Autriche-Turquie : l'Europe capitaliste va-t-elle continuer avec des fascistes au pouvoir ?

2000-02-02 Thread Roger ROMAIN

a/conseiller communal

sites web :

- Original Message -
From: "H. Gremming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: Autriche


 Le quotidien Özgür Bakis à Istanbul,  le 30 janvier 2000, p. 6

  Dogan Özgüden

  L'Europe est terrorisée... Si le FPÖ, le parti d'extrême-droite de
Heiders, arrive à constituer un gouvernement de coalition avec le parti
hrétien ÖVP en Autriche? Si ce parti anti-européen et anti-sémite fait parie
du pouvoir?

D'après les dernières nouvelles il y a un accord sur la constitution d'un
gouvernement avec la participation des fascistes.

 Cependant, juste 55 ans après, le 25 janvier 2000, les sirènes
d'alarme retentissent encore en Europe. Les fascistes se précipitent pour
saisir le pouvoir en Autriche.

Si on rapelle les événements d'il y a 55 ans, il faut aussi rappeler
l'insurrection des ouvriers autrichiens en Février 1934, lors de la prise du
pouvoir par les fascistes.

"Comme les communards du Paris de 1871, les héros de l'insurrection
autrichienne vivent, eux aussi, dans le grand coeur du prolétariat, qui dans
tous les pays du capitalisme mène le combat contre le fascisme. Les ouvriers
autrichiens ont livré une bataille d'une
grandeur gigantesque et ont écrit de leur sang une page glorieuse de
l'histoire. La formidable insurrection du mois de février a été la première
insurrection armée contre le fascisme. Ces luttes héroïques de la petite
Autriche ont tenu pendant six jours et six nuits le monde en haleine. La
bourgeoisie a tremblé devant la force formidable de la classe ouvrière. Elle
a tremblé pour son système capitaliste pourri, pour son édifice
anqueroutier, qui ne saurait s'appuyer que sur la pointe des baïonnettes. Et
elle n'a eu qu'un avant-goût de ce que les ouvriers sont capables lorsqu'ils
s'engagent sur la voie de la lutte révolutionnaire !"

"Les masses travailleuses du monde entier - les ouvriers, les masses
travailleuses  opprimées, les esclaves coloniaux - ont tourné un regard
plein d'espérance vers l'Autriche; elles ont suivi avec la sympathie et
l'enthousiasme le plus grand l'héroïque combat des ouvriers autrichiens.
Cette insurrection leur a clairement démontré que la
victoire finale des masses opprimées sur le fascisme est certaine."

Extrait d'une brochure du Secours Rouge Français de 1934.
Le texte complet est disponible à l'adresse suivante:

 Cela montre que la bourgeoisie cherche toujours son salut par les même
moyens. Or, si le Parti Social-démocrate Autrichien a déjà trahi les
ouvriers autrichiens en 1934, aujourd'hui il se fait carrément complice des


Internal connection test. Please ignore.

2000-02-02 Thread Erkki.Luoma


aspects scandaleux du Dakar-Le Caire :

2000-02-02 Thread Roger ROMAIN

ROMAIN    a/conseiller 
communalB6180 COURCELLES
sites web :    
Lu sur "LA  CREME 

Dakar-Le Caire : Alerte, le Mali 
boude !Cette année, le rallye auto-moto est passé aussi par 
Kayes, petite ville du Mali. Un mirage en épingle à cheveux. Reportage. 
Chaque année, l'organisation du "Dakar" nous promet qu'elle apporte des 
petits plus, technologiques ou autres, dans les régions traversées. 
"Allô, Thierry Sabine Organisation ?- Oui.- Pouvez-vous donner 
quelques renseignements sur l'action humanitaire qui accompagne le 'Dakar' 
?- Nous ne communiquons pas sur ce sujet." 
Quelle pudeur, dès le départ ! 
Deuxième étape de l'épreuve, vendredi 7 janvier : Tambacounda-Kayes. En tout, 
359 kilomètres de traversée du Sahel, terrain plat, désertique, rocailleux, d'un 
"niveau de pilotage élevé", dit Hubert Auriol, patron du  "Dakar", 
propriété du groupe "L'Equipe-Le Parisien". 
La veille, à Kayes (prononcer "gaille"), personne n'avait l'air très au 
courant. Un vendeur de cigarettes : "Ah ! bon, c'est quand ? Demain ? Ah, 
j'irai, ça m'intéresse." Mais on dirait qu'il dit ça pour faire plaisir. 
Total : dans tous les bons coups !Un 
chauffeur de taxi :  "Nous, ce qui nous intéresse, c'est que Kayes a été 
retenue pour la Coupe d'Afrique des nations de football !" Ce n'est pas le 
bout du monde, mais presque : pas une seule route ne mène à cette ville de 78 
000 habitants. Pour rejoindre la capitale, Bamako, à 700 km, il faut faire deux 
jours de piste exécrable. Le vieux train colonial, toujours bondé, met douze 
heures au minimum, et l'avion, un coucou de seize places, se pose une ou deux 
fois par semaine sur l'aérodrome. "Ce dont souffre Kayes avant tout, dit 
Frank Müller, patron de l'antenne locale de la coopération française, c'est 
de son enclavement." 
Mais c'est justement ce qui plaît aux organisateurs du "Dakar". Le 'jour où 
les routes seront praticables, le rallye devra aller voir ailleurs. Avec le 
rallye, tôt le matin, c'est une vraie ville qui ne met à pousser au bord de 
l'aérodrome. Déboulent une douzaine d'avions, une demi-douzaine d'hélicoptères, 
au pied desquels s'affairent des types à casquette et bermuda. Voilà que 
surgissent un bar (15 F la bière), une cantine (au menu ce soir, steak-frites), 
des latrines, Une salle de presse, etc. Le "Dakar" c'est 400 équipages (200 
motos, 135 autos et 65 camions), soit environ 600 coureurs, plus les 
mécaniciens, les invités, les journalistes (France 2 et France 3 mobilisent une 
cinquantaine de personnes et quatre avions), etc. En tout 2 000 personnes. 
Tandis que, sur le coup de midi, quelques centaines de gamins désoeuvrés 
s'agglutinent au bord de la piste pour voir arriver les premiers motards, les 
flics du coin patrouillent près de la ligne de démarcation, un ruban de 
plastique rouge et blanc frappé du sigle Total qui ceint le camp. Total, l'un 
des principaux sponsors du rallye, est dans tous les bons coups en ce moment. 
Le jeune cheikh Sidi, qui survit en louant 5 F par jour des cassettes pirates 
de Jean-Claude Van Damme : "C'est jour férié aujourd'hui, à cause de la fin 
du ramadan, tu vas voir, cet après-midi, tout Kayes va venir ici !" Mais les 
heures passent, les voitures puis les camions surgissent dans des nuages de 
poussière, et seule une poignée de badauds a rejoint les gamins. 
Pendant ce temps-là, dans le garage à ciel ouvert qu'est devenu le bivouac, 
on désosse les machines, on répare, on nettoie. Débauche de moyens, de groupes 
électrogènes, de camions dégueulant de pièces détachées, d'équipement dernier 
cri. A 2 kilomètres de là, sur les rues défoncées du centre-ville, les rares 
automobilistes roulent à bord d'épaves mille fois rafistolées, faute de pièces 
de rechange, qu'ils essaient vainement de trouver auprès des mécanos. 
Lamba Tall, un haut fonctionnaire, fait le pied de grue devant le bivouac. 
Nous avons au Mali une quarantaine de 4x4 Nissan mais nous ne réussissons à 
trouver aucune pièce. Je viens ici pour essayer de m'en procurer. L'équipe 
Nissan accepte de jeter un oeil au véhicule présenté : "Trop vieux ! On n'a 
rien pour vous." 
"Le 'Dakar', tout le monde s'en fout. Ça ne nous rapporte rien. Aucun 
impact économique : ils vivent au autarcie complète." Salif Magassouba est 
un responsables du GRDR, Groupement régional de développement rural, une 
organisation non gouvernementale qui depuis trente ans finance des projets de 
développement agricole dans la région. "Kayes est à la fois arriérée et 
moderne on a des antennes paraboliques, on reçoit Canal+ et TV 5. Chacun de nous 
a vu des courses de voitures à la télévision... Le seul effet de ce rallye, 
c'est d'inciter les jeunes au départ : les Français ont de l'argent à jeter ; 
moi il faut que je parte en France..." 
"Les blaireaux peuvent s'en sortir à 150 0

