Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-27 Thread Cristian Rinaldi
The error is when I declare an interface instead of a particular class 
By example:

@UiField(provided = true)
AddressView address;  //Interface (not a concrete class)

Note that into file ui.xml the inclusion of widget also is a interface

by example:

l:AddressView ui:field=address/l:AddressView

Now, when inject AddressView by constructor in the container view 
(TerceroNewEditor), and I asign the variable before that uibinder make a 
interface, aren't because Editor do not send values contained inside the 

Now, if I only change the declaration:

@UiField(provided = true)
AddressView address;


@UiField(provided = true)
AddressEditor address;  //implementation of AddressView
and either way that I assign (injection or direct  creation), Editor works 

This is an error or is not covered?

Thanks and please, sorry for my english!!

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Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-27 Thread Christian Goudreau
What is AddressView is extending?

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Cristian Rinaldi csrina...@gmail.comwrote:

 The error is when I declare an interface instead of a particular class
 By example:

 @UiField(provided = true)
 AddressView address;  //Interface (not a concrete class)

 Note that into file ui.xml the inclusion of widget also is a interface

 by example:

 l:AddressView ui:field=address/l:AddressView

 Now, when inject AddressView by constructor in the container view
 (TerceroNewEditor), and I asign the variable before that uibinder make a
 interface, aren't because Editor do not send values contained inside the

 Now, if I only change the declaration:

 @UiField(provided = true)
 AddressView address;


 @UiField(provided = true)
 AddressEditor address;  //implementation of AddressView

 and either way that I assign (injection or direct  creation), Editor works

 This is an error or is not covered?

 Thanks and please, sorry for my english!!

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Christian Goudreau

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Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-27 Thread Thomas Broyer
If AddressView is neither an Editor nor an IsEditor, that's the expected 
behavior, as I told you before. The generator for the EditorDriver can only 
looks at the declared type of the fields and declared return types of the 
methods, if AddressView is not an editor, then the field will smply be 
ignored by the Editor framework. It really doesn't matter what the field 
value is exactly (well, actually, most –if not all– subinterfaces of Editor 
are dealt with at runtime, provided the field's type extends/implements 
Editor to begin with), or when it's initialized/assigned.

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Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-27 Thread Cristian Rinaldi
Hello Christian:

AddressView extends View and EditorAddressProxy

See below: 

public interface AddressView extends View, EditorAddressProxy{  
  public interface Presenter extends MutablePresenterAddressView{

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Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-27 Thread Thomas Broyer
Similarly, if AddressView has no subeditors (zero-arg methods with an 
Editor/IsEditor return type), it's basically useless.

Keep in mind that the generator looks at your classes, not the actual 
instances: it runs at compile-time to generate code.

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Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-27 Thread Cristian Rinaldi
Thanks thomas,

I see it clearly now.

It's a shame, I wanted the container interface does not depend on the 
particular implementation of Address. If this changes, I just wanted to 
change the bind in GIN.


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Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-26 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:33:55 PM UTC+2, Cristian Rinaldi wrote:

 Thomas, thanks for the fast responce. I will see if this is causing the 
 AddressWidget implements AddressView and Editor for AddressProxy, you say 
 that the AddressView must be extend Editor?

I'm saying that the type of the address field in type TerceroEditor does 
not implement Editor (or IsEditor), so the Editor framework does not treat 
it as an editor. You'll either have to change it to AddressWidget, or make 
AddressView extend Editor.

Now, one design question. 

 I love MVP, this pattern is very powerfull but, with Activities and Place 
 some thing are dificult.

 Activities are for when you need navigation, but if want each view has a 
 Presenter, I thought the following:
One interface Presenter for each View, where View delegate the logic 
 in the presenter implementation.
Now, presenter is not Activity. When I need navigation, I make a 
 Activity that inject the presenter and delegate in this the logic of View.

I want keep separate in the best forms the concepts of view and 
 presenter, but I want to know if inject the presenter in view is ok.
   The presenter have a method called onCreate(T) where T is a View. That 
 method is called when View is initialized after make UiBinder interface.
   In the onCreate(T) I inicialize the editor driver, etc.

   When I precise a Activity, in the start method I obtain the view, by 
 example, with AsyncProvider, how the View inject Presenter, the Activity 
 delegate logic to Presenter.

  I started think this for nested complex widget, for example, load 
 Employees associated with bank accounts, where the Widgets for list of 
 selection and creation bank account is a widget that delegate logic in a 
 presenter that is not Activity.
  But, i can use this widget alone in other view where is necesary one 

   All this is fine or I've gone crazy?

