Re: [Goanet]Blindspot In Meaningful Aviation Planning

2005-06-27 Thread Bernado Colaco
Mr. Souza,

Kindly note that "Our" Goa government is a mere puppet
and can not take any effective action. It is guys like
you and the quiet ones to lend their voices on this

I wonder if Goanet could conduct a poll on their
website regarding this topic:  "Should the indian navy
get out of Dabolim?".

Kind regards

B. Colaco
--- Aloysius D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> airport.
> Maybe with your voice added to those of Goans
> internationally we may be able to make "OUR" Goa
> government see sense.

How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday 
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos

[Goanet]Blindspot In Meaningful Aviation Planning

2005-06-26 Thread Aloysius D'Souza
Thanks Sucheta,

I fully agree and I had congratulated Philip on his clear message regarding the 
unnecessary MOPA airport.

Maybe with your voice added to those of Goans internationally we may be able to 
make "OUR" Goa government see sense.



- Original Message - 
From: "Sucheta Dalal" 
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 11:08 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Re: Blindspot In Meaningful Aviation Planning

| So many well meaning and useful groups degenerate rapidly because 
| refuse debate with politeness. I am sorry to jump into a Goa issue, but 
| Mr.Ferns, we would all have benefited with some clear and temperate analysis 
| that does not ascribe motives to Phi Thomas.
| I thought that the point made by Mr.Thomas are extremely relevant. I don't 
| any need for a second airport at Goa (after all, money for this lavish 
| infrastructure comes from we, the people Especially those of us who are 
| enough to pay our taxes regularly). 
| Secondly, I don't see why the Navy's pilot training cannot be shifted to 
| Karwar, which is just as beautiful ( I am a half Karwari) but not a money-
| spinning tourist destination. And the Dabolim  airport opened up for 
| development and better infrastructure. 
| I am really keen on hearing your views -- hopefully without the sarcasm. 
| best 
| Sucheta
| gerry ferns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| OWN"
| With utmost respect I beg to submit that 'there are
| none so blind as those who refuse to see, and none so
| deaf as those who refuse to hear".

RE: [Goanet]Blindspot In Meaningful Aviation Planning

2005-06-23 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Hello Gerry,

Your attack on Phillip Thomas' above mentioned article, is unwarranted. I 
beg to differ completely on your so called "Fallacies List".
You have only made (false) statements and you presume that goanetters are 
gullible, to take your statements as fact! Well I am not; and please read me 
further down.

From: gerry ferns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]Blindspot In Meaningful Aviation Planning
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 05:34:55 -0700 (PDT)

a}that military and civilian uses are mutually

For 'efficiency and streamlining operations', they are incompatible and 
should be exclusive; only in the emergency of war, all such facilities will 
come under the control of the war machine.

b}that military and civilian aspects of national
security are seperate, hermetic compartments.

Nasci:  It is correct that these be seperate!

c}that development of another airport in North Goa
would neccessarily eat into the tourism pie of Goa.

The Mopa Aoirport will certainly eat into the tourism pie of Goa; definitely 

d}that if the airport in Mopa  also massages
development in Maharashtra,it would be against the
interests of India.

It will not be against the interest of India, but will certainly be 
completely against the interest of South Goa, Middle Goa and Eastern Goa, 
that will remain underdeveloped!

e}that Managements of Hotels in South Goa are so
ossified/fossilised ,that they would be completely
unable to respond to the changing Aviation scenario in Goa.

They will certainly not be able to respond and will in time 'go bankrupt'; 
and many of the residents of South Goa will loose jobs and business a 
plenty. It can and will soon become a 'backward area; Such will be impact of 
Mopa on South Goa!

f} that the citizens of India residing in SOUTH GOA,
have greater priority than citizens of India residing
in NORTH GOA, to infrastructure,employment
-generation,business opportunities, accessibility and

No!  In the case of Mopa, its the residents of North Goa alone who will have 
good access and priveledge; where as in the case of Dabolim, ALL the people 
of Goa, North, South, and East, already have equal access and priveledge 
etc. Besides, the Dabolim Airport location etc has already made it a 
'tremendous airport! All the infrastucture servicing the airport is close at 
hand; the roads etc are already there; and the Terminal and other 
infrastructure facilities can be further beefed up, at a fraction of the 
cost involved with Mopa! Only the 'Naval Air' has to move either to Sea Bird 
or to Mopa; Let the Navy build and use Mopa airport if at all!

g}that the Tourism Industry has yet not factored the
prospect of the airport in North Goa in their business
plans ,and are yet to take off the block in terms of
accquiring land in North Goa in the vicinity of the
Airport to further their business prospects in Goa.

