Re: heimdal http proxy

2021-09-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 9/11/2021 11:22 AM, Charles Hedrick ( wrote:
> I’d like to be able to use Kerberos SPNEGO at home. Unfortunately the Mac 
> uses Heimdal. 

One premise of this thread is that Apple uses Heimdal as developed at aka

Apple does not.  Apple uses a fork from Heimdal circa 2008.   Apple
publishes its changes and some of them are manually cloned into

but most are not.  

> We don’t currently explore our Kerberos servers to the Internet, but we do 
> have an https proxy for MIT kerberos. Heimal apparently has its own HTTP 
> proxy. Does anyone know of software to implement the proxy?
I believe the question that should be asked is

  "Can an https proxy client compatible with MIT Kerberos be implemented
for Heidmal?"

The answer is "yes", but someone would need to development the
implementation and submit a pull request.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: CVE-2020-17049

2020-11-17 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 11/17/2020 1:26 PM, Greg Hudson ( wrote:
> On 11/17/20 12:53 PM, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>> Just to set the record straight, Kerberos service tickets have never
>> been renewable unless they were obtained as initial tickets.  Only
>> TGTs are renewable.  This is true for MIT and Heimdal as well as
>> Active Directory.
> Both initial and non-initial non-TGTs are renewable with MIT krb5:
> $ make testrealm
> $ kadmin.local modprinc -maxrenewlife 1d host/small-gods
> $ kadmin.local modprinc -maxrenewlife 1d user
> $ kadmin.local modprinc -maxrenewlife 1d krbtgt/KRBTEST.COM
> $ kinit -S host/small-gods -l 10m -r 20m
> Password for
> $ kinit -R -S host/small-gods
> $ kinit -l 10m -r 20m user
> Password for
> $ kvno host/small-gods
> host/ kvno = 1
> $ kinit -R -S host/small-gods
> $
> There is even a messaging service at MIT that makes use of renewable
> service tickets.
> Prior to release 1.9 the MIT krb5 KDC supported renewing service
> tickets, but the client library did not:
> .
>> It used to be the case that "kinit -r" would fail if the requested
>> principal was "disallow-renewable".   I don't remember if it was because
>> the KDC refused to issue any ticket when renewable was requested or if
>> it was the client library rejecting the ticket because it didn't satisfy
>> the request.
> That was KDC-side.  For MIT krb5, the KDC behavior changed in release
> 1.12 to just issue a non-renewable ticket in this case.


Thanks for tracking down the history.

I'm glad to see that service tickets can be renewed.  The lack of that
functionality was always frustrating.

Heimdal should change its behavior to match.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: CVE-2020-17049

2020-11-17 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 11/17/2020 12:16 PM, Robbie Harwood ( wrote:
> Luke Hebert  writes:
>> Hi,
>> Disabling service
>> ticket and tgt renewability is not great and it obviously breaks long
>> running processes that rely on renewability of these items.

Just to set the record straight, Kerberos service tickets have never
been renewable unless they were obtained as initial tickets.  Only
TGTs are renewable.  This is true for MIT and Heimdal as well as
Active Directory.

>>>> *How does this patch affect third-party Kerberos clients?*
>>>> When the registry key is set to 1, patched domain controllers will issue
>> service tickets and Ticket-Granting Tickets (TGT)s that are not renewable
>> and will refuse to renew existing service tickets and TGTs. Windows clients
>> are not impacted by this since they never renew service tickets or TGTs.
>> Third-party Kerberos clients may fail to renew service tickets or TGTs
>> acquired from unpatched DCs. If all DCs are patched with the registry set
>> to 1, third-party clients will no longer receive renewable tickets.
> You're correct that Microsoft has not released details on this issue.
> They have indicated that some failures are a known issue, and claim to
> be working on a fix:

It used to be the case that "kinit -r" would fail if the requested
principal was "disallow-renewable".   I don't remember if it was because
the KDC refused to issue any ticket when renewable was requested or if
it was the client library rejecting the ticket because it didn't satisfy
the request.   If the problem is the latter, the Microsoft change has an
immediate impact that cannot easily be worked around without patching
the client systems.

It would be useful if someone could test and report the actual symptoms
as observed on the non-Windows client.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Replacing master/slave terminology

2020-06-10 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 6/10/2020 5:26 PM, Nate Coraor ( wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 5:04 PM Greg Hudson  wrote:
>> MIT krb5 switched to using "replica" for non-primary KDCs as of release
>> 1.17.  This was an easy change technically, as the old term was only
>> used in a user-visible way in documentation and in the name of one
>> profile relation.  The pull request for that change was here:
> Hi Greg,
> This is fantastic and encouraging news, thanks! I'm not sure how I missed
> this. If I can find the time I'll see if it'd be as simple for Heimdal, or
> perhaps someone from the Heimdal side will chime in. In specific, iprop
> uses "slave" even more prominently than kprop did, I believe.

For Heimdal, the term "slave" is part of the both the iprop process name
and command line switches for the iprop_master.  Changing these could
adversely impact end user deployments that are not expecting their
configuration scripts and packaging to break.

>> Replacing the term "master" is a larger technical challenge.  We use
>> that term in a DNS SRV record label (_master_kdc), and migrating that
>> would come with a cost in network traffic and latency.  Aside from the
>> kprop architecture, we also use the term "master key" to describe the
>> key used to encrypt long-term keys in the KDC database.

Changing the name in DNS SRV records is really untenable.  The impact on
end user organizations would be significant.  The support for master_kdc
lookups and configuration parsing could not be removed because doing so
would result in interop failures.  Likewise end user organizations would
be required to publish both the new record and the old.

> Technical considerations are certainly factors. I wonder if it'd be
> reasonable to allow clients to specify a preference when performing the SRV
> record lookup?

Not really.  It doesn't change anything other than adding a new
configuration option that must reference the "master_kdc" service name
in its documentation.

As a real world example, in 2011 the IETF deprecated the use of AFSDB
records in favor of SRV records for AFS services.  This was an official
standardization action that took more than a year to complete.  It has
been nearly a decade and by my most recent inventory nearly 2/3 of AFS
cells are still configured with AFSDB records and only 40% have SRV
records.  Approximately five percent support both.  As a result it has
been impossible to even consider removing the support for AFSDB records
and the additional delays that result from trying one and falling back
to the other.

> I have rationalized to myself that the term "master" is the less
>> problematic of the two terms, as it is used in a lot of different
>> contexts (such as physical master keys, martial arts masters, master
>> plumbers, and master recordings of records).  But I don't know if that
>> rationalization is adequate; from recent discussion I know that git's
>> use of "master" for the initial default branch name has become a point
>> of contention.
> I largely agree here, it's less problematic. I do think it'd be preferable
> to refer to the "master" server as e.g. "primary", but master key seems
> fine as it has an established unencumbered meaning.

The term "master" applies to the database not the server.   The question
is whether or not the answer to a query is definitive.  All of the KDCs
can serve data from the "master" database.   The client needs to know
that it should retry against another server when it can determine that
the database isn't a "master" as a noun; its "master" as an adjective.
Where the use of "master" indicates being an expert, principal or

Heimdal's documentation should be rewritten to remove the master-slave
relationship.  If and when there is ever a volunteer to perform that
work along with all of the other changes that Heimdal's documentation
requires I will happily merge the pull request.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: rdns, past and future

2020-05-26 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 5/26/2020 6:31 PM, Ken Dreyer wrote:
> On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 3:58 PM Jeffrey Altman
>  wrote:
>>  2. Before the existence of DNS SRV records, CNAME records were the
>> only method of offering a service on multiple hosts.  However,
>> its a poor idea to share the same key across all of the hosts.
> I'm curious about this. What makes it a poor idea?
> It seems like a very convenient way to scale a service up and down
> dynamically quickly when you share a key among all instances.

Because if you hack into one of the hosts you now have the key for all
of the hosts.  The holder of the key can forge tickets for any user.
Since the key isn't unique the entire distributed service has to be
shutdown to address the vulnerability.  It is also much harder to trace
where the key was stolen from.

There are scalable approaches to deriving unique keys for Kubernetes but
they aren't pertinent to this thread.

>> Again, disabling "rdns" by default will break an unknown number
>> of application clients.
> Sure. My point is that it breaks the other way for modern
> architectures where PTR records will never be under an application
> developer's control. With Kubernetes a service can appear to clients
> to move IPs very quickly. I'm not defending Kubernetes or anything
> here, I'm wildly speculating that maybe breaking with the past is a
> good idea as more applications and developers move in this direction.

My point is that Kubernetes is new, and new deployments can add the
appropriate keys to their default configurations as Red Hat already does
on Fedora and Enterprise Linux.

If you change the hard coded default, then the existing deployed
installations that are relying on that default will silently break.
Since the breakage is on the client side that is being altered without
knowledge of the service administrators, the administrators cannot fix it.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: rdns, past and future

2020-05-26 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 5/26/2020 5:09 PM, Ken Dreyer wrote:
> Hi folks,
> In public cloud environments or Kubernetes environments, PTR records
> are difficult or impossible for administrators to set. We increasingly
> have to tell users to set "rdns = fallback" or "rdns = false".

As described in RFC4120 Section 1.3

Kerberos implementations "MUST NOT use insecure DNS queries to
canonicalize the hostname components of the service principal names."

That said MIT and Heimdal have canonicalized hostnames using insecure
DNS since the beginning of time and changing the defaults will be sure
to break authentication for some unknown number of sites.

> I'm wondering what the original purpose of Kerberos' rdns feature was.
> Why would a client want or need to do hostname canonicalization?

There are two reasons that scream at me:

 1. Before the introduction of Kerberos Referrals by Microsoft
(and later standardized and adopted by MIT, Heimdal, ...),
the clients required the PTR name in order to determine the
true "domain" for host domain to realm mapping.  With Kerberos
referrals it is best if the Kerberos client sends the initial
service ticket request to a KDC in the client principal's
realm and allow the KDC to refer the client to the first
cross-realm hop if required.

There are still too many systems that have client-side
domain_realm mapping data that would break if "rdns" was turned

 2. Before the existence of DNS SRV records, CNAME records were the
only method of offering a service on multiple hosts.  However,
its a poor idea to share the same key across all of the hosts.
In order to identify the name of the host that was contacted
the DNS PTR record is used.  Even with the existence of SRV
records, too few application protocols use them.

Even for services that are hosted on a system system, CNAME
records are convenient to permit migration of services from an
old machine to a new one.

Again, disabling "rdns" by default will break an unknown number
of application clients.

> I'm also wondering if we will ever be able to default MIT Kerberos'
> rdns setting to "fallback" or "false" in a future version. IMHO this
> would make it easier to deploy Kerberos applications in modern hosting
> environments.

I'm unaware of any OS distribution that ships with Kerberos that doesn't
provide some default equivalent of "/etc/krb5.conf".  Those
distributions can of course add whatever default settings it wants with
appropriate documentation.  If a distribution ships default krb5.conf
with "rdns = false", then an end user that replaces the default
krb5.conf with their organization's krb5.conf will not be broken.  If
the hard coded default is changed, then installing the organization's
krb5.conf might not work as intended.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Question about TGT forwarding

2018-06-01 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 5/31/2018 4:50 PM, Jason Edgecombe wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We're noticing some odd behavior on our Windows clients where the Windows
> clients are not forwarding the TGT to our Linux servers. People can login
> to the Linux servers from windows clients, but "klist" shows no tickets
> after login. Linux clients forward the TGT just fine. In case it matters,
> we just moved our Linux home directories from a NAS with Kerberized SMB to
> a Linux NFS server with Kerberized NFS.

There are aspects of this post that make no sense to me.

You say that everything worked fine a few weeks ago and you imply that
the only change that was made was a transition from SMB to NFS for home

You also imply but do not explicitly state that the Windows clients are
Active Directory domain joined machines and the end users logged into
those systems using a domain account with either a password or smart card.

There is no obvious connection between the replacement of the home
directory file system storage mounted by the linux workstation and
the failure of SSH GSS-API + Credential Delegation between the windows
client and the linux workstation.

  windows   >linux  >   home directory
  client workstationstorage

Clearly there is more to this story that you are failing to describe.

> I've had to disable GSSAPI authentication in openssh so that windows
> users can still get tickets on the remote end.

Without GSSAPI authentication there is no possibility of delegation but
you did not specify that the OpenSSH server was configured to request

Nor was it specified what SSH client is being used on Windows and how it
is configured.  Is it even attempting to delegate?

Does the SSH client use the Windows Kerberos SSP or does it relying upon
MIT Kerberos or Heimdal for GSS-API support?

Nor were any details provided about the ticket flags on the client's TGT.

> I have a disagreement with our AD guru on whether or not TGTs are expected
> to be forwarded and if that is a security risk. 

TGT forwarding is a security risk.  The question is under which
circumstances is the practice an acceptable risk.

As has been pointed out by another list member, the Windows domain
provides finer grained control over credential delegation than is
supported by MIT Kerberos or Heimdal.  The domain administrator can
whitelist service principals to which the Windows client is permitted to

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Is a keytab file encrypted?

2017-07-21 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 7/21/2017 11:13 AM, Charles Hedrick wrote:
> The argument makes sense.
> However I am disturbed by the fact that a keytab can be used anywhere. If 
> someone manages to become root on one machine, I’d like them not to be able 
> to do things on other machines. I’m in an environment where we have systems 
> administered by users, and unattended public workstations.
> That makes me unwilling to tell users to create key tables for cron jobs.

Sites have implemented a wide variety of approaches to authenticating
cron jobs.  The cron process is specific to a host and is not the user.
As such some sites provide tooling that issues host specific principals
for such use with cron:


is a common format.  It is then up to the service receiving such a
principal to ensure that the authenticating client is in fact connecting
from the specified host.  Authorization rules can be applied as desired
to either grant specific permissions to


with appropriate name folding.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: F5 seeing ASFD server as external device?

2016-05-24 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 5/24/2016 11:17 PM, Tom Yu wrote:
> writes:
>> Trying to implement F5 with BIG IP (Kerberos) and ran into this.  Anyone 
>> seen 
>> this before?
> I'm not finding any expansions of "ASFD" that make sense in context;
> perhaps you could elaborate a bit on what "ASFD" means and what you are
> trying to do with the F5?
> Thanks,
> -Tom


I believe the original poster meant Active Directory Federated Services
(ADFS).   There are many hits such as this one

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Fw: new message

2015-11-29 Thread Jeffrey Altman


New message, please read <>


Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Reminder: Call for Presentations AFS Kerberos Best Practices Workshop 2015: August 17 to 21

2015-05-13 Thread Jeffrey Altman
The AFS Kerberos Best Practices Workshop 2015 Call for Presentations
closes this coming Friday 15 May 2015.  If you would like to submit a
presentation on any AFS or Kerberos related subject or a site report
please following the Submit a Talk link at

All subjects related to on-going development of AFS and Kerberos
implementations, and deployment of AFS and Kerberos based application
infrastructures are welcome.

The 2015 AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop will be held in
Pittsburgh PA USA the week of August 17 to 21.  All details can be found
at the workshop web site

This year's event is family friendly.  Spouses and children are welcome
to attend the Workshop social events.  If your family is looking for a
Summer vacation, think Pittsburgh and the AFS  Kerberos Best Practices

As in prior years the format of the workshop will be a Kerberos Tutorial
on Monday, an AFS Tutorial on Tuesday, followed by conference
presentations coupled with social events Wednesday to Friday.

