[Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder?

2010-01-25 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 00:13:06 + (GMT)
From: Xanno Moidecar 

I look at my lovely family and I know that if any one of them needed it, I 
would have absolutely no hesitation in taking recourse to any means whatsoever, 
to secure their wellbeing.

Mario observes:

>From what I have read, securing the well being of your family members through 
>embryonic stem cell research is hardly imminent.  Besides, embryonic stem 
>cells are available through other means like umbilical cord blood.  If I am 
>wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me.

However, the dilemma about what to do about the growing number of unused 
embryos does not seem to have any logical solution for those of us who know 
that the human life begins at conception.

Xanno writes:

I feel the solution suggested by you and Mario may be the best in these 

Mario responds:

Based on his comments, we can see that Mervyn is against abortions.

However, Mervyn seems to have accepted the sophistry by some medical 
professionals he has questioned that the ONLY alternative to abortion is some 
old lady hanging around a back alley with a coat-hanger waiting to conduct 
abortions on demand.  I believe, if you probe a little deeper you would find 
that these particular medical professionals have some vested interest in 
performing abortions.  I say this based on the bogus alternative they have 
mentioned, instead of the far more logical alternatives of counseling and 
adoption by one of the numerous Catholic or Protestant organizations who will 
help a woman who finds herself in these trying and traumatic circumstances.

If there are no such organizations in Canada, there are several in the US, 
where Canadians who want to prolong their lives already know they can come for 
immediate medical tests and procedures that have long waiting lists in Canada.

Mervyn counsels against watching videos of abortions, the most effective way to 
show someone who thinks the fetus is a tissue mass that they are tearing an 
actual human being limb from limb.  I saw a Director of Planned Parenthood in 
the US interviewed on TV recently after she left Planned Parenthood to speak 
out against abortions on demand, and her epiphany was as a result of watching 
an ultrasound of an abortion being performed.

The view that abortion is not murder comes from the scientists and secular and 
legal systems defining a time frame prior to which a fetus is not considered by 
them to be a human being.  Legally, abortion is not murder at least in the 
early stages in most civilized countries, but in many places until it is born 

Mervyn agrees that many abortions can be prevented if the young woman is helped 
financially.  However, he seems to imply that it is the government that should 
be doing so when he says, "However, most tax payers baulk at the idea when the 
realize that they will have to pay more taxes."  This may be the prevailing 
view in socialist-oriented Canada, but in the US the organizations that help 
women avoid abortion are private and religious organizations, using funds 
donated by private individuals.

In Canada Mother Theresa's Missionaries used to have a facility in Toronto but 
had to close it because of a lack of private donations.  They do have several 
facilities in the US, and along with Catholic Charities should be the first 
stop for a woman with an unwanted pregnancy.

[Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder?

2010-01-24 Thread Xanno Moidecar
I am pressed for time and compelled to respond to Mario and Mervyn with some 

Mario you pose very pertinent queries. The first poser about surplus in-vitro 
frozen embryos, a by product of modern science, is something that the founding 
fathers of our church never envisaged.  For a religion that so closely follows 
Judaic precept and even condemns the sin of Onan, the fate of these frozen 
human seedlings is an unacceptable situation.  

The question of whether stem cell research using frozen human embryos should be 
permitted is unfortunately an issue that has to be viewed from two angles.  The 
church having taken a principled stand condemns it out of hand and refuses to 
acknowledge the need for it.  You have highlighted one of the reasons:  huge 
numbers of these human embryos, every one of them a potential human being, 
awaiting undignified destruction.

On the other hand I have read the anguished pleas of parents and family members 
begging science to proceed with haste and use all means at our disposal to find 
cures for presently incurable illnesses and afflictions.  The use of human 
embryos, we are given to understand; will hasten the finding of cures.

Confronted with these heartbreaking choices what will, or even more pertinent, 
what should I chose?  Mario, forgive me, I cannot with any great certitude or 
rectitude, state my choice.

I look at my lovely family and I know that if any one of them needed it, I 
would have absolutely no hesitation in taking recourse to any means whatsoever, 
to secure their wellbeing.

