[Goanet] The Fall on India's Berlin Wall

2008-07-14 Thread Rajiv Desai
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada



*   This article is from the blog res gestae(www.rajivndesai.blogspot.com

*   You can reach the person mamaging the list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Monday, July 14, 2008


Fall of India's Berlin Wall 

Comrades Sent Packing

"Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."
(Martin Luther King).

Prakash Karat cuts a sorry figure today. His ideological posturing has cost
the Left dearly. In 2004, his predecessor, Harkishan Singh Surjeet offered
the UPA support and enabled the Congress-led coalition to form the
government. In 2005, Karat replaced Surjeet and almost immediately the
relationship between the Congress and the Left turned sour.

The dogmatic new general secretary unveiled a new era of hectoring the
Congress and pushing an unreconstructed ideology that survives only in
Jawaharlal Nehru University. Elsewhere in the world, the communists have
been pushed to the fringes after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Between April 2005, when Karat replaced Surjeet, and Tuesday July 8, 2008,
when he foolishly withdrew support to the UPA, the Indian Left enjoyed more
influence over the Indian government than Israel has over various US
governments. And they blew it.

Karat's obduracy has painted the Left out of the reckoning. Beijing's
mandarins cannot be very pleased. This is abundantly clear from foreign
secretary Menon's statement that China will support the Indian application
to the Nuclear Suppliers Group. His dour, immature brinkmanship cost the
Left its invaluable influence over government policy. The current crisis is
of Karat's making; it has rocked the India story that the world believes is
crucial both in geopolitics as well as in international economics.

What the commissars don't understand is that the entire world in banking on
India's emergence from a regional to a global power. US President George W
Bush was among the first to grasp the importance of the transformation. As
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says, the whole world is rooting for India to
emerge from its poverty and its Third World victim mindset. Should India
succeed, it will set an example for poor countries. It did that in the 1940s
when the Indian National Congress won independence from Britain and presided
over a relatively smooth transfer of power.

India's economic transformation will send a more powerful signal to the
world than China's phenomenal growth. The only other large nation that
succeeded in wiping out mass poverty is the United States more than two
centuries ago. Sure, China has lifted more people out of poverty than India;
at the same time, it has clamped down on political opposition. "An iron fist
in a velvet glove," a Chinese-American scholar once called it.

What China lacks is soft power. That's what the Olympics exercise is all
about. The fact is that without the fuzzier aspects of power, it will always
be an outsider wanting in to the world milieu. On the other hand, between
cricket, Bollywood, the increasingly competitive and aggressive business
community and the English-speaking, highly accomplished emigrant community
in the West, India has more global influence than China.

The charge that India's communists are a Chinese fifth column is not lightly
made. Many in the highest levels of government believe it to be true. Any
rational explanation of Karat's latest move must factor it in. If, we give
Karat and his commissars the benefit of the doubt, the only conclusion left
to draw is that they are irresponsible and dogmatic. Any which way, they do
not deserve to have a veto on government policy. Either as Quislings or as
juvenile ideologues, they should be banished to the fringes from whence they

So Karat has now wrought his masterpiece of absurd theatre. It reminds me of
a scene from the acclaimed film, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." With
the forces of the law closing in on them, the duo found themselves at the
edge of a cliff with a river flowing furiously below. They had no option but
to jump. Sundance was hesitant because he couldn't swim. Butch told him not
to worry "because the fall will kill you anyway."

That's the fate of the Left today. They have pulled the plug and find they
are the ones who will be flushed down the drain. The Congress is a mighty
political player with over a century's experience. It ran circles around the
juvenile commissars and emerged triumphant.

from the times of india july 14 2008 

Posted by Rajiv 

Re: [Goanet] What could be your original Hindu surname before conversion to Christianity?

2008-07-14 Thread Pandu Lampiao
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Ayee Joe, I am not those parts..Utorda etc.being in the
coconut business took me to these places: one had to know the baatkars
least you got caught in the dark if you know what I mean!

As for Georgina, her family home (I think) is one of those grand
Cansaulim storied houses by the rail tracks in line with Barboza,
Mathany's home and after..her home now (after marriage) is near
the Sanse-Bostiao chapel on the way to the Majorda Beach Resort.
Yes, yes, I think Akashwani played Georgina's songs...phew, what a
songstress. Truly. A very distinct voice. And elegant too..in a
sari, simple sari. She carried herself well, she'd put the late Donna
Sacrementa of Cansaulim with all her heavy coats of pao and assorted
make-up and gawdy perfume to shame.
Well, I could write a small book on Georgina, I just may. She is
interesting, well-spoken, well-thought  Goan I ever met. She is
fiercely independent, spoke her mind and a voice so sweet and firm.
She came across to me as a kind, warm person who had a mind of her own
and let fly; to me, she is Goa's Frida Kalo, a true artist. Her thick
eye-boughs give her a Frida Kalo-ish look. As well, she always looked
young, and ageless. Almost . I briefly met her and did not know of her
past  (singing) till it slipped out during a conversation with a
dinner guest. The person quietly retreated.

I never heard her sing, except on the radio. She is a very private
person these days; and I think some of her children live in the
Toronto area.

> I guess she was from Cansaulim near Market.
> i also think her songs were played on Akasvanni Ponnje
> Would appreciate if anyone writes a  line or two on Georgina
> Thanks again for the beautiful memories.
> any other Utorddekar;s out there?
> besides Pandu, Lino, Richard ?

[Goanet] Youth freed after two years in Goa, re-arrested again

2008-07-14 Thread Samir Kelekar
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

>One wonders if any newspaper in Goa worth its salt will file an 
>investigative report on why the Vasco Police wnated Battloo after a shave, 
>whether he was photgraphed by them and the photos emailed to their 
>counterparts in Delhi. Why the released prisoner was forced to go by flight 
>to Delhi, with no chance of alighting anywhere in between?

>Why was Battloo targeted AFTER the Court set him free? Is this not a 
>contempt of Court? Will the court initiate suo moto contempt proceedings 
>against the Goa Police?

>Mog asundi.


Cops seem to be the biggest goons around.
This needs to be protested big time.



[Goanet] Fw: Changing the Political System by Anand Madgavkar - COMMENTS by GOASURAJ

2008-07-14 Thread floriano

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada


- Original Message - 
From: goasuraj

To: Navhind Times
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: Changing the Political System by Anand Madgavkar - COMMENTS by 

Changing the Political System
By: Anand Madgavkar
NT: Friday, July 11, 2008 - Reader's Angle

DISHONESTY, cheating, robbing , curruption, bribes, extortion and all such 
evils have become a way of life with the very people entrusted to safeguard 
the people from these evils. Are we doomed or is there any way to change the 

Impossible, says my pessimistic friend, but the word 'impossible' spelt 
differently spells - I am possible'. So let us try for our own sakes to do 
what many perceive as impossible.

