Re: Comment labview gere la memoire dan

2004-05-12 Thread PatrickB1
Hallo as,

Can you please tell me what exactly the error message is when it stop
the application. Which LabVIEW Version do you use and if the
application is not so big, you can attach it on your answer. Please
take a look if you really close these files which you don=B4t need
anymore.Thanks in advance.

National Instruments

Re: Continous acquisition on 800MHz, W_XP, with 6025E - has a problem on 200kS/s

2004-05-12 Thread pawel
Hello Big-C.
I know I can sample (200kS/s/No.of Channels) per channel. I do not
have a problem here.

What I mean is I have a software triggering since 6025E does not
support hardware analog trigger. That means that I am running a
detection procedure each time I get a new block of data from memory.

I looks like this procedure is taking up most of the processor time,
and this is a limmiting factor.

I tried to acquire data without this trigger procedure, and get
possitive result. I can read every 3k Samples, which come to the
memory buffer.

It looks like I need to work on my treshold detection procedure. I
have already found some creazy stuff going on, but that is a subject
for a new thread.

Thank you for your comment.

kind regards

Re: Redrawing XY and transparent Graphs (long)

2004-05-12 Thread Craig Graham
wayne galbraith wrote:

 This is something that we have all had to put up with for many years
 and I don't see NI solving it in the future.  Surely the most popular
 plotting technique is with an XY graph as we all don't simply plot
 against time.  I am guessing there is a fundamental problem with only
 adding one extra point at a time - although maybe Greg Mc will let us
 in on the secret.

Since the Measurement Studio ActiveX graph control has YDataAppend and
XYDataAppend on a per-plot and per-graph basis, there doesn't seem a
fundamental reason. And since it looks very like the LV graph, you can use
it as a drop-in replacement on the panel, though of course it's not as easy
in the code.

Dr. Craig Graham, Software Engineer
Advanced Analysis and Integration Limited, UK.

Re: Feedback

2004-05-12 Thread IBI
Hi, thanks for your help. I'm sure the subVI's you send me are the
solutions to my problem. The problem is, i cannot open it, because i'm
working with LabView 6.0 (you send me subVi's in version 7.0). Could
you please send those subVI's in 6.0 please? It is for me very
dificult to get version 7.0at the moment.

Best regards,


Re: Redrawing XY and transparent Graphs (long)

2004-05-12 Thread wayne galbraith


The only problem that I could see here is changing your X axis during 
displaying of data.  Does the Active X control keep any kind of buffer??

I'm guessing that, that is what most people are after and as such would 
require a buffer of some description to be kept.

It is a bit of a pity NI couldn't have written this as I'm sure their 
s.ware engineers could write it much more efficiently than the rest of us.

Basically - shove the data in one end with a buffer size limit and then 
allow you to plot any point against any other appending data only as you 
go.  Then if the X-axis on the plot has altered then redraw the whole plot.

This I'm guessing is what most of us have implemented on our own - just not 
as efficiently as NI may have written it.


At 08:47 AM 12/05/2004 +0100, you wrote:
wayne galbraith wrote:

 This is something that we have all had to put up with for many years
 and I don't see NI solving it in the future.  Surely the most popular
 plotting technique is with an XY graph as we all don't simply plot
 against time.  I am guessing there is a fundamental problem with only
 adding one extra point at a time - although maybe Greg Mc will let us
 in on the secret.
Since the Measurement Studio ActiveX graph control has YDataAppend and
XYDataAppend on a per-plot and per-graph basis, there doesn't seem a
fundamental reason. And since it looks very like the LV graph, you can use
it as a drop-in replacement on the panel, though of course it's not as easy
in the code.
Dr. Craig Graham, Software Engineer
Advanced Analysis and Integration Limited, UK.

Wayne Galbraith
School of Civil and Resource Engineering
The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley 6009
Tel - (08) 6488 3788

Re: Redrawing XY and transparent Graphs (long)

2004-05-12 Thread Craig Graham
wayne galbraith wrote:

 The only problem that I could see here is changing your X axis during
 displaying of data.  Does the Active X control keep any kind of

Yes, it definitely buffers because one of my (VB) apps pans, zooms and
scrolls without reloading the data.

The X axis can be set manually. Obviously changing the X axis causes a

Dr. Craig Graham, Software Engineer
Advanced Analysis and Integration Limited, UK.