Fw: ILHAN YELKUVAN: Call for a urgent action + italian version

2000-02-02 Thread Roger ROMAIN

Roger ROMAIN    a/conseiller 
communalB6180 COURCELLES
sites web :    
- Original Message - 
From: Marcellino 
To: Stödgrupp Mumia Abu-Jamal ; Stödgrupp 
Mumia Abu-Jam ; SPG 
Soligroep ; Roger Romain ; Robert (Malcom X) ; PJW (Norvegia) ; 
Pere Miralles 
Salse ; Niloc ; Neville Romaniuk ; Mumuia 
Soli Gruppe ; Mumia 
Espana ; MLintnazlibertad ; Marcellino (Coord Contro Repr e per MAJ) ; LE COSIMAPP ; jamesede ; info.msi ; Higinio Carrocera ; Hannes Hopf ; Hamburg SPG ; Gorka ; El 
Vocero Disidente ; Danesi per MAJ ; Cruz Negra 
Anarquista Barcelona ; Comunistes de Catalunya ; comitè Mumia 
Besançon ; Comitè de soutien à MAJ ; Comitè 
de soutien à MAJ ; Comitè de solidarietè avec les prisonniers 
politiques ; Butlletí Aixeca't! ; Autonomus Center 
Edimburgh ; ARSG (Gran Canaria) ; António Louçã ; AMCSmoin (Dublin) ; Alan for MML ; 
colectivo anarquista ; Libertad ; CSVI/GPDI ( in support of the people's resistence in 
Indonesia) ; c_rust (Australia) ; Clark Kissinger ; 
Majordomo ; Moésio Santos/Agencia de 
Noticias Anarquistas-ANA (Brasil) ; nattyreb ; Prison Radio ; Refuse and Resist ; Refuse and Resist ; Silver (filippine) 
; youth4mumia ; Buxheim 

Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 3:12 AM
Subject: ILHAN YELKUVAN: Call for a urgent action + italian 

Libertad! - Organizzazione per la liberazione di tutte/i le/i Prigioniere/i 
politiche/i nel mondo
Libertad! - Organización para la libertad de todos los pres@s 
politic@sLibertad! - Organisation for the freedom of all political 
prisonersLibertad! - Initiative für die Freiheit der politischen 
GefangenenweltweitFalkstr.72-74, 60 487 Frankfurt, Alemania/Germany, 
Tel: +49 - 69 - 70 79 4811, Fax: +49 - 69 - 79 20 1774, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0. Messaggio in italiano/ 1. Mensaje en Castillano/ 2. Message in English/ 
3.Deutscher Text:
Alle organizzazioni e persone nel mondo che si occupano di diritti umani e 
Oggi è il sessantaduesimo giorno dello sciopero della fame e il terzo giorno 
dello sciopero della sete del prigioniero politico turco Ilhan Yelkuvan, 
detenuto nel carcere di Amburgo, Germania. Ilhan Yelkuvan non si può alzare dal 
letto e può morire da un giorno all’altro.
Questo prigioniero politico sta esigendo l’innalzamento delle condizioni 
carcerarie, rispetto al regime speciale di isolamento imposto dal tribunale di 
Amburgo contro di lui. Questo regime speciale prevede che Ilhan venga tenuto 
rinchiuso in cella per 23 ore al giorno e che l’unica ora d’aria che gli è 
concessa sia tra le 4 e le cinque della mattina. Gli è proibito in particolare 
qualsiasi contatto con altri prigionieri di nazionalità turca, per il pericolo 
di influenzarli politicamente, secondo il giudice responsabile. Il turco è 
l’unica lingua che Ilhan domina realmente, e così lui qualifica questo regime 
come un "sistema di aparthaid".
Ilhan Yelkuvan è condannato all’ergastolo in prima istanza dal tribunale di 
Amburgo, per delitti relativi alla sua militanza nel DHKP-C (Fronte 
Rivoluzionario per la Liberazione del Popolo Turco); quest’organizzazione è 
dichiarata illegale e perseguita in Germania dal 1998, così come dal 1993 
l’organizzazione Kurda PKK.
Altre e altri prigionieri politici turchi detenuti in varie carceri in 
Germania, Francia, Belgio e Svizzera si sono uniti allo sciopero della fame di 
Ilhan Yelkuvan, esigendo l’innalzamento delle condizioni del regime carcerario 
di isolamento e la fine della persecuzione politica del DHKP- C.
1300 prigionieri politici detenuti nelle carceri turche sono entrati dal 12 
gennaio in sciopero della fame in solidarietà con Ilhan e i suoi compagni.
Ishan Ersoy, che si era aggiunto allo sciopero della fame, ieri ha perduto 
coscienza ed è stato trasferito nell’ospedale carcerario di Berlino, dove le 
autorità negano al suo avvocato di visitarlo. Anche Ali Ekti, prigioniero 
politico detenuto ad Amburgo, si trova in condizioni di estrema debolezza e sta 
sputando sangue nel suo 55° giorno della fame.
I prigionieri politici hanno annunciato che continueranno le loro azioni fino 
a che non siano esaudite le loro richieste. questa è una questione di vita o di 
morte, ed è una questione di ore o di giorni.
Noi, l’organizzazione Libertad, pensiamo che le loro richieste siano giuste e 
debbano essere esaudite.
Facciamo quest’appello urgente a tutte le organizzazioni e persone nel mondo 
che si occupano di diritti umani e solidarietà: aiutate con la vostra protesta a 
salvare la vita di Ilhan yelkuvan e dei suoi compagni. Adesso!
Inviate un fax di protesta al giudice responsabile e una mail ai ministri 
tedeschi dell’interno e della giustizia, chiede

