Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional programming for processing of largeraster images

2006-06-21 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Ralf,

Thursday, June 22, 2006, 12:02:43 AM, you wrote:

> limited to function types. Users of parser combinators heavily rely
> on this feature. Just try to define/use parsing combinators
> ins a strict language.

C++ Boost contains one parsing combinators library. part of it is, of
course, a lazy eveluation sub-library :)

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Bjorn Lisper
I wrote:
>Here is one way to do it. First, you have to interpret operations on
>matrices as being elementwise applied. E.g, (*) is interpreted as zipWith
>(zipWith (*)) rather than matrix multiply, and similar for (+) etc. You then
>obtain a lazy semantics for the operations, where the extent of the
>resulting matrix is the intersection of the extents of the argument
>matrices. Second, you lift constants into infinite matrices containing the
>constant, that is: fromInteger n = repeat (repeat n). Now your examples will
>work as intended.

Ah, should of course be fromInteger n = repeat (repeat (fromInteger n)).

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional progr., images, laziness and all the rest

2006-06-21 Thread Piotr Kalinowski

On 22/06/06, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1) Someone reading the code needs to do a lot of work to try to recover the
original equation

That's what comments are for, I suppose.

2) Wouldn't an imperative loop, using the original equation directly, have
made everything much simpler?
3) Therefore laziness has lead to obfuscated code.

In fact, according to your point 2, it is not the laziness that
brought us here, but being functional.

Just my 2 cents.

Piotr Kalinowski

Intelligence is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional progr., images, laziness and all the rest

2006-06-21 Thread Brian Hulley


you may transform a recurrential equation yielding Y out of X:
Y[n+1] = a*X[N+1] + b*Y[n]
usually (imperatively) implemented as a loop, into a stream
filtr a b x@(x0:xq) = y where
y  = (x0:yq)
yq = a*xq + b*y

Can you explain how this transformation was accomplished?
I don't see how
yq = a * xq + b * y
relates to
   Y[n+1] = a*X[n+1] + b*Y[n]  -- (assuming the X[N+1] was a typo)

since y is a longer list than yq but Y[n] is an earlier element than Y[n+1], 
so it seems that the function is multiplying b by a later factor than it 

1) Someone reading the code needs to do a lot of work to try to recover the 
original equation
2) Wouldn't an imperative loop, using the original equation directly, have 
made everything much simpler?

3) Therefore laziness has lead to obfuscated code.

with (*) and (+) conveniently overloaded (or replaced by specific
obvious ops).

In such a way you can program in 2 - 6 lines some quite exquisite
musical instruments (for example the Karplus-Strong "guitar", or a
flute), construct the reverberation filters, make ever-rising
Shepard/Risset paradoxical sounds, etc. etc. With laziness it is a
sheer pleasure and fun, without - a pain. If you wish, find my PADL talk 
on it...

In this context, I found Clean more helpful than Haskell, for ONE
reason. Clean has a primitive datatype: unboxed, spine-lazy but
head-strict lists. The co-recursion works, as the construction of the
tail is postponed, but there is no pollution of the space by thunks -
unevaluated list *elements*.
This I really do miss in Haskell... But perhaps I simply don't know
how to obtain a similar behaviour?

If you only needed the head-strict aspect, something like

data HSList a = Empty | Cons !a (HSList a)

(GHC also has unboxed types so perhaps something like data HSList = Empty | 
Cons Double# HSList but see the restrictions on their use at )

Regards, Brian.

Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Functional progr., images, laziness and all the rest

2006-06-21 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Usually once a year somebody starts a discussion on the merits of
functional/lazy paradigms, etc., in an applicative context, and it is
quite good. People compare Haskell and Ocaml, from time to time
somebody says that - apparently - Clean has better handling of strictness
issues [saying at the same time that he/she doesn't use Clean...], people
divide into different philosophical branches, some complain that it
would be nice to have strict Haskell, others say, that they don't care,
and what is important is the provable/enforced correctness, and laziness
is helpful. People say that the laziness permits to consider the
conditionals as functions, others ask what for, and the discussion is
usually quite interesting. 

And here apparently I am one of rare people  - I am not proud of it,
rather quite sad, who defends laziness as an *algorithmisation tool*,
which makes it easy and elegant to construct co-recursive codes. Circular
programs, run-away infinite streams, hidden backtracking etc. 

