Fwd: [JOYnet] WAR

2003-03-23 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Hi friends,

I feel that the war is not for Oil. This is America's revenge for 
the WTC attack. I strongely feel that Iraq is the one who 
supported Osama.


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-- Orignal Message --

 From: Joykutty Alby Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] WAR

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From: Joykutty Alby Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
Subject: [JOYnet] WAR

Hi friends,
How do u feel the present war against Iraq by America and Britain. We can 
share our views, what is the actual reason behind in it? Who will win the 
war after killing? Should we take some action now?

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[JOYnet] Jumbo SCOOTER Jet

2003-03-14 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Hi friends,

I want to share an experience I had Last Sunday. I went to IMS 
Seminary in Sardhana (Uttar Pradesh) to meet my younger brother. I 
reached there around 2 'O' clock in the afternoon. I started from 
IMS seminary at around 6 'O' clock in the evening. As I was 
walking to Bus stop my only prayer to Jesus was that he should get 
me a Super fast bus which will take me to Meerut town from where I 
can get bus to Delhi.

From a little distance I could see an ordinary bus waiting in the 
Bus stop and I really asked Jesus Is this is the way you are 
answering my prayer?. I didn't give a second thought to 
boarding that Bus because I knew that the next will come only 
after around 45 minutes. As I was about to board the bus a young 
man, in his early 20s came to and asked me whether I am going to 
Meerut for which I said yes. He said his friend is going to Merrut 
with his scooter and asked me whether I want to join his friend. I 
was STUNNED.I asked him why he wants to take me with him. DO 
ALONE !!. I agreed to join him.

Well friends I asked Jesus to get me an Super fast Bus. My journey 
to Meerut in that Scooter was a breathtaking one. The very first 
minute we started I understood that this journey is going to be a 
special one. We overtook the 2 super fast buses went ahead of us. 
Friends, I was praying for my life.

We reached Meerut in less than 13 minutes. You may be wondering 
what's fun in that... FRIENDS WE COVERED 20 KMS IN 13 minutes. 
The super fast bus covers this distance in 30 to 35 minutes 

I reached the Meerut town and was praying for a DTC bus to take me 
to Delhi and when I reached the Bus stand that was waiting for me 
with almost all seats empty.

I thank you Jesus for the wonderful way you took care of me. Thank 
u Jesus.

Friends Let us share our day to day with Jesus in this Joynet.

Love u


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[JOYnet] Where's the fire??

2003-03-12 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear 1100+ family,

My time in joynet is been a fruitful and I have grown a lot with 
the sharings of many of our E-family. But nowadays I am wondering 
we are 1100+ and only few share the wonders God does in their 

Kya Hua Bachom ? (What happened???)

Is it that our God is a Kanjoos Marwadi (Miser) ? Or are we 
constipated of our God experiences 

Friends, Let us share our experiences and encourage each 

God bless and Sanjo loves u


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2003-02-19 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Hi friends,

Just want to add something.

The Valentines day was really publicised in the film Dil tho Pagal 
hai. From that year (in delhi 1997) it got the attention of 
generation x.

Business people, especially Archies really got into business in 


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-- Orignal Message --

 From: "Wilson Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "deepak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] My Comments on Valentine's day..is it ok to 
fall in love ?
MIME-Version: 1.0
  "Ravi Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Wilson Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] My Comments on Valentine's day..is it ok to fall
  in love ?

Dear friends in Christ,

Ravi said it right!! If you are in real love anyday could be a valentines
If there is a special day for lovers, what they are doing on other days?
So why this valentines day?? It is for business men to do GOOD business.

Do you know there are many complaints in Singapore from guys that girls are
changing their lovers after the valentines day. Do you know the reason? The
first valentines day present is the best and costly!! This idea is also
promoted by business because the more girls change their lovers, the more
their business is. What a shame?

I asked my wife what she need for valentines day and she laughed at me! True
love comes from God, and from those God has joined. Remember what Ravi
mentioned. Don't "FALL" in love.

There is no valentines day for true Christians because we are suppose to
love without compromise every day.

Gospel says (1 Joh 4:7) "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of
God; and everyone who loves is born of God, and knows God. He who doesn't
love doesn't know God, for God is love.(11) Beloved, if God loved us in this
way, we also ought to love one another"

Yet, friends, remember on this day to pray more for those who dirt the true
love to seek love of God.