The way has been shown by the villagers of Chandor, the results were seen in 
Kundaim and in many other areas too. Gramsabhas are seeking changes. It is 
necessary for all of us - at least those that want a change - to 

We should form ward committees in each ward, ask folks from your area to 
join in, meet regularly ans work out the common needs that must be addressed 
be they water supply, electricity, roads, garbage, medical assistance, 
education, law and order etc and make a wants list, circulate the same in 
your ward, ask for suggestions and work out a document to give to the 
aspiring candidates - the Panchas, the councilors etc who will come to you 
begging for a chance to represent you and for your vote of confidence. Ask 
each candidate to sign his acepttance of your demands.

Do not  get involved in the election process as ward committees but whoever 
is elected must be reminded soon after elections of the commitments that 
were made. The people must be after the elected candidate to look after 
their needs. Attend Gramsabhas in large numbers - be sure your demands are 
taken up, move resolutions, check whether works are looked into and 
completed, spend some time to check the progress and the standards of the 
work done. Also the people must get together and pull up the representatives 
if necessary.

Report wrongdoings, demand action, stop corruption, illegal activities in 
you area. Demand for police action and make your representative 
responsible - wake him up if necessary, push him, support him till the right 
things are done. If co-operation is not forthcoming, 'gherao' him as did the 
people of Kundaim in their demand for justice.

In this way no matter who is elected, we the people will get justice because 
we the people deserve justice and we the people undertake to fight for 
justice. It is the only way back and if we have to do it - so be it. I say, 
"If it is to be, it is up to me' and every one of us too.


By the time I finished this unique star letter, My face was flushed red and 
I was seething with acute anger. I have known Anand Madgavkar some, as a 
co-activist. He is the President of PMCA ( People's Movement for Civic 
Action) based in Panjim. But my anger was not directed towards the person. 
It was directed towards his entire thought process. Because, according to 
me, this thought process, has in the past, and will jeopardize Goa's future 
more than what is sought to be achieved.

Let me explain why.

First off, Anand is a proponent of the doctrine of 'non-involvement', 'a 
static by-stander'  while the election process is on, and later to be the 
active  agitator against no work done by the eleted representative, wanting 
people to follow suit. He, as a 'apolitical' indoctrinated head of the NGO 
(PMCA) may have a lot of time on his hands to do just that but people who 
need to earn their daily bread, don't. This is  apparent from his advice "do 
not get involved in the process. Let the candidates, who  will come begging 
for votes sign the charter of demands, we remind whoever gets elected about 
it , we gherao etc...etc.if things do not happen as according to our 
demands. I say that the guy who will vomit on the 'charter of demands', 
thoroughly and completely, after getting elected, will be the first one to 
sign the document. Because his interest is to get past the post, get 
elected.  And then, he will give stories and there will be a lot of 
platitudes, but no work. This has been happening in Goa since 1961. And we 
have seen this from the persons who were expected to do all the right things 
as elected representatives such as Tomazinho Cardozo and Matanhy Saldanha 
etc in whom people had put a lot of faith to elect them. But then, we must 
understand one thing clearly. Even if these  considered good persons wanted

[Goanet] Books from Goa ... some options available

2008-07-14 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

If anyone would like to purchase (at cost + postage + packaging) a set
of the following 'in print' books from Goa, do let me know. Recently I
sent a package of these books to Bosco (in Canada) and it cost Rs
3650, all inclusive, air-mail ... registered and delivery in approx
15-20 days.

Snapshots of Indo-Portuguese History - I Pangim (Vasco Pinho)
Snapshots of Indo-Portuguese History - II Rise and Demise of Estado da
India (Vasco Pinho)

Lived Heritage, Shared Space - The Courtyard House of Goa (Angelo
Costa Silveira)
Of Umbrellas, Goddesses and Dreams (Robert S Newman)
Sucessful Goan Home Wines (Edwin Saldanha)
The Career and Legend of Vasco Da Gama (Sanjay Subrahmanyam)
The Many Faces of Sundorem - Women in Goa (Dr Fatima Gracias)

Masci - the Man Behind the Legend (Odette Mascarenhas)
Parmal - Volume 6 (2007)

Goa of Sun 'N Sand (Valerie Rodrigues)
Times Food Guide 2008

To know more about these books, google for them. You should find
details online.
Actual costs may vary (a little, though not significantly, from the
figure above), depending on postal rates, books and discounts
available from booksellers.
As far as I'm concerned, this is not a commercial service. Am trying
to see how we could leverage possibilities within the postal system,
cyber-created communication possibilities, and the booming Goa book
publishing scene (by linking it up with a potential diaspora market)
to possibly create a win-win situation. --FN

PS: It is only possible to send across 'in print' and 'easy to locate'
books, for obvious reasons.
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

Re: [Goanet] A caminhao ... from Colvale (circa 1972)

2008-07-14 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

She's my mum. She died at the age of 76 in April 2008 which is
another reason why I feel the chauvinism of the Goan male is an issue
long pending to be tackled! FN

2008/7/13 Pandu Lampiao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Arrre maaache rao re Wendell.  I have been patiently eyeing the Aunty
> in the picture; I believe I am first in line!

FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

[Goanet] Fun for everyone, despite the rain

2008-07-14 Thread Gabe Menezes
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Fun for everyone, despite the rain

THE weather may have ruined the weekend for thousands of people at the
Royal International Air Tattoo, but the show went on elsewhere on

Hundreds of people piled onto the field next to the County Ground
athletics track for the town's first ever Goan Festival.

And the Goan Swindon Association, who managed to put the event
together in just under two months, said things went so well it could
become an annual event. Activities included face painting, a talent
show and all-day concert by local bands originating from Goa, such as
Rainbow's End, Jump Start, Shine, High Rise and Gabriel.

The event's crescendo was a violin ensemble and traditional Goan folk
singers who performed midway through the affair.

Joeciana Fernandes, 19, an IT student at New College, who lives in the
town centre said she was excited to see her father perform in the

"My father will be singing a Konkani song which traditional Goan music."

Drove Primary School pupils Swizel and Sam Rodrigues said they were
just excited to be in the festival atmosphere.

Sam, six, said: "My daddy is playing drums today so I am very excited."

Elsewhere, pupils from Lethbridge Primary School, in Old Town donned
their trainers and braved the wet weather for their school fun run.

The 230 youngsters set out on the 1.5-mile course at 11am on Saturday
with parents, teachers and siblings in tow. The event was organised to
raise money for the school, which, coupled with the takings from last
months 10k fundraiser, should amount to around £3,000.

One of the band of parents organising the event, Kay Wilkie, said the
event always drew the crowds.

"The youngsters really get into it," she said. "Our 10k run was very
successful so we're hoping that the two together will really boost
funding at the school.

"The reason we raise money this way is to make sure the children have
these resources, and books are a great choice."

Lydiard Park also hosted an afternoon of fun with Rock Planet seeing
nine bands and a dance troupe taking to the stage, despite the rain.

People also enjoyed a water fight, a baked bean bath and volleyball.
The day was organised by Christian group ncounter.

Thousands of youngsters flocked to The Circle in Pinehurst for an
afternoon of workshops, games and challenges.

The event was designed to raise awareness of the services and clubs
that are based in Pinehurst.

