[Goanet] Govt asked to reply in illegal land-filling at Colva

2010-03-03 Thread Arwin Mesquita


Govt asked to reply in illegal land-filling at Colva
The State Government has to make a statement on Wednesday in the Court about
alleged illegal land-filling done in Colva village where the authorities
have not taken any action.
A Division Bench of Justices Naresh H Patil and N A Britto asked the
government counsel Adv Vivek Rodrigues to make a statement tomorrow while
hearing a petition filed by Colva Civic  Consumer Forum (CCCF) alleging
illegal land filling carried out in Colva and the authorities have turned
Nelson’s eye allegedly due to a minister’s involvement.
The Counsel for the petitioner Nigel Da Costa Frias appearing on behalf of
the petitioner alleged that no inspection was carried out though a complaint
was made to the authorities.
The Minister for Tourism Mickky Pacheco has been made respondent in the
petition besides the state government, the Collector South Goa and BDO. The
issue was first highlighted by this newspaper last week.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. Rape of Goa : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Jai Ho on two counts

2010-03-03 Thread floriano

Two things which is the talk of the town these days:

1. Any Partying other than cultural fests, weddings etc. need the Home 
Ministry's Nod.

2. Chalo TCP on 4 March, 2010.

As regards (1), now the District Magistrates and the Police can go into the 
night deep slumber, not that they had a lack of it, anyway. Now, the line 
that a complainant will get is The Home Ministry has given the permission 
And with that top clearance, everything will be OK including drugs et al. 
Whatever little check was there due to  the nagging insistence of a few 
activists, this has been systematically cleared from the top so that 
everything can go on more than as usual without questions asked. Our Goa 
Government works in mysterious ways to come to the distress of the 
corrupters. Jai Ho !

As regards (2), the GBA will be barking up the  wrong tree on 4 March 2010. 
Whatever questions that needs to be asked is at the formerly known as 'The 
Laxmi' , now known as the Chief Minister's Official Residence located at 
Altinho, Panjim. Because the CM is the TCP Minister and Mr. Morad Ahmed is 
only the hired disciple to execute orders. The pat reply that can be 
expected of  Morad Ahmed-ji is: You get the rules changed and I shall 
follow them - I is not my job  to frame them. Jai Ho!


PS: remember that  I said so on both counts.

It is not ENOUGH that GOOD n HONEST persons  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD n HONEST  voters elect good n honest persons.
GOA urgently needs  'HONEST SYSTEM of GOVERNANCE'.
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be honest  or to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'honest system of governance' be identified and 

Be bold. Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject 
political madness tomorrow.
[Note: PPS stickers are available at CHAMPS Sports Shops - 

[Goanet] Panjim Shigmoutsov Committee 2010, can you do it?

2010-03-03 Thread JoeGoaUk
Kitem re FN, how many times you attended Panjim Shigmo?
We know, so the organising committee  that the Main shigmo float 
parade (Tableaux of Mythological characters) is essentially a nocturnal one. 
This means, it should start after 6.30pm.  

But the Part one of the floats  itself takes about 2 hours
 (with Romtamel, folk dances, fancy dress etc).
If the whole event which was scheduled to start 4.30pm
 (as per news paper ads/announcements) starts on time or say 4.45 or 5pm,
 will it not give coverage of darkness to the second section of the floats?
As said, if they can’t do it, they should not be lying to public (year after 
year) by giving false starting up timings etc.
Announcing the start of the event  say at 4.30pm and actually starting 
 the same  say at 6.30pm. don’t you think this is absurd? 
Fyi, last year the committee assured (in newspaper)  it will start on time
 i.e.4.30pm but it started 6pm
And when I said ..'Can you do it?' I meant  'can you start it as per your 
announced timing'?
Hope you got the point now,
What’s shigmo? See pics etc
or just search ‘Panjim Shigmo Joegoauk’ and you will get reports, pics and 
from last 3-4 years

[Goanet] Panjim Shigmoutsov Committee 2010, can you do it?
Frederick Noronha fredericknoronha at gmail.com 

Hi Joe, I think the Shigmo participants care less about the views of a
JoeGoaUK, and more about how snazzy their lighting effects look after
dusk on an urban street :-)
After all the work they put in to create those effects, perhaps that's
a small priviledge they deserve. Na reh? FN
On 3 March 2010 05:26, JoeGoaUk joegoauk at yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 Panjim Shigmoutsov Committee 2010, can you do it?

 Year after year our Panjim Shigmotsav Committee and Panjim Carnival Committee
 Fails miserably to start shigmo/carnival floats on time or near the scheduled 
 Every year we see delays upto 2hours thus ending the floats very late.


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Re: [Goanet] Selma Carvalho: Who the bleep cares about cooks, ayahs and butlers?

2010-03-03 Thread rcabral
Instaed of padeira I found on the Collins pocket dictionary the word 
Padeiro meaning baker derived from the word 
Padaria. Hence it maight have been a typo.
Have a nice day!
Richard Cabral
 J. Colaco   jc cola...@gmail.com wrote: 
 ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***
  From Eddie Fernandes:  Who the bleep cares about cooks, ayahs and
 butlers?  By Selma Carvalho.
 [1] The words poder,corrupted from the Portuguese padeira meaning baker
 [2]  the word dorjeeh meaning tailor comes from the Muslim Darzi who
 migrated from Gujarat and Maharashtra
 re #1 above, I really doubt that there were female bakers in Goa or in
 Bombay to be the origin of the  'poder' in lingua Goesa. I will accept
 the word 'podeiro' .but unless proven wrong not 'padeira'.
 re #2: While a significant number of the 'darjis' were of the Islamic
 faith (and while Wikipedia - that 'most reliable source of
 information' makes a similar reference) words obviously get
 transplanted from other languages and not religions.
 From my understanding, there has been a defined Darji 'subcaste' among
 the Hindu population of the subcontinent (including Nepal) for about a
 thousand+ years  - and definitely before the Muslims invaded and got a
 strong foothold the area in the late 12th century AD.
 Considering the various dynasties - from the north-central and
 south-eastern part of the subcontinent which invaded the territory we
 now know as Goa, I submit that a wee bit more research will have to be
 done before one is able to make such 'darjoid' assumptions.
 BTW: did we know that Jawaharlal Nehru's mother tongue was 'Urdu'?

