[JOYnet] I need your Prayers today

2001-10-11 Thread Ravi Vaz

Hi Joynetters,

Guys i am in deep trouble , need your prayers, i am
stuck in a software installation that wont work.

Just say a small prayer for me and things will work

Love and Prayers


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[JOYnet] Prayer

2001-10-11 Thread

Dear friends,
i am Justin from Kumily (Kerala)
Now i beg your prayer support for my friend becouse she is in ill please remember her 
in your valuable prayer times.

with love & prayer 

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[JOYnet] " A Child Is Born To Us" ISAIAH 9:6

2001-10-11 Thread Biju Antony


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

My wife Jessy gave birth to a healthy girl child
in this morning at 1.45 am.
It was a normal delivary.
Praise the Lord!

Biju Antony/ Kuwait.

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-10-11 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (October 12).

Linda Kuriakose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wilfred Mathews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Abu Augustine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
bijimary thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Seven Spiritual Truths -- The Next Two(To Be Contd)

2001-10-11 Thread shobith thomas

1. Source
2. Sin & Separation
3. Sacrifice
4. Salvation
Receiving Christ
Christ-Directed Life
5. Sacraments
6. Safety
7. Send


Jesus served the penalty for our sins when He sacrificed Himself on the 

He was pierced for our transgressions,he was crushed for our iniquities; 
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are 
Isaiah 53:5

But God demonstrates his own love toward us,in that while we were yet 
sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

Jesus death restores our relationship with God. He alone bridges the gap 
that separates us from God.

I am the way and the truth and the life.No one comes to the Father except 
through me.
John 14:6

For there is one God and one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men.
1 Timothy 2:5-6


Jesus offers us eternal salvation - heaven - as a gift.

For the wages of sin is death,
but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

As with any gift, salvation is not ours until we accept it. To do so we must 
decide to receive Jesus into our lives by faith and take action by leading a 
good life.

For by grace you have been saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Ephesians 2:8

Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
James 2:17

How do we receive Jesus into our lives?


The above three circles represent three kinds of lives. The first circle 
shows a self-directed life. Self is on the throne and Christ is outside the 
life. Interests and activities are directed by self.

The second circle is also a self-directed life, but Christ is now an 
interest. Note that self is still on the throne.

The third circle represents a Christ-directed life. Christ is on the throne 
and self yields to Christ. Now interests and activities are directed by 

Each circle can be further understood by the following analogy. The person 
in the first circle is single; there is no relationship with Christ and no 
commitment. The second person is dating Christ; there is some relationship 
but very low commitment. Finally, the person in the third circle is married 
to Christ; there is a strong relationship and high commitment.

Which circle best represents your life?

Which circle would you like to have represent your life?

How do I get a Christ-directed life?

Getting a Christ-directed life is simple, much like exchanging marriage 
vows. You simply say yes or I do to Jesus and commit yourself to Him by 
asking Him to be a part of your life, in good times and in bad.

You can make that commitment to Jesus right now.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:20

Jesus knows your heart and is not concerned with your words, or if you have 
been good or bad in the past. What counts for Him is the present attitude of 
your heart, like the following prayer.

Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. I admit that I have sinned and 
done what is wrong. Thank you for dying for my sins so that I could have 
eternal life. I open the door of my heart and receive you as my Saviour and 
Lord. Direct my life. Make me the kind of person you want me to be. Amen.

Does this prayer express the desire of your heart?

If it does, pray the prayer right now, and Christ will come into your life.

Now that Jesus is in your life, He will nurture your new-found relationship 
with Him.