Mervyn I know you live in a beautiful country.  I too have read of the horrors 
that abortions entail, for both the mother and the destroyed child.  It is a 
horrific ordeal.  I understand your concerns for the mother compelled to take 
recourse to back alley practitioners.  

I am absolutely against ‘frivolous’ abortions.  But then how does one decide 
the frivolity or seriousness of a given situation?  What are the criteria that 
one can employ?  Would the pregnancy of an unmarried mother jeopardise her well 
being and maybe even her life?  Not a far fetched scenario bearing in mind the 
taboos still extant in our modern day world.

I feel the solution suggested by you and Mario may be the best in these 
circumstances.  Despite the drain on national exchequers, Governments of the 
world must spend to ensure unwanted pregnancies do not drive reluctant mothers 
into seeking terminations.  A social infrastructure must be erected to take 
care of mother and child. And incentives must be given to coax the mother to 
carry on and bring forth another member of the human race.  

I realise this has never been and will never be easy.  I just feel it is the 
only humane choice available to us.

Jose Colaco has been very succinct, direct and correct in defining the straits 
that we are in and proposing the course of action that is the need of the hour. 
 I also think he has hit the nail squarely in his assessment of Dr Santosh 
Helekar and Fr Ivo.  

Dr Helekar is an outstanding Goemcar who has devoted his life to science.  Fr 
Ivo is a faithful servant of the Church.

The laws of our Church are dictated by morality and faith.  Science is driven 
by exactitude and evidence.  The two strands, even though guided by a mutual 
desire for human betterment, operate on a very different plane.  

The scientist finds it hard to accept blindly the beliefs of religion.  This is 
understandable.  His professional integrity will not permit him the luxury.  
Religion on the other hand has an innate belief in GOD, driven by  faith and 

If we all accept this premise, there is no argument.



Xanno Moidecar

Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-24 Thread Santosh Helekar
It is amusing to see political propaganda in the form of a religious prayer in 
a state legislature of a secular country being touted as "the bare truth" and 
as a desideratum for India by people who claim to be secular. It is 
illuminating to find out that these secular folk are against the enlightenment 
and welfare programs. They seem to agree that welfare programs are rewards for 
the lazy. I wonder why they supported the welfare work of Mother Teresa, and 
now support the missionaries who provide welfare programs for minorities. 

But I don't have to wonder what these same "secularists" would do if a VHP 
swami were brought in by one political party to recite a prayer in the Goan 
Vidhan Sabha or the Parliament.



P.S. BTW, I forgot to point out that these compassionate folk who feel for the 
lazy poor and underprivileged minorities, are in favor of corporal punishment 
for little children, in agreement with the prayer.

Please note that when this "prayer" was recited in the Kansas senate in 1996, 
members of the other political party were outraged. Some walked out of the 

--- On Sun, 1/24/10, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
>*We have rewarded laziness and called it *
>*welfare.** *
> *We have neglected to discipline our
> children and called it building self esteem.. *
> ..
> *We have ridiculed the time-honored values
> of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. *
> ..
> Unquote.
> http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/a-pastor-with-guts/blog-211781/
>  It is truly the bare truth.
> Regards,
> Marshall


[Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-24 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Taking Venita's arguement that a woman is the master of her own body, should
we then accept suicide and euthanasia? After all in suicide a person takes
his own life. I believe that in a civilised progressive society where life
is valued and respected and ethical values are held high, a person in
distress would be treated in a compassionate and humane manner with care and
concern for his/her well being. Except in a case of rape, the choice to
become pregnant is that of the woman. Once she has exercised such a choice,
to get rid of the foetus is to deprive the foetus its right of choice and
right to life. I believe that except in a case where the life of the mother
is threatened, it would be wrong to abort the child.

