Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: mathlink-

2009-05-17 Thread Eugene Kirpichov

I'm a Haskeller that uses Mathematica on a regular basis; it's one of
my favourite tools.
So - thanks for your work, I'll use it whenever applicable.

However, during compilation I get an error that ml.h is not found,
even after I added Mathematica's include dirs to Include-Dirs.
Since that seems to be not a Mathematica's file (it doesn't exist in
my Mathematica directories), I conclude that it might be a file that
is missing from the package. Is that actually so?

2009/5/18 Tracy Wadleigh :
> Already posted to the Haskell list but dons suggested I post to the cafe, as
> well...
> All:
> mathlink is a library for writing Mathematica packages in Haskell.
> One simply writes some functions of type:
> (MLGet a, MLPut b) => a -> IO b
> and provides a package specification in a simple DSL that mimics that of
> Mathematica's mprep utility. The result is a program that exposes functions
> that can be called from Mathematica.
> This is a complete rewrite of my original implementation and more closely
> captures the functionality I originally intended.
> I've only tested it on my own platform (64-bit Linux), but I've taken pains
> to make sure the code should run on any platform. (The only real issue in
> the code is picking the right functions to call when marshaling Ints.)
> Please report any tweaks required to get it to work on your platform. (That
> is, of course, only if, in fact, there are any other users out there. Right
> now, as far as I know, I'm it.)
> I'd also just like to hear from any Haskellers out there that also use
> Mathematica on a regular basis. Ping me if you're one.
> --Tracy
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Eugene Kirpichov
Web IR developer,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] tips on using monads

2009-05-17 Thread Michael P Mossey
I've got one of those algorithms which "threatens to march off the right edge" 
(in the words of Goerzen et al). I need something like a State or Maybe monad, 
but this is inside the IO monad. So I presume I need StateT or MaybeT. However, 
I'm still (slowly) learning about monads from first principles. I thought I 
might present my code and get some pointers... maybe someone could actually show 
me how to rewrite it, which would be a neat way to see MaybeT and StateT in 
action. I'm hoping to get anything from a one-line response to a rewrite of my 
code. Anything will help.

Here's the program:


 This is a program which starts with a document containing "notes"
 about software requirements (in a particular format) and puts them
 into a database. Notes include details such as the "source" of the
 requirement (who gave it), the topic(s) to which it pertains, the
 date, etc.

 I have written a parser to take a text document typed up by me during a
 meeting and parse it into a NoteRecord structure. Here is the


data NoteRecord = NoteRecord {
  recordSource :: String,   -- Name of person who gave req.
  recordDate :: [Int],  -- Date in [,,]
  recordSourceType :: String,   -- "meeting", "phone", "email", etc.
  recordBugNum :: Maybe Int,-- Bugzilla # (if relevant)
  recordTopics :: [String], -- list of official topics pertaining
  recordText :: String }-- the text of the note itself
deriving (Show)


 One other wrinkle. The source (person name) and topic must be one
 of a set of pre-determined strings. A person has an official full name
 which is stored in the database. Topics also have official descriptive
 strings. If I wasn't clever, then the note, as I type it up,
 must have the exact name and topic. But I hate trying to remember things
 like that. So I have implemented a "fuzzy string match" system so
 that I can type part of someone's name (or even misspell it) or part of
 a topic string, and the system will find the best match to an official

 In pseudocode, the function to insert a note in the database must do this:

 This function starts with a NoteRecord.
  - If text already exists in the database, give an error and skip to end.
  - Fuzzy-match strings to topics and source.
  - If no potential match can be found to some of topics or source,
give error and skip to end.
  - Ask user to confirm if the matched topics and source look okay.
   - if user says no, skip to end.
  - Actually insert the record.
insertNote :: NoteRecord -> Connection -> IO ()
insertNote nr conn =
do -- Check if it exists in the database already.
   status <- checkPreExistingText nr conn
   if status
 then putStrLn "Skipping... text exists already."
   do -- Find best fit for all topics and source.
  -- See type signatures below.
  bestFitTopics <- fitTopics nr conn
  bestFitSource <- fitSource nr conn
  case any isNothing bestFitTopics of
True ->
putStrLn "Error... some topic couldn't be matched."
False ->
case bestFitSource of
  Nothing ->
  putStrLn "Error.. source couldn't be matched."
  _ ->
  do b <- isUserOkay nr bestFitTopics bestFitSource
 if b
then do
  -- Create a new NoteRecord with matched
  -- and validated topics/source.
  nrValidated =
  nr { recordTopics = bestFitTopics
 , recordSource = bestFitSource }
  insertRow nrValidated conn
else putStrLn "Abort due to user request."

