Re: comparing r.cost and r.terracost [was: [GRASS-dev] Re: grass-dev Digest, Vol 43, Issue 8]

2009-11-18 Thread Laura Toma

Hi Markus,

Your  conclusions are based on the hypothesis that you can model the  
performance  of r.cost  in the presence of low memory  by tweaking the  
memory limit in the code and using a machine with a large physical  
memory.   I don't think that this hypothesis is true, and here is the  
evidence so far:

r.cost  on a machine with 8GB physical memory:1h
r.cost  on a machine with 2.5GB physical memory:  4h

If you reboot the machine with 1GB RAM,  you will see the running time  
go up (by a lot).  Afterwards, try rebooting with 512GB RAM.  I have  
run similar tests in the past,  and r.cost did not finish in 40  
hours.  It may be better now, and you are the best person to re-try  
these tests as you know how to tweak it.

I'll get back about what terracost is doing and why it has such large  
files after we see these new numbers.


On Nov 17, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Markus Metz wrote:

Hi Laura,

Laura Toma wrote:

Hi Markus,

Processing a grid of 312 M cells takes about 8 x 312M = 2GB of RAM,

That is only true for r.terracost with numtiles=1, because r.terracost
stores costs as float. Is it possible that there is a bug in  
when using numtiles  1, because creating 64GB of temporary files  

a bit inordinate for 2GB of data? And if r.terracost would use double
for costs, it would be about 130GB of temporary files? OK, disk  
space is

nearly for free nowadays.
r.cost stores costs as double, so the size of temporary files is about
4GB. Additionally, 2GB where used for processing, i.e. at least 6GB of
system RAM are required to also keep cached files in RAM.
so on a machine with 8GB of RAM it will not use virtual memory at  

irrespective of how you tweak it.
Right, but it still uses the disk IO algorithm and reads from/writes  


With 8GB of RAM, the correct comparison is between r.cost and
r.terracost with numtiles=1

I don't think so because r.cost still uses its disk IO algorithm while
r.terracost doesn't. That's like comparing r.watershed in ram mode  

r.terraflow. A module not using a disk IO algorithm should always be
faster than a corresponding module using a disk IO algorithm, as  
long as

intermediate data fit into RAM.

In other words, if you tweak r.cost, you also need to tweak
r.terracost, which means you run with numtiles=1 for as long as data
fits in real memory.

I tweaked the disk IO algorithm to be faster, not to use less disk
space. I can also do serious tweaking and write a true all-in-memory
version of r.cost and compare that to r.terracost numtiles=1, but I'm
interested in the performance of r.cost with the disk IO algorithm and
thus compare it to r.terracost with its disk IO algorithm (requires
numtiles  1).

If you want any real numbers on how r.cost behaves with low memory  

need to reboot the machine with 1GB or better 512MB of RAM. There is
no way around it. Just try it, it is easy to do. I run experiments
like this all the time.

OK, would you mind running experiments with r.cost in grass7 and
r.terracost numtiles1 so you can see for yourself?

I rebooted with 2500MB of RAM in order to run the same test command as
before on the 312 million cells region, giving about 2000MB of RAM to
r.cost, same like before. I used the same region and start points as
before because I think these settings are challenging for r.cost. My
test system went into swap space, all memory was used up (system file
cache was in swap anyway, OS needs some RAM too), and r.cost took, as
expected, longer, namely 4 hours 10 min.

Still much less than the 24 hours 22 min of r.terracost with  

and 8GB of system RAM...

The latest version of r.cost (r39749) needs 2 hours 30 min with 2500MB
of RAM and 2000MB of RAM assigned to it, remainder used by OS.

From a user's perspective, one reason or side-effect concerning  

with disk IO algorithms is IMO that you do not need to use up all
available system memory and can still do other things in parallel,  
so I

would always assign max 75% percent of RAM to these modules and can
still do other work, potentially preventing the system from caching  

BTW, there was a typo in my g.region command, must be res=30 in  
order to

get 312 million cells, sorry!

Markus M


On Nov 14, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Markus Metz wrote:

Hi Laura,

Laura Toma wrote:

my experience is that , if you want to see how an application would
behave with 500 MB of RAM, you have to physically reboot the  
with 500 MB of RAM (it's very easy to do this on a Mac, and  

easy on Linux. on windows, i don't know).

if the machine has more than 500MB RAM, even if you restrict the
application to use less, the system gives it all it can. in your
setup, it is almost as if r.cost would run fully in memory, because
even it it places the segments on disk, the system file cache  
fits all
segments in memory. the same is true for terracost, its streams  
fit in

memory. but using tiles has a big

Re: comparing r.cost and r.terracost [was: [GRASS-dev] Re: grass-dev Digest, Vol 43, Issue 8]

2009-11-16 Thread Laura Toma

Hi Markus,

Processing a grid of 312 M cells takes about  8 x 312M = 2GB of RAM,   
so on a machine with 8GB of RAM it will not  use virtual memory at  
all, irrespective of how you tweak it.

With 8GB of RAM, the correct comparison is between r.cost and  
r.terracost with numtiles=1   (do you have timings for this case?).

In other words,  if you tweak r.cost, you also need to tweak  
r.terracost,  which means you run with numtiles=1 for as long as data  
fits in real memory.