[Goanet] Nothing is impossible: Always be positive and U CAN! U WILL! U WIN!

2010-03-03 Thread Mario
It was a Sports Stadium.

Eight Children were standing on the track to participate in a running event.

* Ready! * Steady! * Bang!!!

With the sound of Toy pistol,

All eight girls started running.

Hardly had they covered ten to fifteen steps, when one of the smaller girls
slipped and fell down,

Due to bruises and pain she started crying.

When the other seven girls heard the little girl cry they stopped running,
stood for a while and turned back.

Seeing the girl on the track they all ran to help.

One among them bent down, picked her up and kissed her gently and enquired
as to how she was..

They then lifted the fallen girl pacifying her.

Two of them held her firmly while all seven joined hands together and walked
together towards the winning post ..

There was pin drop silence at the spectator's stand.  Officials were

Slow claps multiplied to thousands as the spectators stood up in

Many eyes were filled with tears and perhaps even God's!

YES. This happened in Hyderabad [INDIA], recently!

The sport was conducted by National Institute of Mental Health.

All these special girls had come to participate in this event

They were spastic children.

Yes, they were Mentally Challenged.

What did they teach the WORLD?



Equality among all?

Successful people help others who are slow in learning so that they are not
left far behind.

This is really a great message... Spread it.! 

Mario F. D' Costa

Re: [Goanet] Jai Ho on two counts

2010-03-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 3 March 2010 09:40, floriano floriano.l...@gmail.com wrote:

 Two things which is the talk of the town these days:

 1. Any Partying other than cultural fests, weddings etc. need the Home
 Ministry's Nod.
 2. Chalo TCP on 4 March, 2010.

 As regards (1), now the District Magistrates and the Police can go into the
 night deep slumber, not that they had a lack of it, anyway. Now, the line
 that a complainant will get is The Home Ministry has given the permission
 And with that top clearance, everything will be OK including drugs et al.
 Whatever little check was there due to  the nagging insistence of a few
 activists, this has been systematically cleared from the top so that
 everything can go on more than as usual without questions asked. Our Goa
 Government works in mysterious ways to come to the distress of the
 corrupters. Jai Ho !...


 PS: remember that  I said so on both counts.

QUESTION: How much hafta will have to be paid to get your licence to extend
your entertainment time ? Some more money to be made here, for sure!

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (3Mar10)

2010-03-03 Thread alexyz fernandes

***  One Goa, One Plan  ***

March with the GBA to the TCP Office on March 4th

Save Goa from CM Diggu digging Goa's Grave!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Rupya Reputation

2010-03-03 Thread Cecil Pinto
Antonio Menezes wrote:
An excellent suggestion, Eric, that the unique symbol for the Indian
Rupee should be the Swastika.   Swastika in the Hindu Dharma
represents general well being of the humanity.
As for the Deutschlanders of  ''uber alles '' fame and the Israelis
should have no qualms about it.  The Bharatiya Swastika is presented
in North South  and East West direction. whereas the Swastika of you
know who , ran from NE to SW and from NW to SE.


This is factually incorrect.


Geometrically, the Swastika can be regarded as (the area inside of) an
irregular icosagon  or 20-sided polygon. The proportions of the Nazi
swastika were fixed based on a 5x5 diagonal grid.

Characteristic is the 90° rotational symmetry and chirality, hence the
absence of reflectional symmetry, and the existence of two versions of
swastikas that are each other's mirror image.

The mirror-image forms are often described as:

* clockwise and counterclockwise;
* left-facing and right-facing;
* left-hand and right-hand.

Left-facing and right-facing are used mostly consistently
referring to the upper arm of an upright swastika facing either to the
viewer's left (卍) or right (卐). The other two descriptions are
ambiguous as it is unclear whether they refer to the arms as leading
or being dragged or whether their bending is viewed outward or inward.
However, clockwise usually refers to the right-facing swastika.
The terms are used inconsistently (sometimes even by the same writer),
which is confusing and may obfuscate an important point, that the
rotation of the swastika may have symbolic relevance, although little
is known about this symbolic relevance. Less ambiguous terms might be
clockwise-pointing and counterclockwise-pointing.

Nazi ensigns had a through and through image, so both versions were
present, one on each side, but the Nazi flag on land was right-facing
on both sides and at a 45° rotation.

The name sauwastika is sometimes given to the left-facing form of
the swastika (卍).

Read and learn more at:




[Goanet] workshop for teachers of Portuguese

2010-03-03 Thread CLP Instituto Camões
Caros amigos,

O Centro de Língua e Cultura Portuguesas ( CPLC ) do Colégio de Artes e
Ciências, Smt Parvatibai Chowgule, Margão, em colaboração com o CLP/Insituto
Camões de Panjim, visando a promoção do ensino e aprendizagem de Língua
Portuguesa, organiza uma ação de formação para professores de Português,  no
próximo sábado dia 6 de Março de 2010, às 15 horas, no Auditório do Colėgio
Chowgule em Margão.