This year's workshop is extra special because we will be joined by many
members of the Project Andrew, Transarc and IBM Pittsburgh Labs teams
that developed AFS3 prior to its open source transition.  Many OpenAFS
developers, system administrators and end users often ask origin
questions that cannot be answered by current OpenAFS contributors.  This
event will shed light on the various decisions that molded AFS3 and
provide a forum for the trailblazers to learn how their work continues
to impact the lives of end users more than 30 years later.

The AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop is appropriate for anyone
that is responsible for deploying or curious about real world
distributed computing environments.

Jeffrey Altman
on behalf of the Workshop committee

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: gssapi32.dll

2015-05-04 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 5/1/2015 3:32 PM, Jeffery Dowell wrote:
 Here are the properties on the file:
 Kerberos v5 - MIT GSS / Kerberos v5 distribution
 Product Name: MIT Kerberos v5
 Size: 372KB
 Date modified: 10/17/2009

This is really old.  It predates KFW 3.0.

 It is actually found in C:\windows\sysWOW64 on very few of our computers.

SysWOW64 is the directory used to hold files the were written to
System32 by 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows.

 The ones that do have the file in that directory had the error message.

That makes sense because the DLL is in the search path and gssapi32.dll
is not linked to krb5_32.dll with an assembly manifest.  Therefore, the
first matching file on the PATH will be used.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: gssapi32.dll

2015-04-30 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 4/29/2015 12:23 PM, Jeffery Dowell wrote:
 After much testing with the Process Mon tools I found that there is one 
 competing DLL that causes the error on all  computers affected.

MIT KFW doesn't install into SYSTEM32.  What properties are listed when
you view this DLL with the Explorer Shell Properties dialog?

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

AFS Kerberos Best Practices Workshop 2015: August 17 to 21 - Call for Presentations and Sponsors

2015-04-22 Thread Jeffrey Altman
The AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop Committee is happy to
announce that after a four year hiatus the 2015 AFS and Kerberos Best
Practices Workshop will be held in Pittsburgh PA USA the week of August
17 to 21.  All details can be found at the workshop web site

This year's event is family friendly.  Spouses and children are welcome
to attend the Workshop social events.  If your family is looking for a
Summer vacation, think Pittsburgh and the AFS  Kerberos Best Practices

As in prior years the format of the workshop will be a Kerberos Tutorial
on Monday, an AFS Tutorial on Tuesday, followed by conference
presentations coupled with social events Wednesday to Friday.

This year's workshop is extra special because we will be joined by many
members of the Project Andrew, Transarc and IBM Pittsburgh Labs teams
that developed AFS3 prior to its open source transition.  Many OpenAFS
developers, system administrators and end users often ask origin
questions that cannot be answered by current OpenAFS contributors.  This
event will shed light on the various decisions that molded AFS3 and
provide a forum for the trailblazers to learn how their work continues
to impact the lives of end users more than 30 years later.

The full schedule will be posted after the Call for Presentations period
expires on May 15th.  If you would like to submit a presentation on any
AFS or Kerberos related subject or a site report please following the
Submit a Talk link at

The AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop is appropriate for anyone
that is responsible for deploying or curious about real world
distributed computing environments.

The 2015 AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop cannot be successful
without sponsor organizations.  Please see

for the benefits that your organization will obtain from sponsoring this
year's workshop.

Jeffrey Altman
on behalf of the Workshop committee

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: No mention of _kerberos TXT in RFCs / but we have DNSSEC now

2014-10-17 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 10/17/2014 2:24 AM, Rick van Rein wrote:
 Thanks Ken  Benjamin,
 Your combined response indicates that there is no clear reason that TXT
 records ought to stay out, and indeed, that the recent introduction of
 DNSSEC into the landscape means it could have some re-evaluation.
 That’s pretty much what I wanted to know.  No need to dig up detail-ridden
 discussions from the past!  Had it been public, then I think I would have
 found it already anyway.


Speaking as the other author of draft-ietf-krb-wg-krb-dns-locate-03, I
have no objection to revisiting the discussion of using TXT records
Kerberos in order to further reduce the need for client side
configuration.  However, I would be unhappy if the implemented
_kerberos.fqdn entry be standardized as-is.

In 2001 there wasn't much experience using TXT records and the choice of
_kerberos.fqdn was somewhat controversial in the DNS community.  In
2014, the current DNS best practice for use of TXT records is that the
TXT record be applied to the fqdn directly where the TXT record has a
format of

 v=protocolversion; [tag=value;]+

For Kerberos an initial version describing only the REALM might be:

 v=krb1; r=REALM;

which would permit use to distribute other mandatory configuration in
the future.  However, I could imagine other information being provided
such as pre-auth hints; and public key information for the realm.

This discussion would be best held on the IETF Kitten mailing list.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Man page description of kinit -R

2014-09-03 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 9/3/2014 8:41 PM, Brett Randall wrote:
 krb5-1.10.1 here.
 My local man page for kinit (as well as
 ) has the following description of the kinit -R option:
 -R: requests renewal of the ticket-granting ticket. Note that an
 expired ticket cannot be renewed, even if the ticket is still within
 its renewable life.
 Does the comment an expired ticket cannot be renewed remain true,
 and if so, can someone help me understand expired in this context?
 If I have a ticket which has an Expires date-time (as reported by
 klist) which is in the past, but a renew until date which is in the
 future, I can successfully renew the ticket using kinit -R.  I see
 this as renewal of an expired, but renewable and
 within-renewable-period ticket.

Your understanding is correct.   What KDC is renewing such a ticket?

 Is that expected, and is the above comment now a doc-bug?

It is not expected and would be a KDC side bug.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: What happened to PKCROSS?

2014-07-02 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 7/2/2014 12:11 PM, Nico Williams wrote:
 No.  Heimdal has a kx509 server and client.  And there are other

That is the link to the Network Identity Manager provider.   The Active
Directory Service implementation is here

Note that TAGPMA has certified this implementation as a method for
obtaining Short Lived Certificates using Kerberos.

Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Feedback on KfW 4.0.1 Ticket Manager app

2014-07-02 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 7/2/2014 1:03 PM, Dave Botsch wrote:
 Also, being able to auto obtain afs tokens as a side effect of getting
 kerberos tickets would be really useful. Users have a hard time
 distinguishing Kerberos Tickets from AFS Tokens, and so users need one
 app that does both at the click of a single button.

The reason that Network Identity Manager replaced Leash32 (now Ticket
Manager) in KFW 3.x was due to the desire to support the acquisition of
AFS tokens (or other credentials like kx509 short lived certificates) as
a side effect of TGT acquisition.  It is not reasonable for KFW to have
built-in AFS token support because that requires a dependency on OpenAFS
whereas OpenAFS has a dependency on KFW.

The solution was to create a credential management framework that was
credential type agnostic which relied on a combination of identity
provider dlls and credential provider dlls.  These dlls can be developed
independently and combined at run-time.   Thereby enabling the various
development organizations to maintain their own independent release
schedules.  And providing third-parties the ability to enhance the
end-user functionality without requiring MIT or OpenAFS or OpenSSL to be
involved in the generation of new provider dlls.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Proposition for new remctl ACL scheme / group support

2014-04-05 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 4/5/2014 3:34 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:

 The only other thing that I'm not sure about is how annoying it is to set
 up and tear down the libraries that let you do PTS queries.  I'm pretty
 aggressive about making sure that the remctl server is entirely clean
 about memory allocation and free and not leaking file descriptors to child
 processes, and the OpenAFS libraries often have some difficulties there.

If you want to be able to load and unload the libraries then you cannot
link to anything that includes OpenAFS rx.   rx will start background
threads and those threads cannot safely be stopped using the OpenAFS

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: kfw-401 kerberos client and Windows Xp

2013-08-02 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 7/31/2013 7:49 AM, Hubert Kröss wrote:
 I'm traying to integrate kfw-4.0.1 kerberos tools to Window 7 and 
 Windows Xp workstations. We have a MIT kerberos Infrastructur with 
 samba- and Ldap-Integration.
 Windows7 Workstations authenticate fine with MIT Kerberos.exe 
 -autoinit and then mit2ms.exe to copy the princs in Ms-Lsa cache.
 Drive mapping aginst samba-Servers works regular
 On Windows Xp Wokstations authentication with MIT Kerberos.exe 
 -autoinit works but fails to copy the princs in Ms-Lsa:
 mit2ms.exe gave an error: no credentials cache found while opening MS 
 LSA cache
 So in Xp i am unable to map samba shares
 I'm sure i miss some piece on Windows Xp machines
 Hopefully someone can help
 many thanks

There is no functionality in Windows XP permitting the storage of TGTs
into the LSA.  You aren't missing anything.  It simply doesn't exist.

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kfw question

2013-06-13 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 6/12/2013 1:21 PM, Matt Lists wrote:
 Hi... I'm hoping that questions about MIT Kerberos for Windows are
 on-topic here.  Apologies in advance if this is not the case.
 We have a Samba 3 domain and also separate MIT Krb5 KDCs, where the
 principal names match the Samba userids.  On previous Windows XP
 machines with Kfw 3.x installed, Kfw would somehow automatically get a
 TGT from the KDC when the user logged into the samba domain via the
 Windows domain logon dialog.  I always assumed that Kfw somehow had
 access to the cleartext password entered by the user, but don't know if
 that's true.  (Was there some kind of Windows password cache, or
 something via the GINA API?)

There is a network provider dll and an explorer shell login/logout hook.

 Now on Windows 7, I can't seem to get Kfw 3 or 4 to behave the same way
 (still the same old Samba 3 domain).  I understand that Kfw 4 can import
 credentials from the Windows 7 LSA, but I don't think that will help me,
 as we are using old NTLM style authentication rather than AD style, and
 thus Windows has no tickets.

Microsoft removed the explorer shell login/logout hook in Vista.

 I've done a lot of searching to see how to get this to work, but have
 come up short.  Is it still possible to do this?  If so, any whacks with
 a cluebat would be greatly appreciated.

The functionality is gone.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Integrated Login problem

2012-11-18 Thread Jeffrey Altman
-1765328164 = Cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested realm

aklog -d will tell you what realm is being queried.

On 11/18/2012 4:22 AM, R. Laatsch wrote:
 Dear all,
 there is a problem with Integrated Login here.
 This is my setup:
 Server: 'slinux.localdomain' (SL58) with AFS cell test.rl and krb5kdc for 
 realm TEST2.RL
 (not the standard name).
 The Afs version is openafs-1.6.1, the krb5 version is krb5-1.10.3 .
 The kdc has entries for the user and afs/test.rl (DES type).
 Client: Windows-7 (VirtualBox) with AFS, KfW, NIM installed. Realm set to 
 The KfW version is MIT 3.2.2
 Login to the Client gives an 'unknown RPC error (-1765328164)' and no AFS 
 Doing manually 'gssklog.exe' (with password), i do get a token.
 But there seems to be no 'gssklog Auth Provider' for NIM, that could help 
 circumvent the 
 'wrong realm name' problems.
 On the linux server after kinit user, aklog -d gets me a working token. 
 The realm name was chosen to check out problems under Windows.
 I do *NOT* want CrossRealm Authentication.
 Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
 Somewhere I found 'linked cells' mentioned (double named cells in 
 CellServDB), but no hints
 to do it correctly. Did someone use this to bypass above problem?
 Best regards
 Kerberos mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: remctl endpoints

2012-08-09 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 8/9/2012 5:52 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
 We run remctld on literally every system we manage (since we expose
 commands to run and lock Puppet and to install packages with aptitude or
 yum).  We also expose remctl interfaces for every service that we run, so
 any central server doing something like mail services or AFS or web
 services has a corresponding set of remctl interfaces exposed to manage or
 manipulate parts of that service.
 That's the main reason why I've never pursued anything with SRV records:
 my mental model is mostly that every system runs remctld and exposes
 interfaces to manage those services, and load balancing and availability
 happens via load balancing for the service and connecting to the relevant

I view remctl as a protocol and not a service.  Its the applications
that are implemented on top of remctl that are worth searching for.
Just as it would make little sense to have an http srv record.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: new 1.10 krb5_init_context_profile

2012-02-16 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 2/16/2012 12:55 AM, Chris Hecker wrote:

 I only do this on Win32, where I staticly link krb5, so I don't know if
 the libprofile version on linux would have to have other changes to make
 the prof functions available.  I have to include profile.h in kinit.c as
 well, obviously.

In my opinion, this patch is at the wrong abstraction layer.   The
profile library should be modified to support a REG: profile type as is
done in Heimdal.   Applications should not have to be changed.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: MIT extracted keytab not compatible with Heimdal kinit client...

2011-10-17 Thread Jeffrey Altman
What versions of Heimdal and MIT?

On 10/17/2011 3:03 PM, Dyer, Rodney wrote:
 We are running a Linux / MIT kdc and have extracted a user keytab.  It 
 appears that this keytab format is not compatible with a Heimdal client 
 kinit.  Is there a way to convert a MIT keytab format to what is needed 
 for use by Heimdal?  Or the question should really be what is the correct way 
 of dealing with a Heimdal client service script that needs automated 
 authentication when our KDCs are all MIT based?
 Rodney M. Dyer
 Operations and Systems (Specialist)
 Mosaic Computing Group
 William States Lee College of Engineering
 University of North Carolina at Charlotte
 Office:  Cameron Hall, Room 232
 Kerberos mailing list

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Kerberos mailing list

Re: minor bug in locate_kdc.c with getaddrinfo

2011-10-16 Thread Jeffrey Altman
This patch should not be required.  Windows ws2tcpip.h defines the EAI_
values in terms of WSA errors.  For example:


Jeffrey Altman

On 10/15/2011 2:13 PM, Chris Hecker wrote:
 Here's a patch for a minor WIN32 bug in the getaddrinfo return value
 (called from krb5int_add_host_to_list).  getaddrinfo will return
 WSANO_DATA in some cases (like an address in the hosts file that's on an
 unplugged ethernet cable that was plugged in recently), but that's not
 mapped to an EAI error for some reason (there's a related comment in
 ws2tcpip.h that doesn't help much), so the translate function returns
 EINVAL and the whole request to the KDC fails instead of just using the
 other working KDCs in the list.  This patch fixes it so the unreachable
 kdc is ignored.
 PS. I also sent a test message to the security alias for another bug
 report I'm going to send there, but that was my first pgp mail ever, so
 I don't know if it worked (or even arrived).
 === modified file 'lib/krb5/src/lib/krb5/os/locate_kdc.c'
 --- lib/krb5/src/lib/krb5/os/locate_kdc.c 2011-07-21 10:42:51 +
 +++ lib/krb5/src/lib/krb5/os/locate_kdc.c 2011-10-15 07:21:25 +
 @@ -163,6 +163,10 @@
  case EAI_NODATA:
  case EAI_NONAME:
 +#if _WIN32
 +case WSANO_DATA:  /* getaddrinfo can return this on destination
 + but it's not mapped to an EAI_* error */
  /* Name not known or no address data, but no error.  Do
 nothing more.  */
  return 0;
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Kerberos mailing list

Re: (mk|rd)_(priv|safe) and NAT

2011-08-03 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Is there a reason you are using mk|rd_priv|safe instead of gss?

