[JBoss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Re: JBossWorkManager waitForAll()

2006-03-29 Thread hannes.koller
thanks for your reply. I had already feared that this is not part of the JCA 
spec.. I will submit it as  a feature request. Thanks :) 

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[JBoss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - JBossWorkManager waitForAll()

2006-03-28 Thread hannes.koller
I wonder if the JBossWorkManager provides an easy way to start several  
synchronous threads and wait for all of them to finish. I can vaguely remember 
I saw other WorkManager implementations which had a waitForAll(jobs..)  
method.. but I cant find such a method in the JBossWorkManager.. does a similar 
method exist, which accomplishes the same thing? Thanks for your time. 

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: How to get a WorkManager from a Bean

2006-03-27 Thread hannes.koller
I know your post was a long time ago. I was asking myself the same Question 
today, and I could not find a simple example of this..so it  took me a rather 
long time to come up with a solution..I thought it could not hurt to post it 

  | //get MBean Server
  | MBeanServer server = MBeanServerLocator.locateJBoss(); 
  | //get WorkManager
  | ObjectName  objectName = new ObjectName("jboss.jca:service=WorkManager");   
  | JBossWorkManagerMBean jwm = (JBossWorkManagerMBean)
  | WorkManager wm = jwm.getInstance();  
  | //schedule Work for Execution
  | wm.scheduleWork(new SomeWork());

Note that there is a difference between  scheduleWork() (call returns 
immediately)   doWork(call returns when work is finished)   and startWork() 
(call returns when work is started). 

Btw. If there is anything wrong with this solution, I would appreciate it if 
someone could tell me. TIA :) 

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-03-06 Thread hannes.koller
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : This has to be a side-effect of farming. Instead of 
farming the deployments, just deployment them to the servers and rerun the 
test. Farming has to be propagating the undeployment event to all nodes. This 
is not what the ProxyFactoryHA state listener was designed for.

I have now disabled farming on all nodes. I use the original ProxyFactoryHA 
again, and deploy the MBean manually. The odd behavior is still there. As soon 
as I undeploy the MBean on one node (delete .sar file from deploy directory) 
the  MBean.STOPPING event is propagated to all replicants --> the 
containerIsAboutToStop() method gets called on every replicant --> they all 
disappear from the DistributedReplicantManager's listContent() view.. so my 
guess is that it has nothing to do with farming.  

I would love to investigate further on this, as this has really sparked my 
interest, but unfortunately I have already spent more time on the MBean 
clustering than I was supposed to.. and the patch I posted above works fine for 
me.. so I think I'll just open a JIRA issue with the detailed behavior as soon 
as I find the time.

Thank you very much for your replies everybody. It's good to see that the devs 
are active in the forums and actually give valuable feedback to user questions. 

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-03-02 Thread hannes.koller
Hmm I have clustered a simple test MBean class at the moment it is called 

  | public interface WorkflowControllerServiceMBean extends HAMBean {
  |public void test();
  | }

I extracted the invoke() Method to a separate interface called HAMBean:

  | import org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean;
  | public interface HAMBean extends ServiceMBean {
  | public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Exception;
  | }

The implementation of the WorkflowControllerService just outputs some string to 
the console.

  | public class WorkflowControllerService 
  |  extends AbstractHAMBean implements WorkflowControllerServiceMBean {
  | public void test() {
  | }   

The AbstractHAMBean class the WorkflowController extends contains the methods 
for setting up the method hashes and registering the service name hash in the 
Registry. It is more or less a copy and paste from 

  | import org.jboss.ha.jmx.HAServiceMBeanSupport;
  | public class AbstractHAMBean extends HAServiceMBeanSupport implements 
HAMBean {
  | protected Map marshalledInvocationMapping = null;
  | public void startService() throws Exception {
  | super.startService();   
  | log.info("Calculating Method Hashes for " + serviceName);
  | Class[] ifs = this.getClass().getInterfaces();
  | HashMap tmpMap = new HashMap();
  | for (Class i : ifs) {
  | log.info("Adding Methods Interface: " + i.getName());
  | // Calulate method hashes for remote invocation
  | Method[] methods = i.getMethods();
  | for (int m = 0; m < methods.length; m++) {
  | Method method = methods[m];
  | Long hash = new 
  | //log.info("Adding Method: " + 
  | tmpMap.put(hash, method);
  | }
  | }
  | Registry.bind(new Integer(serviceName.hashCode()), serviceName);
  | marshalledInvocationMapping = 
  | log.info("Started MBean: " + serviceName);
  | }
  | public void stopService() throws Exception {
  | super.stopService();
  | Registry.unbind(new Integer(serviceName.hashCode()));
  | log.info("Stopped MBean: " + serviceName);
  | }
  | /**
  |  * This is the "remote" entry point
  |  */ 
  | public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Exception {
  | // Invoked remotely, inject method resolution
  | if (invocation instanceof MarshalledInvocation) {
  | MarshalledInvocation mi = (MarshalledInvocation) 
  | mi.setMethodMap(marshalledInvocationMapping);
  | }
  | Method method = invocation.getMethod();
  | Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
  | // Setup any security context (only useful if something checks 
it, this
  | // impl doesn't)
  | Principal principal = invocation.getPrincipal();
  | Object credential = invocation.getCredential();
  | SecurityAssociation.setPrincipal(principal);
  | SecurityAssociation.setCredential(credential);
  | // Dispatch the invocation
  | try {
  | return method.invoke(this, args);
  | } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
  | Throwable t = e.getTargetException();
  | if (t instanceof Exception) {
  | throw (Exception) t;
  | } else {
  | throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(t, 
  | }
  | } finally {
  | // Clear the security context
  | SecurityAssociation.clear();
  | }
  | } 
  | }