Praise the Lord

Wilson Thomas

- Original Message -
From: "Ravi Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:27 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] My Comments on Valentine's day..is it ok to fall in love ?

> Hi Joynetters,
> Firstly , we dont fall in love...we are actually lifted up into the skies
by it...   ;-)
> We fall when the relationship breaks ...
> Secondly we dont know when and how it happens .. But it happens.. not
necessarily on valentines day..
> Anyday could be Valentines day
> Thirdly there are two components that need to go together in a
> Your Heart and Your Head
> Love With Your heart and Think with Your head..
> Both are important..
> many times people in love dont think from their head abt the practical
points of a relationship .. hence there is no stability and endurance ..(
seed cast on rocky ground).
> some times people in love are so busy thinking abt the practical aspects
of the relationship that they forget to use their heart( seed cast on the
> A fine balance of both is required and that can only be a gift from our
loving God ..
> So when u are in a relationship surrender it to him first..and ask him
what his will is ..Ask him to be the centre of ur relationship.. then there
will be minimum trouble for both of you.
> Love and Prayers
> Ravi Vaz
>  deepak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Dear Bros & sis
> i have a question for all of u . do u think it is alright for
> young people to fall in love ?.be coz of this situation now ..valentines
> is so commerciallised that it would seem a tragedy to have no one with u
> Feb 14 th ..no one to give a card ..etc...
> so now young people are so much encouraged and pressurized to somehow fall
> love even at the risk of making a wrong decision and regretting it till
> end of our lives . so Guys what do u suggest ???
> what would Jesus want us to do in such a situatu\ion ...would jesus like
us to
> fall in love with some one?..is there some one Jesus selected for us in
> very begining ..if there is how will we know?...what are the factors which
> young person should rethink if he or she find herself to be attraced to
> someone?
> i really don't know how many young people are in this group but i
> know there are many married people in this group ..think u can enlighten
> with your experience?
> luv deepak
> trivandrum india

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[JOYnet] Cabbage Curry

2003-02-17 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear friends,

Hi I am back with a Cabbage Curry.

Sunday being off I didnt sleep in the day time after my night 
duty. I went to bed at around 10 'O' clock in the night and 
yesterday walk up around 10:30 am on monday (pretty long sleep 

I was not in a mood to prepare food. Anyway sat and made a time 
table for the day and started executing thins accordingly.

I washed all the plates and even prepared the rice. But was not in 
mood to make the curry. In the vegetable box I had Cabbage and for 
me cutting cabbage is like eating a frog alive. You need lot of 
patience yarr. I was asking Jesus What Curry should I 
make..makeI told Jesus Cabbage curry is out of range.

There is a Chettai next to our room. He is in delhi with his wife. 
She is working with Escorts. This chettai is working in Dubai. He 
is on a holiday. He just droped in as the coversation picked up. 
He saw me preapring food. I don't know why he was after this 
cabbage. You know what he did he prepared the cabbage curry superb 
yarr. I understood Cabbage curry is more tastier than I make and 
what I call a cabbage curry.

Jesus what about chilly chicken. Oh yaaar.. lend season..ok 
after lend Jesus.


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[JOYnet] Cabbage Curry

2003-02-17 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear friends,

Hi I am back with a Cabbage Curry.

Sunday being off I didnt sleep in the day time after my night 
duty. I went to bed at around 10 'O' clock in the night and 
yesterday walk up around 10:30 am on monday (pretty long sleep 

I was not in a mood to prepare food. Anyway sat and made a time 
table for the day and started executing thins accordingly.

I washed all the plates and even prepared the rice. But was not in 
mood to make the curry. In the vegetable box I had Cabbage and for 
me cutting cabbage is like eating a frog alive. You need lot of 
patience yarr. I was asking Jesus What Curry should I 
make..makeI told Jesus Cabbage curry is out of range.

There is a Chettai next to our room. He is in delhi with his wife. 
She is working with Escorts. This chettai is working in Dubai. He 
is on a holiday. He just droped in as the coversation picked up. 
He saw me preapring food. I don't know why he was after this 
cabbage. You know what he did he prepared the cabbage curry superb 
yarr. I understood Cabbage curry is more tastier than I make and 
what I call a cabbage curry.

