[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - connection failure message should report client ip

2009-07-31 Thread AdrianWoodhead
In JBM 2.0.0.BETA3, if a client shuts down without closing its connections 
(e.g. it crashes) you see the following in the server log file:

anonymous wrote : 09:37:31,347 WARNING 
[org.jboss.messaging.core.remoting.impl.RemotingConnectionImpl]  Connection 
failure has been detected Did not receive ping from client. It is likely a 
client has exited or crashed without closing its connection, or the network 
between the server and client has failed. The connection will now be closed.:3
  | 09:37:31,348 WARNING 
[org.jboss.messaging.core.server.impl.ServerSessionImpl]  Client connection 
failed, clearing up resources for session 0687b9f5-7d74-11de-9648-0019b9ebba6b
  | 09:37:31,348 WARNING 
[org.jboss.messaging.core.server.impl.ServerSessionImpl]  Cleared up resources 
for session 0687b9f5-7d74-11de-9648-0019b9ebba6b

If possible it would be great if this message could output the IP address of 
the client that caused this. This would help to determine the location of a 
faulty client.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: JBM 2.0.0b3 CPU and memory usage compared to ActiveMQ

2009-07-28 Thread AdrianWoodhead
As promised here is the CPU usage for the first week:


and here is the memory usage for the first week:


After the spikes at the start and the subsequent restart on the Wednesday, both 
CPU and memory usage appear to have stabilised and are even at slightly lower 
levels to ActiveMQ when I look back at the graphs for the past month. Good news!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: JBM 2.0.0b3 CPU and memory usage compared to ActiveMQ

2009-07-24 Thread AdrianWoodhead
Quick update: I've been watching this over the past few days and the CPU and 
memory usage seems to have returned to normal. So I'm guessing those spikes are 
related to the ping issue we saw at around the same time which brought the 
server down. I will post updated graphs once the server has been running for a 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - JBM server failure on abrupt client shutdown

2009-07-23 Thread AdrianWoodhead
Hey guys,

We discussed this issue on irc this morning but as you suggested here is a 
forum post with all the details I could gather. Hopefully this is all due to 
the ping issue that has now been fixed in trunk, but this might be useful to 
review and double check.

In a nutshell - we have 16 client applications which are publishing messages to 
and receiving messages from a single topic (over JMS). The jbm-jms.xml config 
file is here:


(these forums really could do with an "attach file" feature).

The other configuration files aren't really interesting - no persistence, no 
security, some JMX and standard netty transport. We are running JBM 
2.0.0.beta3. At some point early this morning one of the client machines 
crashed, we can't tell how but the machine required a restart so I think we can 
assume the JVM would have shutdown abruptly. I don't have logs for the exact 
time at which this happened as they rolled over but from the earliest I can 
find the jbm log file was flooded with these log messages (10 a second or more):

09:07:56,796 WARNING 
[org.jboss.messaging.core.remoting.impl.RemotingConnectionImpl]  Connection 
failure has been detected Did not receive ping from client. It is likely a 
client has exited or crashed without closing its connection, or the network 
between the server and client has failed. The connection will now be closed.:3 

This went on for hours, and these messages were interspersed with two exception 
stacks, this one occurred the most:

09:07:57,110 SEVERE 
[org.jboss.messaging.core.server.impl.ServerSessionPacketHandler]  Caught 
unexpected exception 
  | java.lang.NullPointerException
  | at 
and there were a few of these:

09:07:59,789 SEVERE 
[org.jboss.messaging.core.server.impl.MessagingServerPacketHandler]  Failed to 
reattach session 
  | java.lang.IllegalStateException: 1571589352 Can't find packet to clear:  
last received command id 321535 first stored command id 320494
  | at 
  | at 
I have attached some fragments of the log file with the full stack traces here: 


I restarted the JBM server and then expected the clients onException() handler 
to be triggered so they would reconnect (this is usually what happens if I 
restart the JBM server and after around 30s all the clients are reconnected and 
sending/receiving messages as normal). However the clients did not seem to pick 
up the fact that the server was back. I left one of the clients for around 5 
hours and it still hadn't reconnected. I then tried to shutdown the clients and 
they refused to exit gracefully. I ran jstack on the clients and this reported 
a deadlock which I think was preventing the shutdown. I have put the jstack 
output from two of our clients which show the deadlock occuring in the JBM 
client code here:


The deadlocks seem similar but different. Maybe this part of our experience 
indicates a new bug?