There are many homes set up by charitable institutions like Mother Teresa's
where unwanted babies can be given up in adoption. This is a far better
choice than killing the foetus. I have seen babies who are blind, lame,
deformed, suffering from celebral palsy and other physical and mental
ailments looked after lovingly by these nuns. I have also come across
several foreigners who have adopted such babies rejected by society and look
after them with tender love and care. It is acts like these which make life
so beautiful and meaningful and teaches us the correct meaning of the word
'Love' which we use quite often without really understanding its true

I would like to share a prayer, which was forwarded privately to me among
others by Dr Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão, which was recited by *Minister Joe
Wright who was asked to open* *the new session of the Kansas Senate.*
*Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask
your forgiveness and to seek your direction and
guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those
who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we *
*have done. *

*We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed *
*our values. *

*We have exploited the poor and called it** *
*the lottery. *

*We have rewarded laziness and called it *
*welfare.** *

*We have killed our unborn and called it** *
*choice. *

*We have shot abortionists and called it *
*justifiable. *

*We have neglected to discipline our
children and called it building self esteem.. *

*We have abused power and called it *
*politics. *

*We have coveted our neighbor's possessions
and called it **ambition. *

*We have polluted** the air with profanity and *
*por**nography and called it freedom of expression. *

*We have ridiculed the time-honored values
of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. *

*Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts
today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. *
*Amen! *



 It is truly the bare truth.




[Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder?

2010-01-24 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 11:14:48 + (GMT)
From: Xanno Moidecar 

The reason I've reiterated it is because in all the heat and hullabaloo we seem 
to forget that our beliefs, all our beliefs, held with fervour and faith and 
inspired by religion or rationality, makes us lose sight of the others point of 

I will not judge, in this posting, either camp.  I will however, use this 
opportunity to condemn, any extremist school of thought that prompts violence 
and unnecessary vitriol.

In fairness to both camps, abortions not compelled by extremely unusual 
circumstances should not be available in state sponsored health services.

Mario asks:

There is no question that "human life" begins at conception, regardless of 
whether one is religious or not, but "human beings" and "human persons" begin 
sometime thereafter based on the latest scientific and legal definitions 
accepted by most rational people.

Where a medical choice has to be made between the life of the fetus and the 
life of the mother, the parents have a difficult decision to make.  Had I been 
faced with such a decision I would have decided in favor of the mother simply 
because her life is developed and far more valuable than the nascent life that 
is a threat to her life.

However, there is the issue of thousands of EXCESS embryos created by in-vitro 
fertilization by parents who cannot conceive naturally.  These are lying in 
medical labs all over the place and have no conceivable use.  They are kept 
frozen, they constitute human life and would evolve into a human being if 
placed in a woman's womb.

The choices for these embryos are a) keep them frozen till hell freezes over, 
b) use them for embryonic stem cell research which would end these lives, or c) 
flush them which would end these lives.

The Catholic Church has washed its hands off these by banning artificial 
fertilization and insemination.

So, given the real life existence of thousands of these frozen embryos, what 
would the Xanno Moidekar and other anti-abortion Catholics do with these?

Currently some of these embryos are being used for embryonic stem cell research 
with the permission of those who conceived them.

Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 08:53:32 -0800 (PST)
From: Mervyn Lobo 

I live in Canada.  This is the place, in my mind, that comes closest to heaven 
on earth. The state spends an absolute minimum on sustaining an armed force and 
instead, concentrates on providing a decent life style for all its residents.

Mario observes:

I don't know about heaven on earth when a Canadian is unfortunate enough to be 
one of a million people on a waiting list for surgery, or one of a second 
million on a waiting list to see a surgeon to get on the first waiting list for 
surgery, or one of the five million who doesn't have a primary care physician.

However, they do have a decent quality of live otherwise, because their 
national security is underwritten by the USA and those Canadians who want to 
live can come to the US, where there are no waiting lists, for treatment they 
cannot get in "heaven on earth".

Mervyn wrote:

In Canada today, one third of all pregnancies are aborted.

If ever you are given the opportunity to watch a video on an?abortion being 
performed, don't.  That video will haunt you for the rest of your life. The 
foetus' face screams with agony during the procedure.

Mario observes:

Of course it does, because it is literally being torn limb from limb.

Mervyn wrote:

Whenever I question medical professionals about abortion, the answer I get is 
always the same. They claim that once the woman has decided on?an abortion, she 
is entitled to the best medical professionals available. The alternative would 
be for the pregnant woman to go down a back alley and find an old lady, dressed 
in black, with a coat hanger.

Mario responds:

This is the standard bogus sophistry peddled by pro-abortionists.

