanet]Support the patent regime: say no to free loaders

2005-02-19 Thread graceful
people's rally that is being organized in Panjim on Feb 26, 2005 from
10.a.m.-12 noon to register protest against the draconian provisions of the
Patent Amendment Bill. The rally will start from the steps of the church
move through the city and culminate at Azad Maidan. Contact Raj for more
>details. Software patents is another issue causing concern in India.

The opposition to the patent regime is misguided.
A patent regime supports merit. In the absence of a patent regime,
companies can steal inventions. That is what is happening in India today.
The Indian pharmaceutical industry is having a free ride on the research done
in the West. With the patent regime, this will stop.

India has traditionally has not valued intellectual property. The Indian 
software market is miniscule compared to the Indian market because no one
wants to pay for software. Tremendous brain work goes in producing sofware.
Millions of rupees/dollars go in doing an invention and it is pathetic that
a big company will steal that invention (in the absence of a patent regime)
and using its marketing muscle sell it.

It is a good thing that India has decided to be part of a worldwide patent

There may be some concens about drugs being available to the poor, but that
problem has to be solved by govt. subsidizing the drugs. After all, one cannot
hope to be a free loader and survive on the research done by others. The
patent regime will also force the Indian industry to spend money on R and D,
which they currently dont do at all.

I am all for the patent regime, and for merit to thrive.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]RIL Investors move SEBI on Pramod

2005-02-14 Thread graceful
February 15, 2005

Dear All,

It is Olga Tellis and her team at The Asian Age again. Kindly refer to
the following article

RIL investors move Sebi on Pramod
- By Olga Tellis 

Mumbai, Feb. 14: A group of shareholders of Reliance Industries
Limited (RIL) has sent a complaint to the Securities and Exchange
Board of India, the Department of Company Affairs and the President of
India, among others, asking for an inquiry into the links of the three
firms, which got one crore Reliance Infocomm (RIC) shares for Rs 1
crore, with the family of former communications minister Pramod

The shareholders have given their names as Mr Manish Rane, Ms Sujata
Pandit, Mr B.N. Rathod, Ms Hema R. Chopra and Mr Ashok Ramnathan and
have mentioned reports in The Asian Age revealing the links between Mr
Pramod Mahajan's family and the three firms. They say they are not
providing any personal details about themselves, such as adddresses,
because they fear for their lives. Sebi has acknowledged receipt of
their complaint.

In their complaint, the shareholders go beyond the reports that
appeared in The Asian Age. Regarding the Pramod Mahajan family-Ashish
Deora nexus, the shareholders say: "It has come to our knowledge that
the promoters of India Online Network Ltd, namely Mr Ashish Deora, Mr
V.R. Rao (Mr Ramanand Rao) and others, had hatched a criminal
conspiracy to defraud the public and the state/nation by floating a
company under the name and title of India Online Network Ltd and have
the same listed on The Stock Exchange, Mumbai (and other stock
exchanges) and take undue advantage of the prevailing dotcom
boom/Internet boom. To circumvent various Sebi/BSE listing guidelines,
they had taken over an old company, M/s Natwar Synthetics Ltd, and
re-christened the same India Online Network Ltd."

They alleged: "Aiding them in this scam was one Mr Siddharth
Srivastava, formerly also associated with the ATN television channel.
It is also a fact that Mr Rahul Mahajan and Ms Poonam Mahajan, son and
daughter respectively of the former minister Pramod Mahajan, were also
unofficial partners in this venture." These shareholders claim that
"this company was floated merely with the intention to get the same
listed on the stock exchange and take advantage of the volatility in
the stock market, and the exorbitant and unrealistic share prices of
the dotcom companies. As a matter of fact, India Online Network Ltd,
now rechristened IOL Broadband Ltd, was also promoted as
www.speedmelon.com (to bring in the dotcom tag)."

The five RIL shareholders add in their complaint to Sebi and the
others: "The other intention of the promoters of India Online Network
Ltd was to secure huge loans from venture capitalists, venture capital
funds etc, who at that time were willing to invest crores of rupees in
anything that ended with a dotcom tag. Since the company was actually
controlled by Mr Rahul Mahajan, while Mr Ashish Deora, the managing
director, was merely a stooge/front end (sic) for the Mahajan family,
various high-level contacts in the government were used and misused to
obtain funding/loans/credit by the promoters. For example, the newly
formed India Online Network Ltd obtained huge credit and procured
goods and services from companies like Wipro, Cisco India, etc. It is
a known fact that companies like Wipro and Cisco would never give
goods and services on credit running into several crores of rupees
unless there was pressure brought in from various quarters."

"Similarly, India Online Network Ltd had brought undue pressure on
IDBI to grant a loan of Rs 20 crores, of which Rs 10 crores was
disbursed almost overnight. Again it is quite obvious how two or
three, 24 to 26-year-old men were granted a loan of Rs 10 crores
almost overnight to fund their venture. It is again quite obvious as
to why IDBI is not prosecuting Mr Ashish Deora and others for
defaulting on this loan. It has also come to our knowledge that the
promoters of India Online Network Ltd owe several persons crores of
rupees for services rendered and goods supplied. However, the
concerned persons are threatened, cajoled and coerced into not filing
complaints or recovery proceedings against the Mahajan family and
their friends."

The complaint to Sebi and the others makes several personal
allegations regarding the lifestyle of Mr Rahul Mahajan and the stock
market activities of Mr Deora and Mr Rahul Mahajan. The complaint
concludes: "We request you and your office, including the other
agencies, like the registrar of companies, to investigate in depth the
activities of India Online Network Ltd and its promoters and unearth
the illegal activities of the same. In the interest of our safety we
have not mentioned our telephone numbers/complete residential address
as we are aware that doing so would be risky and detrimental to our
own lives and that of our families. We may, however, be contacted at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for any clarification.


There is a

[Goanet]Pramod Mahajan, Reliance nexus exposed

2005-02-13 Thread graceful
It is quite clear that Reliance and Pramod Mahajan of BJP have been hands in
gloves to loot the people of this country.


Kindly refer to the following article written by Olga Tellis for The 
Asian Age


Surjeet demands Mahajan role probe

- By Olga Tellis 

Mumbai, Feb. 12: CPI(M) leader Harkishen Singh Surjeet has called upon
the UPA government to investigate the Mahajan-Reliance connection.

"This is truly the time of a fiery test for the Manmohan government
and its credibility would very much depend on how it conducts itself
in this regard," Mr Surjeet writes in the February 13 issue of the
CPI(M) mouthpiece People's Democracy in an article titled
"Reliance-Mahajan Unethical Ties; BJP's Corrupt Face Once Again
Bared". He quotes extensively from the February 6 issue of The Asian
Age in the article.

Relating how three companies were given one crore shares of Reliance
Infocomm (RIC), and that these companies were linked to former
communications minister Pramod Mahajan's family, Mr Surjeet writes:
"Here we can only say that the whole Mahajan episode has come as a
shock to the nation and that the government should properly
investigate this issue. This is something the UPA government can
ignore only to its peril."

Tracing the Mahajan exposure to the fallout of what it calls "the
bitter cold war" currently on between the Ambani brothers, Mukesh and
Anil, over the business empire the late Dhirubhai Ambani had left, Mr
Surjeet talks about RIC transferring one crore of its shares to three
small companies for only Rs one crore (at just Re 1 per share). He
also writes how one of these three firms, called Fairever, has been
linked to a company called Global e-Secure, and that the latter's
office address was precisely Fairever's address in Mumbai. "But the
key part of the story is that Global e-Secure's managing director,
Ashish Deora, is also the promoter of Indiaonline.

And guess who are his co-promoters! None other than Mr Pramod
Mahajan's daughter Poonam, and his son Rahul Mahajan, now an NRI.
Mahajan's son-in-law Anand Rao has also been associated with this
company, " he writes.

He quotes The Asian Age to reveal "the circuitous route these
gentlemen have been using — like all cheaters", and says, "It is 
that, insofar as the magnitude of this scam is concerned, the three
benami companies that received the largesse from Reliance Infocomm
have pocketed at least Rs 700 crores in this dubious manner. This is
based on the fact that immediately before the cold war between the
Ambani brothers broke out, Reliance Infocomm shares were being sold at
Rs 700 per share."

"Further, it is reported that the three benami companies were given an
equal number of Reliance Infocomm shares. In that case, it means that
the company promoted by Messrs Poonam Mahajan and Rahul Mahajan was
handed over largesse of no less than Rs 233 crores, 33 lakhs 33
thousand 33 rupees and 33 paise (sic)," he writes.

On the IDBI loan of Rs 10 crores to Indiaonline, Mr Surjeet says, "It
is necessary to know whether the Industrial Development Bank of India
(IDBI) had completed the necessary formalities and checked the
credit-worthiness of IOL Broadband Limited before sanctioning it such
a huge loan amount."

Mr Surjeet writes that "IDBI's loan to IOL Broadband Limited, is a
cause of concern". He compares it to UTI-64, which went into the red
as "it made the very same type of investments in dubious or shaky

Giving his own comments on the Mahajan-Reliance relationship, Mr
Surjeet recalls that "it was the same Mahajan who had pleaded that
Reliance group's founder, the late Dhirubhai Ambani, must be honoured
with a Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award of the country".

He also rues the fact that Mr Mahajan would compromise the security of
the state to please the Ambanis. Quoting the report in The Asian Age
of February 7 regarding the alleged fraud perpetrated by RIC and the
US-registered Reliance Communications Inc (RCI) upon the public sector
BSNL and MTNL, he writes: "The whole RCI episode in fact gives ample
indication of what security hazards powerful and unscrupulous foreign
telecommunication companies may pose after the Manmohan government has
raised the FDI cap in telecom. It is thus clear that this party, the
BJP, which used to shout patriotism from the rooftop, could go to any
length to rush benefits to the Ambanis, even if it meant putting the
country's security into jeopardy."

Giving further instances of what he calls "Mahajan's unethical
relation with the Ambanis", he claims that when there was a dispute
between WLL and GSM companies when Mr Mahajan was communications
minister in the Vajpayee government, Mr Mahajan intervened in the
dispute in such a manner that it benefited the Reliance Group. "Mr
Mahajan's intervention in patent laws was also of the kind that it
only legalised certain illegalities — in order to benefit the
Ambanis," Mr Surjeet claims.


[Goanet]Re: Goa hosts outsourcing symposium

2005-02-11 Thread graceful
>Goa hosts outsourcing symposium 

Stressed the need to hasten Goa's slow pace in the IT/BPO sector, despite  
a large English speaking population. 

Friday, February 11, 2005 

PANAJI, Goa: A two-day symposium - Goa Agenda - on the theme "Outsourcing:  
Challenges Ahead" organized by Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry was  
held in Panaji recently. The third IT symposium, in the series under the  
banner of Goa Agenda, was addressed by number of nationally acclaimed IT  
leaders and attended by distinguished crowds drawn from industry,  
>academics and administration.

These guys are a bunch of incompetent guys who do nothing but organize
symposiums, take fat govt. salaries, and do nothing other than submit vouchers
for their expenses.

These guys have no clue of the IT industry. Some of them may not even know
the difference between software and underware!

Our Goan IT in such hands.

Parrikar gave tens of crores to his cronies in the name of IT.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]h-1 b and glass ceiling

2005-01-14 Thread graceful
The EPW article about h-1 and glass ceiling is very stereotypical
and meant to create prejudice against the US.

I know of h-1 b's who have got green cards and gone on to start
companies. I also know of h-1 b's who live very lonely and isolated
lives. Since the US implements laws strictly, of course things aren't
easy at times.

In the US, it doesn't matter that much where u come from. U master
the technology, and marketing, and there is no glass ceiling for u.
This is particulaly true of Calif and silicon valley. 

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Whatever took place in Ribandar

2005-01-12 Thread graceful
Ivar writes:

>My best
judgment is that there was no molestation, just a very
unfortunate accident.  Anyhow, and most important: 
Whatever took place, it was discussed and forgiven
long time before Mr. Aires Rodrigues and his goons m
>attacked the Lady of Help Convent in Ribandar.

Ivar seems to agree that molestation happened.
Why doesnt the accused confess, apologize and
promise that such incidents won't be repeated ever

Also, what about the woman living with the accused?

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Ribandar case: the priest and his slipping hand...

2005-01-10 Thread graceful
Aires writes:
>My comment: I requested the women's NGO's to conduct an independent
investigation. Auda Viegas did meet the accused priest. His defence was that
while he we was  playing with the alleged victim's pendant his hand slipped
into her breasts. This has  been stated in Auda Viegas's  complaint to the
>police against Fr. Newton Rodrigues.

That is a cool one. :-)

This priest just might be a pro.


[Goanet]Dangerous 26!!!

2004-12-30 Thread graceful
Cynthia's post might have been written in jest, but such posts are extremely
harmful and can end up creating superstitions.

On another front, I was amused to see some people praying to the sea after
the tsunami sort of asking it to be benevolent and not bring on any more
tsunamis. These people were displayed in some local newspapers. Are we
living in the 15 th century, was the thought that occurred to me. On second
thoughts, the fisherfolk who were praying may be indeed living in the 15 th

Can imagine the mamoth-ness of the task of educating people to be rational.


[Goanet]Income tax and NIO

2004-12-30 Thread graceful
 I do not see why my (tax payer's) money should go in
> funding an institute such as NIO (National 
> Institute of Oceonagraphy)if such an all important
> event about our ocean such as tsumani goes
> unpredicted by the institute.
> This is infinitely more important than trips to
> Antarctica, and growing algaes.
> The Indian govt. should immediately close all
> institutes related to oceanography
> and divert all funds spent in such useless
> endeavours to relief work.

Dr. Samir Kelekar,
I would expand the work of NIO to include Tsunami

>But then again, Indians don't like paying income tax,
>so maybe you are right.

If there is any country where citizen's income tax is going down the
drain, it is India.

We pay for the salary of someone like the represmtative of NIO who says
"Tsunami, we have no clue".

We pay for the salary of someone who --- even though the govt. has
changed in May (it has been more than six months) still sends an
emergency communication to the last Minister, and not the current one.