On 8/3/2011 3:47 AM, Chris Hecker wrote:
 It almost looks like I can just set for the address of any 
 host behind a NAT, since at that point the code doesn't actually talk to 
 the internet.  Is there a security implication for doing that, given 
 that tickets have already moved away from containing addresses?
 On 2011/08/03 00:11, Chris Hecker wrote:

 I'm still in the process of getting my app and server up and running
 with kerberos, so I can't test this yet, but the code for
 mk_priv/rd_priv and mk_safe/rd_safe seems to want addresses set on the
 auth_context, and all the samples show various permutations of this.

 I'm doing NAT traversal/punchthrough potentially on both sides of the
 connection, maybe even with a relay server in the middle for really bad
 cases, so there are a lot of potential addresses in play here. Which
 addresses do I set in a NAT-heavy environment like this?

 It looks like the mk versions require a local address set, and the rd
 versions require the remote address set (presumably to the local address
 set when the mk is called?). I'm going to be sending safe/priv messages
 both directions...

 I'm doing full mutual authentication with subkeys in both directions to
 avoid the need for a replay cache, if that matters.

 I found a post[*] that said kerberos was moving away from addresses
 since they're not very secure, but the current code seems to require
 them for these functions at least.



 Kerberos mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: any non-krb5int way to pass a keyblock to get_init_creds?

2011-08-01 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 8/1/2011 4:58 PM, Chris Hecker wrote:
 I was also looking at kx509, but that 
 project seems a bit moribund, and even so it seemed like more work and 
 heavier weight than just setting up mod_auth_kerb and hacking up an 
 SPNEGO token wrapper for a krb5 ticket[*].

kx509 support is built into Heimdal and Secure Endpoints provides a
kx509 (aka KCA) server for Active Directory and a plug-in for Network
Identity Manager on Windows.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: #defines for version available?

2011-07-26 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 7/26/2011 8:28 AM, Chris Hecker wrote:
 Yes, klist -V, added in 1.7. (Which appears to be undocumented. I'll
 fix that.)
 Hmm, on windows it just returns Kerberos for Windows, while on linux 
 it returns Kerberos 5 version 1.9.1.  This is with my static linked 
 windows build, so not sure if that's messing things up (like if it looks 
 for a version resource), I'll have to check that.

The klist.exe distributed in Kerberos for Windows 3.x is not the version
from the krb5 tree.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: RFC: Turning off reverse hostname resolution by default in 1.10

2011-07-06 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 7/6/2011 2:22 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
 I would resolve all these issues by using aliases at the KDC level, but
 thank you for explaining, it's valuable data on the way KDC/DNS are used
 to keep track off.

The primary thing that the Kerberos development team needs to keep in
mind every time a change is made is that Kerberos deployments are
distributed and federated.  In many of the environments there are many
realms involved which are managed by different organizations.  Upgrading
clients and KDCs cannot be performed in lock step and there is no
ability to coordinate which comes first the KDC / KDB update or the
client deployments.

Any transition plan to alter canonical name resolution processing must
take that into account.  It must be possible for a client machine to be
updated in one organization or on one individual's machine and have it
continue to work when the KDC/KDB for the realm that client communicates
with is not updated to support KDC side aliasing.

Just my two cents ...

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: RFC: Turning off reverse hostname resolution by default in 1.10

2011-07-06 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 7/6/2011 4:29 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
 Jeffrey, as far as I understand the proposal it to simply change the
 default, I have seen no request to remove the rdns parameter, so if you
 need reverse resolution at most you'll have to change rdns = true in
 krb5.conf on clients.
 It may be annoying to have to do that in a haste if you don't know in
 advance and merrily upgrade to 1.10, that's why Greg asked on the list
 before changing the default.

I will let you be the one to tell that to my grandmother when her
Kerberos client package is updated without her knowledge.  With the
engineering talent available I am sure that a better solution can be
developed beyond just changing the default.

Think about this problem with your vendor hat on.  How would you explain
such a change to Red Hat's customers?   How does Red Hat measure the
Help Desk support costs from deploying such a change?

Something to think about.   Please do not respond further.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Win32 bug in krb5_rc_io_destroy

2011-07-01 Thread Jeffrey Altman
This is just one symptom of a more fundamental bug.  The replay cache
code as implemented is full of race conditions because of the reliance
on the C Run time library file operations instead of native Win32
operations.  In addition to not permitting files to be opened with the
correct share modes, they cannot be opened with the correct access
control lists.  The RTL operations have the same names as those on Unix
but they do not have the same behaviors.  unlink() is a perfect example.

Small patches to the replay cache will not create a replay cache that is
safe to use on Windows.  Instead a new Windows specific implementation
is required.

Jeffrey Altman

On 7/1/2011 2:31 AM, checker wrote:
 Hi, the unlink(d-fn) at the top of krb5_rc_io_destroy fails on Win32
 because the file was opened without FILE_SHARE_DELETE (since it's
 opened through _open there's actually no way to set that flag without
 marking it a temporary file), so I patched it to close the file
 first.  I assume this is a bug?  I also assume no one noticed this
 since most of the code calls krb5_rc_close rather than
 krb5_rc_destroy?  I found it while getting sim_client.c to work with
 my build.
 Should I file a bug, or is this enough (the bug list says to post here
 === modified file 'src/lib/krb5/rcache/rc_io.c'
 --- src/lib/krb5/rcache/rc_io.c   2011-04-09 08:50:00 +
 +++ src/lib/krb5/rcache/rc_io.c   2011-07-01 06:18:12 +
 @@ -481,6 +481,13 @@
  krb5_rc_io_destroy(krb5_context context, krb5_rc_iostuff *d)
 +#if defined(_WIN32)
 +// the file isn't opened with FILE_SHARE_DELETE so we need to
 close it first
 +if(close(d-fd) == -1) {
 +return KRB5_RC_IO_UNKNOWN;
 +d-fd = -1;
  if (unlink(d-fn) == -1)
 Kerberos mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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AFS Kerberos Best Practices Workshop 2011: June 13 to 17 - Sessions will be recorded

2011-06-10 Thread Jeffrey Altman

The AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop Committee is happy to
announce that the 2011 AFS and Kerberos Best Practices
Tutorials and Workshop sessions will be recorded and made available to
attendees for 48 hours.  This will permit attendees to revisit important
talks and view those that might be missed due to scheduling conflicts.

This year we have two new tutorial instructors with significantly
updated course materials.  We welcome Kim Kimball as our new AFS
instructor and Simon Wilkinson as our new Kerberos instructor.  Kim's
experience as an AFS trainer dates back to his days with IBM/Transarc
and Simon has been enabling application protocols to authenticate with
Kerberos and GSS-API for nearly a decade.  Both have given numerous
informational and entertaining talks at past workshops.

Each tutorial is priced at US$100.00.

The workshop sessions will include many of our most popular speakers:

  Russ Allbery
  Jeffrey Altman
  Matt Benjamin
  Derrick Brashear
  Andrew Deason
  Asanka Herath
  Love Hornquist Astrand
  Henry Hotz
  Tom Keiser
  Mike Meffie
  Simon Wilkinson

and will be hosted by Kim Kimball and Marshall Vale.  Topics include:

  A History of AFS
  AFS and Kerberos Project Status Reports
  Obtaining AFS Credentials at login on MacOS X
  Web Authentication
  KX509 extensions
  A practical guide to upgrading AFS from rxkad to rxgk security
  Performance Benefits of the AFS Extended Callback model
  Deploying the Demand Attach File Server (DAFS) - [New in OpenAFS 1.6]
  AFS RX Performance
  Analyzing AFS Statistics
  OpenAFS Futures

and our two most popular panels will return:

  Live Troubleshooting
   - submit real world problems for live analysis

  Stump the Experts
   - ask anything related to Kerberos or AFS, get an answer

Finally, the workshop would not be complete without the annual site
reports in which attendees tell each other how Kerberos and AFS have
been successfully deployed within their organizations.

The price for the three days of workshop sessions is US$60.00.

The AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop is appropriate for anyone
that is responsible for deploying or curious about real world
distributed computing environments.

The 2011 AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop is sponsored by Your
File System, Inc. ( and Secure
Endpoints, Inc. (

Registration will be open until the start of each day's events.

Jeffrey Altman
for the workshop organizers

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

AFS Kerberos Best Practices Workshop 2011: June 13 to 17 - Registration Open

2011-06-01 Thread Jeffrey Altman
The AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop Committee is happy to
announce that registration for the 2011 AFS and Kerberos Best Practices
Workshop is now open.  As previously announced, this year's tutorials
and workshop sessions will be held as an electronic conference which we
hope will permit a broader range of attendees to participate in a year
of reduced travel budgets.

This year we have two new tutorial instructors with significantly
updated course materials.  We welcome Kim Kimball as our new AFS
instructor and Simon Wilkinson as our new Kerberos instructor.  Kim's
experience as an AFS trainer dates back to his days with IBM/Transarc
and Simon has been enabling application protocols to authenticate with
Kerberos and GSS-API for nearly a decade.  Both have given numerous
informational and entertaining talks at past workshops.

The price for each is US$100.00.

The workshop sessions will include many of our most popular speakers:

  Russ Allbery
  Jeffrey Altman
  Matt Benjamin
  Derrick Brashear
  Andrew Deason
  Asanka Herath
  Love Hornquist Astrand
  Henry Hotz
  Tom Keiser
  Mike Meffie
  Simon Wilkinson

and will be hosted by Kim Kimball and Marshall Vale.  Topics include:

  A History of AFS
  AFS and Kerberos Project Status Reports
  Obtaining AFS Credentials at login on MacOS X
  Web Authentication
  KX509 extensions
  A practical guide to upgrading AFS from rxkad to rxgk security
  Performance Benefits of the AFS Extended Callback model
  Deploying the Demand Attach File Server (DAFS) - [New in OpenAFS 1.6]
  AFS RX Performance
  Analyzing AFS Statistics
  OpenAFS Futures

and our two most popular panels will return:

  Live Troubleshooting
   - submit real world problems for live analysis

  Stump the Experts
   - ask anything related to Kerberos or AFS, get an answer

Finally, the workshop would not be complete without the annual site
reports in which attendees tell each other how Kerberos and AFS have
been successfully deployed within their organizations.

The price for the three days of workshop sessions is US$60.00.

The AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop is appropriate for anyone
that is responsible for deploying or curious about real world
distributed computing environments.

The 2011 AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop is sponsored by Your
File System, Inc. ( and Secure
Endpoints, Inc. (

Please submit site reports and troubleshooting issues to

Jeffrey Altman
on behalf of the Workshop committee

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: BUG Report : 'krb5.ini' not found on Windows.

2011-05-17 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Application specific configuration files do not belong in \WINDOWS.
The correct place for krb5.ini is \ProgramData\Kerberos\krb5.ini which
requires that the environment variable KRB5_CONFIG be set to refer to
that file.

I do not know whether or not Java will pay attention to the environment

Jeffrey Altman

On 5/17/2011 6:53 AM, Onkesh Bansal wrote:
 Windows 2008 R2 (Service Pack 1) workstation.
 I am having this problem on my machine and am not able to figure out
 what is the root cause.
 The scenario seems with Terminal Services installed on the system and
 when the authentication has to be done via the LDAP over the local
 This BUG has been logged with ORACLE-JAVA at and they have already
 provided with a work around.
 My Query is:
 1.   What is the reason behind this bug. I need to know the root
 cause for this.
 2.   What should be my steps (apart from the workaround provided
 with the bug resolution) so as to prevent any future re-occurrences?
 ie I need a fix.
 3.   Can it be related to the version changes of Kerberos or is it
 because of Windows 2008?
 Thanks  Regards,
 Onkesh Bansal
 Engineer-1 QA,
 Quark Media House (P) Ltd. 
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Re: Klist issues with Windows 7

2011-04-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 4/12/2011 12:21 PM, Robert Schröder wrote:
 The console just returns something like this:
 *Current LogonId is 0:0x1a38a
 Cached Tickets: (0)*
 If I try klist with the tgt value, I'm getting the following failure:
 *Error calling API LsaCallAuthenticationPackage (Ticket Granting Ticket
 substatus): 1312
 *klist failed with 0x8009030e/-2146893042: No credentials are available in
 the security package*
 But if I start the cmd-console with administrator privileges, everything
 works fine.

You cannot access the LSA ticket store under User Account Control (UAC)
restricted processes.  If you were able to read the TGT, you could
bypass the process restrictions without the user being prompted.

UAC applies to any account that is not the Local Administrator account
that is added to the Administrators Group.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Trying to use Windows Netidmgr with Keytab

2011-03-14 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 3/14/2011 10:12 AM, Murray Trainer wrote:
 I am using the latest Kerberos for Windows from Secure Endpoints.  I created 
 the Windows DOS batch file below that obtains my kerberos 5 tickets using a 
 keytab file.
 set krb_user=murray
 set KRB5CCNAME=FILE:c:\krb5cc_%krb_user%
 set KRB5_KTNAME=\%krb_user%.keytab
 kinit -5 -r 7d -k -t C:\%krb_user%.keytab
 start /min C:\Program Files\MIT\Kerberos\bin\netidmgr.exe
 The kinit line works and if I do a klist I have kerberos 5 tickets.  The last 
 line in the script is intended to start Windows Netidmgr so it automatically 
 renews these tickets using the keytab file.  Netidmgr starts and if I 
 maximise it my identity is greyed out and my tickets don't get renewed unless 
 I manually renew them by entering my password.  After that my tickets are 
 renewed automatically.  Is there any way of making Netidmgr use the Keytab 
 file instead of requiring passwords be entered?
 Any assistance is appreciated

NetIdMgr doesn't know to look for your FILE: cache since it has no
method of enumerating FILE caches.  You need to manually add your FILE
cache to the search list on the Options-Kerberos v5-Credential Caches
page.  Once that is done NetIdMgr will be able to recognize and renew
the credentials.

Built-in support for keytab based identities is on the list of items we
wish to add but I'm not sure when it will be done.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos for Windows 3.2.3-alpha and Network Identity Manager 2.0

2010-11-15 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 11/12/2010 6:34 PM, wrote:
 I have a few questions about the new Kerberos for Windows (KfW) on MIT's 
 website and the new Network Identity Manager (NIM) on Secure Endpoints 

 - What's different between KfW-3.2.2 and KfW-3.2.3.alpha on MIT's website? 
 Are there any release notes for 3.2.3.alpha?
I can't say exactly what is in 3.2.3-alpha but I believe it is simply a
rebuild with 64-bit binaries and a
small number of krb5 security updates that were committed to the 1.6
branch at the time.

 - At the end of the KfW-3.2.3.alpha install, there's a question:

Ensure that the Kerberos tickets are available throughout the Windows
login session

 What does this mean?  
This sounds like auto renewal.  I'm not sure what changes to the
installer may have been made by MIT.
 And how is this setting configured?  I couldn't find 
 a difference in what was installed or in the registry depending on if this 
 was enabled or not.

 - Exactly how alpha is 3.2.3?   Based on the dates here:

 It looks like it's been on the website for almost 1.5 years, which seems 
 like quite a while... are there plans to release this at some point?

 - Does 3.2.3 include the new NIM 2.0 from Secure Endpoints website?
No.  Secure Enpoints has requested that MIT either update to the latest
NetIdMgr code base which is available from

or pull it from the KFW installers.   The version of NetIdMgr in 3.2.3
alpha from MIT is 1.3.1.