The Ordinal 2011 could not be located in the dynamic link library nidaq32.dll

2004-05-12 Thread vijayasiva
After installed BridgeVIEW 2.1, labview 6.1 DataAcquisition function
showing the Ordinal 2011 could not be located in the dynamic link
library nidaq32.dll

Re: Update LabView 6.1 to 7.0; error 1003

2004-05-12 Thread georgie

thank you for your E-Mail. I have found the problem. In a SubVi I have
a reference as an Input. The Output of this SubVi was the Indicator,
where the reference is related to. After I have replaced the Indicator
with a Local Variable to this Indicator, I could build the executable.
But this problem occurs only with LabView 7.0. It don't occur in the
development environment.


Georg Lampe

Re: pb de licence labview sui

2004-05-12 Thread Chr

j'ai r=E9solu mon pb en le court-circuitant. Le serveur de licence ne
fonctionne plus car il ne d=E9marre pas, car le hostid de la machine a
chang=E9. Pour =EAtre tr=E8s exacte, il d=E9marre et s'arr=EAte aussit=F4t =
car il
y incompatibilit=E9 avec le n=B0 de hostid. j'ai essay=E9 de recr=E9er un
nouveau fichier de licence mais cela n'a toujours pas r=E9solu le
probl=E8me (serveur de licence d=E9marrant et s'arr=EAtant aussit=F4t).

J'ai r=E9solu le pb en utilisant un petit programme permettant de
changer (par soft) le n=B0 du hostid. J'ex=E9cute donc ce programme au
chargement, juste avant de lancer le serveur de licence.

C'est une solution b=E2tarde. Si vous en avez une meilleure, je suis

Re: Peut-on lancer une acquisition dans un serveur TCPIP sans stopper la communicationTCPIP?

2004-05-12 Thread paleyrat
Merci. Votre r=E9ponse m'a permis d'avancer. J'enverrais un autre
message si j'ai =E0 nouveau besoin d'aide

Re: Block diagram expansion criteria

2004-05-12 Thread Ed Dickens
I=92ve had this happen two times.

Once turned out to be an intermittent Ctrl key. The other time I was
using a Keyboard, Video Mouse switchbox to run two PC=92s with one
keyboard, mouse and display. To switch between the two PCs, you could
hit the Ctrl key three times quickly. Somehow that interfered with the
normal use of the Ctrl key, and not just in LabVIEW. I disabled the
Ctrl key switching and fixed that problem.

This may not apply to your situation, but it might be something to


Re: Multi-channel data acquisition via GPIB using a digital...

2004-05-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
I think you misused the driver if you keep sending all settings. There
are some high level examples included in the driver - Getting Started,
Acq Wvfm Edge Triggered. These use many of the subVIs that you can
also use when and if you want. The point of the high level examples is
to give the programmer some idea on how to use the subVIs included in
the driver. The other high level example is Acq Dual Wvfm Edge
Triggered. At the end this does pretty much what your example does and
gets two waveforms by calling Fetch Waveform twice. The differnce is
that VISA is used (generally prefered over GPIB) and there are no
sequence structures or local variables (not required).

Re: serial read information problem

2004-05-12 Thread jamsab
J' ai r=E9solue le probl=E9me et c'=E9tait bien un pb de config s=E9rie, bi=
Merci encore pour la r=E9ponse

Re: Is it possible to set the current value as default while VI is running?

2004-05-12 Thread Ed Dickens
You can use the 'Make Current Values Default' invoke node, but as the
name implies (note =93Values=94), it will set the current values to
default for Ball/B controls on the front panel. There is no way to
use this on just a single control.

There are other problems when using this property. The VI that you
want to use it on cannot be running. So you must stop the VI, and then
from a different VI, get a reference to the other one and run the
'Make Current Values Default' node.

You also cannot use it in a built executable because it requires the
code to be recompiled which cannot be done on an executable.

Your only real choice to operate on a single or just few controls is
to use a config file, or if you=92re in the development system, right
click on the control and set it to default that way.


Re: Configuration wizard of a Vi express

2004-05-12 Thread manji75
Could you please tell me if the answer given below solved your
problem? Bye.