These guys should be fired, and here you are talking about rewarding them
by giving them more responsibility. Unless we have accountability in
the system, nothing is going to change. Unless the guy who is incharge of
sending communication in case of emergency is held accountable for his
actions --- in this case, indirectly, due to his attitue, hundreds of lives
were lost --- nothing is going to change.

How do you justify giving these guys more responsibiity instead?

Samir Kelekar


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[Goanet]The Tsunami disaster -- attitude of Indians towards creative brains

2004-12-30 Thread graceful

The real reason for not seeing this tragedy is much deeper
than what it appears. It is now clear that the Indian govt.
knew of the earthquake in Car Nicobar one hour before the
waves hit Tamil Nadu.

However, given the state of things in India, one could bet
one's life that nothing would be done.

To top it all, the head of NIO does not even know that a tsunami
is possible in the Indian ocean. What could one say for the
caliber of people at NIO?

Now, consider this case: if a young scientist comes up with
the suggestion at NIO or the weather department that it is
possible that a tsunami can hit India and the damage can be
huge, what do you think the response would be of the powers
that be?

I can bet it won't be any different that the responses we
have seen on this mailing list.

Basically, it is our tradition to put down dissent, put down
merit. We will come up with crude reasons such as so and
so's action is due to commnal reasons, vested interests
and what not, but
we will not respond positively
to an intelligent suggestion. In fact,
the guy who would have made the suggestion, he would have
been probably suspended or demoted for thinking of such

We might be good at IT services, but here too, we are good at
rote work --- the Americans tell us what to do, and we do it.

We cannot be pioneers or creative, because there is not just
apathy but outright disgust, and opposition in this country
to creative brains.

Samir Kelekar

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[Goanet]close down national Institute of Oceanography

2004-12-28 Thread graceful
I do not see why my (tax payer's) money should go in funding an institute
such as NIO (National Institute of Oceonagraphy) if such an all important
event about our ocean such as tsumani goes unpredicted by the institute.

This is infinitely more important than trips to Antarctica, and growing

The Indian govt. should immediately close all institutes related to oceanography
and divert all funds spent in such useless endeavours to relief work.

Dr. Samir Kelekar,

[Goanet]A civilized society does not reopen wounds

2004-12-27 Thread graceful
I havent seen the film myself, so can't comment on the scenes depicted in
the film, but tell me what is the intent of the RSS guys in making this
film? Dont tell me that they dont have a saffornizing agenda?

Samir Kelekar

>I would like to respectfully disagree with the tone of the editorial in 
Gomantak Times. History has to be narrated the way it is, and it should not 
be falsified because some group may find it uncomfortable. The atrocities 
committed by the Portuguese in Goa, and many other places in the world, did 
happen. Not talking about them in fact makes things worse as far as the 
memory of the sufferers is concerned. In the editorial, a question is posed 
as follows: "Are scenes of Nazi brutality shown to young Jews?"

The answer is: "No, it is shown not only to the young Jews, but also to all 
the people, Jews and non-Jews, old and young." And there is a huge holocaust 
museum where people can see the brutality.

And the ones who are in the forefront of this effort of not forgetting are 
the descendants of the very people who indulged in the brutality - the 
Germans. And they do so because it is their way of showing that they 
distance away from the actions of their ancestors.

Some time ago, a member on this list had posted that the BJP in Goa is 
asking for the return of the temple sites which were forcibly converted to 
churches. When I asked when this demand was made, the member did not respond 
- Fred, after some five days, said that perhaps it was a tounge-in-cheek 
statement. I found this strange.

The discussion also involved in denial that temples were destroyed. To the 
credit of many Christians on this list, they provided the list of such 
destructions. Even then, those who were denying, did not accept the 
information provided as facts.

The Pope has rightly apologised to the indigenous people in the Americas for 
the atrocities committed against them in the name of Christianity. The Pope 
has also rightly apologised to the non-Catholics for the atrocities 
committed against them in the name of the Roman Catholic Church. Such 
apologies can happen only when it is accepted that the events did happen.

Many in Japan did not want to teach their children about the atrocities 
committed by their army during the Second World War. The Chinese and the 
Koreans are upset about this. And every time a Japanese leader visits China 
and Korea, he has to make a formal apology for the events. In fact, normal 
diplomatic relationship between China and Japan happened when Japan made a 
formal apology. If there was no attempt to denial in the beginning, I do not 
think that the Japanese leaders would have needed to make the apology time 
and time again.

I know my Christian friends do not even mildly approve the atrocities. After 
all their ancestors suffered as much as my ancestors who did not convert. If 
there are facts in the video, it should be definitely deleted. I myself have 
not seen it. However, from the tone of the editorial, it would appear to me 
that the facts are correct.

>Sachin Phadte.

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[Goanet]Paulo's 2 people in 1 sleeper

2004-12-26 Thread graceful
>For the price, I find nothing wrong in sharing a 'sleeper' with somebody 
else. I needn't be gay to do that; just respect each other's personal 
space. The other though-costier, option, deployed by some foreign 
>tourists, is to block two adjoining 'sleepers' for a single passengers.

I dont see a price of Rs. 750/- as cheap. And what I fail to understand as
to how they can call half a sleeper as a sleeper. They need to tell passengers
upfront that they will have to share a sleeper with a stranger.

The general understanding of a sleeper is the one that is there in the railways.
Each person gets a very comfortable sleeper. Here, once you go up, you cant
even raise your head. When I tried to get in, I couldnt put my head in the
direction of the pillow; it always used to go the other way, and it was
not possible for me to change my side while being in the sleeper itself.
 And it was
completely suffocating with just me on that sleeper. I couldnt even imagine
what would have happened when another person would climb up on that same 

I would like to know if they have been permitted legally this '2 people in
1 sleeper' arrangement. If so, I wonder on what basis. I suppose there must
be regulations out there that determine how much space a human being needs.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]1000 + dead in India: Tsunami

2004-12-26 Thread graceful
Another disaster; many more to follow.


Tsunami hits south India; over 1,000 dead

December 26, 2004 15:21 IST
Last Updated: December 26, 2004 15:29 IST

Tidal waves killed over a thousand people in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and the 
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Home Minister Shivraj Patil said on Sunday.

Tamil Nadu was the "worst affected", with possibly over 800 people killed, 
Patil said after a meeting of the Crisis Management Group in New Delhi.

In Andhra Pradesh, over 200 people were feared killed, he said.

In Andaman, as many as 14 people were killed, the minister said, adding that 
the damage due to the tidal wave in Car Nicobar and Greater Andamans was 
"higher", but details were yet to come in due to snapping of communication 

Patil said that the coastal areas of West Bengal had also suffered damage, but 
he had not been able to contact Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya.

He said he would visit the affected areas either in the evening or Monday 

Patil said thousands of people were evacuated from the affected areas. He said 
the priority was to provide food, medicines and blankets to the victims.

Authorities in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh were carrying out relief and 
rescue operation on a war footing, the minister said. 

The Centre, he said, was doing everything to mitigate the suffering of the 

The tidal waves were triggered by a massive earthquake -- 8.5 on the Richter 
scale -- that hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra.

That was followed by at least six moderate to strong aftershocks.

Flash flooding in Indonesia claimed almost 100 lives, and many more deaths were 
feared in Thailand after huge waves hit the tourist resort of Phuket. The Thai 
government declared a state of emergency.

Six deaths were reported from Malaysia's Penang island.

Sri Lankan authorities reported 500 deaths from the waves.

Witnesses in the eastern Sri Lankan port city of Trincomalee reported waves as 
high as 40 feet, hitting inland as far as a kilometre.

The Lankan government declared a state of emergency.

© Copyright 2004 PTI. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of 
PTI content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited 
without the prior written consent.

 Share your comments

[Goanet]Is a monster born -- 2003?

2004-12-24 Thread graceful
This scenario is coming threateningly closer as every day
passes. The foll. article was written more than a year back.

January 30, 2003

The biggest company in India's Private Sector needs to be
congratulated for
their collective genius. Even the Greeks could not entice the Trojans
buying (the Greeks just left the horse behind and the Trojans
accepted it as a
parting gift) the horse that converted victory into defeat for Troy.
In the
fiber optic project this group has succeeded in making the people pay
(under the
umbrella of infrastructure development) for the very chains that
could enslave
them. The entire story might make an interesting reading and might
pack much
more punch than any Robert Ludlum thriller. It might be a bible on
COMPROMISE AND SUBJUGATE A NATION? We are certainly not talking about
business monopolies for what the company can now do, if it so
chooses, is
definitely much more than mere business monopolies. We are gaping at
centralisation of raw power that the country had not seen even under
the rule of
Aurangazeb. All of us have seen the slogan in the companies
advertisement that appeared in the Times of India of Saturday,
December 28,
2002 on page number 11 which says "Kar Lo Duniya mutthi mein". Which
duniya and
whose mutthi? One wonders. Is this slogan a clear definition of the
final objective? It is for the people of India to decide and act
upon. Is this a
possible invasion of the fundamental rights of all Indians? There is
a distinct
possibility that the company might have 100 crore plus slaves to rule
firing a single shot! If such a thing happens all the Arab slave
masters would
turn in their graves. Then again, under the banner of installation
charges/deposit, people might once more pay for the very same chains
that could
bind them into slavery. And lastly, under the banner of monthly
rental or
charges, people might continue to pay for their probable enslavement
at the
company's hands. Fabulous! Once in place and fully operational (we
are only
imagining the impact on mobile communication today and the full impact
of convergence is yet to unfold) the fiber optic project has the
potential of
monitoring all the communications of the company's patrons, and if
used by the
company accordingly, might place the company in a unique position of
the lives of its customers. In such an eventuality the company would
virtually ruling the country.

Everything that is said on the company's network, it could hear.
Everything that
is written on the company's network, it could read. All the
communication on the
company's network could be stored and retrieved at the company's
directions and
will. All this can happen without the knowledge of the company's

The company could zero in on anyone and everyone that they choose
(for whatever
reasons and this fact has to be understood on the background of the
situation where a judicial order is required to tap a single
telephone line).
This probable scenario makes poor Edgar Hoover look like a nursery
school kid.
The company's poor customers might not even know what hit them (they
might not
even know that something hit them) and they might continue to
attribute missed
opportunities as mere bad luck or stroke of fate. The Convergence
Bill was
passed at a time that suited the efforts of the company. A lot of
mutually exclusive events have taken place that just happen to work
in favor of
the company. Monthly rental of BSNL/MTNL are climbing. Monthly
charges of cable
operators are also ever changing and cable operators are constantly at
loggerhead with their customers for one reason or another.

Ideal environment for the company to enter into the market as a
savior and a
high quality service provider. Whether this atmosphere was
deliberately created
or it is a sheer coincidence is for every individual to decide. The
offer might become instantly acceptable to customers and might be
lapped up
without much effort and expense on marketing. The company might
certainly have
long queue of prospective customers eager (read as willing to pay any
for it to bestow its high quality services on to them. Little will
the poor
customer suspect that he is likely to loose his freedom in the
bargain. One does
not know how many people would have already seen the fine thread that
weaves all
these seemingly disjoint events into a noose that can virtually
strangle our
entire nation. The company might destroy a lot of other companies
that are
currently thriving in the field of communication and entertainment.
And then the
reign of absolutism might begin. Unimaginable quantum of
revenue could be generated that might enable the company to literally
buy any
and every other business house in India. A truly diabolic scenario.
By the time
our populace gets wise to these eve

[Goanet]Revoke Paulo Travel's bus permit (for publications)

2004-12-24 Thread graceful
Rajan Narayan,
Goan Observer.

This is to relate my experiences of Paulo Travels. I booked a sleeper ticket
to travel from Paulo Travels bus on the 12 th of this month from Bangalore to 
The ticket was booked well in advance by paying Rs. 750/-. On arrival at the
appointed time at the bus, I found that my ticket number 26 A was also allocated
to someone else. Besides, the sleeper number 26 was divided into two sleepers
26A and 26 B. It was not just impossible to climb into the sleeper but I cannot
fathom how two people can share the same sleeper, unless they are a husband
wife couple or gays/lesbians. Who gave Paulo Travels permit for such an 

The bus was of course full and all people mostly tourists put up with the
arrangement. Paulo Travels bus seems only good for pigs to travel in, not
human beings.

I demand that Paulo Travel's licence be immediately revoked. This is also
to let fore-warn Goans
what happens if you book your ticket by this Paulo Travels.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Cheapie Brits, complaints about overcharging in Bangalore etc.

2004-12-24 Thread graceful
I have been following the arguments about a hotel in Bangalore overcharging
Gabriel and co. 

I am afraid even if a complaint is filed, unless it is diligently followed up
for months and may be years, not much will come out of it. The costs and time
involved in doing so itself makes it unviable. 

Ideally, Gabriel shouldn't have paid, but even there he has to stick his
ground, be forceful talking to
the management, not pay more and get out of the restaurant.

Cheating abounds all over India and really in terms of consequences it is a 
minor problem compared to communalism and other issues as long as the amount
is not much.

