Re: COBOL and DFSORT change?

2010-02-19 Thread Rick Arellanes
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 14:48:04 -0500, Richards, Robert B. 

>I have been asked to determine is anything has changed with either DFSORT 
or Enterprise COBOL V4 recently that would change how it handles the 
following question from one of my programmers:
>"Has something changed in IBM COBOL? It used to be that if the sort failed 
and the SORT-RETURN-CODE field was not referenced anywhere in the code, 
then the program abended. If the field was referenced in the code, then 
handling the failure became the responsibility of the program."
>According to the programmer, the job issued IGZ0026W after an ICE46A 
message and the program DID NOT abend and finished with a return code of 
>Is anyone aware of any changes? I am at z/OS 1.10.

There have been no changes to this behavior in Enterprise COBOL.

I just checked our documentation and it says that a run-time diagnostic 
message will be issued if the SORT fails and you do not reference SORT-
RETURN in your program. See
bin/bookmgr/BOOKS/igy3pg50/1.12.11 for more info.

Additionally, I have just verified using a small program that message IGZ0026W 
is indeed issued when the SORT fails if I removed the reference to SORT-

If you are still having problems with this, I would suggest that you open a PMR 
so that our COBOL service people can help you diagnose this.

Rick Arellanes (IBM COBOL Development)

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Re: Enterprise COBOL code generation question

2009-05-01 Thread Rick Arellanes
On Fri, 1 May 2009 08:38:59 -0500, Chase, John  

>> -Original Message-
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Farley, Peter x23353
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Clark Morris
>> > On 30 Apr 2009 13:00:02 -0700, in you wrote:
>> >
>> > Try TRUNC(OPT).  Trunc STD would require the conversion to decimal
>> > guarantee that the data fit the picture.  TRUNC(BIN) is known and
>> > documented to generate less than optimal code.
>> Son of a gun, that did it.  From half a page of code to six
>> instructions.
>> I will have to test this program with TRUNC(OPT) pretty carefully to
>> make sure it has no other adverse affects.  The doc on OPT is pretty
>> clear in its warnings.
>> And the doc on TRUNC(BIN) does have the phrase "... you can avoid the
>> performance overhead of using TRUNC(BIN) ...", implying there is, in
>> fact, a performance penalty for using it.
>> Thanks for pointing out the benefit of TRUNC(OPT) to me.
>But then there's this in the "Notes" for TRUNC in the Installation &
>Customization Guide:
>" 2. TRUNC=BIN is the recommended option when interfacing with other
>products that have S/390-format binary data (such as CICS, DB2, FORTRAN,
>and PL/I). This is especially true if there is a possibility of having
>more than 9 digits in a fullword or more than 4 digits in a halfword."
>So, we're stuck with TRUNC(BIN) in CICS, where arguably we'd want the
>"best" performance.  :-(
It looks like we may have missed an update to the Customization Guide. Please 
see the Programming Guide, which was updated to say:

Recommendations: TRUNC(BIN) is the recommended option for programs that 
use binary values set by other products. Other products, such as IMS, DB2, 
C/C++, FORTRAN, and PL/I, might place values in COBOL binary data items 
that do not conform to the PICTURE clause of the data items. You can use 
TRUNC(OPT) with CICS programs as long as your data conforms to the 
PICTURE clause for your BINARY data items.

You might want to read the Enterprise COBOL Version 3 Release 1 Performance 
Tuning Paper at: to 
read more about this. It says:

As long as your usage of all binary (COMP) data items in the application 
conforms to the PICTURE and USAGE specifications, you can use TRUNC(OPT) 
to improve transaction response time. This is recommended in performance 
sensitive CICS applications. If your usage of any binary data item does not 
conform to the PICTURE and USAGE specifications, you can either use a COMP-
5 data type or increase the precision in the PICTURE clause instead of using 
the TRUNC(BIN) compiler option. Note that the CICS translator does not 
generate code that will cause truncation and the CICS co-processor uses 
COMP-5 data types which does not cause truncation. If you were using 
NOTRUNC with your OS/VS COBOL programs without problems, TRUNC(OPT) on 
IBM Enterprise COBOL behaves in a similar way. For additional information on 
the TRUNC option, please refer to the compiler options section of this paper.

