Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-07-01 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 15:19:54 +0100 (BST)
I have been told several times in the past, by one or
two posters that if I find something objectionable, to
either ignore it, delete it or find something else to
do rather than comment upon some of the 'major 
posters' on this forum (so as not to hurt their tender
artistic feelings I suppose).
Mario responds:
I'm glad you did not take the advice of these "one or
two posters"  because their advice makes no sense. 
Think about it.  You have these posters, hiding in the
weeds around the Goanet forum, watching what is going
on and advising you, who has something to say, to
ignore the proceedings and move on.
Apparently THEY do not have either the interest and/or
intelligence and/or confidence to join the fray or
comment on even issues they disagree with.  Isn't it
illogical, therefore, even absurd, for them to
conclude that it is those who are actively sticking
their necks out and risking criticism and opprobium
who have "tender artistic feelings"?
Aren't your advisors, and those who are gullible
enough to take their spurious advice, the ones who are
hiding their opinions so as to not expose either their
facts and logic or their tender feelings?
John wrote:
I do feel I need, no, the URGE to comment on certain
Mario responds:
By all means, you are welcome to do so.  You will then
quickly find out whose feelings are tender and whose
are not:-))
John wrote:
Nobody has the right to downgrade, denegrate or damage
your sensibilites, even the artistic, the academic or
the high-brow on this forum (there are all three of
these on here, and they can be SO boring at times, but
they vent, so let them live I say), but I dont have to
read them all the time, that is MY choice.
Mario wonders:
Without reading "them" how would you know what they
have written?
There is a difference, wouldn't you agree, between
honest debate and criticism and denigrating someone
and damaging their sensibilities, especially in a
forum like this where they can respond?  Of course,
within reason, due to the eagle-eyed moderators who
are quick to classify some responses as
John wrote:
If Selma has done this to anyone, I would like to know
where she has done this to anyone, other than
sometimes she tends to smack you on your butt when you
least expect it, but that is up to you, if you say or
do something that is out of this world, expect some
response, not only from Selma.
Mario responds:
So, is it your considered opinion that there is a
difference between "downgrade, denegrate or damage
your sensibilites" which you say no one has a right to
do, and "smack you on your butt when you least expect
Selma has been known to do some or all of the above. 
Just ask Wendell and every person ever elected to a
Village Panchayat, not to mention some on this forum
whose butts are black and blue:-))  Sometimes everyone
agrees with her, sometimes no one does.  She is not
afraid to take the slings and arrows in return.  She
is not afraid to get knocked on her butt.  She just
gets up, brushes herself off re-joins the fray.
Selma would never advize you to ignore, delete and
move on from a post you disagree with.
John wrote:
Now try and work that one out.  Jewish Muslim? 
Protestant Hindu? Portuguese Catholic tainted with a
little conscience?
Mario responds:
What you have described about your antecedents is a
fact of life that you have to deal with.  It is not
for us to work out.  
I, for one, will only go by what you say and do where
I can see or hear.

Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar.

2008-07-01 Thread Mario Goveia
--- On Tue, 7/1/08, JOHN MONTEIRO wrote:
> One reason my mother was BORN in Bombay 7 Sept 1923 
> was that her parents relationship was out of 
> wedlock, similarly my own mother's relationship 
> with Casimiro Emerito Teles Jordao Rozo Monteiro 
> was was also the same.
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 06:00:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Legitimacy, illegitimacy are all man-made labels
foisted on people. Human beings are much more organic
and dynamic than society expects them to be. A piece
of paper does not legitimize the existence of a human
being nor does it give legitimacy to the union that
created that human  being. A person born out of
wedlock might have been conceived with much more love
and passion than one born within a marriage contract.
Mario responds:
Neither John nor his mother had anything to do with
how they were conceived, born or brought up as
children.  If they turned out well as adults and are
happy and productive human beings, they should be
commended because they did so against heavy odds,
especially within the Indian social context.  
I do not recall any mention of "legitimacy or
illegitimacy" until Selma gratuitously inserted these
concepts into her response.  Also, Selma's fatuous
statements describing the institution of marriage as a
"piece of paper" are spurious and irresponsible as
social commentary, even though she has a right to
express her opinion of what marriage means to her.
Conceiving a child out of wedlock may be based on love
and passion, or it may be based on low self-esteem,
animal lust, selfishness and self-interest without
consideration for the norms of society, one's
religion, or the best interests of the child.  John
has mentioned that his mother was abandoned as a
child.  I cannot even imagine what that must be like
for a child.
No one really knows for sure within a particular
relationship but the adults are better able to cope -
it is almost always the child who bears the burden or
pays a price.

Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar.

2008-07-01 Thread Carvalho
--- On Tue, 7/1/08, JOHN MONTEIRO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One reason
> my mother was BORN in Bombay 7 Sept 1923 was that her
> parents relationship was out of wedlock, similarly my own
> mother's relationship with Casimiro Emerito Teles
> Jordao Rozo Monteiro was was also the same.
Dear John,

I think I am exceeding my quota of posts on Goanet today but moderator I 
promise this to be the last one.

Legitimacy, illegitimacy are all man-made labels foisted on people. Human 
beings are much more organic and dynamic than society expects them to be. A 
piece of paper does not legitimize the existence of a human being nor does it 
give legitimacy to the union that created that human being. A person born out 
of wedlock might have been conceived with much more love and passion than one 
born within a marriage contract.

You have a wonderful story here to tell. Perhaps one day soon you should sit 
down and write your family memoirs. Lives so rich and part of Goa's history 
must be catalogued for posterity.

take care,


Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar.

2008-07-01 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  My mother was the product of a mix-(white) race couple, a French JEWESS & 
  SHE was the Ullah I was referring to in my post, it was one of my father's 
little aliases he used when 'on business' as it were.  WHAT his business was 
around the 17 June 1950 is anyone's guess,  but I can suppose it was not any 
different to what he had been up to during WW2 or during the Spanish Civil War, 
nor when he worked for PIDE.  
  I was incorrect to say I was a hybrid, you are of course correct in your post 
of how & what a hybrid is, I was just in a hurry to answer to a post regarding 
mixed races, religions etc. So many on this forum are either brown nosing with 
the highbrow or academic elements here but not looking in the mirror 
themselves, nor asking about their own parentage.
  I was just saying, to NOT call people names, nothing more than that.  And to 
prove this I laid bare some of my family's own 'misdeeds' if this is what they 
were, or if that is what they meant it to be.  One reason my mother was BORN in 
Bombay 7 Sept 1923 was that her parents relationship was out of wedlock, 
similarly my own mother's relationship with Casimiro Emerito Teles Jordao Rozo 
Monteiro was was also the same.
  Its just one instance that proves that if you come from a bastardized 
hierachy it does not necessarily mean you have to continue the line, nor have 
to take up your father's profession, neither my younger brother nor I were in 
the least bit aware of his PIDE activities, and that is thanks to our mother 
who protected us in our childhood & forbade us to ever mention his name or the 
Portuguese side of the family ever again.
  I did purposefully marry OUT of my 'race' because I was very unhappy with 
relationships with WHITE women (though not sure if its correct to say 'out of 
my race' since EuroAsian is the same 'race'), only our 'colour' / 'creed' / 
country / locations were different.  Otherwise you could not meet two people 
who suited & complimented each other.
  I the product of the above, and my beautiful wife a Mauritian (Tamil / 
Hindu), coincided with my beliefs, being of the same religion as my wife, but 2 
years BEFORE she was born.  She is 17 years my junior would not have made a 
difference, but it was fantastically coincidental we both have the same 
religion, the same outlook on life, eat & drink the same foods & like the same 
style music, family get-togethers etc.
  Meanwhile, back on the ranch.. the purpose of my delving so deeply & 
digressing a little is to just say it is not nice for people to denegrate 
others by calling them names, nor to assume someone is of a 'low caste' (be it 
the way in which you described my mother, which is wholly incorrect) or to be 
so highbrow looking down at others, as is clear by your post.  Its the same 
thing, you dont have to SAY it, just IMPLYING it is sufficient to hurt others.
  John Monteiro.

