Re: [IceHorses] Re: OT-whats for supper granpaw

2008-07-19 Thread Mic Rushen
Oh my

>I have never seen a beetroot!  Here our beets are all bright red and
>pickled.  How do you cook a beetroot! 

Fresh beets are like rutabaga (which we call swede) but smaller and
softer, dark purple/black in colour. You boil them, then peel them and
eat them fresh, or pickle them. The little ones we call baby beets,
but we tend to let them grow to about orange size.

 Is it like a turnip or a
>rutabega??  and are your peas what we call "english  peas" that you
>can only get here canned?  Little green round balls??

Yes, that's the ones. Sweet and crispy when fresh, not at all like the
canned ones. We mostly eat them raw in salads as they are not that
different from frozen ones when you cook them. The pods and shoots are
lovely too.

  I wonder why
>they don't grow here.  and are your beans like green beans in a can or
>do you shell them. 

We grow French beans, which are like your canned green beans, runner
beans, which you eat the whole pod sliced up while the beans inside
are immature (the beans are pink and black!) and broad beans which are
podded and sort of greyish green.

>are shelled.  Here ripe now is watermelon and cantalope, okra, peaches
>(best are from Chilton Co. Alabama NOT Georgia)tomatoes and yellow
>summer squash is just going out.

Our squash doesn't come in until mid to late August, also courgettes
(zucchini) and marrows (sort of huge zucchini). They do grow some
sorts of melon and a few peaches in the south of england, but not
commecially. We also grow rhubarb, broccoli, red cabbage, savoy
cabbage, apples, pears and cherries.

Best of all are the blackberries in September, lush, juicy, sweet and
free everywhere in the hedgerows. Perfect with homegrown apples.


Mic (Michelle) Rushen

Solva Icelandic Horses and DeMeulenkamp Sweet Itch Rugs:

Re: [IceHorses] Re: OT-whats for supper granpaw

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
Sue, my momma had a peach tree for years and it always just grew one
or two peaches.  then an old man walking by told her if she will hang
a bar of soap in a nylon stocking and tie it in the tree it will make
peaches.  the next year it was so full of peaches a branch broke.
maybe something in the soap killed some aphids or aomething??  we
could never figure it out.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: OT-whats for supper granpaw

2008-07-18 Thread Nancy Sturm

 we dont have raspberries

Oregon has a wonderful climate for all kinds of berries, both domestic and 
wild.  We ride on narrow trails lined with both blackberries and black cap 
raspberries.  Three days ago, we commented on the fact that the bears didn't 
seem to have found the berries.  Today in the same spot the berry bushes 
were all wallowed down and there was a giant pile of blue bear poop.  The 
berries have been discovered and declared ripe.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: OT-whats for supper granpaw

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
we dont have raspberries, we have blueberries, should be blooming
soon, and blackberries, they make the yellow flies come in.  We have
strawberries almost all year round from somewhere in fla, and no
currants tho I did buy some imported in the store once and they were
amazing.  We have some native grapes here we call scuppernong and
muscadine, slip skins they are called, and they are so good!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: OT-whats for supper granpaw

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
I have never seen a beetroot!  Here our beets are all bright red and
pickled.  How do you cook a beetroot!  Is it like a turnip or a
rutabega??  and are your peas what we call "english  peas" that you
can only get here canned?  Little green round balls??  I wonder why
they don't grow here.  and are your beans like green beans in a can or
do you shell them.  here we have "pole beans" and "runner beans" that
we eat green in their shells, the pods and all, cooked with bacon of
course, cant cook any vegetable in the south without hog fat in it,
and then like the field peas or zipper peas or butter beans etc, those
are shelled.  Here ripe now is watermelon and cantalope, okra, peaches
(best are from Chilton Co. Alabama NOT Georgia)tomatoes and yellow
summer squash is just going out.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: OT-whats for supper granpaw

2008-07-18 Thread Mic Rushen
On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 19:03:47 -, you wrote:

>We poor people in th UK are having home grown potatoes, peas, beans, 
>beetroot, radish and cucumber and lettuce. The tomatoes aren't ready 

Hey, don't forget the carrots, strawberries, raspberries and
; )


Mic (Michelle) Rushen

Solva Icelandic Horses and DeMeulenkamp Sweet Itch Rugs: