[gmx-users] gmx bar

2017-07-29 Thread Davide Bonanni
Hi gromacs users,

I'm using gmx bar to plot my free energy calculation results with the

gmx bar *xvg -o -oh -oi

I obtain the graphic bar.xvg where DG are reported on Y axis and the number
of lambda steps (0,1,2,3...) on the X.
I'd like to get a graphic where  the values of my lambdas (0.05, 0,10,
0,15,...,1) are reported on X axis instead.
Is it possible?

Best regards,

Davide Bonanni
Davide Bonanni, PhD student
Dept. Science and Drug Technology
University of Turin (UniTO) - Italy
Mobile +39 3409726272 <+39%20340%20972%206272>
Gromacs Users mailing list

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[gmx-users] Crash in minimization that involves dummy atoms

2017-07-13 Thread Davide Bonanni
Hi gromacs users,

I'm doing a relative free energy calculation of a ligand-protein complex.
I'm transforming a hydrogen atom into methyl. I have generated input
topology with FESetup. When I try to run minimization I get that error:

Energy minimization has stopped, but the forces have not converged to the
Requested precision Fmax It stopped because the algorithm tried to make a
new step whose size was too
Small, or there was no change in the energy since last step. Either way, we
Regard the minimization as converged to within the available machine
Precision, given your starting configuration and EM parameters.

Double precision normally gives you more accuracy, but this is often not
Needed for preparing to run molecular dynamics.
You may need to increase your constraint accuracy, or turn
Off constraints altogether (set constraints = none in mdp file)

Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 50 steps,
But did not reach the requested Fmax <100.
Potential Energy = 1.1698845e + 07
Maximum force = 7.4549694e + 05 is atom 5745
Norm of force = 3.5688174e + 03
As you can see the Potential Energy is too high and if a look at the system
I got is completely messed up. Exactly the same complex with the same
parameters but a different perturbation (H -> Cl) gave me no problems. So
the minimization crash should be related to the presence of dummy atoms.
I read some discussion about the same topic but I was not able to find a
solution. Everything looks good to me, I do not see anything wrong in the
file .gro or .top.

I have tried also to run the same minimization on T4 lysozyme tutorial
input (https://ccpforge.cse.rl.ac.uk/gf/project/ccpbiosim/wiki/?
pagename=T4+lysozyme), and when there are dummy atom involved I obtain the
same problem.
Probably I'm missing something in the .mdp or there is some error I can not

I tried to modify constraint but nothing changed.

Any kind of suggestion is really appreciated, thank you in advance.


Davide Bonanni

This is the first part of ligand's topology:
[ moleculetype ]

[ atoms ]
;   nr  type resno resnm atomcgnr  chargemass typeB
chargeB   massB
  1   c1   LIG   C1   10.667751 12.0100   c
 0.667700 12.0100
  2  cc   1   LIG   C2   2   -0.469349 12.0100  cc
-0.471400 12.0100
  3  ca   1   LIG   C3   30.034751 12.0100  ca
 0.039700 12.0100
  4  ca   1   LIG   C4   4   -0.083249 12.0100  ca
-0.032600 12.0100
  5   c1   LIG   C5   50.742351 12.0100   c
 0.742300 12.0100
  6  ca   1   LIG   C6   60.121651 12.0100  ca
 0.122600 12.0100
  7  ca   1   LIG   C7   70.029951 12.0100  ca
 0.029400 12.0100
  8  ca   1   LIG   C8   80.029951 12.0100  ca
 0.029400 12.0100
  9  ca   1   LIG   C9   90.134451 12.0100  ca
 0.134400 12.0100
 10  ca  1   LIG  C10  100.134451 12.0100  ca
 0.134400 12.0100
 11  cp  1   LIG  C11  11   -0.137949 12.0100  cp
-0.139000 12.0100
 12  cp  1   LIG  C12  12   -0.012949 12.0100  cp
-0.013000 12.0100
 13  ca  1   LIG  C13  13   -0.108449 12.0100  ca
-0.109000 12.0100
 14  ca  1   LIG  C14  14   -0.108449 12.0100  ca
-0.109000 12.0100
 15  ca  1   LIG  C15  15   -0.136949 12.0100  ca
-0.137000 12.0100
 16  ca  1   LIG  C16  16   -0.136949 12.0100  ca
-0.137000 12.0100
 17  ca  1   LIG  C17  17   -0.134949 12.0100  ca
-0.135000 12.0100
 18  ca  1   LIG  C18  18   -0.155949 12.0100  ca
-0.158000 12.0100
 19  ca  1   LIG  C19  19   -0.122949 12.0100  ca
-0.122000 12.0100
 20  ca  1   LIG  C20  20   -0.226949 12.0100  ca
-0.223000 12.0100
 21   f1   LIG  F21  21   -0.109349 19.   f
-0.109400 19.
 22   f1   LIG  F22  22   -0.130849 19.   f
-0.131400 19.
 23   f1   LIG  F23  23   -0.130849 19.   f
-0.131400 19.
 24   f1   LIG  F24  24   -0.109349 19.   f
-0.109400 19.
 25  nc  1   LIG  N25  25   -0.632449 14.0100  nc
-0.632500 14.0100
 26  na  1   LIG  N26  260.281751 14.0100  na
 0.281700 14.0100
 27   n   1   LIG  N27  27   -0.465049 14.0100   n
-0.464100 14.0100
 28   o   1   LIG  O28  28   -0.704049 16.   o
-0.705100 16.
 29   o   1   LIG  O29  29   -0.651049 16.   o
-0.652100 16.
 30  h4  1   LIG  H30  300.158051  1.0080  c3
-0.035800 12.0100
 31  ha  1   LIG  H31  310.141051  1.0080  ha
 0.141000  1