The Tourism Dept. should never acquire land etc. in North Goa/ Pernem. Let 
the Navy do the acquisition for the Mopa Airport, for their use, if at all!

h}that hotel businessess currently operating in SOUTH
GOA have a "divine"/inalienable right to control every
variable in the business environment that might even
remotely impact their business.

What rubbish are you saying? We are talking of all Goans; it's you who is 
talking only for Pernem residents! You seem to have a vested interest in 
land in North Goa! Is this true?

j}that the YOUTH in North Goa, have no stake

These are your words! If you are 'Youth' than you are mistaken youth! Open 
your eyes, and see how big the world is.

k}that the new airport in MOPA is out of SYNC with the
National Aviation Policy.
l}that it is  utterly neccessary to protect the STATUS
QUO and not build another Airport in North Goa, as
this would be against the interests of ALL

This is true! If funds, private or Govt. are diverted to Mopa; then Dabolim 
will be neglected and the "Youth of Goa'' who you seem to be vouching for, 
will be the worst sufferers!
Sell the Dabolim Airport to the private sector and build it up and let the 
Naval Air acquire lane at Mopa and develop the same' if they so need it.


Gerry, I hate to say this! But it is you who is trying to pass off 'Urine' 
as wine!
Think well and truly for all of Goa and support the efforts of PhillipThomas 
and myself.
Phillip Thomas is thinking of all of Goa and all of India too; very much 
unlike you.


Nasci Caldeira

[Goanet]Blindspot In Meaningful Aviation Planning

2005-06-23 Thread gerry ferns


With utmost respect I beg to submit that 'there are
none so blind as those who refuse to see, and none so
deaf as those who refuse to hear". And so on it can go
on. Since I am sufficiently stimulated by the loud
talk of the Article into NOT wanting to be categorised
as" ,,,none so dumb as those who refuse to speak", I
am constrained to FOCUS  attention to some of the
FALLACIES underying the viewpoint of Mr Philip Thomas,
which are discernible to my limited and UNTUTORED
a}that military and civilian uses are mutually
b}that military and civilian aspects of national
security are seperate, hermetic compartments.
c}that development of another airport in North Goa
would neccessarily eat into the tourism pie of Goa.
d}that if the airport in Mopa  also massages
development in Maharashtra,it would be against the
interests of India.
e}that Managements of Hotels in South Goa are so
ossified/fossilised ,that they would be completely
unable to respond to the changing Aviation scenario in
f} that the citizens of India residing in SOUTH GOA,
have greater priority than citizens of India residing
in NORTH GOA, to infrastructure,employment
-generation,business opportunities, accessibility and
g}that the Tourism Industry has yet not factored the
prospect of the airport in North Goa in their business
plans ,and are yet to take off the block in terms of
accquiring land in North Goa in the vicinity of the
Airport to further their business prospects in Goa.
h}that hotel businessess currently operating in SOUTH
GOA have a "divine"/inalienable right to control every
variable in the business environment that might even 
remotely impact their business.
j}that the YOUTH in North Goa, have no stake
k}that the new airport in MOPA is out of SYNC with the
National Aviation Policy. 
l}that it is  utterly neccessary to protect the STATUS
QUO and not build another Airport in North Goa, as
this would be against the interests of ALL


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2005-06-23 Thread Aloysius D'Souza
Congratulations - Philip  --  your letter to Sucheta is very clear and to the 



