Re: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia on Race and Racism

2008-09-10 Thread tzolelet
I called Gale and confirmed that John H. Moore is indeed the Dr. John 
Hartwell Moore currently at the University of Florida.
Bingo.  Give that librarian a kewpie doll.

Anne Jaron
New York

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia on Race and Racism

2008-09-09 Thread Lee Jaffe
I'm back from my vacation and wanted to follow up on a couple of 
items I posed earlier.

I did a search for John Hartwell Moore in Academic Search Complete 
(EBSCO) (Moore, John H.) and Web of Science (ISI) (moore jh). It is 
difficult to distinguish one John H. Moore from another -- none of 
the articles I looked at are signed "Hartwell" -- so this report 
lacks the sort of authority I'd prefer.

The most prolific John H. Moore writing in a field I would think 
related to racism is a professor of anthropology at University of 
Florida who specializes in "kinship, demography, Marxism, N. Amer 
Indians." However, though he teaches a class on Race and Racism, his 
campus profile, his own Web page and his outdated vita do not mention 
editing a major, prize-winning encyclopedia, so he seems a at first 
glance to be a doubtful candidate.
If I'm wrong and this is our guy -- he's been writing overtly 
political pieces about "Race, Ethnicity and Biological Warfare" more 
recently for _Covert Action_ which is rife with anti-Israel screeds. 
So then again, maybe this IS our guy, and he just hasn't updated his 
vita yet. He does not appear to have written anything in scholarly 
journals (or any monographs, for that matter) about racism. Nor does 
he appear to have any publications in print later than 2003. If this 
is our guy, Gale was scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of 
academic credibility.

I have not identified another likely candidate by any variation on 
J.H. Moore, or any likely author Moore who has written on racism.

Following the same strategies and sources, it appears that Noel 
Ignatiev is an even bigger cipher. This is not to say that Ignatiev 
hasn't published some well regarded material at some point in his 
career but he seems to have gone horribly off track ten or more years 
ago. For instance, he authored a book, _How the Irish Became White_ 
(Routledge, 1996) and was featured in the PBS documentary "Africans 
in America" (1998) but disappears from the scholarly radar soon 
after. Ignatiev's subsequent work shows up in his own "journal", which has the slogan "treason to whiteness is 
loyalty to humanity." If you go to his site, you can look at a May 
2004 article entitled "Zionism, Antisemitism, and the People of 
Palestine," that closely mirrors the encyclopedia article.

If anyone find other material that either supports or refutes my 
findings, please share it with the list. This is the material we need 
to assemble if we are going to counter these outrageous publications. 
I've become convinced that there is little point playing the 
anti-Semitism card. Those who don't already care, aren't going to 
take up the cause. Far more effective, in my view, is a strategy 
demonstrating how low in the academic world you need to stoop or how 
far outside of good scholarly practice you have to stray in order to 
get this sort of work published. Let's let the publisher know that 
they've failed to meet basic scholarly criteria in putting this 
material in print. And we should begin to collect such documentation 
and make it available on the AJL site in order to have it available 
for anyone to view.

-- Lee Jaffe, UC Santa Cruz

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia on Race and Racism

2008-09-08 Thread Lee Jaffe
First, can I do a bit of bibliographic verification here?
I frequently see the publisher of this text given as Gale in the 
messages on this list.  However, when I
followed the link to Amazon, the publisher is given as 
Macmillan.  The Macmillan edition on Amazon
is three volumes and has a publication date of 2007 (ISBN 978-0028660202).
But searching Google by title I found the same item on Gale's site, 
but again with the Macmillan imprint
but with 2008 publication date.  I just want to make sure that we're 
talking about the same edition and
suggest that identify the publisher as Macmillan (or at least 
Gale/Macmillan)  to be consistent with the
information others will see.

Second, I've added my review of the Zionism article to the Amazon site.