 - Can NIM 2.0 (from Secure Endpoints) be installed over top KfW 
 3.2.3.alpha?   And if so, is it a wise thing to do?
Yes it can be.  The NetIdMgr module in the MIT 3.2.3 installer is the
same as 3.2.2 and it will be upgraded to 2.0 by the latest Secure
Endpoints NetIdMgr installer.

Secure Endpoints will be releasing in the coming days a Secure Endpoints
KFW package called 3.2.3 which is the MIT KFW distribution minus
NetIdMgr.  There are improvements to the installer package so that on
64-bit systems both the 32-bit and 64-bit libraries are installed in one

Secure Endpoints will also be announcing NetIdMgr 2.1 which is built
using the Heimdal Kerberos compatibility SDK:

NetIdMgr 2.1 will work seamlessly with both KFW 3.2.x and Heimdal 1.4.1.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: What are the issues with dns_lookup_realm ?

2010-10-04 Thread Jeffrey Altman
 On 10/4/2010 5:11 PM, Brian Candler wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 04, 2010 at 12:57:17PM -0400, Greg Hudson wrote:
 On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 07:01 -0400, Brian Candler wrote:
 (1) What DNS lookups are made by the workstation and/or the server when a
 connection takes place? looks up a TXT record for

 OK, that makes sense. The server doesn't care anything about the hostname/IP
 of the client, as the client has already authenticated into a particular
 realm.  But the client has to work out which realm the server belongs to,
 and to trade tickets as necessary to prove its identity to the server in
 another realm.

 Which brings me to an aside: does this mean that all communication is
 initiated by the client to each KDC, except for the final server to its KDC? 
 There's no KDC to KDC traffic?  

there is no server to kdc traffic.  it is all client to kdc.

 I'm particularly interested whether I can
 make the following scenario work with a NAT/PAT firewall:

 client   | |  server
   | |
   | |
  KDC for  | |  KDC for

 If the communication goes
   client - KDC FOO
   client - KDC BAR
   server - KDC BAR
 then I think it should work. I'll need a more complex testbed to try it out
 though :-)

client - KDC FOO
client - KDC BAR
client - server

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: MIT Kerberos for Windows

2010-10-01 Thread Jeffrey Altman
 On 10/1/2010 4:44 AM, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
 On 30 September 2010 23:19, Jeffrey Altman 

 I would recommend that you take a look at

 This SDK provides implementation independence for applications with both
 Heimdal and MIT Kerberos.

 If you don't want to go this route what you need to do is to use delay
 loading of the GSSAPI*.DLL and avoid calling any gss functions if the
 library is not present.

 Jeffrey Altman

 I had a closer look to this.

 Is the source code of the library publicly available?


The above SDK is built from the Heimdal source tree.  There is no
benefit to building that source tree over the MIT KFW source tree if all
you are attempting to obtain is a gssapi.lib to link against.  The
approach you got working last night is sufficient for your needs.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: MIT Kerberos for Windows

2010-09-30 Thread Jeffrey Altman

I would recommend that you take a look at

This SDK provides implementation independence for applications with both
Heimdal and MIT Kerberos.

If you don't want to go this route what you need to do is to use delay
loading of the GSSAPI*.DLL and avoid calling any gss functions if the
library is not present.

Jeffrey Altman

On 9/30/2010 5:24 AM, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:

 Still related to Kerberos for Windows , but from a development perspective..

 I am working on adding GSSAPI support on TortoiseSVN ; this is done by
 compiling sasl and neon with GSSAPI support.

 This is itself was rather simple using the Kerberos for Windows SDK ;
 however for various reasons, I could use the SDK and had to compile
 the kerberos libraries from source.

 The problem at hand, is that when GSSAPI support for SASL is compiled
 the resulting saslGSSAPI.dll has some dependencies on the MIT kerberos
 Output of ldd is:
 gssapi32.dll = /cygdrive/c/Program Files
 (x86)/MIT/Kerberos/bin/gssapi32.dll (0x1c00)
 krb5_32.dll = /cygdrive/c/Program Files
 (x86)/MIT/Kerberos/bin/krb5_32.dll (0x32)
 comerr32.dll = /cygdrive/c/Program Files
 (x86)/MIT/Kerberos/bin/comerr32.dll (0x3c)
 k5sprt32.dll = /cygdrive/c/Program Files
 (x86)/MIT/Kerberos/bin/k5sprt32.dll (0x3d)

 Obviously, I do not want TortoiseSVN to require people to install
 Kerberos for Windows, it has to work as a standalone piece of
 If those DLLs can't be found, TSVN would silently fail. If they are
 indeed installed, the Network Identity Manager pops-up as required,
 which is great.

 So I also compiled those DLLs and included them in TSVN ; this however
 had some unfortunate consequences...
 TSVN is using its own version of the kerberos DLLs listed above, which
 seem to not use krb5.ini configured by KfW ; it relies on krb5.ini
 found in c:\Windows

 When a ticket is required, the Network Identity Manager never shows
 up; instead it directly fails.
 If I obtain a ticket with NIM, then TSV will connect fine.

 So the obvious question is:
 Assuming TSVN ships with its own compiled version of the kerberos DLLs
 listed above; how can I make it call NIM when required , so it
 perfectly integrates with any installed version of Kerberos for

 This is something Firefox or Thunderbird do fine... Not sure how they did it.

 Thank you for your help

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: MIT Kerberos for Windows

2010-09-30 Thread Jeffrey Altman
 On 9/30/2010 7:34 PM, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:

 On 30 September 2010 23:19, Jeffrey Altman 

 I would recommend that you take a look at

 This SDK provides implementation independence for applications with both
 Heimdal and MIT Kerberos.

 If you don't want to go this route what you need to do is to use delay
 loading of the GSSAPI*.DLL and avoid calling any gss functions if the
 library is not present.

 Jeffrey Altman

 Thank you for this information.

 I actually found that the source of the problem was related to a
 missing argument when compiling. I was compiling without

 Which ends to compiling with -DWITH_LEASH

 Since compiling with that, everything works as expected, e.g. when
 TortoiseSVN needs it, the Network Identity Manager pops up..

 I will look at this SDK, because compiling the whole KRB5 takes
 forever, and ends up taking a rather significant size (over 2MB)

 I don't have much leeway on how to call GSSAPI, it's all done by neon
 and sasl ; and I don't want to have to modify those.


You should not have to build KFW from scratch to build applications.  
The KFW SDK is included in the KFW installers.
You want to build against that, not the source tree.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: MIT Kerberos for Windows

2010-09-30 Thread Jeffrey Altman
 On 9/30/2010 7:45 PM, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:

 On 1 October 2010 09:39, Jeffrey Altman wrote:

 You should not have to build KFW from scratch to build applications.
 The KFW SDK is included in the KFW installers.
 You want to build against that, not the source tree.

 I agree.

 However, the author of TortoiseSVN wants to only build against source
 code and not pre-compiled libraries.

 So unfortunately, I had no choice on the matter

MIT Kerberos / GSS libraries are DLLs that are shipped independently.  
It is not appropriate for individual software packages to distribute
their own builds of the libraries.  Nor should a software application be
tied to a specific release of the libraries.  TortoiseSVN should
recognize when Kerberos/GSS is available and use it when it is and
ignore it when it isn't.  As a result I see no reason why TortoiseSVN
should be built against MIT Kerberos source. 

As a user of TortoiseSVN I would be more than happy to speak with the
author on this matter if he contacts me.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: MIT Kerberos for Windows

2010-09-23 Thread Jeffrey Altman
 On 9/22/2010 11:53 PM, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
 Hi there.

 Is it possible to automatically disable KRB4 when installing Kerberos
 for Windows ?

Read the release notes and apply a transform to the MSI installer for
your organization that disables krb4 in the installer.

Secure Endpoints can provide you with such a transform under a support

Jeffrey Altman

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: UDP and fragmentation

2010-08-03 Thread Jeffrey Altman
 Many VPNs are built into routers that support stateful packet
inspection as part of the firewall.  If the VPN is IPSec based, the MTU
on the vpn connection is typically 152 octets smaller than the MTU on
the networks it connects.  As a result any packet that is larger than
this smaller MTU size must be fragmented.  Unfortunately, many of the
routers are configured to drop fragmented UDP packets because
reconstructing the packets to pass them through the stateful packet
inspection algorithms in one piece requires memory and cpu resources
which when used for this purpose would hinder overall throughput statistics.

To answer your question, the KDC does not see the fragmentation.  It
often doesn't see the packets at all or only sees the first fragment of
the message which is insufficient to generate a response.

Jeffrey Altman

On 8/2/2010 1:42 AM, Victor Sudakov wrote:

 Quoting from
 By default, Kerberos uses connectionless UDP datagram packets.
 Depending on a variety of factors including security identifier (SID)
 history and group membership, some accounts will have larger Kerberos
 authentication packet sizes. Depending on the virtual private network
 (VPN) hardware configuration, these larger packets have to be
 fragmented when going through a VPN. The problem is caused by
 fragmentation of these large UDP Kerberos packets. Because UDP is a
 connectionless protocol, fragmented UDP packets will be dropped if
 they arrive at the destination out of order.

 Quoting from
 A common problem is that routers will arbitrarily fragment UDP
 packets; when this happens the Kerberos ticket request packets are
 discarded by the KDC. 

 Please tell me how on earth does the KDC know that the packet has been
 fragmented? Packets are fragmented and reassembled on the network
 level (IP level), the fragmentation process should be opaque to UDP
 and the application, shouldn't it? 

 I assume the KDC should just receive data from the socket, no matter
 if the datagram was bigger than the MTU, is it correct?


Kerberos mailing list

Re: SpywareTerminator is flagging MIT kerberos as Malware

2010-07-14 Thread Jeffrey Altman
 File a report with your spyware vendor.
MIT Kerberos for Windows is not spyware.

Jeffrey Altman

On 7/14/2010 8:46 AM, Jason Edgecombe wrote:
 *Has anyone else seen this?*




 *From:* Andrew Stein []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:07 AM
 *To:* Stein, Jack; Edgecombe, Jason
 *Subject:* MIT Kerberos -- spyware? No way

 I scanned my computer for spyware and it is saying that the MIT Kerberos
 install I have on my machine (from the UNCC website) is the
 CrystalysMedia spyware.

 It has to be a false positive, but look at the description for this
 spyware --

 *Adware Software that is displaying pop-up/pop-under windows containing
 advertisements when the primary user interface is not visible or
 displayed advertisements are not related to the product. *

 Kerberos mailing list

Kerberos mailing list

Re: bug?: erroneous start time for max renewable life check

2010-06-08 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 5/17/2010 7:37 PM, Richard Johnson wrote:

 The misbehavior:

 When a TGT with the Renewable flag set is used to obtain an ftp or host ticket
 on an MIT Kerberos client, that ftp or host service ticket also has the
 Renewable flag set.  I call this misbehavior as it seems nonsensical.  If an
 ftp or host service ticket is expired, a new one will be obtained; there's no
 need to make them renewable.

It would only be nonsensical if the assumption that the obtained service
ticket would never be used
without possession of the TGT.A renewable service ticket permits
that ticket to be handed off
to a process which is meant to do a specific task (local or remote)
without the dangers inherent in
delegating a TGT.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: krb5_cc_default_name() crash with Kerberos For Windows

2010-06-01 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 5/29/2010 12:15 PM, Thomas Calderon wrote:

 I would like to report a strange behavior from Kerberos For Windows. I am
 having a hard time reproducing the bug because I think it is caused by the
 renewing process when the TGT expires. For instance, if a kerberized
 web-page stays open for a long time without using the computer, a pop-up
 would be displayed showing krb5_cc_default_name() failed. After searching
 on the bug track I found that it might be linked to a previously reported
 bug (

 However, I guess that the current KfW (3.2.2) does not include the bug fix.
 Would it be possible to release a version of KfW with recent kerberos core ?


 Thomas Calderon

Secure Endpoints provides its support clients versions of KFW that
include this fix along with all of the
security advisories and several other improvements for compatibility
with Vista, 2008 and Windows 7.
We are not permitted to distribute these binaries to the general public
as MIT is supposed to be the sole
source for their binary releases.

Feel free to contact me for additional information.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Last day of pre-registration for the 2010 AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop

2010-05-16 Thread Jeffrey Altman
As a reminder, Monday May 17th is the last day to pre-register for the
2010 AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop which is being held at the
University of Illinois in Urbana-Champain, Illinois, USA the week of May
24 to 28.

The workshop consists of a full day tutorial on using and administering
AFS on Monday; a full day tutorial on Kerberos and related tools on
Tuesday; and two and half days of talks, panels and status reports on
AFS and Kerberos.

A social event will be held on Thursday May 27th.

On-site registration will be available at an increased cost.

Jeffrey Altman
for the AFS  Kerberos Best Practices Workshop Organizers

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Win 2008R2 kdc and linux client: no support for encryption type while getting initial credentials - SOLVED

2010-03-24 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 3/22/2010 5:52 PM, Michael B Allen wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Lars Schimmer wrote:

 Just want to note here, that problem was solved with a (not yet public)
 patch from Microsoft.

 Go and ask your Microsoft Support for it.

 Looks like it only happens on x64 servers.

 Hi Lars,

 Actually I would not be surprised if that hot fix is never made
 public. DES is being phased out. If you have any Windows accounts that
 use DES, you should update them to AES-256, AES-128 or RC4 in that
 order of preference.


I have confirmation from Microsoft that this hot fix will be
published.   The failure to publish
this hot fix was an oversight.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos Direct Service Authentication without Client / KDC Communication?

2010-03-15 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 3/15/2010 3:08 PM, Michael B Allen wrote:
 Hi All,

 Is there a mode of operation where a Kerberos client can directly
 authenticate with a service without first communicating with a KDC?

 Kerberos currently requires that clients are using a suitable DNS
 server, have access to whatever KDCs DNS is referring it to and have
 relatively accurate time. In many environments these requirements are
 too demanding.

 There should be a mode of operation where a client can compose a
 kerberos request without communicating with the KDC, DNS or time
 services and which can be submitted directly to a Kerberos service.
 This request would contain information about the client principal and
 target principal and would be encrypted using the client principal
 secret key known only to the client and the KDC. The Kerberos service
 accepting this ticket could compose a request containing the client's
 request and pass this to a KDC as a sort of AS-REQ. In return the
 service would receive either an error (such as indicating that the
 client request could not be successfully decrypted) or a service
 ticket with the usual fields like authorization-data and possibly a
 TGT that would be equivalent to a TGT that a client might normally
 submit through delegation. The service would then pass the service
 ticket down to the client to indicate that authentication was

 The objective is to have the Kerberos service act as a proxy to the
 KDC so as to release the client from impractical communication and
 configuration requirements. The client should only need to know the
 shared secret.

 If such a thing does not already exist, I think it should.


A process to do this through GSS-API based service proxies as been
proposed to the
IETF Kerberos Working Group.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KfW killing Cisco VPN under Windows 7

2010-03-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 3/12/2010 10:42 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
 This appears to be an OpenAFS problem (?), as I can replicate
 it without Network ID Manager running.
Sure but what does NetIdMgr have to do with it?

NetIdMgr is an application that loads the KFW libraries.

 Start - All Programs - OpenAFS - Client - Authentication
This is afscreds.exe.  Another application that loads the KFW libraries.
In fact, it performs the same operations with the KFW libraries as
NetIdMgr because
both NetIdMgr and afscreds are Kerberos v5 credential management tools
that obtain a TGT,
import credentials from the MSLSA cache, and attempt to obtain AFS tokens.