Today in India, Reliance is buying up the whole govt., breaking laws left
right and center, and there is no soul in India who is willing to do anything
about it.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]The Ungrateful Indian

2004-12-23 Thread graceful
The Ungrateful Indian
> >
> > October 19, 2003
> >
> >
> > Permit me to draw a picture of an average persons daily morning
> > routine.
> >
> > 1. An early raiser wakes up and puts the light on (i.e. consumes
> > electricity).
> > Let us assume that this person consumes electricity worth 20
paise in
> > doing
> > so. Maybe 2 paise get added to the Reliance treasury.
> >
> > 2. This person then lights up the cooking gas or puts on the
> > percolator for
> > the first cup of tea or coffee. Let us assume that
> > worth 20
> > paise is used. Another two paise may get added to the Reliance
> > treasury.
> >
> > 3. Our common man now wants warm water for bathing. Again, he
> > consumes LPG/electricity (maybe he uses wood). Another 10 paise
> > probably
> > finds it way to the Reliance treasury. Drainage pipes are made of
> > Maybe, another two hundred odd rupees has already found its way
to the
> > Reliance Treasury.
> >
> > 4. Now this person puts on some clothes. Yes, you guessed it
> > Polyester fiber is the route through which rupees hundred may
> > already
> > found its way to the Reliance treasury.
> >
> > 5. Now this person wants to make some phone calls to organize his
> > day. Some
> > more revenue may find its way to the Reliance treasury.
> >
> > 6. How about some news on television. Thanks to convergence and
> > electricity, some more revenue might have found its way to the
> > Reliance
> > treasury.
> >
> > 7. This person now logs in into his mail accounts. Convergence and
> > electricity
> > again.
> >
> > 8. Now our person is ready for breakfast. LPG/electricity this
> > (or is
> > the person using wood).
> >
> > 9. Newspapers have arrived and surprisingly, not contributed to
> > Reliance
> > treasury. Something must be quickly done about this anomaly.
> >
> > 10. At last our person is ready to go to work. Gets into/onto the
> > vehicle
> > and starts the engine. Yes, you are right about petrol/diesel
> > somebody
> > say naphtha? SSS  that is the most closely guarded
> > secret).
> >
> > And the never ending saga of every persons daily morning routine
> > on.
> >
> > Looking at the above list one can realise that the two W's, water
> > wood,
> > are in urgent need of proper management and channelisation and
> > would
> > also remember that the Great man spoke about these two W's. The
> > man
> > had said that he wished that he had another twenty years of life.
> > would
> > have ensured that no person in the country would have lacked for
> > two W's
> > (no mention of Reliance Treasury).
> >
> > How many people are aware of this yeomen service that the
> > Group is
> > providing and intends to provide to each and every person in
> > Such
> > unparalleled commitment to service and such unprecedented concern
> > the
> > people of India. And yet, there are those amongst us who
> > create
> > obstructions in the path of this glorious group. We obstruct the
> > disinvestment of HPCL/BPCL. We insist on restricting the call
> > forwarding
> > facility offered by Reliance Infocomm (Group of Ministers' should
> > immediately overcome this by permitting unified license). The
> > Honorable
> > Prime Minister of our country is giving the golden quadrilateral
> > the
> > people and the Reliance Group is ready to complement the Prime
> > Minister's
> > efforts with their pipes. Reliance Energy is eager to provide
> > electricity
> > to Maharashtra (never mind if it is only a few selected cities
> > are the
> > cash cows of MSEB). They are so kind and considerate that they
> > willingly left a major portion of the state for MSEB. Why is MERC
> > dragging
> > its feet? Despite these difficulties the group continues to offer
> > their
> > humble services to the people of India. And the people of India
> > being so
> > ungrateful to the Reliance Group. How can we rectify this?
> >
> > We must insist that the name of Reliance Group be inserted into
> > national
> > anthem along with Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maratha, Dravida.
> > all
> > aren't they Bharata Bhagyya Vidhata? Our Honorable Minister for
> > Information
> > Technology has said and I quote
> >
> > "Should we block technologies or practices because they violate
> > existing
> > laws and regulations? Should we clutch on to laws and regulations
> > till they
> > are disregarded into complete meaninglessness? Or should we put
> > new
> > possibilities to work?"
> >
> > I totally agree with our Honorable Minister. Old order must make
> > for the
> > new. I suggest that we should replace the Ashok Chakra on our
> > National Flag
> > with the Reliance emblem. Our National pledge can be redrafted to
> > read as
> > under:
> >
> > India is my Country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I
> > my
> > country and I am proud of its Reliance Group.
> >
> > That seems to be the new o

[Goanet]IFFI and health care experiences of a Goan medical doctor based in NYC

2004-12-21 Thread graceful
# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm. #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!  #  

Here is experiences of a Goan medical doctor based in NYC, someone
who with all the idiosyncancies loves Goa very much!!

"was unimpressed with healthcare advances in goa. It
seems as if nothing has 
moved in last ten yrs. Bureaucracy is mind boggling.
Here is something funny I wanted to tell you. I was
planning on seeing the 
marathi movie Shwaas which was being screened at
IFFI and had great 
reviews. The movie was supposed to be screened at 6
pm so I enquired about 
getting the tickets, and was told that I have to
get it from ticket booth 
at miramar! (screening was at INOX GMC), OK, do you
think I could have made 
it to the movie after buying ticket at miramar-
 absolutely not, because the 
ticket booth was to open at 6 pm and the traffic
was diverted via Saint 

And someone said IFFI was a big success?

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Little prince in konkani

2004-12-19 Thread graceful
# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm. #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!  #  

Please contact Madhavi Sardessai, Department of Konkani, Goa University.
She is the translator of the book.

Samir Kelekar

>A friend is searching for "The Little Prince" by Antoine Saint-Exupery
in Konkani. Apparently, it was published as "Mankulo Rajkuvar" (in
Devanagari Konkani) some years ago. Does anybody have any leads, as she
would really like to obtain a copy of the book, since she is collecting
this book in the various languages in which it has published? Reports
are that it has been published in 142 languages.

>Do get in touch if you have any information.

[Goanet]Re: Hats off to our Chief minister

2004-12-17 Thread graceful
# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm. #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!  #  

It is not hats off, but the CM has turned Goa into such a state that
Goans will have no other option but to do "pants off" to get their
next meal.

Any criteria for something to be considered on the Internatinal map?

Which world does this Rabin Gonsalves live in?

Only net effect of IFFI.
Rs. 150 crores from Goan tax payers goes to Parikar's cronies.

Rest effect is zilch.

Also, the story about Goa being next only to 4 metros is also not true.
Thanks to the IT industry, even smaller places such as Pune, Tiruvanathapuram,
Mangalore are making great strides and have left Goa far behind. 

Samir Kelekar

>rags677 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The tremendous success of the IFFI, the effiencenty manged exposition in old 
goa has put goa on the international map. This has been possible due to the 
vision, will and determination of one man manohar parrikar under whose 
steadfast leadership a team of commited beaurcrats and other citizens worked 

There is still a long way to go as far as development of goa is concerned, but 
i am sure everyone will agree that leaving aside the four metros, goa can be 
considered far better than most other indian cities.

Many has criticized IFFI as being a case of misplaced priorities. 
Some criticize the shortcommings of the festival, but nobody is perfect and 
what is important is to learn from one's mistakes. But i guess we should all 
join in and give our CM a high five!!. he truly deserves it. Well Done Manohar 

>Rabindranth Gonsalves

[Goanet]Discussion about PhDs

2004-12-08 Thread graceful
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>Well, whoever is Avelino D'Souza, it is nice knowing that there is such a
>person and that he makes a reasonable request. It was not funny when a Ph.D
>in something brought in family members into the discussion recently. It is

Agriculture dropouts from Shivaji University only know to tell
lies. It is Miguel
who thought it was great to tell me that he has two children. When responded,
he shouts about PhDs. It was he who brought children in the discussion. It
is all very well documented.

Also, what has happened to Miguel's comments about Goa University PhDs?

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Can Miguel justify the abuse of Goa University PhDs?

2004-12-04 Thread graceful
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Can Miguel justify the generic abuse that he sprouts on Goa
University PhDs?

What is the reason? Can he justify with data that one has to be
foolish to do a PhD from Goa University or withdraw his arguments,
with apology?

Samir Kelekar, PhD

>Miguel Braganza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wed Dec 1 11:34:14 2004 wrote:
Which brings us back to the same point that I made earlier: Till
Radhakrishnan, or some one else foolish enough to want a Ph.D from Goa
University, writes a thesis on him, PARRIKAR IS THE BEST CM  in Goa.!!

Viva Goa

[Goanet]Re: misconceptions about AIDS

2004-12-03 Thread graceful
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FN writes:
>Readying for an assault for taking on a subject in which one has no
qualifications; it's just that the arguments about seem rather wonky. Why
does Santosh become such a fundamentalist when he invests blind faith in the
>miracle-religion propagandised today under the name of Science? FN

Hi FN:
About Santosh, I have had extensions discussions with him on various topics.
I can say for sure that he will be the last one to have a blind faith in
anything. I would tend to agree with you that there is a lot of Western politics
when it comes to spreading a drug and canvassing about it, but certainly there
is no doubt that science proceeds by a thorough approach based on evidence.

The Eastern approaches such as Ayurveda etc may have worth in them, but sadly
no one who is practicing Ayurveda is willing to put his/her data through a
scientific approach on the lines science (in this case allpathic medicine) does.

In the particular case of AIDS, I would anyday vouch for
a practitioner of allopathic medicine than
a quack.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Cost of multiplex in real terms...

2004-12-02 Thread graceful
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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>Hi Mr. Naik,
Using your reason, Goa (and the rest of the world) should not have any
luxury / comforting amenities till the last 'left-behind individual' has
>been brought up to the average standards. 

It is not that, but policies should be drawn such that those who are left-behind
get helped.

>Should India not have any centers of higher education like graduate and
post-graduate universities, satellites, e-mail facilities, automobiles
till there are enough of PRIMARY SCHOOLS, HEALTH CENTRES, ROADS etc for
>all its citizens? PCC is a Congress party and not a Communist party. 

Education is different from throwing parties on bridges at tax payer's
expense, and spending huge money on multiplexes which will go unoccupied
most of the times after IFFI not to mention that these are given to
private parties on a platter.

>If I could add from my rudimentary knowledge of economics and political
science, whatever the government (and others) spend goes into somebody's
pocket and ... then into another person's take, and then another
>person's receives the money. This is the RIPPLE EFFECT of spending

So, give all the govt's money to some favoured party in Mumbai; and yes
the ripple effect will people's stomachs in Goa. What a pathetic

>(compared to hoarded money or gold). It is estimated that one unit
(Rupee) of government expenditure can generate up to seven fold of
private capital -gain/circulation. Then the government collects taxes
every time private citizens exchange THAT MONEY for necessities,
merchandise, services etc. Thus Goans are better served by the
government empowering Goans to seek/ purchase education, healthcare etc.
rather than putting THAT MONEY down a (never ending) government
'sink-hole' where the consumer has no choice and expects to receive the
social benefits (that you have outlined) as a right/ handout /give away.
>This leads to abuse and waste.

Please note that the Goan treasury has gone bankrupt because all the money
has been doled out to friends and buddies in Mumbai or in Goa.
If this is your concept of economics, then you should pass all your savings
to me, Gilbertbab, and I will take enough care that the ripple effect will
take place when I spend
; the ripple effect, in you very own argument, should even take
care of you in turn!!!

Samir Kelekar

>The Real cost/ gain of the Multiplex and IFFI is promoting private
enterprise! Now it is for Goans to take advantage and make the best of
>Regards, GL

Supporting private enterprise is different from distributing money in
a corrupt fashion to buddies. I have been shouting hoarse that yes, young
entrepreneurs ought to be helped. No where is this need more evident than
in the field of IT, which is a budding field where there are enough trained
Goans already!

Samir Kelekar

Ex-President, Goa PCC,
2137, Near Swami Math,
Gogol,Margao 403 602
19th Nov.2004
How much Goa has lost by way of developmental projects, with the Goa
Government having invested Rs 30 crores (Rs 300 million) to build cinema
theatres (multiplex), in Panaji Goa, when no Chief Minister of any State
in our country would ever do so at the cost of much needed investments
in health, sanitation, education, electricity roads etc?

With thirty crores rupees, the government could have built an hospital
like Victor Apollo in Margao which was erected at a cost 20 crores only.
Government could have constructed 600 Primary Schools or 500 health
centers or more than 200 kms of road at the same cost of 30 crores.

A chief minister who does not understand the basics of priorities in a
developing country, must be rated No 1 from the bottom in any
performance evaluation exercise and Goa Chief Minister, perhaps may
achieve that feat, soon.

Those who get carried away by the glitter of multiplex at Panaji fail to
understand that the project has not only robbed poor and middle class
Goans, but that, their loss has been doubled as the project, ordinarily
could not have cost not more than 15 crores.

To complete the process of participation of the Goa Government by way of
investment of public money in an unprecedented manner in an uncalled for
project, the Chief Minister should now post his ministers as
ticket-checkers at the four theatres in the multiplex building. 

[Goanet]Tax payers to foot dinner bill ?

2004-12-02 Thread graceful
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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Besht chief minister of Goa, so besht dinner bill for tax payers!


>Film Festival dinner on Corjuem Bridge !
What do the unique cable-stayed Aldona-Corjuem bridge and the
much-hyped IFFI have in common?  Nothing much, except for the
fact that the recently inaugurated bridge will now turn into a dinner
>venue for the IFFI guests and delegates on December 3.

[Goanet]Re: Parrikar is the best

2004-11-29 Thread graceful
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Parrikar's nailing the opposition leaders comes out of a sense of convenience,
rather than conviction. For instance, Monserrate is not targetted because
he is needed for the support.

But more than that, the extravagent spending of money and giving out contracts
to his buddies without any proper procedures makes Parrikar hardly any different
from previous corrupt CMs. The misplaced priorities that choose to ignore
more important concerns such as employment for people further worsens the

I can sense that some
 people are getting carried away by the glitter of IFFI and
the new road. But if you go a bit deeper, not get carried away by the
stars, the starlets, and the glitter and
 ask the question: is this worth it, is this going
to bring back returns, and more so how it is going to help the local people,
you will not find right answers. Much more could have been done with Rs. 150 
crores. Thousands could have been given employment thus improving the
standard of life of an average Goan rather than that of
only his buddies and those
who own the 5 star hotels.

The worsening position of the Goan economy is Parrikar's legacy that future
govt.s will have to deal with.

Samir Kelekar

>Some Goans seems to forget the recent past CM's works.
 Taking liberty to forward something I found that you
be interest to you Minguel/Samir/FN.

>A. Fernandes

Goa Su-Raj, at one time has quoted Jack Kenedy in one
of their write-ups, which is:

"The need of the hour is not to fix the blame but to
chart the course for the future". But one cannot
forget and forgive what has been happening to Goa at
the hands of our political fathers.

Parrikar, if he is seriously working on the X-Files,
is an excellent news for Goa and Goans. Someone had to
do it. We thought that the whole dirty bag will be
left for Goa Su-Raj to open and give it a thorough
airing. We do hope that Parrikar will also spruce up
the Aguada jail. We are sure a lot of VIPs will need
the hospitality of this institution.