Re: memory management and style

2004-05-12 Thread Greg McKaskle
 1)  It seems to me that allowing people to pass pointers to complex
 data structures would allow for more efficient memory management.  I
 know about refnums, but Shane and others seem to imply that
 refnums/property nodes come with unnecessary GUI overhead. I hate
 pointers as much as anyone else, but being able to pass by reference
 without overhead would be HUGE. Is there a way to do this?

Actually, many of LV's datatypes are implemented with references, but 
the diagram behavior is as if they were done by value.  You mention that 
you hate pointers, presumably this is in a serial language with a single 
thread doing one thing at a time.  Putting pointers in a parallel 
language is ten times as bad.  If instead of an array, you had a 
reference to the array and the wire splits, the split pieces of code 
will interact.  The top branch will do a filter, then a power spectrum, 
then plot.  The middle one will subtract off a baseline and get an rms 
value.  The bottom one will simply plot.  Since there is no longer any 
sequencing between them, they interleave and you get jibberish.  To 
clean things up you either serialize them by putting them back into a 
wire, make explicit copies, or use mutexes and semaphores to control the 
order of execution.  Ick.

So LV and most other dataflow languages have by-value semantics, meaning 
that a wire represents the value, not a reference.  On the otherhand, 
all arrays and strings, are implemented by reference.  The LV compiler 
then determines how few copies are needed in order to maintain the same 
behavior as if all were copies.  The performance and memory usage 
chapter gives examples of how this works.

Is it possible to do pointers?  Sure, some have done it.  You call a 
block that copies or swaps the data into a private storage, and gives 
back a pointer/reference/U32.  Later in their diagram, they call passing 
in the pointer and get back the array, or some portion of it.  Of course 
LV knows nothing about these pointers, and you can't operate on things 
using LV icons until you go get the data.  In many cases this uses just 
as much memory as the simple code without the pointers.

 2) The avoid local variables when possible bit is news to me. But I
 get the point ;)
 3) as far as I know, the GOOP projects use refnums, which are subject
 to the same overhead constraints as mentioned in (1).

Current GOOP uses the pointer approach mentioned above, and all objects 
are referred to.  The reads and writes are also serialized so that if 
you ask for the data on an object, you wait for someone else to finish 
working on the object, then you get the elements, modify and return 
them.  Again, parallelism and pointers are something you have to manage 
pretty closely.

 4) I think the problem with college courses is that most professors
 who design course curricula know about LabView, but they don't use it
 themselves -- their graduate students do. I've seen certain TA's make
 LabView instruction a pet project, but the novelty of G means that
 most students are happy to get to the point where they don't have
 broken wires everywhere (believe me, there's lots of swearing on
 LabView lab days). And most students are more worried about running
 their experiments than programming.

This is the approach in the basket weaving class, the physics class, 
etc.  It isn't unique to LV.  And really, the point of the class is 
rarely to learn LabVIEW or another language, it is to learn some 
principles, and to do that you need to use some tools.  Some students 
embrace the tools and realize they will need to know this later in life 
while others hack their way through just enough to get the desired A, B, 
or C.

Greg McKaskle

Reading files

2004-05-12 Thread ASCologne

this time I have two questions, I hope somebody can help:

1) I want to read a spreadsheat-file into an array, but WITHOUT the
first two lines. How can I do that? I know how to read the data, but
not how to ignore the first lines.

2) After the calculation I have two columns of data, x and y. I weant
to save them in a spreadsheat-file like

x y
1 2
3 4 etc.,

(seperated by tab; title not nescessary)

I managed write single data into the file, but not the entire array.


PS: I am using LabVIEW 7, you can answer in german, english or dutch.

Re: Error -1073807246 when trying to control a circulator in Labview via RS-232

2004-05-12 Thread Brian Powell
I wonder if the timeout on Write is because the handshaking isn't
working.  Suppose the device isn't handshaking the same way, or your
cable is bad.  In that case, Write may just give up.



2004-05-12 Thread Coop
I am using LabVIEW Express 7.0 and I can not find the event structure
inside functions pallete...
I have used it so many times before and I know it exists but where
exactly I can find it.
It is not at the same place where the rest of the structures are
(while, for, sequence etc).



2004-05-12 Thread altenbach
If you use the express palette view, it will not be under execution
control like some of the other structures. You need to go to all
functions...Structures. There is also a second instance in

Of course if you bonly have the base package/b, you won't have the
event structure (See

Re: MAX doesn't find the serial Interface on my laptop. VISA error code: -1073807360

2004-05-12 Thread Dan Mondrik
I'm not sure why you can't uninstall 2.5.  But the version of NI-VISA
you want to upgrade to is 3.1.  We've fixed a lot of serial bugs in
each release, and gotten rid of a lot of incorrect
VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR return values (some are fixed, others are
changed to more logical error codes).

Dan Mondrik
National Instruments

Re: VISA serial communication in LV 7 application

2004-05-12 Thread Mike Burnett
I have made a new VI.  All it has in it is

VISA Configure Serial

The only input wired is VISA resource name, which is
ASRL2::INSTR.  The only output wired is error out.

When I run the VI, I get a green checkmark in the
error out status and 0 for the error out code.

When I build this VI into an application and run
it on the development system, I get a red X in the
error out status and -1073807246 in the error out code.

I have a feeling that either VISA serial communication
is broken on my Windows 2000 development system or LV7.

I really need to make this work, and I have no idea
what to do.


2004-05-12 Thread Coop
Well I double checked all the places and it is not there.
As the matter of fact, I copy-pasted the event structure from some
other vi that I have built before and when I went on help for the
event structure and then tried to find it by clicking the button that
finds it in the function pallete I received the message saying Object
not found. Then it says it might not be supported in the execution
target currently selected. Then it says to go to OperateSelect
Execution Target but when I went to Operate I could not find Select
Execution Target option.
My guess is that somebody did not install labview properly and few
functions are therefore missing...
I am gonna have to further explore what is exactly going on ...

thanks for fast reply,

Re: Block diagram expansion criteria

2004-05-12 Thread m3nth
Thanks for pointing this out.  I'm pretty sure however that it has
something to do with the position of the box or line in relation to
other LabVIEW code or something like that when you're trying to make
the diagram expand outward.

Re: Labview 7 and USB control

2004-05-12 Thread Thomas Json
I have a USB to serial and it work as a serial port which means that I
can use the VISA drivers. Maybe it is the same for You. Look in
windows device manager if it shows up there.

Re: Open file problem

2004-05-12 Thread jackolim
Thanks. You have been of great help

Re: How to draw the waveform for Tektronix TDS 500?

2004-05-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
Like I said, the driver has an example. Look in the VI called TKTDS
Read Waveform. It looks like there is a header being parsed out and
then subset of the returned string is converted by type casting it to
an array.

Re: VISA serial communication in LV 7 application

2004-05-12 Thread CAW
In regard to another application using the serial port, an application
that uses the serial port and is often loaded on system startup is PDA
synchronization software.  This is such a common technical support
call for us that we have specific warnings in our manuals to instruct
users to make sure the PDA synch software is disabled.

Allen Weekley
Alpha Technics


2004-05-12 Thread kingsoon
J utilise Labview 7,
j ai besoin d imprimer au format paysage comment faire en utilisant l
outil de g=E9n=E9ration de rapport?
merci beaucoup

how can I create a executable vi in Linux?

2004-05-12 Thread Bichillo
I have my vi, and I want to create the executable file. But I want to
run this program (vi) in a embebeded PC that works over Linux!!so , I
dont have screen and I dont want the panel up. How can I do this? Is
it an option when I compile my vi and build my aplication?

Thank you!!!


Output a 1MHz squarewave through serial port

2004-05-12 Thread jackolim
Is it possible to program using labview to output a 1MHz squareware
out from serial port of PC?

Re: How can I automatically word wrap a string placed in a (multicolumn) listbox ?

2004-05-12 Thread Oleg
To compute the sizes of  text written using some font you can use
Functions-Graphics  Sound-Picture Functions-Get Text In
this function you can specify the font name, its size, and some
options (italic, bold, etc.).

Good luck.

Oleg Chutko.

How can I automatically word wrap a string placed in a (multicolumn) listbox ?

2004-05-12 Thread Rainer Balzerowski

Using LabView 7.0:
I need to automatically wrap text inserted in a multicolumn listbox.
The size of the listbox is fixed and I don't know the legth of the
string that will be inserted. But the whole string must be visible,
because it's Information is important
I'm not allowed to use a fixed width font. :-(
Has anyone any ideas (or a solution already?)
How can I compute the length of a string in pixel to calculate to
position to wrap?