I'm not sure I understood what you're coming with. All I can say is that my 
activities are presenters, and in a few cases where a complex component 
is to be reused, I have a presenter and view for it that's not an activity. 
I also inject my views within my presenters in their constructors, and the 
presenters inject themselves into their view when needed (when the 
activity starts, in my case); this allows the views to have longer lifetime 
as the presenters, because I use short-lived presenters and singleton views.

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Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-26 Thread Cristian Rinaldi
Tanks Thomas for response.
The rare is that AddressView implements EditorAddreessProxy

I put the codes below:

*Extract for TerceroNewView*

public interface TerceroNewView extends View, EditorTercerosProxy {
  public interface Presenter extends MutablePresenterTerceroNewView{


  RequestFactoryEditorDriverTercerosProxy, ? extends EditorTercerosProxy
  RequestFactory rf);
*Extract for TerceroEditor*

public class TerceroEditor implements TerceroNewView {

  private static TerceroEditorUiBinder uiBinder =

  interface TerceroEditorUiBinder extends UiBinderSimplePanel,
TerceroEditor {

  interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriverTercerosProxy,
TerceroEditor {

  private SimplePanel root;

  ClientResource res;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString name;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString lastName;

  @UiField(provided = true)
  AddressView address;

  private final TerceroNewView.Presenter presenter;

  public TerceroEditor(
  AsyncProviderAddressView addressView,
  @Named(Constans.TerceroNewPresenter) TerceroNewView.Presenter
presenter) {

this.presenter = presenter;

addressView.get(new AsyncCallbackAddressView() {
  public void onSuccess(AddressView result) {
address = result;

  public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

  private void ini(){
root = uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this);


*Extract for AddressView:*

  public interface AddressView extends View, EditorAddressProxy{

 public interface Presenter extends MutablePresenterAddressView{


 HasConstrainedValueCityProxy getCitys();

*Extract for AddressEditor:*

public class AddressEditor implements AddressView {

  interface AddressWidgetUiBinder extends UiBinderHTMLPanel, AddressEditor

  interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriverAddressProxy,
AddressEditor {

  private static AddressWidgetUiBinder uiBinder =

  private HTMLPanel root;

  private AddressView.Presenter presenter;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString address;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorInteger number;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString code;

  @UiField(provided = true)
  SelectorCityView city;

  public AddressEditor(
  AsyncProviderSelectorCityView selectorCity,
  @Named(Constans.AddressNewPresenter) AddressView.Presenter presenter)

this.presenter = presenter;

// TODO ver si hay otra forma de inicializar las vistas
selectorCity.get(new AsyncCallbackSelectorCityView() {
  public void onSuccess(SelectorCityView result) {
city = result;

  public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

  private void init(){
root = uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this);

*Extract for TerceroNewPresenter*

public class TerceroNewEditorPresenter implements TerceroNewView.Presenter {

  private final PlaceController placeController;
  private final ErpRequestFactory requestFactory;

  private RequestFactoryEditorDriverTercerosProxy, ? extends
EditorTercerosProxy terceroDriver;

  public TerceroNewEditorPresenter(final AddressNewPresenter
  final ErpRequestFactory requestFactory, final PlaceController
placeController) {

this.placeController = placeController;
this.requestFactory = requestFactory;

  public void goTo(Place place) {

  public void save() {

RequestContext context = terceroDriver.flush();

boolean hasClientErrors = terceroDriver.hasErrors();

if (!hasClientErrors) { ReceiverVoid() {

public void onSuccess(Void response) {
  placeController.goTo(new DefaultPlace());

public void onViolation(SetViolation errors) {

public void onConstraintViolation(SetConstraintViolation?
violations) {


  public void onCreate(final TerceroNewView view) {

terceroDriver = view.createEditorDriver(requestFactory);

TercerosRequest context = requestFactory.getTercerosRequest();

TercerosProxy tercero = context.create(TercerosProxy.class);

AddressProxy address = context.create(AddressProxy.class);



terceroDriver.edit(tercero, context);

*Extract for GIN configurations:*

Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-26 Thread Cristian Rinaldi
To test I created a new view for Address without presenter injected into
And the Address View is not injected into the TerceroEditor view.

And things are just fine.