checkPreExistingText :: NoteRecord -> Connection -> Bool

-- There are multiple topics in the NoteRecord. For each one,
-- find the best fuzzy match, or indicate if there is no plausible
-- match at all.
fitTopics :: NoteRecord -> Connection -> [Maybe String]

-- There is one source. Try to find fuzzy match.
fitSource :: NoteRecord -> Connection -> Maybe String

-- Present user with all fuzzy matches and get a yes/no response if it's
-- okay to proceed.
isUserOkay :: NoteRecord -> [Maybe String] -> Maybe String -> Bool

-- Do actual insert into database.
insertRow :: NoteRecord -> Connection -> IO ()
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Free theorems for dependent types?

2009-05-17 Thread Ryan Ingram
Free theorem's are theorems about functions that rely only on parametricity.

For example, consider any function f with the type
   forall a. a -> a

>From its type, I can tell you directly that this theorem holds:
  forall g :: A -> B, x :: A,
  f (g  x) = g (f x)

(Note that the f on the left is B -> B, the f on the right is A -> A).

The term was popularized by Philip Wadler, in his paper "Theorems for
Free!" [1].  He noticed that many of the properties of functions that
one likes to prove come "for free" from their parametric type.  For
example, it's useful to know that

reverse (map fromEnum xs) == map fromEnum (reverse xs)

But this theorem comes for free from the type of reverse!  Given any

- f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
- g :: A -> B
- xs :: [A]
we have the free theorem
- f (map g xs) = map g (f xs).

What this is saying is that any function (forall a. [a] -> [a]) can't
do a whole lot; it can inspect the structure of the list it has been
given, and rearrange, duplicate, and/or remove some elements.  But the
output list can only contain elements from the input list, without
inspecting the elements themselves.

Therefore, if
f [1,2,3] == [1,1,2]
f "abc" == "aab"
f [True, True, False] == [True, True, True]
f [ [], [1], [1,2] ] == [ [], [], [1,2] ]
and so on.

Therefore mapping some pure function over the result can be done
before or after applying f; and we don't have to know *anything* about
f, aside from its type, to prove this.

  -- ryan


On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Joe Fredette  wrote:
> This word has piqued my interest, I've hear it tossed around the community
> quite a bit, but never fully understood what it meant. What exactly is a
> 'free theorem'?
> Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there any research on applying free theorems / parametricity to
>> type systems more complex than System F; namely, Fomega, or calculus
>> of constructions and alike?
>> This seems very promising to me for the following reason: Take the
>> free theorem for 'sort::(a->a->Bool)->[a]->[a]'. The theorem could
>> possibly be a lot more powerful if there were a way to encode in the
>> type of 'sort' that it accepts a reflexive transitive antisymmetric
>> predicate, but the only way to express that is with dependent types.
>> Looks like the only thing one needs to add to System F is the
>> relational translation rule for a dependent product; but I haven't
>> tried doing it myself.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Free theorems for dependent types?

2009-05-17 Thread Joe Fredette
This word has piqued my interest, I've hear it tossed around the 
community quite a bit, but never fully understood what it meant. What 
exactly is a 'free theorem'?

Eugene Kirpichov wrote:


Is there any research on applying free theorems / parametricity to
type systems more complex than System F; namely, Fomega, or calculus
of constructions and alike?