edward desilva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi John, 
To say that my mother is a Chardi but I'm a Sudra, do you think some Goanetters 
who read it are gone doolally to believe that...I don't know what you 
are rambling about, Religion is not my bother..according to Bangalee Muslim 
Community, Ullahs are low caste. If your mother was an Ullah too, than you are 
a low caste hybrid (does not matter what religion you belong to). Have these 
anthropology PhD people wasted their time, AGAIN? ED.

John Monteiro said: Personally speaking, and this is what I do on this forum, I 
am a hybrid, with many attachments to the major religions of the world, but 
have taken for my spiritual comfort, the Hindu faith for the past 42 years.  
Since I was 16 in fact.  But this is MY choice, in parentage, my family, the 
major figure was my father, albeit an absent one for most of my childhood, his 
donation to making me was to make me 50% Catholic, but I was brought up 100% 
Catholic for the first dozen years of my life, due to my mother not having a 
say in how my education or religious beliefs were to be handled. 
To add to this melange, yet one of my father's names (on my birth certificate) 
is Ullah.  How about that then?  I am also a MUSLIM.
Now try and work that one out.  Jewish Muslim?  Protestant Hindu?  Portuguese 
Catholic tainted with a little conscience?  

  John Monteiro  

[Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-30 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 13:14:57 + (GMT)
From: edward desilva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
If my parents want to marry me to a high caste.
Mario responds:
This is to inform you that there is no such thing as
caste in Christianity, just those who pretend there

[Goanet] I will not be called a liar (Maternal lineage).

2008-06-30 Thread edward desilva
"Antonio Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Selma,  you are not, no matter, what Edward deSilva  thinks you are.
Caste system is found only among Indians therefore International Standards 
cannot be
applied, As far as  my knowledge of caste system goes, a child cannot aspire to 
any other caste than that of his or her father.
If any one has seen Lawrence of Arabia - the opening scene is. 
A man is shot dead by the well. Explanation? He is a Bedu, he is a low caste.
Only Indians believe in caste is it?
To believe what Antonio said is to believe what Albert said some time ago, and 
I too believed in it when I was a child. - TIE GARLIC ROUND YOUR NECK TO WARD 
NIGHTMARES. Old village women come with 'Mirsang' (red chilly) to take away 
Can there be a PAKLO Bamon?
Well! some one said there is.
This is the 21st century, its about time we changed our - 'old wives tales' - 
But, No one can stop you from believing what you want to believe.
Adam and Eve story is a STORY.
Same way Goan Caste, descended from the father to the child is also a story, 
illiterate old women talking rubbish.
In humans, mitochondrial DNA appears to be 100% inherited from the mother, and 
maternal lineage can be traced back hundreds of generations based on studies of 
TAKE NOTE: maternal lineage.


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Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-30 Thread Carvalho

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

--- On Mon, 6/30/08, Antonio Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Selma,  you are not , no matter,  what Edward deSilva 
> thinks you are.

Dear Antonio,
Thanks for your mail. Much appreciated.

The reason I dwell on the caste system and give details about my own family are 
manifold. Let me briefly enumerate them.

a) It helps me put my own thoughts in order. As I said I am writing a personal 
memoir and sometimes people will read my posts and it will fire off some 
revelation about my family tree and enable me to gather information.

b) Caste was also clan-based. Hence tracing one's caste sometimes leads to 
revelations about one's clans, roots and history. We cannot honestly and 
legitimately discuss India's history by avoiding the topic of caste.

c) The most important reason I use my family as an example is to show that 
caste did not mean material wealth nor did it necessarily create opportunities 
for a large section of Goan society. My one grandfather was a "sudra raindar 
mundkar" the other "an Afrikar chardo bhatkar". The lives of these two 
gentlemen were not tangibly different. 