This works well:

  AddressEditor2 address;  *//AddressEditor is a concrete class.*

  private final TerceroNewView.Presenter presenter;

  public TerceroEditor(  *//Note: not inject sub-view AddressView, UiBinder
make a implementation*
  @Named(Constans.TerceroNewPresenter) TerceroNewView.Presenter
presenter) {

this.presenter = presenter;

  private void ini(){
root = uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this);

TerceroNewEditor.ui.xml part:
   l:AddressEditor2 ui:field=address/l:AddressEditor2

//AddressView implements EditorAddressProxy

public class AddressEditor2 extends Composite implements AddressView {

  private static AddressEditor2UiBinder uiBinder =

  interface AddressEditor2UiBinder extends UiBinderWidget, AddressEditor2

  private HTMLPanel root;

  private AddressView.Presenter presenter;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString address;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorInteger number;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString code;

  public AddressEditor2() {

If you inject the View with a Provider or AsyncProvider or directly not send
the information of Address.
This does not work:

   @ UiField (provided = true)
   AddressView address *//AddressView is a interface that
Implements EditorAddressProxy*

   private final TerceroNewView.Presenter presenter;

public TerceroEditor(
  *ProviderAddressView addressView,*
  @Named(Constans.TerceroNewPresenter) TerceroNewView.Presenter
presenter) {

   * this.address = addressView.get();*
this.presenter = presenter;

private void ini(){
root = uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this);

  TerceroNewEditor.ui.xml part:
   l:AddressView ui:field=address/l:AddressView

//AddressView implemens EditorAddressProxy
public class AddressEditor implements AddressView {

  interface AddressWidgetUiBinder extends UiBinderHTMLPanel, AddressView {

  private static AddressWidgetUiBinder uiBinder =

  private HTMLPanel root;

  private AddressView.Presenter presenter;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString address;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorInteger number;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString code;

  public AddressEditor(
  @Named(Constans.AddressNewPresenter) AddressView.Presenter presenter)

this.presenter = presenter;

  private void init(){
root = uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this);

  public Widget asWidget() {
return root;

*Gin Module*
public class ViewModule extends AbstractGinModule {

  protected void configure() {

   * bind(TerceroNewView.class).to(TerceroEditor.class).in(Singleton.class);




A.U.S Cristian Rinaldi

Teléfono Móvil: (0342) 155 238 083

Lisandro de la Torre 2643 Of 5 - 3000 - Santa Fe

Teléfono Fijo: (0342) 483 5138

2011/10/26 Cristian Rinaldi

 Tanks Thomas for response.
 The rare is that AddressView implements EditorAddreessProxy

 I put the codes below:

 *Extract for TerceroNewView*

 public interface TerceroNewView extends View, EditorTercerosProxy {
   public interface Presenter extends MutablePresenterTerceroNewView{


   RequestFactoryEditorDriverTercerosProxy, ? extends
 EditorTercerosProxy createEditorDriver(
   RequestFactory rf);
 *Extract for TerceroEditor*

 public class TerceroEditor implements TerceroNewView {

   private static TerceroEditorUiBinder uiBinder =

   interface TerceroEditorUiBinder extends UiBinderSimplePanel,
 TerceroEditor {

   interface Driver extends 

Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-25 Thread Cristian Rinaldi
  I am working in a project with GWT (RF, Editors, MVP).
  I have an error with bind of Editor

 The error itself, is that address property is not sent, not sent values
with flush is called in method save of *TerceroNewEditorPresenter*. The
unique values that are sent, are those that correspond to *Tercero (name and
lastName). *

 Attached files to see and guide me in the error.

 Thank you very much and sorry for my English.

A.U.S Cristian Rinaldi

Teléfono Móvil: (0342) 155 238 083

Lisandro de la Torre 2643 Of 5 - 3000 - Santa Fe

Teléfono Fijo: (0342) 483 5138

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package com.logikas.erp.client.ui;


import com.logikas.erp.client.activity.presenter.MutablePresenter;
import com.logikas.erp.shared.proxy.CityProxy;

 * Package: com.logikas.erp.client.ui
 * Date:11/10/2011
 * @autor cristian - Logikas Conectando Ideas
public interface AddressView extends View{
  public interface Presenter extends MutablePresenterAddressView{

  HasConstrainedValueCityProxy getCitys(); 
package com.logikas.erp.client.ui;


import com.logikas.erp.client.activity.presenter.NavigationPresenter;
import com.logikas.erp.shared.proxy.CityProxy;