This seems very promising to me for the following reason: Take the
free theorem for 'sort::(a->a->Bool)->[a]->[a]'. The theorem could
possibly be a lot more powerful if there were a way to encode in the
type of 'sort' that it accepts a reflexive transitive antisymmetric
predicate, but the only way to express that is with dependent types.

Looks like the only thing one needs to add to System F is the
relational translation rule for a dependent product; but I haven't
tried doing it myself.

fn:Joseph Fredette
adr:Apartment #3;;6 Dean Street;Worcester;Massachusetts;01609;United States of America

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: mathlink-

2009-05-17 Thread Tracy Wadleigh
Already posted to the Haskell list but dons suggested I post to the cafe, as


mathlink is a library for writing Mathematica packages in Haskell.

One simply writes some functions of type:

(MLGet a, MLPut b) => a -> IO b

and provides a package specification in a simple DSL that mimics that of
Mathematica's mprep utility. The result is a program that exposes functions
that can be called from Mathematica.

This is a complete rewrite of my original implementation and more closely
captures the functionality I originally intended.

I've only tested it on my own platform (64-bit Linux), but I've taken pains
to make sure the code should run on any platform. (The only real issue in
the code is picking the right functions to call when marshaling Ints.)
Please report any tweaks required to get it to work on your platform. (That
is, of course, only if, in fact, there are any other users out there. Right
now, as far as I know, I'm it.)

I'd also just like to hear from any Haskellers out there that also use
Mathematica on a regular basis. Ping me if you're one.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building a better dog house?

2009-05-17 Thread michael rice
Hi Paul,

 I've been away from software design for more than a decade and have fallen 
behind on what's currently being used. I wasn't even aware of RUP.

Thanks for the info.


--- On Sun, 5/17/09, Paul Johnson  wrote:

From: Paul Johnson 
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building a better dog house?
To: "michael rice" 
Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 3:26 PM

michael rice wrote:
> I was just looking at my UML (Unified Modeling Language) User Guide and 
> discovered this:
> "The number of object-oriented methods increased from fewer than 10 to more 
> than 50 during the period between 1989 and 1994." pg. xviii, Booch, Rumbaugh, 
> Jacobson, 1999
> Is there a modeling methodology recommended for functional languages?
> Michael
UML of course is not a methodology, its a language.  "Rational Unified Process" 
(RUP) is a methodology.

There is no recommended methodology for functional programming, but large 
chunks of RUP and most similar methodologies have little to do with OO 
programming, and therefore could be used as-is.  All the project planning, 
configuration management, requirements management and so on will work just fine.

When it comes to the software design in functional languages I find it best to 
start by looking for a domain analysis of the problem (something that RUP 
includes as well, if I recall correctly).  Then try to translate that domain 
analysis into an embedded domain specific language (EDSL).  Ideally the EDSL 
should allow you to describe anything that is physically or logically possible 
in the domain, but nothing that is impossible.  Then you can go ahead and 
create your software by translating the requirements directly into the EDSL.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Free theorems for dependent types?

2009-05-17 Thread Eugene Kirpichov
I'm glad that someone is doing research in that direction!
Are your results so far applicable to create a free theorem for that
example with sortBy?

2009/5/17 Robin Green :
> On Sun, 17 May 2009 23:10:12 +0400
> Eugene Kirpichov  wrote:
>> Is there any research on applying free theorems / parametricity to
>> type systems more complex than System F; namely, Fomega, or calculus
>> of constructions and alike?
> Yes. I did some research into it as part of my master's thesis, the
> final version of which is not quite ready yet.
> Basically, free theorems in the Calculus of Constructions can be
> substantially more complicated, because they have to exclude certain
> dependent types in order to be valid. So much so that I do not think
> that they are necessarily worthwhile to use in proofs. But that is just
> an intuition, and I have not done enough different kinds of proofs to
> state this with any confidence.
> --
> Robin
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Eugene Kirpichov
Web IR developer,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Free theorems for dependent types?

2009-05-17 Thread Robin Green
On Sun, 17 May 2009 23:10:12 +0400
Eugene Kirpichov  wrote:

> Is there any research on applying free theorems / parametricity to
> type systems more complex than System F; namely, Fomega, or calculus
> of constructions and alike?