In the domain of images this can be helpful for making filters, especially
infinite-response, recursive filters. For two-dimensional data this might
be clumsy, but for 1D, for example for the sound generation/processing,
you may transform a recurrential equation yielding Y out of X:
Y[n+1] = a*X[N+1] + b*Y[n]
usually (imperatively) implemented as a loop, into a stream definition: 

filtr a b x@(x0:xq) = y where
y  = (x0:yq)
yq = a*xq + b*y 

with (*) and (+) conveniently overloaded (or replaced by specific
obvious ops). 

In such a way you can program in 2 - 6 lines some quite exquisite musical
instruments (for example the Karplus-Strong "guitar", or a flute), construct
the reverberation filters, make ever-rising Shepard/Risset paradoxical
sounds, etc. etc. With laziness it is a sheer pleasure and fun, without -
a pain. If you wish, find my PADL talk on it... 

In this context, I found Clean more helpful than Haskell, for ONE reason.
Clean has a primitive datatype: unboxed, spine-lazy but head-strict lists.
The co-recursion works, as the construction of the tail is postponed, but
there is no pollution of the space by thunks - unevaluated list *elements*. 

This I really do miss in Haskell... But perhaps I simply don't know how to
obtain a similar behaviour? 

For image processing (rather: constructing, but with incremental algorithms)
Clean usage of unique arrays was for me more natural than monadic stuff in
Haskell, but this is probably just a question of style. I agree that here
the laziness is secondary... 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional _meta_programming for processing of large raster images

2006-06-21 Thread oleg

I'm afraid the _meta_ programming aspect of the image processing
project may be overlooked. 

Joel Reymont wrote:
> I think the issue wasn't using functional programming for large image  
> processing, it was using Haskell. OCaml is notoriously fast and  
> strict. Haskell/GHC is... lazy.

Well, in the raster image processing project, a dialect of OCaml was
used to _generate_ code. If the author used offshoring (which I think
they did later), the generated code was in C. That C code can be used
stand-alone or be linked with some other C (Java, etc) code. Our FFT
paper did exactly that: our MetaOCaml program produced C code, which
we plugged as it was in the FFTW testing framework (written in pure C)
for benchmarking. By 'plugged' above I meant moving the C code file
from one directory to another. We used both GCC and Intel C compilers
for benchmarking.  Offshoring can also produce Fortran code. It's
quite feasible to generate Verilog so we can program an FPGA and get
image processing even faster.

The generator doesn't have to be a speed demon; it is not that
relevant if the generator is lazy or strict. What really matters if
the generator can be easily judged correct. It immensely matters that
the generated code has correctness properties; at least, it should be
well-formed and well-typed (and preferably, has some other properties,
like space bounds). It is disheartening to see errors when compiling
the generated code (as happens with some other generators), because it
is very difficult to trace these errors back to the generator.

Here's the reference to another, quite large and very real project

which generates the fastest ever FFT, DCT, etc. codes for variety of
architectures. The source language is a DSL for linear algebra. The
point is that highest-performance computing nowadays is all about code
generation/meta-programming. And in this area, functional programming
and Haskell have definite advantage.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Jared Updike

Instead of

   fromInteger x = map repeat (repeat (fromInteger x))

I meant

   fromInteger x = repeat (repeat (fromInteger x))

but it still doesn't work for multiplication.

reverse ")-:"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Bjorn Lisper
Here is one way to do it. First, you have to interpret operations on
matrices as being elementwise applied. E.g, (*) is interpreted as zipWith
(zipWith (*)) rather than matrix multiply, and similar for (+) etc. You then
obtain a lazy semantics for the operations, where the extent of the
resulting matrix is the intersection of the extents of the argument
matrices. Second, you lift constants into infinite matrices containing the
constant, that is: fromInteger n = repeat (repeat n). Now your examples will
work as intended.