I suspect, and this is just my own perspective on the situation not from any 
detailed investigation, that there was a creamy layer of Goan society at the 
top who were affluent and elite. But for the vast majority of Goans in Goa, who 
pretentiously used the caste system to define themselves, life was a hard-slog 
whether they were chardo, sudra or bamon.

There is a dark-skinned, impoverished man in our village in Goa, whose 
signature line has always been "maka kath nazale maka zat aha". I suspect caste 
somewhere along the way became a lifebuoy by which to hang onto and assign 
themselves dignity and privilege which neither nature nor diligence had awarded 

take care,


[Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-29 Thread Antonio Menezes

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

Selma,  you are not , no matter,  what Edward deSilva  thinks you are.
Caste system
is found only among Indians therefore International Standards cannot be
applied,  As
far as  my knowledge of caste system goes,  a child cannot aspire to claim
any other
caste than that of his or her father.

May be I am wrong, but you did sound a bit apologetic about your father's
>From Ural to Rocky mountains ie modern industrialized world became powerful
because they utilizes science in their day to day affairs instead of relying
on God's
grace through prayers, mantras and mumbo jumbo. The harbingers of modern day

science are the artizans of yore whom   the most knowledgeable people in
world   have classified as sudras.  Toddytappers of yesterday are
chemical engineers , masons - civil engineers, blacksmiths - mechanical
carpenters -  architects  etc.

Let us evaluate the history of three regions of the world.  : sub Saharan
Africa, Indian
sub-continent,and Italy. where a religious professional  managed to secure
the top
position in the society namely the witch-doctor, brahmin and the papacy. Is
not the
history  of these regions  a tragi-comedy opera ?  Atleast Rome was a
before the advent of Christianity.


Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-29 Thread Seb dc

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

>   Its time to stop calling people names.
>   Its time consider making constructive comments, make any suggestions you
like so long as its not a personal attack upon any of the posters on this
forum, unless or until they cross the line & demean either your faith, your
family or your way of life.  Nobody has the right to downgrade, denegrate or
damage your sensibilites, even the artistic, the academic or the high-brow
on this forum (there are all three of these on here, and they can be SO
boring at times, but they vent, so let them live I say), but I dont have to
read them all the time, that is MY choice.
> Regards
>   John Monteiro

Thanks for making us aware. On another thread here, a poster made remarks on
my post,
Saying :
"1.Would you like to come out clean in Goannet OR !!! Still prefer
be hiding.
2.go as far as u can."

But after countering him on the above, he seems to have gone into a hole.
The least he could do was tender an appology for fabricating false
aligations. That goes to show his reputation of putting a Dr. as a prefix


[Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-28 Thread edward desilva

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

Hi Cornel,
Why don't your 'zip' it FIRST.
If my parents want to marry me to a high caste.
This topic of caste bashing has gone on for so long that people are now 
bringing their family tree into the debate, in desperation. 
Who married/marries who is none of other peoples business. So ZIP it.
You are the biggest culprit, telling others to shut up.

Hi John
I found what Edward had to say about Selma totally
unacceptable and am surprised the moderators let it
through. When on earth are the 'Catholic' Goans going
to junk the absolute humbug of caste? 

Not happy with your email address?.
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[Goanet] I will not be called a liar.

2008-06-28 Thread edward desilva

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

Hi John, 
To say that my mother is a Chardi but I'm a Sudra, do you think some Goanetters 
who read it are gone doolally to believe that. (Chardi can be a Hindu or Muslim 
- ask a Pakistani about caste in the Muslim faith in Pakistan). 