Yes. I did some research into it as part of my master's thesis, the
final version of which is not quite ready yet.

Basically, free theorems in the Calculus of Constructions can be
substantially more complicated, because they have to exclude certain
dependent types in order to be valid. So much so that I do not think
that they are necessarily worthwhile to use in proofs. But that is just
an intuition, and I have not done enough different kinds of proofs to
state this with any confidence.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building a better dog house?

2009-05-17 Thread Paul Johnson

michael rice wrote:
I was just looking at my UML (Unified Modeling Language) User Guide 
and discovered this:

"The number of object-oriented methods increased from fewer than 10 to 
more than 50 during the period between 1989 and 1994." pg. xviii, 
Booch, Rumbaugh, Jacobson, 1999

Is there a modeling methodology recommended for functional languages?


UML of course is not a methodology, its a language.  "Rational Unified 
Process" (RUP) is a methodology.

There is no recommended methodology for functional programming, but 
large chunks of RUP and most similar methodologies have little to do 
with OO programming, and therefore could be used as-is.  All the project 
planning, configuration management, requirements management and so on 
will work just fine.

When it comes to the software design in functional languages I find it 
best to start by looking for a domain analysis of the problem (something 
that RUP includes as well, if I recall correctly).  Then try to 
translate that domain analysis into an embedded domain specific language 
(EDSL).  Ideally the EDSL should allow you to describe anything that is 
physically or logically possible in the domain, but nothing that is 
impossible.  Then you can go ahead and create your software by 
translating the requirements directly into the EDSL.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Free theorems for dependent types?

2009-05-17 Thread Eugene Kirpichov

Is there any research on applying free theorems / parametricity to
type systems more complex than System F; namely, Fomega, or calculus
of constructions and alike?

This seems very promising to me for the following reason: Take the
free theorem for 'sort::(a->a->Bool)->[a]->[a]'. The theorem could
possibly be a lot more powerful if there were a way to encode in the
type of 'sort' that it accepts a reflexive transitive antisymmetric
predicate, but the only way to express that is with dependent types.

Looks like the only thing one needs to add to System F is the
relational translation rule for a dependent product; but I haven't
tried doing it myself.

Eugene Kirpichov
Web IR developer,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: TxtSushi 0.1

2009-05-17 Thread Keith Sheppard
Thanks! Good advice, I will do that.

On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Jochem Berndsen  wrote:
> Keith Sheppard wrote:
>> I have released the first version of TxtSushi which is a collection of
>> command line utils (written in haskell of course) for processing
>> tab-delimited and CSV files. It includes a util for doing SQL SELECTs
>> on flat files. This is my first haskell project and feedback of all
>> kinds is appreciated.
>> Home Page:
>> Darcs Repository:
>> Issue Tracking:
> Nice! Have you considered putting this on Hackage? That is most useful
> for users of your code. I saw you already cabalized the code, so it
> should suffice to upload it.
> Cheers
> --
> Jochem Berndsen |
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: TxtSushi 0.1

2009-05-17 Thread Keith Sheppard
Thanks for the encouraging reply! By the way, I was part way through
writing my own code for external sorting which I don't actually use
yet except from some test executable (joincol.hs). I'm very glad to
see that there is already a library that does this though, so in my
next version I will dump the custom code and use the external sort
package. Also I will look into making the switch to ByteStrings.


On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Eugene Kirpichov  wrote:
> By the way: As I see from the sources, your code uses external sort?
> But using String's much defeats the purpose of it, anyway, because
> their performance is so bad that if you feed your program a file that
> is larger than can be sorted in memory, sorting it externally using
> String's will anyway take much more time then you are likely to be
> comfortable waiting. You should consider switching to ByteString's,
> and beware memory leaks.
> 2009/5/17 Keith Sheppard :
>> Hello Haskell Cafe
>> I have released the first version of TxtSushi which is a collection of
>> command line utils (written in haskell of course) for processing
>> tab-delimited and CSV files. It includes a util for doing SQL SELECTs
>> on flat files. This is my first haskell project and feedback of all
>> kinds is appreciated.
>> Home Page:
>> Darcs Repository:
>> Issue Tracking:
>> I would like to say thanks to the haskell-beginners contributors, the
>> author of "Learn you a Haskell" and the author of the parsec library
>> all of which were very helpful.
>> Regards
>> Keith
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> --
> Eugene Kirpichov
> Web IR developer,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: TxtSushi 0.1