Rick Arellanes (IBM COBOL Development and Performance)

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Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

2008-10-22 Thread Rick Arellanes
After talking to another co-worker, 2 more things come to mind:

1. If the OS/VS COBOL program is the one that opened the file and did not 
close it, the COBOL library routines will NOT automatically close the file when 
the application terminates. The COBOL library routines will only automatically 
close any open files that were opened (but not closed) in VS COBOL II and 
later programs.

2. If you have any of the older COBOL library data sets (e.g., OS/VS COBOL or 
VS COBOL II) ahead of SCEERUN in the LINKLST concatenation, this will also 
cause problems. You will have to remove the older COBOL library data sets 
from LINKLST. Check your LINKLST for duplicate modules beginning with ILBO 
or IGZ. For example, scan for ILBONTR and IGZEINI. If they appear in more 
than one data set, you will need to remove the older library data sets.

In any case, you still should correct the original problem by closing the file 
that was left open.

Rick Arellanes
IBM COBOL Development

-Original Message-
On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 09:29:05 +0300, Mürsel Taşgın 

>Hi Bill,
>1 VS Cobol Program is actually OS/VS Cobol (amblist shows 5740CB103 as
>compiler version). Program compilation details are like:
>Thanks and regards.
>Mürsel Taþgýn
>BT Sistem Yönetimi
>Yönetici Yardýmcýsý
>Akbank Genel Müdürlüðü
>Sabancý Center 34330, Ýstanbul
>Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
>Faks: +90 212  282 62 76
>-Original Message-
>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
>Of Bill Klein
>Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 9:35 PM
>Subject: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL
>When you say
>  "1 VS COBOL program"
>Do you mean VS COBOL II or OS/VS COBOL?  If it is OS/VS COBOL, then this 
>WELL be part of the problem.
>However, for either VS COBOL II or OS/VS COBOL, was the program compiled
>with RES or NORES?  (You can use COBANAL or Edge Portfolio to find this
>out).  If you have ANY "NORES" program mixed in with an Enterprise COBOL
>application, you are into the "wonderful world of MIXRES" and things can get
>VERY funny.  I can (relatively) easily imagine that this may well lead to
>problems with different locations for SCEERUN.
>If your "VS COBOL" (OS/VS COBOL or VS COBOL II) program is compiled with
>NORES, then I suggest recompiling with RES and seeing if this "fixes" the
>"M"ürsel" Taşgın" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
>news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> Hi,
>> It is a DB2 Cobol program and make calls to other programs compiled with
>> ASM, Enterprise Cobol and 1 VS Cobol program.
>> We think that there is a problem with the program (ie. Not closing
>> properly etc.) But we cannot understand why does it work with 
>> JOBLIB and doesn't work when it needs to call it from LNKLST.
>> Thanks and regards.
>> Mürsel Tasgin
>> BT Sistem Yönetimi
>> Yönetici Yardimcisi
>> Akbank Genel Müdürlügü
>> Sabanci Center 34330, Istanbul
>> Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
>> Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

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Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

2008-10-20 Thread Rick Arellanes
In the case of normal COBOL termination (e.g., GOBACK from main, STOP RUN, 
etc.) or abnormal COBOL termination (e.g., abend with TRAP(ON) in effect), 
COBOL will attempt to close any files that were left open and the C03 abend 
will be avoided. However, if an assembler program dynamically loads a COBOL 
program that opened a file and did not close it and then the assembler 
program deletes the COBOL program, this is where a C03 abend can occur. 
The COBOL Migration Guide says that unpredictable results may occur in 
certain cases if a COBOL program was SVC LOADed and then subsequently 
SVC DELETEd (the C03 abend is one of these unpredictable results).

The COBOL library does not make any distinction as to where the library 
routines are loaded. However, I have seen cases before that when modules 
are loaded from different locations (STEPLIB, JOBLIB, LINKLSK, LPA, etc.), 
they may get loaded in different areas of storage. This would cause a DCB to 
be getmained at a different address. Then, when the COBOL program is 
deleted and if the DCB also gets freed (but the storage is not reused), the 
task termination code could still find the DCB "in storage" and can close the 
file successfully. However, if the DCB stoage got reused after the DCB was 
freed, task termination would no longer find the DCB in storage and would 
issue the C03 abend. 