You said you are a hybrid, fair enough.
(In biology, hybrid has two meanings. The first meaning is the result of 
interbreeding between two animals or plants of different taxa. Hybrids between 
different species within the same genus are sometimes known as interspecific 
hybrids or crosses). (biology)
I don't know what you are rambling about, Religion is not my bother.
I was referring to mt-DNA, not religion, Jewishness was just an example.
By the way, converting to a Jew by circumcision may be OK for men, but not for 
a woman.
Secondly, according to Bangalee Muslim Community, Ullahs are low caste.
If your mother was an Ullah too, than you are a low caste hybrid (does not 
matter what religion you belong to).
This topic about caste has been burning for far too long, due to Cornel and Co.
Others are desperately seeking to get attention or their PhD from Goanet, by 
keeping the caste argument going for as long as they can, even by indirect 
means of saying who married who and came out as what. - Who came out as What?
Did her mother marry a Sudra out of love or just to defy the Goans caste system 
or to say to her peers, hey! look what I have produced - a Sudra.
I wish I could get away by offending my mother and her caste she belongs to.
Just because she put her family in it, makes her immune to criticism? Is it?
This argument does not cut mustard with me, besides men and women being equal, 
what about the modern discovery of 'Mitochondrial Eve'? (not Adam) not from the 
garden of Eden either or Sita from Shree Lanka (get the drift?).
Have these anthropology PhD people wasted their time, AGAIN?

John Monteiro said:
Personally speaking, and this is what I do on this forum, I am a hybrid, with 
many attachments to the major religions of the world, but have taken for my 
spiritual comfort, the Hindu faith for the past 42 years.  Since I was 16 in 
fact.  But this is MY choice, in parentage, my family, the major figure was my 
father, albeit an absent one for most of my childhood, his donation to making 
me was to make me 50% Catholic, but I was brought up 100% Catholic for the 
first dozen years of my life, due to my mother not having a say in how my 
education or religious beliefs were to be handled. 
To add to this melange, yet one of my father's names (on my birth certificate) 
is Ullah.  How about that then?  I am also a MUSLIM.
Now try and work that one out.  Jewish Muslim?  Protestant Hindu?  Portuguese 
Catholic tainted with a little conscience?  

Not happy with your email address?.
Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at 

Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-28 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

Your short story on your parents appears to be incomplete.  There was a 
beginning and the end.  You forgot the middle - like the young lady swooning 
over the Indian Ocean to meet her true love.   The young Goenkar beating 
back all the other suitors to get to the agbot. 
So what exactly did your father have?  Was it a Mercedes-Benz? Or some other 
physical prowess?
Please do not say, "many years and many theories later the mystery remains 
unsolved." You can always say your, "mother was swept away as she got off the 
agbot from Africa.. . She saw your dad on the gang plank flicking an 
invisible speck of dust off the lapel of the shirt  with an abolim lei to 
garland her . and she discovered that his casual  look hid a superior mind."
So forget the caste baloney.  Likely what you have described in LUV, long 
before Goans knew how to spell this word.  
The likely reason you recounted your parents' story is to share with us your 
pride in them. They went 'against the grain' and succeeded against the odds.  
In this, they were Goan champions and success stories.  They are great role 
models for Goans of all caste and economic backgrounds. I congratulate them!  
Thank you for sharing their story with us.
How do I know all of this you ask? Looking at you my-dear (now I have to 
address you like in England). Our star composure of loving and caring, yet 
sharp incisive posts. And you have the ability to remain polite in the most 
hostile exchanges.. 
To switch gears, and related to other interesting issues brought up by this 
thread.  Now that you are in England, tell us, are the Brits better than the 
Yanks?  You know they have a little royalty that has rubbed off on all them - 
or at least that is what they think.  Do you think Goans have more of that 
royalty than the other ordinary folks? Are there any ordinary Goans in UK? :=))
What do we have here in the USA? When you meet Gabe, kindly share with him your 
experience in the USA.  After a few rounds of Irish Cream, Bristol Cream, and 
other exotic liquors, tell him about the many lovely girls in the USA, some of 
whom, he would love to spank ... S L O W L Y.:=))
To keep you abreast of USA, Mario Lopez with his killer-smile and hot-bod is 
the current heart throb of married women. 
Regards, GL
 Selma said:

I'm the only person on Goanet, with its readership of 9000+ people who have 
stood up and proclaimed to be a "sudra", the product of a chardi mother and 
sudra father.


Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-27 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

Hi John
 I found what Edward had to say about Selma totally
unacceptable and am surprised the moderators let it
through. When on earth are the 'Catholic' Goans going
to junk the absolute humbug of caste? 

Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-27 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

I am not certain I understand what being discussed here.  Yes its true that the 
Jewish line is via the maternal line, ie from the mother, in much of the way 
that Muslims & Christians are via the paternal line, ie via their father.  If 
the partner of the woman is not Jewish in origin, he must be converted into the 
Jewish faith.  Any children from that marriage would automatically be Jewish. A 
visit to the nearest Beth Din will confirm requirements..
  As I said before, this also applies to Catholics, if either the male or 
female is not a Catholic but the other is, then the partner must be a convert, 
to properly allow their children to take the faith of the Catholic 'father' 
(who may have not originally been a Catholic) but as the mother was originally 
the first partner and a Catholic, the male partner converted, so this makes it 
a 'whole Catholic' family.  If the man will not convert, then this is a 
decision which will create a conflict between her faith, her priest & her 
family, and socially. If the roles were reversed, then it would not make such a 
problem because the children would automatically be brought up as Catholics.  
An agreement to this has to be made.  A visit to the nearest Catholic Church 
for advice will confirm requirements.
  Its the same with the Muslim faith, if the man is a Muslim, he may take any 
religion wife (for some reasons a Buddhist is not usually taken as a wife...), 
but she must convert to Islam, there is no choice in the matter here, as there 
are with Catholics.  But if the roles were reversed, this would be a heavy 
burden on everyone, as a Muslim woman cannot marry out of her faith, unless 
there is conversion by the man, and this has to be approved. Again, a visit to 
the nearest Masjid would confirm requirements.
  Either way, I dont see what Selma has said that is wrong.  She has described 
quite clearly where her parentage lay & much more which she need not have done, 
but gave us the courtesy of knowing her forefathers / foremothers.  Do we need 
to go further on this?  Is it really that important we have now got to get into 
some sort of slinging match, were posters can be called liars, cheats & abused 
in this way?  
  I have been told several times in the past, by one or two posters that if I 
find something objectionable, to either ignore it, delete it or find something 
else to do rather than comment upon some of the 'major posters' on this forum 
(so as not to hurt their tender artistic feelings I suppose).
  I do feel I need, no, the URGE to comment on certain subjects occasionally 
because sometimes the subject material gets out of perspective, or are not part 
of the original link, or have diversified into something else, nothing at all 
to do with the original theme or post. 
  Its time to stop calling people names. 
  Its time consider making constructive comments, make any suggestions you like 
so long as its not a personal attack upon any of the posters on this forum, 
unless or until they cross the line & demean either your faith, your family or 
your way of life.  Nobody has the right to downgrade, denegrate or damage your 
sensibilites, even the artistic, the academic or the high-brow on this forum 
(there are all three of these on here, and they can be SO boring at times, but 
they vent, so let them live I say), but I dont have to read them all the time, 
that is MY choice.
  If Selma has done this to anyone, I would like to know where she has done 
this to anyone, other than sometimes she tends to smack you on your butt when 
you least expect it, but that is up to you, if you say or do something that is 
out of this world, expect some response, not only from Selma.
  Personally speaking, and this is what I do on this forum, I am a hybrid, with 
many attachments to the major religions of the world, but have taken for my 
spiritual comfort, the Hindu faith for the past 42 years.  Since I was 16 in 
fact.  But this is MY choice, in parentage, my family, the major figure was my 
father, albeit an absent one for most of my childhood, his donation to making 
me was to make me 50% Catholic, but I was brought up 100% Catholic for the 
first dozen years of my life, due to my mother not having a say in how my 
education or religious beliefs were to be handled.
  My mother was from (her father) British Protestant / Church of England stock 
AND (her mother) a French Jewess. My mother was born in Mumbai (Bombay) i

[Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-27 Thread Mario Goveia

   South Asian Film Festival in Goa from Fri (June 27) to Mon (June 30)

   At Kala Academy, and ESG, Panaji, Goa

Selma said:
I'm the only person on Goanet, with its readership of
9000+ people who have stood up and proclaimed to be a
"sudra", the product of a chardi mother and sudra
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:01:28 + (GMT)
From: edward desilva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Selma,
I can say here and now that you are a liar.
Mario responds:
Hey, Edward,
I would be careful of calling people who are
expressing their opinions liars if I were you.
Weren't you one of the two people who truncated what I
had written in order to change its meaning?
Edward wrote:
There was a big discussion in UK following the
APPRENTICE. Who is a Jew! - can one be half Jew.
The answer was: Your mother has to be a Jew.
You are NOT a sudra according to International
you very well know that you are a Chardi.
Mario observes:
The answer was wrong, and it makes no sense.  Yes, one
can be a half-Jew.  Ancestry depends on BOTH your
parents, regardless of what some Jews may believe.

[Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-26 Thread edward desilva
Selma said:
I'm the only person on Goanet, with its readership of 9000+ people who have 
stood up and proclaimed to be a "sudra", the product of a chardi mother and 
sudra father. My paternal grandfather ran a small feni distillery out of his 
house and employed one or two toddy-tapers. In today's world he might have be 
considered an "entrepreneur" but in those days he was a "sudra rainder". My 
maternal grandfather worked for the Bank in Nairobi, Kenya. In today's world he 
might have been a banking clerk but in those days he was the " chardo Afrikar" 
and much feted in his village. 
Hi Selma,
I can say here and now that you are a liar.
There was a big discussion in UK following the APPRENTICE.
Who is a Jew! - can one be half Jew.
The answer was: Your mother has to be a Jew.
So your choice of siding the underclass, to be on the forefront of antagonising 
the Goan people on Caste is obnoxious. You are NOT a sudra according to 
International Standards,  by choice you think you are.
Why all this rambling about being called a liar, you are deceiving yourself and 
the Goanetters by giving false status of yourself when you very well know that 
you are a Chardi.

Not happy with your email address?.
Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at 

Re: [Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-25 Thread Gabe Menezes
2008/6/25 Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've simmered over this for two days hoping somehow calm and commonsense 
> would prevail over me. However there are times when one is so gutted by the 
> disingenuous of people I held in high esteem, that I feel compelled to make 
> this statement to Goanet readership..
..."Parkwest is designed to be a community in itself, a
special place that sets it apart. Key to its quality are the two
landscaped squares reminiscent of the very best and most sort after of
urban residential spaces. Exceptionally carefully planned apartments
combined with spacious and well landscaped grounds, will inspire a
higher quality of life." Peter Crossley

> selma

RESPONSE: My Dear Selma,

I feel your hurt and your pain. You have given away too much
information already, even a simple Googler (not cricket!) like me
would find out from above, the bricks and mortar of the stuff.

Your Maternal Grandfather, would today in London, be called a Banker.
I know of many in London, bank tellers, reconciliation clerks and what
have you, who label themselves as 'Bankers'. Similarly persons who
work as General managers for, say a Solicitor's, try to pass off as
being 'barristers' and in the know. Those working for a Doctor's
practice, become 'neuoro surgeons'. Having said that,  I know that
many, out of Goa, who were recruited for Bank jobs in Kenya, were not
ostentatious, they called themselves Bank clerks ( calling a spade a

Then there is one 'know all', whose burlesque postings are a source of
merriment all round.