Hope this is useful. If you need any more information just let me know.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - JBM 2.0.0b3 CPU and memory usage compared to ActiveMQ

2009-07-23 Thread AdrianWoodhead
On Monday morning I started migrating a set of applications over to using a JBM 
topic for sending and receiving messages, this was previously done by ActiveMQ. 
I thought I would share the results of monitoring the JBM server over this time 
period. I realise you guys haven't done much work on the memory and cpu usage 
aspects of JBM yet, but this at least proves that there is definitely a case 
for some work to be put into this area. We have a graph of memory usage on the 
server for the last week here:


and CPU on the same server for the same time period:


On Monday we switched about 6 clients over to use JBM instead of AMQ. You 
notice a slight increase in memory and CPU compared with ActiveMQ up until that 
point. On Tuesday we then switched another 10 clients over, increasing the load 
from tens of messages a minute to hundreds (which is still not extreme). You 
can then see the memory go through the roof and the swap even gets called in 
(the purple, something we dread in terms of performance). The CPU also goes 
through the roof at around the same time. The sharp drop-offs on the right of 
the graphs are where I restarted the server today. The CPU shoots back up very 
quickly, the memory seems to be taking a bit longer. 

I will keep an eye on this, just thought I'd report it here so you can keep 
this in mind for the future. If there is any more information I can provide you 
with I'm more than happy to.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: session.createTextMessage() returns null?

2009-07-15 Thread AdrianWoodhead
Yeah, you are right, that code can't return null. I will have another look at 
our code, my guess is that due to the number of deploys we have done recently 
with different versions there is a mismatch in line numbers which is confusing 
the issue here. Sorry about that.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - session.createTextMessage() returns null?

2009-07-15 Thread AdrianWoodhead
I've noticed some strange behaviour in JBM 2.0.0.BETA3. We have a client 
application which queues up messages and sends them periodically to a topic. 
Sometimes the client gets into a strange state where:

message = session.createTextMessage();

returns null. I've never seen this happen before. The strange thing is that it 
doesn't happen on every call to createTextMessage. It will work for a few 
calls, then return null, then work again for a few more etc. It also doesn't 
happen all the time, our other client application running the same code at the 
same time does not exhibit this behaviour. In what cases would this method 
return null? The spec says nothing about this other than that a JMSException 
should be throw if an error occurs creating the message.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Could not find reference with id (JBM 2.0.0.BETA3)

2009-07-08 Thread AdrianWoodhead
I can confirm that the stack trace is related to the pre-ack mode. I just 
changed this to DUPS_OK in the client and set pre-ack to false in the server 
and restarted the apps and server and instead of the stack trace I now see 
messages like this in the log:

"Message has expired. No expiry queue configured for queue 
1433214e-35df-4691-b4e9-0e165a81a364 so dropping it"

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: deleting messages rather than blocking if server down fo

2009-07-08 Thread AdrianWoodhead
We have a thread pool - the problem is, we really *do* need to be able to 
handle thousands of simultaneous request threads. The application in this case 
is an audio streaming server which ideally should only be limited by IO reading 
files from disk. Currently we have this scaling up to a few thousand 
simultaneous users but the idea is for this to go up into the tens of thousands.

I will code up a message queue so message sending happens in one thread. Thanks 
for the input.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: deleting messages rather than blocking if server down fo

2009-07-08 Thread AdrianWoodhead
The clients are calling send() on the same MessageProducer instance, and this 
isn't synchronized. This hasn't caused any noticeable problems in the past 
(when the MessageProducer was using ActiveMQ) or since we started evaluating 
JBM (although the loads on those 2 servers are still very low). This makes me 
think I really should queue up the messages to be sent myself and have one 
thread call send(), which will also get rid of the blocking problem.

