Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-05-05 Thread Tom Van Baak
> The tabulations of the times of emission of radio broadcasts of UTC
> were given in units of, and with an accuracy of 0.0001 s; i.e., 100
> microseconds.
> The tabulations of the intercomparisons between the time scales in
> those laboratories are given with decimals to 0.1 microsecond, or 100
> nanoseconds.
>> I don't believe 3 ns is significant for any time stamp from that
>> era.

Steve and Paul,

To further add perspective to 1960's timescales, read these wonderful papers:

Correlating Time from Europe to Asia with Flying Clocks

World-Wide Time Synchronization, 1966

'Flying Clock' Comparisons Extended to East Europe, Africa and Australia

The articles should give you a better feel for what timekeeping, clocks, and 
timescales are. Does your C# code incorporate the notion of error bars? If your 
users are scientific, perhaps they need to know how uncertain timescale 
conversions are.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-05-05 Thread Steve Allen
On Tue 2015-05-05T15:32:30 -0700, Paul Hirose hath writ:
> The rubber time era can be tricky. I just finished a major rewrite
> of my UTC implementation in the C# language. The goal was improved
> accuracy before 1972. Although the old version passed all my tests
> at 1 microsecond accuracy, it began failing when I tightened the
> error tolerance to 1 nanosecond.

And it should fail, and you should not be concerned.

I am looking at the BIH Circular D63 from the end of 1971/beginning of
1972 which tabulated the time from laboratories around the world (that
particular issue being the one that saw the transition from rubber
seconds to SI seconds).

The tabulations of the times of emission of radio broadcasts of UTC
were given in units of, and with an accuracy of 0.0001 s; i.e., 100

The tabulations of the intercomparisons between the time scales in
those laboratories are given with decimals to 0.1 microsecond, or 100

> I don't believe 3 ns is significant for any time stamp from that
> era.

Right.  There is no record of the available time scales that can
say anything about the time differences at that level.

Steve AllenWGS-84 (GPS)
UCO/Lick Observatory--ISB   Natural Sciences II, Room 165   Lat  +36.99855
1156 High StreetVoice: +1 831 459 3046  Lng -122.06015
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 +250 m
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-05-05 Thread Paul Hirose

On 2015-03-06 18:02, Harlan Stenn wrote:

When we get a bit more down the road with NTF's General Timestamp API,
I'd appreciate your taking a look at what we're doing and helping out in
any way you are up for.  One of the issues that will need more attention
is pre-1972 stuff.

The rubber time era can be tricky. I just finished a major rewrite of my 
UTC implementation in the C# language. The goal was improved accuracy 
before 1972. Although the old version passed all my tests at 1 
microsecond accuracy, it began failing when I tightened the error 
tolerance to 1 nanosecond.

A couple adjacent lines from the USNO table show the problem:

1966 JAN  1 =JD 2439126.5  TAI-UTC=   4.3131700 S + (MJD - 39126.) X 
0.002592 S
1968 FEB  1 =JD 2439887.5  TAI-UTC=   4.2131700 S + (MJD - 39126.) X 
0.002592 S

The last instant of the first line is 1968 Jan 31 23:59:59.9, since a 
step adjustment shortens the last minute. The first instant of the 
second line is 1968 Feb 1 00:00:00. These UTC epochs are equivalent and 
should convert to the same TAI.

But if you do the math, the second line yields a TAI 3 ns after the 
first line. In other words, there's a 3 ns slice of TAI with no UTC 

The reason is the rate correction, which in both lines is (MJD - 39126.) 
* 0.002592 s, where MJD is UTC in the form of a modified Julian date. In 
the first line the expression in parentheses yields a true amount of 
rubber time since the base epoch MJD 39126.

In the second line that's not the case. Due to the step adjustment, 
subtracting 39126 from UTC yields a value .1 s greater than the actual 
elapsed time. That's about 1.16e-6 days. Multiply by the .002592 s/day 
that TAI gains on UTC, and you get the 3 ns discrepancy.

I don't believe 3 ns is significant for any time stamp from that era. 
Anyway, the number of decimal places in the USNO table (4.3131700 etc.) 
implies accuracy to only 100 ns. However, my implementation is capable 
of time scale conversions accurate to 1 ns with a comfortable margin. I 
wanted to realize that potential.