Please do try and make it to the G.O.A. open day, since I have no
chance of having lunch at yours, once bitten syndrome! Details of
which I have lifted from 'Goan Voice' :-

Sun. 27 Jul. G.O.A. Goan Festival in conjunction with Goan
Organisations at Archbishop Lanfranc School, Mitcham Road, Croydon.
Starts with Holy Mass at 12.15 pm. Contact: Herbert Fernandes 01277
651052, Alfred Rebello 020 – 8337 8022. For stall applications: Bernie
Gracias 020 – 8723 1322.

The first round's on me. Since you have a penchant for Baileys, please
try Amarula Cream Liqueur, to sooth your nerves, I am confident that
you will like the taste, a dash on Vanilla Ice cream is simply divine.

The tennis is on in my neck of the woods, the traffic chaos is indescribable.

My maternal side were called Bhatkars, my paternal side were called
botlers/cuzners. What does that make me?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] I will not be called a liar

2008-06-25 Thread Carvalho

I've simmered over this for two days hoping somehow calm and commonsense would 
prevail over me. However there are times when one is so gutted by the 
disingenuous of people I held in high esteem, that I feel compelled to make 
this statement to Goanet readership.

Even when I operated on Goanet for a while under an alias, each and every 
detail of any claims I made could be verified in real life. I am a person of 
small ambitions but one of these small ambitions is to be as truthful about who 
I am both to myself and to the world atlarge.

I'm the only person on Goanet, with its readership of 9000+ people who have 
stood up and proclaimed to be a "sudra", the product of a chardi mother and 
sudra father. My paternal grandfather ran a small feni distillery out of his 
house and employed one or two toddy-tapers. In today's world he might have be 
considered an "entrepreneur" but in those days he was a "sudra rainder". My 
maternal grandfather worked for the Bank in Nairobi, Kenya. In today's world he 
might have been a banking clerk but in those days he was the " chardo Afrikar" 
and much feted in his village. 

Whatever the casteist pretensions of our fore-bearers were, they can't compare 
with our own pretensions. Of people who proclaim to be doing all they can to 
abolish caste in "Goan Catholic Society", especially within the Church, and 
about how gated-communities cause social segregation in society and then in 
same breath talk about how affluent wealthy middle-class in the UK  don't need 
gates around themselves because they can distance themselves from the 
"riff-raff" and "council-type housing" by moving to more "salubrious locations".

Nor have I claimed to have participated in marches infront of the UN, been part 
of activist movements, been called for speaking engagements or felt the need to 
add titles to my name. I have always cautioned Goanet not to take me too 
seriously because I'm nothing more than a femme de menage, a hausfrau, a 

Attack my political, social and economic ideologies all you want. Kick me 
full-frontal, in the chin, on the jugular about things I write. I'll take it in 
the spirit it is meant. Lord knows, I've kicked enough people on this forum. 
But have the common decency of not disrespecting someone's home after you've 
shared a meal in it.

I have no interest in proving to the world what my material status is but I 
take great umbrage when I am made out to be a liar. I will not be called a 
liar. Here is the mission statement of the architect that developed this 
property. I've lifted it off their on-line brochure.

"Parkwest is designed to be a community in itself, a special place that sets it 
apart. Key to its quality are the two landscaped squares reminiscent of the 
very best and most sort after of urban residential spaces. Exceptionally 
carefully planned apartments combined with spacious and well landscaped 
grounds, will inspire a higher quality of life." Peter Crossley.

I believe it clearly states that it is designed to be a "community in itself". 
For obvious reasons I don't want to display my address on the web, but for 
those who are interested please do write to me personally and if you are a 
person whose opinion matters to me, I will send you the entire online brochure. 
Then you can decide for yourself whether I am making up porky-pies about myself.
