[Goanet] Jewish Surname

2010-03-11 Thread MD
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 00:50:16 -0500
From: Venantius J Pinto 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Jewish Surname
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Dear Dr. Barad,
You must be as impressed as I am with how much Goanetters know about first
century Palestine, etc. Anyway. I will skip Jesus the Christ's surname, but
give you the surname of another Jesus who presumably lived before Jesus
Christ. He was Jeshu ben Pandira. Its all esoteric material, and Steiner of
about this enity in a 1911 lecture in Leipzig. (Btw, the name Jesus has
undergone multiple transliterations).

It a bit odd, but today I went to pick up a book by Richard Smoley, The Dice
Game of Shiva (recommended by mt friend Madhav Chari from Chennai), but
before I got to it--a book on Steiner's lectures, and the Leipzig lecture
caught my attention. Such things happens to me often, but lets leave it at

I believe that it behooves us to be reasonable with each other on Goanet, if
we are to maintain some relationship over the next say two decades. My point
being that with all our insecurities, it is as though a red flag has been
shown to the bulls when one says, "But right now I am curious to know the
SURNAME of our lord Jesus Christ" Even if you are a Christian, the
question is a bit jarring. How about, "Can someone tell me what was Jesus's
surname?", and perhaps also in a separate email. But before that anticipate
that in the first place such things are known to a few, very few, and also
fewer Catholics read the Bible. So I hope you checked out for yourself on
Wiki, etc., or some encyclopedia.

Do understand, that this is a suggestion and by now you must know I harbor
no ill will towards you or others---although I do get up in arms sometimes
for reasons other than encountering difference of I and the Other as opposed
to the I, leading to We---related to Ahamkara.

Having learnt, and learning from Samkhya, Sanathan Dharma, Zen etc., I
really do believe that Indian Christians can too, as well as, there being a
lot in western societies that we can all learn from.

Anandane raha. Anandit dhrustit jag pahayla milel. Sagla purna honar.

venantius j pinto

Here is some information doe a reliable source:

The word Jesus is the Latin form of the Greek Iesous, which in turn is
the transliteration of the Hebrew Jeshua, or Joshua, or again
Jehoshua, meaning "Jehovah is salvation." Though the name in one form
or another occurs frequently in the Old Testament, it was not borne by
a person of prominence between the time of Josue, the son of Nun and
Josue, the high priest in the days of Zorobabel. It was also the name
of the author of Ecclesiaticus, of one of Christ's ancestors mentioned
in the genealogy, found in the Third Gospel (Luke 3:29), and one of
the St. Paul's companions (Colossians 4:11). During the Hellenizing
period, Jason, a purely Greek analogon of Jesus, appears to have been
adopted by many (1 Maccabees 8:17; 12:16; 14:22; 2 Maccabees 1:7;
2:24; 4:7-26; 5:5-10; Acts 17:5-9; Romans 16:21). The Greek name is
connected with verb iasthai, to heal; it is therefore, not surprising
that some of the Greek Fathers allied the word Jesus with same root
(Eusebius, "Dem. Ev.", IV; cf. Acts 9:34; 10:38). Though about the
time of Christ the name Jesus appears to have been fairly common
(Josephus, "Ant.", XV, ix, 2; XVII, xiii, 1; XX, ix, 1; "Bel. Jud.",
III, ix, 7; IV, iii, 9; VI, v, 5; "Vit.", 22) it was imposed on our
Lord by God's express order (Luke 1:31; Matthew 1:21), to foreshow
that the Child was destined to "save his people from their sins."
Philo ("De Mutt. Nom.", 21) is therefore, right when he explains
Iesous as meaning soteria kyrion; Eusebius (Dem., Ev., IV, ad fin.;
P.G., XXII, 333) gives the meaning Theou soterion; while St. Cyril of
Jerusalem interprets the word as equivalent to soter (Catechetical
Lectures X.13). This last writer, however, appears to agree with
Clement of Alexandria in considering the word Iesous as of Greek
origin (The Pedagogue III.12); St. Chrysostom emphasizes again the
Hebrew derivation of the word and its meaning soter (Homily 2 on
Matthew, No. 2), thus agreeing with the exegesis of the angel speaking
to St. Joseph (Matthew 1:21).