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[JOYnet] Small Correction

2001-10-11 Thread shobith thomas


sorry for the mistake

Please read "Rosary of Mercy" instead of "Rosary of Faith"

With Prayers


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[JOYnet] Rosary of Mercy (Miracles Do Happen)

2001-10-11 Thread shobith thomas

Hi All

This is a small miracle in my life. I had a great faith in the Rosary of 
Mercy.I think all might have heard about it.For those who havent
Its like this.Instead of the Hailmary and Holymary for the Rosary(that we 
use regularly)say this small prayer

For the Hail Mary part
Thinking and Meditating on the most terrible and sorrowful sufferings of 

For the Holy Mary part
Have Mercy on Me and the whole world

  I am working at Coimbatore and my sister is studying in Tirupur(about 
60 kms from here).Once I had gone there to meet her.I had reached Tirupur at 
11.30 and I called her and asked her to come to Tirupur.But she did not turn 
up till 1.30.Then I remebered Fr.Jain a great believer of this faith and I 
started reciting the Rosary of Faith.A miracle happended at the end of the 
fourth decade.my sister was right in front of me.

Fr.Jain also had a similar experience.He had an accident and needed a 
Confesion very badly.He made a promise that if he could get a confession he 
would say nine Rosaries of Mercy.While he was through the seventh a father 
came and he was able to get a good confession.

Hope all of you practise this great faith

With love in Christ

Shobith Thomas

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[JOYnet] Rosary of Mercy

2001-10-11 Thread shobith thomas

Hi All

This is a small miracle in my life. I had a great faith in the Rosary of 
Mercy.I think all might have heard about it.For those who havent
Its like this.Instead of the Hailmary and Holymary for the Rosary(that we 
use regularly)say this small prayer

For the Hail Mary part
Thinking and Meditating on the most terrible and sorrowful sufferings of 

For the Holy Mary part
Have Mercy on Me and the whole world

  I am working at Coimbatore and my sister is studying in Tirupur(about 
60 kms from here).Once I had gone there to meet her.I had reached Tirupur at 
11.30 and I called her and asked her to come to Tirupur.But she did not turn 
up till 1.30.Then I remebered Fr.Jain a great believer of this faith and I 
started reciting the Rosary of Faith.A miracle happended at the end of the 
fourth decade.my sister was right in front of me.So this was enough to get 
me into a this Faith
Fr.Jain also had a similar experience.He had an accident and was greatly 
expecting a Confeesion.He made a promise that if he could get a confession 
he would say nine of those.While he was through the seventh a father came 
and he was able to get a good confession.

Hope all of you practise this great faith

With love in Christ

Shobith Thomas

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2001-10-11 Thread Sojan K. J.

Dear Friends,

The plight of the UN aid workers on trial in
Afghanistan for the crime of preaching Christianity
once again reminds us of our Christian duty to
evangelise whatever the odds. The modern day Catholic
unfortunately does not see any point in sacrificing
his comfort and security for the sake of
evangelisation. The flip side of not focussing on
evangelisation is that members start leaving the
Church to join other religions or the new sects. This
phenomenon has already reached alarming proportions in
many parishes of Mumbai. 

The crux of effective evangelisation is understanding
and making others understand the grace of Baptism.
Jesus voluntarily subjected himself to the rite of
baptism in the river Jordan before beginning His
public ministry and went on to say that no one can
enter the kingdom of heaven unless he is reborn of
water and the Spirit (i.e. baptised). 

The grace of Baptism: 
 Baptism results in the forgiveness of the
individuals sins (original plus personal) as well as
the punishment for sin, thereby making him an adopted
son of God and partaker in his divine nature. 
 The baptised person receives the gift of
faith and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. 
 Baptism further opens the doors for him to
receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist
and Confirmation. 

We must realise that the devil has a vested interest
in preventing people from becoming Christians. He
knows that unbaptised people can be easily deceived
when it comes to spiritual matters. False religions
are one of the deceptions practiced by him on them.
The false religions keep their adherents burdened and
pre-occupied with meaningless rituals and
superstitions. They exchange the truth about God for a
lie, and teach people to worship and serve the
creation (i.e. stars, nature, animals, idols, humans,
angels etc.) instead of the Creator himself (ROM
1:25). It is only the anointing of the Holy Spirit
(received through Baptism and affirmed through
Confirmation) which enables man to see the lie. This
is why Holy Mother Church holds firm to the mission
she has received from the Lord, to see to it that as
many people as possible are baptised. 

