[ha-Safran]: Digitized 13th Century Mahzor Catalonia

2008-09-22 Thread elhanan
The National Library of Israel, David and Fela Shapell Family
Digitization Project, is pleased to announce that a digitized version
of the Library's manuscript "Catalonia Mahzor" is now available for
public access.

The "Catalona Mahzor" is a Mahzor for Rosh Ha-Shana and Yom Kippur
according to the Spanish Catalonian Rite. It is dated approximately

The text includes liturgical hymns by Spanish Jewish poets. Most of
the piyyutim conform to the rites of prayer that have been preserved
by Jewish communities which originated in the city of Barcelona or the
region of Catalonia.

The manuscript is ornamented with micrographic drawings and incipit

The manuscript is presented in the DjVu format which provides high
quality, magnifiable images compressed into relatively small files for
easy downloading. In order to view DjVu images it is necessary to
download and install (once) a special free viewer program.

The Mahzor Catalonia can be accessed at:

http://jnul.huji.ac.il/dl/mss/heb6527/index.html (Description in Hebrew)
http://jnul.huji.ac.il/dl/mss/heb6527/index_eng.html (Description in English)

ketivah va-hatimah tovah to all.


  Elhanan Adler
  Deputy Director for Information Technology
  National Library of Israel
  P.O.B. 39105, Jerusalem 91390, Israel
  Tel.: 972-2-6585005, FAX: 972-2-6511771, Home tel.: 972-2-6515977
  Mobile tel.: 972-54-6829657

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Gilad Shalit

2008-09-22 Thread info
Here are the words to the story, which have been posted on the 
website of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  Youtube also has 
a poignant video of children reading the book, which can be accessed 
by typing in his name in the Youtube search box or going to the June 
23, 2008 section of archived articles on the Librarians for Fairness website.

"When the Shark and the Fish First Met"

A small and gentle fish was swimming in the middle of a peaceful 
ocean.  All of a sudden, the fish saw a shark that wanted to devour him.
He then began to swim very quickly, but so did the shark.

Suddenly the fish stopped and called to the shark:
"Why do you want to devour me? We can play together!"

The shark thought and thought and said:
"Okay- fine: Let's play hide and seek."

The shark and fish played all day long, until the sun went down.
In the evening, the shark returned to his home.

His mother asked:
"How was your day, my dear shark?  How many animals did you devour today?"

The shark answered:  "Today I didn't devour any animals, but I played 
with an animal called FISH".

"That fish is an animal we eat.  Don't play with it!" said the shark's mother.

At the home of the fish, the same thing happened.  "How are you, 
little fish?  How was it today in the sea?" asked the fish's mother.

The fish answered: "Today I played with an animal called SHARK."

"That shark is the animal that devoured your father and your brother. 
Don't play with that animal," answered the mother.

The next day in the middle of the ocean, neither the shark nor the 
fish were there.

They didn't meet for many days, weeks and even months.

Then, one day they met.  Each one immediately ran back to his mother 
and once again they didn't meet for days, weeks and months.

After a whole year passed, the shark went out for a nice swim and so 
did the fish. For a third time, they met and then the shark said: 
"You are my enemy, but maybe we can make peace?"
The little fish said:  "Okay."

They played secretly for days, weeks and months, until one day the 
shark and fish went to the fish's mother and spoke together with her. 
Then they did the same thing with the shark's mother; and from that 
same day the sharks and the fish live in peace.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Band's Visit

2008-09-22 Thread Warshenbrot, Amalia
Below please find a reply from an Israeli librarian.

Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 10:27 PM
To: Warshenbrot, Amalia
Subject: Re: FW: [ha-Safran]: The Band's Visit

OK I got the message but I'm afraid I (vuzvuz that I am) I found the 
portrayal of the "periphery" very convincing. In fact the israelis 
were far more tolerant than they would have been in real life.
The story I felt was beautifully told, brave & funny.  ck

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[ha-Safran]: A message from the accreditation committee

2008-09-22 Thread Michal Davis
Getting your school or synangogue library accredited or keeping your 
accreditation current is one way to bring value to your library and 
show your administrators the high level of excellence you maintain 
within your collection.  The accreditation forms are on the AJL 
webpage.  Applications are due by January 31, 2008.  Applications can 
be sent to Michal Davis, AJL Accreditation Committee Chair, 12 
Woodbourne Road, Great Neck, NY 11023, or e-mailed 


Michal Davis and the Accreditation Committee

Please do not hesitate to e-mail me with any questions you may have 
regarding the accreditation process.