The sane alternative to an unwanted pregnancy is adoption, not an old lady with 
a coat hanger in a back alley.

I don't know where the back alley fits in because in the heaven on earth that 
is Canada the old lady would have a state sponsored apartment.  Maybe they use 
a back alley because of all the blood that will be spilled.

Mervyn wrote:

Given these two choices, I would prefer the woman get state guaranteed services.

Mario responds:

This would make it safer for the mother, but the fetus is still torn limb from 

Mervyn writes:

If you and me want to stop, or even reverse the tide of abortions, we have to 
come up with a reasoning/incentive that will encourage the pregnant woman to 
have her child. And if we are going to be truthful, the biggest?pressure for an 
abortion today, is an economical one. 

Mario responds:

This is not true.  There are numerous Catholic and Protestant organizations 
today that will help a woman with an unwanted pregnancy have her baby and give 
it up for adoption, without trying to make them feel guilty.

Besides, why hasn't th

Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder?

2010-01-23 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Xanno Moidecar wrote:
> There is however, one position of the pro-abortion lobby that I feel I cannot 
> support. 
> I cannot support the backing of the state for sponsored abortions.  Unless 
> the life 
> of the mother is in jeopardy or some such extreme exigency.
> And the reason I take this stand is simply because: if we call for neutrality 
> from the 
> state, than the views of all its taxpayers must be respected.
> Just as the pro-abortionists want their taxes to sponsor their viewpoints; 
> the 
> anti-abortionists find this practice an anathema.  
> In fairness to both camps, abortions not compelled by extremely unusual 
> circumstances 
> should not be available in state sponsored health services.

Xanno Moidecar,
I live in Canada.
This is the place, in my mind, that comes closest to heaven on earth. The state 
an absolute minimum on sustaining an armed force and instead, concentrates on 
a decent life style for all its residents.

My tax money goes to providing food, shelter and health services for those in 
need. My 
tax money also goes for providing free abortions for all. If not for this, I 
would be totally content
with living here. In Canada today, one third of all pregnancies are aborted.

If ever you are given the opportunity to watch a video on an abortion being 
performed, don't. 
That video will haunt you for the rest of your life. The foetus' face screams 
with agony during 
the procedure.

Whenever I question medical professionals about abortion, the answer I get is 
always the same. 
They claim that once the woman has decided on an abortion, she is entitled to 
the best medical
professionals available. The alternative would be for the pregnant woman to go 
down a back alley 
and find an old lady, dressed in black, with a coat hanger.

Given these two choices, I would prefer the woman get state guaranteed services.

This country is also one in which young people are quickly moving away from 
religion. They
are more interested in a healthy debate on issues rather than to 
depend on the word from, 
unelected, religious figures. The demand for abortions tells us only one thing, 
the religious 
view that abortion is murder, is not working on the population that is of child 
bearing age. 

If you and me want to stop, or even reverse the tide of abortions, we have to 
come up with 
a reasoning/incentive that will encourage the pregnant woman to have her child. 
And if we are 
going to be truthful, the biggest pressure for an abortion today, is an 
economical one. 

BTW, I believe that one can stop a lot of abortions by helping the mother out 
However, most tax payers baulk at the idea when the realize that they will have 
to pay more 

Get the name you've always wanted @ymail.com or @rocketmail.com! Go to 

Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-23 Thread Mario Goveia
Cyril D'Souza wrote:

> Subject :Abortion is 'First Degree Murder'.
> Only the mother can protect the child thats in her womb and if the 
> mother herself decides to kill her own? baby who has no means of 
> fighting for its rights then such mothers who are? encouraged and 
> misled by unscrupulous elements in society are committing an action 
> which is not only murder - *it is first degree murder*.

Mario responds:

As everyone should know by now I oppose abortions of convenience in favor of 
adoptions, but "murder" is a legal term that does not correctly apply to most 
abortions that are conducted legally under the laws of the state.

Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 18:16:12 -0800 (PST)
From: Mervyn Lobo 

I see no difference between the mother that aborts her baby in the first 
semester or the mother that abandons her baby as soon as it is born.