Parrikar's secret agents gather data on ex-CMs

PANAJI: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has got his
hands on some `X Files' and is ready to dynamite
former CMs.

Sources in the state administration say classified
information on irregularities committed during the
tenure of the last three chief ministers have been
collected by the secretariat on instructions from the

With this, Parrikar is trying to keep his promise to
Goans to eliminate all `Narkasuras' (symbol of all
evil) plaguing Goa politics, before Christmas. Former
chief ministers Luizinho Faleiro and Francisco
Sardinha of the Congress and Wilfred D'Souza of the
Nationalist Congress Party are said to be in the

Parrikar has gone on record to state that he has
enough information and evidence against some elected
representatives. It may be recalled that he had
three Congress stalwarts -- Dayanand Narvekar,
Zuarkar and Mauvin Godinho -- reducing their

 While Sardinha and D'Souza had earlier shared power
with Parrikar, Faleiro had governed the state as
Congressman. Parrikar himself knows what secrets and
skeletons have been shoved into the closet during the
previous regimes.

He had earlier filed an FIR against Rachelle Faleiro,
wife of Luizinho Faleiro, in connection with a land
deal at Kesarval. On the defensive, Ms Faleiro had
challenged the BJP government to prove allegations
levelled against her.

His strategy: Expose the hypocrisy of heavyweights in
the opposition, blow their political cover and weaken
them, and indirectly, their party.

Sources in the administration declined to elaborate
the X Files, and what they contain. However, the move
has sent shock waves in Congress circles, but none in
the party was ready to react.

Though the BJP-led coalition has been doing well
during the last year, Parrikar's gambit is seen as a
survival tactic. He is trying to dislodge any threats
-- internal or external -- to the government by
identifying the forces working against it.

The effort to collect information against three
chief ministers is also a step directed towards the
security and stability of the government. At the BJP
office in Panaji, sources exhibited ignorance about
any such moves launched by either the party or the

Minguel Braganza writes:
> Frankly, I do not believe we had a Chief Minister 
> with a vision after Bhausaheb Bandodkar...till 
> Manohar Parrikar came along. He is a bit autocratic.
> That is a part o

[Goanet]Goa's dismal failure on the IT front

2004-11-29 Thread graceful
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India today is a country to reckon with in the field of IT. India's exports
are close tp $10 billion in IT. How much does Goa has as its share? Not

In Bangalore alone, more than a lakh software enigneers (could be even 2 lakh)
work. Here are some of the salary figures for software engineers.

1) A fresh software engineer can command anywhere from Rs. 10 K to Rs. 25 K
per month.

2) A manager would get around Rs. 75 K to Rs 1 Lakh a month.

3) A senior experienced hat could make from Rs. 1 lakhs to even Rs. 3 lakhs
a month.

4) Some top shots make much more than Rs. 3 lakhs a month.

This is just to give you an idea of what Goa is losing. A govt. has to
have priorities when it spends valuable money. It is not just about
showing muscle power on coming up with buildings. Someone mentioned
that so many schools, hospitals etc could have been started with the
Rs. 150 crores.

As far as IT is concerned, if this money was invested in an IT industry,
with a very conservative estimate, at least 6000 new jobs could have been
created. Wouldn't it be better than hosting 3000 delegates instead?

A person who has a job lives life with dignity, and that I think is the
most important need in Goa today. As the poet Manoharrai Sardessai said
years ago:

maagli bhik puro zali, katti atam fodcheli.
Zayat Zage.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Bounty for Inox

2004-11-28 Thread graceful
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 It seems that INOX, the agency presently running the multiplex at the old GMC 
precinct at Panjim is the biggest beneficiary of the largesse of the Goa 
Government, as it has received a Diwali gift in the shape of commercially 
running the multiplex.

The question being asked by the common man is, why should the Government be in 
the business of building a multiplex when there are more immediate priorities 
like water, electricity, roads and strengthening the police force to contain 
crimes like rapes, etc. At a time when the Centre is thinking of disinvestments 
in the non-priority sectors does it make sense for the Government to invest 
crores in a multiplex?

People are aware how much money INOX has earned during the construction of the 
multiplex and also how much they are going to earn in the near future. In fact 
they have gone commercial even before the necessary infrastructure around the 
complex has been completed, thereby causing inconvenience to the motorists on 
D.B. Marg. However, the Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar owes an explanation to 
the Goan people how he hopes to recover the Rs 24 crores he has spent on the 
multiplex. Besides who is going to monitor the accounts of INOX, is it the 
Revenue Department or the GSIDC?

If we go by the financial track record of the GSIDC, it would not be wrong to 
presume that while INOX will laugh its way to the Bank, the majority of Goans, 
which includes the poor Poinguinkar will have to pay through their nose for 
something they can only hope to look at from outside.

It is sad that Panjim is shining only for the filthy rich.

Rui Mascarenhas,


[goan observer]

This article is especially posted as part of the campaign to give truth
to the Goanet readers. There are too many boot-lickeing, brainwashing 
propaganda articles that are coming out on Goanet these days.
 Who knows, some of them might even be sponsored by
the Goa govt directly or indirectly. We see people such as Nandkumar
Kamat, who once stood steadfastly for the environment, doing a Mathany now.
I know the case of the IT advisor Dr. Anupam Saraf who used to speak out once.
The moment he started getting Rs. 50 K as salary per month from the Goa Govt., 
he stopped showing
up on all public forums. Parrikar knows very well who can be bought out how.


[Goanet]Re: Parrikar is the best

2004-11-28 Thread graceful
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>Minguel Braganza writes:
Frankly, I do not believe we had a Chief Minister with
a vision after Bhausaheb Bandodkar...till Manohar
Parrikar came along. He is a bit autocratic. That
>is a part of the package for an achiever. 

We are starting justification for a dictatorship now;
Why not have a Musharaf ruling us? I am told he is a big
achiever, if you leave democracy out. Hitler would be even

It requires serious vision to see the advantages of democracy,
not to mention that muscle flexing does not equate capability.

The disaster of Goa's economy in the name of IFFI,
the projects given to buddies,
the sacking of the DGP all need to be protested by all right
thinking Goans.


>Who would rather have a Luizinho, Sardinha, Rane or
Jitendra except one of these worthies themselves? 

Till someone better comes along, Parrikar is the best.
>That stands for the foreseeable future. 

- I fully concur with you. This is what I have been
stating all along.  For some sour grapes, it is like
saying: Kakoi zalear soggleanch olduvem dista!


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[Goanet]Re: Goa Govt donates Rs. 21 lakh to Marathi film "Shwaas"

2004-11-28 Thread graceful
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>From which fund is this money given ?
What is the legal angle to this --- for instance is a PIL that puts a
stay on this sustainable ?

Can someone find out from a lawyer?

Samir Kelekar

>From: floriano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Goanet]Goa Govt donates Rs 21 lakh to  Marathi film 'Shwaas'
>Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 20:37:41 +0530

Please inform me if Konkni has so far been enacted as the official language 
of Goa?

After the beatings we endured, imprisonmet suffered and quite a little blood 
offered, the
issue is pretty dear to my cardiac feelings.

And young Gabriel has every right to question the matter; RKK hardly any. He 
may not know Gabriel;
I know him, and his family, very well. He is the scion of a most 
distinguished family replete with
integrity, culture and courtesy.

My co-villagers from Loutulim.
>Dear Gabriel,
>You want to know -  Where's Konkani gone???
>Simply ... "DOBEAN"
>- Original Message -
>From: "Gabriel de Figueiredo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 4:50 PM
>Subject: Re: [Goanet]Goa Govt donates Rs 21 lakh to Marathi film 'Shwaas'
> >  --- Eddie Verdes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >  Goa Govt donates Rs 21 lakh to 'Shwaas'
> > > PANAJI: The Goa government on Thursday announced an
> > > aid of Rs 21 lakh to the
> > > producers of Marathi film Shwaas which has been
> > > selected as India's entry to
> > > the Oscars.
> > Marathi? Where's Konkani gone?
> >
> > Gabriel.
> >
> > Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.
> > http://au.movies.yahoo.com
> >

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]Re: DGP relieved by Goa Govt...

2004-11-27 Thread graceful
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It is a dangerous precedent set by Parrikar. One cannot have  partisan
police in a democracy. In the Gujarat riots case, all the police top brass
were hand in gloves with the accused (in fact, it is coming out now that
they were in touch on cell phones with the accused during the riots), while
they did not respond to cry for help from the victims.

One should give the police free hand in investigating all the crimes, not
just the crimes of the opposition MLAs. 



A big deal is being made over a DGP being relieved of his duties. The
DGP was in Goa for just 5 months. And how many IGPs, DGPs, Commissioners
do we require for a small place like Goa? Goa has functioned very well 
>all these IPS officers in the past.

[Goanet]Re: A letter to the CM of Goa

2004-11-27 Thread graceful
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>An open letter To the CM of Goa 
>published on Goanet.org:

>of crooks, you have to be a little bit crooked. The
people will forgive you for that, Mr Parrikar, as long
as they can see that your are using the peoples money
on programs which will change the life of the citizens
>of Goa for the better. 

Oh yeah?.. I can see that the life of Goans will be very much
better due to IFFI,

>The resent change in the top leadership of The Goa
Police Departement, is also a golden opportunity for
the state of Goa.  Mr. Parrikar. Its now your duty to
appoint good cops on top, who will not bulge down on
>offers to set a side justice by personal motives.

But what about Parrikar's personal motives?

>Living in Ribandar for the last four years, I have
been a close spectator to some irregularities in the
Police Department. Police complaints about serious
crimes have not been taken seriously. Here in Ribandar
the Nuns of the Convent of Our Lady of Help was
attacked by a mob, and threatened by rape and murder.
The culprits are still roaming at large. Mr. Parrikar,
even our Church has been attacked by the same mob,
which criminally trespassed into the residence of our
Parish Priest.  A Ribandar family was even threatened
by the mob to frame false allegations on the same
Priest, an unsuccessful bid by the mob to try to cover
up their crimes, helped by unfaithfull servants in
>your government. 

>When this mob of Ribandar can attack our nuns and
priest, and not be held accountable under the law of
justice, we have to live in fear. The people of
Ribandar are still asking them self:  Who´s next?
>Kindly take the necessary action against the culprits.

How about the police not filing charge sheet when an FIR was
filed against someone from Riabandar?

>Sincerely Yours.
Mr. Ivar Fjeld

Good maska-pav...:-)


Do you Yahoo!? 
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[Goanet]DGP removed --- what a shame.

2004-11-25 Thread graceful
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It is time for another freedom movement in Goa, freedom from this
dictator Parrikar.

What a shame, it is Parrikar who should be removed.

How about a morcha at the beginning of IFFI protesting this action?

Samir Kelekar

PS: to goan observer, for publication as a letter to the editor.

>Headline: DGP relieved by state government

Source: The Times of India. 25 November, 2004 at 

PANAJI: The Goa government on Thursday served an order to the DGP, Amod 
Kanth relieving him of his services.Mr Kanth told The Times of India, "I 
have received a letter that says the government is relieving me. I am 
>complying with the order and not like to say anything."

[Goanet]Corrupt govts. learn their lesson

2004-11-24 Thread graceful
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There is no point in being very moralistic. Governments that
are corrupt, that give contracts on nepotism, that dont
respect merit, be told in no uncertain terms
that they will dig their own grave.


"HYDERABAD: The hacker is on the prowl and the government can do
little to
stop him in his tracks. At least, that's what the IT department -
of the government web sites and servers" ...


[Goanet]Re: cost of Goa's multiplex in real terms

2004-11-21 Thread graceful
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Dear Shantarambab:
I fully agree with your views. When Goans need basic amenities, and jobs,
this Parrikar govt. is out to entertain foreign delegates.  It is a complete
waste of public money; in a country such as ours, there have to be laws that
prevent such arbitrary spending. 

Samir Kelekar


Ex-President, Goa PCC,
2137, Near Swami Math,
Gogol,Margao 403 602
19th Nov.2004


[Goanet]Re: I demand apology from Joel :-)

2004-11-21 Thread graceful
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Hi Jerry:
You missed the smiley :-) in the line
I demand apology from Joel. :-)

Yes, Joel is doing a great job, and we are all thankful to him.
If you have noticed some other threads in recent days, you would
know why this post (which is a spoof) was posted.

Samir Kelekar
>Hello Samir'

I read your article, and was surprised that you are demanding an apology 
from Joel. We Goans who are far away from Goa, appreciate the good work that 
Joel does by providing us the daily dose of the news of Goa. As for you 
being in Bangalore, I bet you can get the Goan papers on dailiy basis. Hence 
please don't be so harsh in your demands, as I feel Joel has done no wrong  
in giving that news coverage, as, as you must have noted that the news 
clipping is from (GT) which must be standing for Gomantak Times.

Every news coverage which comes has these in the brackets either its N, or 
GT or, H, which is explained at the last as Courtesy: GT=Gomantak Times; 
NT=The Navhind Times; H=Herald;


Jerry Fernandes

Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 10:36:57 +0500
Subject: [Goanet]I demand apology from Joel :-)

Damn it , who is scandalizing whom here?

Can anyone see a victim here?
I can't.

Heck, Joel needs to apologize for this scandal-mongering; and that too on

the almost forgotten murky Margao rape case, the 17-year-old rage victim and
her mother are facing continuous threat from local goons to "settle" the
case and not press charges. They have alleged that some local politicians
are supporting the accused Altaf Sayyed, who has earlier been arrested for
>similar and related crimes. (GT)

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]Response to Miguel

2004-11-20 Thread graceful
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You seem to still have the itch of not keeping quiet.

1) First of all, you owe an apology on Goanet for your bigoted comments about
the dark people. You are not going to get away with it. It is comments like
yours that perpetuate the myth that fair is good, and dark is bad. How fair
are you? How fair is your wife and family?