Vietnam Party Lambasts Imperialism

2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä

>From: "Jay Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Vietnam Party Lambasts Imperialism
>Wednesday February 2, 2000  11:00 am
>HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - At a patriotism celebration, Vietnam's Communist Party
>chief spoke out today against freeing up world trade, accusing imperialists
>of pursuing ``absolute profits'' at the expense of developing nations.
>The speech, a sort of state-of-the-party address, raised questions about how
>fast Vietnam will continue the ``Doi Moi'' economic reforms launched in the
>mid-1980s and whether the country is willing to make the changes needed for
>a trade deal with the United States and entry into the World Trade
>Imperialists ``continue to seek ways to completely wipe out the remaining
>socialist countries and attack the movements for independence, democracy and
>social progress,'' Le Kha Phieu told top officials, youth groups and war
>widows at ceremonies in advance of the 70th anniversary Thursday of the
>ruling party's founding.
>Vietnam's reforms slowed to a near standstill during the fallout of the 1997
>Asian financial crisis. Tentative agreement on the trade pact was reached
>last July, but work on finalizing it has bogged down.
>Phieu, considered the most powerful man in Vietnam's ruling troika of prime
>minister, president and party general secretary, blamed many of Vietnam's
>problems on outside influences and decades of war.
>``When imperialism speeds up trade and services liberalization and
>globalization of investment, the rich countries become richer, and the gap
>between rich and poor countries widens,'' he said.
>Developing nations ``need science and technology, managerial experience and
>armies of skilled workers, which they could not have under the dominance of
>imperialists,'' he said.
>Before Phieu's speech, top officials, including many members of the party's
>powerful Politburo, held a procession through the mausoleum where the body
>of revolutionary hero Ho Chi Minh lies in state.
>A half-hour of song and dance by 200 performers - including 70 children -
>then extolled the party's accomplishments.
>``We are renovating, but we are determined not to change color. The
>difficulties and challenges will not force us to diverge from the path of
>socialism,'' Phieu said, speaking against a backdrop of portraits of
>communist founders Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin overlooking a bust of
>revolutionary hero Ho Chi Minh.
>Phieu said the party sees the state sector as ``playing the leading role''
>in economic development.
>In its reforms, the party has been working to improve the efficiency and
>competitiveness of state-owned enterprises.
>Phieu also urged technology transfers to developing countries to create
>opportunities for greater equality, saying imperialists have exploited
>science ``to gain absolute profits.''


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aspects scandaleux du Dakar-Le Caire (II)

2000-02-02 Thread Roger ROMAIN

ROMAIN    a/conseiller 
communalB6180 COURCELLES
sites web :    
Encore lu sur "LA CREME DE 

22, rev'là le Dakar !On est prié 
d'applaudir l'exploit : vaguement menacé par de mystérieux terroristes, le 
Paris-Dakar a sauté par-dessus le Niger. Pétochard comme pas deux, mais bien 
organisé dans le sauve-qui-peut ! Trois Antonov (le plus gros avion du monde, 
s'extasie tout le monde), pour transborder 2 500 tonnes de matos ! 143 motos ! 
150 autos ! 77 camions ! 1 365 personnes ! Sans compter la vingtaine d'avions et 
la dizaine d'hélicoptères de la troupe... La débandade de nos "aventuriers" a 
coûté, dit-on, la modique somme de 30 millions de francs. Qui paie ? Total, le 
sponsor officiel du rallye ? Peut-être Thierry Desmarest a-t-il offert deux 
journées de son salaire : l'homme est tellement généreux, en ce moment... 
On savait le Paris-Dakar cousu d'or, mais pas à ce point. On savait que cette 
escapade de riches chez les pauvres était obscène : on en a une preuve 
supplémentaire. Désolé d'insister (voir "Le Canard" de la semaine dernière), mais cette 
obscénité ne vient pas du seul fait qu'elle met spectaculairement en scène le 
contraste du luxe et de la misère. Après tout, disent certains, le seul scandale 
du Dakar est de nous rappeler qu'il y a des pays pauvres et des pays riches, et 
cela, il n'en est pas responsable. Non : c'est parce que ces pays sont pauvres 
que ce rallye existe. C'est de leur misère qu'il s'enrichit. C'est parce que 
leurs routes ne sont pas goudronnées. Parce que le réseau routier du Mali est 
deux cents fois moins dense que celui de la France. Parce que les gouvernements 
pauvres de ces pays pauvres sont prêts à tout pour une obole. Parce qu'on peut 
s'y passer des mesures de sécurité si coûteuses chez nous. Parce qu'on peut y 
écraser une petite fille, lui enlever la rate, la soustraire aux médias et faire 
en sorte que plus personne n'en parle trois jours après. 
Evidemment, tout cela n'a rien à voir avec la politique, n'est-ce pas ? 
Jean-Claude Killy, grand patron de l'affaire (et salarié du groupe Amaury, qui 
possède "L'Equipe" et "Le Parisien", auquel profite ce cirque), en est persuadé 
: "Nous ne faisons pas de politique." Tu parles. Et le coureur Pescarolo, qui 
fait tellement peu de politique qu'il a été candidat (malheureux) aux dernières 
européennes sur la liste Chasse, Pêche, Nature et Traditions, de se lamenter, 
sur France-Info : "On vit dans un monde de merde. Nous on est au volant en ne 
pensant qu'au sport et à la compétition. On arrive à Niamey et on retombe dans 
la réalité du monde actuel." Pauvre chou ! Fallait pas aller en Afrique. 
L'Afrique n'est pas un rêve éthéré ni un terrain de jeux pour gosses de riches. 
Mais un continent sinistré par le sida, la misère, les guerres, les retards 
sanitaires, économiques, politiques, l'exploitation des matières premières, la 
course au pétrole par Elf, filiale de Total justement. L'Afrique est dans la 
Pour sa 22e édition, le Dakar s'honorerait en se faisant 
hara-kiri, comme on le demande ici et là (1). Mais ce n'est là qu'un rêve, bien sûr. L'an 
prochain, il reviendra. C'est ça, la "réalité du monde actuel". 

  (1) Mouvement critique du sport, 88, rue de la 
  Bretonnerie, 45000 Orléans, tél. : 02-38-42-00-08. 

