[JOYnet] Two Days Not to worry!!

2002-01-21 Thread roshan mathew verghese

Two Days We Should Not Worry

There are two days in every week about which we should not worry,
two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.

One of these days is Yesterday with all its mistakes and cares,
its faults and blunders, its aches and pains.

Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.
All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday.

We cannot undo a single act we performed;
we cannot erase a single word we said.
Yesterday is gone forever.

The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow
with all its possible adversities, its burdens,
its large promise and its poor performance;
Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.

Tomorrow's sun will rise,
either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise.
Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow,
for it is yet to be born.

This leaves only one day, Today.
Any person can fight the battle of just one day.
It is when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities
Yesterday and Tomorrow that we break down.

It is not the experience of Today that drives a person mad,
it is the remorse or bitterness of something
which happened Yesterday and the dread of what
Tomorrow may bring.

Let us, therefore,
Live but one day at a time.

~Author Unknown

Yours in Christ for ever,

Roshan Mathew VergheseGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.22 '

2002-01-21 Thread Thomas George

21-1-2002 (Monday)

Dear friends in Christ,


  God has poured out his love into our hearts by
means of the Holy Spirit, who is God's gift to us.  
-  Roms. 5/5 

 In HIS grip and grace,

 Bangalore, India 

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2002-01-21 Thread JASON :)


We do thank you for your prayers and you will also be in ours! Praise God, He
is everywhere and knows each one of us by name! Our names are written on His
hands and He is our Blessed Hope! Your sister in Christ, Helen

First I want to thank you all for your prayers.  I appreciate each and every
one of them.  This is just a quick update.  Jerri is not bleeding anymore, so
that's a good sign.  Not sure on the pneumonia situation.  She is still tired
most of the time though.  The good news is the bleeding stopped though.  As
for anything else about the cysts I do not know.  She goes back to the doctor
who is handling the cysts (not her regular OB, she goes back to him the week
after that), so I will update you as soon as I know anything.  She still has
pain from them and cramps which I assume are from them but I am not completely
sure.  Anyways, just wanted to pass along a little update.  So please keep her
in your prayers, she is I believe 15 weeks so fixing to go into her 5th month.
Hopefully they can do something about the cysts when she goes back next week.
Anyways I will update you as soon as I know anything.  God bless you all and
thanks again for all your prayers. Sandy

Wellthanks to all your prayers!!  Baby is out of ICU and will be going
home tomorrow or next day!!  To have come from critical to going home in a
weekwell...friends..that is the true power of prayer...thank you
so much
The doctors all studied the case yesterday and confured with each other and
came to the conclusion that this was a birth trauma..that she has no
underlying condition to cause the blood clot..and they are VERY
optimistic!!  What wonderful news.God is an AWESOME GOD!!!  All Glory
and Praise to HIM the ultimate healermost merciful and
compassionate..healer of His childrenThankd You Father for all the
blessings of this day and days past and miracles already given..MSl


Thank you.  We are most grateful, and pray for you, also.  In His Love, Rose
Thanks for praying for me.  I do pray in the blessed name of Jesus that God
will bless me with a job soon that I can support myself and a family.  I also
pray that He will give me that ability to witness to my family and friends and
to open up their hearts to Christ. In Jesus' name I pray all these things and
also that God will bless you for praying for all of us.  Amen. Richard.

Thank you so much for the prayers. They are really appreciated. Love, Terry

Thank you for your prayers.  My son needs all he can get and so do I. Diana

God Bless You All and thank you my brothers and sisters from afar for your
kindness and your prayers. God Be With You

Thank you very much for the prayer support.  May God bless you Mary Jo

Thank you  and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! PB

Praise God!  Thank you for your prayers. Bail Johna

Thank you very much for your prayers. Dotti Martz

Thank You for your Prayers. God Bless You. Karen Prince

Well..I have news...good and badthe good news is that the baby
is still seizure free..the bad news is she had a stroke.I have
never heard of a new born having a stroke before...but she did..they
did an MRI and it showed up plainly...now they will take her off the
seizure medicine and try to find out why she had the stroke..the bad news
is the stroke is in the area that can affect eyesightplease keep
praying..we are still in the woodsI know the prayers going up from
all of you are the reason she is still here and fighting hard to stay
here..now let's pray for insight for the doctors and damage
control.this has got to be one for the medical books..Joyce
was so touched by all the prayers and responses..I
forwarded alot of your letters and prayers to her..she took them home to
read them because she knew she would cry if she read them at work.she
thanks you from the bottom of her heart and asks you to please keep
praying.. MSlap

thank you, god bless you! Cen54

Thanks for the prayers. A Sister in Christ, LOIS

Thanks for your prayers. LOU

Thank you Cynthia Jenkins

BLESS YOU . Diane Reed

God bless you and thank you so much!!! Love in Jesus...Tracy (Telie's Mom)

How ironic that my son who you have prayed for and you share the same first
name!! He to is a good man, just a lost young man. But the Lord is mighty and
worthy to be Praised!!! thank you for 

[JOYnet] I am precious in the Lord

2002-01-21 Thread Shobith Thomas

The grace of my lord yesterday an today

I was feeling very uneasy yesterday and asked Jesus to help me.I was taking part in 
the procession after mass since here it was the feast of St sebastion the Patron of 
our church.I was holding Karen the little daughter of Molly a JY here and suddenly I 
dont know she gave kiss on my hand.I do not know whether I am exaggerating but I felt 
that Jesus used that kid to convey me that I am precious for him

Today is the birthday of my dear Mother who God had destined to give birth to me.What 
more I need to thank him for??