 Before I can even type my username and password, the VPN
 session is killed.
Sure.  The NetIdMgr log (at the time you say the failure occurs) was
attempting to import credentials
from the MSLSA: credential cache.  afscreds.exe prior to displaying a
user/cell/password dialog
attempts to import credentials from the MSLSA credential cache.

 I'll take it to openafs-info
There isn't enough evidence from what you have gathered to make any
statement about what the problem is or who is to blame.To be
completely honest, you are having a problem with a Cisco product.  I
suggest that you start your investigation by getting help from Cisco to
determine why their VPN is losing the connection.  Only then will you be
able to begin to identify what is causing that condition.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

ANNOUNCEMENT: Network Identity Manager Version 2.0 Available as an Update to Kerberos for Windows

2010-03-05 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Secure Endpoints Inc. is proud to announce the public availability of
Network Identity Manager v2 (  Version 2.0 is the end of a
three year effort to improve the usability and capabilities of
the product.

Improved usability:

* Users no longer have to type their username/realm each time they
  wish to obtain credentials for a Kerberos v5 identity.  Instead,
  they select previously used identities from a list.
* A New Identity Wizard walks the user through the configuration
  of all derived credential types when creating a new identity.
* Progress dialogs inform the user of progress of each stage of the
  credential acquisition process.
* Users can assign an icon to each identity to assist in
  distinguishing identities from one another.
* The basic identity view now includes:
  o an animated battery that visualizes the remaining lifetime
and permits users to quickly recharge the credential.
  o summary information describing the types and numbers of each
derived credential obtained by the identity.
  o dynamic progress bars when credential renewal takes place in
the background.
  o a star button to represent the current default identity and
permit setting an alternate default identity.
* The notification icon context menu has been improved to reduce the
  need to open the Network Identity Manager window.
* The user documentation has been significantly rewritten.  The PDF
  manual has been retired and the Windows Help documentation is

New functionality:

* Multiple identity providers can now be active simultaneously.
* In addition to the Kerberos v5 identity provider, a KeyStore
  provider is included and an X.509 identity provider is under
* The KeyStore provider permits a locally assigned password to be
  used to protect the passwords of multiple Kerberos v5 principals.
  Unlocking the KeyStore results in the acquisition of credentials
  for each of the configured Kerberos v5 identities.

Open Framework:

* The Network Identity Manager v2 SDK can be used to develop custom
  identity providers, credential providers, and tool providers.

Installers are available to update 32-bit and 64-bit Kerberos for
Windows 3.2.x.  Downloads and documentation are available from URL:

Jeffrey Altman and Asanka Herath
Secure Endpoints Inc.

Kerberos mailing list

ANNOUNCEMENT: Network Identity Manager Version 2.0 Beta 3 available for public testing

2010-02-27 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Secure Endpoints Inc. is proud to announce the public availability of
Network Identity Manager v2 Beta 3 (  Version 2.0 is the
end of a three year effort to improve the usability and capabilities of
the product.

Improved usability:

* Users no longer have to type their username/realm each time they
  wish to obtain credentials for a Kerberos v5 identity.  Instead,
  they select previously used identities from a list.
* A New Identity Wizard walks the user through the configuration
  of all derived credential types when creating a new identity.
* Progress dialogs inform the user of progress of each stage of the
  credential acquisition process.
* Users can assign an icon to each identity to assist in
  distinguishing identities from one another.
* The basic identity view now includes:
  o an animated battery that visualizes the remaining lifetime
and permits users to quickly recharge the credential.
  o summary information describing the types and numbers of each
derived credential obtained by the identity.
  o dynamic progress bars when credential renewal takes place in
the background.
  o a star button to represent the current default identity and
permit setting an alternate default identity.
* The notification icon context menu has been improved to reduce the
  need to open the Network Identity Manager window.
* The user documentation has been significantly rewritten.  The PDF
  manual has been retired and the Windows Help documentation is

New functionality:

* Multiple identity providers can now be active simultaneously.
* In addition to the Kerberos v5 identity provider, a KeyStore
  provider is included and an X.509 identity provider is under
* The KeyStore provider permits a locally assigned password to be
  used to protect the passwords of multiple Kerberos v5 principals.
  Unlocking the KeyStore results in the acquisition of credentials
  for each of the configured Kerberos v5 identities.

Open Framework:

* The Network Identity Manager v2 SDK can be used to develop custom
  identity providers, credential providers, and tool providers.

Changes since (Pre v2.0 Beta 2)


  - Identity and credential property sheets no longer display empty

  - Debug log file includes details about the process token for the
Network Identity Manager process. This is to help identify
recurrent problems with restricted tokens on Vista and Windows 7.

  - Redundant change notifications have been suppressed within in the
Network Identity Manager framework.

Kerberos v5:

  - Logged Kerberos v5 errors now include the description as well as
the code.

User documentation:

  - Broken links have been fixed.

  - Includes explanation of Kerberos v5 proxiable tickets.

  - Explains UI changes in identity icon dialog.

  - Registry documentation layout and content have been revised.

Bug fixes:

  - A race condition where the initial credentials listing can be
attempted before the identity provider has finished intializing
has been fixed. Earlier, the credentials listing will fail at
first and if the `--autoinit` option is used, Network Identity
Manager may display the new credentials dialog even when the user
has credentials.

Thanks to all of the testers that have downloaded Version 2.0 Beta 2.
This beta period will last one week.  Please try out the new release and
provide positive and negative feedback to:

Downloads and documentation are available from URL:

Jeffrey Altman and Asanka Herath
Secure Endpoints Inc.

Kerberos mailing list

Re: remctld on windows

2010-02-25 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 2/25/2010 9:52 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Jason Edgecombe writes:

 Dang. Thanks.

 The drawback to the Java server implementation is that it doesn't actually
 run anything, just provides a Java class that handles the protocol and
 lets you get the command to do with what you want.  But with that said, if
 you have any Java developers on staff, you may want to try that approach
 and see if that gives you what you want.

 I expect to have some resources allocated to do additional work on the
 Java code (both client and server) within the next six months if there's
 anything anyone would particularly like to see.

The important question is what commands do you want to execute on
Windows using remctld?

I want to add a remctl interface to Network Identity Manager for the
client side and create
a native remctld that adds commands via a dll based plugin interface for
the server side.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

ANNOUNCEMENT: KCA Provider 2.4 for Network Identity Manager (aka kx509)

2010-02-19 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc. is proud to announce the availability
of the Kerberized Certificate Authority Provider (aka kx509)
version 2.4 for Network Identity Manager.

The KCA provider enables Network Identity Manager to
obtain one or more X.509 certificates for each configured
identity from Kerberos realms that have deployed a
Kerberized Certificate Authority service.  The obtained
certificates are stored in the Windows logon session's
my certificate store.

The KCA provider distribution includes a PKCS#11 module
that will enable applications such as Firefox and Thunderbird
to access the KCA issued certificates.

Version 2.4 improves upon prior releases in the following

 * Support for KCA servers that do not include the KCA_REALM
   extension OID in the published certificates.  Instead,
   the provider maintains a database of IssuerDN to Realm
   mappings for use in tracking the KCA issued certificates

All users of prior KCA provider releases are encouraged
to upgrade.

The latest KCA provider can be downloaded from

Documentation can be reviewed at

All software distributions from Secure Endpoints Inc. are
digitally signed using a Verisign Authenticode certificate.

Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

Kerberos mailing list

Kerberos mailing list

ANNOUNCEMENT: Network Identity Manager Version 2.0 Beta 2 available for public testing

2010-02-17 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Secure Endpoints Inc. is proud to announce the public availability of
Network Identity Manager v2 Beta 2.  Version 2.0 is the end of a three
year effort to improve the usability and capabilities of the product.
Improved usability:

* Users no longer have to type their username/realm each time they
  wish to obtain credentials for a Kerberos v5 identity.  Instead,
  they select previously used identities from a list.
* A New Identity Wizard walks the user through the configuration
  of all derived credential types when creating a new identity.
* Progress dialogs inform the user of progress of each stage of the
  credential acquisition process.
* Users can assign an icon to each identity to assist in
  distinguishing identities from one another.
* The basic identity view now includes:
  o an animated battery that visualizes the remaining lifetime
and permits users to quickly recharge the credential.
  o summary information describing the types and numbers of each
derived credential obtained by the identity.
  o dynamic progress bars when credential renewal takes place in
the background.
  o a star button to represent the current default identity and
permit setting an alternate default identity.
* The notification icon context menu has been improved to reduce the
  need to open the Network Identity Manager window.
* The user documentation has been significantly rewritten.  The PDF
  manual has been retired and the Windows Help documentation is

New functionality:

* Multiple identity providers can now be active simultaneously.
* In addition to the Kerberos v5 identity provider, a KeyStore
  provider is included and an X.509 identity provider is under
* The KeyStore provider permits a locally assigned password to be
  used to protect the passwords of multiple Kerberos v5 principals.
  Unlocking the KeyStore results in the acquisition of credentials
  for each of the configured Kerberos v5 identities.

Open Framework:

* The Network Identity Manager v2 SDK can be used to develop custom
  identity providers, credential providers, and tool providers.

Changes since (Pre v2.0 Beta 1)


- Support for non-expiring identities.

- Identity icon selection dialog now makes HTTP requests
  asynchronously.  The UI reports any errors that may occur during
  an HTTP fetch and provides a 'Stop' button to abort lengthy


- Master key lifetime can now be configured.  It can also be set
  to never expire.

  Kerberos v5:

- Added UI controls for setting the 'Proxiable' flag for a new
  TGT.  The setting can be controlled as a global default and as a
  per-identity setting.

  Bug fixes:

- Handling of custom menus was fixed to avoid a situation where
  the wrong submenu may be displayed for an action.

- Fixed several memory leaks.

- The generated description for the default keystore had an
  unexpanded insertion sequence.

- Saved originals of an identity icon image may have a different
  resolution than the source image and may not matched the saved
  crop rectangle.

Thanks to all of the testers from 17 countries that have downloaded
Version 2.0 Beta 1.  This beta period will last two weeks.  Please try
out the new release and provide feedback to  Downloads and documentation are
available from URL:

Jeffrey Altman and Asanka Herath
Secure Endpoints Inc.

Kerberos mailing list

ANNOUNCEMENT: Network Identity Manager Version 2.0 Beta available for public testing

2010-02-03 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Secure Endpoints Inc. is proud to announce the public availability of
Network Identity Manager v2 Beta.  Version 2.0 is the end of a three
year effort to improve the usability and capabilities of the product. 

Improved usability:

* Users no longer have to type their username/realm each time they
  wish to obtain credentials for a Kerberos v5 identity.  Instead,
  they select previously used identities from a list.
* A New Identity Wizard walks the user through the configuration
  of all derived credential types when creating a new identity.
* Progress dialogs inform the user of progress of each stage of the
  credential acquisition process.
* Users can assign an icon to each identity to assist in
  distinguishing identities from one another.
* The basic identity view now includes:
  o an animated battery that visualizes the remaining lifetime
and permits users to quickly recharge the credential.
  o summary information describing the types and numbers of each
derived credential obtained by the identity.
  o dynamic progress bars when credential renewal takes place in
the background.
  o a star button to represent the current default identity and
permit setting an alternate default identity.
* The notification icon context menu has been improved to reduce the
  need to open the Network Identity Manager window.
* The user documentation has been significantly rewritten.  The PDF
  manual has been retired and the Windows Help documentation is

New functionality:

* Multiple identity providers can now be active simultaneously.
* In addition to the Kerberos v5 identity provider, a KeyStore
  provider is included and an X.509 identity provider is under
* The KeyStore provider permits a locally assigned password to be
  used to protect the passwords of multiple Kerberos v5 principals. 
  Unlocking the KeyStore results in the acquisition of credentials
  for each of the configured Kerberos v5 identities.

Open Framework:

* The Network Identity Manager v2 SDK can be used to develop custom
  identity providers, credential providers, and tool providers.

Version 2.0 pre-releases have been in use at many organizations.  The
beta period is expected to last no more than two weeks.  Please try out
the new release and provide feedback to  
Downloads and documentation are available from URL:

Jeffrey Altman and Asanka Herath
Secure Endpoints Inc.

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Upcoming KfW 3.x ??

2010-01-07 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 1/7/2010 11:48 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:

 I ended up solving my issues by forceably finding and removing
 all traces of anything related to KfW after uninstall with
 no config saving -- and reinstalling.

 [ I consider it a bug that 'uninstall' does not clean up the   ]
 [ registry when I've said not to keep my configuration info. ]
File a bug with MIT.

 I don't know what the problem was.  Oh well.
Depending on which keys you are talking about, the per user
configuration data is never
removed by an uninstaller since the uninstaller doesn't have access to
the per user data.
Not all users may be logged into the machine.

 I'd love to be a tester, but unfortunately I need to run the
 version our users have in order to troubleshoot things.
Without being a tester, you won't be able to ensure that the next
release works
the way you want it to in your environment.   Unless you are providing
funding or
some in-kind assistance in the development, why should I spend my time
your e-mails when you have trouble?

 Aside, is there a reason for the 2-step credential obtaining
 process where the account is 'checked' then one is given a
 password text entry field?  It's clunky to interact with.
In NIM v1.x the account's existence is verified before prompting for a
password in
order to protect against users that typo the username or realm and
created an
identity in the database that in fact does not exist.

In NIM v2, identities are created by a wizard that walks the user
through the
configuration of all applicable credential providers.  After the
identity is created
the user simply selects one of the pre-configured ones instead of manually
typing the username and realm each time.   This change is both to
improve usability
but also to permit NIM v2 to be used with X.509 and Keystore identities in
addition to Kerberos v5.

 Another aside, what release will have krb4 cred obtaining
 disabled by default?

Any release you want.  As I have said before, you can use a transform to
the MSI installer to disable Kerberos v4.   You can do this today.
 What I would do is use Network Monitor v3.2 from Microsoft Connect to
 examine the network traffic and see what requests are failing to receive

 FWIW 3.3 is out

 Looks like a nice tool.  I may ditch put Ethereal in the attic.
They each have their own strengths and weaknesses.  Ethereal can be used
to decrypt encrypted traffic and
has AFS support.NetMon does a much better job of analyzing and
displaying conversations.

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Upcoming KfW 3.x ??

2010-01-07 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 1/7/2010 2:38 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
 I'd love to be a tester, but unfortunately I need to run the
 version our users have in order to troubleshoot things.
 Without being a tester, you won't be able to ensure that the next
 release works
 the way you want it to in your environment.   Unless you are providing
 funding or
 some in-kind assistance in the development, why should I spend my time
 your e-mails when you have trouble?

 I guess you shouldn't (?)

 Perhaps you could explain Secure Endpoints' role in KFW
 development?  Last I heard from a link on your website,
 MIT was hiring a full-time developer for KFW.  Did that
 not happen?

Secure Endpoints does not have a role with regards to MIT's distribution
at the present time.  We support a private distribution of KFW for our
customers that has provided 64-bit and Vista/2008 (and now Win7/2008-R2)
for some time.   Patches that we have implemented have been given to
MIT.  However,
we are not involved in their release process. 

MIT KFW 3.2.3 Alpha (which I can no longer find on the MIT web site) roughly
equates to the distribution Secure Endpoints has been shipping to it

 If I install NIMv2 and report in detail on what I find in
 our environment, does that give me credits to use?
It would be a start.  Thank you for the beer money as well.