Let us deal with this and get it out of the way before we deal with other 


>My dear Samir,

An  District and Sessions Court Judge has denied bail to Altaf Sayyad of
Gogolunder Section 8[2] of the GOA CHILDRENS ACT,2003 read with IPC Section
376 and 342. He has been jailed based on prima facie evidence of rape
produced by the Public Prosecutor Sarojini Sardinha. Question of consensual
sex does not arise as the girl is a minor. It is mandatory rape. For details
read Goamntak Times page 1,Col.7 dated 20 Nov.[www.gomantaktimes.com]. The
girl and her mother have stood their ground.

What is your evidence against the 5-Star hotel and the 100 girls alleged by
YOU [ You are unable to upline your sources...perhaps because there are
none;-( .] to have been 'procured' or 'supplied' ? In fact, WHAT is your

- Original Message -
From: "Samir Kelekar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Damn it , who is scandalizing whom here?
> Josebab, can you see a victim here? I can't.>
> Heck, Joel needs to apologize for this* scandal-mongering;* and that too
on the Internet.>
> regards,
> Samir
> From Joel's news clip of two days back:
> the almost forgotten murky Margao rape case, the 17-year-old rage victim
and her mother are facing continuous threat from local goons to "settle" the
case and not press charges. They have alleged that some local politicians
are supporting the accused Altaf Sayyed, who has earlier been arrested for
similar and related crimes. (GT)

There is no point scurrying for every 'cover' that you see. The cover is
just a mirage.

 First you were willing to give details to Rajan Narayan,then to Fredrick
Noronhha. First you digress to Calangute beach, now to Margao. *
scandal-mongering;* is what you have been doing right from the point you
started this thread,Samir.  APOLOGISE [ on Goanet, where you posted the
carnard about 100 Goan girls] if you are a man. Hold your peace if you are a

Viva Goa.

[Goanet]I demand apology from Joel :-)

2004-11-19 Thread graceful
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Damn it , who is scandalizing whom here?

Can anyone see a victim here?
I can't. 

Heck, Joel needs to apologize for this scandal-mongering; and that too on

the almost forgotten murky Margao rape case, the 17-year-old rage victim and
her mother are facing continuous threat from local goons to "settle" the
case and not press charges. They have alleged that some local politicians
are supporting the accused Altaf Sayyed, who has earlier been arrested for
>similar and related crimes. (GT)

[Goanet]Re: Finding your way around what's happening around Goa

2004-11-17 Thread graceful
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I wonder if Admag and FreeAds have their Goa editions. They are not about
event information, but are about all kinds of classifieds. The revenue model
is very interesting: it does not cost anything to insert a small ad. (bigger
ads cost), but it costs Rs. 8 or 10/- for a copy. These weekly mags are
very popular and are one of the best sources to buy anything second-hand.

Samir Kelekar

> FN writes:
>Secondly, and more importantly, this is yet another publication that has its
model overwhelmingly dependent on advertising revenues. Nothing wrong in
that, per se. But we already seem to have too many of these in Goa these
days. So, generating reader-oriented quality information is no priority;
earning advertiser rupees is the focus.

Just the other day, a friend in the trade was mentioning how difficult it
has become to earn advertising revenue. He claimed that some of the early
players had "ruined the market". That apart, Goa's readers could benefit
>from business models that rely on selling credible news and content, to

[Goanet]Re: Ensure independence of police : CAG

2004-11-17 Thread graceful
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Hi Mariobab:
Obviously, Panjim's streets are well taken care of: it is Parrikar's own 
When Parrikar first came to power, people thought he was great. Slowly,
Parrikar's strategies have got revealed to the Goan people. Parrikar believes
in doing things only when he can get something out of it. Thus, Monserrate's
crimes are absolved and he is given a ministerial post so that Parrikar can
keep his power. Those who have independent mind such Kant and Randhwa from
the police department are not wanted. 
Parrikar is power-hungry and very much dictatorial. He will do
anything to further his these two ends. Yes, he throws some crumbs here and
there, when some are left. People say he is personally not corrupt, but his
buddies are making a fortune.

Goa's financial situation has gone worse due to the current regime.

Parrikar is also a very revengeful person, as is evident from the raids on
Datta Naik's and Dr. Francisco Colaco's establishment the moment they formed
Lok Shakti party and started opposing Parrikar.

Parrikar does not believe in empowering people by creating more employment.
Instead he would spend crores on populous measures such as giving free computers
and giving pensions.
Thus, his strategies are quite petty, if you look at them in the overall 
In other words, he is nowhere close to the statesman he was made out to be;
just another power broker but with an IIT tag. 

Samir Kelekar

> Mario writes:
>I am not on top of current events in Goa, so please don't bite my head off, 
>but we do visit Goa once a year, and the locals in Panjim at least, seem to 
>give Parrikar the credit for the incredible cleanliness that seems to have 
>broken out all over.  >I have never seen the streets of Goa so clean as on our 
>last visit in February.

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[Goanet]Re: Have a Maruti, ensure your death

2004-11-17 Thread graceful
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This might look gross, but I hardly have sympathies for those who drive
on highways in Maruti 800/van.
These cars are so unsafe; you have no chance with a head on collision.
We have discussed this before. (i feel sorry for the kids, who may have
had no say in the decision.)

Samir Kelekar
some links are given below:



Have a Maruti, ensure your death

PALL of gloom descends over Gadgils, Purohits
Pune Newsline - Pune,India
... 15: A PALL of gloom descended over Erandavane and Chinchwad areas,
where the Gadgil and Purohit families, which lost six lives in a road
mishap in Goa, lived. ...

See all stories on this topic:

[Goanet]RE: Ensure independence of police : CAG

2004-11-17 Thread graceful
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I fully support CAG's stand. This is one more example of 
Parrikar's dictatorial ways. And someone said 4 years of
Parrikar are good! Gimme a break; the person ought to
be fantasizing.

Samir Kelekar

>The Citizen's Action Group (CAG)demands for a
consensus amongst all political parties on the need to
allow the Police Force to function freely and
independently devoid of any political interference and
manipulation whatsoever.   

CAG urges Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar to
immediately withdraw his cabinet's high handed and
outrageous decisions to keep the post of DGP in
abeyance and to scrap one of the post of one of the

Such a illogical and vindictive decision would
discredit the image and moral of the administration
and it is now public knowledge that these decisions
were taken by the cabinet to drive away DGP Amod Kant
and DIG Randhwa for not bowing down to political

[Goanet]Re: Goa's fun image...

2004-11-16 Thread graceful
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Very well said. I recommended Goa to a friend of mine recently.
He visited Calangute, all by himself.

A tout approached him, and the conversation went thus:

Tout: Saab, kya beer, drinks mangta hai?
My friend: No I dont drink.
Tout: To kya chicken, mutton, fish ?
My friend: No, I am a vegetarian.
Tout: To kya ladki mangta hai?
My friend: No.
Tout: Tumko drinks nahi mangta hai, chicken, fish nahin mangta hai, ladki
nahim mangta hi, to tum Goa aaya kyon?

My friend meanwhile had a walkman with him which was playing songs.
The tout asked to have a look at it, and listened to the songs.
They were some sad songs by Kishore Kumar playing.

Tout: Okay, to love break hua hai tumhara. Abhi humko samjha.

Fully satisfied about the reason, the tout left.

So, this is Goa's fun image. 

Samir Kelekar

>Let me put my 2 cent here...Remember, I had sent a piece to goanet in
Feb'04, regarding the episode at Dabolim airport? I was personal witness to
the same.

I have a slight feeling, People staying outside know more about whats
happening inside Goa, than the ones based there.


[Goanet]Money for IFFI

2004-11-12 Thread graceful
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Is the Rs. 150 crores that we are talking about there or
it will have to come from Kingfisher (see the foll. article)?

Just wondering if anyone has info on that.

Samir Kelekar
from Goan Observer



THE DELHI CM is not the only one who is against Goa becoming the
permanent venue for IFFI. Recently, the Chief Minister of West
Bengal, Buddhadev Bhattacharya, has also voiced his opposition to Goa
being the permanent venue for IFFI. Bhattacharya believes that IFFI
should be held in turn in the principal cities in the country. Even
when the proposal for making Goa the permanent venue for IFFI was
being considered Kerala had staked its claim as a superior venue
which already has the infrastructure to hold events of this
magnitude. Presumably, at the suggestion or instigation of the Kerala
government the internationally reputed Polish film maker Zanussi
recently commented that just the fact that a location had nice
beaches did not qualify it to host an international film festival.
Zanussi in his interview to the national media had pointed out that
Goa has no film culture and therefore was not a suitable venue.

But the Centre had already made a commitment to hold the IFFI in Goa
this year. The Directorate of Film Festivals had accordingly informed
the International Film Festivals Federation. All countries holding
international film festivals or aspiring to hold them have to inform
the Federation and coordinate with it about the dates. This is
because more and more countries have now begun to host international
film festivals and it becomes necessary to ensure that there is no
overlap. The centre therefore decided to let Manohar Parrikar have
the privilege of hosting the IFFI in Goa this year. But the Centre
made it clear that along with the privilege and honour of hosting the
film festival Manohar Parrikar would also have to foot the entire
bill. Parrikar himself has acknowledged that the State has not
received a single paisa towards even the running cost leave alone any
contribution for the infrastructure which is in the process of being
completed for the film festival. The consequence is that Manohar
Parrikar has been awarding contracts left, right and centre. Not only
that he has been pressurizing them to speed up the work so that the
deadline would be met and the Union Ministry for Information is not
given any alibi for cancelling IFFI Goa at the last moment.

All of which is fine and we along with the rest of Goa appreciate and
commend Manohar Parrikar's energy and enthusiasm in fulfilling his
date with tinsel town. The catch is that even the IFFI in a jiffy has
to be paid for. I understand that the GSIDC is heavily in arrears
even in clearing the bills for work already done. While there is a
penalty clause for any delay in completing the allotted works there
will be equal pressure on Manohar Parrikar to pay up the moment all
the contracted works are fully finished and ready. Parrikar decided
to abandon the bulk of the road beautification and the four-laning
not because of the lack of time but because of the lack of money. I
understand that some of the key contractors who are working under
tremendous pressure and have to bear the insults of the arrogant
chief minister in the bargain are threatening to abandon ship of all
the payments due to them are not made immediately. In panic Manohar
Parrikar has turned to the King of Good Times. He even took the King
of Good Times on a personal guided tour of the Kala Academy complex
and the multiplexes. The King of Good Times is willing but is driving
a hard bargain.

OBVIOUSLY, Vijay Mallya will want his pound of flesh. I understand
that Vijay Mallya has been insisting that he wants co-sponsorship.
Which means it will become not the International Film Festival, Goa,
but the Kingfisher International Film Festival. Or may be Vijay
Mallya will settle for having the Kala Academy renamed as the
Kingfisher Kala Academy. And maybe as part of the frantic, frenetic
attempts to raise funds, Manohar Parrikar will agree to re-name the
Dayanand Bandodkar Road as the Azad Panchi Fosters Beer Road.

Though all this may boomerang on him. The biggest challenge before
Manohar Parrikar is not the completion of the various infrastructural
facilities but where he will find the money to pay the bill. If he
does not come up with the money the contractors, particularly the
international suppliers might just about decide to take away all the
fancy digital equipment includin

[Goanet]Re: Liberation two required ...asks Wendell ...

2004-11-12 Thread graceful
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>Stylespeak for Goa Today
by Wendell Rodricks

Liberation  2

Next month we will celebrate forty-three years since Indian forces moved 
into Goa and took it over as "acquisition by conquest".   Those are not my 
>words but those of the Supreme Court of India.

Why blame it on Delhi ?
First, use the money that is there properly, and not give it
to the cronies of politicians. Consider the Rs. 150 crores
of IFFI. Should money like this be put in IFFI or should it
go in more statewide infrastructural projects?

Should money go in free cyberages schemes which basically
turns a kid into a porno-watcher?

Should there be populous measures such as pension schemes ---
little doles that won't help to empower people?

These are not Delhi's creations; these are creations of
people whom we have ourselves voted into power.

So, it is clear who should be blamed.


[Goanet]Hospiltality partner for IFFI: Everything included? :-)

2004-11-11 Thread graceful
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>TAJ TO BE HOSPITALITY PARTNER: The Taj Fort Aguada Beach resort will be the
official hospitality partner for the International Film Festival of India.

[Goanet]Re: Goa's fun image...

2004-11-10 Thread graceful
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There is no point behaving like an ostrich. Take it a bit cool.
dont make it a personal issue.

Also, please read my posts carefully, even the first post.

>Dear Samir,

There is no point writing in shifting sands.
One day you allege that 100 girls were 'provided' in Goa and call for
legalizing prostitution in Goa. Next time they become partners in a
>disco...subject to confirmation from your undisclosed source in Goa.Give me

If a teenage girl is available (on payment) for an evening beginning with a
disco to an all male party, what does that mean? Do you think that is fine?
How can one tell what has happened after that? Do you think the male party will
just go home after the disco?

Come on can't you put two and two together? 

Please note that the issue here is not whether sex happened in the particular
case with every girl; the issue is
what is happening. That local girls are available for the evening.

As I mentioned, there was another friend of mine who was around when the
story was told. I have his email address, and he has confirmed that the
story won't be untrue (email attached).

However, Miguel you have not shown the maturity for me to give you his email
address. I am afraid if you start writing to him emails such as this post, he
will get all upset and won't cooperate. If Frederick Noronha or some other
more polite soul is willing to take the initiative, then I can pass his email
address. However, I do not have the email or the phone number of the person
who was witness to the story and who told the story.

I do not see how prostitution in Bangalore is related to this.

I take strong objection to your statement that it is an irresponsible post.
Please note that the post was done in the spirit of information. I am not
your type who believes in only showing the good things of Goa and shoving the 
things under the carpet. 

If someone has to apologize, it is you Miguel who has to apologize for your
downright discriminatory statement about the matrimonial ad that was put out
some time back; your colour prejudice about fair or otherwise belongs to a 
view, if you still havent figured it out.

I am not surprised that this current atttitude of yours of shoving what is
unsavoury under the carpet fits well in the whole picture.

Sorry no apologies here. I stand by every line that I have posted.

