RE: [hlds] ServerList Destroyed

2004-09-14 Thread Timothy Lynn
Deadman Standing wrote:
> I am now confused. I look at "status" at and is
> says there are 39,335 Counter-Strike servers at 22:52 GMT. In the
> game I
> query all the regions and get the following info:

> Region: US-West
> Servers: 496
> Region: US-East
> Servers: 503
> -
> Total Servers: 7879
> Where are the other 31,456 servers?

You guys that are reporting so few servers--do you "Refresh All" only
once, or do you do it a few times? I've found that each Refresh All will
produce a number more servers.


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RE: [hlds] Where has all the traffic gone?

2004-09-10 Thread Timothy Lynn wrote:
>> I tried doing this at my server console and it complained about
>> syntax. :)
> Mine works.

Looks like the reported syntax is not correct. This is what worked for

  setmaster add
  setmaster add 27010
  setmaster add 28900

The colon was what was causing it to throw the error, even though that's
the syntax it seems to want.

Added 'em, we'll see what comes of it. Thanks for the tip.


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RE: [hlds] CSS Server Status

2004-09-07 Thread Timothy Lynn
BeNt wrote:
> I need it to display Counter-Strike Source which those do not.I like
> the
> layout of the php script Tim? gave me but I can't figure out how I'm
> gonna intergrate it into my website.This is how I have mine setup
> here's the link.seems ok though

This might help you. Copy this segment and place it within a new .php
file, cssquery.php or something easy, then include that on the page you
want to display your server listings via . If you want to dump every property that the
$output object contains in it to add more detail to your query page,
uncomment the lines beneath /* begin dump */, and that'll show you what
it has. Alternatively, peruse the cssource_class.php file for the other
method and property names.

Code segment:


/* Begin Dump */
// echo '';
// print_r($output);
// echo '';


  Game:  Source

And with this we've strayed way into the OT territory, so if no one else
has a question about this, email me offlist if you need any further
help, BeNt.


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RE: [hlds] CSS Server Status

2004-09-06 Thread Timothy Lynn
BeNt wrote:
> Does anyone know of any way to view the Counter-Strike Server Status
> via a
> webpage such as a php script or anything else?Any help or pointing in
> the
> right direction would be greatly appreciated.

There are a few floating around, but I found this one to be quite easy
to setup:

That site unfortunately requires registration and wading through too
many damn ads and such, so you can also grab it from my ftp:


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RE: [hlds] [OT] gmail invites/accounts

2004-09-01 Thread Timothy Lynn
> I think the beta is nearing its close, because I can't seem to send
> invites fast enough before google gives me more. I have run out of
> people to send to. Anyone who can't wait, fire me an email.


That's his email. Use that to ask for the invite, not the list.


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RE: [hlds] Not seeing CALIF servers

2004-08-29 Thread Timothy Lynn
List Keeper wrote:
> I suspect most of the lamers that want it changed back are the ones
> that went through the trouble of getting a "good" IP address.

List Keeper wrote to me personally:
>> Hi, I see your game server is on a server in ThePlanet datacenter.
>> I have had some difficulty getting them to assign me a new IP block.
>> Do you buy directly from them or through a reseller? If through a
>> reseller of them, which one?

Eh, so welcome to the club of lamers.


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RE: [hlds] HLDS Master .res file

2004-08-24 Thread Timothy Lynn
Lackatee Mattergy wrote:
> Is there even a primary/master .res file?  Or am i gonna have to
> stick to what I'm doing already?

There is no built-in method of doing this. If you're using plugins
though, there are some sound download managers available for AM/AMX, and
I would assume AMXX as well (though I haven't checked that).

Additionally, you can use ResGen from United Admins to not only make
your .res files, but you can also define a file that you want appended
to each .res file it creates. That file that's appended can include all
your customs. I've had some trouble with ResGen's output not being
entirely accurate, so you need to double check stuff. The easiest is
probably to use a plugin for your flavor of admin mod.


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RE: [hlds] server ip's ending in x.x.x.100 or greater not showing up in the MSL

2004-08-20 Thread Timothy Lynn
> Saw this thread on the forums -
> Figured it'd be worth looking into and to see if anybody else is
> experiencing the same problem. Apparently any server that has an
> IP address with the last octet ending with 100 or greater, will
> not show up on the master server list. Dunno if Valve is aware
> of this or can verify it or not. So here's the post. Hope to get
> some feedback on this from the powers that be soon, since this
> seems to be affecting a lot of people, myself included ;)

Just some more anecdotal evidence. I asked our provider tonight for a
new block of address. I put CS on our lowest,, and right now
the server's full, the first time I've seen it like that in MONTHS, and
not a single player is a regular.

I'm glad I could pin point the cause to something, but it's bothersome
that it's such a seemingly random and ineffectual variable.


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RE: [hlds] server ip's ending in x.x.x.100 or greater not showing up in the MSL

2004-08-20 Thread Timothy Lynn
> Saw this thread on the forums -
> Figured it'd be worth looking into and to see if anybody else is
> experiencing the same problem. Apparently any server that has an
> IP address with the last octet ending with 100 or greater, will
> not show up on the master server list. Dunno if Valve is aware
> of this or can verify it or not. So here's the post. Hope to get
> some feedback on this from the powers that be soon, since this
> seems to be affecting a lot of people, myself included ;)

It may not get servers with a higher last octet in the first refresh,
but if you refresh more than once it will come up. When I do a "refresh
all" for any of the mods, it'll grab a few hundred servers and stop,
subsequent refreshes will continue to grab more servers, eventually
getting to our servers, with their high (.210+) final octet.