Communist Party of India (ML), Vol 3, number 5

2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä


>ML Update Vol.3 Number 5
>Fascist Forces Must Not Be
>Allowed to Rewrite the Constitution
>Not quite unpredictably though, the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of
>India's Constitution became an occasion for a renewed debate over its
>future. The issue of a review and revision of the Constitution had figured
>quite prominently in the NDA's agenda of governance and was also mentioned
>in the President's latest address to the joint session of Parliament. While
>in his addresses to Parliament the President has little option other than
>reading out whatever text is handed over to him by the government, in his
>recent Republic Day address, the President, however,  took liberty to sound
>a veritable warning against any tinkering with the basic structure of the
>Constitution. He in fact dismissed the very idea of a constitutional review
>by calling for a national introspection over whether we have failed the
>Constitution or the latter has failed us.
>Unruffled by the President's public rebuke, spokesmen of the government
>have been quick to justify the idea. This is one issue where it will be
>futile to look for any possible rift between Vajpayee and Advani. The
>latter has immediately rushed to the defence of the government comparing a
>wholesale review of the Constitution to something as routine as a periodic
>health check-up! Instead of patchwork amendments, the time has come,
>according to him, for an integrated review and full-scale revision of the
>half-a-century-old document. And the Union Law Minister Ram Jethmalani
>convened a press conference to clarify the 'fictitious' differences on the
>subject between the President and the cabinet and went ahead to announce
>that a review panel would be formed within a week or ten days.
>What has prompted the Vajpayee government to rush with the constitution
>review proposal now? Some NDA-watchers see it as a tactical ploy to divert
>public attention away from the growing real differences within the BJP, not
>to mention the unseemly quarrels surfacing among NDA partners on the eve of
>the forthcoming Assembly polls in Bihar, Orissa and Haryana. It could
>perhaps also be described as an urge to cash in on the symbolism of the
>fiftieth anniversary. Some opponents of the review proposal also draw
>solace from the argument that the NDA still does not have the requisite
>numbers to push through a constitutional amendment.
>All such considerations however must not be allowed to distract or even
>diminish our attention on the real issue. The Sangh Parivar needs a fascist
>state to realise its vision of a Hindu India and a systematic campaign has
>already been unleashed to carry out necessary subversion work on the
>diverse fronts of the state and civil society. The Parivar is least
>bothered about the length of the incubation period for this project. After
>all, the RSS is older than India's Constitution and parliamentary
>democracy. What is important for the RSS is the setting of the agenda and
>from a promise in the manifesto to the proposed formation of a review
>panel, the idea of a fascist subversion of the Constitution has already
>come a long way. Let there be no mistake about it - when Advani moots a
>review of the Constitution it can only be with a view to purging it of all
>its democratic aspects (fundamental rights, civil liberties, and special
>provisions for minority communities, deprived sections and backward
>regions). Advani advocates a constitution to codify what he calls an
>effective state (a euphemism for a hard state, as Advani himself admitted,
>lest the latter is construed to connote something undemocratic!) -- a
>modern-day Manusamhita to suit the fascist designs of the Sangh Parivar in
>the 21st Century! We must nip this ugly vision in the bud.
>Party Condemn's UP Chief Minister for Showing Green Flag to Communal Elements
>CPI(ML) severely condemned the UP Chief Minister Ram Prakash Gupta's
>malicious statement provoking VHP and other communal outfits to go ahead
>with construction of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya. "Mr. Gupta, a communal fascist
>to the core, is also asserting in the same vein that 'demolition of Babri
>Mosque was accomplished peacefully', which implies that he is in fact
>asking VHP, Bajrang Dal and other communal outfits to go ahead and forcibly
>construct the temple at the disputed site, as they did while demolishing
>the Mosque there". The Party recalled that the demolition of Babri Mosque,
>one of the most barbaric acts in our country's history and a shame to the
>nation, was not only violent but violative of the constitutional assurance
>on the part of the UP Government, for which Kalyan Singh's government had
>to be sacked. "Now Ram Prakash Gupta just wants to repeat the show in order
>to fit in Kalyan's shoes, but the people of UP and the country as a whole
>will not remain silent spectators this time to such dastardly destructive
>acts" the CPI(ML) said.
>The Party also said th

Falling Production and Rising Unemployment

2000-02-02 Thread Bill Howard

Communist Web
Wednesday 2nd February 2000 9.30pm gmt

Falling Production and Rising Unemployment

. This is the cost of neo-liberal policies in Latin America and the
Caribbean, affirms
Argentine economist Jaime Fuchs

THE second international conference on globalization has taken place after
1999 closed
under a cloud of widespread anxiety caused by a drop in national revenues in
majority of Latin American countries, a crisis which has impacted on every
aspect of
social life in terms of growing poverty, unemployment and generally falling

With this affirmation, Jaime J. Fuchs, a doctor of Economic Science from
summed up the core elements of the paper he gave at the Havana economists'
attended by delegates from several continents. The main theme of the
conference was

Fw: Est europeo: Polonia, Ucraina

2000-02-02 Thread Roger ROMAIN

a/conseiller communal

sites web :

- Original Message -
From: "Coordinamento Romano per la Jugoslavia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 12:05 PM
Subject: Est europeo: Polonia, Ucraina

POLONIA: finalmente democrazia! Tagliati i fondi al giornale indipendente
"Rivista ecologista delle Brigate Verdi" per aver scritto la verita' sulla
guerra d'aggressione della NATO in Jugoslavia. Una
petizione da firmare.

 UCRAINA: reportage speciale dell'International Action Center - con un
"colpo di Stato morbido" il presidente Kuchma, sostenuto dagli USA, cerca di
sbarazzarsi del Parlamento. Segue le orme di Eltsin?

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2000 08:39:24 -0800
 From: Peter Bein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Help Polish Green Brigades


 Friends, please sign the petition at

 Background below. Thank you.

 Piotr Bein

 February 1, 2000
 Vancouver/Canada and Cracow/Poland

 Polish "Green Brigades" need help Grassroot publications denied government

 Withdrawing public funds from a country's leading independent magazine does
not contribute to freedom of information. For publishing alternative
information on NATO war in Yugoslavia, depleted uranium weapons, and the
hypocrisy of some European Greens re human rights in Kosovo, the "Green
Brigades Ecologist Magazine", a Polish environmental bi-weekly, received a
death sentence from  the government-run fund for the protection of the
environment. Well-read "Dzikie Zycie", "Kropla" and many other small,
independent publications shared a similar fate.

 Andrzej Zwawa, the chief editor of the Green Brigades Publishing House is
trying to rescue the magazine, despite government decision. He issued a
petition to the government in Polish and English, which supporters can sign
on the Internet at

 The punishment was dealt under the pretext of withdrawing funds from small
publications. With a circulation of only 1,000 copies every 2 weeks, Polish
"Green Brigades" serves as an information exchange forum for the country's
environment and community movement, as well as the general public. The
bi-weekly appears on the Internet, where it enjoys far greater readership.
 The staff, facilities and equipment are basic. Often 3-5 people work on
less than adequate computers in a cramped space, equivalent to half the area
of a plushy office in the government or its fund.

 All texts in "Green Brigades" come from volunteer authors, who are
proponents and opponents of diverse religions, political and military
alliances, organizations, ideas and worldviews. Although an unfair 1998
article in respectable "Polityka" weekly unfairly labeled it "sectarian",
the environmental bi-weekly remains one of Poland's few non-bigoted
publications. Access to the records of the granting decision was denied, but
well-informed sources maintain that the commission refused the funding
because texts of "...anarchists, leftists, opponents of bombing of
Yugoslavia by NATO..."  have appeared in the condemned publications.

 The grassroots activists wonder how much influence sectarian hysteria
exerts on the funding decisions. A recent book by two Catholic clergy,
professors Slipko and Zwolinski, titled "Rozdroza ekologii" (cross-roads of
ecology) manipulates original statements of environmentalists to make them
look sectarian and dangerous to society. According to the professors in
cassocks, vegetarianism is a religion, and Greenpeace "...have no idea what
is really harmful and hazardous for the environment. while promoting
technologies that are lethal for the environment." Using the book as court
evidence, the mayor of Bielsko, the seat of "Dzikie Zycie", refused city
funding for this publication.

 Zwawa's bi-weekly featured numerous authors from Western Europe and North
America on topics ranging from deep ecology, through deforestation, organic
farming, agrotourism and global climate change, to the use of depleted
uranium weapons in Yugoslavia. "Green Brigades" held an interview with Niaz
Dorry of Greenpeace USA, the 1998 "Time" magazine 'Hero of the Planet'. It
also presented: the North American solar aquatic method of treating sewage;
a community sustainability project downtown Vancouver, British Columbia; the
controversy over Makah whale hunt off the coast of Washington state; the
clear-cutting of old-growth rainforests in Canada; the risks from
 marine aquaculture and overfishing worldwide; the struggle of American
Indians to retain t


2000-02-02 Thread Roger ROMAIN

Roger ROMAIN    a/conseiller 
communalB6180 COURCELLES
sites web :    
- Original Message - 
From: Maria McGavigan 

To: Maria 
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 10:53 PM
Subject: URGENT!



Pinochet au cachot!