If you want any real numbers on how r.cost behaves with low memory you  
need to reboot the machine with 1GB  or better 512MB of RAM.   There  
is no way around it.   Just try it, it is easy to do.  I run  
experiments like this all the time.


On Nov 14, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Markus Metz wrote:

Hi Laura,

Laura Toma wrote:

my experience is that , if you want to see how an application would
behave with 500 MB of RAM, you have to physically reboot the machine
with 500 MB of RAM (it's very easy to do this on a Mac, and  

easy on Linux. on windows, i don't know).

if the machine has more than 500MB RAM, even if you restrict the
application to use less, the system gives it all it can. in your
setup, it is almost as if r.cost would run fully in memory, because
even it it places the segments on disk, the system file cache fits  
segments in memory. the same is true for terracost, its streams fit  

memory. but using tiles has a big CPU overhead, which is why it is

I haven't rebooted my Linux box with less RAM, but I set up a test
region with about 312 million cells (details below), I think we can
agree that this is for current standards a pretty large region, maybe
not in the future. Your argument still holds true that r.cost may have
some advantage because its temp files are much smaller than the temp
files of r.terracost and therefore a larger proportion can be cached  
the system (beyond the control of the module). I could however see a  

of disk IO on both modules.

For 312 million cells, r.cost needed 51 min, r.terracost needed 24 h  

min, both got 2GB memory.

Now that sounds like really bad news for r.terracost. But this is not
the whole truth. First, I had to tweak r.cost a little bit in order to
be so fast, still have to come up with a solution to do that  
tweaking in

the module. Second, r.cost may suffer more from memory reduction, not
physical RAM reduction, than r.terracost. Reducing the percent_memory
option already slows the module down considerably. But that is also  

for r.terracost, there the bottleneck seems to be INTERTILE DIJKSTRA
which took well over 12 hours with heavy disk IO and full memory
consumption. Third, r.cost performs better with less start points
keeping region settings constant. I'm not sure if this applies as well
to r.terracost.

In summary, I think that on even larger regions, say 1 billion cells,
and many small separate start points (100 000), r.terracost should
outperform r.cost, but I would not bet on it ;-) For what I guess is
current everyday use ( 100 million cells), r.cost in grass7 might  

of the time outperform r.terracost with numtiles1, sometimes
considerably as in my tests. Speed performance of r.cost is variable  
dependent on the combination of region size, number and distribution  

start points, and the amount of memory it is allowed to use. There may
still be some scope for improvement in r.cost, I just did a quick job
there, no in-depth code analysis (yet). The extraordinarily large temp
files of r.terracost (total 64GB, largest single file was about  
56GB, no

typo) could be a handicap when processing such large regions. Finally,
the results of the tests I did are valid for my test system only, they
will be different on other systems.

when i did some preliminary testing, i rebooted the machine with  

RAM, and ran r.cost on grids of 50M-100M cells. it was slow,
completely IO bound, and took several hours or more. or if you use  

of RAM, you may need to go to larger grids.

Please test r.cost in grass7 yourself, and maybe share your test
commands, then others can run the tests too and compare.

Here is my test region:

The 312 million cells test region was created in the North Carolina
sample dataset with
g.region rast=elev_state_5...@permanent res=40
Then I created a cost layer with
r.mapcalc cost = 1
You wanted many start points, so I generated 1 start points with
v.random output=start_points_1 n=1
and converted this vector to raster with start_points_1 use=val val=1 out=start_points_1 --o

The test command for r.cost was
time r.cost input=cost start_rast=start_points_1
output=dist_random_1 percent_memory=40 --o
This setting was equivalent to 2 GB of memory.
real 51m18.172s
user 34m4.067s
sys 0m45.100s

For r.terracost, I used as temp dir again a directory on a separate  

drive, faster than the one that r.cost used, so let's say

Re: [GRASS-dev] Re: grass-dev Digest, Vol 43, Issue 8

2009-11-09 Thread Laura Toma

Hi Markus,

How much memory was available  on the machine?

8 GB

If the machine had more than 512MB  RAM,  it is not fair to run
terracost running with mem=400MB, and compare it with an algorithm
that can use more memory.

I don't understand, both modules can use more than 400MB of memory. I
set r.terracost to use 400MB max and r.cost to use 135MB max. If
anything, this is not fair for r.cost and gives an advantage to
r.terracost. I did not mention that I gave r.terracost another  

by assigning the temporary directories to a folder on a separate, very
fast hard drive that had nothing else to do but manage the temp  
files of

r.terracost. The temp files of r.cost are in the standard grass
.tmp/$HOST directory, in my case that (slower) hard drive also had  

things to do than just manage r.cost's temp files. I really tried to
give r.terracost a head start ;-)

my experience is that , if you want to see how an application would  
behave with 500 MB of RAM, you have to physically reboot the machine  
with 500 MB of RAM   (it's very easy to do this on a Mac, and  
relatively easy on Linux.  on windows, i don't know).

if the machine has more than 500MB RAM, even if you restrict the  
application to use less,  the system gives it all it your  
setup,  it is almost as if r.cost would run fully in memory, because  
even it it places the segments on disk, the system file cache fits all  
segments in memory.  the same is true for terracost, its streams fit  
in memory. but  using tiles has a big CPU overhead, which is why it  
is  slower.

when i did some preliminary testing, i rebooted the machine with 512MB  
RAM, and ran r.cost on  grids of 50M-100M cells.  it was slow,  
completely IO bound,  and  took several hours or more.   or if you use  
1GB of RAM,  you may need to go to larger grids.