Thanks in advance,

best regards,


On the topics of charts

2004-05-12 Thread Norman Kirchner
I know that a number of NI programmers/employees are on this list and I
was wondering if any attempt has been made to make the chart control
more robust in LV 7.1. Chart options like the sweep update mode have
been prone to leave ghost sweep bars, changing the x scale will
sometimes cause the data to disappear, ghost or bad data points showing
up whenever there is a change to the chart formatting, etc. And of
course these problems always popup when you are trying to convince a
customer that LV is robust and they will have no problems if they decide
to go for an NI solution. 

So has there been any improvement and if not, why?

-Norman J. Kirchner

Erreur DMA avec varte 6024E et sortie compteur

2004-05-12 Thread florent01
Lorsque que je mesure un signal ou que je le produit pas de probl=E8me
mais lorsque je fais les deux en meme temps il apparait cette erreur:
L'erreur - 200251 s'est produite =E0 DAQmx Start

Raison(s) possible(s):

No DMA channels are available.
Either shut down other task which may be using these channels or
consider changing your data transfer mechanism to 'Interrupts'.

Device: PCI-6024E:Dev1

Task Name:_unnamedTask68

C'est une erreur DMA donc de compatibilit=E9 apparement. Quelqu'un a
t-il une id=E9e ( le pc est r=E9cent).

Sinon j'utilise la sortie compteur comme g=E9n=E9rateur d'impulsion, est
-il possible de faire varier l'amplitude car je ne veus pas de 5?


Re: how can I create a executable vi in Linux?

2004-05-12 Thread David Duffey
Hi Graci,

Currently LabVIEW for Linux requires an X server.  You can accomplish
this by running a dummy X server on your embedded Linux PC.  Or, you
can install only the X libraries and then set the display to another
networked X server.

You might be aware that NI has several Real Time products that might
suit your needs well.  You can use PXI for the equivalent of a PC, or
fieldpoint if you need a smaller/embedded solution, or RT plug-in
boards which are basically PCs on a PCI card.  All of these options
would allow you to run LabVIEW executables headless.

Your project sounds interesting, let us know more about it and it's

David Duffey

Re: Looking for ready-to-use indicator that looks like a horizontal-platform panel in an airplane

2004-05-12 Thread Ben
You Win!

There is another example near that one that shows how to draw a

Parts of that example can be used to add your over-lay yur grid (i.e.
do not fill).


Re: Looking for ready-to-use indicator that looks like a horizontal-platform panel in an airplane

2004-05-12 Thread Altair
Thanks Chutla and Ben!
I found an example
 NI Home  NI Developer Zone  Development Library  Measurement and
Automation Software  LabVIEW  Development System  Building User
Interfaces  Displaying Data  Pictures  Rotating Graphics (Pixmaps)
in LabVIEW

Ben, do you mean this one?


2004-05-12 Thread dan bookwalter
i do this between several machines here in my department... on the TCP i only wire the port (i use 3) and a timeout (50ms) and
leave the net address unwired. if you have more than 1 NIC you will
probably have to wire something to it. then on the other pc with the
TCP Open Connection i wire the address of the server machine
(listener), the port (3) and the timeout (5000 in this case)...

if you need an example i can wire something up for you

good luck


Re: Error -1073807246 when trying to control a circulator in Labview via RS-232

2004-05-12 Thread jcrooke
Determine wheter or not you have a straight through serial cable or a
null modem cable.  If it is null modem, your device will probably not
properly receive the commands because it will be listening to the
wrong wires in the cable.


2004-05-12 Thread Coop
I have VI that is controlling the Standford Research power supply
model PS350. I am using existing NI drivers for this instrument.
I wanted to know what would be the easiest/fastest way of taking the
multiple readings of the output voltage at the different point in time
and then plotting the voltage versus time.
Any directions and suggestions are appreciated.


Serial Port - Ballbar 2

2004-05-12 Thread Phil747
I first want to thank Dennis Knutson for his answer to my previous
question about the ballbar and serial communication. I'm now able to
communicate with it using MAX. But when I try to use the Labview
Basic_Serial_Write_and_Read VI, I instantly get an error saying
Error -1073807246 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in VISA Configure
Serial Port (Instr) It also tells
me that my resource is valid, but than VISA can't access it. I am
wondering which argument is arg 1 and aslo what can be creating this
error. Thanks a lot.