Dimanche 6 février à 14 heures
Place Anneessens, 1000 Bruxelles

(à l'appel du Collectif contre l'impunité)

…à faire suivre…

No Subject


For 63 days resistance to German imperialism was witnessed both inside and
outside prison. Ilhan Yelkuvan resisted such German practices as solitary
confinement, attempts to make him surrender and to Germanise him, he waged
a battle using the cells of his own body by converting his hunger strike to
a Death Fast, which began on November 30th, 1999. 
All the DHKP-C prisoners in Germany participated in this resistance with
solidarity hunger strikes for an indefinite period, and some non-political
prisoners joined in with solidarity hunger strikes. Also the Cephe (Front)
prisoners in Belgium and France joined in the resistance. More than 1,000
Party-Front prisoners in Turkey initially participated in 3-day hunger
strikes, and from January 24th 2000 they converted them into indefinite
hunger strikes with the slogan of "one for all and all for one". Also the
prisoners from TKP(ML), TKP/ML, TIKP, Devrimci Yol, TIKB, PKK-Revolutionary
Line Fighters were on 3-day solidarity hunger strike in several prisons.   
Also our supporters and people participated fully in the resistance that
the prisoners extended on a daily basis. Thousands of fax messages and
letters were sent, posters were hung, press releases were distributed and
our resistance was announced to European public opinion. Demonstrations
took place in front of all German Embassies in Europe. The buildings of
Amnesty International and the Goethe Institute in England, as well as the
Goethe Institute in Holland, the Cologne cathedral and SPD offices in
Germany and the office of a trade union in Switzerland were occupied. The
Holland-Germany frontier was blocked for 3 hours, a 60 km-long tailback was
formed and the resistance was announced to the drivers. Marches were
organised in Hamburg, Cologne and London to support Ilhan Yelkuvan.  
German imperialism wanted to prevent the activities of the DHKP-C by
forbidding it, by pressing charges against tens of Front supporters in
accordance with Article "129a" of the Criminal Law, by arresting people and
forcing them to co-operate with the authorities against the DHKP-C. All
this was not enough. They practised a wide-ranging policy of repression
against our prisoners in an attempt to make them surrender. 
Ilhan Yelkuvan was placed in solitary confinement and all his rights were
taken away from him because he did not give up the thought of being a
member of the Cephe. He was banned from seeing the other prisoners by using
the pretext that he might spread propaganda among other people from Turkey.

This is clearly a denial of FREEDOM OF THOUGHT and is RACISM. This means
that you are not allowed to speak your mother tongue or continue to live
according to your own culture, you will be made to give up your political
thoughts and be subject to Germanisation. These practices are an insult and
an attempt to denigrate the peoples of Turkey. It is a lie to say that
there are human rights, freedom of thought, democracy, equality and justice
in Germany. The attacks against our people and prisoners in Germany are the
practices of the heirs of the Nazis. The decision to inflict arbitrary
confinement is a deliberate and politically motivated decision. This
decision was reached in the interests of fascism in Turkey. German is
co-operating with Turkey both economically and politically and therefore is
selling Turkey Leopard tanks and other weapons. Germany also supported
fascists of the MHP (Nationalist Movement Party) and the Hizbullah
supporters who are striving for a Sharia state. They are also responsible
for the Hizbullah killing fields. They are an accomplice of the Susurluk
state. The peoples of the world have not forgotten what the Nazis did.
Nazism is condemned by the peoples of the entire world. Therefore Germany's
current attacks will not be forgiven either. We represent justice, freedom
and democracy. We are waging war against the fascist regime in Turkey and
imperialism. Our struggle is not directly against the German state but
against fascism in Turkey. 
In the Ulucanlar prison 10 prisoners were massacred just because they
demanded an extra ward. Ilhan also was denied his rights and left to die
over the last 10 months because he would not change his thoughts. 
These attacks are a part of the policies of imperialist countries led by
the US to make the revolutionary movements surrender. They are in fear of
the struggle for revolution wherever it may be. The resistance of
revolutionaries, the hope of people's liberation, to all sieges and
policies of surrendering, make imperialism feel uneasy. This is the main
We did not choose to be refugees and to live apart from our country. Our
minds and hearts are always with the people in our country. We never see
ourselves as being outside of the war despite being behind the front-line.
They see us as "black heads" in Europe, make us work in the most menial
jobs, they denied us our cultures and values, they attempted to m

wwnews Digest #36

2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä

>WW News Service Digest #36
> 1) U.S. Role in Kidnapping Cuban Child
> 2) Miami Protest Defies Cuban Right Wing
> 3) Free Leonard Peltier--Now!
> 4) Albany, N.Y.: "Justice for Diallo!"
> 5) Vieques: P.R. Movement Says "No Deal"
>This digest is sent to you because you are subscribed to
>To unsubscribe, E-mail to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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>Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 21:37:27 -0500
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Content-transfer-encoding: Quoted-printable
>Subject: [WW]  U.S. Role in Kidnapping Cuban Child
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Feb. 10, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Gloria La Riva
>The Clinton administration, the Justice Department, and
>specifically the Immigration and Naturalization Service must
>bear responsibility for the abduction of little Eli=A0n
>Gonz=A0lez by the U.S.-based Cuban right-wing, which has now
>entered its third month.
>It was the INS that turned the six-year-old shipwreck
>survivor over to distant relatives in Miami in the first
>place. It has continued to grant them temporary custody
>despite requests from his father, Juan Manuel Gonzalez, to
>return Eli=A0n home to Cuba immediately.
>It was Attorney General Janet Reno who, defying
>international, Cuban and U.S. law, agreed to allow the Miami
>relatives--themselves dupes of the right-wing--to take their
>case to court before the INS's own ruling to return Eli=A0n
>could take effect.
>And now the federal authorities have forced his
>grandmothers to return to Cuba without the boy after their
>heroic trip to the United States in late January to try to
>secure his release.
>Five-year-old Eli=A0n was rescued at sea in international
>waters on Nov. 25, 1999. The boat on which he was taken from
>Cuba sank and his mother, along with nine other adults,
>Without hesitation Eli=A0n gave U.S. medical doctors his
>father's address and telephone number in Cuba, but the U.S.
>authorities handed him over to his great-uncle in Miami
>without requiring any proof of his relationship to the boy.
>Within one day of his rescue, the right-wing launched a
>grotesque campaign to exploit the boy's plight for their
>anti-Cuba agenda.
>Later, the same U.S. officials would force Eli=A0n's father
>to jump through hoops to prove he was a father intimately
>involved in his upbringing.
>Clear evidence of a set-up during Eli=A0n's meeting with his
>grandmothers at the house of a Catholic nun shows that the
>U.S. government is playing a duplicitous role that has
>delayed his return home.
>The INS went out of its way before the meeting to promise
>the Miami relatives in writing that Eli=A0n would not be
>removed from them. Then in the meeting, when the
>grandmothers handed the boy a phone to speak with his
>father, a Miami cop grabbed it out of his hand. They didn't
>want him "influenced" by his own father.
>Two days later, Jean O'Laughlin, the "neutral mediator"
>whose house was chosen by the government for the meeting,
>came out strongly advocating his stay in the U.S.
>The most vociferous opponents of Eli=A0n's return to Cuba
>are Miami right-wing thugs like Jose Basulto of Brothers to
>the Rescue and Jorge Mas Santos of the Cuban American
>National Foundation. They could easily be slapped down by
>the biggest power on earth if the U.S. ruling class really
>wanted to do that. For years, however, they have served as a
>convenient cover for Washington to continue its aggressive
>policy against Cuba through the U.S. blockade.
>Much has been made over the years of the sway that the
>right-wing is said to hold over Florida politicians, right-
>wing members of Congress and U.S. presidents.
>It is certainly true that opportunist politicians like
>Robert Torricelli, Jesse Helms, Dan Burton and Dan Smith
>have jumped on the anti-Cuba bandwagon to further their
>political careers. Some, like Burton, Helms and Torricelli,
>have sponsored monstrous bills against Cuba designed to
>inflict greater hardship on the Cuban people.
>But in reality, the Miami fascist movement was a creation
>of the U.S. imperialist rulers. The defeated forces of
>former Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista have been nurtured,
>funded and armed to the tune of tens of billions of dollars
>over 40 years for the convenience of the U.S. overall
>strategy of trying to destroy the Cuban revolution. While at
>times their fascist ideology does create problems for the
>U.S. government, they still are backed financially and
>politically by their masters.