However, I am surprised that withnumtiles=1,  it was slower than

it looks like i misread your numbers.

BTW, I took the liberty to fix r.terracost, it works now with
numtiles1. See changelog for r39684

great, thanks!   let's see if terracost is worthwhile :)


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: grass-dev Digest, Vol 40, Issue 17

2009-08-07 Thread Laura Toma

Good idea,  and this should cause no problem for the rest.


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 16:09:42 -0400
From: Andrew Danner
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] r.terraflow broken
To: GRASS developers list
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Can we just initialize the MM_manager to ignore memory limits until  
we have

a chance
to set and enforce a limit? The change below allowed me to at least  

and run the help

--- lib/iostream/ 38633)
+++ lib/iostream/ copy)
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
MM_register MM_manager;
int MM_register::instances = 0; // Number of instances. (init)
// TPIE's register memory requests flag
-MM_mode MM_register::register_new = MM_ABORT_ON_MEMORY_EXCEEDED;
+MM_mode MM_register::register_new = MM_IGNORE_MEMORY_EXCEEDED;

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] r.terraflow broken

2009-08-03 Thread Laura Toma
The problem is that it attempts to set the memory manager limit to  0   
(see below:  limit=0B), and the first line in

MM_register::set_memory_limit(size_t new_limit)



Therefore the problem.
So the question is, why does it try to set  the memory limit to 0?
Unless the user specifies a value, the default value is 300MB,  see

opt-mem = atoi(mem-answer);
size_t mm_size = opt-mem  20;/* opt-mem is in MB */

Did you use the default value of memory, or a different one?
I wonder what size_t is on that platform.


On Aug 3, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Markus Neteler wrote:

Hi Laura,

we have  new problem in GRASS 7 with r.terraflow:

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Glynn 

It appears to be related to memory management:

   $ r.terraflow help
   MM error: limit =0B. allocating 24B. limit exceeded by 32B.
   r.terraflow: void* operator new(size_t):  
Assertion `0' failed.

   Aborted (core dumped)

Happens at least on Gentoo (?) and Mandriva.

look the same despite the commented header.

Any idea?


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: comparing r.cost and r.terracost [was: Re: [GRASS-user] affecting cat of closest feature as pixel value]

2009-07-16 Thread Laura Toma

This may be because you don't have rights to /var/tmp, or maybe the  
directory /var/tmp/mlenert does not exist.
To change this location,  you do not need to change Instead   
use option

   VTMPDIR   Location of intermediate STREAMs
   default: /var/tmp/username

I tried r.terracost ...VTMPDIR=.

and it put the  intermediate streams in the current folder.

The other potential problem is the location of the temporary streams.   
The default is /var/tmp/, but the user can set it with option

  STREAM_DIR   Location of temporary STREAMs
   default: /var/tmp

Even though explicitly executes a setenv,   it did not work  
for me. I had to explicitly run from the shell:

export STREAM_DIR=/var/tmp/


On Jul 15, 2009, at 12:49 PM, Moritz Lennert wrote:

On 15/07/09 15:40, Laura Toma wrote:

Hi Moritz,
Terracost  runs in two modes:  in memory (when numtiles=1), and in  
external memory, using streams (when numtiles1).   When run  
without a value for numtiles, it sets numtiles  to the optimal  
value. In all your tests numtiles was set to 1.   The algorithms in  
the 2 cases are different, so you also need to test with numtiles1.

Trying to run with numtiles1, I get:

TileFactory: Sorting internalstr...
file=/var/tmp/mlennert/terracost.tileStr:cannot read!: Bad address
r.terracost: /home/mlennert/SRC/GRASS/grass64_release/dist.i486-pc- 
linux-gnu/include/grass/iostream/ami_sort_impl.h:91: size_t  
makeRun_Block(AMI_STREAMT*, T*, unsigned int, Compare*) [with T =  
ijCostTypecostSourceType, Compare = ijTileCostCompareType]:  
Assertion `err == AMI_ERROR_NO_ERROR || err ==  


And the same, if I change all occurrences of /var/tmp in to / 


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: comparing r.cost and r.terracost [was: Re: [GRASS-user] affecting cat of closest feature as pixel value]

2009-07-15 Thread Laura Toma

Hi Moritz,

Terracost  runs in two modes:  in memory (when numtiles=1), and in  
external memory, using streams (when numtiles1).   When run without a  
value for numtiles, it sets numtiles  to the optimal value. In all  
your tests numtiles was set to 1.   The algorithms in the 2 cases are  
different, so you also need to test with numtiles1.

The difference in speed should increase a lot with the size of the  

In the idea of replacing r.cost by r.terracost, I would think that  
the latter would first have to implement the options in r.cost, e.g.

- equivalents of the start_points and coordinates options of r.cost
- stop_points/coordinates
- max_cost
- the knight's move
- ...