Björn Lisper

Atila Romero:
>Good point.
>And there is another problem: one could expect
>10 * [[1,2],[3,4]] to be equal to [[10,20],[30,40]]
>and in this case 10 should be equal to [[10,0],[0,10]], instead of 
>[[10,10],[10,10]] or [[10]].
>I dont see how to fix this.
>Could be better to forget about fromInteger...
>Jared Updike wrote:
>>>   fromInteger x = [[fromInteger x]]
>> Wouldn't you want the expression
>> [[1,0],[0,2]] + 10
>> to yield
>> [[11,10],[10,12]]
>> instead of [[11]] ? I guess you would need some complicated machinery
>> so this is one thing you have to ignore to keep your otherwise nifty
>> instance nice and simple.
>>  Jared.
>Novidade no Yahoo! Mail: receba alertas de novas mensagens no seu celular. 
>Registre seu aparelho agora! 
>Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Jared Updike

I dont see how to fix this.

There was a thread about statically knowing lots about the shape of
matrices using the type system.

I believe they incorporated this (variable size identity matrix, for
example) in their approach. (They don't preserve your property of
being able to do things with simple list syntax, like [[1,2],[3,4]] *
[[5,6],[7,8]] , instead you have to use Template Haskell and some
small contructor functions)

Could be better to forget about fromInteger...

Except then you wouldn't have a full instance for Num. How about
constructing an infite list of infinite lists of that number:

  fromInteger x = map repeat (repeat (fromInteger x))

when it gets zipped with smaller matrices, will it terminate?

It works with addition but multiplying caused problems:

 [[1,2],[3,4]] + 10 = [[11,12],[13,14]]

 [[1,2],[3,4]] * 10 = [[40,60],[40,60],[40,60],[40,60],[40,60], .



Jared Updike wrote:
>>   fromInteger x = [[fromInteger x]]
> Wouldn't you want the expression
> [[1,0],[0,2]] + 10
> to yield
> [[11,10],[10,12]]
> instead of [[11]] ? I guess you would need some complicated machinery
> so this is one thing you have to ignore to keep your otherwise nifty
> instance nice and simple.
>  Jared.

reverse ")-:"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Jared Updike wrote:

> Wouldn't you want the expression
> [[1,0],[0,2]] + 10
> to yield
> [[11,10],[10,12]]

You could handle this as a special case in (+) and (*), but this is kind 
of a hack. Something like:

> (+) [[x]]  y   = map (map (x+)) y
> (+)   x  [[y]] = map (map (+y)) x
> (+)   xy   = zipWith (zipWith (+)) x y

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Template haskell and scoping

2006-06-21 Thread C Rodrigues
The (.&.) in the splice is out of scope according to GHC.  If I use [||] 
then it works, but for my purposes it's easier to use the constructors.  How 
should I refer to that variable?

import Data.Bits
import Language.Haskell.TH

main = print $ $(return $ VarE $ mkName ".&.") 7 (14 :: Int)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional programming for processing of largeraster images

2006-06-21 Thread Robert Dockins

On Jun 21, 2006, at 3:30 PM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Joel Reymont wrote:

I think the issue wasn't using functional programming for large image
processing, it was using Haskell. OCaml is notoriously fast and
strict. Haskell/GHC is... lazy.

Everyone knows that laziness is supposed to be a virtue. In practice,
though, I'm one of the people who either can't wrap their heads
around it or just find themselves having to fight it from the start.

Perhaps laziness is more "foundational", in that you can write

 if2 c x y = if c then x else y

[snip some conversation...]

For those who haven't seen this already, here is a presentation by  
Simon PJ in which he discusses his views on laziness (among other  

Takeaway point about laziness: "Laziness keeps you honest" by not  
allowing you to slip in side effects.

Bonus takeaway: read Wadler's papers :-)

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional programming for processing of largeraster images

2006-06-21 Thread Neil Mitchell


I happen to like laziness, because it means that when I'm not thinking
about performance, I don't have to think about evaluation order _at
all_. And since my computer is a 750Mhz Athlon with Hugs, I never find
any need to worry about performance :) If it ever becomes an issue I
can move to GHC or buy a faster computer without too much hassle.

1) What's the advantage of being able to define if2?

What about &&, || ? Should they be "built in"? What about and, which
is just && a lot of times, should that be lazy? At what point do you
say no? Should I be able to define implies correctly?