Children and their parents designed their own T-shirts, made pizzas
and played inflatable table football.

Organiser and dad-of-two Simon Halls, 36, said: "The day went without
a hitch despite the rain."

10:17pm Sunday 13th July 2008



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Sydneysiders, pilgrims primed for WYD - from ninemsn

2008-07-14 Thread Ruby Goes
This article appears in news.ninemsn.com.au and I thought you should see it.


If you cannot click on the link above, copy and paste the entire address
below into your web browser. 

For all the latest news around the globe, check out ninemsn. 





[Goanet] Subject: Re: Ref: Digambar to present Mopa report to PM

2008-07-14 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Ref: Digambar to present Mopa report to PM


In response to Message 11 Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 875 dated 13th July 2008


Dear Mr. Floriano,


Reference to your response to my article, with all due respect, I totally
disagree with the first part of your response, first and foremost there is a
major difference between wolves and hyenas, wolves will kill their prey and eat,
or eat what is already dead, where as the hyenas kill, by eating their prey
alive, I think you have made a mistake by calling the virgin legislator hyenas
and the present ones as wolves it should have been visa versa. The present
legislators certainly fit the bill of hyenas


Getting to the point it looks like you have already given up hope for a better
future for Goa and Goans. If you are waiting for these power and money hungry
vultures to die of over eating, you are mistaken they "WILL" devour the whole of
Goa and may, only die  of starvation,  when nothing is left for them, to feast
on. How long have the Rane's, the Faleiro's, the Sardinho's, the Naik's, the
Parekar's, the Alemao's, the Narvekar's, etc have been feeding on Goans ? Do you
seriously think they'll just turn over and die ? That will be a very long wait


With regard to the virgin legislators, we can only be optimistic, nothing is
full proof, please don't go with the saying "known devil is better than an
unknown one" that would be a pity. Give new guys and gals a chance and see what
they are made up of. With the public on their backs they wouldn't dare, do
anything silly.


I totally agree with the latter part of your response, we will need guys and
gals who are disciplined, clean, hardworking and who will selflessly work for
the welfare of the people and of Goa. I don't believe for a moment that, finding
40 such people in Goa will be impossible. It may be difficult to locate, but
with time on our hands, for the next election, the search should start now.


This is the best time, as the general public has finally awakened from their
slumber and are aware that their very identity and existence is at stake. The
uproar has certainly shaken the pants of the Panchayat bodies and it wont be
long before the vultures are brought down to earth. At this  time it is good to
see that veterans like yourself, have stepped in, to lead the way, and it would
be even better to show the younger generation that we have faith and trust in
them. In future, I don't think it will be easy for any politician to take the
Goan Aam Aadmi for a ride. 


With the on going movement, that you have started, I see a bright future for The
Goa Suraj Party and for Goa. All the best in your search for the right
candidates and in Pale by election. God Bless You and God Bless Goa



Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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Re: [Goanet] Some more old photos... from another Goa

2008-07-14 Thread Aloma Dsouza

Dear Rico ,

I cannot view these pics as flicker.com is banned and blocked in Dubai.   I 
request you to please save it in another file and send it to me as i am 
eager to see goa as it was in yester years ...

Thanks so much for your help in advance and looking forward to receive 
/seeing these pics


Read all Goanet messages at:



[Goanet] contact.

2008-07-14 Thread Jenny O'Toole
Can anybody  please put me in touch with Derrick Rodriques (wife is Dr Susan 
Rodrigues).  I need an email address.   I am trying to locate Derrick's 
parents, John and Safira Rodrigues.  I do not know whether they are living in 
UK, Goa or in Kenya.   I knew them in Kenya.Jenny O'Toole.

Re: [Goanet] Community colleges, are they possible in Goa?

2008-07-14 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Frederick
 My awareness of the development of community colleges
in the 'further' and 'higher' education sectors in the
UK would provide strong support for them in the Goa
scene you provided. Most importantly, they can provide
a second chance to those who did not make it in
education previously or are not aware  that they can
benefit from access to education in its broadest
sense. They also demystify the gradual movement into
'higher' education to the broad spectrum of the local
community and draw in people who can benefit greatly
as mature students-- particularly in re-routing
careers. Of this, I have had a great deal of
experience in Education and Community Studies at this
end and therefore would like to wish your hopes and
endeavours well. To my mind, the mind-sets of the
teachers in community colleges in fully understanding
the ethos of such institutions become critical if such
colleges are to succeed and thrive.
--- "Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ  ्रेडरि 
क नोर  ोन्या "

> Two institutions in Mapusa -- Xavier's and Britto's
> -- have been
> talking about the possibilities of having their
> 'community colleges'
> attached to their...

[Goanet] Two New VCDs (total 194+2=196)

2008-07-14 Thread JoeGoaUk
Two New VCDs

todaa I bought two new VCDs and I know there ae at least two more out there 
(including Philip de Orlim)but were not available in Panjim.

VCD No. 195
 BAPACHI KHOXI by Francis de Tuem
His First VCD
With Co. Domnic, Co, Bachaan, Catherine, Willy, Olga, Francis, Francis de Tuem 
Rs.150  July/2008

VCD No. 196
His 7th VCD
With Com.Selvy, Com. Agostinho, Com. Janet, plus about 11 kids
Rs.150  July/2008

  for Goa & NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

Not happy with your email address?.
Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at 
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[Goanet] Pilgrims to the gulf

2008-07-14 Thread Bernado Colaco
Paradox comments by Leah David. Goa 'liberated' from the shackles After 
finding nothing in 'liberated' Goa, Goans left for the Gulf.
The new beginning was in the another country innit?
In 1961, Goa had just been liberated from the shackles of colonial Portugal. 
Despite the general confusion that ensued in the years following liberation, my 
father recalls, there was also a feeling charged with expectancy, a renewed 
confidence and a sense of a new beginning among the young men and women of the 
The discovery of oil had made the Persian Gulf route a profitable one and to 
this end, the British India line had commissioned four modern D vessels, the 
Dumra, the Dwarka, the Dara and the Daressa. These ships of 5000 gross tons and 
deck passenger capacities of over 1000, plied the Basra Axis from Bombay to 
Karachi, Muscat, Dubai, Bahrain, Doha and Kuwait. 

Not happy with your email address?.
Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at 
Yahoo! http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/ymail/new.html

Re: [Goanet] Sydneysiders, pilgrims primed for WYD - from ninemsn

2008-07-14 Thread Eddie Fernandes
They are taking selma's advice :-)

New Zealand: 32 Indian Catholic Pilgrims go missing
14 Jul: New Zealand Herald. A hunt is on for 32 Indian pilgrims who have
gone missing in Auckland en route to Catholic World Youth Day in Australia.
A total of 220 Indian worshippers were given one-month visitor visas earlier
this month.The 32 went missing at various times over the past four or five
days. 270 words.