Surprisingly, even the French call Jesus Jezu, just like us.  how He
was addressed in Portuguese?

The word Christ, Christos, the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Messias,
means "anointed." According to the Old Law, priests (Exodus 29:29;
Leviticus 4:3), kings (1 Samuel 10:1; 24:7), and prophets (Isaiah
61:1) were supposed to be anointed for their respective offices; now,
the Christ, or the Messias, combined this threefold dignity in His
Person. It is not surprising, therefore, that for centuries the Jews

Re: [Goanet] Jewish Surname

2010-03-10 Thread Venantius J Pinto
There is also the Tribe of Manasseh. Manasseh (of the House of Joseph) were
descendants of a son of Joseph (son of Jacob and Rachel). The Jews in
Mizoram in northeast India, more correctly Mizo Jews claim to descend from
Manasseh. Reading further into this matter will take you into an interesting
smorgasbord of words  raging from enclaves to exclaves, eponyms,
aetiology, all manners of metaphors, including therapeutic metaphors.

Interesting read Jews Lost and found, in
The Jerusalem Post). I believe many of them are now in Israel.

venantius j pinto

From: Antonio Menezes 
> To: goanet 
> Subject: [Goanet] Jewish Surname
> (del)
> It is possible some rich Jews with immovable properties
> with Manases as
> surnames could have converted to Christianity and become Menezes one of
> whom
> came to
> Goa as a Christian missionary  and bequeathed  his surname to hundreds of
> Hindu converts.

Re: [Goanet] Jewish Surname

2010-03-09 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Dear Dr. Barad,
You must be as impressed as I am with how much Goanetters know about first
century Palestine, etc. Anyway. I will skip Jesus the Christ's surname, but
give you the surname of another Jesus who presumably lived before Jesus
Christ. He was Jeshu ben Pandira. Its all esoteric material, and Steiner of
about this enity in a 1911 lecture in Leipzig. (Btw, the name Jesus has
undergone multiple transliterations).

It a bit odd, but today I went to pick up a book by Richard Smoley, The Dice
Game of Shiva (recommended by mt friend Madhav Chari from Chennai), but
before I got to it--a book on Steiner's lectures, and the Leipzig lecture
caught my attention. Such things happens to me often, but lets leave it at

I believe that it behooves us to be reasonable with each other on Goanet, if
we are to maintain some relationship over the next say two decades. My point
being that with all our insecurities, it is as though a red flag has been
shown to the bulls when one says, "But right now I am curious to know the
SURNAME of our lord Jesus Christ" Even if you are a Christian, the
question is a bit jarring. How about, "Can someone tell me what was Jesus's
surname?", and perhaps also in a separate email. But before that anticipate
that in the first place such things are known to a few, very few, and also
fewer Catholics read the Bible. So I hope you checked out for yourself on
Wiki, etc., or some encyclopedia.

Do understand, that this is a suggestion and by now you must know I harbor
no ill will towards you or others---although I do get up in arms sometimes
for reasons other than encountering difference of I and the Other as opposed
to the I, leading to We---related to Ahamkara.

Having learnt, and learning from Samkhya, Sanathan Dharma, Zen etc., I
really do believe that Indian Christians can too, as well as, there being a
lot in western societies that we can all learn from.