3) "Lazy lists as glue" can easily be replaced by force/delay lists + an
extension to pattern matching where pattern matching against [a] forces the
argument and the syntax [h|t] is used as in Prolog, instead of h:t (This
would also free : to be used for "with type" or "with partial type" instead
of ::)

That seems like more "thought" when writing the program, maybe its
worth it, maybe its not, but it doesn't seem as "neat" as what we
already have.

4) Other examples of the utility of laziness can turn out to be impractical
chimera. For example, the famous repmin replaces the traversal of a tree
twice with the dubious "advantage" of traversing it "only once" and the
building up of a cluster of expensive thunks instead, and since the thunks
effectively encode the structure of the tree, evaluation of them effectively
constitutes the second traversal. So nothing's gained except difficulty of
understanding the all-too-clever code (very bad software engineering
practice imho), more heap consumption, and more time consumption.

Laziness doesn't have to be exploited in complex ways - minimum = head
. sort is a nice example. isSubstr x y = any (isPrefix x) (inits y) is
another one. Often by just stating a definition, laziness gives you
the performance for free. Of course, if you wanted to think harder
(and I never do), you can write better performing and strict-safe
versions of these, but again its more effort.

The other thing you loose when moving to strictness is the ability to
inline functions arbitrarily - consider:

if2 c t f = if x then t else f

Consider the expression:
if2 True 1 undefined

Now lets inline it and expand it, and in Haskell we get 1, which
matches the evaluation. In strict Haskell the inlining is now invalid,
and thats quite a useful optimisation to make. While it seems that
compilers can get round this, my concern is for the poor programmer -
this nice property of viewing functions as just "replace this with
that" has disappeared.

I suspect that in years to come, lazy languages will also have the
upper hand when it comes to theorem proving and formal reasoning, but
I guess thats a matter for future consideration.

While laziness may not be all good, its certainly not all bad :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional programming for processing of largeraster images

2006-06-21 Thread Ralf Hinze
Am Mittwoch 21 Juni 2006 21:30 schrieb Brian Hulley:
> Perhaps laziness is more "foundational", in that you can write
>       if2 c x y = if c then x else y
> However:
> 1) What's the advantage of being able to define if2?

Well, you can easily define you own control structures (when,
unless etc). This feature is wildly used in combinator libraries.
Also, in a non-strict language recursive definitions are not
limited to function types. Users of parser combinators heavily rely
on this feature. Just try to define/use parsing combinators
ins a strict language. The problem with eager evaluation is
that it is too eager (expressions are sometimes evaluated too
early) just as the problem with lazy evaluation is that it
is too lazy (evaluations sometimes happen too late).

Cheers, Ralf
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional programming for processing of largeraster images

2006-06-21 Thread Brian Hulley

Joel Reymont wrote:

I think the issue wasn't using functional programming for large image
processing, it was using Haskell. OCaml is notoriously fast and
strict. Haskell/GHC is... lazy.

Everyone knows that laziness is supposed to be a virtue. In practice,
though, I'm one of the people who either can't wrap their heads
around it or just find themselves having to fight it from the start.

Perhaps laziness is more "foundational", in that you can write

 if2 c x y = if c then x else y


1) What's the advantage of being able to define if2?

2) Many control constructs, like >>=, foldl', map etc don't require laziness 
because they already take a function as argument rather than a plain 
expression. In fact, I can't think of any useful user defined control 
constructs that actually use laziness in the same way as if2, and the 
presence of laziness in foldr, foldl etc just seems to be a real pain 
leading to excessive heap consumption. (Counterexample? )

3) "Lazy lists as glue" can easily be replaced by force/delay lists + an 
extension to pattern matching where pattern matching against [a] forces the 
argument and the syntax [h|t] is used as in Prolog, instead of h:t (This 
would also free : to be used for "with type" or "with partial type" instead 
of ::)

4) Other examples of the utility of laziness can turn out to be impractical 
chimera. For example, the famous repmin replaces the traversal of a tree 
twice with the dubious "advantage" of traversing it "only once" and the 
building up of a cluster of expensive thunks instead, and since the thunks 
effectively encode the structure of the tree, evaluation of them effectively 
constitutes the second traversal. So nothing's gained except difficulty of 
understanding the all-too-clever code (very bad software engineering 
practice imho), more heap consumption, and more time consumption.