2009-05-17 Thread Eugene Kirpichov
By the way: As I see from the sources, your code uses external sort?
But using String's much defeats the purpose of it, anyway, because
their performance is so bad that if you feed your program a file that
is larger than can be sorted in memory, sorting it externally using
String's will anyway take much more time then you are likely to be
comfortable waiting. You should consider switching to ByteString's,
and beware memory leaks.

2009/5/17 Keith Sheppard :
> Hello Haskell Cafe
> I have released the first version of TxtSushi which is a collection of
> command line utils (written in haskell of course) for processing
> tab-delimited and CSV files. It includes a util for doing SQL SELECTs
> on flat files. This is my first haskell project and feedback of all
> kinds is appreciated.
> Home Page:
> Darcs Repository:
> Issue Tracking:
> I would like to say thanks to the haskell-beginners contributors, the
> author of "Learn you a Haskell" and the author of the parsec library
> all of which were very helpful.
> Regards
> Keith
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Eugene Kirpichov
Web IR developer,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: TxtSushi 0.1

2009-05-17 Thread Jochem Berndsen
Keith Sheppard wrote:
> I have released the first version of TxtSushi which is a collection of
> command line utils (written in haskell of course) for processing
> tab-delimited and CSV files. It includes a util for doing SQL SELECTs
> on flat files. This is my first haskell project and feedback of all
> kinds is appreciated.
> Home Page:
> Darcs Repository:
> Issue Tracking:

Nice! Have you considered putting this on Hackage? That is most useful
for users of your code. I saw you already cabalized the code, so it
should suffice to upload it.


Jochem Berndsen |
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: TxtSushi 0.1

2009-05-17 Thread Eugene Kirpichov
This is crazy cool!
I will now use your project as an example of what one can do as his
first project in Haskell; I think doing SQL on CSV files definitely
counts as a huge success story!

2009/5/17 Keith Sheppard :
> Hello Haskell Cafe
> I have released the first version of TxtSushi which is a collection of
> command line utils (written in haskell of course) for processing
> tab-delimited and CSV files. It includes a util for doing SQL SELECTs
> on flat files. This is my first haskell project and feedback of all
> kinds is appreciated.
> Home Page:
> Darcs Repository:
> Issue Tracking:
> I would like to say thanks to the haskell-beginners contributors, the
> author of "Learn you a Haskell" and the author of the parsec library
> all of which were very helpful.
> Regards
> Keith
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Eugene Kirpichov
Web IR developer,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: TxtSushi 0.1

2009-05-17 Thread Keith Sheppard
Hello Haskell Cafe

I have released the first version of TxtSushi which is a collection of
command line utils (written in haskell of course) for processing
tab-delimited and CSV files. It includes a util for doing SQL SELECTs
on flat files. This is my first haskell project and feedback of all
kinds is appreciated.

Home Page:
Darcs Repository:
Issue Tracking:

I would like to say thanks to the haskell-beginners contributors, the
author of "Learn you a Haskell" and the author of the parsec library
all of which were very helpful.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell philosophy question

2009-05-17 Thread Jon Fairbairn
"Vasili I. Galchin"  writes:

> Hello,
>  I am confused between Haskell as delineated in the Haskell Report VS
> ghc "pragmas" which extend Haskell beyond the Haskell Report.

Pragmas are part of the report, and while I agree that using
them for extensions is stretching the meaning a bit, it's
clearly the best way of doing it -- they're not supposed to
change the semantics of the language as defined, but it
doesn't say anything about what they do to stuff that isn't
part of the language.