So, seeing the C03 abend when putting the SCEERUN library in LPA or LINKLST 
vs. STEPLIB or JOBLIB may not actually be the cause of the problem, but 
rather may have just exposed the problem due to the way that storage was 
allocated and freed. It could be that your application was just lucky in not 
getting the abend until now when the storage usage was different.

The correct solution is to always close your files before ending the 
It that is not possible for some reason, then do not delete the COBOL program 
that was SVC loaded by an assembler program until after the COBOL 
environment has terminated.

Rick Arellanes
IBM COBOL Development

-Original Message-
On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:00:50 +0300, Mürsel Taşgın 

>It is a DB2 Cobol program and make calls to other programs compiled with
>ASM, Enterprise Cobol and 1 VS Cobol program.
>We think that there is a problem with the program (ie. Not closing datasets
>properly etc.) But we cannot understand why does it work with 
>JOBLIB and doesn't work when it needs to call it from LNKLST.
>Thanks and regards.
>Mürsel Taþgýn
>BT Sistem Yönetimi
>Yönetici Yardýmcýsý
>Akbank Genel Müdürlüðü
>Sabancý Center 34330, Ýstanbul
>Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
>Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

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Re: Datasets with KEYs

2008-08-15 Thread Rick Arellanes
Perhaps you can do this with Enterprise PL/I REGIONAL(1) data sets. They are 
non-VSAM data sets with keys.


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Re: (fwd) Re: Is IT becoming extinct?

2008-04-08 Thread Rick Arellanes
>I gotta ask this, hope you don't mind. Why is the code generation for
>fullword binary so weird?

Try TRUNC(OPT), you will get:

LH2,14(0,10)  PGMLIT AT +10 
A 2,0(0,8)MYDATA

See the COBOL Performance Tuning paper at http://www- for more info on the TRUNC 
compiler option, as well as the performance implications of using the various 
suboptions of TRUNC.

Rick Arellanes (IBM COBOL Development and Performance)

On Tue, 8 Apr 2008 13:25:14 -0500, McKown, John 

>I gotta ask this, hope you don't mind. Why is the code generation for
>fullword binary so weird? I have:
>The code generated is terrible (to me):
>  L 6,0(0,2)MYDATA
>  SRDA  6,32(0)
>  LH0,22(0,10)  PGMLIT AT +10
>  SRDA  0,32(0)
>  AR6,0
>  ALR   7,1
>  BC12,164(0,11)GN=17(0002D8)
>  A 6,0(0,12)   SYSLIT AT +0
> GN=17EQU   *
>  ST7,0(0,2)MYDATA
>Why is COBOL doing 64 bit arithmetic? Why the BC around the A when the
>contents of register 6 are ignored?
>This is with TRUNC(BIN). With TRUNC(STD), I get:
> LH7,22(0,10)  PGMLIT AT +10 (halfword H'1')
> A 7,0(0,2)MYDATA
> LR6,7
> SRDA  6,32(0)
> D 6,4(0,12)   SYSLIT AT +4
> ST6,0(0,2)MYDATA
>which is much better, but still confusing. In my own code, a simple:
>   L   6,MYDATA
>   A   6,PLUS1
>   ST  6,MYDATA
>suffices. Or, going with what would be more similar to COBOL's code:
>   LH  7,=H'+1'
>   A   7,MYDATA
>   ST  7,MYDATA
>what is with the SRDA and D? I cannot determine what SYSLIT+4 is because
>it looks like x'05F5E100' which makes NO sense to me.