What does the max_cost do ?
I can easily add the  Knight's move;  is it generally agreed that it  
is a useful option?  Without the Knight's move, each point can get to  
its 8 neighbors in one step. With the Knight's move, it can get to  
some additional points, which it was going to reach in two steps, at a  
slightly higher cost.

The other options are in principle easy to add, but time  is the  


On Jul 15, 2009, at 6:22 AM, Moritz Lennert wrote:

Hello Laura,

On 15/07/09 00:01, Laura Toma wrote:

Hi Markus, Moritz,
I could reproduce the problem. It was happening because the cost of  
the source points were incorrectly assigned to be zero, instead of  
the actual cost of the points.  Because of  this, the immediate  
neighbors of the source points had half costs.  I fixed one line  
in and checked in the change in grass-addons/raster/ 
r.terracost   (hopefully it is  the right place).

yes, perfect. Thanks for fixing this so quickly. Now results are  
almost identicial to r.cost without the knight's move. Differences  
are very small, and (my guess) probably due to differences in  

g.region n=10 s=0 w=0 e=10 res=1 -a
r.mapcalc one=1.0
echo 5|5 | out=start --o start use=val val=1 out=start --o
time r.cost one start_rast=start out=r_cost --o
time r.terracost one start_rast=start out=terra_cost --o
r.mapcalc diff3=r_cost-terra_cost

r.univar diff

n: 100
minimum: -1.90012e-07
maximum: 1.91819e-07
range: 3.81831e-07
mean: -4.1721e-09

And image of diff: 

This seems to indicate that r.cost overestimates diagonals and  
underestimates the straighter lines when compared to r.terracost.

The same, but with a 100x100 region:

r.univar diff:
n: 1
minimum: -3.04995e-05
maximum: 9.16214e-06
range: 3.96616e-05
mean: 6.50277e-07

And image of diff: 

This seems to confirm the above, but not for farther distances...

Second test:

g.region rast=elev_state_500m nc_state use=val val=500.0 out=cost --o urbanarea use=val val=1 out=urbanarea --o
r.cost in=cost start_rast=urbanarea out=dist_urban --o
r.terracost in=cost start_rast=urbanarea out=dist_urban_terracost --o
r.mapcalc diff=dist_urban-dist_urban_terracost

r.univar diff

n: 513065
minimum: -0.0125342
maximum: 0.0684331
range: 0.0809673
mean: 0.00173129

Third test:

g.region rast=landclass96
r.reclass landclass96 out=cost_landcover --o  EOF
1 = 200
2 = 20
3 = 5
4 = 50
5 = 30
6 = 1000
7 = 5
echo 629980|228527.25 | out=point --o point use=val val=1 out=point --o
r.cost in=cost_landcover out=dist_rcost start_rast=point --o
r.terracost in=cost_landcover out=dist_terracost start_rast=point --o
r.mapcalc diff2=dist_rcost-dist_terracost

r.univar diff2

n: 249323
minimum: -0.554688
maximum: 0.523438
range: 1.07812
mean: -0.0104599

In all cases r.terracost takes about 1/4-1/3 the time of r.cost.

In the idea of replacing r.cost by r.terracost, I would think that  
the latter would first have to implement the options in r.cost, e.g.

- equivalents of the start_points and coordinates options of r.cost
- stop_points/coordinates
- max_cost
- the knight's move
- ...


grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] problems

2009-06-11 Thread Laura Toma

On Jun 10, 2009, at 11:14 PM, Hamish wrote:

GRASS 6.4.0RC4

does it really extend from 180 lon to 180 lon? (ie include asia)

It is SRTM3 data grouped by continents loaded from   The continents have different number of  
rows  but  the same number of columns and (EW resolution) of 360+  
degrees,  so i think they  contain a whole slice from east to west,  
like below. Most of it is nodata,  so  changing the ewresolution is no  

inline: austr.gif

Thanks for suggesting all the things that I could try.

-Laura ___
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] problems

2009-06-10 Thread Laura Toma


I imported a large SRTM grid with;  when starting grass64  
with this location there is an error.
Some part of Grass seems to work despite this error, except d.rast  
shows a blank screen.  The east and west (see below)  have the same  
value, except E/W. Could this cause troubles?

GRASS 6.4.0RC4 (northamericaSRTM3):~/gis/DATA/SRTM/SRTM-V2-  Error in startup  
script: divide by zero

while executing
expr round($parts(w)/$parts(ewres))*$parts(ewres)
(procedure MapCanvas::zoom_gregion line 17)
invoked from within
MapCanvas::zoom_gregion $mon
(procedure MapCanvas::create line 40)
invoked from within
(procedure Gm::startmon line 11)
invoked from within
(procedure Gm::create line 79)
invoked from within
(procedure main line 30)
invoked from within
main $argc $argv
(file /usr/local/grass/grass-6.4.0RC4/etc/gm/gm.tcl line 566)

GRASS 6.4.0RC4 (northamericaSRTM3):~/gis/DATA/SRTM/SRTM-V2-  g.region -p

projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
zone:   0
datum:  wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:  61:00:01.5N
south:  9:59:58.5N
west:   179:59:58.5E
east:   179:59:58.5W
nsres:  0:00:03
ewres:  0:00:00.07
rows:   61201
cols:   432001
cells:  26438893201