I also see no difference between the mother that abandons her new born or the 
mother that abandons her 18 year old, just because the child has reached legal 

Mario responds:

This is utter mindless poppycock of the highest order that equates the 
deliberate ending of a human life with abandoning a living child which will be 
taken care of by others.

Mervyn writes:

Finally, I the worst disdain I have is towards the mother that allows her child 
to join any organization whose main purpose is to kill other human beings.

Mario responds:

A mother has no legal control over the decisions made by an adult child, even 
if it does decide to join Al Qaeda.

Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
The information provided in the post appended below by Fr. Ivo is completely 
bogus. In India medical abortion or medical termination of pregnancy is 
completely legal. It is NOT regarded as murder. Contrary to what is claimed in 
the bogus post, the details of the legality of this medical procedure in 
respect of medical practitioners can be found in any textbook of Indian 
forensic medicine. The law in question is called the Medical Termination of 
Pregnancy Act of 1971, with amendments in 1975 and 2002. I give the pertinent 
section of this law at the end of my email. The other falsehoods in the bogus 
post are:

1. The implication that science tells us what is "evil". 

2. The suggestion that medical science attests to the author's personal 
religious values.

3. The implication that medical science agrees with the teachings of one 
particular (the author's) religious establishment.

This is clearly another chauvinistic attempt to mix science, which is 
universal, with the author's own religious sect, which is only applicable to 
followers of that sect.

I have already stated the fact that most other religions do not regard medical 
abortion as murder. They recognize the diversity of beliefs concerning it, 
and/or the fact that its legal status is necessary to save the life of the 
mother and preserve her health in difficult medical circumstances. They also 
recognize that human embryonic stem cell research is necessary to save human 
lives in future. Most medical professionals are in full agreement with these 
pluralistic and secular ethical principles.

Please see the following regarding the settled medical abortion law in India: 


(Please see: 

When pregnancies may be terminated by registered medical practitioners -

(1)Notwithstanding anything contained in the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), a 
registered medical practitioner shall not be guilty of any offence under that 
Code or under any other law for the time being in force, if any pregnancy is 
terminated by him in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

(2)Subject to the provisions of sub-section (4), a pregnancy may be terminated 
by a registered medical practitioner, -

(a) here the length of the pregnancy does not exceed twelve weeks if such 
medical practitioner is, or

(b) Where the length of the pregnancy exceeds twelve weeks but does not exceed 
twenty weeks, if not less than two registered medical practitioner are, of 
opinion, formed in good faith, that -

(i) the continuance of the pregnancy would involve a risk to the life of the 
pregnant woman or of grave injury to her physical or mental health; or

(ii)there is a substantial risk that if the child were born, it would suffer 
from such physical or mental abnormalities to be seriously handicapped.

Explanation 1 - Where any pregnancy is alleged by the pregnant woman to have 
been caused by rape, the anguish caused by such pregnancy shall be presumed to 
constitute a grave injury to the mental health of the pregnant woman.

Explanation 2 - Where any pregnancy occurs as a result of failure of any device 
or method used by any married woman or her husband for the purpose of limiting 
the number of children, the anguish caused by such unwanted pregnancy may be 
resumed to constitute a grave injury to the mental health of the pregnant woman.

(3)In determining whether the continuance of a pregnancy would involve such 
risk of injury to the health as is mentioned in sub-section (2), account may be 
taken of the pregnant women’s actual or reasonable foreseeable environment.

(4)(a)No pregnancy of a woman, who has not attained the age of eighteen years, 
or, who, having attained the age of eighteen years, is a lunatic, shall be 
terminated except with the consent in writing of her guardian.

(b)Save as otherwise provided in clause (a), no pregnancy shall be terminated 
except with the consent of the pregnant woman.



--- On Sat, 1/23/10, Ivo da C.Souza  wrote:
> Abortion is a murder, it is against human
> values, scientifically it is an evil, precisely because it
> is against human life (innocent children), attested by
> medical science and protected by medical ethics. Forensic
> medicine can show what is a murder... Physicians are to be
> guardians of life, not butchers in a secular country and
> world... Let Dr.Santosh learn it from the Catholic Church
> and medical science...
> Regards.
> Fr.Ivo 

Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-23 Thread Ivo da C.Souza

From: "Santosh Helekar" 

--- On Fri, 1/22/10, Cyril D'Souza  wrote:

The sad part is that the article has come from least expected quarters 
and should serve as a wake up call to the church authorities in Goa who 
now should aggressively try to strive to promote the right values 
especially amongst our youth.