As for the exception listener stuff - yes, I understand how that works with the 
different re-connect values and it makes sense.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: deleting messages rather than blocking if server down fo

2009-07-08 Thread AdrianWoodhead
The threads are coming from my client application - there is a thread per http 
request and at the end of the request it calls send(). Hundreds of these 
threads are created every minute so if the call to send() blocks then it 
doesn't take long for the blocking to overwhelm the VM. I guess I could 
re-architect my application to put the messages in a queue and have one thread 
pull the messages off and send them, this just feels a bit like I'm 
implementing something which could (should?) be in the messaging client.

As for the ExceptionListener solution, I thought about this too. I have JBM 
setup to auto-reconnect so I don't actually get an exception when the server 
goes down (I just see some warning messages in the logs). From what I can tell 
the sender queues up the messages in the background. When the server comes 
back, only then does my ExceptionListener callback get called, at which point I 
redo the JNDI lookup and recreate the connections and sessions etc. This works 
well. I think if I set JBM not to auto-connect then the ExceptionListener 
callback is called right away when the server goes down, but then I have to do 
my own reconnect logic. I'm happy with this ExceptionListener logic, it would 
just be nice to be able to throw messages away instead of blocking, but maybe I 
should code this up myself.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: using log4j in JBoss Messaging client

2009-07-08 Thread AdrianWoodhead
Thanks guys, that worked perfectly!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - deleting messages rather than blocking if server down for lo

2009-07-07 Thread AdrianWoodhead
I am in the process of evaluating replacing ActiveMQ with JBoss Messaging. Our 
production systems generate loads of up to around 1 thousand messages a second 
at peack times. 

According to the JBM documentation if the server goes down then the client 
producer caches outgoing messages until the cache size is reached, after this 
the calls to send will block. ActiveMQ does something similar and this has led 
to problems in the past where the server has gone down for an extended period 
of time and the clients end up with so many blocked threads that they take down 
the client VM. In this situation we would much rather lose messages and have 
the clients continue running. Can JBM be configured in such a way that if the 
server is down that messages are dropped by the client instead of the client 
threads blocking? (they could be dropped FIFO via some sort of Bounded Queue or 
based on TTL expiry).

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - using log4j in JBoss Messaging client

2009-07-07 Thread AdrianWoodhead
I have a JBM client application (2.0.0.BETA3) and when I restart the JBM server 
a number of error messages appear on sys err in the client. I would like to 
direct these using log4j. In the documentation I read that JBM uses Java 
logging and that adding this line


to a "logging.properties" file on the classpath would cause JBM to use log4j. 
However I have the feeling this may only apply to the server as I tried this on 
the client and the messages still go to sys err. Is there a way to use log4j on 
the client?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Could not find reference with id (JBM 2.0.0.BETA3)

2009-07-07 Thread AdrianWoodhead
Thanks for the quick reply. I created a Jira issue here:


Let me know if you need any more info or need me to test a fix. I noticed that 
in the "create issue" screen there is a link "READ THIS BEFORE ENTERING NEW 
REPORTS." which links to a 404 

I have some other feedback regarding JBM, but I'll create separate forum 
threads for that...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Could not find reference with id (JBM 2.0.0.BETA3)

2009-07-07 Thread AdrianWoodhead
I am evaluating JBoss Messaging as a replacement for ActiveMQ at our company. I 
have installed 2.0.0.BETA3 and am very impressed with the documentation and 
examples - top stuff. 

I have the server running on one machine with a jms setup and 
true in the config. I have two client 
machines which send messages to a topic and also receive messages from the same 
topic. They are configured with the same pre-acknowledge mode (I don't really 
care if messages go missing, I'm more interested in overall throughput and 
stability). When run, one of the clients successfully sends messages to the 
topic and receives messages back (including its own messages). However, the 
other client (the exact same code) sends messages fine but only receives its 
own messages back (*not* the messages from the other client). There are no 
error messages in the client log files. However on the server I see this error 
over and over again:

Failed to acknowledge
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find reference with id 878 backup 
false closed false

Does anybody have any idea what's going wrong here?

Here is a full stack trace for reference:

15:42:04,894 SEVERE [org.jboss.messaging.core.server.impl.ServerSessionImpl]  
Failed to acknowledge
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find reference with id 893 backup 
false closed false
at org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioWorker.read(NioWorker.java:303)
at org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioWorker.run(NioWorker.java:176)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

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