GRASS 6.4.0RC4 (northamericaSRTM3):~/gis/DATA/SRTM/SRTM-V2- na_mosaic
 | Layer:na_mosaic  Date: Tue Jun  9 21:54:39  
 | Mapset:   PERMANENT  Login of Creator:  
ltoma   |
 | Location:  
 | DataBase: /mnt/research/gis/DATA/ 
grassdb/  |
 | Title:  
( na_mosaic )   |
 | Timestamp:  
 |   Type of Map:  raster   Number of Categories:  
 |   Data Type: 
CELL   |
 |   Rows:  
61201  |
 |   Columns:   
432001 |
 |   Total Cells:   
 |Projection: Latitude- 
Longitude  |
 |N: 61:00:01.5NS: 9:59:58.5N   Res:  
0:00:03  |
 |E: 179:59:58.5WW: 179:59:58.5E   Res:  
 |   Range of data:min = -291  max =  
5573 |
 |   Data  
 |generated by  |
 | input=na_mosaic.vrt  
output=na_mosaic  |


grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] problems

2009-06-10 Thread Laura Toma


Here is what the cellhd contains (it seems correct).

proj:   3
zone:   0
north:  61:00:01.5N
south:  9:59:58.5N
east:   179:59:58.5W
west:   179:59:58.5E
cols:   432001
rows:   61201
e-w resol:  0:00:03
n-s resol:  0:00:03
format: 3
compressed: 1

 but gives:
   Projection: Latitude- 
Longitude  |
 |N: 61:00:01.5NS: 9:59:58.5N   Res:  
0:00:03  |
 |E: 179:59:58.5WW: 179:59:58.5E   Res:  

so for some reason the ewres is messed up.

Here is the tif file that I used as input in

gdalinfo na_mosaic.tif
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: na_mosaic.tif
Size is 432001, 61201
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID[WGS 84,6378137,298.2572235630016,
Origin = (-180.0004166,61.0004166)
Pixel Size = (0.0008333,-0.0008333)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (-180.0004167,  61.0004167) (180d 0'1.50W, 61d 0'1.50N)
Lower Left  (-180.0004167,   9.9995833) (180d 0'1.50W,  9d59'58.50N)
Upper Right ( 180.0004167,  61.0004167) (180d 0'1.50E, 61d 0'1.50N)
Lower Right ( 180.0004167,   9.9995833) (180d 0'1.50E,  9d59'58.50N)
Center  (  -0.000,  35.500) (  0d 0'0.00W, 35d30'0.00N)
Band 1 Block=432001x1 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Gray
  NoData Value=-32768

On Jun 10, 2009, at 4:10 PM, Markus GRASS wrote:

Laura Toma wrote:


I imported a large SRTM grid with;  when starting grass64
with this location there is an error.
Some part of Grass seems to work despite this error, except d.rast
shows a blank screen.  The east and west (see below)  have the same
value, except E/W. Could this cause troubles?
Both values are smaller than 180, so they should not give problems  
in a

ll projection. What could give problems is the ew resolution of
0:00:00.07 which is an amazing resolution for a DEM covering the
whole world, especially SRTM (native resolution is 0:00:03 for the  

coverage dataset). Should that not be the same like the ns resolution,
0:00:03? Maybe something went wrong with Does gdalinfo  

the same ew resolution? The resolution of 0:00:00.07 can cause the
divide by zero error when trying to set the current region and/or
display parameters. A workaround may be to start grass in text mode  

set the region resolution to 0:00:03, both ns and ew, then start the
gui. Or manually edit the WIND and DEFAULT_WIND files before launching

Markus M

GRASS 6.4.0RC4

Error in startup script: divide by zero

   while executing
expr round($parts(w)/$parts(ewres))*$parts(ewres)
   (procedure MapCanvas::zoom_gregion line 17)
   invoked from within
MapCanvas::zoom_gregion $mon
   (procedure MapCanvas::create line 40)
   invoked from within
   (procedure Gm::startmon line 11)
   invoked from within
   (procedure Gm::create line 79)
   invoked from within
   (procedure main line 30)
   invoked from within
main $argc $argv
   (file /usr/local/grass/grass-6.4.0RC4/etc/gm/gm.tcl line 566)

GRASS 6.4.0RC4

g.region -p

projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
zone:   0
datum:  wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:  61:00:01.5N
south:  9:59:58.5N
west:   179:59:58.5E
east:   179:59:58.5W
nsres:  0:00:03
ewres:  0:00:00.07
rows:   61201
cols:   432001
cells:  26438893201

GRASS 6.4.0RC4
(northamericaSRTM3):~/gis/DATA/SRTM/SRTM-V2- na_mosaic

| Layer:na_mosaic  Date: Tue Jun  9 21:54:39
| Mapset:   PERMANENT  Login of Creator:
ltoma   |
| Location:
| DataBase:
/mnt/research/gis/DATA/grassdb/  |
| Title: ( na_mosaic
)   |
| Timestamp:

|   Type of Map:  raster   Number of Categories:
|   Data Type:
CELL   |
|   Rows:
61201  |
|   Columns:

[GRASS-dev] r.terracost uploaded to grass-addons

2009-04-15 Thread Laura Toma


If you need  a faster module for computing shortest paths , I have  
uploaded a module called r.terracost in grass-addons.