Let us be clear whom we are fighting against. We have
no quarrel with our Hindu or Moslem brethren. Our real
fight is against the forces of darkness. Jesus tells
us that He is sending us out as lambs among the
wolves. St Paul tells us to put on the whole armour of
God. The Church asks you and me today: Have you grown
up to evangelisation yet? Hai tujme ithna dham?  


MUMBAI - 400 066
PHONE (R) 884 3879

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[JOYnet] from Palliyachan

2001-10-11 Thread jyfamily

Slow Down! This is the day of salvation . Listen.

Dear friends, it is a long time since  I spoke  I knew you were all praying for me. 
Yes, it was an occassion for me to listen to the Lord and to listen to my body and to 
discern His ways.There is a need of slowing down. Alleluia! Thank you one and all for 
your prayers.

Every war begins in our hearts. Hence the Lord reminds us that we need to constantly 
examine and purify our hearts. " What defiles a man  is what comes  out  of his  
mouth, for the things that come out of the mouth, come from the heart and these make 
the man unclean." Mt. 15: 18-19.

Where did the 2nd world war begin  ? In the heart of Hitler !

" External vigilance is the price of Freedom  ", said Laskey, the political scientist 
. This is the reason for the saying that regularly the Church  and the society  need 
to be renewed and purified . Individuals, communities and organisations get 
contaminated and in turn poison the world. Our Holy Father made so many apologies on 
behalf of the Church, for the crusades and other such practises that we indulged in , 
in the past against humanity. Some of our brothers in the Islamic world swear by 
Jihad-holy war! Can a war be holy? There is so much of venom in our hearts which is 
perpetuated through revenge, retaliation and hatred. Read Jer 17:9-10, Jer 9: 5 and  
Rom 3: 13.

We need a look into ourselves honestly and identify these traits that create 
insecurity problems in us and around us. This is the ffirst step towards change and 
transformation. We also need to send out vibrations of Love, Joy and Peace. " Shanti 
Mantra" needs to be our weapon to defuse tension built up all over. Repentance and 
Conversion demands of us a change in Life-style too. May the Lord help us to become 
messengers of Peace in the days to come. 


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[JOYnet] Some more radiant faces at Joynet !!!!!!!

2001-10-11 Thread welchy fernandes

Robin   Mathew
Is from Pathanamthitta Kerala

Naveen  lobo has been serving the Lord in north with a
lay team"SANTVANA"
led by Fr.Dheeraj
He hails from SANTVANA, Cathedral Compound, Wazirpura
road, Agra
Agra uttar pradesh India
Want to know more of his noble works Then do send an
Email to :

Jolly works on a Managerial level .

Shibu Joseph Nellikunnel
Hails from Mamletharwadi Malad
Was Introduced to the Joynet by his Parish

He is presenlty invoveled with  JESUS YOUTH MUMBAI

Shaju Kureekkal Joseph
comes from Jodhpur Rajasthan- the desert state of
Presently involved with   Jesus youth there .

Roshan Mathew  Verghese
Is from mavelikara
Meet Sofi his wife & new born kid .

Mathews  V is from Mumbai Maharashtra
He was introduced to Joynet by a friend of his .

Monica Anne Rhodes
Is from Jasper Texas  United States
She has got thru know of Joynet thru website 

Once again I am here with new faces .Dear new netters
freshening up the Joynet with your Powerful 
testimonies .

Yours Sister in Jesus 

Welchy f 


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[JOYnet] Need your prayers..

2001-10-11 Thread Manoj Sunny

We are leaving for a campus retreat to Trivandrum today. We will be doing two
parallel retreats for the youth and the college teachers at Mar Ivanios
They are organising two evening worship sessions also for the Public.. Please
keep us in your prayers..
Manoj Sunny

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