> I am sure I am not the first to ask. Caveat: on my part, I
> am not against innovation/extensions, but I don't like to
> see language "bloat".

Me neither, but many of the extensions are for things that
hadn't been invented (or perhaps finalised, such as
heirarchical modules, IIRC) when the standard was written,
and which make the language more expressive, which is a
worthwhile aim. Among the stated aims of Haskell was to be a
platform for language development. Pragmas keep the
experimental stuff separate from the stuff one can rely on
because it's part of H98.

Jón Fairbairn

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] [ANN] Safe Lazy IO in Haskell

2009-05-17 Thread Jason Dusek
  From the documentation:

 "  LI could be a strict monad and a strict applicative functor.
However it is not a lazy monad nor a lazy applicative
functor as required Haskell. Hopefully it is a lazy
(pointed) functor at least.

  I'd like to understand this better -- how is LI incompatible
  with being a lazy monad, exactly?

Jason Dusek
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Building a better dog house?

2009-05-17 Thread michael rice
I was just looking at my UML (Unified Modeling Language) User Guide and 
discovered this:

"The number of object-oriented methods increased from fewer than 10 to more 
than 50 during the period between 1989 and 1994." pg. xviii, Booch, Rumbaugh, 
Jacobson, 1999

Is there a modeling methodology recommended for functional languages?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell philosophy question

2009-05-17 Thread Don Stewart
> Hello,
>  I am confused between Haskell as delineated in the Haskell Report VS ghc
> "pragmas" which extend Haskell beyond the Haskell Report. I am sure I am not
> the first to ask. Caveat: on my part, I am not against innovation/extensions,
> but I don't like to see language "bloat". This is not a negative/pegorative
> statement  just a challenging one.

They add new features, which are useful for determining what features
are useful :)

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary and little endian encoding

2009-05-17 Thread Don Stewart
> Am Freitag, 15. Mai 2009 06:37:22 schrieb Don Stewart:
> > timd:
> > > On a related matter, I am using Data.Binary to serialise data from
> > > haskell for use from other languages. [...]
> > [...]
> > Yep, it's possible, just not portably so. Google for Data.Binary IEEE
> > discussions.
> I think this topic pops up over and over again, and the proposed "solutions" 
> are no solutions at all, neither from a performance point of view, nor from 
> an 
> ease of use point of view. Proposing insane bit fiddling by hand when all one 
> technically needs is often a "peek" or "poke" amounts to simply ignoring an 
> API problem. ;-)
> I think most problems can be fixed in a rather pragmatic way by adding a few 
> functions to the binary package:
> Add to Data.Binary.Builder:
>putFloatIEEEbe :: Float -> Builder
>putDoubleIEEEbe :: Double -> Builder
>putFloatIEEEle :: Float -> Builder
>putDoubleIEEEle :: Double -> Builder
>putFloatIEEEhost :: Float -> Builder
>putDoubleIEEEhost :: Double -> Builder
> Add to Data.Binary.Get:
>getFloatIEEEbe :: Get Float
>getDoubleIEEEbe :: Get Double
>getFloatIEEEle :: Get Float
>getDoubleIEEEle :: Get Double
>getFloatIEEEhost :: Get Float
>getDoubleIEEEhost :: Get Double
> Add to Data.Binary.Put:
>putFloatIEEEbe ::  Float -> Put
>putDoubleIEEEbe ::  Double -> Put
>putFloatIEEEle ::  Float -> Put
>putDoubleIEEEle ::  Double -> Put
>putFloatIEEEhost ::  Float -> Put
>putDoubleIEEEhost ::  Double -> Put
> The *host functions are basically peek/poke for most platforms. The *le/*be 
> functions can use peek/poke if the endianess matches (compile time decision) 
> *and* the alignment is OK for the given platform (runtime decision). Non-IEEE 
> platforms always have to do the bit fiddling internally, but all this is 
> hidden behind the above API.
> IIRC I have proposed something similar 1-2 years ago, but I can't remember 
> any 
> reason why this hasn't been implemented. Any comments on the above functions?

