There doesn't appear to be any command that will tell HSM to re-initialize using the updated ARCCMDxx. In this case, I just stop HSM and restart it immediately. If that won't work for you, you could write a little script (e.g., REXX) to read the ARCCMDxx statements and repackage them as HSEND commands. Each one will take affect as soon as HSM successfully processes it. -Original Message- From: John Dawes Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:55 AM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: DFHSM QUESTION - REFRESH STC Hallo All, I have made a change to the parmlib member ARCCMD00 - removed some hardcoded commands (SETMIG dsns with NOMIGRATION) which were embedded in the STC. I checked the manual - DFHSM STORAGE ADMINISTRATION GUIDE SC35-0421-04. However I couldn't find the SETSYS command that would I could issue so that the change would take effect. Could you please suggest where I could find the command? -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at
Thanks Allan for your help also, thanks for the link. I will check it out. "Staller, Allan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: SETMIG DSN() MIGRATION should take care of it.. 35.3.1 COMMANDMIGRATION | MIGRATION | NOMIGRATION: Specifying the Way Space Management Is Controlled Explanation: COMMANDMIGRATION | MIGRATION | NOMIGRATION are mutually exclusive, optional parameters specifying how space management is controlled for a data set, a group of data sets, or all data sets on a volume. COMMANDMIGRATION, valid only with the LEVEL parameter, specifies that DFSMShsm allows space management by data set command for any of a group of data sets you identified with the LEVEL parameter. DFSMShsm does not manage these data sets when it processes a volume. MIGRATION specifies that DFSMShsm will do space management automatically or by command for a data set, a group of data sets, or all data sets on a volume. You specify the MIGRATION parameter only if you previously specified the COMMANDMIGRATION or NOMIGRATION parameter with the SETMIG command. NOMIGRATION specifies that DFSMShsm will not do space management for the data set, group of data sets, or the volume; however, DFSMShsm will do space management by data set command for data sets when this parameter is specified with the VOLUME parameter. If NOMIGRATION is specified with the data set name or LEVEL parameter, DFSMShsm will not do space management by data set command. Defaults: None. Notes: 1. The COMMANDMIGRATION parameter applies only when you specify the LEVEL parameter. If you specify COMMANDMIGRATION when it does not apply, DFSMShsm ignores it. 2. If a data set is specified in more than one LEVEL parameter, that data set is given the space management status that is specified in the first issued command. For example, if LEVEL(A) COMMANDMIGRATION is specified, then LEVEL(A.B) MIGRATION is specified; because LEVEL(A) covers all A.B data sets, the second command is ignored. I have made a change to the parmlib member ARCCMD00 - removed some hardcoded commands (SETMIG dsns with NOMIGRATION) which were embedded in the STC. See: .1?SHELF=DGT2BK51&DT=2005071036 I checked the manual - DFHSM STORAGE ADMINISTRATION GUIDE SC35-0421-04. However I couldn't find the SETSYS command that would I could issue so that the change would take effect. Could you please suggest where I could find the command? -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at - Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address. -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at
SETMIG DSN() MIGRATION should take care of it.. 35.3.1 COMMANDMIGRATION | MIGRATION | NOMIGRATION: Specifying the Way Space Management Is Controlled Explanation: COMMANDMIGRATION | MIGRATION | NOMIGRATION are mutually exclusive, optional parameters specifying how space management is controlled for a data set, a group of data sets, or all data sets on a volume. COMMANDMIGRATION, valid only with the LEVEL parameter, specifies that DFSMShsm allows space management by data set command for any of a group of data sets you identified with the LEVEL parameter. DFSMShsm does not manage these data sets when it processes a volume. MIGRATION specifies that DFSMShsm will do space management automatically or by command for a data set, a group of data sets, or all data sets on a volume. You specify the MIGRATION parameter only if you previously specified the COMMANDMIGRATION or NOMIGRATION parameter with the SETMIG command. NOMIGRATION specifies that DFSMShsm will not do space management for the data set, group of data sets, or the volume; however, DFSMShsm will do space management by data set command for data sets when this parameter is specified with the VOLUME parameter. If NOMIGRATION is specified with the data set name or LEVEL parameter, DFSMShsm will not do space management by data set command. Defaults: None. Notes: 1. The COMMANDMIGRATION parameter applies only when you specify the LEVEL parameter. If you specify COMMANDMIGRATION when it does not apply, DFSMShsm ignores it. 2. If a data set is specified in more than one LEVEL parameter, that data set is given the space management status that is specified in the first issued command. For example, if LEVEL(A) COMMANDMIGRATION is specified, then LEVEL(A.B) MIGRATION is specified; because LEVEL(A) covers all A.B data sets, the second command is ignored. I have made a change to the parmlib member ARCCMD00 - removed some hardcoded commands (SETMIG dsns with NOMIGRATION) which were embedded in the STC. See: .1?SHELF=DGT2BK51&DT=2005071036 I checked the manual - DFHSM STORAGE ADMINISTRATION GUIDE SC35-0421-04. However I couldn't find the SETSYS command that would I could issue so that the change would take effect. Could you please suggest where I could find the command? -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at
Hallo All, I have made a change to the parmlib member ARCCMD00 - removed some hardcoded commands (SETMIG dsns with NOMIGRATION) which were embedded in the STC. I checked the manual - DFHSM STORAGE ADMINISTRATION GUIDE SC35-0421-04. However I couldn't find the SETSYS command that would I could issue so that the change would take effect. Could you please suggest where I could find the command? Thanks in advance. - Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address. -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at