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran] School librarians: Looking for some good ideas

2008-09-22 Thread Levine
for Jewish Book Month for Grades K-8
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Hi! Jewish Book Month will be here before you know it, and I am 
looking for some new ideas on how to celebrate at our Day School in 
Grades K-8. Does anyone have any activities or bulletin boards that 
you could suggest that have worked for you at your school? Thanks for 
your help!


Janice R. Levine
Judaics Media Specialist
The Epstein School Media Center
335 Colewood Way
Atlanta, GA 30328

The Epstein School is a proud beneficiary of the Jewish Federation of 
Greater Atlanta.

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[ha-Safran]: Classroom maps of Israel

2008-09-22 Thread lahad5
Can anyone tell me where we can order large maps of Israel for our 
Hebrew teachers?

Many thanks -
Leah Moskovits, Librarian
Torah Academy of Bergen County
Teaneck, NJ

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[ha-Safran]: Berlin libraries research books stolen by Nazis

2008-09-22 Thread Bernstein, Steven (Library)
Interesting article from Der Welt…

  Steven Jay Bernstein
  Assistant Catalog Librarian
  Elihu Burritt Library
  Central Connecticut State University
  1615 Stanley Street
  New Britain, Connecticut 06050
PHONE: (860) 832-2079
  FAX: (860) 832-2053
  WEBSITE: http://www.ccsu.edu/library/bernstein

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[ha-Safran]: Our latest catalogue - 324/A

2008-09-22 Thread Robinson Books
TEL: 972-3-560-1626/5461
FAX: 972-3-566-0439


Robinson's catalogue number 324.A has just been published.

Shanah Tova !
Uri Richter
Robinson Books

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[ha-Safran]: Rosh Hashana Newsletter from Jerusalem Books

2008-09-22 Thread Jerusalem Books
Dear Friends,

Before I start, I just want to remind you that our recent catalog is 
available as a word document by email or as a hardcopy for those who 
prefer.  Please be in touch with Wendy.

I am pleased to announce that another, the third, volume of the 
Talmud Ha-Iggud has been published by the Society for the 
Interpretation of the Talmud.

This volume: Babylonian Talmud Eruvin tractate is on Eruvin chapter 
10, 'Ha-Motze Tefillin,' with the analysis and commentary by Aviad 
Stollman. In this volume over 40 'sugiyot,' issues are examined. The 
text is based on the Oxford Manuscript (366) and compared to seven 
other manuscripts. Some facsimiles of these texts are included as 
well as copious, serious footnotes and inclusion, discussion of 
tosefta, midrash and many centuries of rabbinic commentaries.

This is a very successful, important new series that employs the 
scholarly critical analysis and comparative approach that has been 
the hallmark of a major 20th century (CE) movement and school with 
scholars from Professors Saul Lieberman, David (Weiss) Halivny, 
Golinken, Wald and Shama Friedman, namely the Conservative / Masorti 
/ JTS and Schechter Institute worlds. I apologize in advance if I 
have inaccurately labeled or grouped any scholar or institution, but 
the incontrovertible fact is that the critical scientific approach to 
Jewish Studies and particularly the study of Talmud has been 
perfected, championed and disseminated by these scholars and institutions.

The work includes an English abstract of almost 30 pages and comes 
with our highest recommendation as an asset for any Jewish Studies 
library or scholar.
ISBN 978–965–7442–02–09.  Cat. #68491  $30.00

In a conscious effort to keep our newsletters short, I will report 
two items in almost telegraph fashion. First, there was a strike at 
our ports earlier this month. Ships were not unloaded and many turned 
away to other nearby ports when port employees defied a Labor Court 
order to return to work. Ultimately, the work slowdown was called off 
and we hope that this will have only limited effect on shipping times.