The associated jboss-service.xml looks like this:

  |   jboss:service=DefaultPartition
  |   jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmpha
  |   org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin
  |   jboss:service=HAJNDI  
  |   arsenal.at:service=WorkflowController
  |   WorkflowController
  |   at.arsenal.spirit.services.workflow.W

[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-03-02 Thread hannes.koller
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : DistributedReplicantManager.remove does not remove 
all values for the given key. It just removes the value associated with the 

Yes you are correct. I tested the remove's behavior in the JMX console today 
and it does what it is supposed to do. My bad. Still the patch I posted 
yesterday solved my problem and I was curious why, so I played around some 
more... as soon as a   target.destroy() appears in the containerIsAboutToStop() 
 method, the behavior I described occurs... 

The problem with this is the following: the containerIsAboutToStop() method 
gets called from the StateChangeListener.  When one Replicant is undeployed 
(for whatever reason) this method is called. But not only for the Replicant 
which is going down, but for ALL the replicants (they all registered a listener 
after all). And consecutively every replicant thinks itself is about to stop 
and disables itself.  Now that was a tough one.  :-)

I guess thats the core reason for the behavior I have been noticing the last 
few days. Should not be so hard to fix, the ProxyFactoryHA just has to check if 
the ServiceMBean.STOPPING event was meant for itself or a different replica.  

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : 
  | The behavior you describe does not occur when shutting down a node with 
clustered ejbs, so something does not seem correct with the usage.

This is just a guess, but I think this behavior does not occur with ejbs 
because they never recieve ServiceMBean.STOPPING events? 

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-03-01 Thread hannes.koller
Ha, I figured it out (talking to myself seems to help a great deal ;) No 
offense I know you are most likely on the other side of the planet and are 
probably still asleep while I am writing this) 

Anyway... I had a look at the ProxyFactoryHA , and came across this:

  | 151protected void containerIsAboutToStop ()
  | 152{
  | 153   if( target != null )
  | 154   {
  | 155  target.setInvocationsAuthorization 
  | 156  target.disable ();
  | 157   }
  | 158}

After some more asking google for sourcecode I found out that target.disable() 
does a
 this.partition.getDistributedReplicantManager().remove (this.replicantName); 
 which  - it seems to me - removes all replicas  (removes it's localReplicant 
and propagates the remove operation to all other nodes on the cluster) ... 

I take it this is not a bug, but rather the expected behavior for this class ?  
As I said I am pretty new to this and could not find much documentation... 
anyway..  I discovered eralier that the  stop() and destroy() methods of the 
ProxyFactoryHA seem to be sufficient to disable the replicant anyway.. so I 
simply made a new subclass which does nothing in the containerIsAboutToStop()  

  | public class CustomProxyFactoryHA extends ProxyFactoryHA {
  | protected void containerIsAboutToStop() {
  | //do nothing
  | }
  | }

and updated my jboss-service.xml file: 


 now everything seems to work absolutely smoothly. Turn off node, switch 
node back on... everything behaves as I would expect it to.

Looks like this solved my problem. Or am I missing something else which I could 
have broken with this patch?  :-)

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-03-01 Thread hannes.koller
Me again... :)

I managed to narrow down the area where things go wrong: Undeployment. 

When a node is shut down with ctrl+c JBoss undeploys all the MBeans. Naturally 
it also undeploys my custom MBean.  What seems to go wrong here is that  when 
it undeploys the ProyxFaxtoryHA  it does not only remove the one instance of 
the service from the DistributedReplicantManager but rather it removes them 

Why do I believe this?