Patches are welcome.
> One final remarks: I think the low level functions of the binary package 
> should really keep the notions of "endianess" and "alignment constraints" 
> separate, something which isn't done currently: The *host functions have 
> alignment restrictions, the *be/*le functions don't. There is no good reason 
> for this non-orthogonality.

That seems reasonable.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can't install happs-tutorial because syb-with-class fails to install

2009-05-17 Thread Colin Paul Adams
False alarm. It compiles OK with ghc 6.10.3.
The failure was with ghc 6.11.20090404.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary and little endian encoding

2009-05-17 Thread Sven Panne
Am Freitag, 15. Mai 2009 06:37:22 schrieb Don Stewart:
> timd:
> > On a related matter, I am using Data.Binary to serialise data from
> > haskell for use from other languages. [...]
> [...]
> Yep, it's possible, just not portably so. Google for Data.Binary IEEE
> discussions.

I think this topic pops up over and over again, and the proposed "solutions" 
are no solutions at all, neither from a performance point of view, nor from an 
ease of use point of view. Proposing insane bit fiddling by hand when all one 
technically needs is often a "peek" or "poke" amounts to simply ignoring an 
API problem. ;-)

I think most problems can be fixed in a rather pragmatic way by adding a few 
functions to the binary package:

Add to Data.Binary.Builder:

   putFloatIEEEbe :: Float -> Builder
   putDoubleIEEEbe :: Double -> Builder
   putFloatIEEEle :: Float -> Builder
   putDoubleIEEEle :: Double -> Builder
   putFloatIEEEhost :: Float -> Builder
   putDoubleIEEEhost :: Double -> Builder

Add to Data.Binary.Get:

   getFloatIEEEbe :: Get Float
   getDoubleIEEEbe :: Get Double
   getFloatIEEEle :: Get Float
   getDoubleIEEEle :: Get Double
   getFloatIEEEhost :: Get Float
   getDoubleIEEEhost :: Get Double

Add to Data.Binary.Put:

   putFloatIEEEbe ::  Float -> Put
   putDoubleIEEEbe ::  Double -> Put
   putFloatIEEEle ::  Float -> Put
   putDoubleIEEEle ::  Double -> Put
   putFloatIEEEhost ::  Float -> Put
   putDoubleIEEEhost ::  Double -> Put

The *host functions are basically peek/poke for most platforms. The *le/*be 
functions can use peek/poke if the endianess matches (compile time decision) 
*and* the alignment is OK for the given platform (runtime decision). Non-IEEE 
platforms always have to do the bit fiddling internally, but all this is 
hidden behind the above API.

IIRC I have proposed something similar 1-2 years ago, but I can't remember any 
reason why this hasn't been implemented. Any comments on the above functions?

One final remarks: I think the low level functions of the binary package 
should really keep the notions of "endianess" and "alignment constraints" 
separate, something which isn't done currently: The *host functions have 
alignment restrictions, the *be/*le functions don't. There is no good reason 
for this non-orthogonality.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linkage errors in scenegraph

2009-05-17 Thread Sven Panne
Am Sonntag, 17. Mai 2009 01:07:55 schrieb Gregory D. Weber:
> I'd like to get the scenegraph package
> (
> to work, but am encountering linkage errors.
> [...]
> Also, I notice that in the cabal file for scenegraph, the
> list of exposed modules
> Exposed-Modules: Graphics.SceneGraph,
>   Graphics.SceneGraph.Basic,
> Graphics.SceneGraph.Vector,
> Graphics.SceneGraph.Render,
> Graphics.SceneGraph.SimpleViewport,
>   Graphics.SceneGraph.GraphViz,
> Graphics.SceneGraph.Library,
> Graphics.SceneGraph.Dump,
> Graphics.SceneGraph.Textures
> does not include Graphics.SceneGraph.Matrix, but that should only mean
> that I can't call functions of that module directly -- not that the
> other SceneGraph modules can't call them -- right? [...]