A atividade será dinamizada pelo diretor do CLP/Instituto Camões em Panjim,
Dr. Delfim Correia da Silva, subordinada ao tema “O novo Acordo Ortográfico
da Língua Portuguesa: a sua relevância no âmbito das variantes do
Português.” Nesta ação serão apresentadas as grandes alterações
ortográficas, algumas das polémicas que envolveram a sua aprovação pelos
países da CPLP, assim como alguns dados sobre a evolução histórica do

Posteriormente, às 17 horas será exibido o documentário *«Língua - Vidas em
Português» *(2002), realizado por Victor Lopes, numa co-produção
luso-brasileira*, *e que aborda o português falado no mundo e as suas
especificidades, através dos depoimentos de algumas figuras do espaço
lusófono, como José Saramago, Martinho da Vila, Mia Couto, assim
como algumas personalidades goesas.

Os professores e outros interessados pelos estudos relacionados com a
linguística portuguesa devem contactar o CPLC, Colégio Chowgule e confirmar
a sua presença até as 18.00 horas do dia 5 de março através dos
telefones: 2759504
– 2759067, ou por correio electrónico: E-mail -  portugu...@chowgules.ac.in.

Saudações muito cordiais.

Delfim correia da Silva
CLPInstituto Camões
Agva House, 9/32 Dr.Dada Vaidya Road
Panjim 403001 - Goa

Dear all,

The Centro de Língua e Cultura Portuguesas (CPLC) of Smt. Parvatibai
Chowgule, Margão, in colaboration with CLP/Instituto Camões in Panjim, with
a view to promote the teaching and learning of the Portuguese Language, is
organizing a workshop for Teachers of Portuguese on Saturday the 6th of
March 2010, from 15 hrs, at the Auditorium of the Chowgule College, Margão.

The resource person for the workshop will be Dr. Delfim Correia da Silva,
Director of CLP/Instituto Camões in Panjim, who will speak on “O novo Acordo
Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa: a sua relevância no âmbito das variantes
do Português” showcasing the orthographic alterations, the polemics
regarding its approval by the CPLP countries, and also about the historical
evolution of the Portuguese Language.

Later, at 17 hrs, there will be a screening of the documentary “Língua –
Vidas em Português” (2002), a Portuguese-Brazilian co-production, directed
by Victor Lopes, dealing with the Portuguese language spoken the world over
and its specifics through submissions of some personages of the Lusophone
space such as José Saramago, Martinho da Vila, Mia Couto, and some Goan

Teachers and all those interested in studies related to the Portuguese
linguistics may contact the CPLC, Chowgule College to confirm their
presence, by 18.00 hrs of the 5th of March.

Tel. 2759504 /2759067/9422062928

Email portugu...@chowgules.ac.in

Best whishes.

Delfim correia da Silva
CLPInstituto Camões
Agva House, 9/32 Dr.Dada Vaidya Road
Panjim 403001 - Goa

[Goanet] SUB:Celebrating International wmen's day a t Holy Family Hosp on 7/2/10 - Patient Information Progr amme on Womens Health

2010-03-03 Thread jane gillian rodrigues
SUB:Celebrating International wmen's day at Holy Family Hosp on 7/2/10 - 
Patient Information Programme on Womens Health
Dear E-mail Friends and Family,

Please forward. Please attend in large numbers in order to make the programme a 
huge success. Please register immediately.



Invites All to - Lecture / Interactive session 

The consultation is free on the reports of the tests which one may avail of at 
discounted rates therefore, the free consultation will be after the test is 
taken and the report of the test is obtained.

Topic: Patient Information Programme on Womens Health


Date : Sunday, 7th March, 2010

Time : 9.30am to 1.00pm

Venue : Holy Family Hospital, 2nd floor OPD, Hill Road, Bandra(w), Mumbai 400 

Registration Charges Rs. 50/- per head (including snacks)

Special discounts on - *Pap Smear, **Mammography, ***USG Abdomen and Pelvis and 
Whole Body Bone Densitometry

Kindly register immediately at - Reception, Holy Family Hospital, Ground Floor, 
Hill Road, Bandra(W), Mumbai 400 050, ph. No. 30610555

[Goanet] Recovering the Republic -I

2010-03-03 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes
Recovering the Republic - I

Recovering Power from a cynical use of the Law

(This essay was first published as a column in the Gomantak Times, 3 March

The column a couple of weeks ago asserting that the centenary of the
declaration of the Portuguese Republic was also a Goan event, received a few
responses that convinced me of the need to follow that argument with an
explanation of some sort.  These responses were shocked by the connection
made between Dalit and Bahujan consciousness in Goa and the declaration of
the Portuguese Republic. The Portuguese Republic, they were at pains to
explain, was not an angelic affair committed to equality throughout the
Portuguese empire. It had dictatorial tendencies, was entirely concerned
with issues in the metropole (that is continental Portugal) and in fact laid
the foundations for the persecutions of the Estado Novo under Salazar.

To be fair to these responses, I must admit that they were rightly triggered
by my use of the word ‘celebration’ in the context of the Declaration of the
Portuguese Republic. Celebration suggests an uncritical appreciation of an
event. Commemoration would be a more appropriate term, given that it
requires solemn stock-taking of an event, weighing both pros and cons.

Having acknowledged the error in choice of words, I believe that I have gone
some distance toward assuaging the outrage of my interlocutors. However, I
would now like to address the question that they put to me, whether one can
be justified in laying claim to an event that did not have the liberation of
the Goan Bahujan in mind. Surely, one critic suggested, this Bahujan
activist was mistaken?