Should we all switch to OCaml? I wish I had a criteria to determine
when to use Haskell and when to use OCaml.

Everything else about Haskell is so great and well thought out (eg type 
classes, no side effects, higher rank polymorphism, existentials) it seems a 
pity to throw all this away just because of one unfortunate feature. An 
alternative would be to write a converter that reads a file of Haskell 
source which is to be interpreted strictly and outputs a file of lazy 
Haskell source with stictness annotations everywhere, with desugaring of [a] 
into force/delay representation (*). (Also in general, !x could mean "force 
x" ie x(), and ~x could mean \()->x (in value syntax) or ()->x (in type 
syntax), and !x could be allowed in patterns also (when the type at that 
position is ~x))

   foo : ~Int -> Int  -- also taking the opportunity to replace :: by :
   foo !x = x

desugared to

   foo :: (() -> Int) -> Int
   foo cx = case cx () of
 x -> x

The main challenge I think would be in converting bindings in let and where 
to appropriate case bindings to ensure that as far as possible, redundant 
bindings for a given path of control flow are not made, and analysis of 
mutually recursive bindings to ensure that everything is bound before being 

Some issues would need to be resolved about what the user can expect. For 
example whole program optimization could allow some expressions to be 
optimized out (eg by splitting a function returning a pair into two 
functions, one for each element) that would otherwise be non-terminating, 
whereas with lazy Haskell, there is an easy rule that (effectively) 
expressions are only evaluated when needed, regardless of optimization.

Then an interesting investigation would be to see how easy it is to port 
lazy Haskell to the new, totally strict, language, and if there are any 
situations where existing code has used laziness (for algorithmic reasons or 
just for efficiency) without being aware of it.

(*) So that eventually a new compiler could be written to take full 
advantage of the side-effect-free nature of the language + the strictness 
which means that values can be accessed without having to go through the "if 
unevaluated then evaluate, store, and return else return" for each 
unoptimized access. Because OCaml and SML have side effects, which limit 
optimizations due to possible aliasing etc, it might be possible to compile 
such a language to code which is certainly no slower, and possibly *even 
faster* than OCaml!!! :-)

Regards, Brian.

Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Atila Romero

Good point.

And there is another problem: one could expect
10 * [[1,2],[3,4]] to be equal to [[10,20],[30,40]]
and in this case 10 should be equal to [[10,0],[0,10]], instead of 
[[10,10],[10,10]] or [[10]].

I dont see how to fix this.
Could be better to forget about fromInteger...


Jared Updike wrote:

  fromInteger x = [[fromInteger x]]

Wouldn't you want the expression

[[1,0],[0,2]] + 10

to yield


instead of [[11]] ? I guess you would need some complicated machinery
so this is one thing you have to ignore to keep your otherwise nifty
instance nice and simple.


Novidade no Yahoo! Mail: receba alertas de novas mensagens no seu celular. Registre seu aparelho agora! 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Atila Romero

Well, I was forcing A+[[]] to be A instead of [[]].
But who would do that kind of thing anyway?
So I agree with you, those 2 (+) lines are useless.


David House wrote:

Sorry, a few corrections to my above points:

On 21/06/06, David House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Zipping the empty list with anything produces the empty list, so
your two equations for (*) involving the empty list are redundant.

I meant (+).

* You define vectorsum, but don't seem to use it anywhere.

Disregard this.

Yahoo! doce lar. Faça do Yahoo! sua homepage. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghc-pkg on Windows XP

2006-06-21 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Jeff,

Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 6:21:51 PM, you wrote:

>   I have installed ghc-6.4.2 on a windows XP machine. However, the
> machine refuses to execute ghc-pkg (thus preventing me from using
> Cabal) and complains that "C:\ghc\ghc-6.4.2\bin\ghc-pkg.exe is not a
> valid Win32 application."  Is there something obvious I might have overlooked 
> while installing?

may be problems with memory, or broken download?

i use cabal and ghc-pkg everyday, on the same platform (win xp and ghc
6.4.2). try to redownload/reinstall ghc.

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell companies

2006-06-21 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Yes, we do.  The current work is improving HAppS for a social 
networking app we are developing.  If you or anyone else is 
interested, please send me your resume.