2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä

>Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 02:46:32 +0100

>For 63 days resistance to German imperialism was witnessed both inside and
>outside prison.
>Ilhan Yelkuvan resisted such German practices as solitary  confinement,
>attempts to make him surrender and to Germanise him, he waged a battle
>using the cells of his own body  by  converting his hunger strike to a
>Death Fast, which began on November 30th, 1999.
>All the DHKP-C prisoners in Germany  participated in this resistance with
>solidarity  hunger strikes for an indefinite period, and some non-political
>prisoners joined in with solidarity  hunger strikes.
>Also the Cephe (Front) prisoners in Belgium and France joined in the
>More than 1,000 Party-Front prisoners in Turkey  initially  participated in
>3-day  hunger strikes, and from January  24th 2000 they  converted them
>into indefinite hunger strikes with the slogan of "one for all and all for
>Also the prisoners from TKP(ML), TKP/ML, TIKP, Devrimci Yol, TIKB,
>PKK-Revolutionary  Line Fighters were on 3-day  solidarity  hunger strike
>in several prisons.   Also our supporters and people participated fully  in
>the resistance that the prisoners extended on a daily  basis.
>Thousands of fax messages and letters were sent, posters were hung, press
>releases were distributed and our resistance was announced to European
>public opinion.  Demonstrations took place in front of all German Embassies
>in Europe.
>The buildings of Amnesty  International and the Goethe Institute in
>England, as well as the Goethe Institute in Holland, the Cologne cathedral
>and SPD offices in Germany  and the office of a trade union in Switzerland
>were occupied.  The Holland-Germany  frontier was blocked for 3 hours, a 60
>km-long tailback was formed and the resistance was announced to the
>drivers.  Marches were organised in Hamburg, Cologne and London to support
>Ilhan Yelkuvan.   German imperialism wanted to prevent the activities of
>the DHKP-C by  forbidding it, by  pressing charges against tens of Front
>supporters in accordance with Article "129a" of the Criminal Law, by
>arresting people and forcing them to co-operate with the authorities
>against the DHKP-C.
>All this was not enough.  They  practised a wide-ranging policy  of
>repression against our prisoners in an attempt to make them surrender.
>Ilhan Yelkuvan was placed in solitary  confinement and all his rights were
>taken away  from him because he did not give up the thought of being a
>member of the Cephe.  He was banned from seeing the other prisoners by
>using the pretext that he might spread propaganda among other people from
>This is clearly  a denial of FREEDOM OF THOUGHT and RACISM.  This means
>that you are not allowed to speak your mother tongue or continue to live
>according to your own culture, you will be made to give up your political
>thoughts and be subject to Germanisation.  These practices are an insult
>and an attempt to denigrate the peoples of Turkey.
>It is a lie to say  that there are human rights, freedom of thought,
>democracy, equality  and justice in Germany.   The attacks against our
>people and prisoners in Germany  are the practices of the heirs of the
>The decision to inflict arbitrary  confinement is a deliberate and
>politically  motivated decision.  This decision was reached in the
>interests of fascism in Turkey.  German is co-operating with Turkey  both
>economically  and politically  and therefore is selling Turkey  Leopard
>tanks and other weapons.  i
>Germany  also supported fascists of the MHP (Nationalist Movement Party)
>and the Hizbullah supporters who are striving for a Sharia state.
>They  are also responsible for the Hizbullah killing fields.  They  are an
>accomplice of the Susurluk state.  The peoples of the world have not
>forgotten what the Nazis did.  Nazism is condemned by  the peoples of the
>entire world.  Therefore Germany's current attacks will not be forgiven
>either.  We represent justice, freedom and democracy.
>We are waging war against the fascist regime in Turkey  and imperialism.
>Our struggle is not directly  against the German state but against fascism
>in Turkey.
>In the Ulucanlar prison 10 prisoners were massacred just because they
>demanded an extra ward.
>Ilhan also was denied his rights and left to die over the last 10 months
>because he would not change his thoughts.
>These attacks are a part of the policies of imperialist countries led by
>the US to make the revolutionary  movements surrender.  They  are in fear
>of the struggle for revolution wherever it may  be.  The resistance of
>revolutionaries, the hope of people's liberation, to all sieges and
>policies of surrendering, make imperialism feel uneasy.  This is the main
>We did not choose to be refugees and to live apart from our country.  Our
>minds and hearts are a

wwnews Digest #36

2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä

>Teresa Gutierrez, a national organizer for the Committee,
>told the rally that the committee would not stop its work
>until Eli=A0n sets foot on Cuban soil.
>Rep. Dan Burton, who was in Miami the same day, and other
>right-wing politicians are moving ahead with plans to make
>Eli=A0n a U.S. citizen. According to news reports, however,
>this has little support. Even Republican elected officials
>have said they would not support a citizenship process.
>Federal Judge William M. Hoeveler will hear an appeal by
>Eli=A0n's Miami relatives on Feb. 14 in U.S. District Court in
>Florida. The hearing is to determine whether the Immigration
>and Naturalization Service ruling that granted Eli=A0n's
>father in Cuba custody will prevail over any state court.
>A front-page headline in The Jersey Journal of Jan. 31
>reads: "Hudson to Eli=A0n: Go Home to Your Father and
>Motherland--Poll also shows desire to normalize relations
>with Cuba."
>What gives this headline special significance is that it
>refers to Hudson County, N.J., which has the second-
>largest concentration of Cubans in the United States,
>after south Florida.
>The article reports on a poll taken in the county by New
>Jersey City University. It shows that over half the
>county's residents were for sending Elian home. And almost
>half were also for normalizing relations with Cuba.
>Hudson County has been the political base of two of the
>most rabidly anti-Cuban politicians in Congress--Robert
>Torricelli and Robert Menendez. Torricelli was the sponsor
>of a law tightening the blockade against Cuba.
> - END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service. Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message
>Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 22:25:58 -0500
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
>Subject: [WW]  Free Leonard Peltier--Now!
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Feb. 10, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Moonanum James
>Feb. 6 is the 25th anniversary of the arrest and unjust
>imprisonment of Leonard Peltier. Leonard Peltier is an
>American Indian Movement warrior who was wrongfully
>convicted in 1976 of shooting two FBI agents at Pine Ridge
>Reservation in South Dakota the previous June.
>Peltier's trial was filled with manufactured evidence,
>intimidated witnesses and outright lies. It has been proven
>that the FBI and federal prosecutors intentionally withheld
>evidence that would have proven Peltier's innocence.
>Even the prosecutor of the case now admits that the
>government has no idea who committed the crime for which
>Peltier is serving two consecutive life sentences. Yet the
>courts have refused to grant Leonard Peltier a new trial,
>and the U.S. government has consistently denied Peltier
>Peltier has had an executive clemency petition pending
>before President Bill Clinton since 1993. During a recent
>visit to Pine Ridge Clinton was confronted by Peltier
>supporters carrying banners and signs demanding freedom for
>Clinton is reported to have asked, "Who is Leonard
>Peltier?" How dare he ask such a question after millions
>from across the United States and around the world have
>written him demanding Peltier's freedom.
>The Canadian government recently issued a report on the
>circumstances surrounding Peltier's arrest and extradition.
>At that time, the U.S. government did not have enough
>evidence to warrant extraditing him.
>A Native woman has admitted that the FBI and U.S.
>prosecutors coerced her into signing affidavits claiming she
>was Peltier's girlfriend and witnessed him murder the
>agents. When she later confessed to not knowing Peltier and
>not being at Pine Ridge on the day the agents were shot, her
>confession was suppressed by the FBI and never entered into
>evidence at Peltier's trial.
>Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, along with other
>attorneys, has filed a habeas corpus petition challenging
>the Parole Commission's refusal to recognize Peltier's
>procedural parole rights.
>The Parole Commission has repeatedly refused to grant
>parole, saying that Peltier has "not yet taken criminal
>responsibility for the deaths of the two agents."
>During the latest hearing, held in December of 1995, the
>commission went on the record as "... recognizing that the
>prosecution has conceded having no direct evidence that
>Peltier participated in the killing of the two FBI agents."
>The commission still refused to grant parole because of
>Peltier's "... evident decision not to accept crimin