The original column that sparked off this response, indicated rather clearly
the two edged, cynical use of ideas of liberty and equality that marked the
inauguration of the European republics. The bourgeois classes that
spearheaded these revolutions made a cynical use of these ideas, largely to
ensure a larger support base as they attacked the feudal regime. However,
having done so, they were now hostage to the idea that was then implemented
by the masses in the slow progress of democracy. Suhas Palshikar, in his
essay in the must-read book titled ‘Humiliation: Claims and Context’, edited
by Gopal Guru sums it up rather aptly. ‘Democracy’ he says, ‘even only a
very formal democracy - cannot be stopped from infusing some amount of
democratization’. The moment the bourgeoisie introduced the rather novel
idea of ‘power to the people’ they were inviting a group, hitherto outside
of the frame of power politics, into its very heart. Once invoked and
legitimized in the course of the French Revolution, the roll of democracy
was unstoppable, as formerly disenfranchised masses seized the opportunity
to rid themselves of inequality.

To understand the complex and cynical politics of Republicanism, have a look
at the history of Haiti. The French Revolution was marked by the slogan of
equality for all, a slogan taken seriously by the black slaves in Haiti, who
declared their freedom and independence. This was, to be sure, hardly the
intention of forces dominating the Revolution. The resistance of the French
to this declaration led to the Haitian Revolution that eventually saw the
declaration of independence of this territory. Equality in republican
Europe, was not intended for people of colour, nor for the colonies. Not in
France, nor in Portugal. But this should not blind us to the fact that the
mere declaration did in fact result in a legal change that allowed people to
assert claims that could never be legitimately made until then.

Palshikar extends this logic to nationalist struggles in colonial settings
as well. He points out, no doubt referring to the nationalist history of
British-India, that ‘similarly, the moment the nationalists in colonial
societies departed from exclusively conspiratorial and secret methods and
waged ‘people’s struggles’, they were running the risk of their nations
being claimed by ordinary people’. Large portions of the Indian elite were
not comfortable with the idea of the unwashed masses gaining a say in the
governance of the country. This discomfort continues today in such
assertions as made by the ‘Friends of the BJP’ when they stress that we as
educated know better than the rest of the ‘illiterate’ population.

Clearly then, once the democratic idea is invoked, it fundamentally changes
the rules of the game. People who formerly could not even imagine themselves
as equal, now begin to hear the powerful voice of the law tell them that
they are equal. This powerful voice may be cynical, not meaning what it
says, but having uttered these magical words, is now powerless against the
influence of its own logic.

A legal history of the territory of Goa would have to necessarily recognize
that the Declaration of the Portuguese Republic, that extended equality to
all citizens, as a significant moment in this history. To argue that the

[Goanet] Uncouth Goans and Goan Jews (was Rupya Reputation)

2010-03-03 Thread marlon menezes
As a Goan Jew, I can say that we would have no issues with India adopting the  
swastik as a symbol of its currency. Most of us are quite aware of Hindu 
symbols and the need, nay the right, for Hindus and India to express its 
heritage with pride. The alliance and mutual understanding between Jews and 
Hindus is quite natural as we were both targets of Christian aggression and 

Goan catholics in  particular need to wake up from their slumber and cease the 
comical worship of their ONE god(s) ... you know, God the father et al,  the 
Mother of god and the endless demi-Gods also known as the saints. And, what is 
it with Goans and their disgusting affinity to be named after anti-Jewish 
tyrants? I understand that there are quite a few Hitlers and Stalins living in 
Goa. In fact, isn't there a person by the name of Naz.. er.. Nasci on goanet? 
When a person such as this is allowed to broadcast his bigotry and intolerance 
on this forum, it sends shivers down my spine. The few prominent Churchills 
around, cannot make up for the verbal and emotional torture we Jews suffer, 
when we hear their names and what they have to say. 

Besides their terrible choices with names and their religion, catholic Goan 
cuisine is quite horrid as well. To have names such as Leitao is one thing, but 
to be eating a leitao makes me dream of the finer cuisine that was served to 
the prisoners in Aushwitz. Perhaps it is because I was scarred for life as a 
child. My renunciation of my imposed christian faith and Goan culture was 
sealed when I had to take the throne in my grand mothers house and watch the 
pigs lap it up from underneath me ... and not much later to have the same 
animal served to me on a plate. It does not stop there. The look of a goan 
sausage, all twirled up in a tidy brown pile is quite visually assaulting - if 
you know what I mean. If you want to eat pork, that is fine, but why do you 
take pleasure in eating it in a form that also resembles the animal's staple 
diet? Presumably this is Nasci's definition of a pork consuming Modern Goan 

There are a lot of non-resident Goans who continue to screech about the 
non-Goan influx into Goa. Let me say that contrary to your christian tenant 
that we Jews are cheap, the fact is that we are rich and spend a lot of money. 
It is our desire to have another Jewish homeland in N.Goa and there are a lot 
of you willing to sell it to us at market rates. FYI, the next time, you visit 
the Goan Jewish territories of Aramabol, please make sure you respect our 
refined culture and values. Uncouth catholic Goans, with evil sounding names 
should stay away however.


- Original Message 
From: Nascy Caldeira nascy...@yahoo.com.au

mine is a 'modern Goan Indian' culture with a worldly look, not a
narrow parochial one like the majority of Indians; and I must say, I
had cultivated this modern Indian Culture much much before, I landed
Down Under.

My migration to being 'Modern Man'
in the international sense  was made possible first by my ancestors in
Goa, who broke away from the conservative primitive madness of the Indian 
and reformed; that is, so many of us; so much so that we can integrate
and make ourselves 'at home' in any culture, anywhere in the world, and
Be Accepted!!!

Sad to say that I feel most uncomfortable with the traditional Indian Culture 
whilst not only in India but even in the Goa of today. Why? Because everything 
is so much 'pochpochit' !!!

Hard Feelings! I mourn for the 'primitiveness' of the majority of
Indians. I identify myself as truly modern and worldly integrating
person of Indian origin. I love BEEF and BACON; most of the world does!

Nascy Caldeira.