-Original Message-
From: Ruby Goes
Sent: 14 July 2008 02:46
Subject: Sydneysiders, pilgrims primed for WYD - from ninemsn

[Goanet] Tracing my Goan ancestry

2008-07-14 Thread Thomas Coutinho

Dear Goanet,

I am a non resident Goan. How can I trace my Goan ancestry, is there
anyone who can help.

Thomas Coutinho

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over email.

[Goanet] India's reckless monetary policies

2008-07-14 Thread Mario Goveia
Since 1947 India 's price level has gone up 52 times
and destroyed over 98% of the value of the rupee left
by the British rulers. This has happened due to
reckless printing of money.
Prices of individual goods can keep rising or falling
due to several factors affecting their demand and
supply. But price level as a whole is determined
primarily by the quantum of goods and services
available in the country and the total amount of money
chasing them. Increase in the prices of some goods is
bound to lead to fall in the prices of some other
goods, unless the quantity of money is increased.
Price level as a whole goes up only when more money is
injected into the system or its velocity of
circulation goes up due to changes in habits and

Re: [Goanet] Indian Constitution on Goa's Identity

2008-07-14 Thread Mario Goveia
--- On Sat, 7/12/08, Arwin Mesquita wrote:
> The key obstacle to Goa getting Special Status (as 
> obtained by few other states) are Corrupt
> Politicians, Greedy Investors etc in 
> Goa/Delhi/India/World with big monetary/land stakes 
> in Goa's decimation; they oppose on the 
> Constitution pretext.
Mario asks:
Is it too much to ask that Goans and Indians in
general all adopt an "Indian identity"?
Or are some Indians interested in returning to the
fractured mess the Brits found when they came as
traders from a piddly little island and were able to
"divide and conquer" such a huge territory?
I find it more than strange that almost all those
demanding this special identity, for Goa and for Goans
in the diaspora, don't even live in Goa, and may never
even return alive, regardless of their current
The last comment is not egregious because I just lost
an old friend in the Gulf to cancer and his body is
being returned to Mumbai for internment.
I grew up in Madhya Pradesh as an Indian whose
ancestry was from Goa.  If I had died then I would be
interred in Jabalpur, not in Goa.  I am now an
American whose ancestry was from India, specifically
Goa.  When I die I will be buried where I live, not in
India or Goa.
These are just the realistic facts of life.  I
obviously do not carry around a boatload of
sentimental baggage centered around the identity of my
ancestors, while I am always glad to acknowledge them
and their contributions to who I am.

Re: [Goanet] Youth freed after 2 years in Goa, re-arrested in Delhi

2008-07-14 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 22:35:30 -0400
From: "Venantius Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
For anyone who has had even tangentially encountered
our undercover cops these encounters are beyond the
beyond scary.
Its also says something if its really true that no
lawyer in Goa was willing to represent him. At times
like this one remembers the New York lawyer, the
late William Kunstler who never shirked from
representing those who had no one as does Ron Kuby,
continues does his protege .
Mario responds:
What it says, Venantius, is that, while India adopted
several principles and sections of the unique US
Constitution, it has a long way to go to achieve the
type of REAL legal rights that are available to
everyone in the US - including non-citizens and
captured terrorists who would rip off the heads of
their captors if they had a chance.
In the US, Tariq Ahmad Batloo could not be re-arrested
for the same crime and the same set of facts that he
was acquitted of, under the principle of "double
jeopardy".  There would have to be new evidence that
was not established before.
The Indian constitution does include this protection,
so we must believe for the time being that there was
fresh evidence against Mr. Batloo.  However, this
would be bending over backwards to give the Indian
judicial system the benefit of the doubt because the
previous evidence was not enough to get him convicted
in Goa.
If it is true that no Goan lawyer would defend Mr.
Batloo's rights to a fair trial in Goa, that would
speak volumes for the fundamental backwardness and
unfairness of the Indian judicial system and the
retrograde mentality of Goan lawyers.
While you have singled out two lawyers in New York
there are thousands of lawyers across the US who every
day defend a defendants's right to a fair trial -
which is fundamentally different from deviously trying
to get a malefactor off scot-free.  This is because
the US Constitution guarantees legal representation
for all defendants regardless of their ability to pay,
at taxpayer expense if necessary, and sometimes
"pro-bono" which is when a lawyer does not charge a
fee for his or her services, which the American Bar
Association requires them to do up to a certain
percentage of their professional time.
While India copied the US Bill of Rights I am well
aware that they frequently do not follow either the
letter or spirit of these rights.
As you say, the situation in India is beyond scary if
you happen to be a target for communal or political

[Goanet] Talking Photo: Please Identify this..

2008-07-14 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photo: Please Identify this..

It's not in the south
It's not in Pernem, Bicholim, Satari either.
Most of us (almost all) had been here (i mean nearby, yet not seen it)
We pass this place while we visit one of the top tourist spots

Further clue:
It it a chapel?
or a Cross ?
or a Church ?
or a cemetery ?
or a bungalow ?
or none of this?

  for Goa & NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

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Yahoo! http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/ymail/new.html

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Zot, Zotkaxi, Nagor, Xet, Kamerio/Bhailo, Romponn, tamb etc

2008-07-14 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: Zot, Zotkaxi, Nagor, Xet, Kamerio/Bhailo, Romponn, tamb etc



  for Goa & NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

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Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at 
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[Goanet] Headline - Help to save the world, Pope tells Australia

2008-07-14 Thread rubygoes

You have been sent this article link by rubygoes courtesy of smh.com.au

Personal Message: Hi Goanetters.
Sharing local news.

Help to save the world, Pope tells Australia
Paola Totaro who was on the papal flight
July 14, 2008

To view the entire article, click on: 

Sign up for news updates from The Sydney Morning Herald newsroom emailed each 
morning and afternoon: http://smh.com.au/newsletters/subscription.html

Visit http://smh.com.au for updated local and world news, sports results, 
entertainment news and reviews and the latest technology information.

Re: [Goanet] Tracing my Goan ancestry

2008-07-14 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
8/7/14 Thomas Coutinho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Dear Goanet,
> I am a non resident Goan. How can I trace my Goan ancestry, is there
> anyone who can help.
> Regards
> Thomas Coutinho

Thomas, something I had written in the past... FN

R O O T S :  U N U S U A L   S T O R I E S   F R O M   G O A

After coping with generations
of wander-lust, that often
snapped ties with their
roots, Goans from far
and near return with renewed
interest to trace back their origins

By Frederick Noronha


Tom Fernandes is blond with typically Germanic light eyes. If
his accent and looks suggest he belongs to central Europe,
his surname sounds possibly Goan. It is. Infact, he's just
one of the many Goans scattered in distant lands due to one
of history's most under-studied diaspora that saw tens of
thousands from this small region get scattered far and wide
across the globe.

Today, many like Tom, in his early twenties, are returning
back to their home state... all in a quest to better
understand their identity, find their roots, and possibly
re-trace their ancestry. Speedy communications over the
Internet and closer international links is making all this
possible in today's global village.

In the bargain, many are digging up unusual stories about
past generations. Strange though it may seem, Goa could be
one of the best places in this part of the globe to belong to
if you're curious about your roots. Fairly well-kept colonial
records, the still-existing village 'gaunkari' system and the
rural networks of 'vangods' (extended clans) might make it
easy for you too to search for your roots.