The solution was to leave the step adjustments as-is and make subtle 
adjustments to the rates. This was more difficult than I expected. The 
user is responsible for loading the USNO text file at run time, so none 
of the work can be done in advance. Moreover, my implementation is 
designed to support experimental modifications to the UTC table, even 
wild stuff like re-introduction of rate offsets. Thus nothing can be 

My solution is to make one pass through the USNO file to construct a 
preliminary table. Then a pass through the table puts in the step 
adjustments, which are implied by the USNO data but not listed. A final 
pass makes the rate adjustments. At the user's option the last can be 
omitted for a literal version of the USNO table. It was a lot a trouble 
to get there, but I'm now accurate to a nanosecond.

You probably won't get that crazy, but testing for discontinuity as you 
cross from one table entry to the next is still a must. That's 
especially true pre-72, where it's easy to make a mistake. One of my 
tests is to compute TAI for two epochs one microsecond either side of 
the boundary between table entries. For instance, for the lines I 
included above, I'd begin with UTC epochs 1968 Jan 31 23:59:59.9 - 1 us, 
and Feb 1 00:00:00 + 1 us. Convert both UTCs to TAI, and verify the TAIs 
differ by 2 us.

(Formally, the correct value isn't exactly 2 us due to the rate 
difference between TAI and UTC. But that's insignificant over such a 
short span.)

Also, you should convert both TAIs back to UTC and verify accurate round 

It might seem that you could begin with UTC epochs Jan 31 23:59:59.9 and 
Feb 1 00:00:00, convert to TAI, and verify zero difference (within a 
given tolerance). The problem is that both TAIs can map to the same 
table entry when you round trip them to UTC, and so the other entry 
doesn't get tested as expected. (In my implementation each entry does 
both UTC -> TAI and the reverse.)

Of course an accurate round trip UTC -> TAI -> UTC doesn't prove TAI is 
correct. You have to check that separately.

I don't take any position on whether or not pre-72 is really UTC. 
However, both IERS and USNO seem to recognize it as such, so I assume 
users of my software may expect that as well.

Similar decisions will face programmers if leap seconds are discontinued 
but the time scale keeps the same name. If you subsequently release a 
software package that converts between UTC and other scales, you'll have 
to decide whether or not to support the leap second era.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-13 Thread Richard Clark

How fare back before 1972 do you want to go?

Before leap seconds, before TT, TDT, TAI. Entangled in the roots of
ET and Delta-T...

Back in the 70s and 80s there was considerable effort at JPL to improve
the models of orbital motion of the Galilean satelltes of Jupiter. The
existing theory, dating back to ~1915, was marginal for the pointing needs
of the high resolution cameras on Voyager and especially the more
demanding needs of the planned Galileo mission.

Among the data sources for developing and testing the new orbital models
were historical observations of satellite eclipses. Useable records of
several thousand historical observations going back as far as the mid
1600's have been recovered. But making use of these posed quite a problem
in converting the reported times to a modern form. Depending on the
source, the times might be expressed in apparent time, mean time, or
sidereal time.

Nothing specific to leap seconds here, just a little perspective for
thinking about the measurement and representation of time.

And for Tom van Baak--

About a month ago you relayed a question about computing the Equation of
Time to high accuracy. I mentioned that in the context of precision
ephemerides the EoT would be obtainable but usually would not be a
quantity of primary interest. Expanding an expression for EoT to higher
accuracy generally wasn't done. (of course that's not how I said it but
it's what I wanted to get across.) There is a proliferation of small cross
terms (not so much a slowness of convergence as I stated), and also below
the ~5 second level you start needing to consider the rate of change in
eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, apsidal and nodal precession, etc.
You need to reevaluate the coefficients of the angular terms, and the
angle offsets every decade or so.

Well, one of the papers that came out of this work at JPL shows a

Lieske, Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series #63 (1986) pp 143-202
"A Collection of Galilean Satellite Eclipse Observations, 1652-1983"
Sections 3 & 4 discuss reduction of observed times to 'UT'. Used EoT,
delta-T, and mentions uncertainties in delta-T due to uncertainty in Lunar

Smart, "Textbook on Spherical Astronomy" shows how the EoT expansion
is developed.