- Original Message 
From: Cecil Pinto cecilpi...@gmail.com
Geometrically, the Swastika can be regarded as (the area inside of) an
irregular icosagon  or 20-sided polygon. The proportions of the Nazi
swastika were fixed based on a 5x5 diagonal grid.

Characteristic is the 90° rotational symmetry and chirality, hence the
absence of reflectional symmetry, and the existence of two versions of
swastikas that are each other's mirror image.

[Goanet] Youtube video shows nexus of drug mafia, Goa police-- WHO IS THE EDITOR

2010-03-03 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Youtube video shows nexus of drug mafia, Goa police
March 3rd, 2010 - 11:10 pm ICT by IANS  -
Panaji, March 3 (IANS) A video uploaded on the popular Youtube website
showing an Israeli drug dealer talking about his alleged links with the Goa
police’s anti-narcotics sleuths has created a flutter in the state.
The 8.16-minute long video was uploaded on youtube.com by user OrenbenYaish
back in April 20, 2008, and features Atala, a reportedly notorious Israeli
drug peddler.

Atala, an Israeli youngster with close cropped head, is shown in the video
speaking about how a senior anti-narcotics cell (ANC) officer, whom he
identifies as ‘Ashish’, regularly sells him drugs seized from raids and even
deposited with the magistrate.

“This Panjim police… this narcotics the chief.. Big chief. Maybe he is one
giving drugs. Maybe… he said something to give it to friend. All the time he
is giving me five kg charas, ecstasy…,” Atala, who has been arrested
previously on drug peddling charge told an unidentified person in the video.

“He is very young. Three star (inspector). Before I meet him two star..,
only two star. Now he get one more star and he is now big chief… The head
anti-narcotic. He know me from before. The first time I meet him. I fight
with… he said Atala, listen u my friend. I know u good heart. I like you. I
create no problem for you. Give me 10 ecstasy. I tell listen.. You are
anti-narcotics. I not give u 10 ecstasy. I scare to give you. He said you
are my friend. I open my pocket and give him 10 ecstasy,” Atala says, adding
this risk had forged the relationship between the two “more stronger and
stronger and stronger”.

During the video, an unknown person, whom Atala identifies as an ANC
official, also hands him a white plastic bag with cocaine.

Atala, who is seated in car parked near Calangute, also says that the rear
seat of his car is packed with cocaine, heroine, charas, etc.

Incidentally, the ANC was headed by police inspector Ashish Shirodkar for a
period of more than two years since 2008.

Ashish’s mobile phone number read out by Atala in course of the
conversation, also matches with the official phone number of Shirodkar
listed in the police records.

The arrest of David Driham alias Dudu, a notorious Israeli drug peddler, has
opened a Pandora’s box for the state police. Sources said that Dudu under
interrogation has named three police officials and several
journalists, *including
reportedly an editor,* who he said he had bribed in order to carry on his
business unhindered.

The video and its details have stunned the Goa Police.

When contacted, Superintendent of Police Veenu Bansal refused to comment on
the issue, virtually scampering away from the media at the police

Deputy Inspector General Ravinder Yadav said he was not in a position to
comment on the video right away.

“We will be in a position to say anything only after we verify the
genuineness of the footage,” he said.

Hours after Yadav was handed over a copy of the controversial footage by
mediapersons in Panaji, Director General of Police (DGP) Bhim Sain Bassi
claimed that he was not aware of such a video.

“Now that you have told me, we will view it and take appropriate action,”
Bassi said.

More at : Youtube video shows nexus of drug mafia, Goa police

[Goanet] Ponda Shigmo Clip

2010-03-03 Thread JoeGoaUk
Ponda Shigmo Clip
Sorry, it was to start at 4.30 but started at 6.30pm
Had to abandon at 8pm to arrive back home at 10 pm
This is what we captured
Ponda Shigmo

Pics sent earlier or  refer here


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[Goanet] 500 Years Ago Today: The Portuguese seize Goa

2010-03-03 Thread Eddie Fernandes
History Today. (UK).  Vol. 60 number 3.  On 4th March 1510, Afonso de
Albuquerque at the head of some 20 ships and 1,200 men stormed the fort
which had only a small Muslim garrison. The local Hindus rushed to welcome
him and the Portuguese marched in with banners flying and trumpets blowing.
Full text, 653 words, at

Readers may wish to celebrate or commiserate.  Strange that the event is
being ignored, as far as I am aware,  in  Portugal or in Goa.  It was
Richard Zimler, http://www.zimler.com/ who drew my attention to the

Eddie Fernandes 

[Goanet] Goa news for March 4, 2010

2010-03-03 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Duty evasion scam: Two Customs officers arrested - Indian
Goa Customs officials arrested

*** Aircraft crashes into house, 3 killed - Hindustan Times
Aviation 2010 takes off on a tragic note crash

*** Goa CBI arrests Rajesh Adani - Times of India
ear-old charge of evasion of customs duty to ...

*** India's Goa cracks down on drug-fuelled parties - AFP
in Goa? Government will decide

*** Tape alleges Goa ANC official of supplying drugs - Press
Trust of India
video shows nexus of drug mafia, Goa police

*** Goa farmers celebrate 'Shigmo' Festival - Oneindia
Celebrate Indian Spring Festival

*** Akshay celebrates Holi in Goa - Indiainfo.com
diainfo.comWhile everyone in Bollywood was busy celebrating Holi
in Mumbai the actor told Farah that he needs to spend quite time
with his loved ones in Goa. ...a class=

*** IIJS organizers upbeat as Goa show wraps up - National
Jeweler Network
tional Jeweler Network22, 2010, at the Kala Academy in Panjim,
Goa. That is down significantly from the February 2009 show,
when IIJS reported that close to 1000 visitors and 10 ...a