On Wed, 21 Jun 2006, Andreas K??gi wrote:

i wonder if there are companies that use haskell in practice.
i'm a computer science student from switzerland (europe) and need to do an
internship. since i find haskell very interesting i thought these two things
could maybe be combined.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread David House

Sorry, a few corrections to my above points:

On 21/06/06, David House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Zipping the empty list with anything produces the empty list, so
your two equations for (*) involving the empty list are redundant.

I meant (+).

* You define vectorsum, but don't seem to use it anywhere.

Disregard this.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread David House

Sorry, this was originally only sent to Atila, due to me pressing the
wrong button.

On 21/06/06, Atila Romero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

instance Num a => Num [[a]] where
  fromInteger x = [[fromInteger x]]
  abs x = map (map abs) x
  (+) [ ]  y  = y
  (+)  x  [ ] = x
  (+)  x   y  = zipWith (zipWith (+)) x y
  (*)  x   y  = map (matrixXvector x) y
--matrixXvector :: Num a => [[a]] -> [a] -> [[a]]
  matrixXvector m v = foldl vectorsum [] $ zipWith vectorXnumber m v
--vectorXnumber :: Num a => [a] -> a -> [a]
  vectorXnumber v n = map (n*) v
--vectorsum :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
  vectorsum [] y = y
  vectorsum x [] = x
  vectorsum x  y = zipWith (+) x y

Just a couple of comments:

* You don't have to comment out the type signitures, they're perfectly
valid in let and where clauses.
* Infix functions, as well as being used infix, can be defined infix
too. I.e., you could have written x * y = map (matrixXvector x) y.
* Zipping the empty list with anything produces the empty list, so
your two equations for (*) involving the empty list are redundant.
* You define vectorsum, but don't seem to use it anywhere.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Jared Updike

  fromInteger x = [[fromInteger x]]

Wouldn't you want the expression

[[1,0],[0,2]] + 10

to yield


instead of [[11]] ? I guess you would need some complicated machinery
so this is one thing you have to ignore to keep your otherwise nifty
instance nice and simple.

reverse ")-:"

  abs x = map (map abs) x
  (+) [ ]  y  = y
  (+)  x  [ ] = x
  (+)  x   y  = zipWith (zipWith (+)) x y
  (*)  x   y  = map (matrixXvector x) y
--matrixXvector :: Num a => [[a]] -> [a] -> [[a]]
  matrixXvector m v = foldl vectorsum [] $ zipWith vectorXnumber m v
--vectorXnumber :: Num a => [a] -> a -> [a]
  vectorXnumber v n = map (n*) v
--vectorsum :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
  vectorsum [] y = y
  vectorsum x [] = x
  vectorsum x  y = zipWith (+) x y

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ... processing of large raster images : CLEAN

2006-06-21 Thread minh thu

hi Bulat,

shortly :
with GPL you have to make your code GPL if it uses GPLed code.
with LGPL you dont have to make your code LGPL/GPL if it only links
against LGPLed library.


2006/6/21, Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello Jerzy,

Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 4:32:40 PM, you wrote:
>>  one possibly
>> interesting variant of these "strict Haskell" can be Clean language -
>> it's also lazy by default, afaik, but contains better features to
>> specify strictness, compiler that generates fast code (at the level of
>> OCaml/jhc), plus IDE with GUI libs. comparing to Haskell, it seems
>> somewhat like "Visual Basic" comparing to plain Basic. again, i don't
>> tried it (and it's not free, afair), so look yourself.

> ... You will find that Clean IS FREE under LGPL, although commercial
> versions exist as well.

can you write more about Clean, about experience with it? i don't know
exact LGPL rules - can it be used to develop commercial software and
which parts (if any) is omitted in LGPL version?

it will be very interesting to hear about Clean programming
environment comparing with well-known RADs - .NET, Eclipse, Delphi?
can you enlighten me?