Tucson, AZ

On Thu, 12 Mar 2015, Tom Van Baak wrote:

I do a lot of timekeeping here, old and new. What time_t looked like 
before 1972 is not a problem. Yes, civil timekeeping (before or after 
1972) is an interest to me. But all the older stuff arrives in the form 
of faded paper, or JPG photos, or TXT files. I would never think of 
trying to encode that into some 32 or 64 bit binary format.

LEAPSECS mailing list

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-13 Thread Steve Allen
On Fri 2015-03-13T07:29:40 +, Poul-Henning Kamp hath writ:
> But more importantly, when we get to the point were we are arguing
> over the meaning of common well known words we might as well stop it.

That's kindof funny because two weeks from now in Geneva at the
CPM15-2 meeting for Agenda Item 1.14 there are going to be a whole
bunch of delegations arguing over the meaning of "calendar day"
with some insisting that it is related to the rotation of the earth
and others denying the validity of the question.

Steve Allen WGS-84 (GPS)
UCO/Lick Observatory--ISB   Natural Sciences II, Room 165Lat  +36.99855
1156 High StreetVoice: +1 831 459 3046   Lng -122.06015
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Hgt +250 m
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-13 Thread Joseph Gwinn
On Thu, 12 Mar 2015 18:50:56 -0700, Tom Van Baak wrote:
> I didn't think that NTP or POSIX or PTP is what we'd call a timescale. 

As discussed in other responses, a timescale requires only three 
things, a definition of zero time (or a specified time), a definition 
of the "second" (or some other time duration unit), and a progression 
rule.  That's it.

By this definition, all three (NTP, POSIX, PTP) define private 
timescales for their own internal use, and translate to and from 
external timescales as needed.

> NTP is a UTC synchronization algorithm. 

NTP is a synchronization algorithm for sure, but NTP is not limited to 
UTC, even though the RFCs speak of UTC.  Lots of people use NTP to 
distribute GPS System Time, and I bet that there are people now using 
NTP to distribute TAI.

> UT0 is a measurement. UT1 is a timescale. TAI is a timescale. UTC is a 

UT0 *is* a timescale, one that is tied to a specific astronomical 
observatory.  Multiple UT0 timescales are combined to yield UT1, and 
UTC is derived from UT1.

Joe Gwinn
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-13 Thread Brooks Harris

Hi Tom,

On 2015-03-12 09:50 PM, Tom Van Baak wrote:

Brooks wrote:

Many timekeeping systems seem to be designed for only indicating "now"
counting forward, including NTP, POSIX, and PTP, taking short-cuts to
avoid supplying full Leap Second and local-time metadata.

Warner wrote:

A clock doesn’t need to know its past. But a time scale is more than just how
many seconds the current minute will have. It has a history and to compute
elapsed time in that time scale, you need to know its history.

Ok, thanks. So there's a terminology issue among Brooks' "timekeeping system", Tom's 
"clock", and Warner's "timescale".
Oh yes, there sure are terminology issues all over the place. Its a 
frustration of mine - expert debate endlessly about details to finally 
discover they're talking about the same things in different term. 
Timekeeping is old, there's lots of terms. Keeping thing clear is a 

I didn't think that NTP or POSIX or PTP is what we'd call a timescale.

I do, I think.

I think of a timescale as having -
A) Some unit measure of time. Typically seconds, but could be some other 
convenient division of time.
B) Some origin or "epoch" - a "starting point" for counting, might be 
signed or unsigned.
C) Some "counting method" - as simple as uninterrupted incrementing 
count, or more complex like Gregorian for example

"Counting method" deserves more explanation. I use the term to encompass 
a couple concepts. A "counting method" could be a simple integer number 
counting scheme (0,1,2,3,...) or generate a more complex encoding like 
"1972-01-01T00:00:00". We've come to use the term "time related label" - 
a lable being an 'identifier' assigned to some particular item in a 
sequence of time-related units.

A "time related label" may be generated by the rules of *pure* Gregorian 
calendar counting method -


Or Gregorian calendar modified by UTC Leap Seconds counting method -


These might be represented as "broken down time" ie: YY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss 

There may be a corresponding absolute integer value for these seconds, 
like time_t. Here the "counting method" is a zero-based uninterrupted 
incrementing count, and each number is a "time related label" of each 

Put another way, the "counting method" is the algorithm by which the 
time value is encoded as a time related label.