Jesus what about chilly chicken. Oh yaaar.. lend season..ok 
after lend Jesus.


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[JOYnet] House to be built on the rock

2003-02-16 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Hi friends,

I have a prayer request. The construction of our house is started. 
We want/supposed to shift to our new house on or before 10th of 
April. We are applying for a loan from a local bank. For the last 
6 years we are staying in a rented accomodation.

Just Keep our new house to be bulit, my job and studies in your 
prayer. For the last 2 months I am working in a night shift and my 
health is not in a sound condition. Yesterday I slept in the 
office and caught and they are deducting 2% of my salary. I am 
supposed to repay the loan monthly from March. I am unable to 
concentrate on my studies and wasting time just sitting lazy. I 
was very good in my studies in my college days too but lost all 
enthusiasm nowadays. I want to start somewhere but am unable to. I 
want to clear my exams in this June for which I have to submit my 
assignments first. Pray for my parents especially for father he is 
tired nowdays. My two younger brothers who are in Seminary. And my 
only sister who is in 4th standard that she may do well in her 


Just keep these things in your prayer.

Love u.


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[JOYnet] Jesus Insurance Co.

2003-02-14 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Hi Friends,

Do you have an Policy with Jesus Insurance Co. Do you know you are 
enrolled in this Insurance Co. when u are born? The features of 
this Co. is that it sends you grace whenever you ask and on 
maturity you will be given Salvation.



One of my experience

I am working with a Data Processing Co. I joined on 18th of Nov. 
We had a 21 days training and on 9th of December were sent to 
production dept. As we were freshers we were closely monitored for 
each file we did. We were told to keep a accuracy level of 80% so 
that we can earn incentives also. Well very first month my 
incentive Rs. 5/-(SO SAD.(laughs)). Last month I insured my 
work & accuracy, speed everything with Jesus Insurace Co. and told 
Jesus that I will not check my accuracy level till the last week 
of the month,were supposed to check it everyday.

Well my friends my overall performance came to 83% last month 
bettering my previous performance of just 80%, 2nd best 
performance in our batch and made a COOL INCENTIVE OF RS. 2980/-. 
Company is also making me involve in the main works BAAAPRE.


Make sure you use your policy to it's maximum.

Keep me in your prayers.

Love u


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[JOYnet] Forgiveness & Max Candy

2003-02-05 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear friends,

On 3rd February I could attend a lecture on the Christian Virtue 
of forgiveness. The meeting took place in the Diocesan community 
center in Delhi. The speakers were Mrs. Gladys Staines and Sr. 
Selmi Paul FCC, the sister of Late Sr. Rani Maria who was killed 
in Madhya Pradesh 3 years ago (if I am not mistaken) and Fr. 

When I left for the Lecture I told my room mate (my first cousin) 
to prepare the food because I knew I will be late. Well, after 
Lecture I came back to my room and there was no food. My cousin 
just walked off when I entered the room.  I was shocked to see the 
condition of my room. A heap of clothes lying in his bed. My 
Mobile Kitchen (the table in which I have installed my stove and 
other things) was full of plates, wastes of vegetables and rice - 
A very good oppourtunity for forgiveness right after I heard the 
Lecture of Forgiveness (LAUGHS). I lost my control 

Well as Mrs. Stains put it; forgiveness is a decision not an 
emotion, I decided to forgive. First I got my food prepared and 
ate it. And with real pushing & pulling in my heart I started to 
fold the clothes neatly and put it on the appropriate place. Well 
after I cleaned the bed there was a Max Candy (strawberry flavour) 
in the bed. I don't know where it came from, anyway I thanked God 
and ate it.

umm  mm mm strawberry.I really felt the peace of mind 
after I ate the Candy hahahahhaha

Love u


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[JOYnet] A cheque of Rs. 1216

2002-12-09 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear friends,

One more experience I want to share.

Last Saturday I didn't go to work. I had to help two of my friends 
in room shifting and be honest I was little lazy to go work that 

I had Rs. 10 in my wallet and was praying to Jesus that I am in 
need of moneymoney...money.