Third, has anyone found anything about John Hartwell Moore, the 
editor?  I'm on vacation so I don't have access
to my academic sources, but he doesn't show up anywhere in Google 
except in connection with this edition.
The article's author, Noel Ignatiev, however, is a nut-job with a 
long history of beyond-marginal racial issues. He runs a Web site 
called with the theme that all racial identity is 
wrong.  He was fired,
according to Wikipedia, from a position as a tutor at Harvard for 
opposing the installation of kosher toasters
in a dining hall.  He has published academic works on the issue of 
race but it looks like it's been a while
and I don't see anything in the mainstream press on Israel or Zionism.
This seems to be an increasingly popular tactic on the anti-Israel 
front.  Find a genuine PhD with no credentials
or marginal credentials in any of the related areas to write a 
pseudo-academic article superficially about Zionism.
Since they don't know anything about Zionism, they skate over the 
facts, or make them up off the top of their
heads, whatever suits their larger theme.  Terms like "post-Zionism" 
meaning that the concept is obsolete are
showing up more and more.  The "racist" tag is an older and 
once-discredited ploy that's making a comeback
in a number of creative ways.
"Proving" that Zionism, the foundational ideology behind the creation 
of the modern State of Israel, is flawed is
part of a strategy to attack Israel.  (Similar to those who claim 
there was no Holocaust, or that it was exaggerated,
or was a ploy to bolster the Zionist movement, if you can undermine 
the founding drive to create a Jewish state,
that there was no legitimate motivation,  it's easier to criticize 
Israel.)   It is important to ignore qualified scholars
in the field because a hack will do the kind of half-assed hatchet 
job you need, overlooking the evidence that
might undermine his position and highlighting the most skewed and 
prejudicial evidence available.
We had a "conference" on post-Zionism at UCSC where the panel 
included a couple of reputable scholars, such
as Judith Butler, but was mainly filled out by C-list 
academics.  None of the panelists had any scholarly publications
on Zionism to their credit.  But all the panelists had taken active 
roles opposing Israel in their personal lives.  That's
what it takes to get on a dais or published in an encyclopedia these 
days, just a willingness to trash Israel without any
qualifications or attention to scholarly standards.  The convener was 
an anthropologist who does not teach, conduct
research or write on the topic, not a political scientist or 
historian or Middle East scholar, and she refused any
suggestions  for speakers qualified to speak on the 
topic.  Ironically, Butler choose to speak on Hannah Arendt as
an example of opposition to Israel, however admitting that she hadn't 
read the _Jewish Writings_ while the editor
of that edition sat in the audience.
I read an exchange between Norman Finkelstein and one of his 
reviewers.  The reviewer had trashed _Beyond
Chutzpah_ saying F. had failed to do scholarly research.  F. 
responded in the letters column that he'd combed
through thousands of documents as part of his research.  In the same 
issue, the reviewer responded to F. saying,
"Yes, but you brought forward only the evidence that supported your 
thesis and ignored the rest, and that's
not scholarship."
I spoke to  a local scholar -- a real, dyed-in-the-wool scholar -- 
about this situation, and he said the thought
American academia had come to model itself on the U.S. judicial 
system where opposing attorneys spend all
their efforts trying to suppress the evidence that would hurt their 
case.  Academics today seem to focus completely
on establishing their thesis by selectively choosing which evidence 
to include and ignoring the rest.  Had the
anthropologist who convened the UCSC "post-Zionism" event conducted 
her research with the same focus
on personal prejudice over scholarly integrity as she brought to 
assembling a panel of speakers, she could have
been accused of academic fraud.  There are some fields where 
"cherry-picking" evidence is not acceptable,
but I fear that the so

RE: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia on Race and Racism

2008-09-03 Thread Rayna Clark
Unfortunately, Gale and many of the main publishing houses,
are not favorable to the Jewish position in general. I always
look very carefully when thinking of purchasing a book, many times
finding questionable statements. Even in the back of a Gale Holocaust
book, they mentioned that if Israel would treat the Arabs better,
they would avoid another Holocaust.

Alas, between the Anti-Semitism and the fact that the Israeli PR is
terrible, we are not seen in a favorable light.


Rayna Clark
1619 S, Robertson Blvd.
Los Angeles,  CA  90035
tel (310) 203-0755

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