Second, I must mention that Merkaz Shazar published a two volume work 
on the Rambam by Aviezer Ravitzky. Isbn 978-965-227-245-4.  There 
could be so much to say, but, ('Res Ipsa Loquitor,'), the matter 
speaks for itself.
Cat. #68665 $64.50

For those who may have been away we are including our most recent 
newsletter which we posted in Aug. 2008. * please see that there was 
a typo when this originally went out – Sperber's "Life Cycle" is 
$65.00 (and not $162.50) . Our apologies to those who have seen this 
part before:

The Hecht Museum of the University of Haifa has published the Great 
Revolt in the Galilee.  A bilingual book (Ha-Mered Ha-Gadol Ba-Galil) 
by Ofra Guri-Rimon, editor and curator.  The book is 122 in Hebrew 
and 17 pages in English and has articles on the archaeology of 
Zipori, comparison between Judea and Galilee at the time of the 
revolt against the Romans, which took place between 66-70 CE, and 
scholarly analysis of/from Jesephus to Vespian.

This is a scholarly yet accessible and enlightening, softcover museum 
catalog that I highly recommend for libraries from research and 
reference and all levels of Jewish education.  Cat.no. 67179, $39.00

In Hebrew literature we must mention David Grossman's – "Isha Borahat 
me-Besorah" (his translation – Until the End of the Land).  It's had
7 printings since its appearance earlier this year.  Cat.no. 66910 $36.00

Sami Michael's new title - Ayida – will also likely be a modern 
Hebrew classic.  This title should not be confused with Verdi's 
opera.  Cat.no. 67437 $29.00

In English we have a number of good picks …

Daniel Sperber's Jewish Life Cycle - this new book from Bar Ilan is 
dual published with Oxford Univ. Press.  Although it is printed in 
Israel.  If you have not heard about this book yet, please google 
it.  The isbn is 978-965-226-334-6  Cat.no. 67970 Price - $65.00

Gedalyah Nigal, Emiritus Professor of Jewish Literature, Bar Ilan 
University, has had his monumental work, 'the Hassidic Tale,' 
published by the Littman Library, isbn 978-1-904113-07-2, Portland 
Oregon, 2008.

This is the translation of the work previously published in Hebrew, 
which was highly acclaimed. (Cat. #66968) The work would be 
worthwhile even if only for it's introduction which describes the 
development of Hassidic literature from storytelling, through, beyond 
and beside parables, from the 18th  until the early 20th 
Cent.  (CE).  The largest portion of the introduction includes a 
summary of significant Rabbinic texts which incorporate the many 
Hassidic tales.  This section charts from the 'Shivhei HaBesht,' 
through the many important titles, by many Hassidic Rabbis, published 
in Lemberg. The later portions list and summarize works of R' Simha 
Bunim Michelson, R' Israel Berger, Kleinman, Yudel Rosenberg, 
including works published in the early 20th Cent. (p

[ha-Safran]: Synagogue library assistance

2008-09-22 Thread Johanna Bromberg
Shalom, friends,
Recently, I was co-opted to re-vise/re-new/re-establish our synagogue
library. The first order of business has been to sort through and evaluate
all the boxes of donations which, like orphans, have been left in our
doorstep.  Now, we can actually see the shelves of books.

Previously, the library was organized by volunteers by the Wiene scheme
[roughly, I grant]. An Author card, a Title card, and a Book Card had been
typed for each item in the collection. We devised a Shabbat check out system
which did not require writing; and I'll be happy to share that with any
who'd like.

My choice of course, would be to automate the library, but I doubt that the
expense can be justified at this time. [I can dream.] My question now is :

   -  what software systems are available that would allow us to READ and
COPY records which would include Author, Title, and basic Subject Headings,
and PRODUCE CARDS and large print SPINE LABELS. I'm familiar with MARCIVE,
but that service is much too costly for this instance.

Thanks for any guidance you'll offer.

And may we each and all be blessed with a New Year of health and hope.