Anandane raha. Anandit dhrustit jag pahayla milel. Sagla purna honar.

venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] Jewish Surname

2010-03-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 9 March 2010 07:26, Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote:

> Let me pose a question to J. Colaco who is notorious for his responses
> after
> response. My query is further to his response i.e. Message: 1, Date: Mon, 8
> Mar 2010 on the subject "Jewish Surname" (his response is appended here
> below)
> I don't understand J. Colaco's responses to every messages appearing in the
> forum!
> But right now I am curious to know the SURNAME of our lord Jesus Christ
> I expect J. C. will answer this question without twisting i.e. just write
> the surname ..that is what I am expectingfrom JC.
> Best regards,
> Dr. U. G. Barad
> RESPONSE: If I may, in those days and in the Middle East in Particular
there were no surnames. In Arabic even today it is thus - Abu Giles - i.e.
father or Giles (Since Giles is better known among his friends). So one can
have a long line of 'Al Saud'Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman
al Saud. Which literally shows the line up to Abdul Rahman who was
incidentally, was also the father of King Abdel Aziz, the founder of Saudi

So it was Jesus, son of Joseph or/and also Jesus of Nazareth,  the
carpenter, or son of the carpenter.

You are most welcome; if I can be of any more help be knock on my door!


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Jewish Surname

2010-03-09 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
 Dr. U. G. Barad  wrote (excerpted infra.):

1: Let me pose a question to J. Colaco who is notorious for his
responses after response.
2: I don't understand J. Colaco's responses to every messages
appearing in the forum!
3: But right now I am curious to know the SURNAME of our lord Jesus Christ
4: I expect J. C. will answer this question without twisting i.e. just
write the surname
5:..that is what I am expecting

Dear Dr. Barad,

First of all, my apologies for your inability to understand my
responses. I will try write in Ingraji, the next time around. For now,
please allow me to respond in simple English.

Secondly, I appreciate the fact that you have omitted verbal abuse
from your post. Thank you Sir!

I am also delighted to know that you are expecting, albeit a response from me.

Now, to your substantive question.

ANSWER: It is my understanding that surnames were not assigned in the
days of Jesus.

This explains why Jesus is known as Jesus of Nazareth..or (in an
Iberian language) Jesus de Nazaré

I hope this has quenched your curiosity.

sincerely and (of course) very respectfully


Re: [Goanet] Jewish Surname

2010-03-09 Thread Alfred de Tavares

There wereno formal surnames at that time; the nearest to a surname
was the Nazarene (of Nazareth) or bar Joseph s/o Joseph.

The Christ was a title.

There is belief that Joseph's family name was Alpheus same as his brother's
f/o James Jose and Judas Thadeus.


Have I got you aout of the hole dear doc?

> From: dr.udayba...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 12:56:34 +0530
> Subject: [Goanet] Jewish Surname
> Let me pose a question to J. Colaco who is notorious for his responses after
> response. My query is further to his response i.e. Message: 1, Date: Mon, 8
> Mar 2010 on the subject "Jewish Surname" (his response is appended here
> below)
> I don't understand J. Colaco's responses to every messages appearing in the
> forum!  
> But right now I am curious to know the SURNAME of our lord Jesus Christ 
> I expect J. C. will answer this question without twisting i.e. just write
> the surname ..that is what I am expectingfrom JC. 
> Best regards,
> Dr. U. G. Barad
> Antonio has put forward an interesting theory.
> Here are two possibilities - one of which is scientifically verifiable i.e.
> the common maternal lineage can be traced back to Portugal or perhaps
> ...Spain:
> 1: The Menezes came from a part of Portugal called Menezes. The original
> surname (perhaps) being de Menezes
> 2: Genetic input during the period when the (expelled) Muslim rulers of Goa
> returned and surrounded (blockaded) it. The Old Goa Menezes sought refuge
> (et al) in Divar.
> Is this not the period when the "bund' to Ribandar was built and the
> origin of the tradition when a token of the first crop is handed over to the
> Governor by the local farmers?
> jc
> On 8 March 2010 00:44, Antonio Menezes  wrote:
> It is possible some rich Jews with immovable properties with Manases as
> surnames could have converted to Christianity and become Menezes one of whom
> came to Goa as a Christian missionary  and bequeathed his surname to
> hundreds of  Hindu converts.
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

[Goanet] Jewish Surname

2010-03-09 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Let me pose a question to J. Colaco who is notorious for his responses after
response. My query is further to his response i.e. Message: 1, Date: Mon, 8
Mar 2010 on the subject "Jewish Surname" (his response is appended here

I don't understand J. Colaco's responses to every messages appearing in the

But right now I am curious to know the SURNAME of our lord Jesus Christ 

I expect J. C. will answer this question without twisting i.e. just write
the surname ..that is what I am expectingfrom JC. 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad


Antonio has put forward an interesting theory.