[gmx-users] Help on MD performance, GPU has less load than CPU.

2017-07-10 Thread Davide Bonanni

I am working on a node with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz, 16
physical core, 32 logical core and 1 GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti.
I am launching a series of 2 ns molecolar dynamics simulations of a system
of 6 atoms.
I tried diverse setting combination, but however i obtained the best
performance with the command:

"gmx mdrun  -deffnm md_LIG -cpt 1 -cpo restart1.cpt -pin on"

which use 32 OpenMP threads, 1 MPI thread, and the GPU.
At the end of the file.log of molecular dynamic production I obtain this

"NOTE: The GPU has >25% less load than the CPU. This imbalance causes
  performance loss."

I don't know how can improve the load on CPU more than this, or how I can
decrease the load on GPU. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance.


Davide Bonanni

Initial and final part of LOG file here:

Log file opened on Sun Jul  9 04:02:44 2017
Host: bigblue  pid: 16777  rank ID: 0  number of ranks:  1
   :-) GROMACS - gmx mdrun, VERSION 5.1.4 (-:

GROMACS:  gmx mdrun, VERSION 5.1.4
Executable:   /usr/bin/gmx
Data prefix:  /usr/local/gromacs
Command line:
  gmx mdrun -deffnm md_fluo_7 -cpt 1 -cpo restart1.cpt -pin on

GROMACS version:VERSION 5.1.4
Precision:  single
Memory model:   64 bit
MPI library:thread_mpi
OpenMP support: enabled (GMX_OPENMP_MAX_THREADS = 32)
GPU support:enabled
OpenCL support: disabled
invsqrt routine:gmx_software_invsqrt(x)
SIMD instructions:  AVX2_256
FFT library:fftw-3.3.4-sse2-avx
RDTSCP usage:   enabled
C++11 compilation:  disabled
TNG support:enabled
Tracing support:disabled
Built on:   Tue  8 Nov 12:26:14 CET 2016
Built by:   root@bigblue [CMAKE]
Build OS/arch:  Linux 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 x86_64
Build CPU vendor:   GenuineIntel
Build CPU brand:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz
Build CPU family:   6   Model: 63   Stepping: 2
Build CPU features: aes apic avx avx2 clfsh cmov cx8 cx16 f16c fma htt
lahf_lm mmx msr nonstop_tsc pcid pclmuldq pdcm pdpe1gb popcnt pse rdrnd
rdtscp sse2 sse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 ssse3 tdt x2apic
C compiler: /bin/cc GNU 4.8.5
C compiler flags:-march=core-avx2-Wextra
-Wno-sign-compare -Wpointer-arith -Wall -Wno-unused -Wunused-value
-Wunused-parameter  -O3 -DNDEBUG -funroll-all-loops -fexcess-precision=fast
C++ compiler:   /bin/c++ GNU 4.8.5
C++ compiler flags:  -march=core-avx2-Wextra
-Wpointer-arith -Wall -Wno-unused-function  -O3 -DNDEBUG -funroll-all-loops
-fexcess-precision=fast  -Wno-array-bounds
Boost version:  1.55.0 (internal)
CUDA compiler:  /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler
driver;Copyright (c) 2005-2016 NVIDIA Corporation;Built on
Sun_Sep__4_22:14:01_CDT_2016;Cuda compilation tools, release 8.0, V8.0.44
CUDA compiler flags:-gencode;arch=compute_20,code=sm_20;-gencode;arch=
CUDA driver:8.0
CUDA runtime:   8.0