*** Sesa Goa can touch Rs 460-480: Thacker - Moneycontrol.com
V18, In Sesa Goa we saw very strong price action over there. I
think Rs 418 is the 52 week high closing; it has just closed
around those ...a class=

*** Goa Carbon to invest Rs 200cr in Chinese greenfield plant -
ear contract with multinational mining and resources group Rio
Tinto. Goa Carbon will sell ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] More schlock from the GBA

2010-03-03 Thread manuel tavares
Rajan has exposed the GBA for what its is. A stooge of the ruling politicians 
who will dance to the tune of their masters. We need a strong and determined 
opposition who are not afraid of these corrupt politicians and who can stand up 
to them and challenge them at every opportunity exposing their corrupt deeds so 
that they are stripped naked and people can see their deeds for what they are. 
The upcoming elections should then be contested for every seat so as to throw 
these scoundrels out of office. The outcome should reflect the disgust of the 
people and hopefully elect honest and trustworthy people who have the people's 
and Goa's interests in the foreground and who will be held accountable by their 
deeds to the people who elected them. I had suggested in previous posts that 
anyone who seeks election to any public office should be required to declare 
his or her assets on assuming the office and on exiting the position just like 
in the U.S. Wives and close relatives' assets should also be kept in check to 
avoid backdoor corruption. This will dissuade persons who may have thought of 
seeking election to office in order to enrich themselves at the peoples' 
expense from seeking election..  

Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares

[Goanet] In reply to RP ( Rajan Parrikar not Regional Plan )

2010-03-03 Thread Reboni Saha
Am just curious at the consistency with which Mr. RP attacks activists, victims 
of the problem rather than the problem itself.
Meanwhile, regardless of internet opinions and keyboard activists, we have to 
keep going on the ground. 

On another note, as an appeal to all those who feel for this cause, we welcome 


Re: [Goanet] Rupya reputation

2010-03-03 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
 I fully support the use of the Swastika on Indian currency as a millenia old 
cultural and
religious symbol.  Placing it on the Rupee note will assert the fact that the 
Swastika is in
fact an ancient Indian symbol brought to dis-repute in some Western countries 
by its usurpation by the Nazis as their symbol of Aryan superiority.  A 
Swastika evokes a great deal of angst among the Jewish people because of the 
Holocaust inflicted by the Nazis,
and is viewed as a symbol of hate towards Jews in Western countries.  We need 
to correct
the impression and assert the fact that the Swastika is in fact a revered 
Indian symbol with roots in Hinduism.  No dis-respect meant to the people of 
the Jewish faith.

[Goanet] Zeitgeist-Goa's First Art History Club -OPEN SESSION ON 4th March, 6:30pm @ Gallery Gitanjali, Fontainhas

2010-03-03 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

Gallery Gitanjali in collaboration with Monsoon Grey presents
Zeitgeist, An Art History Club

The First Session on the 4th of March,2010 at 6:30 p.m.
This is an OPEN session where you are invited to come  bring in
friends and family.

Gallery Gitanjali, Opp.Panjim Inn,Near People's High

About Zeitgeist, The Art History Club

Zeigeist is a membership based Art History Club that meets regularly
to explore art and visual culture in its various forms through
lectures and discussion on a wide range of topics such as artists,
movement, period, school, theme to state a few.

Each session will have members coming together to celebrate art  in an
informal atmosphere. A slideshow will accompany the one hour lecture 
followed by a discussion.

The first session will have our Facilitator, Apurva Kulkarni explore
the beginnings of  Modern Art.

Who can participate?
The club will be open to anyone above the age of 16 years and from
any background. Limted Seats (20)

Duration: 20 sessions of one and a half hours each spread over one
year (participants can also register for 10 sessions, 6 months)

Membership fee:
Rs 4000 Annual membership (Rs 2500 for 6 months, 10 sessions)

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

Read all Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (4Mar10)

2010-03-03 Thread alexyz fernandes
Dear Diggu Kaka...Please Save Goa for us Children. 
Yours..Theirs...Politicans, Builders, Mine Owners...Dont Kill 
Goa...Tourism...May God give you Love...Peace...Wisdom!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos: This is also Margao (NH17)

2010-03-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Frederick Noronha wrote:
 It is indeed funny. That this species called homo sapiens could
 think only of their four- and two-wheelers, and more and bigger roads,
 without bothering a bit about the grazing lands our four legged
 friends once had access to!

 We should also talk of stray humans and stray vehicles, rather
 than just stray cattle. FN

Imagine, for a moment, a person rushing their loved one to a medical facility. 
Time is of the essence.  
Then the ambulance, or whatever mode of transport being used, hits this patch 
on NH17 with 13 buffalo blocking the entire road. 

The question that may arise is, who has the right of way? 

The answer, is always the same.
Which ever is bigger.

That, is the law of the jungle.

There is a cost for allowing animals on the highway. There is a higher cost
when animals on the highway are tolerated. The ultimate cost is when human 
life's are lost because of strays on the highway.

BTW, here in Canada, the highways are fenced in. Tunnels are built so that 
wildlife can cross roads without endangering themselves or motorists.   

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now

[Goanet] Owner’s pride!

2010-03-03 Thread Arwin Mesquita
*Owner’s pride!
Arwin Mesquita, UAE
*I fully support calls to hold River Princess owners responsible in
financial terms for removing this menace from the Candolim shores. Why is
the taxpayers’ money being used to sort out this environmental catastrophe,
caused by the rich and privileged owners?

[Goanet] The state of economy in colonial Goa

2010-03-03 Thread Antonio Menezes
The economy of Goa during the colonial days was not something that is worth
writing about.
But nevertheless an attempt has to be made.
Besides Panjim, Margao, Mapusa and Vasco which were controlled by the
administrators, almost all villages in Goa had no Portuguese presence at
all. Village
authorities were : Cabo de Policia, the Regedor and the Pado Vigario (PV). A
was Cabo de Policia, a middle aged son of a local batkar was the Regedor and
were mostly Rachol bamons.