Not that this is an acceptable way of refreshing servers, mind you, just
letting you know that it *is* in the server list--somewhere--and that
many of us are feeling that pain.


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RE: [hlds] VAC Update?

2004-08-17 Thread Timothy Lynn
K. Mike Bradley wrote:
> I said 3/4 have DL'ed and used cheats at least once in a while.
> 50% cheat all the time either because they are cheaters at heart or
> because they want to even the playing field when playing other
> cheaters. The numbers are growing because of all the cheaters.

Hey Mike, you want to start, I don't know, bringing some data with ya
when you make these ridiculous claims? If one admin out two respond
after this saying that like me, they don't cheat, will you be quiet

And while you're at it... You may or may not have noticed this, but this
isn't a forum, it's a listsrv, and adding a one line response on top of
about 22K of misquoted and mangled crap is about the most useless thing
a learned admin could do. There are people who get the digest of the
list and when you make posts like you did it completely destroys any
sense of continuity and needlessly bloats the digests. Not to mention
there are people on the list who have metered usage, so downloading all
these over-quoted responses does them no favors either.

You're using Outlook, so take a look at the great program Outlook
Quotefix at
It'll automatically do things like strip out signatures and listsrv
footers (assuming they're properly delineated by "--"), put a sensible
quote header in, word wrap stuff, and move your cursor beneath quoted
material automatically. All you need to do is pick out the stuff you
don't want quoted and delete it, a task that takes about 5 seconds.


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RE: [hlds] 1.6 Lan proble

2004-07-30 Thread Timothy Lynn
Allan McMillan wrote:
> Has anyone ever had any problems administrating a lan
> event before? We are in the process of testing our server for our
> organised event but keep getting an Invalid session ticket error when
> we try to connect. Can anyone shed any light on this?

Most places will have at least an analog phone line coming into the
room. It's a safe bet that somebody will either "Exit and Logout" before
your event, or an auth error will crop up despite your best efforts.
That analog line can be a big saver though. All you need is for the
afflicted person to connect for a minute and get his valid ticket, then
logoff and he'll be ready to go.

At our recent event, we had two clients that had some trouble with this.
We setup Internet Connection Sharing on one laptop with a phone cable
that went about 100ft into a nearby hotel room. That solved all our


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RE: [hlds] [OT] Cold Ice Lives!

2004-07-18 Thread Timothy Lynn
Ooks Server wrote:

> On the bright side, I disabled the bots and much to my surprise, Cold
> Ice actually runs under Steam!
> If any brave souls want to give it a try, you must first download
> Cold Ice, which can be found here:
> It's a 17MB download. Run it, point to \ Directory>\SteamApps\\Half-Life\ directory.
> Then try my server at You can:

Ooks, I just got off (ironchef and two others) after an hour or so of
playing. That's a great old mod. Shame there's no voice support in it

The keyboard binding setup doesn't seem to work properly. I had to
reinstall the mod and manually edit my config.cfg, but then it worked
ok. Overall, it ran just fine under Steam.


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RE: Subject: RE: [hlds] A problem creating a steam accout!?

2004-06-29 Thread Timothy Lynn
> C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>c:hlserver
> 'c:hlserver' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.

You'll want "cd \hlserver" instead there, sparky (assuming you've
installed it to your C: drive).


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RE: [hlds] A problem creating a steam accout!?

2004-06-28 Thread Timothy Lynn
>   Hey my problem is when i run the dos prompt run the
> hldsupdatetool.exe using C:\HLserver\HLDSupdatetool.exe and try to
> create an account using C:\HLserver\HLDSupdatetool.exe -create my
> username mypw question answer it starts to say Checking bootstrapper
> version ... Getting version 8 of the steam HLDS Update tool
> Downloading. . . . . . . . Unable to open HldsUpdateTool.exe for
> reading (Copying) what am i doing wrong and what can i do to fix it?

Make sure that you change into the directory with hldsupdatetool.exe in
it first before running it. See if that helps.


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RE: [hlds] Bandwidth woes and where to colo?

2004-06-03 Thread Timothy Lynn
> OK, I am at an all time low. Life just doesn't get any worse then
> this. I have had to resort to a residential cable modem account
> because the business cable accounts are horribly over priced, and my
> phone lines are crap. I am majorly depressed.
> So, either Ooks Steaming Pile of  Crap dies, or I find some other
> place to host it. Any recommendations?

I know the other guys said The Planet, but this company is part of 'em,
and their dedicated server deals are definitely worth checking out.

We went with one of these rather than colo. The hardware was comparable,
but we ended up with more bandwidth than the colo plans offered, and at
a cheaper price. Service and support have been awesome in the few months
we've been with 'em.

There was a weird temporary outage today though. Both Server Matrix and
The Planet fell off the face of the earth for a few minutes, then
everything came back. First outage we've had with 'em though.


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