Re: IP Format.

2004-05-12 Thread altenbach
You should not wire the net address. You only need to do so if you
have more than one IP address.

Use String to IP to convert a hostname or IP address to a network
address, which is a simple U32 representation of the IP address, best
displayed in HEX. (e.g. = 0x).

Re: AOConfig buffer size

2004-05-12 Thread Bill B
Hello Andrew,

Setting your buffer size to be the same size as your array is
typically what is done.  The buffer size is not in bytes, but in
samples.  Please take a look at some of the example programs that ship
with LabVIEW.  Go to Help  Find Examples  Hardware Input and
Output  Trad. DAQ(LV 7.x only)  Analog Output  Generate

If you take a look at this VI, you will see that a sinewave array is
produced using a FOR loop.  This FOR loop generates an array that has
the same number of samples as the buffer length input of AO Config.
Take a look at this VI and see if you are able to modify it to fit
your needs.

In some cases, you may need to use a buffer that is larger than your
actual data.  This may be the case if your data array is generated
dynamically and is not always consistent in size.  The only size
restriction in this case it that you are able to find a continuous
section of memory that can accommodate the buffer.

Let me know if you need additional assistance with this issue.  The
example programs should be a great reference.

Bill B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments


2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
Thanks Dan for the response. As for the example, I have TCP Listen
side, I have Port assign to 3000 with 50ms time dealy with
Indicator? Is this correct? Would it be easier if can send you the
LabView file for Listen and Open and make the corrections from

Re: IP Format.

2004-05-12 Thread altenbach
The above answer was for TCP Listen. For TCP open, you just wire a
string which can contain a hostname (e.g. or a dotted
decimal IP address (e.g.


2004-05-12 Thread dan bookwalter
you can send it if you want and i'll take a quick look... or look at
the examples



2004-05-12 Thread dan bookwalter
what kind of error do you get ??? it works here

Re: Error -1073807246 when trying to control a circulator in Labview via RS-232

2004-05-12 Thread hung
thanks for the notes jcrooke but unfortunately I have version 6 of
Labview so I can't open the file.  Can you save it as an older
version? :)

Has anyone installed LV 6.1 AND 6.02 in the same PC?

2004-05-12 Thread Navini
I have test systems deployed using LV 6.02 and one system uses 6.1.  I
don't want to upgrade all the systems but I need to support both
locally using one PC if possible.

How do you delete a row from an array that has zeros in it?

2004-05-12 Thread fergusonhd
I am reading a file that contains an array of information. Some of the
rows might contain no information (zeros) and I want to programicaly
delete those row(s) from the array and then restore that information
to file. How is the best way to do this?


2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
This is what I got...

Error 63 occurred at TCP Open Connection in

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW:  Serial port receive buffer overflow.
LabVIEW:  The network connection was refused by the server.


2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
5000 on Open side and 5000 on Listen side as well.

Can not set Remove Panel to No for dynamic VI

2004-05-12 Thread Nettt
In the VI Settings tab of the Application Builder, has no row for my
dynamic VI. How to add this row for my dynamic VI.

Odd behavior in Build Text Express VI in 7.1

2004-05-12 Thread Ed Dickens
I ran across an odd behavior with the BBuild Text Express VI/B
that wasn't there in 7.0.

When configuring the VI, if you select either Number or Boolean in the
Variable Properties before typing anything the Text with Variables
box, the first character you type will switch the Variable Properties
back to Text. Subsequent variables entered will not change the
Variable Properties back to Text.


Re: Serial Port - Ballbar 2

2004-05-12 Thread Dan Mondrik

In this case it isn't really about arg1 at all.  The resource you
passed into the Configure VI (presumably something like COM1 or
ASRL1::INSTR) is busy - the error is VI_ERROR_RSRC_BUSY.  This means
that you most likely have some other application using the resource,
like Hyperterminal.

For what it's worth, the property node refers to each property in
order, so the first property inside the Configure VI is the timeout.
This is the first point at which that VI needs to use the resource you
passed in, so that's when it tries to open the VISA session and fails.
So it failed when trying to do a 'set' on arg1 because in this case it
couldn't open the resource.