I tried to put a sleep() command in the stop() method of my MBean so I had time 
to reload the listContent() view of the DistributedReplicantManager while the 
MBean was being undeployed. I discovered that _all_ instances of the 
arsenal.at:service=WorkflowController disappear as soon as the _first_ cluster 
node starts to undeploy the MBean (since the ProxyFactoryHA depends on that 
MBean  I assume that it is removed before the stop() method on my MBean is 
called, and the sleep() gives me time to reload the view)... 

Consequently I tested a node failure by pulling the network cable on one of the 
nodes.. and it  _worked_  .. the cluster discovered the dead member.. the view 
in listContent() lost only the service instance of the failed node. All 
subsequent invocations were passed to the living node. No Exceptions. I 
restarted the "dead" node and reconnected it to the network. It re-joined the 
cluster, and the invocations were distributed among the two nodes again. 

That's why I am fairly certain that things go wrong during undeployment. 
Perhaps now the situation is clearer and someone can give me a hint on this? 
Thanks a lot. :)

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-03-01 Thread hannes.koller
Ok to further illustrate this behavior I have played around with the jmx 

The DistributedReplicantManager of the DefaultPartition has a listContent() 
method which displays the availibility of services in the cluster partition.  
My setup is as follows, I have the service (WorkflowControllerService) deployed 
on two nodes: and ...  On a third node I invoke the  
listContent() method on the local  DistributedReplicantManager.. the following 

* start all three nodes
* deploy WorkflowControllerService on and with 
* start up jmx console on (the third node) and invoke listContent()

  | ---
  | Service : HAJNDI
  | - Service *is* also available locally
  | -
  | -
  | ---
  | Service : arsenal.at:service=WorkflowController
  | - Service is *not* available locally
  | -
  | -
  | ---
  | Service : DCacheBridge-DefaultJGBridge
  | - Service *is* also available locally
  | -
  | -

Ok thats what I expected to see... At this stage the LoadBalanced invocations 
work fine... but now..

* Kill Node (ctrl+c) .. or the other one it does not matter I have 
tried it with both..

* invoke listContent() on

  | ---
  | Service : HAJNDI
  | - Service *is* also available locally
  | -
  | ---
  | Service : DCacheBridge-DefaultJGBridge
  | - Service *is* also available locally
  | -

There! Both of the WorkflowController Instances are gone... I would expect  the 
Instance on to be still here. 

The funny thing is, if I do not shutdown the whole server but only use the 
stop() and destroy() methods of the  associated ProxyFactoryHA on node then it works as expected: 

-- The output of listContents() then shows the remaining Instance of the 
WorkflowController on and everything works well. 
-- I can even restart the ProxyFactoryHA by using  create() and start(), then 
listContent() displays it again, and Invocations are again RoundRobin scheduled 
as I would expect them to be. 

But as soon as I shutdown one node completely it breaks everything, and I can 
only get it to work again by manually undeploying the service from the farm 
(delete the .sar from the  /farm directory) and then redeploying the service.

Awfully long post, sorry about that. But I am really not sure what to make of 
this :/  

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-03-01 Thread hannes.koller
Thanks for your reply. I have turned on TRACE as you suggested, and found out 
the following: 

This is a line from my logs when the Invocations work as expected (deployed to 
two nodes via farming):

  | 2006-03-01 09:18:19,678 TRACE 
[org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.interfaces.JRMPInvokerProxyHA] Init, clusterInfo: 
[endpoint:[](remote),objID:[4b46ef39:109b4b3c025:-8000, 2, 
JRMPInvoker_Stub[UnicastRef2 [liveRef: 

Notice the two  liveRefs that are present in the targets[]. Everything works 

As soon as I shut down one node the same trace looks like this: 

  | 2006-03-01 09:20:12,082 TRACE 
[org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.interfaces.JRMPInvokerProxyHA] Init, clusterInfo: 

_Both_ liveRefs have vanished and targets[] is emtpy, which explains the 
ServiceUnavailableException, as you expected.  So it boils down to this 
question:  Why are both liveRefs removed  when I shut down one node? 

(As I am absolutely new to this, it is highly probable that I am making some 
kind of obvious mistake, which I am overlooking..)

Thanks for helping :)

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-02-28 Thread hannes.koller
Sorry if I am annoying..  one more thing I stumbled upon.. 

Clustering the MBean and deploying it via the JBoss farming service works very 
well now.. I tried the RoundRobin and RandomRobin LoadBalancing Policies and 
this works the way one would expect (impressively easy once you get it going, I 
love it :-)  ).. the next thing I tried was fooling around with the failover 
behavior of the clustered MBeans and I noticed some strange behavior (I am not 
blaming JBoss but rather  my cluelessness, but I really dont know what I am 
doing wrong here)... 

I have a cluster of three nodes.  Two of them (Node A and Node B) run the 
clustered MBean service I have been developing. They are deployed via the 
farming service, and  each of them creates a  ProxyFactoryHA. The third node 
(Node C) looks up the ProxyFactory via HA-JNDI and performs a number of 
invocations on the MBean. These invocations are evenly distributed between the 
two MBeans as one would expect.. 