That basically means that the scenegraph package is broken. ;-) Internal 
modules have to be listed in "other-modules:", a section the Cabal file 
doesn't contain. As a quick fix, you can add all missing modules in this 
section, but this should of course be fixed in the official package, too.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cabal, Time & GHC 6.10.2

2009-05-17 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Sun, 2009-05-17 at 09:17 +0100, Dominic Steinitz wrote:
> I get
> > d...@linux-6ofq:~/asn1> runghc Setup.hs configure
> > Configuring PER-0.0.20...
> > Setup.hs: At least the following dependencies are missing:
> > time -any && -any
> but I have time
> > d...@linux-6ofq:~/asn1> ghc-pkg list | grep time
> > old-locale-, old-time-, packedstring-,
> > time-
> I think I can see why cabal isn't finding it:
> > ghc-pkg dump --global | grep time-
> finds nothing and I believe that is what cabal uses to find things.

The default for "runghc Setup.hs configure" is --global, but the default
for "cabal configure" is --user. So if you're using the "cabal" program
to install packages, then you can also us it to configure other
packages. If for you need to use the runghc Setup.hs interface (e.g. in
some system build scripts) and you want it to pick up packages from the
user package db then use the --user flag. If you're constantly having to
use the runghc Setup.hs interface and doing per-user installs is a pain
then you can set the default for the cabal program to be global installs
in the cabal config file (~/.cabal/config).

I'll add this issue to the FAQ, it come up enough. If anyone else
reading would like to eliminate this FAQ, then implementing this ticket
is the answer:

suggest use of --user if configure fails with missing deps that
are in the user db


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Can't install happs-tutorial because syb-with-class fails to install

2009-05-17 Thread Colin Paul Adams
Couldn't match expected type `Pred' against inferred type `Type'
  Expected type: PredQ
  Inferred type: TypeQ
In the first argument of `map', namely `dataCxt'
In the first argument of `(++)', namely `map dataCxt dataCxtTypes'

Couldn't match expected type `Pred' against inferred type `Type'
  Expected type: Q Pred
  Inferred type: TypeQ
In the expression: conT 'Data `appT` typ
In the first argument of `map', namely
`(\ typ -> conT 'Data `appT` typ)'

Couldn't match expected type `Name'
   against inferred type `TyVarBndr'
  Expected type: [Name]
  Inferred type: [TyVarBndr]
In the expression: ps
In the first argument of `return', namely `(n, ps, map conA cs)'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
syb-with-class-0.5.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
exit: ExitFailure 1

Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Cabal, Time & GHC 6.10.2

2009-05-17 Thread Dominic Steinitz
I get

> d...@linux-6ofq:~/asn1> runghc Setup.hs configure
> Configuring PER-0.0.20...
> Setup.hs: At least the following dependencies are missing:
> time -any && -any

but I have time

> d...@linux-6ofq:~/asn1> ghc-pkg list | grep time
> old-locale-, old-time-, packedstring-,
> time-

I think I can see why cabal isn't finding it:

> ghc-pkg dump --global | grep time-

finds nothing and I believe that is what cabal uses to find things.

What's not clear is what I do to fix things. Go back to 6.10.1?

Thanks, Dominic.

> d...@linux-6ofq:~/asn1> ghc --version
> The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.10.2
> d...@linux-6ofq:~/asn1> ghc-pkg --version
> GHC package manager version 6.10.2

Here's my .cabal file.

> Name:PER
> Version: 0.0.20
> License: BSD3
> Author:  Dominic Steinitz
> Maintainer:
> Copyright:   Dominic Steinitz 2003 - 2009
> Stability:   Alpha
> Category:Language
> Homepage:
> Synopsis:ASN.1 PER support for Haskell
> Description: A formal and executable specification of the Packed Encoding 
> Rules (PER)
>  for ASN.1
> build-depends:   binary-strict == 0.4.2,
>  bytestring,
>  mtl,
>  containers,
>  time,
>  pretty,
>  base
> build-type:  custom
> Exposed-Modules: Language.ASN1.PER.Integer
>  Language.ASN1.PER.GenerateC
> Executable:  PERTest
> Main-Is: PERTest.hs

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