Dan Mondrik
National Instruments

Re: Serial Port - Ballbar 2

2004-05-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
Glad I could help. When you get the error, do you have any other
program open that is accessing the serial port (i.e. hperterminal).
Windows doesn't allow different programs access to the same port.

Re: Has anyone installed LV 6.1 AND 6.02 in the same PC?

2004-05-12 Thread Ed Dickens
Different version of LabVIEW can peacefully co-exist on a PC. The
different versions will get installed in their own directories under
the main National Instruments directory. You should also uninstall old
DAQ drivers and install the latest available for your newest version
of LabVIEW. That will contain drivers for earlier versions as well. I
currently have LabVIEW 5.1, 6.0.2, 6.1, 7.0 and 7.1 installed.

Toolsets can be a problem as some of them will only allow you to
install in a single installation of LabVIEW, so you must manually copy
the tools to other versions installed.


Re: Help! If I have a binary file how do I then translate it to a spreadsheet file?

2004-05-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
If it's not too big, can you attach one of the .bin files you created?
I had a look at your modified data reader VI from a previous post and
didn't see anything obvious in the code but it's pretty hard to debug
anything without a file to input. When you run the reader, do you see
data displayed on the graph? Does it match what you got when you used
the logger?

Re: How do you delete a row from an array that has zeros in it?

2004-05-12 Thread fergusonhd
I figured it out thanks.

Re: Error -1073807246 when trying to control a circulator in Labview via RS-232

2004-05-12 Thread jcrooke
I work on an Apple machine, so the answer is no, but I will see if I
can find a Windows machine with 6.1.


2004-05-12 Thread dan bookwalter
does this work with both vi's on the same machine ??


2004-05-12 Thread dan bookwalter
what version of LV are you using ?


2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
Thanks dan,
I'll try and see how it works-out.


2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
7.0 or 7Express.

Re: Mitutoyo MUX2, Digimatic Micrometer heads and Labview7

2004-05-12 Thread Conseils
That's excellent work.

Well this tests most of the cable connections, you PC and the COM port
and the associated hardware and leaves only the trasmitted command.

This simple test that you have performed is one of the most basic but
important. Because it gives you a baseline to work from. From now on
you 'know what to expect'.

Look in the instructions and find the string that is used to request a
reading it is probably somthing like S1 for channel 1 or similar (I
can't find my sheet at the moment, I have moved since I last used it).

Type this string in to the terminal program.
If it mentions CR then that means Carrige Return and you do that by
pressing the ENTER key.

If you could post the instruction sheet it will save me looking for my
copy, which I may never find.

After this it will be a simple matter to get the data into Labview.

You should now look into the examples with Labview and search for the
parameter 'SERIAL'. This will lead you to an example 'Serial
communication.VI' which is an example of how to send a command to a
serial prot and aquire the results. It also has a timeout which means
you don't end up waiting for ever if the remote device fails to
respond (because it's disconnected or the battery is flat in the
Digimatic device).

The default data rates match those of the MUX so there is almost no
work to do!!

If your feeling brave type the command into the available control and
set the VI running. It should return your data.

Corrupted llibrary due to crash! Any Idea?

2004-05-12 Thread Lewandowski, James R.
for the second time an XP machine crashed while saving a subvi of a library and 
corrupted the whole library. 
At one point I believed that a llb file was only a list to point to other subvi's 
but it really seems that is not
the case.  I was working on a new subvi that was saved into the llb when the 
corruption occured.  I only lost the work 
I had done today, and am currently waiting on our support people to restore the file 
from a backup of a couple months ago.  

Any ideas how to get at this work? 

Jim Lewandowski
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

FW: Corrupted llibrary due to crash! Any Idea?

2004-05-12 Thread Lewandowski, James R.

Another thing,
when I try to open it with the Edit Library option the error message is:

 Generic file I/O error occured. Editing VI 

If that is any help

 -Original Message-
 From: Lewandowski, James R. 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 2:15 PM
 Subject: Corrupted llibrary due to crash! Any Idea?
 for the second time an XP machine crashed while saving a subvi of a 
 library and corrupted the whole library.
 At one point I believed that a llb file was only a list to point to 
 other subvi's but it really seems that is not the case.  I was working 
 on a new subvi that was saved into the llb when the corruption 
 occured.  I only lost the work I had done today, and am currently 
 waiting on our support people to restore the file from a backup of a 
 couple months ago.
 Any ideas how to get at this work? 
 Jim Lewandowski
 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

record, calculate and save data periodically

2004-05-12 Thread shh2745
I am working on a labview project.  I have a continuous input data
which is updated every 100ms.  I need to calculate the 15 minutes
average value, one hour average value of this input data and save this
average values into excel file continuously.  I have problem about how
to calculate the 15 minutes average input data value.  I have look
through some example for parallel while loop, but my main problem is
how to calculate the 15 minutes average values periodically and save
it to the file.  Thanks for your help.