The village economy was mostly agricultural and controlled by batkars who
mundkars without Christian mercy.  But then what did the batkars do with
their wealth ?
They built their haciendas but village wealth was in the hands of
Confrarias., Gaunkarias
Communidades and what have you and the PV was in charge of it all or was
under his
influence. The PVs  invested this wealth to build Taj Mahals of which today
all villagers
are proud of. A small part of this wealth went for the welfare of PV's
nephews whose
descendants today are doing well not only in Goa, but in England, Canada,
the U.S.
as well not to mentio  far off places like Stockholm, Melbourne, Bahamas,
Macau etc.

[Goanet] IFFK League Reaching its Pinnacle

2010-03-03 Thread Goa World

IFFK League Reaching its Pinnacle


The ongoing league of Indian Football Federation Kuwait is finally 
reaching its pinnacle with matches being held continuously at the Astro 
Turf ground in Daya. The 13th round matches were held on 26th February 2010.

In the 1st match title contenders Skynet took on Indians. The match was 
played at a slow and cautious pace. Skynet after gauging the situation 
took the lead through Caridado and UniKrishnan consolidated it to make 
it 2-0 at half time. Star midfielder Philip Ferrao and Unikrishnan score 
again to win the match 4-0 for Skynet. Indian as usual did contain the 
opposition for a while, but could not do much in the frontline and 
succumbed to yet another defeat. Skynet showed tremendous skill in the 
midfield with the introduction of Shabbir who has been missing from 
their earlier matches. He along with Philip Ferrao mesmerised the entire 
opposition with their excellent display of football. It was a pleasant 
sight to watch Skynet President and IFFK council member Ivan Barretto 
showing his exquisite footballing skills in the first half.

The 2nd match was played between Dominic Savio and Veterans. Both the 
teams displayed good technique and skill. Veterans with their experience 
and skill matched their young opponents in every department of the game. 
Dominic Savio defended boldly with Alex marshalling the defence, but 
Veterans took the lead through their evergreen midfielder Rubin who has 
been enthralling the Indian footballing community for so many years with 
the same passion and zeal of yesteryears. Dominic Savio tried to force 
the pace with Savio excelling in the midfield, but the experience of 
Veterans snuffed their hopes. In the second half Veterans maestro Rubin 
once again scored from the top of the box with a scorcher to increase 
the lead and win the match for Veterans 2-0.

The 3rd Match was played between another title contender Fahaheel Bros 
and MAC. The match started with a blistering pace and MAC stunned the 
opposition and the fans by scoring the fastest goal of the league 
through Fayas Kakkot. Before Fahaheel Bros could settle in the game MAC 
scored the second goal through Abdul Rahman and an upset was on the 
cards. But Fahaheel Bros had other ideas and slowed the tempo of the 
match and reduced the margin through Mustafa who volleyed from the right 
with MAC goalkeeper rooted to the ground. With this goal Fahaheel Bros 
upped the tempo of the match and scored the equaliser through Riyas 
Babu. Mustafa missed a penalty to put Fahaheel Bros on top, but scored 
again through another penalty to go into the lemon time with the score 
line of 3-2 in favour of Fahaheel Bros. The second half saw Fahaheel 
Bros consolidating their lead through Abdul Kader. MAC tried in vain to 
reduce the margin and force back in the game, but Fahaheel Bros 
controlled the midfield play and came out victorious 4-2

The matches were supervised by Indian Football Referees Association – 
IFRA, the only professional and competent body of Indian Referees in the 
region. The schedule of the 14th round to be played on 5th March 2010 
(Friday) at the Daiya Grounds is as follows:

1St Match - MAC v/s DHL
2nd Match - Fahaheel Bros v/s Skynet
3rd Match - DBO v/s AVC

Report  Photographs by IFFK press desk
Posted by IndianFootballFederationKuwait

[Goanet] This video clip making news in Goan dailies

2010-03-03 Thread JoeGoaUk
This video clip making news in Goan dailies

Today 4/3/10
Now, a 'Drug dealer talk' about his deal with ANC on Youtube - TOI
Israeli Peddler spills beans on ANC officer  - Herald
Youtube footage adds to Goa police's woe - GT
NT- ?


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Daily Grook #638

2010-03-03 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

starbucks outlet -
my morning perk,
thats how i get
latte for work!

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sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278

Live connected with Messenger on your phone

[Goanet] SMILE.................... IT'S WEEKEND (04/03/2010)

2010-03-03 Thread CAJETAN DE
An old couple (Paulo  Paskina) in their late 70s walked slowly into a 

Some of the customers looked admiringly at them. You could tell what the 
admirers were thinking:  Look, there is a couple who has been through a lot 
together, probably for 60 years or more!

Paulo walked up to the cashier, placed his order with no hesitation and then 
paid for their meal. The couple took a table near the back wall and started 
taking food off of the tray.

There was one hamburger, one order of french fries and one drink. Paulo 
unwrapped the hamburger and carefully cut it in half. He placed one half in 
front of his wife (Paskina). Then he carefully counted out the french fries, 
divided them in two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife.

Paulo took a sip of the drink, and then Paskina took a sip as Paulo began to 
eat his few bites.

Again, you could hear what people around the old couple were saying. - They 
were used of sharing everything.

Then the crowd noticed that the little old lady (Paskina) still hadn't eaten a 
thing. She just sat there watching her husband eat and occasionally sipped some 
of the drink.

A young man (Frank) who was watching and admiring the couple, came over and 
Frank: Ma'am, if you don’t mind, can I buy another meal for you?