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Simple matrix

2006-06-21 Thread Atila Romero
I made a very simple matrix module that implements matrix sum and 

It does not require any especific type since it uses Num [[a]]. So 
instead of typing something like

Matrix [[1,0],[0,2]] * Matrix [[1,2],[3,4]]
you can just type

It needs -fglasgow-exts


module SimpleMatrix where

instance Num a => Num [[a]] where
 fromInteger x = [[fromInteger x]]
 abs x = map (map abs) x
 (+) [ ]  y  = y
 (+)  x  [ ] = x
 (+)  x   y  = zipWith (zipWith (+)) x y
 (*)  x   y  = map (matrixXvector x) y
--matrixXvector :: Num a => [[a]] -> [a] -> [[a]]
 matrixXvector m v = foldl vectorsum [] $ zipWith vectorXnumber m v
--vectorXnumber :: Num a => [a] -> a -> [a]
 vectorXnumber v n = map (n*) v
--vectorsum :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
 vectorsum [] y = y
 vectorsum x [] = x
 vectorsum x  y = zipWith (+) x y

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ghc-pkg on Windows XP

2006-06-21 Thread Jeff Polakow


  I have installed ghc-6.4.2 on
a windows XP machine. However, the machine refuses to execute ghc-pkg (thus
preventing me from using Cabal) and complains that "C:\ghc\ghc-6.4.2\bin\ghc-pkg.exe
is not a valid Win32 application."  Is there something obvious
I might have overlooked while installing? 

Also, I am new to using ghc on windows
and was wondering what are the trade-offs of using cygwin or minsys versus
just living in a emacs shell?


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ... processing of large raster images : CLEAN

2006-06-21 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Jerzy,

Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 4:32:40 PM, you wrote:
>>  one possibly
>> interesting variant of these "strict Haskell" can be Clean language -
>> it's also lazy by default, afaik, but contains better features to
>> specify strictness, compiler that generates fast code (at the level of
>> OCaml/jhc), plus IDE with GUI libs. comparing to Haskell, it seems
>> somewhat like "Visual Basic" comparing to plain Basic. again, i don't
>> tried it (and it's not free, afair), so look yourself.

> ... You will find that Clean IS FREE under LGPL, although commercial
> versions exist as well.

can you write more about Clean, about experience with it? i don't know
exact LGPL rules - can it be used to develop commercial software and
which parts (if any) is omitted in LGPL version?

it will be very interesting to hear about Clean programming
environment comparing with well-known RADs - .NET, Eclipse, Delphi?
can you enlighten me?

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ... processing of large raster images : CLEAN

2006-06-21 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

 one possibly
interesting variant of these "strict Haskell" can be Clean language -
it's also lazy by default, afaik, but contains better features to
specify strictness, compiler that generates fast code (at the level of
OCaml/jhc), plus IDE with GUI libs. comparing to Haskell, it seems
somewhat like "Visual Basic" comparing to plain Basic. again, i don't
tried it (and it's not free, afair), so look himself.


... You will find that Clean IS FREE under LGPL, although commercial
versions exist as well.

Don't spread dubious "truths".

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional programming for processing of large raster images

2006-06-21 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Joel,

Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 1:24:05 PM, you wrote:

> I think the issue wasn't using functional programming for large image
> processing, it was using Haskell. OCaml is notoriously fast and  
> strict. Haskell/GHC is... lazy.

+1 :)

> Everyone knows that laziness is supposed to be a virtue. In practice,
> though, I'm one of the people who either can't wrap their heads  
> around it or just find themselves having to fight it from the start.

i think that i just don't notice cases where i use lazy evaluation in
Haskell, it just silently works. just for example - i have in my
program filelist which can contain, say, 100.000 files. it is splitted
to sublists by file extension and each sublist is splitted again to
100 items chunks. the each sub-sub-list is processed in inner cycle.
that is done via lazy list evaluation and i even don't think how this
actually works - for me it' just split+mapM_ combination

> Should we all switch to OCaml? I wish I had a criteria to determine
> when to use Haskell and when to use OCaml.