> Is he saying that the church authorities should impose their values and 
> laws on people of other religions in a secular country? What punishment 
> should these authorities give to people of other religions who undergo 
> these medical procedures?
***The Catholic Church proposes, does not impose. The Catholic Church will 
not punish now the people for abortion with Inquisition, but with the 
consequences that follow the culture of death, if we do not endorse culture 
of life... Truth speaks for itself, whatever may be the class of the people: 
Catholics, non-Catholics, Christians, non-Christians, theists, atheists, 
agnostics, communists, secular, humanists, followers of any other religion 
or non-religion... Abortion is a murder, it is against human values, 
scientifically it is an evil, precisely because it is against human life 
(innocent children), attested by medical science and protected by medical 
ethics. Forensic medicine can show what is a murder... Physicians are to be 
guardians of life, not butchers in a secular country and world... Let 
Dr.Santosh learn it from the Catholic Church and medical science...


[Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder?

2010-01-23 Thread Xanno Moidecar
Abortion has been always been a very contentious issue.   A more facile 
statement I would be hard pressed to concoct.

This practice has been going on since the beginning of mankind.  Varied people 
in different situations have reacted in diverse fashions to the practice.  
Those in society, seen as its pillars, outwardly at least, have almost always 
reflexively frowned.  Seeing it, in all circumstances, as murder with all the 
moral baggage that this awful act entails or a sign of the mother’s immorality 
and hence deserving of condemnation and punishment. 

Those guided by a moral compass will almost always admit no mitigation in their 
stance for the sanctity of life and hence are in favour of an automatic 
abrogation of any rights of the mother to be.  

The ‘pillars of society’ type are rarely  swayed by the question of morality 
but are  almost always driven by societal perceptions of good and bad and damn 
the consequences.  Almost always.  There are people of course who want to 
ensure that society does not fall prey to sexual immorality et al and think 
that abortion will loosen the bonds that maintain cohesion and tradition within 

This categorisation will I think broadly cover the most significant proportion 
of those amongst the anti-abortion lobby.

In the pro-abortion lot, I believe, there are those who reflexively react 
adversely against any restraint or restrictions imposed on individual liberty.  
Then there are those for whom the foetus has no human rights as they do not 
consider it human till birth or very late in the pregnancy.

There are obviously finer differences amongst the pro-abortion lobby, but 
generally the camps defined in the preceding paragraph cover the gamut of the 

The argument has become more heated and pertinent as science has advanced the 
borders that permit us to delve into the mysteries of blossoming motherhood:  
to chart the journey of a foetus and monitor its physical and emotional 
development with a mind blowing precision. 

I am no man of science.  I must however, admit to being a fan of scientists.  I 
believe they are a part of the human race, endowed with the ability, to 
increase our perception of the workings of the ALMIGHTY.

Which brings me neatly to admitting that I believe in the a religion that will 
not accept the killings of the un-born, except in extreme exigency.

To make another facile declaration: there are personal axe grinders in both 
camps, as there are hypocrites.  In both camps there are people who when the 
shoe is on the other foot or when placed in a situation that would test them 
severely will change their preferred stance.

All that I’ve written above is accepted wisdom.  

The reason I’ve reiterated it is because in all the heat and hullabaloo we seem 
to forget that our beliefs, all our beliefs, held with fervour and faith and 
inspired by religion or rationality, makes us lose sight of the others point of 

I will not judge, in this posting, either camp.  I will however, use this 
opportunity to condemn, any extremist school of thought that prompts violence 
and unnecessary vitriol.

To those who do not have any religious allegiance I would urge tolerance of 
their fellow beings who are inspired by their faith that allocates spirituality 
to GOD’S creations at every stage of their development.  
Those amongst us driven by religious precepts should, I believe, place their 
faith in the ALMIGHTY we worship and bank on HIS wisdom and glory to take care 
of his own.