Well I came back to my room at around 3.30 p.m. There was an 
envelope waiting for me. I opened the envelope and there was a 
!!! CHEQUE OF RS. 1216  The cheque was sent by one 
Company where I worked for 3 months. It was written THAT the 
amount is the BONUS FOR YEAR 2001 !!

Why don't you ask for your bonus from Jesus !!??? (laughs)

With lots of love and prayers,


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[JOYnet] Peter England - Honestly impressive shirt

2002-12-09 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear friends,

Praise God. Hope that all of you are fine.

Just want to share an experience I had.

I have applied for a job in a UK based company (18th November). 
Same day I was sitting in my room and was having my prayer. I 
prayed for a good shirt which I can wear on the day of Interview. 
Well, around 11 a.m. two of JY friends dropped in and gave me a 
birthday present (which was on November 16). Do you know what was 
it ? A Peter England shirt. To be honest I don't have costlier 
shirt like this one!!

Ask and you will receive. He is honest in his promises. So why 
don't you ask ?

With lots of love and prayers,


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[JOYnet] Thanks

2002-11-17 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear Friends,

Thanks all of you for your hearty prayers and Birthday wishes. God 
blessed me with a job also. Praise God.

With lots of love and prayers,


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[JOYnet] Yeh Dil Mange More..........

2002-10-31 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear friends,

Want to share something that happened today.

I was posted in a place called Luxmi Nagar today.

It was around 2.30 P.M. and I was feeling very thirsty. I saw 
people drinking Pepsi on the other side of my site. I thought it 
would be good if I can get a chilled Pepsi, in my mind I asked 
Jesus whether he can serve me with a Pepsi or not. Well, 30 
seconds later my site incharge brought a chilled Pepsi for me. SO 
yeh Dil Mange more ...Aha.

Jesus knows your all needs, the Smallest to .

With lots of love and prayers,


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[JOYnet] Instant Connectivity - The Parker Pen

2002-10-30 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear friends,

Would like to share one of my small experience I had last week.

I got a new job (temporary) and the very first day company 
provided so many materials like booklets containing details of 
company, their branch offices, pen, pad etc.The next day I was 
a bit hurry to reach the office and forgot to take my pen. As I 
was walking towards the Bus stop, I met a JY friend and since it 
was his birthday wished him. We reached the Bus Stop. Then only I 
noticed that I didn't take the pen. I told the Jy friend. We both 
got into the bus. I was thinking about the pen and was planning to 
buy a pen when I get down. Then I just closed my eyes and asked 
Jesus .yaaar is it necessary to buy a pen? I opened my eyes. 
The JY friend who was with me was standing infront of me just 
turned back and gave me his Parker Pen !!

He told me you gave me the pen back in the evening / send through 
his room mate who is working with me!!!

Prayers are always heard.


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[JOYnet] IGNOU - The Lesson I learnt

2002-10-22 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear Friends in Christ,

Thanks be to the Lord.

Thanks for your mails and prayer support. Yesterday I was having 
night duty. I came back at around 6.30 in the morning. Prepared 
the breakfast and then at around 7.40 went for the adoration and 
attended the mass. As I was about go to bank at around 9.50 am, I 
felt an uneaseness in my stomach. So I thought to take a 10 
minutes rest and then go to bank. As I was sitting there one of my 
(JY) friend came to my room and told that he is also going to bank 
to make a D.D for some business purpose. Later he told me that he 
has got a friend in the bank. I got my D.D prepared in around 20 
minutes . When I reached the centre where I was supposed to 

I just learned something interesting from this experience. I 
posted my prayer request in the morning at around 11.30. Again 
checked my email at around 6 PM. Do you know why ? Just...just 
eager to know who are all praying for me. Of course I know all of 
you were praying and still praying for me. But on that particular 
situation I was just...just waiting for an assurance from all of 

Whenever I got prayer requests through joynet I used pray but 
seldom replied to the person assuring my prayers. But today I 
understand I should get back to the person who has asked for the 
prayer supoort assuring my prayers.

Hope you got my point. Let us make it a habit.

Once again lots of thanks for your valuable prayers & time.

love & prayers,


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2002-10-21 Thread Sanjo Paulson
Dear Friends,

I was supposed to submit my registration for my course on 20th of 
October. Also, I am supposed to submit a DD in the name of IGNOU 
for Rs.1500/- with this form. Due to financial problems I could 
not submit it before 20th. Today I went to the bank and came to 
know that today is holiday for them and I could not make the DD. 
Please pray tomorrow the university will accept my registration 
form. It's already late.

