Re: [iText-questions] Tables and new pages

2006-01-18 Thread Bruno Lowagie

Please stay on the mailing list instead of replying to me personally..



Cheers for getting back to me, I changed to the PdfPTable and alot of the
options were gone, but it sovled the issue. Is there anyway to set the
cellpadding/defaultcellborder etc like in the table object?

There's a method getDefaultCell()
Do something like getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.TOP);
and you change the default border:

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iText-questions mailing list

Re: [iText-questions] Tables and new pages

2006-01-17 Thread bruno

Gavin wrote:

Hi all,

I need some help sorting out a formatting issue when creating an pdf.

Basically i'm creating a table, setting all the settings, then from a database 
going through each result and creating the cells to display the data.

What I am doing is looping through the results, and each time adding 4 new 
cells to the table, which works perfectly fine, but if the results continue 
onto a new page, the first 2 rows or sets of cells overlap each other.

Are you using iText 1.3.6?
If not, please do an upgrade and tell us if the problem persists.
If you can't upgrade: please don't use class Table, use PdfPTable instead.

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iText-questions mailing list

RE: [iText-questions] Tables and new pages

2006-01-17 Thread Paulo Soares
Use a PdfPTable. 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Gavin
> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: [iText-questions] Tables and new pages
> Hi all,
> I need some help sorting out a formatting issue when creating an pdf.
> Basically i'm creating a table, setting all the settings, 
> then from a database 
> going through each result and creating the cells to display the data.
> What I am doing is looping through the results, and each time 
> adding 4 new 
> cells to the table, which works perfectly fine, but if the 
> results continue 
> onto a new page, the first 2 rows or sets of cells overlap each other.
> Below is the code that generates the pdf document, the 
> results are collected 
> into an Arraylist of file objects.
> [code]
> try
>   {
>   PdfWriter writer = 
> PdfWriter.GetInstance
> (basedoc, new FileStream(Server.MapPath("") + "/_files/" + 
> IPAddress.Replace
> (".","") + ".pdf", FileMode.Create));
>   writer.SetEncryption
> (PdfWriter.STRENGTH40BITS, null, null, PdfWriter.AllowPrinting);
>   basedoc.Open();
>   Font items_font = new 
> Font(1, 10f);
>   basedoc.Header = new 
> HeaderFooter(new 
> Phrase("File Review Report - ", items_font), new Phrase( " : " + 
> DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), items_font));
>   Table main = new Table(4, 2);
>   main.DefaultCellBorder = 0;
>   main.Border = 0;
>   main.Cellpadding = 0;
>   main.Cellspacing = 0;
>   main.Padding = 0;
>   main.SetWidths(new 
> int[4]{ 50, 300, 
> 100, 75});
>   Font Header_Font = new 
> Font(1, 20f);
>   Font List_Font = new 
> Font(1, 10f);
>   Table Header = new Table(2);
>   Header.DefaultCellBorder = 0;
>   Header.Border = 0;
>   Header.Cellpadding = 0;
>   Header.Cellspacing = 0;
>   Header.Padding = 0;
>   Paragraph 
> Paragraph_HDR_MainText = new 
> Paragraph("File Review Report - " + AccountName, Header_Font);
>   Paragraph 
> Paragraph_HDR_SmallText = new 
> Paragraph("Created: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), List_Font);
>   Cell Header_MainText = 
> new Cell();
>   Header_MainText.Add
> (Paragraph_HDR_MainText);
>   Header_MainText.Add
> (Paragraph_HDR_SmallText);
>   iTextSharp.text.Image logo = 
> iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(Server.MapPath("logo.gif"));
>   logo.ScaleToFit(45f, 45f);
>   logo.Alignment = 
> iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_RIGHT;
>   Cell Header_Logo = new Cell();
>   Header_Logo.Add(logo);
>   Header.AddCell(Header_MainText);
>   Header.AddCell(Header_Logo);
>   Paragraph 
> spacer_content = new Paragraph
> ("s ", new Font(1, 20f, 1, iTextSharp.text.Color.WHITE));
>   Cell spacer = new 
> Cell(spacer_content);
>   spacer.Colspan = 4;
>   main.AddCell(spacer);
>   basedoc.Add(Header);
>   Phrase header_1_phrase 
> = new Phrase
> ("Barcode", List_Font);
>   Cell header_1 = new Cell
> (header_1_phrase);
>   Phrase header_2_phrase 
> = new Phrase
> ("Reference", List_Font);
>   Cell header_2 = new Cell
> (header_2_phrase);
>   Phrase header_3_phrase 
> = new Phrase
> ("Holder", List_Font);
>   Cell header_3 = new Cell
> (header_3_phrase);
>   Phrase header_4_phrase 
> = new Phrase
> ("Review Date", List_Font);