Here is my friend's (the one who was witness) email response to my mail:
(The 's are mine introduced to protect the Hotel's name.)

Hey man,

He wont bluffesp regarding wht he said 

But i wudnt really know whether he'll give details..

wht do u have in mind?

--- Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> hey:
> just wanted to know the reliability of the story
> that he mentioned about 100 local girls being
> supplied to guys at xxx.
> You think he will be willing to give details --
> of course in confidence?
> regards,
> Samir


Hope that is more than enough for a prima facie need to investigate
the story more, and to flush Miguel's "order" for apology down the tube.


[Goanet]Goa in "Bride and Prejudice"

2004-11-10 Thread graceful
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There is some coverage of Goa in the Aishwarya Rai starrer
"Bride and Prejudice". A beachside party is also shown.


[Goanet]Re: IFFI : Award-winners from 20 nations

2004-11-09 Thread graceful
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>Eddie Fernandes writes:

> IFFI: Award-winners from 20 nations
> http://www.mid-day.com/news/nation/2004/november/96570.htm

>It is not clear if the winner will also be provided with a partner – Perhaps 
>Samir knows :-)

Dont know yet, and I may never know also. In the last case, it was just that
the person who told me the story was himself a DJ at the disco party.

Now, if those local people present at IFFI (Dont go inside the theater halls
though...remember they may not be fire-proof) keep their eyes and ears open...
Especially, note the goings on in the star hotels where the delegates will
be staying, and you may know what is going on! After all, nowadays the "pimp"
and the CM are quite close!!!

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Re: Goa's fun image

2004-11-09 Thread graceful
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>Let's have a 'provisional' apology ,at the very least.

What exactly you want a provisional apology for? Can you clarify?

You have written so much and I dont see how it relates to an apology.
Btw, my position on prostitution is that it should be legalized and
regularized. And that is independent of the place: Goa, Bangalore or
Las Vegas!


>Viva Goa.

[Goanet]Peter D'Souza on terrorism

2004-11-08 Thread graceful
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>taken place in Australia and England. No matter how much the hatred, you 
can't blame Mr. Bush for encouraging the growth of terrorism. Only when 
the United States starts arresting masses of Finns, Swedes and 
Australians--in the same numbers as they've been rounding up 
Islamists--then, and only then, should America start the process of 
>instrospection and wonder whether it really is the *cause* of terrorism. 

Why the discrimination between Islamists and the Finns? Why the discrimination
based on religion?

Your criteria to judge the increase of terrorism is discriminatory.
Only when the Finns start becoming terrorists you would think that terrorism
has increased. Dont people who belong to Islam religion count?
No wonder, you say that this is going to be your last point.
You would have no basis to justify your statements.

>The civilised world cannot claim responsibility for creating terrorists, 
the hatemongers of this world who allow their pre-pubescent children to 
>become suicide bombers are to blame.

Your arguments certainly dont seem to come from a civilized mindset.

>My point exactly--17-year old who has been taught to hate will take up 
arms and conduct a suicide attack. Because of his upbringing he is more 
>likely to commit an act of terror than, say, contemporary in Portugal 

When a 17 year old sees his parents killed due to an Israeli bombing due
to no fault of theirs, what else do you expect him/her to do?
Go to McDonalds and eat burgers?

>who strongly opposes the American governement and its inaction in East 
Timor a few years ago (a situation as dear to Portugal as the 
Palestinian cause might be to the Saudis). Do you rememeber the sight of 
hundreds of Palestinian children dancing in the streets when the WTC 
>fell? What makes pre-teen children rejoice at such at such evil? There 

Whether you liked it or not, the 
rejoicing was the helpless people's way of getting back
at the US. The American govt. has been unleashing a reign of terror at will:
right from bombing Gaddafi's Libya at will, to the Iraq war and what not,
American has been using its muscle power at will. No govt. has the military
power to take on America. Pray tell me,
What should those who are affected by American
terror  do? 

>was no talk of invading Iraq at the time, yet the sight of children 
dancing with glee leaves little doubt that these little fellows shared 
the joy of terrorists. Sorry, I'm not trying to score points in an 
argument--you're welcome to respond, but I won't be saying any more on 
the issue. P.S. Could you drop the word "unilateral"? It's getting a 
little stale, especially since many other nations have suffered 
>casualties in this war.

>>I don't understand how spending a premium of $100 billion per year can make 
>>economic sense. Your argument seems to stem from skepticism more than 
>>It is not my argument; it is Bush's logic for attacking Iraq.
>This is getting pointless. You've either got to study economics, or read 
the statements Mr. Bush made before the war, or both. I'd recommend 
_Basic Economics_ and _Applied Economics_ , both by Thomas Sowell; don't 
get put off by the title of the former, it is really a super book and a 
>must-read for every policymaker.

There is enough material to indicate that one of the main aims of attacking
Iraq is the oil. 

>What I am saying is that people prefer to treat terrorism pre-emptively 
than to treat it the same way that prostitution or gambling are treated 
(Kerry's strategy). Most people in America have a hard time 
understanding how terrorism can be downgraded to the level of a 
>"nuisance" (Kerry again).

Fine, but there appears no evidence to indicate that Saddam had terrorist
intentions or even had WDMs.

>Being an American (and I'm not one) does not guarantee one's safety 
around the world, but neither does being a Brit, Australian, Filipino, 
Indian or anybody else. "Christian Zionists" are sometimes targetted for 
>attacks, but some of the Zarqawi crew show that they don't discriminate.

Sure, Iraq is not safe, but most of the rest of the world is much safer
for Indians than Americans. I dont think anyone would contest that.


[Goanet]Parrikar's cronies want more --- greed has no bounds

2004-11-07 Thread graceful
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>Navhind Times - Panjim Goa
SUNDAY , November 7th November 2004

Centre should give Goa more funds: CM

UNI Jaipur Nov 6: The Goa Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar made a strong
pitch today for re-fixing the priorities for central assistance to states
doing well on the development front.

Addressing a meeting called by the Planning Commission here for mid-term
review of the 10th Plan (2002-07) in West zone states, he claimed that Goa
was performing "well on most parameters", but got back just a meagre share
of the resources it generated for the central pool.

Sixty-five per cent of the country's iron ore export was routed through Goa
while the state also generated more than Rs 2,000 crores in revenue through
>tourism, yet "what we get back from the Centre is meagre," he said.

Parrikar should be first asked whether people are benefitting from all this
money. All this money is currently going to Parrikar's cronies only.

>According to a senior state official present at the meeting, Mr Parrikar
demanded "flexibility" in the allocation of resources by the Centre in case
of Goa since it neither had a big population, nor acute poverty, parameters
>the Centre considers while deciding on allocations.

What a reason to give? If Goa has less poverty, it is only because of
expat money, not because people can earn money in Goa.

>Unlike other states, Goa thus needed central assistance to fight lifestyle
>related diseases that afflict the affluent, he said.

Ha ha ha; so we now know where the extra money is going to go.
To the affluents, not to those who are not well-known.

Center should tell Parrikar 'no' in straight language.

>In the power sector too, corporatisation of power companies was not needed
since transmission and distribution losses were a low 26 per cent and Goa
was making profits in the power sector, he said.

The Chief Minister did not make demands for any specific package for Goa at
the meeting, but spoke of its potentials and the high growth rate achieved
>in various fields in the state, the official said.

Ha ha ha; there is very high growth in one area --- that is in the number
of Goans leaving Goa.

>"We are targetting a growth rate of 14 per cent and are doing well on the
>development front," Mr Parrikar was reported to have told the meeting.

He also projected the Cyberage Student's Scheme and Dayanand Social Security
>Scheme of the state government at the meeting, the official said.

How did he project the Cyberage scheme? Hope he is not trying to make
Goa the porno capital of the world; it is already the paedophile capital
of the world.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Online petition: Gujarat riots, appeal for the protection of witnesses

2004-11-07 Thread graceful
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Please sign the below on line petition and forward widely.
(the final date for all signatures is November 11)

URL: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/gapw/petition.html

o o o o

To:  President of the Republic of India, to the Prime Minister, to 
the Minister for Home, and to the National Human Rights Commission


The Best Bakery of Hanuman Tekri, Vadodara, was attacked by a mob of 
several hundred people late in the evening on 1 March 2002. By 
morning, the bakery had been burnt down and over a dozen people had 
been killed. Zahira Habibullah Sheikh, many members of whose family 
were among the dead or injured, described in detail what had 
happened. She said, among other things, that the Police Control Room 
and the Panigate Police Station had been asked for help, and that a 
police vehicle had stopped briefly by the bakery but had driven on. 
She said all this many times in Vadodara and she said all this many 
times in Delhi.

But it is well known that when they came before the "fast track" 
court, Zahira, her entire surviving family, and other witnesses 
either said that they knew nothing of the attack on the bakery or 
else that the accused had actually been their saviours. As a 
consequence, all 21 accused were acquitted. A press report said of 
this: "The trial court had acquitted the accused saying the police 
had conducted a shoddy investigation by booking the wrong persons and 
collecting the wrong evidence."

It is also well known that soon after this, Zahira announced that she 
had lied in court. Here is a press report about that: "On July 7, a 
few days after the verdict, Zahira told a press conference in Bombay 
that she and other witnesses had changed their testimony after 
receiving death threats. She directly accused BJP MP [should be MLA] 
Madhu Shrivastav and his cousin, Congress politician Chandrakant 
'Bhattu' Shrivastav, of intimidating her." The BJP MLA, once a known 
bootlegger, had protectively escorted Zahira to the court. It is 
unlikely that the police were absent.

But here is yet another press report, one which carries more weight 
than all the others: "While ordering a re-trial of the Best Bakery 
case in Maharashtra, the Supreme Court today compared the Gujarat 
Government to 'modern day Neros who were looking elsewhere when Best 
Bakery and innocent children and hapless women were burning, and were 
probably deliberating on how the perpetrators of the crime can be 

The latest and most staggeringly ludicrous episode in the saga came 
well after the re-trial in Mumbai had begun. It had Zahira accusing 
an NGO's people of taking her to Mumbai "at knife point" and holding 
her captive there. She appealed for protection.

Where was Zahira when she decided, for whatever reason, to tell the 
trial court that she had lied earlier? Where was Zahira when she 
decided, for whatever reason, to ask to be protected from the NGO 
which used knives? On both occasions she was in Vadodara; and on the 
second, it was only the Gujarat Police which could be asked to 
protect her. Who controlled the Gujarat Police, the force whose duty 
it was to have prevented the crimes of which the Supreme Court had 
spoken? The Gujarat Government, of course, which so many have held 
responsible for having planned and instigated those very crimes.

In or before June 2003, the People's Union for Civil Liberties and 
the Vadodara Shanti Abhiyan withdrew from the hearings of the 
Nanavati-Shah Commission in Vadodara. They said that "many Muslim 
victims and witnesses to key incidents in last year's violence would 
not be willing to appear before the Commission ... because of the 
atmosphere of fear and insecurity prevailing among the Muslim 
victims" They regretted that the Commission had made no "public 
apology for any reported statements in the media that amounted to 
pre-judging and exonerating the State Police, one of the main accused 
in last year's violence"

This observation about the Gujarat Police cannot be called evidence. 
However, responsible people and organisations, as well as two 
statutory bodies, have said things which, at the very least, raise 
suspicions about that force. The words used by the Supreme Court 
about the Gujarat Government went well beyond mere suspicion: they 
pointed not only to a dereliction of statutory duty but also to a 
probable illegal protection of criminals.

Over 2,000 Indian citizens were killed in Gujarat in the weeks and 
months following 28 February 2002. It is not known how many women and 
girls were raped before b

[Goanet]Peter DeSouza on terrorism

2004-11-05 Thread graceful
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Peter DSouza writes:

Yes, most of us didn't see them. People on the planes which crashed into 
the WTC and the Pentagon got to see some of them. There's a fellow named 
>Osama who had been around before the Iraq war. People in Israel get to 

Lest we forget, Osama is very much an American creation. It is well-known that
Osama learnt the
tricks of the trade via American arms and finance.

>1993, ... My point is that the war didn't transform peace-loving folks 
>into mass murderers.

That is a key point which I am debating. There are enough reports to indicate
that the anti-American sentiments world-wide has increased massively after
the unilateral attack on Iraq. Now if you are saying that none of this
sentiment is going to turn people into taking up arms, then you must be
assuming everyone the world over is like GoaNet subscribers: all talk only.

We have seen it in Israel/Palestine. No 17 year old takes to arms and goes
for a suicide attack just like that. We have seen it happen in India too
as a fallout of the Gujarat riots. Common men and women have got stirred
to resort to terrorist attacks.

The point is: terrorists are not born. They happen due to one reason or
the other. And Bush's unilateral unprovoked attack on Iraq sure would be
one reason for more to turn to terrorism.

>What about 1000 American casualties? Going by how things are going, these are only 
>going to increase in the next four years, it looks like.
Maybe, maybe not. Remember what was said about Afghanistan. It's worth 
>waiting to see the eventual outcome of the war.

Sure let us wait and see.

>I don't understand how spending a premium of $100 billion per year can 
make economic sense. Your argument seems to stem from skepticism more 
than reality. .

It is not my argument; it is Bush's logic for attacking Iraq.

>America. Why do we hear so little about the 19% of Americans for whom 
terrorism is the key issue and so much more about religion being the 
main factor? 

That is an interesting point. What you are essentially saying is that
people voted Bush because they feel that his so-called war on terrorism
is making America a safer place.

My take on this point is that turning American into a fortress could make
it safer; however, Americans would be more threatened once they leave
America; of course, other issues such as respect for international law etc
haven't been dealt here. 

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Re: The US elections, parallels to India and the next 4 years

2004-11-05 Thread graceful
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>It is very interesting indeed, Samir. The truth of the matter is that in 
spite of the economy losing 1.9 million jobs due to the recession that 
>Bush inherited, and in spite of the economic fallout of September 11, 

Gimme a break;  Bush inherited recession? My understanding was that
the economy was its peak in 2000, late 2000. The recession (at least in
the IT field) began just as Bush took over, and then 9/11 made things

Where are you getting your data from?

>the Bush administration created an economic stimulus package which 
resulted in the recovery of over 800,000 jobs. ..and it continues to 
grow for the 14th straight month. Manufacturing has increased too. 
>Unemployment is down by more than 1 percentage point, and is as low as 

Unemployment down, compared to when?

>it was during the prosperous Clinton economy of  1996. So, "despite the 
bad economy, people losing jobs", it is only as bad as it was when 
Clinton was re-elected in 1996. Nobody was complaining then, and the 
American people who were affected by it during the last 4 years seem to 
think it's only as significant a problem as it was in 1996. The United 
States share of the world's GDP at the time Bush took office was about 
25%, it's now 33%. There is no cause to complain about the superb growth 
in GDP.

No, they also voted based on economic concerns as I outlined above. 
People do vote based on religious feelings, one of many factors. Values 
play an important role too. In a country where the rule of law is 
paramount it must come as a given that a strong moral code undergirds 
the foundation of that law. I think it was Malcolm X who once said "if 
>you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything".

Bush stands for muscle flexing, for the  "might is  right" kind of order.
As we have seen as a justification of Iraq war, even facts dont come in
the way of Bush's muscle flexing.

One thing is sure that this will create more terrorists. For instance, those
who are keeping people hostage now, and massacaring, they were nowhere
to be seen before the Iraq war.

>The fear factor coupled with the fact that the United States has been 
effectively protected against any major terrorist act since September 
11, 2001 has been an important contributor in the re-election of George 
W. Bush. There have been many planned attacks which have been stopped, 
>and terrorist sleeper cells have been uncovered. This is well documented.

What about 1000 American casualties? Going by how things are going, these are
only going to increase in the next four years, it looks like.

>The outsourcing of manufacturing has several benefits, among them the 
average household in the United States has about $2,000 each year in 
spending cash. The outsourcing of tech jobs to Bangalore and other 
places has several benefits, one of which is that American consumer 
goods end up in the hands of foreign consumers. I won't bore you with 
more detail, but there are liberals and conservatives alike who share 
that sentiment. You might want to check articles on the subject by 
Thomas Friedman (a liberal), the influential foreign affairs editor of 
the New York Times, or the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal 
(conservative). Regarding war costs: there are significant amounts of 
the money spent there which comes back to the United States since 
American contractors such as Raytheon and Halliburton have been 
>providing infrastructural support.

I frankly think that this needs more study; whether outsourcing in general
benefits the American people or just the corporates or both.

>Of course, if the Iraqi resistance calms down, and Bush is
>able to get cheap oil from Iraq --- which was his main aim anyway --- then
>it may be good for the American economy.
Sir, you have no idea what you're talking about. Spending an extra $100 
>billion a year does not make oil cheaper.

Hey, if you get oil fields free, spending that much money could make economic
sense. Certainly it does not make any legal sense (and I am talking international
law here), and certainly not moral sense.

And, people say they voted Bush on moral basis?

People's morals must be in their knees, man.

I think it was Gore Vidal who said :
Half the Americans dont read newspapers. Half don't vote. Hope it is the same


>Peter D'Souza

[Goanet]Re: Goan books, writers, assumptions et al

2004-11-04 Thread graceful
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I fully agree with you; congrats need not be posted in public.

Dr. Colaco's post however is also factually wrong, as I have posted
congratualatory post to Ben Antao on Goanet.
It can be looked up in the archives.

Samir Kelekar

>Dr. Colaco's message that we all buy more books by Goan authors began with an attack 
>on Goan authors who did not publicly congratulate Ben Antao on Goanet. 
 I objected to it when he first made that attack and I object to it now. Private 
messages---including private messages of congratulation---do not belong on Goanet.
 Personal attacks also do not belong on this forum. Some writers were attacked by 
name, in that same message that urged us to buy more books. I found that attack to be 
equally objectionable.
 My focus was on those parts of Dr. Colaco's message that I felt crossed the line. 
My focus was not on the messenger. I do not know Dr. Colaco, and have no animosity 
whatever towards him.
  >   Victor

[Goanet]5 star hotel: For any one interested, I am not a pimp

2004-11-04 Thread graceful
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Re: My posts about Goa's fun image, I am getting inquires here on email
saying that people are visiting Goa and they want to know which 5 star
hotel supplies local girls.

I want to categorically state that I am not in the business of pimping
and cannot reveal the name. The only time it can be revealed is to journalists
such as Rajan Narayan of Goan observer for investigation.

Matter closed about that so no more emails please.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Matka only hope for the young in Goa today

2004-11-04 Thread graceful
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When we have a govt. that spends Rs. 150 crore on useless IFFI,
when the govt's main goal is to buy MLAs by paying money,
when the govt. only wants boot-lickers who are incompetent
as IT secretaries/advisors,
the young will be disillusioned. They have no other choice but
to either leave Goa or to take to matka, alcoholism.

On top of that, we have some others saying that the govt. is
doing well. What a joke?

In today's Goa, you got to necessarily boot-lick to get anything
out of the govt. It does not depend on your merit. Any person
with some semblance of merit and self-esteem has no hope in

Matka is probably their only hope. I wont be surprised if young
gals take to prostitution. I expect this trend to increase even

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]The US elections: parallels to India and the next 4 years

2004-11-04 Thread graceful
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It is quite interesting that despite the bad economy, people losing jobs,
people have voted for Bush.

Does this mean that people vote based on their religious feelings, so-called
moral issues, more than their economic concerns?

Or is that the terrorism threat --- the fear factor --- has made Bush
garner votes? Or is it that Kerry was not perceived as a strong enough

With $100 billion a year in war costs, if Iraqi resistance continues, and
with jobs going to places like India, the future for the US lay people appears not
so bright. Or is it that people do have jobs in the US and this outsourcing/loss
of jobs is just a media hype?
Of course, if the Iraqi resistance calms down, and Bush is
able to get cheap oil from Iraq --- which was his main aim anyway --- then
it may be good for the American economy.

Samir Kelekar

>While it is personally disheartening to see Bush win,
the people have spoken and their wishes need to be
respected. Unlike the last time, Bush definitely has a
stronger mandate this time.

The comparison with the recent Indian elections is
very interesting. In India, it was the poorer, less
educated rural majority that was instrumental in
getting the BJP out. However, it was based purely on
economic reasons. In the US as well, it was the rural
vote that got Bush back into power. Most analysts, and
in particular the chief Republican strategist Karl
Rove attribute this to "moral issues". It seems that
the large increase in the participation of the
religious right helped more than neutralize any gains
made by the Democrats.

It is clear that Bush did a very good job in securing
the fanatical support of the bible belt folks during
his term ala his polarizing policies during the last
four years. The big question of course is where do we
>go from here?

[Goanet]Re: Tony Martin's new book on Matka: your views please

2004-11-04 Thread graceful
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In a place like Goa which is starved of opportunities, it is
no surprise that young people resort to gambling, matka, alcoholism
etc. The way to solve the problem is not by some moralistic
preaching but by creating better opportunities for young people.

Instead of creating opportunities, see what the govt. is doing.
Paying huge money to buy MLAs; keeping some boot-lickers who are
completely incompetent on pay rolls as IT secretary/advisors etc.
Spending Rs. 150 crores on some useless buildings for IFFI.

What do you expect young people to do? I won't be surprised if they
take to guns as in Kashmir. In fact, our Goans are too much of
a tolerant people and so they destroy themselves through matka and
alcoholism. And I wont be surprised if young gals take to prostitution
for some quick money.

Samir Kelekar

>Do you believe that "Rationality notwithstanding man
is a product of circumstances"?
Do you think that gamblers, alcoholics and drug
>addicts become what they become out of choice? 

[Goanet]Goa's fun image....

2004-11-03 Thread graceful
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btw I was not the only person who heard this story.
There was another friend of mine present; what I will try to
do if the original narrater retracts/some other problem is there
is to put anyone
interested in finding out if it is a canard or not, in touch
with this other guy. He is on email.

Samir Kelekar

>I think you should apologise for posting such a carnard...or name your
'source' of such libel. Would it be fair for me to say that according to a
reliable source one of Samir's cousins was a part of this group?

[Goanet]Re: Goa's fun image

2004-11-03 Thread graceful
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I am trying to do further investigations. Being in Bangalore, and the guy
who told me the story being in Goa, it is a bit difficult. It will have to
wait at least till my next trip to Goa which is mid of this month.

The guy mentioned that he was himself present at the disco show at which
the gals were present. He has also mentioned the name of the five-star

Now, question is: whether the guy will stick to his stand or will not?

Prima facie, I dont think the story is false. But one never knows.

So, have some patience guys

Btw, do you think the Miramar sex scandal happened or did not happen?

If you want to discuss this further, please send me an email.

>in Goa, one can trace the company even if the girls are not on record. How
can one be stupid enough to think that a 5 star hotel will permit 100 girls,
>who are not the hotel's paid guests, to enter the rooms? It is not as if the

Hey, I did not say the girls entered the rooms. Please dont put words in
my part. All I was told was that 100 girls were supplied as companions for
the evening which began with a disco. 

Samir Kelekar

>Let us have the apology ,please. Even a graceful Samir can make a mistake.
>It is graceful to apologise when a mistake is made.

[Goanet]Goa's IT policy

2004-11-03 Thread graceful
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>PANAJI: Goa government has decided to relax domicile requirements for
children of employees in IT and IT enabled services (ITES) working in the
>state in order to ensure growth of the industry.

Assuming that companies are going to come to Goa, one needs to ensure that
Goans are employed first. There are hundreds of IT graduates coming out of
Goan colleges. They should be considered for jobs first. Also, ITES does not
need highly skilled people. There are enough people in Goa who are suited
for ITES jobs. Yes, you may need a few very skilled people to be brought in,
but let it not be that the only Goan thing that these industries have is the
land, and free power.

>ickup. No, we are not late in boarding the IT bus," he said.

Hey, what a joke. We should have been at the level we are there, at least
10 years back if not more. We are definitely at least ten years late.
First there must be at least an admission of this fact. Then, we can
talk of catching up. But if there is no admission of the fact even, we
can well imagine what is the vision for IT in Goa is.
We now have two companies, ten years later we will have 4 companies.

>he government says the salubrious clime of the state with its scenic beauty
would surely enable it to come out tops among the rival states where the IT
>ndustry is a force to reckon with.

I had heard more or less the same line in the Goan IT policy of 1997.

>he much-awaited IT policy was announced by the minister, Francisco de Souza
Tuesday that seeks to bring the state on par with states where sops to the
industry has enabled its promotion and growth. Sales tax exemptions for
IT/ITES industry to continue in force for five years, land at institutional
rates for large investments and 20 top IT companies, stamp duty
reimbursement and preferential power tariff are among the several

"The BPO sector too has a good opportunity as the Central government has
amended the telecom policy following several representation made to the
Central government. The amended policy has virtually done away with the
discrimination on the rates of lease lines," says advisor, IT and
>nvironment to the state government, Anupam Shroff.

IT is one industry which is not just about taking care of the top 20 companies.
Bangalore has hundreds of companies, most of which are small. It is these 
small companies which require more help from the govt. The big companies
have the money to take care of themselves. What the small companies require
is good and cheap power, good internet connectivity etc.

I wonder if these things are taken care of in the policy.

And the most important thing is not the IT policy, but serious effort to
go and bring companies in. Help them set up shop; help them get the staff;
make sure that they are happy, or else they might shut shop soon and go back.

Wonder any thought has been given to the above. And wonder if Goa has 
people with expertise to know about the issues involved.

Btw this
is the fifth or sixth IT policy of the Goa Govt since 1997.
First was during Willy's or Rane's time as CM.
second Luisinho's time; third Sardinha.
fourth Khalap, and this is the fifth. It could even be sixth.
Further, Goa govt. has spent enough of our money to come to this stage.
We have seen money being paid to the big 5 consultants for coming up with
a vision (I wonder what the paper on which it was printed is being used for
currently); now, we have these IT secretaries, IT advisor who are hogging
money unnecessarily.

My frank opinion: Goa Govt. ought to stick to IT (as in Income tax). IT (as
in information technology) is not for it.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Goa's fun image....

2004-11-01 Thread graceful
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This is what I heard from a reliable source.
At a recent male-only retreat by an Indian company in a renowned 5 start
hotel, 100 male members were supplied with 100 young girls as companions
for the evening. The girls turned out to be local teenage girls from the
surrounding villages. (Hey, way to make easy money; takes care of the
shopping needs of the teenage girls).

I think it is time Goa legalize and regulate prostitution.

Samir Kelekar

> Headline: Goa's 'fun' image in no danger
> Byline: An attempt to present the 'other' face of Goa did not gather
> from the Union Minister of Tourism, Renuka Chowdhary at the Goa Mahotsav
> held in Delhi.
> Source: Deccan Herald.  30 October 2004 at:
> Full text:
> Mr Dessai's characteristic remarks were not the only glitch at the poorly
> organised Delhi event. An 80-member dance troupe that travelled all the
> from Goa ended up performing before an audience of barely 20 persons at
> Siri Fort Auditorium as Goan officials had forgotten to send out
> invitations.

The Susegado tag rarely leaves Goans even if they travel outside Goa.
Another disaster is around the corner.
Hope i am proved wrong this time:-)


[Goanet]Re: a must read before you vote

2004-10-31 Thread graceful
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>Forget all the rhetoric and focus on some bottom line issues regarding next 
1. If you are an NRI, think about John Kerry's allegiance to the labor unions 
and what he has promised to do to eliminate outsourcing, and what this will 
>mean for India.  If you agree that outsourcing is bad, vote for John Kerry

Good one. Let me add a few things.

If you are a supporter of Hitler, vote for Bush.
If you are in support of lying, and turning black into white,
vote Bush. If you can't figure out the difference between Sadaam
and Osama, vote Bush. If you dont respect international laws or
the UN, vote Bush. If you dont care about the economy going into
further debt, vote Bush.

Samir Kelekar


[Goanet]Re: Vote kerry and save the world

2004-10-31 Thread graceful
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>when we already have a good economy, 5.4% unemployment, tax cuts, liberation 
>of Afghanistan and Iraq, etc., etc???