Running on 1 node with total 16 cores, 32 logical cores, 1 compatible GPU
Hardware detected:
  CPU info:
Vendor: GenuineIntel
Brand:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz
Family:  6  model: 63  stepping:  2
CPU features: aes apic avx avx2 clfsh cmov cx8 cx16 f16c fma htt
lahf_lm mmx msr nonstop_tsc pcid pclmuldq pdcm pdpe1gb popcnt pse rdrnd
rdtscp sse2 sse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 ssse3 tdt x2apic
SIMD instructions most likely to fit this hardware: AVX2_256
SIMD instructions selected at GROMACS compile time: AVX2_256
  GPU info:
Number of GPUs detected: 1
#0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti, compute cap.: 5.2, ECC:  no, stat:

Changing nstlist from 20 to 40, rlist from 1.2 to 1.2

Input Parameters:
   integrator = sd
   tinit  = 0
   dt = 0.002
   nsteps = 100
   init-step  = 0
   simulation-part= 1
   comm-mode  = Linear
   nstcomm= 100
   bd-fric= 0
   ld-seed= 57540858
   emtol  = 10
   emstep = 0.01
   niter  = 20
   fcstep = 0
   nstcgsteep = 1000
   nbfgscorr  = 10

Re: [gmx-users] Fwd: Relative free energy perturbation

2017-07-06 Thread Davide Bonanni
I am apologize if I resend the same message but I forgot to change the

Dear Hannes,

Thank you very much for your reply, really appreciated.

> Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 12:09:45 +0100
> From: Hannes Loeffler 
> To: 
> Cc: gmx-us...@gromacs.org
> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Fwd: Relative free energy perturbation
> Message-ID: <20170626120945.75215...@stfc.ac.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 12:25:19 +0200
> Davide Bonanni  wrote:
> > 1) Can I perform the calculation in a single step with soft core
> > potential enabled? I mean, is it correct to transform directly the
> > hydrogen into a chlorine instead of using 2 topologys and 2
> > complexes, where in the first step I transform the hydrogen into
> > dummy atom, and in the second I transform the dummy atom into
> > chlorine.
> Technically speaking you can perfectly do that but in practice it can
> be much more efficient to directly and linearly transform one atom type
> into another (single topology approach).  There is no need for a
> softcore potential in this case.  Those would only be activated for
> atoms that either appear or disappear i.e. atoms with zero vdW
> parameters.  The input and topology files from FEsetup should be all
> you need.

Can I have problems if I keep active the softcore potential whether is not

> > 2) Referring to BevanLab Tutorial 6: Free Energy Calculation (
> > http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin/gm
> > x-tutorials/free_energy/index.html), I have to perform every step of
> > molecular dynamics at every Lambda value, is that right?
> Yes, you will need to do a simulation for every and each lambda step.
> > 3) I run a test minimization step (mdp file attached) of my complex
> > at the last "init-lambda-state", 15 in my case. Looking at the .trr
> > output file I can see that the bond between the carbon and the
> > hydrogen which should be trasformed is longer than a normal C-H bond,
> > but the atom is still recognized as hydrogen (picture
> > "http://tinypic.com/r/2wp11dh/9": purple -> init-lambda-state = 0 ;
> > blue -> init-lambda-state = 15). I was wondering if this is what I am
> > supposed to see, so if gromacs is considering the state B of my
> > system where I have chlorine bound to carbon instead hydrogen.
> What does "recognized as hydrogen" mean?  I suspect that what you are
> referring to is the output of some visualisation program because you
> instructed it to interpret that particular atom to be a hydrogen.
> What you need to expect to see is that a C-H bond is transformed into a
> C-Cl bond and accordingly the bond length increases.

Of course, It's like you said. I see the bond length increase as in the img
Thank you again.


Davide Bonanni
Gromacs Users mailing list

* Please search the archive at 
http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/GMX-Users_List before posting!

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mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Re: [gmx-users] gromacs.org_gmx-users Digest, Vol 158, Issue 165

2017-07-05 Thread Davide Bonanni
Dear Hannes,

Thank you very much for your reply, really appreciated.

> Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 12:09:45 +0100
> From: Hannes Loeffler 
> To: 
> Cc: gmx-us...@gromacs.org
> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Fwd: Relative free energy perturbation
> Message-ID: <20170626120945.75215...@stfc.ac.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 12:25:19 +0200
> Davide Bonanni  wrote:
> > 1) Can I perform the calculation in a single step with soft core
> > potential enabled? I mean, is it correct to transform directly the
> > hydrogen into a chlorine instead of using 2 topologys and 2
> > complexes, where in the first step I transform the hydrogen into
> > dummy atom, and in the second I transform the dummy atom into
> > chlorine.
> Technically speaking you can perfectly do that but in practice it can
> be much more efficient to directly and linearly transform one atom type
> into another (single topology approach).  There is no need for a
> softcore potential in this case.  Those would only be activated for
> atoms that either appear or disappear i.e. atoms with zero vdW
> parameters.  The input and topology files from FEsetup should be all
> you need.

Can I have problems if I keep active the softcore potential whether is not

> > 2) Referring to BevanLab Tutorial 6: Free Energy Calculation (
> > http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin/gm
> > x-tutorials/free_energy/index.html), I have to perform every step of
> > molecular dynamics at every Lambda value, is that right?
> Yes, you will need to do a simulation for every and each lambda step.
> > 3) I run a test minimization step (mdp file attached) of my complex
> > at the last "init-lambda-state", 15 in my case. Looking at the .trr
> > output file I can see that the bond between the carbon and the
> > hydrogen which should be trasformed is longer than a normal C-H bond,
> > but the atom is still recognized as hydrogen (picture
> > "http://tinypic.com/r/2wp11dh/9": purple -> init-lambda-state = 0 ;
> > blue -> init-lambda-state = 15). I was wondering if this is what I am
> > supposed to see, so if gromacs is considering the state B of my
> > system where I have chlorine bound to carbon instead hydrogen.
> What does "recognized as hydrogen" mean?  I suspect that what you are
> referring to is the output of some visualisation program because you
> instructed it to interpret that particular atom to be a hydrogen.
> What you need to expect to see is that a C-H bond is transformed into a
> C-Cl bond and accordingly the bond length increases.

Of course, It's like you said. I see the bond length to increase as in the
img "http://tinypic.com/r/2wp11dh/9";.
Thank you again.


Davide Bonanni
Gromacs Users mailing list

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[gmx-users] Fwd: Relative free energy perturbation

2017-06-26 Thread Davide Bonanni

I am trying to perform an alchemical free energy perturbation with gromacs,
since I am approaching this technique for the first time. So, it would be
so nice if you could help me to clarify some doubt.

I have built my system, which is composed of 1 protein, 2 cofactors, and 1
ligand that should changes from state A to B.
I used FESetup to make the topology for my ligand. The change I want to
apply to my molecule is just the transformation of a hydrogen into
chlorine, so I do not have dummy atoms involved. This is the only string
that changes from state A to B in my ligand topology:

; Nr type resnm atom cgnr   chargemass  typeB  chargeB   massB
   30 h4 1 LIG H30  30   0.158051 1.0080   cl -0.078297   35.4500

So, I have the complex.gro and complex.top, I made some minimization tests
and everything seems good. I have some doubts on the procedure I'm supposed
to follow to perform FEP calculation. Some questions:

1) Can I perform the calculation in a single step with soft core potential
enabled? I mean, is it correct to transform directly the hydrogen into a
chlorine instead of using 2 topologys and 2 complexes, where in the first
step I transform the hydrogen into dummy atom, and in the second I
transform the dummy atom into chlorine. Using soft core potential I can
perform any kind of transformation in single step, or are there some cases
where I need to use different procedures?

2) Referring to BevanLab Tutorial 6: Free Energy Calculation (
x-tutorials/free_energy/index.html), I have to perform every step of
molecular dynamics at every Lambda value, is that right?

3) I run a test minimization step (mdp file attached) of my complex at the
last "init-lambda-state", 15 in my case. Looking at the .trr output file I
can see that the bond between the carbon and the hydrogen which should be
trasformed is longer than a normal C-H bond, but the atom is still
recognized as hydrogen (picture "http://tinypic.com/r/2wp11dh/9": purple ->
init-lambda-state = 0 ; blue -> init-lambda-state = 15). I was wondering if
this is what I am supposed to see, so if gromacs is considering the state B
of my system where I have chlorine bound to carbon instead hydrogen.

I am apologize if my questions are technically incorrect. As I said it is
the first time I'm approaching to free energy perturbation and every kind
of help and suggestion is really appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,

Davide Bonanni

Davide Bonanni, PhD student
Dept. Science and Drug Technology
University of Turin (UniTO) - Italy
Mobile +39 3409726272 <+39%20340%20972%206272>
Gromacs Users mailing list

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