If they didn't accept my form I will loose my one year.

I am desperately in need of your prayer support. Please pray for 

Lots of love and prayers,


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2002-07-01 Thread Sanjo Paulson


Nine-year-old Joey was asked by his mother what he had learned in 
Sunday School. 'Well, Mom, our teacher told us how God sent Moses 
behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out 
of Egypt. When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a 
pontoon bridge, and all the people walked across safely. He used 
his walkie - talkie to radio headquarters and call in an air 
strike. They sent in bombers to blow up the bridge and all the 
Israelites were saved.'

'Now, Joey, is that REALLY what your teacher taught you?' his 
mother asked.

'Well, no, Mom, but if I told it the way the teacher did, you'd 
never believe it!'

Dear Friends, God do simple things in our life and for us things 
are unbelievable and above our intelligence / imaginations.


There is always a better job for you at Monsterindia.com.
Go now http://monsterindia.com/rediffin/

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[JOYnet] This is our God speaking

2002-06-29 Thread Sanjo Paulson


As you got up this morning, I watched  you, and hoped you would 
talk to me, even if it was just a few words, asking  my opinion or 
thanking  me for something good that happened in  your life 
yesterday.  But I noticed
you were too busy, trying  to find the right outfit to wear.

When you ran around the house getting  ready, I knew there would 
be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello,  but you were to 
busy. At one point you had to wait fifteen minutes  with nothing 
to do except sit in a chair. Then I saw you spring to your feet. I  
thought you wanted to talk to me  but you ran to the phone and 
called a  friend to get the latest gossip .

I watched patiently all day long. With  all our activities I guess 
you were too busy to say anything To me.  I noticed that before 
lunch you looked around, maybe you felt embarrassed  to talk to 
me,  that is why you didn't bow your head. You  glanced three or 
four tables over and you noticed some of your friends  talking to 
me briefly before they  ate, but you
didn't. That's okay. There is still more time  left, and I hope 
that you will talk to me yet.

You went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do. 
After a few of them were done,  you turned on the TV. I don't know 
if you like TV or not, just about  anything goes there  and you 
spend a lot of time
each day in  front of it not thinking about  anything, just 
enjoying the show.

I waited patiently again as you watched  the TV and ate your meal,  
but again you didn't talk to me.  Bedtime I guess you felt too 
tired. After you said goodnight to your  family you plopped into 
bed and fell asleep in
no time. That's okay  because you may not realize  that I am 
always there for you. I've got patience, more than you will  ever 
know. I even want to teach you how to be  patient with others as 
well.  I love you so much that I
wait everyday  for a nod, prayer or thought or a thankful part of  
your heart.

It is hard to have a one-sided conversation. Well, you are getting 
up once again.  And once again I will wait, with nothing but love 
for you.

Hoping that today you will give me some  time. Have a nice day!

Your friend,

Not ashamed - pass this on . . . only if  you mean it. Yes, I do 
Love God. He is my source of  existence and Saviour. He keeps me 
functioning each and everyday. Without Him, I will be nothing.  
Without him, I am nothing; but with Him I can do all things 
through Christ that strengthens me. (Phil 4:13)

This is the simplest test . . . if you  Love God, and are not 
ashamed of all. The marvelous things he has done for you. So let 
us sent this to all our friends reminding them of God's love.


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[JOYnet] Difference between temptation & evil

2002-06-26 Thread Sanjo Paulson

Hi friends,

Hope all of you remember me.

I Thank you for the answers you gave me on the said subject.

At present I am looking for job. Please pray that I get a good 

There is always a better job for you at Monsterindia.com.
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[JOYnet] What is the difference between temptation and evil

2002-06-19 Thread Sanjo Paulson

Hi friends,

I am Sanjo from Delhi. I just want to share one question which I 
was asked and could not answer in Christmas Exhibition.

We had the prayer which Jesus taught us in one of the stalls.

The question is :

"And lead us not to temptations but deliver us from evil"

What is the difference between temptation and evil here.

Please let me have your comments.

With lots of love and prayers in Jesus,


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