Paskina: No young man, we are used of sharing. 

As Paulo finished eating and was wiping his face neatly with a napkin, the 
young man (Frank) could stand it no longer: 

Frank: Ma'am, why aren't you eating?  What is it that you are waiting for?

Paskina: (smiled and answered) As I told you that we share everything. My 
husband just finished eating his food, so I am waiting for THE TEETH. 
Cajetan de Sanvordem 

[Goanet] Sahitya Akademy recognises Literature and not the script says Akademy President Sunil Gangopadhyaye

2010-03-03 Thread Ancy D'Souza
Sahitya Akademy recognises Literature and not the script says Akademy
President Sunil Gangopadhyaye

Dear Sir,
Please find attached two articles written by the members of Sahitya
Akademy GENERAL COUNCIL 2008-2012
1. Konkani Literature: Caught In Script Whirlpool by Sri Govinda Raju
(Raz Andamani) from ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR Email: razandam...@gmail.com
J.F.D'Souza Email: edwin...@gmail.com
Kindly publish abvoe two articles attached along with this in a word format
The list of Sahitya Akademy GENERAL COUNCIL 2008-2012 members available at

With regards

Ancy S. D'Souza, Paladka
E2-139 Diwan Apt III
Vasai Road East
Thane Dist - 401 210
Tel: 0250-2390225
Cell: 9320733213
Email: anc...@gmail.com

Konkani Literature: Caught In Script Whirlpool By Govinda Raju

In the last general Council Meeting of Sahitya Akademi, the Academy of
Letters of India, held on February 16, 2010 in New Delhi, Edwin JF
DSouza raised the controversial issue of Konkani Script. The language
was written in five different scripts for historical reasons;
Devanagari, Roman, Kannada, Malayalam and Arabic, whereas Sahitya
Academi recognized only the books written in official Devanagari
script to the exclusion of all other scripts.
By Govinda Raju

The bone of contention was that the books written in scripts other
than Devanagri were not considered for awards by Sahtya Akademi and,
on cue, by other organizations and institutions too. It was a gross
injustice to the writers engaged in literary work in Konkani in
scripts other than Devanagari.

To a pointed question of Edwin DSouza whether Sahtya Akademi
recognized the script or the literature; Sunil Gangopadhyaye,
President said in an unambiguous term literature! The argument
should have ended there but Pundalik Narayan Naik, Convener of Konkani
Language Advisory Board cited the Govt of India notifications
recognizing the Devanagari script as the official one and also
referred to the previous discussion on the subject in the General
Council of Sahitya Akademi that remained inconclusive.

However, the majority of General Council Members did not approve that
the literature created in the same language but different scripts
should be discriminated against when the bulk of Konkani literature
was written in Kannada and other scripts, according to DSouza.

Dr Harish Narang argued that in the hi-tech age of advanced computer
programmes where, on a click of the mouse the script can be changed
from one script to the other, there was any reason why books written
in scripts other than devanagari should remain out of the purview of
awards; unless it was meant to limit the competition.

After a prolonged discussion, on the suggestion of Sunil
Gangopadhyaye, President, the matter was referred to the Language
Development Board of Sahitya Akademi for an early resolution.

Migration and fragmentation: The arrival of the Portuguese lead to
major changes in Konkani. The conversion of Konkanis to Christianity
and the religious policies of the Portuguese caused a large number of
Konkanis to flee to neighboring territories. The isolation of Hindu
and Christian Konkanis added to the fragmentation of Konkani into
multiple dialects.

The language spread to Canara (coastal Karnataka), Kokan-patta
(coastal Konkan division of Maharashtra) and Kerala during the last
500 years due to migration of Konkanis. Although a few Konkanis may
have been present in the neighboring areas and there may have been
migrations due to economic reasons in the past, the main cause of
migration was the Portuguese control over Goa.

It was spread to these areas by Hindu Konkani and Christian Konkani
speakers in three waves of migration. The first migration occurred
during the early years of Portuguese rule and the Inquisition of
1560s. The second wave of migration was during the 1571 C.E. war with
the Sultan of Bijapur. The third wave of migration happened during the
wars of 1683-1740 A.D. with the Marathas. While the first wave was of
Hindus, the second and third waves were mainly those of Christians.

These migrant communities grew in relative isolation and each
developed its own dialect. Since these communities had to interact
with others in local languages on a daily basis, Konkani dialects show
strong local influences in terms of script, vocabulary and also style.

Other Konkani communities came into being with their own dialects of
Konkani. The Konkani Muslim communities of Ratnagiri and Bhatkal came
about due to a mixture of intermarriage of Arab seafarers and locals
as well as conversions of Hindus to Islam. Another migrant community
that picked up Konkani was the Siddis who were sailor-warriors from

Source: http://www.lightofandaman.com/news7.asp
Author: Sri Govinda Raju (Raz Andamani) from ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR

[Goanet] Moddgonv (Margao)

2010-03-03 Thread JoeGoaUk
Moddgonv  (Margao) 
Moddgovam tevoiagher, tevioagher 
Mez kelam re rondo
Tinga ek cheddum nachota, cheddum nachota 
Orxem korun benddo
Moddgonvam prasar ubim astona
Kumkolechi bosichi vatt poitana
Moddgonvchim cheddvam
Mottim pamprelam
Ratchim ugtim gatai zonelam, oi, zonelam
Moddgonvche chedde
Bhangrache gulle
Cheddvank sodunk voitai garakodde, oi, garakodee.
Moddgonv  (Margao) 

And while you are at there ( KTC Bus Stand)
Don't forget to visit my this mini stall
We serve hot-hot or gorom-gorom Boje, Mirsango, Bottattvodde.
Egg omlet etc. Each Bozo selling at Re.1


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