How do you go about this? Let's ask those who did it recently...

Benild (Ben) J. Pires of Victoria, British Columbia in Canada
says: "I have been intrigued about discovering my roots since
the mid-1970s. My dad, Dr. Edward A. Pires, now 90, had then
retired and began work on the family tree.  He has always had
an interest in keeping in contact, through his annual
Christmas newsletter, with all our relatives he knew."

Pires explains that since his father did not know how to
type, he himself took on the task of putting together the
tree from the information he provided.

"This was in the era before computers and tree-maker
programs. (Today, computer software allows anyone to create a
family tree with much ease.) But his tree did not go high
enough.  I wanted to find out when the 'Pires' name began --
I presume there was a Hindu name before a Hindu family was
converted to Catholicism by the Portuguese in Goa and
received the Portuguese name of 'Pires'," as Ben J Pires puts

>From distant Canada, he wrote to relatives in Goa to find out
if there was someone interested in doing some genealogy
research. "I was willing to have it done for a fee, but there
were no takers," he rues.

In 1992, Pires himself took my parents to Goa -- they figured
it was probably their last opportunity to visit their
village, Nagoa, in Bardez. He took the opportunity to spend
three days at the archives in Panjim.

Recall now, he says: "I was truly amazed about the amount of
progress I made in such a brief time.  And I was surprised
that the archives staff allowed me to handle documents as far
back as the late 1700s... pages which were practically
crumbling in my hands.  I did need the help of a relative who
could read Portuguese to help me translate documents --
baptism certificates -- that were useful to me.  Perhaps I
had some measure of success because my dad's father and
grandfather were from Panjim."

Of course, Pires had certain facts to fall back on -- his
grandfather's details dating back to the 1880s, his
grandmum's name, the fact that they moved to Nagoa and built
a home, which was recently donated to nuns working there. Two
of his sisters are nuns in the order. He also knew his
great-grandfather's name and whom he had married.

He made some quick discoveries at the Archives, after
estimating that each generation is about 20 to 30 years
apart. Finally, he got down to Antonio Pires -- his great,
great, great, great grandfather, born in 1770. But after that
it was tough.  Says Pires: "I reached a blank after Antonio
Pires, because he must have moved from somewhere else,
because the archives did not have any birth records from the
Panjim area before that."

Today, he is infact searching for clues on how to go further.

Others are working on this too. Mumbai-based Valentine
D'Souza, originally from Donvaddo in Saligao, has been the
Consulting Editor of the 'Express Computer' magazine in the
past. He also published 'Living Computer' and was at the helm
of the 'Times Computing' of the Times of India group.

Says he: "I've barely started getting into this research and
so far have only been able to cover about three and a half
generations (mostly current). I just did some initial
groundwork in Goa and hope to come back again soon and delve
a little deeper by going to the archives department in
Panjim, based on adv

Re: [Goanet] Some more old photos... from another Goa

2008-07-14 Thread borg costa
Hi Aloma,
flicker.com is banned and blocked in Dubai since last year & i've missed many 
such pictures. I've requested Mr. Joe to sent the pictures in other format. I 
think it is easy for him to load the pictures in flicker.

--- On Mon, 7/14/08, Aloma Dsouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Aloma Dsouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Some more old photos... from another Goa
To: "Goanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 3:14 PM

Dear Rico ,

I cannot view these pics as flicker.com is banned and blocked in Dubai.   I 
request you to please save it in another file and send it to me as i am 
eager to see goa as it was in yester years ...

Thanks so much for your help in advance and looking forward to receive 
/seeing these pics


Read all Goanet messages at:



[Goanet] Colours of the rainbow : getting in petals from another world

2008-07-14 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Chris,

Nice to hear from a Britto Boy from so far away.

Goa does not even bother about environmental impact of mining or hill
cutting or filling of wetlands or drawal of water by bore wells. The
floods in Panaji are mostly man-made. So is the shortage of water in
Saligao in summer.

There are Quarantine laws in force for legal imports/introductions. No
one bothers about illegal imports. I do not know if the "Ipe" seeds
came certified by NBPGR or some other body. I doubt that is the case,
or the owners would have known the Botanical name of the plant from
the compulsory "DECLARATION OF SOURCE" CERTIFICATE. The connection to
Tabebuia sp was made by Rico and me.

Mog asundi.


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 16:56:30 -0400
From: "Christopher Desouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Colours of the rainbow : getting in petals from
   another world (Lisa Monteiro, in Gomantak Times)


Have the environmental impact studies been done on this? Introducing a non
native species has a lot of repurcussions in the future. Sure that there is
no native species that can quite beautify Goa the same?

goanchris EX> Saligao, Goa>California

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Anjuna sunset....

2008-07-14 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Liked the way this photo turned out (Anjuna sunset):
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

[Goanet] A cartoonist's book...

2008-07-14 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Cartoonist Alexyz's packed-hall (black box, Kala Academy) book release,
earlier on Monday, July 14, 2008:
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

[Goanet] Congrats: Jerry Pinto

2008-07-14 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Congrats to Mumbai-based writer Jerry Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
having won the national award for the best book on cinema for 2006,
for Helen: The Life and Times of an H-Bomb. Jerry's roots lie in


Helen : The Life and Times of an H-Bomb/Jerry Pinto
Helen : The Life and Times of an H-Bomb/Jerry Pinto. New Delhi,
Penguin, 2006, vi, 256 p., photographs, $15 (pbk). ISBN 0-14303-124-4.
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

[Goanet] New Zealand "Indian Catholic pilgrims on the run"

2008-07-14 Thread Eddie Fernandes
15 Jul: The Press (New Zealand). The Indian agent who promised pilgrims they
could stay in New Zealand for as long as they wanted sought up to $34,000
for his services, it was revealed today. 

The Labour Department yesterday said it was searching for 32 pilgrims who
disappeared from their Auckland billets while visiting the country prior to
Catholic World Youth Day in Sydney. 543 words.

A Goan in New Zealand has written to say that there is some doubt if any of
the missing persons are really Catholics...

Forwarded by Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Goa news for July 15, 2008

2008-07-14 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa SEZ papers indicate rule violations - NDTV.com
[Jul 13, 2008]  The Goa government recently scrapped seven SEZs
that were coming up in the state, reportedly because of
violations in the way they were allotted in the ...

*** Seminar on career in sports organised in Goa - Merinews
[14 hours ago]  A seminar on 'Right Move II - Career in Sports'
was organised in Goa recently. It focused on the employment
opportunities available in sports in Goa. ...

*** Goa to popularise museum trips in schools -
[9 hours ago]  Panaji: With a view that Goa students find
interest in Museums and the articles exhibited inside these, the
District of Museums has formulated a scheme of ...

*** Falling fish-catch in Goa: A cause of concern - Merinews
[8 hours ago]  A staple diet in Goa for years, but with fish
catch increasingly becoming scarce and prices shooting up,
theresidents from tourist-resort state are looking ...