 Another aside, what release will have krb4 cred obtaining
 disabled by default?

 Any release you want.  As I have said before, you can use a transform to
 the MSI installer to disable Kerberos v4.   You can do this today

 I am asking when the decision might be made to turn it off by
 default in the master distribution, of course.  I already saw
 and read your previous response.

64-bit distributions of MIT KFW do not include Kerberos v4 at all.   At
this point if I were
to issue a significant update (for example a bundle of Network Identity
Manager v2 and
Kerberos v5 1.8) I would leave it out on 32-bit platforms as well.  
Kerberos v4 support
should continue to be available as a separate distribution for those
sites that require it.
However, to my knowledge neither MIT Kerberos 1.7 nor the 1.8 which was
today builds on Windows. 

The annual cost of developing MIT Kerberos for Windows and Network
Identity Manager
is roughly $175,000.   The vast majority of the work that Secure
Endpoints has done on
NIM over the last two years has been unfunded.   I suspect the reason
that the MIT Kerberos
Consortium has not focused significant energy on the Windows platform is
because their
commercial board members (Microsoft, Red Hat, and Sun Microsystems) are
not interested
in financing the development of the MIT APIs on the Windows platform. 
Microsoft has a
strong interest in seeing applications use the Win32 API (SSPI) and the
Unix/Linux vendors
might interpret funding Windows development as counter to their interests.

I happen to believe that ensuring the viability of the GSS and MIT
Kerberos APIs on the
Windows platform is absolutely in the best interest of the Unix/Linux
vendors because
it ensures that application developers will take the cross platform
approach instead of
locking themselves onto the Windows platform by using the SSPI
exclusively.  Failure
to provide support for new functionality on the Windows platform makes
it much more
difficult to adopt that functionality on Unix/Linux.   Security solution
availability needs to be
ubiquitous.  Otherwise, the solutions cannot be deployed.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KfW 64bit plus 32bit apps

2010-01-07 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 1/7/2010 3:17 PM, Nikolay Shopik wrote:

 Does 64bit version of KfW work with 32bit version app? Because for me 
 looks like 64bit version doesn't work with 32bit apps.
KFW 64-bit is for 64-bit applications.   For 32-bit (WOW64) applications
you install the 32-bit KFW on the 64-bit Windows machine.
Both the 32-bit and 64-bit KFW libraries will share a single credentials
cache server.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KfW installation question (krb.con, etc...)

2010-01-06 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 1/6/2010 3:25 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
 If one specifies a URL for KfW configuration at install-time,
 but does not care about or want to support krb4 and does not
 offer krb.con or krbrealm.con files, a 'critical error' dialog
 is raised to users.

  Download failed: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

 Is there a way to avoid this?  We'd like to provide instructions
 for our users that does not include, Ignore the following
 failure error.  It is caused by blah blah blah...

 Because, in all reality, the file they care about (krb5.ini)
 *was* most likely found just fine and the error dialog does
 not give any indication of what was not found.
The NSIS installers do not have an ability to for customization.   They
do what they do.

Organizations that are distributing KFW are recommended to use the MSI
installers and customize them with the necessary configuration files or
addition/removal of components via the use of MSI transforms.

If you want to use the NSIS installer with the URL, create empty files
for distribution to your users.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Upcoming KfW 3.x ??

2010-01-06 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 1/6/2010 2:32 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
 I seem to have all sorts of weird problems with KfW.

 For instance, I just clicked 'Cancel' in the 'Obtain
 new credentials' dialog for a certain realm and the
 dialog greyed out, won't go away, and won't close
 via [X].

 Other times I get DNS failures from NIM when nslookup
 in a cmd.exe window resolves the KDCs fine.

 Overall, I have zero problems with other network apps
 on this box.

You are welcome to try a beta of Network Identity Manager v2 if you
would like.
(Send private mail to be added to the testers list.)   However, if the
problem is
the resolution of DNS SRV records (which some DNS proxies do not respond to)
then the problem will not be resolved by the update.

What I would do is use Network Monitor v3.2 from Microsoft Connect to
examine the network traffic and see what requests are failing to receive
The krb5 library in KFW has no trace logging that would permit such a
to be identified from within the library.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Wrong principal in request

2010-01-05 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 1/4/2010 8:42 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Jeff Blaine writes:

 I happened to notice this (note the missing realm) after a
 failed GSSAPI attempt to the SSH server (mega):

 [r...@mega ~]# klist
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
 Default principal: jbla...@foo

 Valid starting ExpiresService principal
 01/04/10 16:14:51  01/11/10 16:14:51  krbtgt/f...@foo
  renew until 01/18/10 16:14:51
 01/04/10 16:15:08  01/11/10 16:14:51  host/mega@
  renew until 01/18/10 16:14:51

 Ah, that means that the client doesn't know what the local realm is and is
 therefore trying to ask the server via referrals, but the server isn't
 answering that question.
Unfortunately this is not a correct interpretation of what is happening.
  The host/mega@ does indicate that referrals are being used.  However,
when referrals are in use the client application has no idea what the
realm should be and so the resulting ticket is stored without the realm
in the name.  This was done in order to ensure that the service ticket
could be found in the cache the next time an application seeks a service
ticket for such a service principal via referrals (which is represented
by specifying the NUL realm name.)

What may be going on for the version of Putty that you are using is that
it is calling krb5_get_host_realm in order to try to obtain the realm
name for the server up front.  If there is no host to realm mapping in
the krb5 profile then this function will always return the NUL realm
name indicating that referrals will be used.   Specifying the host to
realm mapping in the krb5 profile results in the referrals logic being

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: principal: Invalid argument while creating f...@foo.

2009-12-29 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 12/29/2009 12:47 PM, Greg Hudson wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-12-29 at 11:39 -0500, Jeff Blaine wrote:
 Do you have RC4 (arcfour-hmac-md5, etc.) configured in
 your supported_enctypes on that KDC?

 I don't understand why I would need to specify that (?)

 Tom was asking that to verify that his understanding of your problem was
 correct; he wasn't suggesting a workaround.

 The problem is that addprinc -randkey works in an odd way: it creates
 the principal with a dummy password (and a flag to disallow issuing of
 tickets) and then asks the kadmin server to randomize the password.

 In krb5 1.6, the dummy password is a 255-byte string containing all
 possible byte values.  This is what causes the problem with a krb5 1.7
 server if you're supporting RC4 keys, because that dummy password is not
 valid UTF-8.  krb5 1.7 clients use a different dummy password which
 doesn't have this problem.
May I suggest that in order to provide for backward compatibility that
kadmin recognize the
well-known dummy password and the use of the disallow-tickets flag and
replace the dummy
password with one that will succeed.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: DNS lookups with dns_lookup* = false

2009-12-23 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 12/23/2009 11:31 AM, wrote:

 Then , I wanted to try how the failover would behave if the SRV
 _kerberos-master._udp.DOMAIN record was present. But my Active Directory 
 says he has indeed the _kerberos._XX SRV record, but that he is not proposed
 with the choice to add a _kerberos-master. record in the AD DNS system.

 Has anyone stepped upon such a problem ?

AD doesn't limit the DNS SRV names that can be entered. 
_kerberos-master is not in the quick list but it can be typed by hand.

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KDC on Windows

2009-12-23 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 12/23/2009 3:43 AM, Prasanna Kothari wrote:
 I wanted to know if there's MIT KDC available on Windows platform.
 If not, can it be built, if so can you provide the build instructions/make

You can build one with cygwin.   MIT KFW does not include one.

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos tickets, SSH public key auth, AFS tokens

2009-12-21 Thread Jeffrey Altman
On 12/18/2009 12:00 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
 Does anyone know of a Cygwin OpenSSH that supports GSS-API?

There is none that I am aware of.  In order to build OpenSSH in cygwin
against KFW you will require Cygwin import libraries for each of the KFW
DLLs.  Secure Endpoints submitted a patch to MIT (RT 6504) which
contains the necessary code to build the cygwin import libraries as part
of the KFW build process.   This patch has not been integrated into the
MIT source tree.

Once you have the import libraries you can build OpenSSH from source
while modifying the Unix Makefiles to refer to the KFW import libs.  
This will produce for you an OpenSSH that can make use of the MSLSA and
API credential cache types on Windows.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KfW 3.2.2 multiple users via SSH

2009-11-09 Thread Jeffrey Altman
krbcc32s.exe is per session.  You can't run two instances in the same
session with different authentication contexts.  I don't know how the
sshd you are using is implemented but apparently it doesn't run the
underlying users in distinct logon sessions. wrote:
 I'm using Kerberos for Windows 3.2.2 on Windows XP SP3 and noticed a 
 problem using kinit/klist when multiple users ssh to the host.

 If I ssh to the windows host as userA, then run klist, I see the 

 (as userA - krbcc32s NOT running)
$ klist
klist.exe: No credentials cache found (ticket cache API:krb5cc)

 That's as expected.   And... looking at ProcessExplorer, the krbcc32s 
 process is now running as userA.

 Now, ssh as userB and run klist:

 (as userB - krbcc32s running as userA)
$ klist
klist.exe: Credentials cache I/O operation failed XXX while getting 
 default ccache

 If I kill krbcc32s and redo the test, but login as userB first, I see 
 just the reverse, ie:

 (as userB - krbcc32s NOT running)
$ klist
klist.exe: No credentials cache found (ticket cache API:krb5cc)

 (as userA - krbcc32s running as userB)
$ klist
klist.exe: Credentials cache I/O operation failed XXX while getting 
 default ccache

 My first suspicion was the fact that the CC is the same for both users 
 (API:krb5cc), but if I redo the above tests and set KRB5CCNAME to 
 something unique for each user (eg. API:krb5cc_userA, API:krb5cc_userB) it 
 fails the same way.

 If I use a unique FILE: credentials cache for each user (eg. 
 FILE:C:/tmp/krb5cc_userA, FILE:C:/tmp/krb5cc_userB), then it seems to 
 work, but krb5cc32s is running as the first user who started it, which 
 bothers me.

 S... 2 questions:

1) Is is not possible to use an API: credentials cache for more then one 

2) Is it OK to use a FILE: credentials cache in this case even though 
 krb5cc32s is running as the first user who started it?
 Kerberos mailing list

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Problem with mit2ms - Tickets are not transfered to LSA cache

2009-11-03 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Christoph Fritz wrote:

 Unfortunately kerbtray does not show me any ticket in the LSY cache. Which
 parameters do I need for the mit2ms executable or is my idea not working at
 all? How can I transfer the tickets from the MIT Client cache to the LSA
 cache of Windows?

mit2ms worked on Vista.  It does not work on XP and 2003.  I have not
tested it on Vista SP2 and Win7.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Problem with mit2ms - Tickets are not transfered to LSA cache

2009-11-03 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Jeffrey Altman wrote:
 Christoph Fritz wrote:
 Unfortunately kerbtray does not show me any ticket in the LSY cache. Which
 parameters do I need for the mit2ms executable or is my idea not working at
 all? How can I transfer the tickets from the MIT Client cache to the LSA
 cache of Windows?

 mit2ms worked on Vista.  It does not work on XP and 2003.  I have not
 tested it on Vista SP2 and Win7.
I just tested on Win7 and it won't work there until the krb5 library
cc_mslsa.c is updated to handle the current behavior.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Fwd:Windows 7 Kerb bug

2009-10-06 Thread Jeffrey Altman
   5. A new progress dialog that explains what the various credential
  providers are doing during a new credential acquisition or a renewal.
   6. User assignment of icons to each network identity
   7. Addition of an animated battery for each identity which shows
  valid lifetime and can be used to initiate renewal.
   8. Addition of a star to indicate the current default identity instead
  of a color palette change.

Here are some screen shots:


A presentation on Network Identity Manager v2 was given at the 2009 AFS 
Kerberos Best Practices Workshop by Asanka Herath, Daniel Kouřil, and

Many peer institutions including Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon and
FermiLab are extremely happy with Network Identity Manager and Secure
Endpoints has a direct channel to their help desks.  Whenever there were
problems with Network Identity Manager, they were addressed in subsequent

I should point out that due to MIT's discomfort with the switch from
to NetIdMgr that the KFW 3.2.x 32-bit MSI does include the leash32
binary and
MIT can apply a transform to the MSI that will install leash32 and not
Network Identity Manager 1.3.  If the reason that MIT has continued to ship
KFW 2.6.5 for all of these years is a dislike for Network Identity Manager,
it has done so for no good reason.  Of course, this is only true for 32-bit
platforms because Leash32 will not compile on 64-bit platforms.

Regarding Network Identity Manager release schedules, I am hoping to be able
to ship v2 by the end of this month.   I do not know whether it will be
as part of a KFW package, or standalone, or whether the Network Identity
distribution will include a bundled Kerberos distribution.

If you have any questions regarding Network Identity Manager, please
feel free
to ask them.

Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

Richard Edelson wrote:
 I actually wanted to get rid of 2.6.5 this summer but I'm still holding off 
 because of issues people are having with NIM. I heard NIM is going you have info on upcoming release schedules?


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeffrey Altman [] 
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:26 AM
 Subject: Re: Fwd:Windows 7 Kerb bug

 Richard Edelson wrote:
 I have a separate installer the pismere build machine made of 2.6.5 which 
 works fine, it's on DFS:
 \\\dfs\msi\MIT Windows Utilities\KfW\kfw2005-12-20.msi

 While you may believe that kfw 2.6.5 works fine on Vista and Win7, it
 really doesn't.   Microsoft Crash Reporting receives more than 6000
 crash reports a month from 2.6.5 leash32.exe, gssapi32.dll and

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: FW: Windows 7 Kerb bug

2009-10-06 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Tom Yu wrote:
 Jeffrey Altman writes:
 The problem is not an OpenAFS issue.   The problem is a bug in netbios
 name resolution in Windows 7.  Concerned organizations should report
 the issue to Microsoft in order to ensure that it will be fixed.

 Jeffrey Altman

 Based on the rather lengthy series of forwarded messages, it was not
 clear that the underlying issue was a NetBIOS name resolution bug.  I
 would have found it helpful to have a summary of which bug to report,
 and what information was most important.
Microsoft has reacted quite poorly in the past to cookie cutter bug
reports being received from
multiple sites.  What they want are sites to experience the issue
themselves and file their own
bug report.

* Install Windows 7.
* Install OpenAFS and KFW
* Boot the machine without network
* Login to the machine
* Obtain a network address
* Determine that it is impossible to enumerate \\AFS
* Call PSS and File a bug report

If you have network when the machine boots, all is fine.  The problem
only occurs when the machine obtains a network address after logon.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Fwd:Windows 7 Kerb bug

2009-10-05 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Richard Edelson wrote:
 I have a separate installer the pismere build machine made of 2.6.5 which 
 works fine, it's on DFS:
 \\\dfs\msi\MIT Windows Utilities\KfW\kfw2005-12-20.msi

While you may believe that kfw 2.6.5 works fine on Vista and Win7, it
really doesn't.   Microsoft Crash Reporting receives more than 6000
crash reports a month from 2.6.5 leash32.exe, gssapi32.dll and

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: MS IWA - extended protection - SSPI - channel binding

2009-08-27 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Markus Moeller wrote:
 I am reading the MS article about IWA and extended protection  and wonder if this 
 affects GSSAPI based applications like Apache with mod_auth_kerb ?  Does 
 this mean MS has added channel bindings to SSPI ?