Now my problem is the failover: as soon as one of the MBean nodes (say Node A)  
"fails"  (by shutting down the server via  ctrl+c  or the shutdown script) I 
would expect the Node B to receive all the invocations from Node C.  But 
instead, an exception is thrown on Node C: 

  | java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
  | at $Proxy62.test(Unknown Source)
  | at 
  | at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:810)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
  | Caused by: org.jboss.invocation.ServiceUnavailableException: Service 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at org.jboss.proxy.ClientContainer.invoke(ClientContainer.java:86)
  | ... 22 more

Still the cluster detects the failed node correctly and updates it's state, 
therefore I think the problem has somehow to do with the ProxyFactoryHA..

I fooled around a little and discovered, if I shut down the ProxyFactoryHA 
MBean of a Node  by hand (call the stop() method of the MBean via the JMX 
Console) then all works as expected. The other Node gets all the Invocations, 
no exceptions. If I start the ProxyFactoryHA again (via JMX console) the 
Invocations are distributed again.  

But as soon as I shut down the Node via ctrl+c the invocations fail. When I 
restart the shut down node, the invocations succeed again, but now all calls 
are answered by the node that was restarted. The node that was running all the 
time is ignored now. 

Now this is just a guess, but I believe part of the problem is, that the JBoss 
server should call the stop() method of the ProxyHAFactory when it is shut down 
but this would not solve the problem of a node failing (the failing Node would 
not call the stop() method of the  ProxyFactoryHA, because it failed).. so my 
guess is that something with my configuration (posted a few messages above) is 
wrong.. or maybe the ProxyFa

[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-02-27 Thread hannes.koller
Ok nevermind, I found it out :-)

If anybody is interested, the MBean needs to register itself at the Registry 
during startup. It also needs to expose an invoke() method, which injects the 
Method Resolution into the remote invocation... err sounds confusing, anyway 
the classes at 


gave me an impression how it has to be done.  Thanks for your time anyways :-)

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-02-27 Thread hannes.koller
Thanks for your reply. In the meantime I have tried to implement a clustered 
MBean with Round Robin scheduling (I found the a message where the poster 
claims he has done  this at 

I have created an MBean (WorkflowControllerService) which extends the 
HAServiceMBeanSupport  class, and exposes a test() method. The 
jboss-service.xml of the MBean looks as follows

  |   jboss:service=DefaultPartition
  |   jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmpha
  |   org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin
  |   arsenal.at:service=WorkflowController
  |   MUH
  |   at.arsenal.spirit.services.workflow.WorkflowControllerServiceMBean
  | jboss:service=HAJNDI

The service can be deployed just fine, and when I do a lookup I get a valid 
reference to a JRMPInvokerProxyHA class.  But if I try to invoke the test() 
method on the Proxy I get an exception.  Example code and exception follow: 

  | WorkflowControllerServiceMBean controller = 
(WorkflowControllerServiceMBean)ctx.lookup("MUH");  //lookup proxy
  | log.debug("Calling Test Method on Controller"); 
  | controller.test(); //exception here

The exception which is thrown is:

  | 08:48:01,000 INFO  [STDOUT] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null object 
  | 08:48:01,000 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,001 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,002 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,002 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  | 08:48:01,003 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,003 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,003 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,004 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,004 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,005 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
  | 08:48:01,005 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,006 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,006 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,007 INFO  [STDOUT] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
  | 08:48:01,007 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,008 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,008 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,008 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPInvoker_Stub.invoke(Unknown Source)
  | 08:48:01,009 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,009 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,010 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,010 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,011 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,013 INFO  [STDOUT] at $Proxy63.test(Unknown Source)
  | 08:48:01,014 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,014 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,014 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,015 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,015 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
  | 08:48:01,016 INFO  [STDOUT] at 

[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - MBean Clustering , JBoss 4.0.3

2006-02-22 Thread hannes.koller
I have searched the forums, but have found no recent information on this. This 
question has been asked before(in 2003): 

anonymous wrote : 
  | I have a set of MBeans that provide services for my application. I would 
like to deploy these MBeans on multiple servers (for load-balancing and 
failover). I do not want to set them up as singletons, but I do want one and 
only one MBean to be utilized per request. I also would like to have the 
invocations of the MBeans load-balanced (any flavor is fine) and fault-tolerant 
(so that if a server goes down, the invocation of the service is routed to 
another server). 

I am having the exact same problem and I am wondering if a nice builtin 
solution for this has been developed in the meantime. If someone could point me 
in the right direction (Articles, Example Code, anything) I would be most 
grateful. TIA.   :)

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