How to do an event only once inside a while loop?

2004-05-12 Thread JNR
I have a boolean control (Start Button) inside a while loop that needs
to initiate TWO processes when it is activated. For the FIRST of these
processes, it is imperative that once the button is pressed, the
boolean control must remain in its switched state (switch when
pressed) for the remaining duration of the VI.

However, for the SECOND process, the same boolean control must trigger
a process (some code inside a Case Structure) only ONCE, and never
again. Due to various constraints, this Case Structure code is also in
the same While Loop that contains the boolean control.

I am trying to figure out a way to do this, but have not been
successful so far.

If the explanation of the problem I have provided above is not clear,
here's another way of looking at the problem:

I need an effect similar to the latch when pressed mechanical action
of controls, but achieved programatically. The Case Structure
containing my code receives a default False status until the button
is pressed. After the button is pressed (and for the remainder of the
program), the status is changed to True. This Case Structure is
inside a While Loop, which runs throughout the length of the program.
How do I make the code in the Case Structure only happen once, and not
with each iteration of the While Loop?

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Re: Serial port with VISA... more info...

2004-05-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
Open MAX (Measurement  Automation Explorer), expand Devices and
InterfacesPorts and verify that Com1 is listed. The error code means
that the session or reference is invalid. The other way to check is to
click the little arrow on the right side of the VISA  Resource Name.
All valid VISA resources show be displayed. If the port is not listed,
in MAX try ViewRefresh from the top menu and see if the port is
listed. You can also expand the Software section in MAX and verify
that NI-VISA is installed.

Need a Labview driver for Agilent's Signal Generator 8648D!!! Help Please

2004-05-12 Thread raj ojha
Please help me ,if anyone has this driver please email it to me

Is there any sample code or vi that makes use of Telnet Play Script?

2004-05-12 Thread cees
Is there any sample code or vi that makes use of Telnet Play Script?

Re: Output a 1MHz squarewave through serial port

2004-05-12 Thread Cult of Nurse's
jackolim wrote:
 Is it possible to program using labview to output a 1MHz squareware
 out from serial port of PC?

As I recall, if you continuously transmit the character 'U' with 8 data 
bits, no parity and 1 stop bit, TxD will generate a square wave at the 
baud rate frequency. If you can set your baud rate to 1 Mhz, more power 
to you. Unfortunately, I know that my reference on this subject is on a 
slip of paper somewhere in a box full of slips of papers. Many times, 
the baud rate generator used in serial ports is only approximate in 
frequency; this must be taken into acount if you have a more exacting 

Re: Has anyone installed LV 6.1 AND 6.02 in the same PC?

2004-05-12 Thread sammi
Furthermore, could anyone tell me, the way to open vi in newer version
is to install the version since only earlier version in my PC?

Re: Has anyone installed LV 6.1 AND 6.02 in the same PC?

2004-05-12 Thread sammi
Once my friend has installed different version in the same PC, it
worked well untill the system was broken up. Then, when he install the
software again, all the vi writen by earlier versions have been
replaced by latest one.
Are there any solutions to this problems? What should be pay attention


Re: coordinate system translation from screen coordinates to stage coordinates

2004-05-12 Thread Shan
Dr. Berns,

Thanks very much for your reply.  I was hoping that it would be a
common enough task so that LabVIEW might have something along these
lines already done.  As you say, once the math is figured out, I'm
sure I can get it implemented in LabVIEW.  It's the math that I need
help on.

I think I found the text you referenced a
Can you confirm that this is the text you are talking about?  Thanks
for your advice.


Re: Why is the difference between Error Out.ctl and Error Out 3D.ctl?

2004-05-12 Thread tarheel_hax0r
Oops - 'Why is' == 'What is'