[JOYnet] Easter Gift

2002-03-28 Thread Shobith Thomas

Hi All

Happy and Joyful Easter
I got an Easter Gift.
I am selected for deputation to another company in Coimbatore

With love in christ


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[JOYnet] Beginning of Divyajyothi on Easter Day

2002-03-28 Thread Manoj Sunny


Violence never again! War never again! Terrorism never again! In the name of
God may every religion bring upon the earth
Justice and Peace,  Forgiveness and life, Love! (Pope John Paul II, in

Hope you are aware of the new project of Jesus Youth National Network - DIVYA
JYOTHI - a National prayer campaign of Light for World Peace which was blessed
on 7th March during the CBCI meeting held at Jalandhar. The prayer starts on
Easter Sunday 2002 and will continue till 2003 Easter.

30 volunteers are taking a commitment for 30-40 days to visit the 143 dioceses
of India to introduce this prayer in the coming two months.

Many of our youth are getting ready to start the prayer in their respective

Donny wrote from Delhi :" We discussed with the Bishop about Divya Jyothi . He
himself took the initiative to talk to the priests during the Priest meeting
held yesterday .And He has agreed to inaugurate the campaign in the diocese
during Easter
Vigil by lighting the Candle".

 Sebastian from Jodhpur, Rajastan wrote: " Our Parish priest has agreed to
start the prayer for the whole parish during the Easter vigil "

We have started getting good responses from Ahmedbad, Bangalore, Coimbatore,
Vijayavada etc.

This will be a good opportunity to join hands with the unseen network of
Angels and Saints to pray together.

Even if you don't have the specially designed Divya Jyothi candles with you,
you can buy a big candle locally and get it blessed and start the prayer on
Easter Sunday. I can send the prayer format and other details immediately by
mail. Hope you will get back to me soon.

Wishing you the Joy and Peace of the Risen Lord,

For Jesus Youth, a missionary movement always at the service of the Church,

Manoj Sunny, India.

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[JOYnet] testing

2002-03-28 Thread listadm

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[JOYnet] " Easter Wishes "

2002-03-28 Thread Thomas George

Dear JOYfulnetters,


 " I am the first and the last.  I  am  the living
one!  I  was  dead  but  now  I  am  alive  for  ever
and ever. "  -  Rev. 1/17-18

With lots of luv, prayers & greetings,

(Thomas, Leena Thomas & Jeffrey)
Bangalore, India
Yahoo! Greetings - send holiday greetings for Easter, Passover

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[JOYnet] JOY 2002 Registration Closing......

2002-03-28 Thread Milan

Hallo everyone,
Registration  for the JOY 2002 program for Plus One students closes in   2
days .If you know anyone who needs to come for this program please tell them
to register soon.
Please  encourage anyone you know who is in  standard 11 (Plus One) in Kerala
to come for this program.It could really be a help to them apart from being a
wonderful experience.
Please do your bit
If you dont know anyone who is doing Plus One,then please keep this program in
your prayers,please pray for Music and Audio visual ministries and general
logistics and organisation of the program.
Please mail  to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for any more information
Love in Jesus


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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.51 '

2002-03-28 Thread Thomas George

29-3-2002 (Friday)

Dear friends in Christ,


" I have been crucified with Christ; it is no
longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the
life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the
Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. " -
Gal. 2/20

   In HIS grip and grace,
Bangalore, India
Yahoo! Greetings - send holiday greetings for Easter, Passover

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2002-03-28 Thread Joseph Sebastian


Rember that today we have to say the rosary in the afternoon. Any time 
between noon and 3 pm.

Pray that we all are able to be Children of God in its ful meaning.
Pray for me also.

Joseph/ Satara/India.

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-03-28 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (March 29).

Simon Jacob vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Baptism

2002-03-28 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

The meaning of Baptism:

1. It means obedience to the command of Christ, Mark 16:16, "He that
believeth and is baptised shall be saved." Please note that believing comes
before baptism.

2. It means following Christ's example. I Peter 2:21, "...because Christ
also suffered for us, leaving us an example that ye should follow his
steps." see also John 13:15.

3. It means fulfilling all righteousness. Matt.3:15. "Suffer it to be so
now: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness," If Jesus needed
it, I certainly do, too.

4. It means identification with Christ, Rom.6:4-13
a. Identification in his death. Rom.6:5, "...planted together in the
likeness of His death."
b. Identification in his burial.Rom.6:4, "...buried WITH HIM by baptism into
c. Identification in his resurrection. Rom.6:4, "...like as Christ was
raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should
walk in newness of life."

5. It means association with Christ's body. I Cor.12:13, "For by one spirit
are we all baptised into one body." 

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[JOYnet] Easter Greetings

2002-03-28 Thread Sajith Antony

Hi Friends,


-Sajith Antony

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[JOYnet] Best Wishes for Easter

2002-03-28 Thread jomy john

A Very Happy Easter to every body.

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