Fw: Request for Personal Interview

2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä


>Call the White House Comments Line Today
>Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-
>Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
>PO Box 583
>Lawrence, KS 66044
>To subscribe, send a blank message to  < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
>To unsubscribe, send a blank message to < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
>To change your email address, send a message to < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with your old address in the Subject line
>-Original Message-
>Date: Sunday, January 30, 2000 8:38 PM
>Subject: Request for Personal Interview
>>Letter of Support for Parole &
>>Request for Personal Interview w/ Parole Board Members
>>>From Standing Deer Defense Committee
>>POB 368 Carrollton, GA 30117
>>Dear Friends & Supporters of Standing Deer:
>>February 2000 the month of Standing Deer's parole hearing is upon us.  We
>>not told when the exact date is.  We ask that your letter be sent in
>>immediately in order to make our excellent impression upon the members of
>>board.  The decision-making process may take 6- months (unless they make an
>>immediate decision to deny him) so letters after February will not be too
>>late.  In fact as things unfold to our discernment we will continue the
>>for parole letters for as long as is necessary.
>>The typical parole hearing in Texas would not include Standing Deer at his
>>own hearing.  All support letters would go into his file and the members
>>to their decision viewing his file only.  If Standing Deer were granted a
>>personal interview, however, he would have a chance to present himself
>>favorably to the members as he is TODAY rather than allowing his old file
>>speak for him as he was many years
>>Please include in your letter of support for parole that you request
>>Deer is granted a personal interview.
>>Sample Letter:
>>Mr. Gerald Garrett, Director
>>TDCJ Pardons and Parole Division
>>8610 Shoal Creek / PO Box 13401
>>Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711
>>Re:  Prisoner Robert H. Wilson #640289
>>Dear Mr. Garrett:
>>I urge you to consider Robert H. Wilson #640289 for parole in February
>>I strongly feel that the aging, diseased, rehabilitated people of our
>>should not be forced to continue to serve the rest of their incarceration
>>until death.
>>I am requestion that a personal interview be granted to Mr. Wilson so that
>>can present himnself as he is TODAY to the members of the parole board.
>>Wilson has spent 24 years in prison for jewelry theft and 21 of those years
>>he has spent spiritually rehabilitated.  If the members of the parole board
>>were to meet face to face with this elderly man whose life is now probably
>>very short because of such declining health they would see that he is no
>>longer a threat to our society and that he should be released immediately.
>>Please release Mr. Wilson from prison or at least grant him a personal
>>interview so that the members of the parole board will be in a better
>>position to make a fair decision.
>>Thank you.
>>Please send copies to:
>>Gov. George W. Bush / POBox 12428 / Austin, TX  78711
>>Pres. Bill Clinton / The White House
>>1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW / Washington, DC 20500
>>Dr. Jesse Jackson / Operation PUSH / 930 E 50 St / Chicago, IL 60615
>>Mr. Morris Dees / The Southern Poverty Law Centre
>>400 Washington ST. / Montgomery, AL 36104
>>Amnesty International
>>Political Prisoner Action Committee / 322 8th Ave. / NYC, NY 10001
>>SDDC / POBox 368 / Carrollton, GA 30117
>>Please write on envelope under address:
>>"Attn: Correctional Managed Health Care Abuse of Minority Prisoner"
>>To write to Standing Deer directly please address your letter to:
>>Robert H. Wilson #640289
>>Pack One Prison / 2400 Wallace Pack Rd. / Navasota, TX 77869
>>Thank you for your energy & support.
>>To subscribe to the "Leonard Peltier" mailing list
>>send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>In the body of the message type: subscribe LeonardPeltier
>>To unsubscribe type: unsubscribe LeonardPeltier
>>(no subject is necessary for the message).
>>To subscribe to the "Paths-L" mailing list
>>send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>In the body of the message type: subscribe paths-l
>>To unsubscribe type: unsubscribe paths-l
>>(no subject is necessary for the message).
>>To subscribe to the "Leonard Peltier Defense Committee"
>>email list, send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>To unsubscribe, send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

International Protest on March 24th against NATO

2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä

>From: "ilc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: International Protest on March 24th against NATO

>Following we spread a call for common action against NATO. Anybody who wants
>to participate is asked to take up contact with us.
>International Leninist Current
>Call for International Protest on March 24th
>First Anniversary of NATO Aggression against Yugoslavia
>On March 24th, 1999 the decade of Western aggression against Yugoslavia came
>to a climax with the 78-day NATO bombings. Owing to the irrepressible
>resistance of the Yugoslav people, NATO was not able to reach its goal, i.e.
>the complete submission of Serbia to their tyrannical world order. For this
>reason NATO is continuing their aggression against the people by economic,
>political and military means, and there is even the threat of another war of
>In countries like China, India and Russia the majority of the population was
>and is against the NATO war and against global NATO rule, but in the rich
>countries of the West, and in the NATO countries, who profit from the
>aggression, resistance is only weak. It is important to resist and to open
>the eyes of the people: They were talking about democracy and human rights,
>but they have systematically bombed civilian targets and destroyed the
>infrastructure, and Kosovo was completely cleansed — nationally and
>politically — of all those who were not willing to yield to the NATO-backed
>dictatorship of the UÇK (KLA) mafia régime. The point was to enforce global,
>strategic interests of the West, i.e. exploitation by the multi-national
>corporations and banks, even if this is only possible by eradicate whole
>We, the Yugoslav-Austrian Solidarity Movement (JÖSB) call our friends and
>comrades-in-arms, to demonstrate together with us on March 24th with the
>following slogans:
>NATO hands off Yugoslavia and the Balkans!
>Stop national and political cleansing by NATO and UÇK!
>Stop the blockade!
>Reparations must be paid by the west without any conditions!
>No further disintegration of Yugoslavia —
>against Western support for separatist currents!
>Justice for Serbia!
>Yugoslav–Austrian Solidarity Movement (JÖSB)
>Vienna, January 23rd, 2000
>International Leninist Current (ILC)
>Corriente Leninista Internacional (CLI)
>PF 23, A-1040 Wien, Austria
>Tel & Fax +43 1 504 00 10


