[JOYnet] hi everyone! :)

2001-12-13 Thread sheril daniel

hi everyone!

this mail is long overdue i know and i appologiise for that.  Thank you all for 
praying for Rose.  She is now at home (Uganda) and i hope that we can continue prayng 
for her to become alright soon.  i wiill let you all know if i get any further news.  

i've been busy with work here at the labs, and i'm trying very hard to wind up for the 
year, so i can go home on monday.  i'm looking forward to a long overdue rest!!!  i 
don't know how often i'll be able to mail or check my mails at joynet once i get home 
so i'd like to wish you all in advance a very merry christmas!  I hope that it turns 
out to be special for each one of us!  

And before i forget, i must add that i have been finding this daily verse thing 
really wonderful!  i think it's thomas george who's sendiing it?  please don't 

with much love in Jesus


Grahamstown, South Africa
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[JOYnet] Friendship a story

2001-12-13 Thread JASON

One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw
a kid
from my class was walking home from school. His name
was Kyle. It
looked  like he was carrying all of his books. I
thought to myself, Why
would  anyone  bring home all his books on a Friday?
He must really be a
nerd. I  had  quite a weekend planned(parties and a
football game with
my friends tomorrow  afternoon),  so  I shrugged my
shoulders and went on.
As I was walking, I saw a  bunch of  kids running
toward him. They ran
at him, knocking all his books  out  of  his  arms
and tripping him so he
landed in the dirt. His glasses went  flying,  and I
saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him.
looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his
eyes. My
heart went out to  him.
So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled around
for  his glasses,  I saw a tear in his eye. As I
handed him his glasses, I
said,  Those  guys  are jerks. They really should get
lives. He looked at me
and  said,  Hey  thanks! There was a big smile on
his face. It was one of
those  smiles that showed real gratitude. I helped
him pick up his
books,  and  asked him where he lived.
As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him
why I
had  never  seen  him  before. He said he had gone to
private school before now. I
would  have  never  hung out with a private school
kid before. We talked all the
way  home,  and  I  carried some of his books. He
turned out to be a
pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play a
little  football
with  my friends. He said yes.
We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know
Kyle, the
more  I  liked  him, and my friends thought the same
of him. Monday morning
came,and  there  was Kyle with the huge stack of
books again. I stopped him
and said,  Boy,  you are gonna really build some
serious muscles with this
pile  of  books  everyday! He just laughed and handed
me half the books.
Over  the  next  four  years, Kyle and I became best
When we were seniors, we began to think about
college. Kyle
decided  on  Georgetown, and I was going to Duke. I
knew that we would
always be  friends,  that the miles would never be a
problem. He was going to be
a doctor,  and  I  was going for business on a
football scholarship.
Kyle was valedictorian of our class. I teased him all
time about being  a  nerd. He had to prepare a speech
for graduation. I was so
glad  it  wasn't  me  having to get up there and
Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was
one of
those  guys  that  really found himself during high
school. He filled out and
actually  looked good in glasses. He had more dates
than I had and all the
girls  loved  him.  Boy, sometimes I was jealous.
Today was one of those days. I
could see  that  he was nervous about his speech. So,
I smacked him on the
back  and  said,  Hey, big guy, you'll be great! He
looked at me with one of
those looks  the  really grateful one) and smiled.
Thanks, he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and
Graduation is  a  time to thank those who helped you
make it through those
tough  years.  Your  parents, your teachers, your
siblings, maybe a coach...but
mostly  your  friends. I am here to tell all of you
that being a friend to
someone is the best gift you can give them. I am
going to
tell you a  story.
I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told
story of  the  first day we met. He had planned to
kill himself over the weekend.
He talked  of how he had cleaned out his locker so
his Mom wouldn't have
to do  it  later  and was carrying his stuff home. He
looked hard at me and
gave  me  a  little  smile. Thankfully, I was saved.
My friend saved me from
doing  the  unspeakable. I heard the gasp go through
the crowd as this
handsome,  popular boy told us all about his weakest
I saw his Mom and Dad looking at me and smiling that
grateful  smile.  Not until that moment did I realize
it's depth. Never
underestimate  the  power of your actions. With one
small gesture you can change
a  person's  life. For better or for worse. God puts
us all in each other's
lives  to impact one another in some way. Look for
God in others.

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-12-13 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (December 14).


Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Attack on Indian parliament

2001-12-13 Thread Thomas Mathew

 Dear friends, It hurts to see that terrorism is on the rise. We live in
an age of terror and violence  which hampers peace. As I was listening to
the news this evening I  heard somene mention  that the person who
masterminded the destruction of the twin towers is the personification of
evil.  I think that person whoever said that is right.  Now coming to
India, the recent terror on the Parliament building was aimed  to destroy
hundreds of MPs,  related  officers and  offices  that  are in
the service of Mother India.. I think it is a henious crime to continue
to destruct  people in the name of ideologies, religion, anger and
related issues. People need to  sit down and thresh out their
differences,  instead of  anihilating each other..  I believe, as
Christians, we need to pray for our offenders and at the same time we
need to bring to justice the people and the fractions that oppose justice
and peace. It is  for the common good of humanity that wee need to halt
the evil and carnege promulgating people and fractions in this world. I
feel bad for the innocent people who had to die in theline of dutry in
New Delhi to safe guard our freedom and Democracy.  My heart goes out to
the families of those soldiers and also the families of the terrorists
who may have little control over their  own lives and activities as they
belong to  evil organizations that are mastered by evil people.  Although
many of these people who may have lost their lives, do not believe in
Jesus,   they are part of humanity, they are the beautiful Handiwork of
God. God created them and nurturd them. But they are dead and  gone now,
leaving behind families to continue suffering. This afternoon I happened
to lsisten to CNN news where I heared that one of the widows of a victim 
who died in the twin tower explosion, committed suicide . That was too
much for her to suffer the los of her dear husband.  There could  be many
other perople who go through similar emotional stress. The terrorists and
the people and ideologies that mastermind similar occurances is
responsible for the continuation and perpetuation  of evil  on this
planet.  May the blood of these martyrs be the seeds for peace and
justice in Iindia and in the entire world. I do invite the readers to
pause for a moment with respect and to pray for the lives that are wasted
because of anger, arrogance, and similar evil intentions. I wish and pray
that peaceful  negotiations  may bring this ring of violence to a stop
averting another possible war. As Jesus youth, we need to stand up and
pray for the people who might plan retaliatory measures which might
destroy people, nations and civilizations. After an Afgan war I could see
millions of hungry  and  innocent people lined up  as beggars. Had there
been no war,  no violence, this situation wouldn't have happend.  Peace
to all   God Bless you allFr Thomas MathewCalifornia  

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Re: [JOYnet] Prayer Request

2001-12-13 Thread stanly kulangara

Dear All,

Thanks a lot for your prayers.

By Gods grace I am safe with my job (there was about
25% of lay off in my company) but have to relocate to
the new place in Arizona to where my company is

Since my wife works here in California, Bay area and
also we are expecting a baby it is a hard time for us.
Please keep us in your prayers.

Prayerful regards

Stanly/ Beji 
--- stanly kulangara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dear All,
 I need your prayers since my company is going for 
 a big change. Please pray for me and my wife 
 to face it regardless the outcome.
 Stanly Kulangara
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