It runs Dijkstra algorithm, which is the standard algorithm for SP  
(all costs need to be non-negative).  The user specifies the input  
and output grid, the grid of start points, and the number of  
tiles.If you give it numtiles=1, it runs the entire computation  
in memory.  If numtiles1, it switches to an external version, where  
it computes on one tile at a time. This is efficient in the case the  
grid is large and does not fit in memory.  To find the suggested  
number of tiles, runt it with flag -i.

hope this is useful

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] uploaded r.terracost to GRASS Addons

2009-04-08 Thread Laura Toma


Thanks  for looking at this. I am downloading  the grass-trunk right  
now, and I'll be able to compile shortly.


On Apr 8, 2009, at 2:16 PM, Andrew Danner wrote:

Markus Neteler wrote:

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Laura Toma wrote:
If you're looking for a fast version of r.cost, try  
r.terracost.I think
I put it at some point in the add-ons repository. Otherwise it's  
from my website.  Depending on the amount  of memory you specify  
on the
command line, it runs in memory (an optimized CPU algorithm)  or  
an I/O


I have (upon request from Laura) now uploaded r.terracost to Addons:
svn checkout
It is r.terracost-1.1 but with various include file fixes, a new
a new Makefile. Also I didn't not include the IOSTREAM lib as it is  

present in GRASS 6 in the lib/ directory.
make MODULE_TOPDIR=/path/to/grass6svn/
Currently, I get these two errors: In member function ‘int  
Iterator::getNext(ijCostSource*)’: error: no match for ‘operator=’ in ‘* out =

[with T = costSourceType](((int)((short
int)((Iterator*)this)-Iterator::iMarker)), ((int)((short
input.h:160: note: candidates are: ijCostTypecostSourceType
make: *** [OBJ.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/iterator.o] Error 1

get() returns a costSourceType. You want an
typedef ijCostTypecostSourceType ijCostSource returned by  
getComplex (I think)

--- (revision 36633)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
  if (iMarker  tileSizeRows - 1)
return 0;

-  *out = tile-get(iMarker, jMarker);
+  *out = tile-getComplex(iMarker, jMarker);

Makefile:15: warning: overriding commands for target
/home/neteler/grass64//include/Make/Module.make:14: warning: ignoring
old commands for target
c++ -I/home/neteler/grass64/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/include  -g
-O2  -DPACKAGE=\grassmods\
-I/home/neteler/grass64/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/include -o
OBJ.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/main.o -c In function ‘void printGrid(AMI_STREAMijCostTypefloat

*)’: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to
‘char*’ In function ‘int main(int, char**)’: error: no matching function for call to
‘AMI_sort(AMI_STREAMdistanceType*, AMI_STREAMdistanceType**,
distanceIJCompareType*, int, char*)’
make: *** [OBJ.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/main.o] Error 1
Fixes appreciated.

There is no matching signature for that kind of AMI_sort. The last  
two parameters are new and missing in the iostream library. Laura,  
do you know what these parameters are for and is there an iostream  

For the const warnings

Index: stats.h
--- stats.h (revision 36633)
+++ stats.h (working copy)
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@

#define HAVE_STATS

-int noclobberFile(char *);
+int noclobberFile(const char *);

class statsRecorder : public ofstream {
  Rtimer tm;
  void *bss;
-  statsRecorder(char *fname);
+  statsRecorder(const char* fname);

--- 36633)
+++ copy)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@

-noclobberFile(char *fname) {
+noclobberFile(char * const fname) {
  int fd=-1;

  while(fd0) {
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@

** */

-statsRecorder::statsRecorder(char *fname) {
+statsRecorder::statsRecorder(char * const fname) {

for suspiciousness (missing template arguments):
Index: input.h
--- input.h (revision 36633)
+++ input.h (working copy)
@@ -194,15 +194,14 @@
cout  *this;

-  friend ostream operator  (ostream s, const ijCostType ct) {
+  friend ostream operator  (ostream s, const ijCostTypeT ct) {
s  (  ct.getI()  ,  ct.getJ()  :   ct.cs  );
return s;

-  friend int operator == (const ijCostType a, const ijCostType b) {
+  friend int operator == (const ijCostTypeT a, const  
ijCostTypeT b) {

return (basicIJType(a) == basicIJType(b)  a.cs == b.cs);

grass-dev mailing list

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: grass-dev Digest, Vol 36, Issue 4

2009-04-02 Thread Laura Toma

If you're looking for a fast version of r.cost, try r.terracost.I  
think I put it at some point in the add-ons repository. Otherwise it's  
available from my website. Depending on the amount  of memory you  
specify on the command line, it runs in memory (an optimized CPU  
algorithm)  or an I/O algorithm.