Thats all flocks
with prayers in the name of Jesus Mary and Joseph


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[JOYnet] Urgent(Pls respond to shobith@kggroup.com)

2002-01-21 Thread Shobith Thomas

Hi all 

The followup programme will be led by Adv.Raiju Varghese NJYC

I need a small help.We the JY of Coimbatore are blessed with many convents and 
churches,Priests and Nuns to cater all our needs. Rev.Sr.Naveena the principal of 
Vimal Jyothi Convent School was exceptional not ignoring Fr.Sunny,Fr.Johnson and 
Fr.George.I had told all of you about the followup on the 26 and 27 of jan.

The principal had asked us to give a one day programme for the school students on the 
28 th but we did not get any resource person.So if any joynetter can come here to 
coimbatore or any JY who can refer us to such a resource who can come here and conduct 
the program please mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

We cannot ignore the request since this place was the venue of many of our JY 
activities like Leadership programme,intercession programme and so on. the programme 
should have Music and Skits in English.The talk we can arrange.please pray and mail me 
if anyone can come.its urgent

Sorry for troubling you with two same mails earlier.

Please also note that the programme should be in English

with prayers in Jesus mary and Joseph

Shobith Thomas

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[JOYnet] God Willing:

2002-01-21 Thread Babu Joseph

Dear Friends in Christ:

It has been a long time since I wrote something on the net (But, of course,
I am a silent listener, reading all the good stuffs that is posted herein).
I would have become a total stranger to many, as more new friends come each
day. As Holy Bible is the largest circulated book ever, so will be our
Joynet, the largest subscribed e-mail group, sooner than we think. But we
are one in the spirit through the Holy Communion.

After the long silence, I am here with a prayer request.

Please pray for Ancy  (Ruby). She has a job interview tomorrow (Jan 22, 2002
at 11.00 Eastern Time, USA) with New York City Hospital (Lincoln). She is
kind of sick now. She fell victim of the Flu epidemic going around our area.
Yesterday she had 104 degrees and today better at 101/102 degrees. As this
is a position with the City, we may not be able to postpone the interview.

Those of you read this mail after the interview time as mentioned above,
please pray that se may get this job, if God willing for that.

Love and Prayer

Babu Joseph, New Milford, NJ

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-01-21 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (January 22).

Dominic Jose Mathew [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Any JYs in Pune?

2002-01-21 Thread roshan mathew verghese

Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am going to Pune to attend a wedding of one of my cousins.
Is JY active there?
The funny thing is that the only JY i meet regularly is my wife Sofi  and
the other JYs i have met are a few of my wife's friends.
Any JYs Out there in Pune?

Yours in Christ for ever,

Roshan Mathew VergheseGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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2002-01-21 Thread JASON :)

Wow... Welchy  George was right Josun ur mail was touching abt ur
father's birthday. Wot really touched me most was the way you'll guys
gathered round ur parents as a family and prayed together. For me that is
one of the main strenghts of any family remaining as ONE  forever. It
reminded me so much of the times I spent with my Dad. I am sorry if this
mail is long..

The story of my Dad is totally different. My Dad was never spiritual before.
I am no one to judge my Dad. No one has the right to. But still to show the
presence of the lord in my our life it is worth mentioning.

I still remember that day when I passed my 10th standard exams. In the
evening when my Dad came  home. He poured himself a glass of Cariba Rum with
coke and made one for me. Today u are big boy he said. I still remember the
look on my Mom's face. I didnt know wot was wrong then.

Thanx to Mom as time went by and the introduction she gave me to Charasmatic
Prayers I gave up drinking. Cause of Mom my Dad had reduced drinking.
However what he gave
up in drinking he made up in smoking.
After all the Day retreats and pray session. Nothing improved.
I remember Mom and me telling him to give up for
the sake of the lord... still no avail. And then finally In June 98 dad
was diagonised with cancer. He was to pass off within one week. I still
remember the tears of Mom on my shoulders. For me I guess that was really
the first time I actually surrendered to the lord.  What happened then we
didnt know. Just as though there was someone holding a light for us in the
darkness we were going through. On that hospital bed my Dad decided to
change. He used to laugh at charismatic prayers but now he was willing to
pray. He made a good confession. With God's love we had priests visiting our
Dad atleast twice a day to talk to him. And the grace of God did fall. How
that one week passed we didnt know... Dad was still alive.

It was God's love that made my Dad make two christmas retreats in Divine and
3 at Tabor. Dad was changed. It was as though the circle was complete. We
five (parents and we 3 bros.) could finally have praise and worship in our
house as a family as Josun mentioned.