Johanna Bromberg

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Poster to commemorate the 70th anniversary of

2008-09-22 Thread JudyGreenB
Temple Emanu-El in Providence, RI, is sponsoring a major concert on 
the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht.  It will be held at the 
Veteran's Memorial Auditorium, 7 PM, Sunday, November 9th.  In 
conjunction with the concert, there is a magnificent poster, with art 
work representing the shattering of that occasion.  The poster also 
has concert information, and a picture of Leonard Nemoy, who will be 
the narrator.  A good view of the poster can be seen at 
Http://specialevent.homestead.com/event.html, or you can google 
Kristallnacht, Providence.

Judy Greenblatt

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[ha-Safran]: Selling unwanted books

2008-09-22 Thread Roberta Berman
There is a website called "Library Booksales" (librarybooksales.org) 
where libraries can list their unwanted books for sale.
Is anyone familiar with this site?  What was your experience?  Do you 
recommend it?

Roberta Berman
Astor Judaica Library
Lawrence Family JCC
La Jolla, CA

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[ha-Safran]: The Band

2008-09-22 Thread Jackie BenEfraim
My husband, a right wing Iraqi-Israeli, enjoyed the movie and was not 
insulted that the Israelis were depicted to be less "cultured" than 
the Arabs in the movie. He also understands Arabic and felt the 
beautiful language used by the band members shows that, despite their 
inability to get along with us, there are still things we can learn 
from our neighbors.

Shabat Shalom,

Jackie Ben-Efraim
Special Collections Librarian
Ostrow Library
American Jewish University
15600 Mulholland Drive
Bel Air, CA 90077
(310) 476-9777 ext. 238

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Winner DVD sale!

2008-09-22 Thread sal kluger, simcha sales
Hello friends ,forsale- Beaufort-2008 Academy Award Nominee for best 
foreign film; an intense Israeli war drama  $.27.00.

thx, sal

sal kluger
cell 908-461-3619
fax 732-566-6997
office 732-566-7538

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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

Re: [ha-Safran]: Banned books week

2008-09-22 Thread Barbara Leff
For Banned Books Week, also check the American Library Association's website:


The correct dates are September 27 to October 4, 2008.

Barbara Leff

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Yiddish lecture, Bronx, NY - 9/28/08

2008-09-22 Thread Amanda_Seigel
Dear Safranim,

I am forwarding the following Yiddish and English announcement on behalf of
Itzik Gottesman of the Sholem-Aleykhem Kultur-Tsenter, Bronx, NY:

Yiddish lecture, Bronx, NY - 9/28/08 - Professor Shikl Fishman on
Czernowitz Conference 2008

Subject: Prof. Fishman vegn Chernovitz in BX 9/28

fun Itzik Gottesman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Der "Sholem-Aleichem-Kultur-Tsenter" farbet aykh oyf der efenung fun undzer
kultur-sezon lekoved -
ZUNTIK DEM 28stn September 2008, 1:30 bay tog.

Eve Jochnowitz veg undz opgebn a grus funem hayntikn Chernovits.

In der muzikalisher program:
Gitl Schaechter-Vishwanath, bay der piano, Binyumen Schaechter.

Der adres funem Tsenter iz:  3301 Bainbridge Avenue, Bronx NY   10467, rog
208te gas, eyn gas funem Montefiorer shpitol
telefon: 917-930-0295 oder 718-881-6555

The Yiddish cultural season of the Sholem-Aleichem Cultural Center opens
with a special presentation by
Prof. Joshua Fishman on the "100 Year Celebration of the Historic
Chernovitz Yiddish Language Conference"

on Sunday, Sept. 28th, 2008, 1:30 PM

Eve Jochnowitz will bring us a special greeting from contemporary

In the musical program: Yiddish songs performed by
Gitl Schaechter-Vishwanath and pianist Binyumen Schaechter.

The address of the Sholem-Aleichem Cultural Center is 3301 Bainbridge
Avenue, Bronx NY 10467
corner 208th st.  One block from Montefiore Hospital.
information: call  917-930-0295 or 718-881-6555
admission: $3.50, members and students free.

Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel
Dorot Jewish Division, Room 111
The New York Public Library
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
New York, NY 10018

Phone: 212-930-0601
Fax: 212- 642-0141

Webpage: http://www.nypl.org/humanities/jewish

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