 Unfortunately I don't have Windows 7 to test.

 Thank you
You do not need Windows 7.   The change was backported all the way to XP
SP2 and the update was pushed as critical two weeks ago.
When activated GSS-API over TLS will use channel bindings if the
application requests extended protection.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: netidmgr maxing out CPU and can't be killed on Windows 7 RTM

2009-08-18 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Johnny Russ wrote:
 I have a desktop PC running Windows 7 32-bit and a laptop running
 Windows 7 64-bit. I use kerberos and network identity manager to
 access my AFS files. Everything seems to work fine. Except that
 randomly (every few days or so) I will notice my CPU is maxed out.
 When I check the task manager netidmgr.exe and explorer.exe will be
 the 2 processes that are maxing out the CPU. This usually happens when
 I am not even directly using netidmgr or AFS. I cannot kill them from
 task manager, with taskkill, or with pskill from sysinternals. I have
 to reboot to stop them from maxing out the CPU.

 I realize that Windows 7 is not officially supported or even
 officially released yet, but it will be soon. Network Identity
 Manager, Kerberos, and AFS all seem to work fine without any issues. I
 was just curious if anybody else is running Windows 7 and seeing this
 issue. How can I confirm that this is actually a bug when running
 under Windows 7? Or even better any ideas how to avoid it would be
I haven't seen the issue but would be happy to track it down and squash it.

Since you are comfortable using SysInternals tools, could you configure
procdump to monitor netidmgr.exe and explorer.exe for cpu spikes and
have it capture a process dump when the issue occurs?

Please send mail to  Given that the
issue affects both netidmgr.exe and explorer.exe I suspect the problem
isn't actually with netidmgr but is more likely an interaction between
Windows 7 and OpenAFS but we shall see.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: netidmgr maxing out CPU and can't be killed on Windows 7 RTM

2009-08-18 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Danny Mayer wrote:
 I have seen something like this on my XP box and I believe it was
 netidmgr if that is the app that sits in the system tray. After some
 time (days) it seems to be grabbing all the messages in the message pump
 and suddenly all of my windows go crazy, flashing windows all over the
 screen. I have to find my DOS window and kill it off and then things
 return to normal. I don't think this is specific to Windows 7.

 I haven't had time to follow up as I have plenty of other projects on my


I have to say this sounds extremely unlikely.If you have any
evidence to back up this theory I would love to see it.

The problem that Mr Russ is experiencing appears to be related to
interactions with Offline Folders and OpenAFS Pioctls.  I am following
up with him to collect additional information.

Jeffrey Altman

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KfW 3.2.2 on Win XP SP3 + file cache = repeated password asking?

2009-05-11 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Try setting the default identify after you alter the associated cache name.

Kronus David wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm not really expert so this might be a sign of my misunderstanding but...

 I'm using Network ID manager to authenticate to a Linux server running MIT 
 Kerberos KDC and other kerberized servers (SSHd, Apache+mod_auth_kerb). When 
 I initially configured my identity in NetIdMgr, everything worked fine - 
 input my password just once and then no more (using kerberized Putty, 
 TortoiseSVN, Firefox...). So I conclude from this that there is no problem 
 with the server.

 Then I played with Java and wanted to use my cached credentials from KfW also 
 using JAAS. I changed the cache in my identity configuration from API:... to 
 FILE:c:\Temp\ccache. Cache worked, the file had been created after obtaining 
 credentials. And after some time JAAS started to work. I was amazed but not 
 for long because I've realized that with file-based cache NetIdMgr is asking 
 for my password each time when some application using KfW dlls needs 
 credentials (Firefox, Putty...). Even when I open putty twice for the same 
 SSH server, NetIdMgr asks for password. Otherwise everything works but this 
 is totally unusable. I tried to play with the settings but haven't arrived to 
 a solution or an explanation. When I change back to API: cache, everything 
 works fine (except JAAS...).

 So, what's the problem?
 1) Is this expected behaviour when using file-based cache? Shall I configure 
 something to get rid of the repeated password prompt? I haven't really found 
 any information about using file cache with KfW, it seems to be 
 out-of-fashion, since Java is probably able to read from LSA, but that 
 doesn't help me in this case (no AD domain), does it?
 2) If the answer to question 1) is YES, it it expected and you can't do 
 anything about it, can you please advice me on a way in which KfW and JAAS 
 can cooperate in a nice way?

 Thanks for any help.
 Kerberos mailing list

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Active Directory Kerberos Server and Windows MIT Tools Client

2009-05-11 Thread Jeffrey Altman
IIS and other Windows SSPI based applications will only use credentials
that are obtained via the Microsoft logon screen.
You cannot use MIT KfW to obtain a TGT for those applications.   In
other words, you must log onto the machine with the domain account and
not a local account if you wish to use IE.

Your other option is to start IE using RunAs domainAcct and issue
your username/password for the domain account each time you start IE. 

Jeffrey Altman

Schreiter,Jonathan M. wrote:
 I currently have an AD 2003 environment that serves as a Kerberos server.  
 Normally, with a standard Windows XP / Vista client (that is joined to the 
 domain), when I login with a domain account I get a TGT for the AD domain / 
 realm.  This TGT is then used to get tickets for various other services that 
 require Kerberos.  When I run a klist from the MIT tools installed on this 
 client, I show my ticket cache: MSLSA.
 I need to log in with a local account on this same computer (still joined to 
 the domain).  I'd like to be able via command line to enter in my AD 
 credentials to acquire a tgt just as if I was a login from the original 
 CTRL+ALT+DEL screen.
 After logging in locally, I tried to do a simple kinit 
 and it took the password.  However, if I use Internet Explorer to go to an 
 IIS server that requires kerberos authentication, I am still prompted for my 
 username and password.
 I then drilled in to the GUI Network Identity Manager.  Under Kerberos v5 
 Credential Cache I have Include Windows LSA cache (MSLSA:) checked.  Uner 
 Realms I added a new realm MYDOMAIN.COM.  I added an AD DC for the Kerberos 
 Server, but I left Domains that map to MYDOMAIN.COM empty (not sure what's 
 supposed to go here).
 I then entered my kerberos authentication in to the GUI and it took my 
 password.  However, it still doesn't see the tgt in the MSLSA (if I try to 
 use a klist from the Windows NT Resource Kit).  If I run klist from 
 c:\Program Files\MIT\Kerberos\Bin I get a klist: No credentials cache found 
 (ticket cache  Also, If I try to run IE to hit an 
 IIS web server requiring Kerberos, it still prompts me for my credentials.
 I think I'm almost there - but can someone help me connect the pieces?  
 Again, I would like to log in to a windows xp / vista computer, enter a 
 username and password to obtain a tgt in the mslsa, so that IE can hit an IIS 
 server that requires kerberos w/o typing in the password again.
 Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
 Many thanks,

 Kerberos mailing list

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KfW and NiM getting mutliple TGT's

2009-05-04 Thread Jeffrey Altman
David Bear wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Jeffrey Altman

 David Bear wrote:
  Normally, when we install KfW (currently using 3.2.2) on
 windows, we include
  a krb5.ini file that is mostly the same as the krb5.conf we use
 on linux.
  Our krb5.ini only has realm information
 in it. We also have an AD
  domain to which our windows clients are joined. When a user does
 a domain
  logon, they normally get 2 credentials automatically, one for
 the AD domain,
  and one for our ASU.EDU http://ASU.EDU realm. This is the
 behavior we like.
  However, today, using the same configuration file, NiM is only
  credentials for the AD domain -- it is not automatically getting
  from the ASU.EDU http://ASU.EDU realm. We have selected
 (obtain new creds at startup) and
  (destroy all creds on exit) but this makes no difference. For
 some reason,
  KfW is not getting all the creds we are used to at startup. Any
 advice on
  how to get the behavior back that we want?
 NIM does not obtain the credentials.  The KFW network provider
 (kfwlogon.dll) does this if and only if:

   1. the password for the AD and MIT realms are the same
   2. kfwlogon.dll is installed
   3. the default realm in the krb5.ini file is the MIT realm

 The NIM obtain new creds at startup does not affect the kfwlogon.dll.
 What it does is prompt the user for credentials if there are none
 available at startup.

 We have set the realm to be the default realm
 in the krb5.ini file. The passwords between  AD domains and MIT Krb
 realms are identical. Still, KfW doesn't auto-get realm credentials. We can obtain credentials using
 NiM AFTER standard windows logon. But it is just not getting them
 automatically. Is there some other configuration option we have missed
 or munged?
You should verify that the Network Provider kfwlogon.dll is installed
and assuming that is true then you can turn on Windows Application Event

  HKLM\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\MIT Kerberos\\NetworkProvider
Debug  DWORD  0x01

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Race condition in /ccache/cc_memory.c

2009-04-30 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Hong Ye wrote:

 Our authentication application developed using MIT kerberos crashed in 
 multi-thread environment on Windows. I found this post which describes 
 the same problem as we were seeing. The post was dated Nov,2005. Has 
 this problem been resolved in latest Kerberos library. If not, is there 
 work around?

 Using the MEMORY credentials cache from multiple threads is not 
 thread-safe and crashes.

 Any suggestions are appreciated,


What version of KFW are you using?

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Race condition in /ccache/cc_memory.c

2009-04-30 Thread Jeffrey Altman
How have you confirmed that the issue you are experiencing is the one
described in the Nov 2005?

do you have a stack trace or a crash dump from the application?

Hong Ye wrote:
 latest release KFW 3.2.2.

 Jeffrey Altman wrote:
 Hong Ye wrote:

 Our authentication application developed using MIT kerberos crashed
 in multi-thread environment on Windows. I found this post which
 describes the same problem as we were seeing. The post was dated
 Nov,2005. Has this problem been resolved in latest Kerberos library.
 If not, is there work around?

 Using the MEMORY credentials cache from multiple threads is not
 thread-safe and crashes.

 Any suggestions are appreciated,


 What version of KFW are you using?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KfW and NiM getting mutliple TGT's

2009-04-30 Thread Jeffrey Altman
David Bear wrote:
 Normally, when we install KfW (currently using 3.2.2) on windows, we include
 a krb5.ini file that is mostly the same as the krb5.conf we use on linux.
 Our krb5.ini only has realm information in it. We also have an AD
 domain to which our windows clients are joined. When a user does a domain
 logon, they normally get 2 credentials automatically, one for the AD domain,
 and one for our ASU.EDU realm. This is the behavior we like.

 However, today, using the same configuration file, NiM is only reporting
 credentials for the AD domain -- it is not automatically getting credentials
 from the ASU.EDU realm. We have selected (obtain new creds at startup) and
 (destroy all creds on exit) but this makes no difference. For some reason,
 KfW is not getting all the creds we are used to at startup. Any advice on
 how to get the behavior back that we want?
NIM does not obtain the credentials.  The KFW network provider
(kfwlogon.dll) does this if and only if:

   1. the password for the AD and MIT realms are the same
   2. kfwlogon.dll is installed
   3. the default realm in the krb5.ini file is the MIT realm

The NIM obtain new creds at startup does not affect the kfwlogon.dll. 
What it does is prompt the user for credentials if there are none
available at startup.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: webauthldap(SUNetID): cannot get ticket: Too many open files (24)

2009-02-17 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Fletcher Cocquyt wrote:
 Hi, I am following the code now on this one - after posting to the webauth 
 a couple weeks ago we are still experiencing  several hundred of these errors
 per day - we have maxed out our file descriptors hard and soft limits at 64k 
 verified with running plimit.

 webauthldap(SUNetID): cannot get ticket: Too many open files (24)

 Env: Solaris 9, apache 2.0.52, webauth 3.5.4, MIT kerberos krb5-1.4.1

 Our apache threads are now approaching 250-300 open files (as reported by 

 I suspect the issue may be isolated to the webauth and associated kerberos 
 to related to keytab and ticket cache operations.  this suspicion is based on:
 1) error only occurs on mod_webauth protected URLs
 2) error is always associated with webauthldap(SUNetID): cannot get ticket: 
 many open files (24) messages

 Hypothesis: This version of webauth  kerberos is somehow not using the 64k 
 descriptor limit, but is using a 256 file limit and throwing the error on the
 ticket operations when the apache thread has more than 256 files open.

 there are other threads related to the use of char vs int resulting in return
 value there a kerberos bug in 1.4.1 version which is since 


I'm going to hazard a guess that the problem is gssapi maintaining an
open file descriptor per context for the replay cache
or that you are experiencing a leak of file descriptors to the replay
cache.  I do not remember exactly the version
that plugged the leak and fixed it by maintaining a rcache fd per gss

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos Tickets flushed on unlocking Windows Xp?

2009-01-20 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Rahul Kohli wrote:
 I am facing a strange issue with Kerberos authentication on my Windows XP 
 system. I noticed that on lock and unlock Windows XP system all the kerberos 
 TGT and service tickets get deleted and recreated.
 Is this a Known feature or defect ? Please let me know when does these 
 kerberos tickets get flushed on the lock, or the unlock? 
 Is there a patch/fix available for this behavior? Can the default locl/unlock 
 behavior be changed for kerberos.

During the unlock XP is re-authenticating the user against the KDC. 
This results in a new TGT being obtained which replaces any previously
cached tickets.  This is a fairly standard behavior across Kerberos

What is the problem that you are experiencing from this behavior?

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: non-KDC replay cache problems?

2008-12-23 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Tom Yu wrote:
 Has anyone experienced problems due to false positive conditions on an
 application replay cache?  
The motivation that Roland and I have for re-working the replay cache
are primarily driven by application replay cache false positives.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: non-KDC replay cache problems?

2008-12-23 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Ken Raeburn wrote:
 On Dec 23, 2008, at 03:42, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
 Tom Yu wrote:
 Has anyone experienced problems due to false positive conditions on an
 application replay cache?
 The motivation that Roland and I have for re-working the replay cache
 are primarily driven by application replay cache false positives.

 How much do these problems still occur with the Windows time-offset
 code fixed?

The problem needs to be fixed at the service end.  There are many
clients not all of whom are MIT code base and even those that are, its
not possible to force upgrades to new code. 

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KVNO/Keytab Question

2008-12-02 Thread Jeffrey Altman
 Hi Douglas, thanks for you response.

 ktpass was used to create the keytab. The KDC is maintained by our
 local service unit.

 We're really scratching our heads at the moment, it seems that each
 time we create a new keytab file shortly afterwards the KVNO in the
 client ticket changes. I've no idea why they are out of sync. What
 changes etc could cause the KVNO to increment on the KDC?



Everytime you generate a new keytab with ktpass the key is replaced in
the KDC.
Generate the keytab once with ktpass and then distribute it to your
service ASAP.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Trouble with service principal missing its realm

2008-11-27 Thread Jeffrey Altman
A service ticket in the credential cache without a realm name
is a service ticket that was obtained using server side referrals.
The actual realm name was not specified by the client when
requesting the service ticket.

Your domain_realm mappings provide the client a mapping of
all hosts in the staging.wg domain as being part of the
STAGING.WG realm.  However, the hostname db.wg is not covered
by that mapping.  As a result, server side referrals are used
when requesting the service ticket.

You could work around the problem by providing in the krb5.conf
file a mapping for .wg or db.wg to the STAGING.WG realm.  However,
it would be useful to determine exactly which piece of code is
generating the error you are receiving.  Whichever it is, it
needs to be fixed to deal with server side referrals.