Then came Y2K. In April Cancer resurfaced. Doctors gave up hope and said.
Anytime he will pass away. Again we had to prepare to deal with the
death of my father. I remember those last days when we used to pray around
him all placing our hands on him. It was special. We knew that it wouldnt be
long. But in our hearts we were happy about one thing. The Father we longed
for ... is here. A prayful daddy. No more Drinks, no more Smoking. We felt
so happy that our Eternal Father chose this moment to take our father away
at this moment , not two years before on that Hospital Bed when dad wasnt
even ready to acknowledge God.

Soon Dad started sinking. May 15, my Parents 23rd wedding anniversary. Dad
was in
Bed...He couldnt get up.
All our relatives came. They knew that this may be last anniversary of our
parents. Soon for dad it started happening. We knew the time was near. As
relatives went in another room and started discussing abt. arranging the
priest and all. My mom quietly gathered all 3 brothers near his bed. There
we laid our hands for the last time on Dad and we prayed. We prayed that the
Lord take away our Dad. Away with him. We couldnt see him suffereing and
today we are setting him free with love to our eternal father. We prayed and
thanked lord for those years he gave us with our Father and we have no
regrets that he is calling back his child whom he sent 58 years ago.

May 16, 2000 Dad expired at 3.00 in the morning in the hospital just the
time mom had begun her Divine Mercy prayers for him.

Lastly I remember the time we went for the month's mind of our Dad. We were
still feeling his loss. We went to his grave. We went just as a formality...
relatives sake. We knew wot was there was only his mortal remains. Dad was
actually up there somewhere. So only Mom and we 3 brothers gathered round
grave. All of a sudden I remembered a funee incident that me and my Dad
and I burst out laughing. I shared it with my mom and bros.  They too
started laughing. In the remaining 1/2 hr. we spent there around his grave
we were just sharing all those good funee times dad shared with us and
and laughinhehe... imagine the faces of those who must have seen us like
And at the end of it all. we thanked God for giving us those wonderful
to cherish.

My Dad had expired in May 2000 at the age of 58. 56 years as an Old man in
darkness of Satan But 2 years as a Toddler in Christ.

urs in faith


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[JOYnet] Fwd: Child of Rape Says All Life Has Value

2002-01-21 Thread Jase John

Child of Rape Says All Life Has Value
Source:   New Hampshire Sunday News; January 20, 2002

Child of Rape Says All Life Has Value

Concord, NH -- Whenever attorney Rebecca Kiessling hears people condemn
abortion except in the case of rape or incest, she feels a deep personal

She was conceived during a rape. Her birth mother attempted to get an
abortion, but they were illegal at the time and she ultimately decided
against it. Her frightened mother gave up her baby for adoption instead.

Kiessling was adopted by a Jewish couple in Michigan who raised her in
their faith and encouraged her to become a lawyer. Until her late teens,
she had no idea of the circumstances of her birth or the identity of her
birth mother.

Yesterday, Kiessling spoke to about 350 people in the Sacred Heart Church
after most had just completed the annual March for Life from the New
Hampshire State House to the church.

The biggest message I have is all life has value, Kiessling said.

Kiessling, 32, of Rochester Hills, Mich., is a semi-retired Christian
lawyer, having closed her law office to take care of her family and speak
around the country.

She still does some pro-bono legal work for women and pro-life groups.

She and her husband, Bob, adopted their son Caleb, who often travels with
her. His birth mother was 16 and conceived him at a rave party.

The Kiesslings also adopted a daughter, Cassie, who lived for only 33 days
and died of DiGeorge syndrome, which is a rare group of abnormalities
including recurring infections and heart defects.

It's so sad that people could look at Cassie and say she wasn't as good,
Kiessling said.

Kiessling said society too often judges people by whether they are a
burden or benefit without acknowledging the true value of each human life.

It was an honor to take care of her . . . It was the most important thing
I've ever done, Kiessling said.

Kiessling believes God has a special place in his heart for disabled
children. Each one of our lives makes a difference and don't let anyone
tell you otherwise, Kiessling said.

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[JOYnet] Fwd: A little boy

2002-01-21 Thread Jase John

An Eye Witness Account from New York City, on a cold day in December:

A little boy about 10 years old was standing before a shoe store on the
roadway, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering with
cold. A lady approached the boy and said, My little fellow, why are
you looking so earnestly in that window? I was asking God to
give me a pair of shoes, was the boy's reply. The lady took him by the hand
and went into the store and asked the clerk to get half a dozen pairs of 
for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a
towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the
back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his
little  feet, and dried them with a towel. By this time the clerk had 
with  the socks. Placing a pair upon the boy's feet, she purchased him a 
pair of
shoes. She tied up the remaining pairs of socks and gave them to him. She
patted him on the head and said, No doubt, my little fellow, you feel
more  comfortable now? As she turned to go, the astonished lad caught her 
the hand, and looking up in her face, with tears in his eyes, answered the
question with these words:  Are you God's Wife?

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