Today's Topics:

  1. Re: r.cost (Markus Metz)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 09:04:19 +0200
From: Markus Metz
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] r.cost
To: GRASS developers list
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Paolo Cavallini wrote:

Paolo Cavallini ha scritto:

Markus Metz ha scritto:

Could it be that the binary tree implementation in r.cost is not
balanced? If yes, the search tree may degenerate on smooth surfaces
towards a linked list, search time going from O(log n) to O(n).  

there are now three different generic balanced binary search tree
implementations in the vector libs, plus sorted heaps. Just an  

Tested on two different machines, (ubuntu+debian) 3 diff surfaces,
always the same result. It seems something more structural.

My comment was a suggestion to Colin Nielson to use another binary  
in r.cost if the current tree is not a balanced tree, and that there  
generic balanced binary tree implementations in the vector libs that  

be used by other developers in their modules. AFAIKT r.cost uses the
same binary tree implementation in all versions, i.e. the results and
the speed should be similar on different machines and with different
grass versions.

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: [BULK] grass-dev Digest, Vol 30, Issue 9

2008-10-07 Thread Laura Toma
I remember we replaced  the fseek() with an fseeko()  because we ran  
into a bug where we were trying to seek to a large offset (in  

No objection to removing the 2 includes, given that it still compiles  
w/o them  on other platforms.


On Oct 6, 2008, at 9:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 00:12:10 +0100 (BST)
From: Paul Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] fseeko() in libiostream
To: Andrew Danner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

On Mon, 6 Oct 2008, Andrew Danner wrote:

fseek is not the same as fseeko.

int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int whence);

int fseeko(FILE *stream, off_t offset, int whence);

If large file support is enabled, fseeko will convert off_t to a  
64 bit type
even on a 32-bit OS. I'm not sure if long will be 64 bit on a 64- 
bit OS for

fseek. may work with large files using plain old fseek as long  
doesn't make long seeks. ami_stream.h could potentially make long  
(e.g., skip the first 8GB of a 30GB file), though in practice, I'm  
not sure
that code that uses ami_stream (r.terraflow) actually uses this  
kind of
fseek. Still the interface is designed to potentially use long  
seeks and I
would be reluctant to simply replace fseeko with fseek in  

you may to add a #define to check the compiler type and use fseek  
only if

fseeko does not exist.

Right - I was vaguely aware of some configure checks for fseeko()  
but as
ami_stream.h was the only file in GRASS using fseeko() I wasn't  
sure if it

had been made redundant by something else. But looking closely at
include/config.h, I see that we can conditionalise fseeko() on
#ifdef HAVE_LARGEFILES. After doing that, on Windows fseeko() is  

to fseeko64() and all then works well.

A couple of further Windows compile errors in lib/iostream though:

sh-2.04$ make
c++ -I/c/grass/grass7/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/include -I/c/grass/extra/ 
include -O2 -s -I/c/grass/extra/include  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 - 
DPACKAGE=\grasslibs\   -I/c/grass/grass7/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/ 
include -o OBJ.i686-pc-mingw32/mm_utils.o -c sys/mman.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [OBJ.i686-pc-mingw32/mm_utils.o] Error 1

sh-2.04$ make
c++ -I/c/grass/grass7/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/include -I/c/grass/extra/ 
include -O2 -s -I/c/grass/extra/include  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 - 
DPACKAGE=\grasslibs\   -I/c/grass/grass7/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/ 
include -o OBJ.i686-pc-mingw32/mm_utils.o -c
c++ -I/c/grass/grass7/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/include -I/c/grass/extra/ 
include -O2 -s -I/c/grass/extra/include  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 - 
DPACKAGE=\grasslibs\   -I/c/grass/grass7/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/ 
include -o OBJ.i686-pc-mingw32/rtimer.o -c sys/resource.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [OBJ.i686-pc-mingw32/rtimer.o] Error 1

In the two respective cases I commented out the #includes for sys/ 
and sys/resource.h and everything compiled fine. r.terraflow  
compiles fine

too. So I'll simply remove those two #includes unless there's any

Thanks for the feedback,


grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] iostream lib and r.terraflow/r.viewshed

2008-08-13 Thread Laura Toma
Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the compile errors, so I cannot be  
of much help.

I added r.viewshed in grass_trunk/raster/. It compiles and works for  
me.  Looking forward to comments.


On Aug 10, 2008, at 3:29 PM, Martin Landa wrote:


2008/8/10 Paul Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Can you explain for my benefit why you made the change to
lib/iostream/, and not to include/iostream/ 
ami_stream.h which
is where the problem calls to strcpy seemed to be? Is it something  
to do

with namespaces?

well, I should leave fixing iostream lib and r.terraflow module to
someone who knows this code. It was just dirty quick fix, iostream and
r.terraflow is broken at least one week.


Martin Landa landa.martin * 
~landa *

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] iostream lib and r.terraflow/r.viewshed

2008-08-13 Thread Laura Toma

I added r.viewshed in grass_trunk/raster/. It compiles and works  
for me. Looking forward to comments.

Should it maybe go in grass-addons rather than trunk for now?

I could not get it to compile in the add-ons (probably i need to set  
up some grass parameters, etc).My understanding is that not  
everything that's in the trunk goes into the release brunch, that's  
why I thought it is safe and simpler to put it there.  We can revert  
that and move it in the addons; just let me know.



grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] iostream lib and r.terraflow/r.viewshed

2008-08-13 Thread Laura Toma

I added r.viewshed  to grass-addons, and deleted it from the trunk.


