Re: [IceHorses] Doing what is best

2008-03-03 Thread Janice McDonald
On 3/3/08, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The lady I ride with had a very best forever riding girlfriend.  Their
> > husbands were friends.  They moved to Oregon together.  The guys worked
> > together.  When the other lady went barefoot and couldn't convert Gayle,
> > she
> > quit speaking to her.

Like Jaspar, my gosh, I should get a pic of his poor hoof now.  My
farrier asked if I was riding him a lot, I said no, he said "well if
you dont mind, its gonaa look like heck but I can cut that crack out
if its ok, its long enough now" so I let him do it, now jas has a hunk
out (and new thrush treatment).  Bless his heart he is the hoof
crack/thrush poster child this year.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Doing what is best

2008-03-03 Thread Judy Ryder
> The lady I ride with had a very best forever riding girlfriend.  Their
> husbands were friends.  They moved to Oregon together.  The guys worked
> together.  When the other lady went barefoot and couldn't convert Gayle, 
> she
> quit speaking to her.

It doesn't have to be cult-like.  We don't have to put anyone on a pedestal 
(and we shouldn't), nor any method or discipline.

There's no cookie cutter equipment, training method, riding discipline.

We can strive to be as good as we can be to the horses, as natural as 
possible, making the best decisions for the benefit of the horse.


Re: [IceHorses] Doing what is best

2008-03-03 Thread Nancy Sturm
  Nobody is asking
> anybody to get married or anything, i mean, heck, its a two-three hour
> ride for goodness sake not a lifetime committment.

Exactly, Janice.  We ride with lots of different people.  I think it's good 
for us and good for the horses.  We try really hard not to make it a command 
performance and not to exclude anyone.  If they can come ride, great.  If 
they can't, well maybe another time.

As for the women who lost teenage sons, those are shoes I don't want to walk 
in.  One of our former foster sons died at age 21, after a life of pain and 
disability,  and his mom visits his grave several times a year (he's buried 
on our farm) and still weeps when she speaks of him.  It's really not to be 
"gotten over".


Re: [IceHorses] Doing what is best

2008-03-03 Thread Janice McDonald
yes oddly un-adult.  But its like my friend Sylvia says...  we ride
with people and two of them in the last five years lost a teenage son
each.  One is a total almost psycho, just goes off in hysteria at
something like a snake on the trail or something.  The other is just
totally maudlin depressed about 98% of the time.  Me and Sylvia feel
like, hey, who knows what we would be like in that cicumstance and try
not to judge.  but we ride with others who say "is so and so invited?
Cause if they are I'm not coming" and we used to try and acommodate
and work around all that stupid stuff but now Sylvia says "life is too
short for that" so we just invite whoever and let them work it out.
If they wanna come, fine, if they dont, fine.  Nobody is asking
anybody to get married or anything, i mean, heck, its a two-three hour
ride for goodness sake not a lifetime committment.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Doing what is best

2008-03-02 Thread Nancy Sturm

I was shocked when someone said some people wont
> even ride with you if you have shoes on your horses ?!??!?

The lady I ride with had a very best forever riding girlfriend.  Their 
husbands were friends.  They moved to Oregon together.  The guys worked 
together.  When the other lady went barefoot and couldn't convert Gayle, she 
quit speaking to her.

I thought that was oddly un-adult.


Re: [IceHorses] Doing what is best

2008-03-02 Thread pyramid
On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 07:52:55AM -0800, susan cooper wrote:
> We all love our Iceys and we want to do what is best
> for them.  So let us not get into a fight over tree
> vs. treeless.  Every horse is an individual and every
> owner has different needs.  I have treeless, but I
> also want a treed.  That is why I went looking at all
> the saddles.  Petty fighting and bickering don't do us
> any good at all, and do not lead to more knowledge. 

right on :)

i love my sensation(s).  i also love my hrimnir (extra-wide).
it's all about what's best for each horse-and-rider combination,
and as i have multiple riders and multiple kinds of ride, having 
a few options (and NEVER FORGETTING BAREBACK!! :) i think improves
our overall chances of getting the best possible results :)


Re: [IceHorses] Doing what is best

2008-03-02 Thread Janice McDonald
On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 9:52 AM, susan cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We all love our Iceys and we want to do what is best
> for them.  
> Those people with really strong opinions need to
> remember that other people are allowed to have
> opinions, too, and it doesn't mean one person is wrong
> and the other person right.  They are just different.

thats good Susan, thanks.  And we all come from such different
perspectives.  I didnt even know "barefoot" meants something other
than unshod.  and I was shocked when someone said some people wont
even ride with you if you have shoes on your horses ?!??!?  Thats
bizarre.  So when I would post that all my horses are barefoot and
unshod, people would think I ascribed to some pete ramey thing or
something, which the opposite is true.  Everyone around here who had
their horses done by a new "barefoot" farrier who came into this area
had their horses turn up lame, so I am an avid UN-believer in some
yuppie new ramey type barefoot method.  My farrier is so country I
doubt he even has a GED and I dont know if he is certified or not.  I
just know he is the best in this area and I am dang lucky I am on his
elite list of customers because he has a waiting list at all times.
Good farriers are like that.  and as for saddles, my husband has a
wide tree tucker he loves and seems to work great on his horse, and as
I have said before I love my custom orthoflex stitchdown that Acie at
orthoflex whittled on just for me and put the new shorter more
flexible panels on.  I also don't know of any saddle that could be
better than my antique bona allen.  I have never seen a saddle that
fits every horse i have BUT Tivar which nothing will fit...  but
imagine a saddle fitting horses needing wide trees, normal trees, or
like Jas, a wide tree in front and normal in back...  but it is hard
as a rock after an hour or so on the trail for MY rear...

I just hope from this thread tho people learn no saddle is best for
all horses.  My jas cannot be ridden in a treeless, he has to have
spine clearance completely, 100%, not even a saddle pad becuase of his
special fistula problem.  i know the right pad could fix that but been
there done that...  riding in the rain it slipped to one side and
rubbbed on his spine, that was the end of that, i could not ride him
for five months.  I cringe when people say oh thanks!  I will run out
and get that saddle for my horse!  For one thing...  lord the money i
have spent on bad saddles...  I could have bought three custom made
saddles for what i have paid on bad saddles, not always bad, but bad
for me and or my horse...

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Doing what is best

2008-03-02 Thread Nancy Sturm
> Those people with really strong opinions need to
> remember that other people are allowed to have
> opinions, too, and it doesn't mean one person is wrong
> and the other person right.  They are just different.

Amen to that.

Nancy, who lives in the house of "different"