*** Goa Govt. to present report for greenfield airport - Hindu
[Jul 13, 2008]  Panaji (PTI): The Goa government will formally
present a report on Monday to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
seeking his nod for a greenfieldinternational ...

*** Tragic turn to holidays: seven from city die in Nainital,
Goa - Expressindia.com
[Jul 13, 2008]  While five members of a group drowned in Kosi
river, two businessmen lost their lives in Goa. "The first
incident occurred on Saturdayin Ramnagar, ...

*** Let off in Goa, Batloo held by J&K cops - Times of India
[23 hours ago]  JAMMU: Days after being set free by a Goa court
in a case of recovery of arms and ammunition, a Kashmiri youth
suspected to be a member of militant outfit ...

*** Master plan for Old Goa in offing - Times of India
[23 hours ago]  PANAJI: The proposal for a master plan for the
Old Goa world heritage area might just become a reality. In
fact, the tourism department has literally pulled ...

*** Wet Goa is desi honeymooners\' choice no 1 - Times of India
[23 hours ago]  "It's our first time in Goa," say the blushing
couple. "We got married in February and our friends suggested
that Goa in the rains would be a great place ...

*** Goa\'s Hippie-Era Holdover Is a Shopping Dream - Washington
[17 hours ago]  By Emily Wax GOA, India -- The tie-dyed
billboard states in swirled paint: "Welcome to the Mother of All
Indian Night Markets. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Subject: Re: Ref: Digambar to present Mopa report to PM

2008-07-14 Thread floriano

Well said that, Freddy.
And I stand corrected about the wolves' and hyenas' habit of feasting.

However, my reference to virgin legislators was made in context with the 
overcrowded and briming pipeline of hopeful who are being trained in our 
panchayats and municipalities. I have earlier gone on record to say that 
these virgins, if and when they are elevated to power, will make the 
veterans look like saints. One example is on screen already. Agnelo 
Fernandes of Calangute  the ex- sarpanch of Candolim. The next in 
line..the existing sarpanch of Calangute,  who has already stiched the 
'gaddi'  is Joseph Sequeira. When this happens, Agnelo will be seen as 
chicken feed. And yet another Zilla member  who cannot wait to emerse his 
feet intothe MLAs' shoes is Freddy Fernandes of Nachinola. Ofcourse, this is 
just the tip of the iceberg.

Needless to say that I appreciate your  positive response. It will go a long 
way in replenishing the sometimes fading confidence when the big question 
looms ahead like a dinosaur, larger than life .. the question such 
as " Have I been wasting my time??" With people like you behind Goa, 
exuberant with positive attitude, things certainly look  brighter. Today is 
my lucky day. Besides you, there was Leo Conrad D'Souza  of Margao/ 
UAE/London lending  me his patient ear and at the same time taking in the 
excellent view of Panjim, Mandovi and the green Betim hills from the 
roof-garden of our usual haunt.. the Manvin's Hotel.

Many many thanks &  b/rgds


- Original Message - 
From: "Freddy Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 3:02 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Subject: Re: Ref: Digambar to present Mopa report to PM

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Ref: Digambar to present Mopa report to PM

Dear Mr. Floriano,

Reference to your response to my article, with all due respect, I totally
disagree with the first part of your response, first and foremost there is a
major difference between wolves and hyenas, wolves will kill their prey and 

or eat what is already dead, where as the hyenas kill, by eating their prey
alive, I think you have made a mistake by calling the virgin legislator 

and the present ones as wolves it should have been visa versa. The present
legislators certainly fit the bill of hyenas.

[Goanet] Close Dabolim (Letter to the Editors)

2008-07-14 Thread Arwin Mesquita
 Subject: Close Dabolim

It appears that the Government is going ahead with the Mopa Airport. I
request the 40 thieves in the Assembly to close Dabolim. Stop giving us
nonsense of having 2 airports in a small state. For example, the Gulf Goans
are being told, that it is not commercially viable to have convenient
flights to one airport today and now our wise CM & his corrupt colleagues
are going for 2 airports.

I request the people in the Goan areas around MOPA, to please see for
themselves how the politicians, land sharks & greedy investors will be the
actual/main benefactors from MOPA airport. They have already invested in
land & will reap huge profits, if the airport comes up.

Is Mr. Churchill Alemao doing anything to stop MOPA airport, besides the
other things he had promised at the last election!!  Also Mr. Francisco
Sardinha seems to have forgotten which part of Goa, he has been elected
from; truly the Congress government is taking South Goa for granted on
this & other issues.

Arwin Mesquita,UAE.
Please read my Blog:

(1) http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/
(2) http://arwinmesquita.wordpress.com/2008/06/

Please read my Blog:

(1) http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/
(2) http://arwinmesquita.wordpress.com/2008/06/

[Goanet] Protests over Jesus' blasphemous picture in Telugu daily

2008-07-14 Thread Goanet News

Protests over Jesus' blasphemous picture in Telugu daily

Sun, Jul 13 11:07 PM

Hyderabad, July 13 (IANS) Christian groups Sunday attacked the offices
of Telugu daily 'Sakshi', owned by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y. S.
Rajasekhara Reddy's family, to protest the publication of a
blasphemous picture of Jesus Christ.

The daily's Sunday edition carried a picture showing Jesus with a beer
mug in one hand and a cigarette in the other. The chief minister's
family, which practices Christianity, has tendered an apology.

The chief minister's son and newspaper owner Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy and
the chief minister's wife tendered an apology to the Christian
community for the faux pas.

Protesting the publication of the picture, Christian groups attacked
the newspaper offices in Prakasam, Srikakulam, Vijayawada, Nizamabad
and other towns. Raising slogans against the newspaper, they barged
into the offices and ransacked the furniture.

In Hyderabad, the police arrested a group of Christians holding
protest in front of 'Sakshi' head office.

Following the incidents, security was beefed up at the newspaper
offices across the state.

Jaganmohan Reddy, who is also the managing director of the newspaper,
apologised for the major faux pas and said the newspaper would carry
the apology on the front page Monday.

He said the newspaper had highest regard for Jesus Christ and recalled
that the daily was launched on Easter.

Chief minister's wife Vijayalakshmi, in a statement, apologised to the
Christian community and said the newspaper would ensure that such
mistakes were not repeated in future.

The newspaper management said it was a mistake on part of the
sub-editor concerned who had downloaded the picture from the Internet.

An official journal of a Catholic diocese in Kerala had published the
same picture, evoking strong protests from Christian community.

'Vachana Jyotis', the magazine published by diocese of Neyyattinkara
in Thiruvananthpuram, carried the picture on the cover page of its
June issue.

'Sakshi' was launched in March this year by Jagati Publication of
which Y.S. Jaganmohan is the chairman. The first Telugu daily with all
pages in multi-colour is being printed from 23 centres, including New
Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai.