Jeffrey Altman

Rich McDonough wrote:
 I'm having a strange issue that is proving very troublesome to  
 diagnose, and I've been unable to reproduce it on another network.  
 We're working toward rolling-out Kerberos and OpenLDAP on our staging  
 and production networks shortly, but are having a strange issue that  
 is likely simple to solve, but still eludes us.

 In short, our service principals look like this after trying to do an  
 ldapwhoami or other such operations, and incidentally maybe the cause  
 of an issue with mod_auth_kerb as well (though I won't stray into that  
 right now):

 staging [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ klist
 Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1
 Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Valid starting ExpiresService principal
 11/27/08 02:11:09  11/28/08 02:10:41  krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 11/27/08 02:11:57  11/28/08 02:10:41  ldap/db.wg@

 The missing @STAGING.WG seems to be causing issues with GSSAPI and  
 LDAP as they are (rightly, I believe) returning an error 144 (wrong  
 principal in request). I'm fairly sure that this is a configuration  
 issue or course, and not really sure how I'm getting a service  
 principal like this in the first place. Here's our krb5.conf:

   default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
   kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
   admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log

   default_realm = STAGING.WG
   dns_lookup_realm = false
   dns_lookup_kdc = false
   ticket_lifetime = 24h
   forwardable = yes

kdc = db.wg:88
admin_server = db.wg:749
default_domain = staging.wg

   .staging.wg = STAGING.WG
   staging.wg = STAGING.WG

   pam = {
 debug = false
 ticket_lifetime = 36000
 renew_lifetime = 36000
 forwardable = true
 krb4_convert = false

 Also, lookups for hosts work both forward and reverse without issue, / 
 etc/hosts files are in good shape and hostnames are certainly right.  
 LDAP and Kerberos are both running on the same host (db), and the /etc/ 
 krb5.keytab looks like this, and has been made world-readable (though  
 once things are working I obviously want to move the ldap service  
 principal to its own keytab):

 staging [EMAIL PROTECTED] richm]# klist -ek /etc/krb5.keytab
 Keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
 KVNO Principal
 7 host/[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DES cbc mode with CRC-32)
 3 ldap/[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1)
 3 ldap/[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DES cbc mode with CRC-32)

 Finally, here is the kdc.conf from our system:

   v4_mode = nopreauth
   kdc_tcp_ports = 88

#master_key_type = des3-hmac-sha1
acl_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
dict_file = /usr/share/dict/words
admin_keytab = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab
#supported_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1:normal arcfour-hmac:normal des- 
 hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-md5:normal des-cbc-crc:normal des-cbc-crc:v4  
supported_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-crc:normal

 We're running CentOS 5.2 x64. Thank you for any assistance that you  
 can give us!

 Rich McDonough

 Kerberos mailing list

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Kerberos mailing list

Re: Putty + GSSAPI from W2k3 terminal server to linux openssh daemon

2008-10-31 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Jonathan Barber wrote:
 After downloading putty from here:

This version is known to be buggy and should have been deleted from
that location long ago.  It now has been.
 and copying the dll's from the MIT NetIDMgr install to
Why are you copying DLLs from the installer directory to \WINDOWS\System32?
Application binaries do not belong there.
 we get the following message from putty when we try
 to connect to a kerberised ssh server:

 Event Log: GSSAPI error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide 
 more information
 Event Log: GSSAPI mech specific error: Cannot resolve network address for KDC 
 in requested realm

 The same ssh server works fine from a linux client with the same
the problem is not your ssh server, its the putty client.

Secure Endpoints provides gss putty clients that work (for 32-bit and
64-bit windows)
to its clients. 

Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: ktutil get

2008-08-06 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Victor Sudakov wrote:

It seems that kadmin ktadd could do this for me if only it were
compatible with Heimdal's kadmind.


If you are using a Heimdal server, than you must use Heimdal's tools.
The kadmin protocol for each of Solaris, MIT, Heimdal, AD, ... are all 
and incompatible.   Simply build the Heimdal tools for each platform you 

to use ktutil on.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KfW 3.2.2 and plink on Vista

2008-07-30 Thread Jeffrey Altman

The error is in plink and putty.
Obtain a new version of both.

I have a Kerberos enabled version of PuTTY which works fine on XP using 
both KfW 3.1.0 and 3.2.2.   It also works fine on Vista using KfW 3.1.0.

But on Vista using KfW 3.2.2, plink triggers a Vista error popup with the 
following detailed info.

Is this a problem with KfW?  Or plink?  Or Vista?

Problem signature:
   Problem Event Name:  APPCRASH
   Application Name:plink.exe
   Application Version:
   Application Timestamp:   442da71c
   Fault Module Name:   ntdll.dll
   Fault Module Version:6.0.6001.18000
   Fault Module Timestamp:  4791a7a6
   Exception Code:  c005
   Exception Offset:000659c3
   OS Version:  6.0.6001.
   Locale ID:   1033
   Additional Information 1:0278
   Additional Information 2:fca079b4ae336117388507dcafefd8fe
   Additional Information 3:ed28
   Additional Information 4:e4da8b766cc83f8ab38503727fc11ef0

Kerberos mailing list

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KfW 3.2.2 and plink on Vista

2008-07-30 Thread Jeffrey Altman

If it's plink (and I'm not saying it isn't), then why does plink work 
fine on Vista using KfW 3.1.0?  It's only Vista using KfW 3.2.2 that 
triggers the problem.  In other words, what's different between 3.1.0 
and 3.2.2 that triggers the problem... and only on Vista?
Its not Vista.  Its KFW 3.1 vs 3.2.  The GSSAPI implementation was 
replaced between those releases.  In 3.1 a single mechanism GSSAPI 
implementation was included.  In 3.2 a multi-mechanism implementation is 
included.   In 3.1 the GSSAPI could refuse to deallocate memory that 
wasn't allocated by the mechanism.  In 3.2 the GSSAPI does not.

plink/putty has a bug.  I know it has a bug because the bug was fixed a 
long time ago.  the bug was masked by KFW 3.1 and is not masked by 3.2.

Please get a new putty.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KfW and Vista

2008-07-28 Thread Jeffrey Altman

The installer runs with Administrator privileges under the Administrator
session.  It is running in a different logon session than the user session.
If you see Windows report the second session as the same user it is because
the user is in the Administrators Group and as such is running in a second
session without the UAC restrictions.

Once the installer process is running elevated it is not possible to
have it CreateProcess within the original logon session.

Jeffrey Altman

I have a special installer (NSIS) that first installs KfW and then starts 
the NIM so the user can enter their Kerberos password and then accesses a 
server via SSH/GSSAPI.

On Win XP, this works fine.  Vista on the other hand seems to run the NIM 
in a different context or session or something.  It's running as the same 
user, but credentials available via the NIM are not available via command 
line clients (ie running klist from the command line says there's no 
credentials even though the NIM says there are).

If I run Process Explorer, I see there are 2 - krbcc32s.exe processes 
and I presume that means they are using separate credentials caches?

Is there any way to force a NIM that was started via an installer so it 
uses the same credential cache as the command line kinit/klist/kdestroy?

Kerberos mailing list

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: [Ietf-krb-wg] Proxiable/forwardable question

2008-07-02 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Lewis Adam-CAL022 wrote:
It might help a lot if you give up on the hypothetical and 
tell us what you're really trying to do.  There's a good 
chance that there is a solution based on existing technology, 
but it's hard to tell without knowing more about what's going on.

Okay, so basically my situation is that I have a user which is going to
authenticate to a central server.  This central server will then alert
other application servers that the user is on-line.  So when the user
authenticates to the central server by sending it a Kerberos ticket, I
would like for that central server to forward the user's ticket to the
other (application) servers, and for the end result to be that the user
has a shared session key with each of those application servers. Is this

Let me start by suggesting that you hold this discussion on instead of on the IETF Kerberos WG mailing list. is for questions regarding Kerberos deployments
whereas this mailing list is intended for discussions regarding the
development of Kerberos protocol standards.

Next I will suggest if you have not already done so read one or more
of the tutorials on Kerberos so that you have a better idea of how the
protocol actually works and what the roles of the participants are.
You can find some good introductory tutorials at

In your environment you have client C, the KDC K, the Central Server CS,
and an application server AS.  When C wants to authenticate to CS it 
obtains a service ticket for CS from K using a previously obtained 
Ticket Granting Ticket for the user.  This ticket T is encrypted in a 
key that only CS knows and contains a session key that is known to C.

If CS can decrypt T it can obtain the session key and with it C and CS
can prove their identity to one another.

If C ever talks to AS directly then C would obtain a service ticket for 
AS from K.  There is no need for CS to send a session key to AS.  If CS 
is going to be communicating to AS on behalf of C, then C could 
forward a ticket to CS that CS can use to authenticate to AS as C.

Note that it is very unclear from your description what your intended 
communication flow is or what protocols are involved.

I have set followup-to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Question about dns_lookup_realm and domain_realm

2008-06-27 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Jos Backus wrote:

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 01:57:37AM -0400, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
There are several issues here.  First, DNS TXT records are known to be 
insecure.  Turning
them on for use in realm resolution provides for convenience but at the 
risk that your clients

can be redirected to a realm that you do not control.

Second, any domain_realm mapping for your domain is going to 
override the use
of DNS lookups.  That is because local configuration data is considered 
to be trustworthy

whereas DNS lookups are not.
That's something my patch changes as it performs the DNS lookup first (when

Which in turn would disable Kerberos referrals.  

In the case of two realms, PROD.FOO.COM and DEV.FOO.COM some of your 
hosts are
in one and some are in the other.   By default you want PROD.FOO.COM to 
be used.
However, for specific hosts you want DEV.FOO.COM.Using the config 
file you would


[domain_realm] = DEV.FOO.COM = PROD.FOO.COM

Yup, tried that, works, but doesn't scale well.
There is a serious need for the zero configuration solution for Kerberos 
Of course, DNS is insecure so relying on DNS to boot strap your 
authentication system
is undesirable.  That is not to say it has not been used but only 
because there have

been no other choices.

If you want to rely on DNS TXT records you have to make sure that there 
are no mappings

in the config file.  Then you would create records for IN TXT DEV.FOO.COM IN TXT PROD.FOO.COM

Okay. We have the former (obviously) but not the latter. I can add that.

Because DNS TXT records are insecure and there is a need to be able to 
provide for centralized
configuration data Microsoft created the Kerberos referrals mechanism.  
Using referrals a client
asks the KDC belonging to the TGT realm for a referral to the correct 
realm for the desired
service principal.  Referrals are used whenever there is not a local 
[domain_realm] mapping.
So this implies two-way trust and communication, yes? I wonder if this will

require network/ACL changes.
For referrals to work the user must have already obtained a TGT.  If you 
are trying to decide
which identity a user should obtain a credential for based upon the host 
that the user is going
to communicate with, that is not something that will be solved by 

To be honest, I don't think it will be solved by domain_realm mappings 
whether stored

locally or in DNS.

The safe way to add DNS TXT records back into the equation would be to 
add the DNS TXT

lookup after the referrals request fails.

ISTR that's where krb5_get_fallback_host_realm() is called, from a comment in
the code. Now it's clear why although I still don't quite grok the referral
mechanism. Time to study the documentation.

Thanks for the critique and helpful information, Jeffrey.


No problem.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Question about dns_lookup_realm and domain_realm

2008-06-27 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Simo Sorce wrote:
There are several issues here.  First, DNS TXT records are known to be 

this statements is interesting, how are TXT records insecure ?
I will refer you to the security considerations section of the internet 
draft.  Note that
the insecurity is one reason that the TXT record portion of the draft 
was not

added to RFC 4120 as the DNS SRV records portion was.

them on for use in realm resolution provides for convenience but at the 
risk that your clients

can be redirected to a realm that you do not control.

You can do the same with DNS poisoning, if you do not trust DNS any name
resolution becomes insecure.
Isn't validation all about verifying the KDC is one we can really
trust by using a trusted secret ?
If the host name resolves to a different IP address, the authentication 
will fail.

Second, any domain_realm mapping for your domain is going to 
override the use
of DNS lookups.  That is because local configuration data is considered 
to be trustworthy

whereas DNS lookups are not.

How is local configuration data trustworthy given that to resolve names
to IPs we still rely on DNS ? Or do you also rely on /etc/hosts for most
of the data ?
If the host name resolves to a different IP address, the authentication 
will fail.

The safe way to add DNS TXT records back into the equation would be to 
add the DNS TXT

lookup after the referrals request fails.

Do we have information on which clients support referrals ?
And are they implemented in MIT KDC (and how) ?

Heimdal, MIT, and Microsoft support referrals as implemented in Windows 
Active Directory. 
The IETF Kerberos working group is still working on an RFC for referrals.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Question about dns_lookup_realm and domain_realm

2008-06-27 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Simo Sorce wrote:

Uhmm perhaps we are thinking of two different things, once you control
DNS you control both direct and reverse address resolution.

Hence the reason that reverse DNS lookups are not to be used as per the 
Security Considerations

of RFC 4120.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Question about dns_lookup_realm and domain_realm

2008-06-26 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Jos Backus wrote:

(I know, following up on myself...)

The second mechanism works by looking up the information in special TXT
records in the Domain Name Service. This is currently not used by default
because security holes could result if the DNS TXT records were spoofed. If
this mechanism is enabled on the client, it will try to look up a TXT record
for the DNS name formed by putting the prefix _kerberos in front of the
hostname in question.

(Fwiw, 1.5.4 has similar verbiage.) The dns_lookup_realm libdefaults option
supposedly enables this mechanism on the client. The doc for it says:

Indicate whether DNS TXT records should be used to determine the Kerberos
realm of a host.

However, this doesn't actually work (at least in krb5 1.6.1, and likely other
MIT versions as well), so either the docs are incorrect or there's a bug.

This behavior was most likely broken when the referrals code was added. 

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Question about dns_lookup_realm and domain_realm

2008-06-26 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Jos Backus wrote:

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 12:52:49AM -0400, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
This behavior was most likely broken when the referrals code was added. 

So it's a regression. Until this is fixed properly (which I don't claim my
patch does :-) ) I'm possibly need of a workaround. Do you see anything wrong
with the patch as such?
There are several issues here.  First, DNS TXT records are known to be 
insecure.  Turning
them on for use in realm resolution provides for convenience but at the 
risk that your clients

can be redirected to a realm that you do not control.

Second, any domain_realm mapping for your domain is going to 
override the use
of DNS lookups.  That is because local configuration data is considered 
to be trustworthy

whereas DNS lookups are not.

In the case of two realms, PROD.FOO.COM and DEV.FOO.COM some of your 
hosts are
in one and some are in the other.   By default you want PROD.FOO.COM to 
be used.
However, for specific hosts you want DEV.FOO.COM.Using the config 
file you would


[domain_realm] = DEV.FOO.COM = PROD.FOO.COM

If you want to rely on DNS TXT records you have to make sure that there 
are no mappings

in the config file.  Then you would create records for IN TXT DEV.FOO.COM IN TXT PROD.FOO.COM

Because DNS TXT records are insecure and there is a need to be able to 
provide for centralized
configuration data Microsoft created the Kerberos referrals mechanism.  
Using referrals a client
asks the KDC belonging to the TGT realm for a referral to the correct 
realm for the desired
service principal.  Referrals are used whenever there is not a local 
[domain_realm] mapping.

The safe way to add DNS TXT records back into the equation would be to 
add the DNS TXT

lookup after the referrals request fails.

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