 * Package: com.logikas.erp.client.ui
 * Date:11/10/2011
 * @autor cristian - Logikas Conectando Ideas
public interface SelectorCityView extends IsEditorEditorCityProxy, View{
  public interface Presenter extends NavigationPresenterSelectorCityView{}
  HasConstrainedValueCityProxy getListCity();

package com.logikas.erp.client.ui;


import com.logikas.erp.client.activity.presenter.MutablePresenter;
import com.logikas.erp.shared.proxy.TercerosProxy;

 * Package: com.logikas.erp.client.ui File: Date: 11/10/2011
 * Representa el formulario de carga de la informacion asociada a un tercero
 * @autor cristian - Logikas Conectando Ideas
public interface TerceroNewView extends View {
  public interface Presenter extends MutablePresenterTerceroNewView{

  AddressView getAddressView();

  RequestFactoryEditorDriverTercerosProxy, ? extends EditorTercerosProxy createEditorDriver(
  RequestFactory rf);

package com.logikas.erp.client.ui;


 * Package: com.logikas.erp.client.ui File: Date: 03/10/2011
 * @autor cristian - Logikas Conectando Ideas
public interface View extends IsWidget {
package com.logikas.erp.client.ui.impl;


import com.logikas.erp.client.Constans;
import com.logikas.erp.client.ui.AddressView;
import com.logikas.erp.client.ui.SelectorCityView;
import com.logikas.erp.shared.proxy.AddressProxy;
import com.logikas.erp.shared.proxy.CityProxy;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;

 * Package: com.logikas.erp.client.ui.impl File: Date: 11/10/2011
 * @autor cristian - Logikas Conectando Ideas
public class AddressEditor implements AddressView, EditorAddressProxy {

  private static AddressWidgetUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(AddressWidgetUiBinder.class);

  private HTMLPanel root;

  private AddressView.Presenter presenter;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString address;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorInteger number;

  ValueBoxEditorDecoratorString code;

  @UiField(provided = true)
  SelectorCityView city;

  interface AddressWidgetUiBinder extends UiBinderHTMLPanel, AddressEditor {

  public AddressEditor(
  AsyncProviderSelectorCityView selectorCity,
  @Named(Constans.AddressNewPresenter) AddressView.Presenter 

Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-25 Thread Thomas Broyer
AddressView (which is the type used in TerceroEditor) extends neither 
Editor nor IsEditor, so the address property isn't edited.

Did I miss something in your code? (I only looked at 
TerceroNewEditorPresenter, TerceroEditor and AddressView)

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Re: Editor not flush values of subeditors

2011-10-25 Thread Cristian Rinaldi
Thomas, thanks for the fast responce. I will see if this is causing the

AddressWidget implements AddressView and Editor for AddressProxy, you say
that the AddressView must be extend Editor?

Now, one design question.

I love MVP, this pattern is very powerfull but, with Activities and Place
some thing are dificult.

Activities are for when you need navigation, but if want each view has a
Presenter, I thought the following:

   One interface Presenter for each View, where View delegate the logic in
the presenter implementation.
   Now, presenter is not Activity. When I need navigation, I make a Activity
that inject the presenter and delegate in this the logic of View.

   I want keep separate in the best forms the concepts of view and
presenter, but I want to know if inject the presenter in view is ok.
  The presenter have a method called onCreate(T) where T is a View. That
method is called when View is initialized after make UiBinder interface.
  In the onCreate(T) I inicialize the editor driver, etc.

  When I precise a Activity, in the start method I obtain the view, by
example, with AsyncProvider, how the View inject Presenter, the Activity
delegate logic to Presenter.

 I started think this for nested complex widget, for example, load Employees
associated with bank accounts, where the Widgets for list of selection and
creation bank account is a widget that delegate logic in a presenter that is
not Activity.
 But, i can use this widget alone in other view where is necesary one

  All this is fine or I've gone crazy?

  Sorry for my english.

A.U.S Cristian Rinaldi

Teléfono Móvil: (0342) 155 238 083

Lisandro de la Torre 2643 Of 5 - 3000 - Santa Fe

Teléfono Fijo: (0342) 483 5138

2011/10/25 Thomas Broyer

 AddressView (which is the type used in TerceroEditor) extends neither
 Editor nor IsEditor, so the address property isn't edited.

 Did I miss something in your code? (I only looked at
 TerceroNewEditorPresenter, TerceroEditor and AddressView)

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