- Original Message - 
From: "Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:17 PM

| Ms Sucheta Dalal
| Reputed Business Columnist
| Dear Ms Dalal:
| I enjoyed your column in INDIAN EXPRESS, June 19, 2005, titled "Wither 
| Airports?". You were right to highlight the fact that our aviation 
| authorities are unprepared for the monumental challenge of making our 
| airports uptodate, including A380-ready. This commendable stance is, 
| however, in stark contrast to an earlier report by others in the same paper 
| (on May 27) which blithely recommended that Goa go in for an A380 airport at 
| a greenfield site (Mopa in Goa) by 2014! Although this report made no 
| ripples at all, at least that I know of, it may still do incalculable harm 
| to Goa's already distorted aviation scene by further skewing the badly 
| needed efforts to improve it. In fact a careful look at the vexed problem of 
| Goa's aviation scenario may shed useful light on the overall national 
| problem of urgently updating our airport infrastructure that you have 
| rightly called for in your June 19 column.
| Great Wall of Goa
| What the May 27 report failed to disclose was that Goa's sole airport, 
| Dabolim in the south, is controlled since the early 1960s by the Navy which 
| places unrealistic restrictions on a tourism oriented facility in the name 
| of interminably training a couple of squadrons of pilots for carrier based 
| fighter operation using obsolescent and tricky Sea Harriers.
| As you may be aware, the Navy has recently commissioned a mammoth base 
| called Project Seabird at Karwar about 100 km south of Goa in Karnataka. The 
| ostensible purpose of this project is to decongest Mumbai harbour. However 
| there is no commensurate will to decongest Dabolim airport for civilian 
| flight purposes i.e. by shifting military flight training etc to Seabird or 
| even other places. The air station there is still only on paper, awaiting 
| financial and other high level clearances. It could become a reality in the 
| next phase of the project. Its another matter that the Karwar terrain is not 
| all that suitable for any airflield which is much more than of  minimal  
| proportions.
| In the mean time, Dabolim has been "booked" for training pilots of MIG29Ks 
| which have recently been acquired along with an old Russian aircraft 
| carrier. These carrier based fighters are said to be the first to be ordered 
| by any Navy in the world. So the prospect of the Navy easing up on civilian 
| flight restrictions at Dabolim in the foreseeable future are quite dim. 
| That's why I call the military presence at Dabolim airport the Great Wall of 
| Goa! The only way out may be to push for joint military/civilian management 
| which is not unheard of abroad in places like the U.S.  But where will the 
| push for this come from? More on this later.
| Mopa
| For the past couple of years, a proposal has been doing the rounds for a 
| greenfield airport at Mopa in North Goa. There is natural resistance to this 
| for several reasons. First, it is feared that once Mopa is ready then 
| civilian flghts at Dabolim will have to cease. There are several precedents 
| for this. This happened at the Navy air station in Kochi when the 
| public/private greenfield airport called CIAL came up nearby a few years 
| ago. The same thing is due to occur at HAL controlled Bangalore airport when 
| the new BIAL comes up in 2-3 years time.
| A discontinuation of civilian flights like this would always be a boon for 
| the military which would naturally prefer a free run at its bases. It is 
| another matter whether the Navy, whose essential armament is carrier based 
| aircraft, really needs an airport with a mammoth 11,000 foot runway which is 
| fit for jumbo jets (including perhaps the A380 after a suitable upgrade of 
| the type you described). Thus Dabolim at present, you will appreciate, is a 
| purely dog-in-the-manger situation.
| On the other hand, Mopa would cut into the business of South Goa hotels 
| which depend heavily on international chartered and scheduled domestic 
| flights at close-in Dabolim. There is also a strong hunch in Goa that Mopa 
| would only give a much needed boost to emerging competitor resorts in 
| southern Maharashtra. In fact the INDIAN EXPRESS article of May 27 
| graphically shows links to offbeat places like Ratnagiri, Kolhapur, 
| Sindhudurg etc from Mopa, while ostensibly emphasising an aircraft 
| (A380)which is meant for hub-to-hub international travel.
| Low Cost Aviation
| Now that India has finally caught the low cost aviation bug there may be 
| some hope for beleaguered civil aviation at Dabol


2005-06-22 Thread Philip Thomas

Ms Sucheta Dalal
Reputed Business Columnist

Dear Ms Dalal:

I enjoyed your column in INDIAN EXPRESS, June 19, 2005, titled "Wither 
Airports?". You were right to highlight the fact that our aviation 
authorities are unprepared for the monumental challenge of making our 
airports uptodate, including A380-ready. This commendable stance is, 
however, in stark contrast to an earlier report by others in the same paper 
(on May 27) which blithely recommended that Goa go in for an A380 airport at 
a greenfield site (Mopa in Goa) by 2014! Although this report made no 
ripples at all, at least that I know of, it may still do incalculable harm 
to Goa's already distorted aviation scene by further skewing the badly 
needed efforts to improve it. In fact a careful look at the vexed problem of 
Goa's aviation scenario may shed useful light on the overall national 
problem of urgently updating our airport infrastructure that you have 
rightly called for in your June 19 column.

Great Wall of Goa

What the May 27 report failed to disclose was that Goa's sole airport, 
Dabolim in the south, is controlled since the early 1960s by the Navy which 
places unrealistic restrictions on a tourism oriented facility in the name 
of interminably training a couple of squadrons of pilots for carrier based 
fighter operation using obsolescent and tricky Sea Harriers.

As you may be aware, the Navy has recently commissioned a mammoth base 
called Project Seabird at Karwar about 100 km south of Goa in Karnataka. The 
ostensible purpose of this project is to decongest Mumbai harbour. However 
there is no commensurate will to decongest Dabolim airport for civilian 
flight purposes i.e. by shifting military flight training etc to Seabird or 
even other places. The air station there is still only on paper, awaiting 
financial and other high level clearances. It could become a reality in the 
next phase of the project. Its another matter that the Karwar terrain is not 
all that suitable for any airflield which is much more than of  minimal  

In the mean time, Dabolim has been "booked" for training pilots of MIG29Ks 
which have recently been acquired along with an old Russian aircraft 
carrier. These carrier based fighters are said to be the first to be ordered 
by any Navy in the world. So the prospect of the Navy easing up on civilian 
flight restrictions at Dabolim in the foreseeable future are quite dim. 
That's why I call the military presence at Dabolim airport the Great Wall of 
Goa! The only way out may be to push for joint military/civilian management 
which is not unheard of abroad in places like the U.S.  But where will the 
push for this come from? More on this later.


For the past couple of years, a proposal has been doing the rounds for a 
greenfield airport at Mopa in North Goa. There is natural resistance to this 
for several reasons. First, it is feared that once Mopa is ready then 
civilian flghts at Dabolim will have to cease. There are several precedents 
for this. This happened at the Navy air station in Kochi when the 
public/private greenfield airport called CIAL came up nearby a few years 
ago. The same thing is due to occur at HAL controlled Bangalore airport when 
the new BIAL comes up in 2-3 years time.

A discontinuation of civilian flights like this would always be a boon for 
the military which would naturally prefer a free run at its bases. It is 
another matter whether the Navy, whose essential armament is carrier based 
aircraft, really needs an airport with a mammoth 11,000 foot runway which is 
fit for jumbo jets (including perhaps the A380 after a suitable upgrade of 
the type you described). Thus Dabolim at present, you will appreciate, is a 
purely dog-in-the-manger situation.

On the other hand, Mopa would cut into the business of South Goa hotels 
which depend heavily on international chartered and scheduled domestic 
flights at close-in Dabolim. There is also a strong hunch in Goa that Mopa 
would only give a much needed boost to emerging competitor resorts in 
southern Maharashtra. In fact the INDIAN EXPRESS article of May 27 
graphically shows links to offbeat places like Ratnagiri, Kolhapur, 
Sindhudurg etc from Mopa, while ostensibly emphasising an aircraft 
(A380)which is meant for hub-to-hub international travel.

Low Cost Aviation

Now that India has finally caught the low cost aviation bug there may be 
some hope for beleaguered civil aviation at Dabolim. It is beginning to be 
realised that there is a need for more functioning airports including 
multiple facilities for big cities. (Note that Goa can be usefully viewed as 
a "city state"). In Mumbai the AAI is bitterly regretting having parted with 
Juhu airport to the BMC thirty years ago for road building purposes. There 
is talk of reopening Bangalore and Hyderabad airports even when BIAL and 
HIAL are operational. Even the Kochi naval airport is  being eyed again for 
civilian use! But all this may be wishful th