P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki - Finland
+358-40-7177941, fax +358-9-7591081



Subscribe/unsubscribe messages

Korean Central News Agency Feb 2

2000-02-02 Thread heikki sipilä

Greetings to Vietnamese Communist Party

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Worker's
Party of Korea today sent a
congratulatory message to the c.c., the Vietnamese Communist Party on the
occasion of the 70th anniversary of its
It reads:
The Vietnamese Communist Party, founded and strengthened and developed
by Ho Chi Minh, organized and
led the struggle against the imperialists' colonial rule and the struggle
of national salvation against the U.S. to
victory and achieved complete liberation of the country and national unity.
Under the leadership of the party led by Le Lha Phieu, the Vietnamese
people have made great progress in
socialist construction and defense of the country with Marxism-Leninism and
Ho Chi Minh's idea as guidelines.
Expressing belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between
the two parties and two peoples would be
further consolidated and developed, it wished the party and the people of
Vietnam greater success in their struggle
for the victory of the socialist cause.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

   Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a
gift from the delegation of the
National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba that visited the DPRK.
Jose Luis Toledo, president of the Permanent Commission of
Constitutional and Juridical Affairs, who is
heading the delegation handed it over to an official concerned.

Preparatory committees formed abroad

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees for celebrating
the 58th birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il were inaugurated in different countries.
Inaugural meetings were recently held in the Czech Republic, Ethiopia
and Zimbabwe.
Speakers at the inaugural meetings said that the preparatory committees
were formed to more significantly mark
February 16, common holiday of humankind, and called for widely introducing
and propagandizing the idea and
leadership exploits of Kim Jong Il through colourful functions.
The meetings discussed on the publication of bulletins and colourful
functions to be conducted during the
celebration period.
Messages of greetings to Kim Jong Il were adopted in the Czech Republic
and Zimbabwe.

International Kothongryon preparatory committee formed

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- A preparatory committee of the
International United Confederation of
Koreans (International Kothongryon) for celebrating the 58th birthday of
General Secretary Kim Jong Il was
inaugurated on January 24.
Sok Myong Son, Honorary Chairman of the International Kothongryon, was
elected chairman of the
The committee set a period of celebration from February 3 to 18 and
decided on action program.

Korean people's struggle supported by Guinean President

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- Guinean President Lansana Conte met
with the DPRK ambassador to his
country on January 27.
On the occasion the President said that the friendly and cooperative
relations between Guinea and Korea are
special ones and Guinea will always side with the Korean people.
He went on:
Korea is a united country strong in independence. Korea will surely be
a prosperous country because the
Korean people are single-heartedly united around Marshal Kim Jong Il and
their military power is strong.
Kim Jong Il is now pursuing the policy of attaching importance to the
matters of educating people in one
ideology, strengthening the army and developing science and technology,
which is very important and just.
The reunification of Korea will surely be achieved because the policy
set forth by Kim Jong Il for national
reunification is just and all the people unanimously support it.

U.S.-S. Korea military maneuvers

   Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- The U.S. and the South Korean
authorities kicked off provocative joint
military maneuvers in the sea around the Korean peninsula from January 31,
according to a foreign press report.
Involved in the maneuvers to be continued until February 3 were seven
warships including latest U.S.
nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Stennis and cruiser Port Royal.
The warmongers announced they would conduct operations for detecting
submarines of the "enemy."
It shows that their DPRK-targeted war provocation moves are committed
at a practical stage.

Ridiculous argument about "engagement"

Pyongyang, February 2 (KCNA) -- South Korean "Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Trade" Ri Jong Bin, when
meeting foreign representatives in Seoul, said he would steadily promote
the "engagement policy toward the north,"
according to a report.
The utterances of the newly-appointed Foreign Minister indicate that
the South Korean authorities will continue
the "engagement policy" in diplomatic policy.
This betrays the sinister attempt of the South Korean authorities to
continue pursuing the policy of north-south
confrontation and lead the situation of the Korean peninsula to escala

LA tierra y el poder

2000-02-02 Thread contracorriente

Vientos del Sur:    

La Tierra y el Poder
- El exterminio de la cultura 
indígena- Compañias Petroleras Gringas desplazan 
Al menos 170 defensores de los derechos 
indígenas han muerto por esa causa. Todo apunta a exterminar con las 
culturas indígenas y los campesinos de la zona del Alto Sinú y 
Urabá. El fin, causar el desplazamieto de la zona y así facilitar 
la creación de un nuevo departamento y un aliado a la invasión 
Por Sara E. Cifuentes Ortiz- VOZ
El semanario voz habló con Jorge Correa 
Alarcón una de las personas que han estado viviendo esta situación 
y que pertenece a la comunidad indígena de los Zenú, quienes al 
igual que los Emberá Katío habitan la zona y han sido 
víctimas del acabose del ecosistema promovido por el 
¿Qué hay detrás de la 
construcción de la represa de Urrá?
-Uno de los fines de la construcción de la 
represa de Urrá es acabar con el ecosistema, así como con la 
ciénaga de Lorica la cual constituye una parte importante en la zona y 
que pertenece la comunidad indígena Senú El conflicto no solo 
está en la construcción de la represa de Urrá, sino 
también en la parte indígena del resguardo Senú de San 
Andrés de Sotavento, es decir la destrucción total de dos 
culturas, es acabar con la subsistencia de otras personas que han sobrevivido 
del río Sinú, los que sacan la arena, la gravilla y los 
pescadores. Al construir la represa pierden sustentabilidad más de 300 
mil personas.
¿Es decir, los habitantes de esta zona se 
verían obligados a abandonar los terrenos y dar paso a los grandes 
-Los terratenientes son los dueños de las 
grandes extensiones de tierra, más de 36 mil kilómetros cuadrados 
que tiene la ciénaga grande y que comprende los municipios de Lorica, 
Purísima, San Andrés de Sotavento y Chimá. Aquí 
priman no solo los intereses de los politiqueros de Córdova, 
también de los de Antioquia y Sucre. La represa de Urrá 
según los técnicos va a durar 50 años. Estas culturas han 
sido milenarias no sé si sea un buen negocio exterminar a los Embera y a 
los Senú, porqué eso va a suceder si ya no tiene lugar donde vivir 
y tampoco de qué vivir.
¿Usted como luchador de los derechos de 
los indígenas, cómo ve a futuro esta 
-La Represa no va a solucionar el problema de las 
inundaciones en Còrdoba, eso es mentira. Cuando empiecen otra vez las 
ihundaciones, el Gobierno va a decir hay que construir Urrá 2. Con el 
tiempo si se piensa crear el departamento del Urabá, que sería 
lastimoso, pero es lo que hay detrás de esta guerra, de la cual el 
gobierno es alcahueta, será sobre las bases de sangre, plomo y 
desplazados. Ya hoy se ha empezado a dividir la Ciénaga con la 
construción de la carretera que separa a San Pelayo y Lorica, de esta 
manera ya los terratenientes se han apropiado de parte de Córdoba. En el 
futuro nos espera un enfrentamiento 