NTP is a UTC synchronization algorithm.

Hmmm. Well, yes, I suppose. Hadn't thought of it that way.

If Leap Seconds are properly applied to it it effectively becomes many 
independent timescales because the epoch slips with respect to 
1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC) with each Leap Second.

I think I'd say its an algorithm that synchronizes Gregorian calendar 
date and time representations with UTC. Of course its obviously flawed 
where the 23:59:60 count is concerned.

UT0 is a measurement.


UT1 is a timescale.


  TAI is a timescale.
Yes - a timescale with a simple counting method - an uninterrupted 
incrementing count of  seconds

  UTC is a timescale.
Yes - a timescale with a complex, irregular, and partly unpredictable 
counting method.

There are clock ensemble algorithms. There are time transfer methods. There are 
time encoding conventions. There are time API's in languages, libraries, or 
operating systems.
Sure, and its important to keep the divisions between what we're talking 
about clear.

WWVB is not a timescale. It is a time (and frequency) transfer service for 
Yes, with a protocol for communicating the current UTC value along the 
UTC timescale.

GPS is not a timescale. It is a navigation positioning (and time transfer) 
service based on UTC(USNO).
Hmm. Right, well, GPS time is a timescale - time measure in seconds, 
epoch at 1980-01-06T00:00:00Z (UTC), counting method of uninterrupted 
weeks. While its epoch is referenced to UTC, its (primary) counting 
method is "TAI-like" - uninterrupted regular count. It is GPS time on 
the GPS timescale that is 'transferred', no?

I'm not trying to pick a fight here. Just trying to seek clarification.
Thanks. I appreciate a productive conversation. The lexicon is always at 
the root of the misunderstandings. This is critical when gets to 
standards documents It has to be as clear and commonly understood as 
possible and agreed on. That's part of the difficulty with UTC, other 
timescales, and the whole subject of "time" - the documents are often 
written is very different terms making understanding and comparisons 

I guess I still don't understand what Brooks is trying to "sell", or why full 
historical phase or frequency records are any part of timekeeping, or time transfer.
To calculate accurate time intervals (durations) and/or elapsed times.  
How many seconds between 1972-06-30T23:59:59Z (UTC) and 
1972-07-01T00:00:00Z (UTC)? *Two*. But to know that you need to know a 
positive Leap Second occured at 1972-06-30T

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-13 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp

> I didn't think that NTP or POSIX or PTP is what we'd call a
> timescale. NTP is a UTC synchronization algorithm.

If we give the subword "scale" its usual meaning, then NTP is a
(also) a timescale:  It carefully defines the scale on which it is
going to synchronize computer clocks, in particular it defines the
measurement unit on this scale to be 2^-32 SI second and the handling
of epoch roll-overs (every 2^32 SI seconds).

But more importantly, when we get to the point were we are arguing
over the meaning of common well known words we might as well stop it.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20 | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-12 Thread Tom Van Baak
Brooks wrote:
>> Many timekeeping systems seem to be designed for only indicating "now"
>> counting forward, including NTP, POSIX, and PTP, taking short-cuts to
>> avoid supplying full Leap Second and local-time metadata.

Warner wrote:
> A clock doesn’t need to know its past. But a time scale is more than just how
> many seconds the current minute will have. It has a history and to compute
> elapsed time in that time scale, you need to know its history.

Ok, thanks. So there's a terminology issue among Brooks' "timekeeping system", 
Tom's "clock", and Warner's "timescale".

I didn't think that NTP or POSIX or PTP is what we'd call a timescale. NTP is a 
UTC synchronization algorithm. UT0 is a measurement. UT1 is a timescale. TAI is 
a timescale. UTC is a timescale. There are clock ensemble algorithms. There are 
time transfer methods. There are time encoding conventions. There are time 
API's in languages, libraries, or operating systems.

WWVB is not a timescale. It is a time (and frequency) transfer service for 
UTC(NIST). GPS is not a timescale. It is a navigation positioning (and time 
transfer) service based on UTC(USNO).