As for the state backing either camp, I think its neutrality is essential in 
this debate.  And more importantly it will  prompt less acrimony.

There is however, one position of the pro-abortion lobby that I feel I cannot 

I cannot support the backing of the state for sponsored abortions.  Unless the 
life of the mother is in jeopardy or some such extreme exigency.

And the reason I take this stand is simply because: if we call for neutrality 
from the state, than the views of all its taxpayers must be respected.

Just as the pro-abortionists want their taxes to sponsor their viewpoints; the 
anti-abortionists find this practice an anathema.  

In fairness to both camps, abortions not compelled by extremely unusual 
circumstances should not be available in state sponsored health services.


Xanno Moidecar 

Xanno Moidecar

Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-22 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Fri, 1/22/10, cyril D'Souza  wrote:
> The sad part is that the article has come from least expected quarters >and 
> should serve as a wake up call to the church authorities in Goa who >now 
> should aggressively try to strive to promote the right values >especially 
> amongst our youth. 

Is he saying that the church authorities should impose their values and laws on 
people of other religions in a secular country? What punishment should these 
authorities give to people of other religions who undergo these medical 




Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-22 Thread Mervyn Lobo
cyril D'Souza wrote: 
> Subject :Abortion is 'First Degree Murder'.
> Only the mother can protect the child thats in her womb
> and if the mother herself decides to kill her own  baby who has no means of
> fighting for its rights then such mothers who are  encouraged and misled by
> unscrupulous elements in society are committing  an action which is not only
> murder - *it is first degree murder*.

*Col. Cyril P.D'Souza ( Retd.)*
Every mother is aware that her responsibility to her child does not end 
when the baby 
leaves her womb. Every mother will want to love, nourish and protect 
her off-spring
from harm for the rest of her life. 

I see no difference between the mother that aborts her baby in the first 
semester or 
the mother that abandons her baby as soon as it is born.

I also see no difference between the mother that abandons her new born or the 
that abandons her 18 year old, just because the child has reached legal age.

Finally, I the worst disdain I have is towards the mother that allows her child 
to join any 
organization whose main purpose is to kill other human beings.  


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[Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-22 Thread cyril D'Souza
The Editor,
Herald Newspaper
Panjim - Goa

Sir ,

Subject :Abortion is 'First Degree Murder'.

This is with reply to the article in Herald dated 16th January 2010 titled
'The Reproductive Rights of Women' written by one Venita Coelho following
which there have been some excellent replies to her article and I am sure
whoever has read it are surprised that it is coming from a personality like
her . Even if she is in the business of promoting abortions it is our
bounden duty to make her realise that her one ariticle may have already led
a few especially the gulible and young into taking this extreme step of
committing this heinous crime against the unborn child whose innocent  blood
will be on her hands Only the mother can protect the child thats in her womb
 and if the mother herself decides to kill her own  baby who has no means of
fighting for its rights then such mothers who are  encouraged and misled by
unscrupulous elements in society are committing  an action which is not only
murder - *it is first degree murder*.

The sad part is that the article has come from least expected quarters and
should serve as a wake up call to the church authorities in Goa who now
should aggressively try to strive to promote the right values especially
amongst our youth . Parents should keep a track especially on their young
ones and make them aware as in todays' times the evil one is working
overtime to destroy as many souls as possible and the crime of abortion
never goes unpunished and remains as a ' hidden scar ' in the hearts and
souls of all those who have been fooled into committing this crime against a
helpless unborn child for no fault of  hers/his and whose innocent blood
will cry to the heavens for eternal vengeance. Venita your article is no
different from the infamous writings of the late cleric Nasser Al
Zakhawi whose articles spoke in favour of suicide bombings terming them for
the first time as martyrdom thus causing many misled youth to join the death
squads . The real martyrs are the innocent who are killed especially the
tiny innocent unborn children .All the lame excuses and lies used to cover
up abortion can hide the real truth that innocent blood was shed -Its sad
when the sacred mothers'womb becomes a tomb.

Thank you  and God Bless the staff of Herald ,

Yours sincerely*,*
*Col. Cyril P.D'Souza ( Retd.)*
KHH Ph 11
Gauravaddo - Calangute

Goa  403516

Tel : 08322282881