[Goanet] Original Hindu surname before conversion to Christianity

2008-07-14 Thread ignatius fernandes

Dear Sir,
The article by joegoauk on hindu surnames is very interesting 
I always wanted to find my hindu surname before my ancestors 
were converted to Christian.
How should one go about it would my parish church have the 
records of our hindu surname or what?
Could I request joegoauk put on the net the article by 
Prajal Sakerdande titled Pre and post conversion surnames
for us the history buffs.
Thanking you in advance
Ignatius Fernandes
2 Exeter Close 
W. Sussex

Play and win great prizes with Live Search and Kung Fu Panda

Re: [Goanet] Alemao's Hot Wheel Collection

2008-07-14 Thread gwasha
Dear Clinton,
Keep up the good work,
There are lots of skeletons in the closet, just need to open it,
all the best
Ayres deSouza

On 7/12/08, Clinton Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---
> http://www.GOANET.org 
> ---
>  2008 International Goan Convention
>Toronto, Canada
> ---
>  Dear Goanetters,
>  during a conversation this evening, I heard that the Alemao family has
> recently been on a purchasing spree of new wheels...  I've heard that in the
> last year, various members of the Alemao clan have bought the following:
>  4 Toyota Innovas costing approx 10,00,000 each
>  1 Toyota Prado costing approx 40,00,000
>  2 Honda CRVs costing 20,00,000 each
>  1 Honda Civic costing 13,00,000
>  some Maruti swifts costing 4,00,000 each and the whopper being the:
>  1 Mercedes Benz SLK 55 AMG costing 1,25,00,000 approx!!
>  All this in addition to the Quallises, and other vehicles that they already
> own...
>  Please also note that all these new vehicles have dark tinted glasses, and
> single digit nos (similar to Babush's CRVs, Prados, BMWs etc)... and while
> we get challaned... they continue to go around with nobody to stop them..
>  Now if you are still wondering why Joaquim Alemao seems to be the only one
> around that is adamant on Hyderabad based Hyquip being paid (a seemingly
> petty) 74,00,000 for fictitious services rendered to manage the sonsoddo
> garbage site, it's probably because he's not yet completed his collection of
> hot wheels.
>  And if the alemao clan is counting wheels, the rest of the politicos can't
> be that far behind. Will somebody in the media be willing to uncover more of
> this so that there's accountability and some pressure to curtail the large
> scale corruption??
>  Clinton..
>  +91 9890936828

Ayres deSouza

[Goanet] Denying a Script is a "Human Right Viol ation"

2008-07-14 Thread Wilson Mazarello

Denying a Script is a "Human Right Violation"
By  Wilmix Wilson Mazarello

From ancient times, "Languages" all over the world, were first invented by 
civilizations, for humans, to express themselves and to communicate with 
fellow-humans, verbally.

With passage of time, as the necessity to express and communicate in writing 
also arose, civilizations invented "Scripts" suitable and convenient to 
their language, to express and communicate, in writing.

Various civilizations that followed, each invented their own language and a 
suitable script.

Languages that came into being, thereafter, in the last 1000years or so, 
found it not necessary to invent a "Script".

Most of them adopted a "Script", from among those, already in existence.

The choice of "Script", for these languages, depended, primarily, on 

Convenience for pronouncing, convenience for expressing, convenience for 
communicating and of-course, convenience for teaching  and learning.

In like manner, around 500 years ago, from now, Goans in Goa, adopted the 
'Roman Script", for Konkani.

This too, happened out of sheer "convenience".

It so happened, that the need to express and communicate in written Konkani, 
was first felt by the Christian Missionaries, in Goa, around 1556, for their 
evangelization work.

Out of sheer coincidence, at that very time, the very first "Printing-Press" 
in Asia, happened to be in Goa, although it was on its way to Abyssinia. 
This very first "Printing-Press" in Asia, had only "type-sets" of  the 
"Roman Script", used for writing languages of the European continent.

Konkani language, till then, not being in written-form, was thus put in 
"print-form",  for the first time, using the same "Roman-Script" alphabets, 
that were the available with the "Printing-Press" then.

From then on, started the "written-form" of Konkani...

Incidentally, the Roman Script, was also found to be, the most convenient 
"Script' for pronouncing, expressing and communicating in Konkani.

"Pronunciation, Expression and Communication" encompasses "Dignity" and 

Hence, it may be said that "Language & Script" encompasses "Dignity & 

Further, any attempt to disregard a Language or its Script, is an attempt to 
disregard the "Dignity & Respect" of the people, who use that Language & 

An attack on a Language or it's Script, is an attack on the Dignity & 
Respect of the people, who use that Language & Script.

Further more, denying a large section of the people, the language and 
Script, of their choice, is tantamount to denying them their Dignity & 

Need I say, that every person has a right to "Dignity & Self-Respect"?

Denying these to him or her, amounts to denying him or her, a "Basic Human 

Hence, a serious "Human Right Violation".

No elected Government on Earth, can deny it's people, this basic 

No Government of any Country or State, can usurp these powers from the 

Language and it's Script, are not something that a Government, can force it's 
views on the people of the State or a Country.

Language & Script are "fundamental basics" of a Society, that cannot be a 
prerogative of a few Legislators to decide.

Even if, the few Legislators, happen to be "Elected Representatives".

Until and unless, the concerned Society, specifically expresses itself in a 
"democratic referendum", authorizing their elected representatives, to 
decide for them in the matter, they have absolutely, no right to do so.

The Goa Official Language Act of 1987, is one such example, of a State 
Government  usurping the  "Power of the People" and  denying  them, their 
"Dignity & Self-Respect".

It is an outright "Human Right Violation".

No State in the "Indian Union" specifies a "Script" as the official script 
of a language, in it's "Official Language Act" & discriminates against its 
own citizens using a different script, for the same language.

But, this has become, a harsh reality, in the State of Goa.

It is not only the Government in power, at that time, that is responsible 
for this "Human Right Violation ", but also all the Members of the 
Legislative Assembly who sat in the "House" at that time, and did not do 
enough to stop it.

It is not only the Government in power in 1987, that is responsible for this 
"Human Right Violation", but also all the subsequent governments & all 
subsequent  elected members of the Goa Legislative Assembly, till date, who 
did not do enough to undo it.

Infact, they lent support, to perpetuate this "Human Right Violation" by 
their attitude of showing, no concern...

The people of Goa, (the victims) are also partly responsible, for this 
situation to last for 21 long years, by suffering silently and not doing 
enough to "revolt" against it.

It is never too late

The time has come.

The people are fast realizing what's happened and still happening.

The day for a "People's Revolt" is fast approaching

[Goanet] Paes proposes sports city for Goa

2008-07-14 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Paes proposes sports city for Goa
15 Jul 2008, 0623 hrs IST, Preetu Nair,TNN

PANAJI: Indian Davis Cup team captain Leander Paes is planning to set up
a sports medicine facility and a sports city in the state soon. 

Paes has already met up with the health minister Vishwajeet Rane in this
regard last week. Rane confirmed the meeting and said, "A sports
medicine facility and a sports city would be really beneficial to all
sportspersons of the state of Goa." 