i never tried to work in it but i've read books. for me it's just too
irregular, uncomfortable language. from the theoretic point of
view, Haskell has some stronger facilities (because it was created
much later), such as polymorphic recursion and type classes. although
OCaml is much later than original ML and contains numerous extensions,
they are more pragmatic and not really integrated into the language (imho).
Haskell, on the other side, grows with new high-level concepts that
are moved from the academician fields right to the real work (say, STM
and GADT)

language-of-my-dream is strict Haskell with ability to explicitly
specify lazy evaluation on need. it was discussed on this list
several months ago (search for "strict Haskell"). one possibly
interesting variant of these "strict Haskell" can be Clean language -
it's also lazy by default, afaik, but contains better features to
specify strictness, compiler that generates fast code (at the level of
OCaml/jhc), plus IDE with GUI libs. comparing to Haskell, it seems
somewhat like "Visual Basic" comparing to plain Basic. again, i don't
tried it (and it's not free, afair), so look himself. it's a list of
files i downloaded from site but not yet tried. first is compiler,
other - docs (and it's a HUGE docs): 
CleanBookI.pdf 1-up 
CleanBookI2up.pdf 2-up 
III.1.ProgramDevelopment.pdf pdf 
III.2.ProgStylesParadigms.pdf pdf 
III.3.Efficiency.pdf pdf 

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional programming for processing of large raster images

2006-06-21 Thread Joel Reymont
I think the issue wasn't using functional programming for large image  
processing, it was using Haskell. OCaml is notoriously fast and  
strict. Haskell/GHC is... lazy.

Everyone knows that laziness is supposed to be a virtue. In practice,  
though, I'm one of the people who either can't wrap their heads  
around it or just find themselves having to fight it from the start.

Should we all switch to OCaml? I wish I had a criteria to determine  
when to use Haskell and when to use OCaml.

On Jun 21, 2006, at 8:15 AM, minh thu wrote:

Thanks for pointing this out, although I knew that kind of answer via
papers about Pan.
It means I'll have to improve my compiler writing knowlegde :)


Recently Vo Minh Thu wondered if Haskell (or, I generalize,  

programming) can be of much use for computer graphics programming.

I'd like to point out a project that experimentally shown that
functional programming is of great help for processing of large  

images (24-bit PPM files). The paper describing the system has been
accepted for `Science of Computer Programming' and is in press:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell companies

2006-06-21 Thread Neil Mitchell


See section 7.1 in the latest HCAR at



On 6/21/06, Andreas Kägi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i wonder if there are companies that use haskell in practice.
i'm a computer science student from switzerland (europe) and need to do an
internship. since i find haskell very interesting i thought these two things
could maybe be combined.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell companies

2006-06-21 Thread Sebastian Sylvan

On 6/21/06, Andreas Kägi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i wonder if there are companies that use haskell in practice.
i'm a computer science student from switzerland (europe) and need to do an
internship. since i find haskell very interesting i thought these two things
could maybe be combined.

I'd recommend trying to find a company that seems open to trying new
ideas, and then use Haskell for whatever project you decide to do, if

So don't look specifically for a "Haskell company" look for any old
project that suits your tastes and is with a company that won't demand
that you use a particular language, and use Haskell for that.

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haskell companies

2006-06-21 Thread Andreas Kägi
i wonder if there are companies that use haskell in practice.
i'm a computer science student from switzerland (europe) and need to do an
internship. since i find haskell very interesting i thought these two things
could maybe be combined.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional programming for processing of large raster images

2006-06-21 Thread minh thu

Thanks for pointing this out, although I knew that kind of answer via
papers about Pan.
It means I'll have to improve my compiler writing knowlegde :)


Recently Vo Minh Thu wondered if Haskell (or, I generalize, functional
programming) can be of much use for computer graphics programming.

I'd like to point out a project that experimentally shown that
functional programming is of great help for processing of large raster
images (24-bit PPM files). The paper describing the system has been
accepted for `Science of Computer Programming' and is in press:

 Combining Partial Evaluation and Staged Interpretation in the
 Implementation of Domain-Specific Languages
 Christoph A. Herrmann, Tobias Langhammer

The code for the system is available online

The previous [slightly obsolete] version of the paper,
presented at the MetaOCaml'04 workshop, is available online

The paper includes a few pictures and the table with benchmark, so we
can observe the benefits. Now, with offshoring and native MetaOCaml
fully implemented, we can gain bigger benefits.

In this project, functional programming does what it is probably best
suited: to develop a `compiler' -- a compiler from a filter
specification to quite efficient code. The code is specialized to all
available static information. To be precise, the authors implement an
interpreter -- which is then specialized to the source program and so
interpretative overhead is removed and the code is optimized. Staging
an interpreter automatically gives a compiler. Futamura projections
are not only the fascinating, but useful, too.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list