Here are two possibilities - one of which is scientifically verifiable i.e.
the common maternal lineage can be traced back to Portugal or perhaps

1: The Menezes came from a part of Portugal called Menezes. The original
surname (perhaps) being de Menezes

2: Genetic input during the period when the (expelled) Muslim rulers of Goa
returned and surrounded (blockaded) it. The Old Goa Menezes sought refuge
(et al) in Divar.

Is this not the period when the "bund' to Ribandar was built and the
origin of the tradition when a token of the first crop is handed over to the
Governor by the local farmers?


On 8 March 2010 00:44, Antonio Menezes  wrote:

It is possible some rich Jews with immovable properties with Manases as
surnames could have converted to Christianity and become Menezes one of whom
came to Goa as a Christian missionary  and bequeathed his surname to
hundreds of  Hindu converts.

Re: [Goanet] Jewish Surname

2010-03-08 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Antonio has put forward an interesting theory.

Here are two possibilities - one of which is scientifically verifiable
i.e. the common maternal lineage can be traced back to Portugal or
perhaps ...Spain:

1: The Menezes came from a part of Portugal called Menezes. The
original surname (perhaps) being de Menezes

2: Genetic input during the period when the (expelled) Muslim rulers
of Goa returned and surrounded (blockaded) it. The Old Goa Menezes
sought refuge (et al) in Divar.

Is this not the period when the "bund' to Ribandar was built and
the origin of the tradition when a token of the first crop is handed
over to the Governor by the local farmers?


On 8 March 2010 00:44, Antonio Menezes  wrote:

It is possible some rich Jews with immovable properties with Manases
as surnames could have converted to Christianity and become Menezes
one of whom came to Goa as a Christian missionary  and bequeathed his
surname to hundreds of  Hindu converts.

[Goanet] Jewish Surname

2010-03-08 Thread Venantius J Pinto
There is also the Tribe of Manasseh. Manasseh (of the House of Joseph) were
descendants of a son of Joseph (son of Jacob and Rachel). The Jews in
Mizoram in northeast India, more correctly Mizo Jews claim to descend from
Manasseh. Reading further into this matter will take you into an interesting
smorgasbord of words  raging from enclaves to exclaves, eponyms,
aetiology, all manners of metaphors, including therapeutic metaphors.

Interesting read Jews Lost and found, in
The Jerusalem Post). I believe many of them are now in Israel.

venantius j pinto

From: Antonio Menezes 
> To: goanet 
> Subject: [Goanet] Jewish Surname
> (del)
> It is possible some rich Jews with immovable properties
> with Manases as
> surnames could have converted to Christianity and become Menezes one of
> whom
> came to
> Goa as a Christian missionary  and bequeathed  his surname to hundreds of
> Hindu converts.

[Goanet] Jewish Surname

2010-03-07 Thread Antonio Menezes
Brilliant !Gabe believes Manases  is a Jewish surname.  I believe it
could have possibly been
Lusitanized as Menezes.
When Dona Isabela of Spain was betrothed to King Manuel of Portugal in the
late 15th century,
the King of Spain stipulated that  the future groom had to expel all Jews
and Moors from
Portugal.Dom Manuel , however, gave them a chance, either to convert to
Christianity  or to
leave Portugal. It is possible some rich Jews with immovable properties
with Manases as
surnames could have converted to Christianity and become Menezes one of whom
came to
Goa as a Christian missionary  and bequeathed  his surname to hundreds of
Hindu converts.

[Goanet] Jewish surname?

2010-03-07 Thread Gabe Menezes
I believe Manases is a Jewish Surname! Mr. Menezes might have a point in


Gabe Menezes.