What liberation are you talking about?

Who are you  an outside party to liberate Iraq?

Anyway, the Americans are paying for it when they are getting killed like
sardinhes, by terrorists. I mean, Osama can cool-ly relax in his cave
and enjoy the fun.

Have Bush and have more of the above

Kerry may not be the best, but this vote is not so much about Kerry but
about stopping America's raw aggression in Iraq. And who knows what more
will follow if Bush is elected?

This is not to mention that some important issues that would benefit humankind
(not just the US)
are not funded by Bush; notably stem cell research.


[Goanet]Happy Karnataka Rajyotsava to all

2004-10-31 Thread graceful
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Karnataka --- our neighboring state --- (I think
earlier Mysore) was formed today November 1.
Today is Karnataka Rajyotsava day. Karnataka especially Bangalore
leads India in its new rejunevation leading the way in the IT
field. The boom in IT has created tremendous wealth creating lots
of jobs and improving the life styles of a lot of people.

Let us celebrate and salute Karnataka today.

Jai Hind!

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Why not ask Freddy Peats to inaugurate IFFI ?

2004-10-31 Thread graceful
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That would just pass the message that the Goa Govt. wants to pass albeit
the only difference is that
the Goa govt. turns a blind eye to Paedeophilia (re: Tehelka investigate)
while this one would
say it explicitely!

Samir Kelekar

>Hi Goanetters!

Besides those technical information, do anyone know who are the guest stars 
- from Bollywood & Hollywood? Since that is the main thing people will see 
first and which help tomake the IFFI great!


Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 12:23:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: Goan Voices <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]Goa is up and running for IFFI

Goa is up and running for IFFI

Raju Nayak
Posted online: Friday, October 29, 2004

Goa's capital Panaji has been spruced up in time for
the International Film Festival of India. The capital,
which happens to be the constituency of Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar, is receiving a major face-lift. Kala
Academy, the state's showcase of culture near the
Miramar beachfront, too has got a new look. The old
Goa medical complex has been overhauled completely and
can now rightfully bear the tag of a premier heritage

Adjacent to this, four multiplexes replete with ultra
modern facilities, are nearing completion. The
promenade along this entire stretch, ranging from
Patto to Dona Paula alongside the Mandovi river, will
be the jewel in the crown of Panaji. Gutters are being
cleaned up, lakes have been dredged, all old heritage
buildings are being given a face-lift and traffic
islands and other landscapes being beautified.

With an outlay of Rs 150 crore, Panaji is all dressed
up to parade before the world. The opposition Congress
party has been railing about the neglect of the
mofussil areas in the state that have inadequate water
supply, electricity, medical and transport facilities,
with the entire focus shifting to the capital city.

Goa has been the focal point of the tourism industry.
And residents here opine that the long term benefits
of IFFI will be beneficial to the state as a whole
with the infrastructural facilities proving a boon to
the influx of tourists-both from within the country
and abroad.

courtesy: SCREEN Weekly

- Forwarded by AlmeidaG(ji), www.goa-world.com

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[Goanet]Iffy angle on IFFI

2004-10-31 Thread graceful
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Philip Thomas writes:
>Where in heaven's name was there a need to go at IFFI/Exposition with hammer
and tongs? If you ask me, first priority should have been given to an
established event like Exposition considering the Goan people's sentiments
>and the huge numbers involved.

As long as Parrikar can get away with murder, he will get away. In this
respect, he is no different from Bush.

He has such a big ego that clouds his perspective. And boot-lickers who
are weak, who look up to a God or an allmighty or a big power will keep
sucking up to him. It is no wonder we see boot-licking articles from
the Middle East.

The only way to change things is to make sure that people such as Parrikar
are not elected. 

In this respect, all support needs to go to GoanObserver. May be Goan observer
needs to be funded to make sure it is alive, and keeps flourishing. Perhaps
we need Konkani and Marathi editions of GoanObserver.

The point is: to have an alternate for BJP, money is needed. Given that the
Congress lot are also selfish (we have seen that Isidore got elected despite
being a unanimous candidate), we need others to raise the money. Rajan Narayan
clearly stated the reasons: the narrow minded Congressmen were not willing to
dip into their own pockets.

NRIs who are well off have to put their money where their mouth is and support
entities such as Goan Observer, Lok Shakti etc. Only then can possibilities of
change be seen.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]Big egoes may work, but are not the solution to the problem

2004-10-31 Thread graceful
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Let me explain my stand clearly on the issues involved leaving
alone personalities.

Parrikar's constituents are the people. It is the people who
vote for the govt. Fortunately or unfortunately, people are not
powerful enough. They get influenced by the media, money-power,
what not. We have seen this in recent elections.

Tourism is important. Tourism I am told gives thousands of crores
or so to the exchequer. (The exact figure may vary). Obviously,
the tourist sector needs to be developed. But there are ways in
which it has to be developed; also note that this money comes in
taxes, but the real money that is the profits hardly goes to the
Goans as most of the big tourist
hotels are owned by non-Goans.
What do the Goan people get? They are supposed to get the tax
money. But do they get it?

We see that this money that is coming in is now spent in things
such as IFFI which again is going to the outsiders. What do the
people get? Yes, they are getting some freebies such as Rs. 500
pension for the elderly, free computers via the cyber age
scheme etc, may be some money spent on roads etc.

But is that enough? Also, will that empower them? The answer
to both the questions is no.

Parrikar has to look at the above factors, and not just about
filling the coffers of his party and his cronies. On the other
hand, his philosophy seems to be come next elections buy the
electorate by offering some money. The electorate, since they
are getting impoverished day by day, will fall for it. We have
seen it in Poiginuim; a promise of payment for road repair is
perhaps good enough for those people who havent seen their
road repaired for last umpteen years.

The question is: do Goans get what they deserve? Who will tell
them that they deserve better? That they deserve better than
sending their young boys to paedophiles. That they deserve
better than the Rs. 500 pension.

It is upto us and the media. Today for instance there is a huge
IT revolution that is taking place. That is empowering the people.
Are Goans getting a piece of the pie of that? Does it take so
much to give them a piece of the pie? There are 400 very bright
kids on Goa's Linux user's group who have no other way but
to come to Bangalore and look for jobs.

Dont they deserve the first chance rather than companies from
outside Goa who are getting these huge contracts?

It is as simple as that, but Parrikar due to his big ego will
not acknowledge it. Day by day, his ego is becoming bigger and
bigger. Day by day, he is surrounding himself with his cronies.
If an intelligent person sends him an email stating where things
are going wrong, he does not like it.

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]IFFI and sponsored news item

2004-10-30 Thread graceful
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Dear Gaspar,

The above comment from Samirbab is most unfortunate and pointedly unfair. 
>There are many gold diggers amongst us - but NOT Gaspar Almeida.

While I do not have a logical  understanding of the reasons of Gaspar's
continuous and quite unreasonable
support of Parrikar,
I have not meant that Gaspar is being paid for posting this news item.
However, what I am asking is whether
the news item could be generated out
of a PR agency (some news media) which is sponsored through this Rs. 150 crores.


>Ican safely say that I KNOW of the selflessness with which Gaspar Almeida 
has  helped  Goans especially in the aftermath of the 1991 invasion of 

I don't know Gasparbab, IF any of those Goans even said Thank You to you - 
in return.

But life is such. Kam Zalem, Voiz Melo, or as the Marathi saying goes "Kama 
purta Mama".

Even today Gasparbab, I KNOW that you personally assist MANY a Goan business 
in Goa - without expecting or receiving a single cent in return. If there 
are ANY of those on this net, I hope they will write in and confirm this.

Having said that, Gasparbab, Samir is one of the good guys. He makes a very 
good point. I agree with his concerns.  Further to the concerns raised, I 
ask (yes, from half way around the globe):

WAS this 150 crore IFFI project THE priority for Goa at this point and time?

Do we have clean bedsheets in our hospitals? Do Goans deserve clean 
bedsheets in their hospitals?

Are all the IMPORTANT machines working at GMC?

Are the roads of Goa fixed up to safety standards?

Do Goa's street lights provide adequate illumination?

Are the schools OK?

Are Goa's poor and elderly taken care of?

Are the Goa Freedom Fighters (only the real ones...not those anarchists or 
these NEW 2004 emotional Freedom Fighters ) provided for?

etc etc

These are genuine concerns.

Perhaps the Goa patrakars have been asking these questions ad nauseam. If 
so, Do forgive my queries from afar.

BTW: I went on to the Panjim.net site. You said that it did contain some 
(was it 1997-8) episodes of A View from Afar.

Could you please post the url for those posts? It will be interesting to see 
what was said a good 6 or so years ago.

good wishes


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[Goanet]Panjim international standards? Gimme a break

2004-10-29 Thread graceful
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What are international standards for a city?

Four new buildings and one wide road that will lie rotting once
IFFI is over does not make a city international. A complete
waste of Rs. 150 crores.

Instead, Panjim could have been made really international if
internationally renowned companies were invited to set shop
in Panjim; an international city is one where one can get
jobs of international standards, and not a backwater of the
world where top paedophiles set shop because there is no
law enforcing agency.

An international city is one where traffic rules are enforced
meticulously, and it is not one where deaths due to accidents
are one of the highest in the world.

An international city is not one where getting off the bus,
a tourist is asked "ladki mangta hai kya?"

I wonder if there is even one business center in Panjim where one
can get even simple things done: send and receive a fax, send and
receive courier 24 hours, good internet facilities; how many
of the World's consulates are in Panjim? 

Going to Goa even from Bangalore is like going in a place where you
are not sure you will be connected to the rest of the world. You cannot
be assured that even a small thing will be done in Goa in time. Shops
closing very early, pathetic public transport where people are filled
like sardinhes, no sense of how much taxes will charge, in other words
no system. 


>Jamir praises CM 
  . PANAJI: In a royal snub to the Congress, Goa
Governor S.C. Jamir has set aside allegations and
lauded the Manohar Parrikar government for sprucing up
the state for the forthcoming film festival. 

Jamir on Thursday congratulated Parrikar for bringing
Panaji upto international standards. 
- ENS  (Express News Service)

- Forwarded by AlmeidaG(ji).  You heard it first here!

[Goanet]Vote Kerry and save the world

2004-10-29 Thread graceful
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To the US citizens among GoaNet members:
This is a fervent appeal. You have an important and sacred duty in the
next few days. It is to save the world. A vote for Kerry will save the
world; a vote for Bush will I am afraid take us to a further mess.

This election is not just about America; we have seen in the last four
years what a mess of the world,power gone into wrong hands can do.
If only for the few votes in Florida that were probably not counted
properly, thousands of lives would have been saved. Let it not happen

Trusting that you will do the needful,

Samir Kelekar

[Goanet]The iffi angle on IFFI

2004-10-28 Thread graceful
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The Iffi thing remidns me of Marie Antonnette who when told that people dont
have bread asked: why dont they eat cake?

It is ironical that some people based in the Middle East are boot-licking
Parrikar. I have a feeling this camoflagued news item is sponsored by the
15 crores of your and my money.

The best thing that the Goan people can do is to boycott IFFI.

As to the so called long-term view that tourism will benefit, there is no
need to spruce up Panjim, on which lot of people's money has already been
spent. On the contrary there is need to arrest paedophiles rather than 
asking them nicely to leave the country. The Parrikar govt. encourages
paedophiles and such nefarious activities. We all know how a "pimp" is made
a minister in the Parrikar govt.

It wont be long before the only way to earn money for Goans will be to send
their daughters to the whore-house. I wonder if that is the long-term development of 
tourism that this news item is talking about.

Samir Kelekar


The people of Panjim seem to be masochists to tolerate the wholesale
upheaval being wrought by last minute IFFI and Exposition preparations all
the way from Old Goa/Ribandar to Miramar and Dona Paula. It really didnt
have to be done this crude and heavy handed way. Also according to all
accounts top level governmental attention has been unnecessarily and
unashamedly been diverted from other pressing needs of the State.

Sure, a lot of people optimistically believe that things will be lovely in
Panjim when all the work is over. But what guarantee is there that the
powers that be wont  come up with some new harebrained ideas to keep things
from ever settling down? And who knows what the quality of the rush
infrastructure jobs will really be like in the next monsoon or two. There
may be enough re-work to keep things topsy-turvy in perpetuity. Heaven help
us Panjimites is all I can say.

[Goanet]Writer Ben Antao elected President....

2004-10-27 Thread graceful
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I would like to join in wishing Ben my heartiest congratulations.

May your tenure be full of success.

Samir Kelekar

>Congratulations to writer Ben Antao, our own Goan author from Toronto, who 
was elected  President of Canadian Authors Association, Toronto Branch last 
>week.  Ben keeps himself busy these days writing regularly for The Goan 

[Goanet]Matka : the market view

2004-10-26 Thread graceful
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One thing is certain; gambling whether be it the casino kind or the matka
kind always has market. I wonder why it is so. Perhaps, it is the natural
human tendency to want to make money without working or doing anything, and
the tendency is so strong that people go for it even at the cost of losing

I guess it is the same with prostitution (sex). There is always market for

Wouldnt it be a great society where all of the above is freely available but
people dont go overboard?

Samir Kelekar

>Fred writes (regarding if I can post matka numbers on GoaNet):
"Please check with your lawyer and get back ;-)"

Since I don't have a lawyer of my own I guess Aires Rodrigues could give us 
>a opinion on this.

[Goanet]Stop poaching or else house will go....

2004-10-25 Thread graceful
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>In the Indian Express of date:

PANAJI, OCTOBER 24: Goa Governor S.C. Jamir today threatened to dissolve the >Assembly 
if the BJP government in the state continues to poach on Opposition MLAs. 

As I have said before, resignation of an  MLA from a party, and then fighting
elections on another party is the right way to go about things. It is not
a violation of anti-defection or any other law.

yes, the exchange of money is illegal. Opposition should try to get evidence of
that; in fact, if they can get evidence of even money distributed prior to
elections among voters, they may be able to get the election countermanded, I
think. I wonder why the opposition did not follow that strategy.

If the governor dismisses the house due to poaching, I doubt if the court
will uphold it.

Samir Kelekar

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