Rane said that he has already briefed the chief minister Digambar Kamat
about the same. "Leander is a Goan who has achieved a name for himself
in the international sphere and I think the government needs to help him
in this endeavour," said Rane. 

Leander Paes, India's tennis pride was born in Goa on June 17, 1973 and
brought up in Kolkata. 

Leander's father Dr Vece Paes is a well-known consultant for sports
medicine to the Indian Davis Cup team and has extensive medical clinical
and working experience. He has also been medical director and founder of
different medical companies. 

In recent times, injuries, both on and off the playfield, illness and
accidents have been snuffing out many shining careers from the national
sports horizon. 

The sports city, if built in the state, would be the first of its kind
in the state that may host a world-class medical facility, including a
specialist in sports medicine together with a rehabilitation centre. 

Rane said that the centre would help in training and treating exsiting
sportspersons will also encourage upcoming sportspersons in the state.
"However, the talks are at the initial stage and Leander will be coming
back to the state in August with a complete proposal," added Rane.




[Goanet] One (small) step in the right direction

2008-07-14 Thread Philip Thomas
Two reports in TOI on successive days show Goa government is beginning to be
able to focus on the airport situation. Yesterday we had "Digambar to submit
Mopa report in Delhi". It noted that the PM's assent to the Mopa airport
proposal was "a mere formality". It appears that the main purpose of the
move was to re-start land acquisition proceedings at Mopa which had lapsed
due to the anti-Mopa political agitation.

Today's report is headlined "Review plan to shut down Dabolim airport,
Centre told". Here we are told that "mutation cases" involving Dabolim land
other than that under the airport's jurisdiction are to be re-studied,
ostensibly to facilitate the making of land available for
expansion/upgradation purposes.

The more significant point is that the committee has requested "relevant
documents pertaining to the construction of greenfield airports at
Hyderabad, Bangalore,
Nav(i) Mumbai  and Noida" so that Goa government could arrive at "the best
model" for Mopa. This step had been mentioned as long as four months ago. It
is heartening  that Goa Government seems serious about learning from
experience elsewhere in India. It should not be overly fazed if it suddenly
finds that the tail it is trying to playfully grab is that of a fierce

Regarding the request for a "review" of the Union Cabinet's March 2000
decision to close Dabolim civil enclave when Mopa is opened, let us realise
that Goa's situation is really not much better than Bangalore and
Hyderabad's. In the latter, and especially in Bangalore, desperate attempts
are being made to "re-open" the old HAL airport AFTER it was closed
according to a similar decision when the contracts for new airports were
signed. The developers are sitting on a nearly water-tight legal position in
both places. The question for Goa is: who will agree to build a Mopa airport
without a similar assurance of Dabolim's closure? And what will the Centre
and State do when such a request is made by the developer? According to past
form, they will simply cave in.

The superficial lesson from the projects cited is that new airports are
invariably "international" ones from Day One. Hence, the same
"international" recipe for Mopa. That's a big mistake which is probably
already being made. Goa Government has to be able to think out of the box.
In addition to "international" and "domestic" it must also think of
"regional". What's the harm in starting "regional" and growing over time
into "international" as traffic (at two airports) warrants? The over-riding
consideration here would be to ensure that Dabolim civil enclave is not
inadvertently closed due to wrong design and start-up decisions at Mopa. But
it may not be easy to find a developer who is prepared to take a real long
term view of investments and benefits. So far we see only "Big Bang" artists
who pour big money upfront so that they can reap fat profits for the next
few decades at the cost of society and the economy. Nor will it be easy by
any means for Goa government to invest in a "core competence" in civil
aviation for the sake of its pioneering two airport system.

It is not enough for Goa government to look merely at the Hyderabad,
Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi cases. It should also get information about
Pune, Vishakhapatnam and Agra while it is at it. In all three places, civil
enclaves are at risk of shut down (just like HAL and Begumpet and, yes,
Dabolim) due to planned "international" airports (the Agra one being linked
to the Noida project near Delhi). The bottom line is: Goa cannot afford to
follow in their footsteps as far as Dabolim's closure is involved. It has to
chart a new direction.

[Goanet] Letter

2008-07-14 Thread Robin Viegas


You can follow the happenings as they unfold, at the largest youth event 
'World Youth day 2008' now taking place in Sydney Australia. Links to the 
official website of 'WYD 2008' & the 'official Vatican website for WYD 2008' 
have been provided on the home page of Catholic Parishes Network.  The URL 

You can read the latest issue of 'Bible Aglow' a publication of 'The 
Catholic Bible Institute, Bandra, Mumbai' on their website.  The URL is 

If you have not yet signed the online petition of Fr Cedric Prakash SJ , 
"Against Violation of Freedom of Speech, Expression and Conscience in 
Gujarat, India" , please do so.  If you have already signed please tell your 
friends to sign. A link has been provided on the website of 'Our Lady of 
Egypt Church, Kalina, Mumbai.  The URL is http://www.olep.org

If you are looking out for a blood donor, links have been provided on the 
'Bombay Catholic Sabha' page (listed out under Associations) on 'Our Lady of 
Egypt Church, Kalina'  website.  Links have also been provided to the 'AGNI' 
& 'PRAJA' websites on the BCS page.

Have a good day.

Robin & Lynette Viegas
Lay volunteers with Catholic Parishes Network

[Goanet] What could be your original Hindu surname before conversion to Christianity

2008-07-14 Thread Antonio Menezes
I must say it is a mighty interesting question.  JoeGoaUK  asks further:
''have you got any clue ?''

I think to do justice to the topic one must go five centuries back i.e.
around 1550s and 1560s  when most convertions to Christianity took place
namely in Bardez and Salcete talukas.

In those days our Hindu ancestors propbably had only two names.  his own
followed by that of his father.  May be the so called upper castes had
another name added but that  belonged  to  gotra or modki so that no
marriages took place between close relatives.  Marriages even between  third
degree cousins was a taboo. This was enshrined in Bapu, Azo, Ponzo ani
Shenzo principle.  (i.e. father, grandfather,grandfather and finally free
from any encumbrance.

Surnames is a purely western institution that was first brought to Indian
shores by the Portuguese,  If one finds surnames in Hindu society today
they are mostly  the names of villages they hail from.  Thus Raikar,
Lotlikar, Vernekar , Nagwemkar, and Kurtarkar   means  from the villages of
Raia, Loutulim, Verna,Nagoa and Cortalim respectively.

The names and surnames of Goan Catholics are purely Portuguese. randomly
bestowed  upon the new converts at mass baptisms.They must have run out of
names  and indulged in a bit of humour  themselves by giving names like
Anunciaccao, Aparicao, Ascencao, Assumcao,  Circumcisao, Conceicao,
Consolacao ,  Presentacao, Salvacao and Visitacao.

In modern times  names of Goan Catholics may not necessarily be of
Portuguese extraction but surnames of most Goan Catholics  definitely are in
pure Portuguese form.

And finally the most popular Goan surnames in decreasing order are :
Fernandes, Sousa, Rodrigues, Pereira, Costa,Dias, Gomes, Silva, Rebello and