On Aug 13, 2008, at 4:47 PM, Paul Kelly wrote:

On Wed, 13 Aug 2008, Laura Toma wrote:

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the compile errors, so I cannot  
be of much help.

I wondered if you might be able to help with advice on the C++  
headers. From the compile errors it seems to me that the problem is  
a lack of a definition for the strcpy() function in the  
ami_stream.h header. I suspect that adding

#include cstring
(thanks to Martin for the hint about the C++ header names) would  
solve the compilation errors, but I'm not sure if anybody with  
access to a problem system has tried it out yet - but I'm thinking  
of maybe just going ahead and making the change as it seems so  

I added r.viewshed in grass_trunk/raster/. It compiles and works  
for me. Looking forward to comments.

Should it maybe go in grass-addons rather than trunk for now?


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: viewshed and iostream issues

2008-08-07 Thread Laura Toma

Hi Paul,

There should be no rtimer in viewshed, only in the library. I was  
planning to upload  the most recent version  as soon as I get access  
to the svn.


On Aug 7, 2008, at 7:00 PM, Paul Kelly wrote:

Hi Laura,

On Tue, 5 Aug 2008, Laura Toma wrote:

I have merged these changes into my most recent version of  
iostream, which I am attaching; it is split into headers  
(include_iostream.tar),  and cc files (lib_iostream.tar).  If you  
place them into grass_trunk/include/iostream/ and grass_trunk/lib/ 
iostream/ respectively,  the library,  terraflow and viewshed all  
compile and run (macosx 10.4).

That all seems fine. I've committed the updates to SVN trunk and  
also merged them back into develbranch_6 (i.e. 6.4-svn).

This is a start to get r.viewshed to compile and run and get some  

Will, do you want to commit it to grass-addons now? I've created a  
directory under raster/ for it to go. If you haven't got your OSGeo  
id and grass-addons access sorted out yet I can commit it for you  
if you want and then you could make further updates directly in the  
SVN. Let me know.

One issue I noticed was with including rtimer.h - I'm  
not sure if this is supposed to be the rtimer.h in the iostream lib  
or the rtimer.h in the r.viewshed source (maybe it could be renamed  
to reduce confusion?). If it's meant to be including the iostream  
version, you can change the include line to

#include grass/iostream/rtimer.h
to pick it up. Or if it's meant to be the one in the r.viewshed  

#include rtimer.h
should get it (the quotes rather than angle brackets indicate to  
look in the current directory for include files before searching  
the default include directories).


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: iostream issues (formerly r.viewshed ready for testing)

2008-08-05 Thread Laura Toma

Hi Paul,

PEARL is off (not defined) when compiling, so it is not  
significant.   Two libraries is definitely ugly.   We'll try to get  
r.viewshed to work with the iostream version in GRASS.

Until then, thanks for all the help.


On Aug 5, 2008, at 12:45 PM, Paul Kelly wrote:

On Tue, 5 Aug 2008, Will wrote:

Hi Paul,

Yes, I am using the updated tarball that you sent me, and I'm  
getting the
same errors, regardless of if ami.h (the header for iostream) is  
included in or not.

That seems to just be a coincidence. If I copy the ami_stream.h  
from the version of iostream that you included with r.viewshed into  
include/iostream (and run make in the top level directory so that  
this gets copied into the correct location for compilation), the  
compilation of r.viewshed gets a lot further, albeit with a lot of  

Basically the issue seems to be that the version of iostream that  
you have been working with is quite different from the version that  
r.terraflow uses. In particular, the licence statement is different  
(includes Duke University advertising clause) and there is a comment

 * PEARL upgrades: Rajiv Wickremesinghe 2004, 2005

I don't know what PEARL is, but other than that do you know (or can  
find out) are the updates by Rajiv Wickremesinghe significant to  
the functionality, and should they be included in GRASS to work  
with r.terraflow as well? I notice some comments around the code  
initialled RW which suggest there are a lot of little changes all  
over the place.

I guess what we need to find out is how important these are, and  
should they be merged into GRASS. Or, a simpler solution would be  
can you make r.viewshed work with the version of iostream in GRASS.  
The alternative is having separate versions of the iostream library  
for the two modules which is really ugly IMHO.

Good luck,


grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] Re: Line of Sight Update

2008-07-09 Thread Laura Toma

On Jul 9, 2008, at 12:40 PM, Paul Kelly wrote:

Regarding the output:   my suggestion was to output, for every  
cell that is
visible, its  height  (or slope) *above* the line of sight;  this  
will give
an indication of how visible the point is.  Similarly, for the  
cells that
are *not* visible,  you could compute their height (or slope)  
below the line
of sight.  High positive values will mean the point is very  
visible;  high

negative values will mean the point is very un-visible.

I don't quite understand what the line of sight is here. What I  
think of as the line of sight is a straight line from the observer  
to the visible cell, passing straight through both. Some kind of  
output relating to how visible the cell is definitely sounds like a  
very good idea though.

Sorry, I meant the height/slope  above or below  the horizon.   In  
other words,  at   a point p,  in addition to boolean visibility,  we  
can compute
the height difference between p and the lowest point at that location  
that would be visible by the observer.

-Laura ___
grass-dev mailing list