Re: setting up differential and single ended connections, multichannel scanning also

2004-03-21 Thread Marcus G
I understand that you are connecting several analog input signals in
both NRSE and Differential mode to your PCI-6014. The best source for
information on connecting and scanning these signals is the user
manual. In the 6014's user manual, there is a section that outlines
Analog Input and how to connect analog signals. (pg. 4-6). If you do
not have the user manual, you can access it at There
is also a helpful document on the NI Developer Zone entitled Field
Wiring and Noise Considerations for Analog Signals. These resources
will be able to fully answer your questions, but I can offer a few
tidbits of information to answer your specific questions and get you
on your way.

1. Connecting AISENSE to AIGND in NRSE mode
Whether you should connect AISENSE to AIGND through a resistor depends
on whether or not your signal source is grounded or floating. If it is
floating, then you should connect AISENSE to AIGND through a bias
resistor. If your signal source is grounded, then you do not need to
connect AISENSE to AIGND.

2. How to set up Differential Signals.
In differential mode, the AI channels are paired, with ACH as the
signal input and ACH as the signal reference. For example, ACH0
is paired with ACH8, ACH1 is paired with ACH9, and so on. If your
signal source is floating, then you will have to run the ACH
input to AIGND through a resistor.

3. How to scan from differential channels.
There are several clocking signals provided on the board, and they can
be used for sampling and triggering. You can sample from the signals
in a variety of methods depending on what software interface you are

Thanks for contacting National Instruments, and I hope that this helps
you connect your board!

Marcus G.
National Instruments

Re: setting up differential and single ended connections, multichannel scanning also

2004-03-21 Thread Marcus G
There's one more NRSE/DIFF issue that I neglected to mention. Usually
when using an NI Data AcQuisition card such as the 6014, you specify
that the board is in Non-Referenced Single Ended or Differential mode,
but it is possible to have both types of analong inputs on the same
board. There's a helpful knowledgebase describing how to select
different modes on the same board. It's KB-0N1D2L4N located at

Good luck with this!

Marcus G.
National Instruments

Re: setting up differential and single ended connections, multichannel scanning also

2004-03-21 Thread St Augustine
i understand what your telling me. thanks alot marcus. All the signals
sources that i am inputting to the board are grounded. There is no
floating signals.I know how to set up the differential channel.What i
want to know is  for the single ended input, do i still need to
connect AISENSE to GND. If i do this externally, doesnt this mean that
the negative differential input would become shorted?

Re: setting up differential and single ended connections, multichannel scanning also

2004-03-21 Thread Marcus G
If your signal source is grounded, and you are in non-referenced
single ended mode, then you don't need to connect AISENSE to AIGND.
This is explained further in the user manual for the 6014:

Marcus G.
National Instruments