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Re: COBOL and C

2006-11-10 Thread Rick Arellanes
You can find info on calling between COBOL and C (as well as between other 
languages) in the "Language Environment Writing ILC Applications" book at

Rick Arellanes
IBM COBOL and PL/I Development

On Thu, 9 Nov 2006 22:31:05 +0530, Chithra Nayar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>Thanks to Mr Comstock.I tried the changes you suggested and it
>How can i change the static call to a dynamic call?I tried by changing
>the first line
>and left the remaining unchanged.
>Compiled and linked the C code.
>message i got when the link of c code was done.I did not use #pragma.
>I got a SOC7 while executing this.
>   01  ONEARG  PIC X(10) VALUE "SUDHEER123".
>   01  B1  PIC X(30).
>I have no access to edit the link JCL to specify the entry point.
>Is there an alternate method to do this?
>Also can you please suggest some good book to learn about COBOL
>dynamically calling C routine?
>Thanks in Advance.
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Re: Static versus dynamic linking

2006-09-18 Thread Rick Arellanes
You might want to get a copy of our Enterprise COBOL Version 3 Release 1 
Performance Tuning paper. It gives you some performance considerations for 
using the various features of COBOL and Language Environment, and for 
running with other products (such as IMS and CICS). For example, in it, 
you will find some percentage difference numbers of using static calls 
versus dynamic calls. 

Although the data was collected using Enterprise COBOL 3.1 running under 
z/OS 1.2, the principles and relative performance numbers should be about 
the same.

You can find the Performance Tuning paper at and then click on the Library 
link and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Rick Arellanes (IBM COBOL and PL/I Development and Performance)

On Fri, 15 Sep 2006 09:24:28 -0400, Denis Gaebler 

>Hi List,
>we are planning to go from static linking under IMS to dynamic linking,
>COBOL transactions with DB2 access. The main reason for us is to avoid
>relinking in case of modules are changed.
>Are there any pitfalls, pros and cons about that?
>e.g. more CPU cycles and thus higher Software costs for the subsystems?
>Higher region recycling times in case of abends, Preload and LE
>What to do to avoid more I/Os?
>Thanks in advance.
>Denis Gäbler.
>Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and
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Re: Z/os Performance issue: REWRITE a sequential data set

2006-08-29 Thread Rick Arellanes
On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 19:32:15 -0500, Ed Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>> Finally, you should always report your problems (including performance
>> problems) to IBM service so that it will come to us directly. Our PL/I
>> service people can help you identify this type of performance
>> problem and
>> its solution quickly.
>Ahhh yes apparently the rest of IBM (MVS) doesn't feel the way you do:(

I can't speak for other products, but we in COBOL and PL/I development are 
concerned with the performance of our products. In fact, the reason that 
we made the changes to PL/I's QSAM, VSAM, and REGIONAL(1) I/O processing 
was due to customer feedback regarding PL/I's I/O performance. So, if you 
do encounter a performance problem with COBOL or PL/I running under 
Language Environment, please report it to IBM service and we (IBM service 
and the COBOL and PL/I developers) will work with you to understand the 
problem and see how/if we can resolve it.

Rick Arellanes (IBM COBOL and PL/I Development and Performance)

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Re: Z/os Performance issue: REWRITE a sequential data set

2006-08-28 Thread Rick Arellanes
This performance problem was addressed in December 2004 (APAR PQ95212) 
when we did the I/O rewrite. We have made substantial improvements in 
Enterprise PL/I I/O during the past couple of years and we are in the 
process of making more. For example, PQ95212 (12/2004) improved PL/I's 
record I/O (non-VSAM and non-REGIONAL(1)) performance, PK06945 (11/2005) 
improved PL/I's VSAM I/O performance , and PQ12483 (3/2006) improved 
PL/I's REGIONAL(1) I/O performance.

You should bring your LE run-time library up to current maintenance (at 
least including PL/I APARs PK28066 for VSAM and PK28237 for QSAM) and re-
run your program. When I ran the testcase here using both PL/I for MVS & 
VM and Enterprise PL/I with the latest maintenence on LE for z/OS 1.6, the 
CPU times were 0.06 seconds and the EXCPs were 41 in both cases. If I run 
the Enterprise PL/I version using LE for z/OS 1.6 without APAR PQ95212, 
the job ran out of time and used more than 150,000 EXCPs.

Finally, you should always report your problems (including performance 
problems) to IBM service so that it will come to us directly. Our PL/I 
service people can help you identify this type of performance problem and 
its solution quickly.

Rick Arellanes (IBM COBOL and PL/I Development and Performance)

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