I'm not trying to pick a fight here. Just trying to seek clarification. I guess 
I still don't understand what Brooks is trying to "sell", or why full 
historical phase or frequency records are any part of timekeeping, or time 

Put it another way -- Brooks, what information could WWVB or GPS (GNSS) further 
provide to satisfy your clientele? Must you rely on hardcopy historical journal 
articles, on-air data, or web-based tables to satisfy your timekeeping 

I do a lot of timekeeping here, old and new. What time_t looked like before 
1972 is not a problem. Yes, civil timekeeping (before or after 1972) is an 
interest to me. But all the older stuff arrives in the form of faded paper, or 
JPG photos, or TXT files. I would never think of trying to encode that into 
some 32 or 64 bit binary format.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-12 Thread Brooks Harris

Hi Tom,

On 2015-03-12 02:57 AM, Tom Van Baak wrote:


A couple more comments on your questions.

Many timekeeping systems seem to be designed for only indicating "now"
counting forward, including NTP, POSIX, and PTP, taking short-cuts to
avoid supplying full Leap Second and local-time metadata.

I'm not clear why you call that a "short-cut". It's just how clocks works.
Right, that's how a traditional clock works but that's fundamentally 
inadequate when the UTC counting methods are in use. What I meant by 
"short-cut" is that the UTC metadata (Leap Second announce and table) 
are generally not provided or accounted for. NTP and POSIX drop the 
23:59:60 count. They work like a traditional clock, not like a "UTC clock".

They tick forward and there is no requirement that they keep a record of time 
in the past.
Right, Thats' the traditional concept of a clock. But we very much need 
to calculate durations - "how long ago did an event happen?", "how long 
was it between event A and event B?", "when is event A scheduled to occur?"

Traditionally, days were 86400 long, so calculating durations was 
simple. Days are 86400 long in NTP and POSIX, so calculating durations 
is simple BUT it doesn't match UTC! How many seconds between 
1972-06-30T23:59:59Z (UTC) and 1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC)? Two, not one, 
because in NTP and POSIX 1972-06-30T23:59:60Z (UTC) went missing.

Furthermore, any clock keeping UTC has no need for local time metadata. So you 
should not lump the tz mess into the simplicity of keeping UTC.

Right, well, typically the objective is to indicate "local civil time". 
Only those jurisdictions at -00:00 offset from the UTC can use UTC, and 
even then might observe Daylight. Humans care about "local civil time" - 
only the timekeepers care about UTC who use it as the reference 
timescale from which "local civil time" is derived. Yes, of course, the 
whole topic of the tz mess is dragged into the calculation, which is 
outside of UTC timekeeping discussion proper, but still required for 
practical purpose of indicating "local civil time" and coordinating 
activities by those time representations.

The only thing a UTC clock requires is advanced notice of the length of the 
current minute.
In principle the announce could be even faster than that to keep 
counting forward, but to schedule an event in the future you need either 
the next upcoming Leap Second or how long in the future *we are sure* 
there will not be a Leap Second.

This is required by no later than second 58 in the minute.


But for practical reasons a UTC clock typically gets more notice than that, as 
you know.

The more notice you have, the further in the future you can confidently 
schedule, or predict.

Currently the announcements are essentially done by humans. ITU-R Rec 
460 says "The IERS should decide upon and announce the introduction of a 
leap-second, such an announcement to be made at least eight weeks in 
advance". That gives the humans at IERS time to create and publish 
Bulletin C and presumably all the timekeeper humans enough time to 
implement the upcoming Leap Second into their time servers or protocols.

IERS has done this "at least eight weeks in advance". The most recent 
Bulletin C was issued nearly six months in advance. Note, however, its 
not clear *exactly when* it was issued. I became aware of it like on Jan 
2, but you'd really like to know *exactly* when it was issued.

Of course you'd really like to have this notification *automatically* 
issued and taken up by all time servers, protocols, and applications 

I've never
been able to understand why that practice persists despite the obvious
need to be able to fully represent the entire post-1972 UTC timescale.
The policy and forms of the announce signals and Leap Seconds table are
obvious missing links, and its regrettable no official attempt has been
made since 1972 to rectify those inadequacies.

I don't know what you mean by represent the entire post-1972 timescale. Or why such a 
need is "obvious".

As Warner said in another LEAPSEECS post -

"A clock doesn’t need to know its past. But a time scale is more than 
just how many seconds the current minute will have. It has a history and 
to compute elapsed time in that time scale, you need to know its history."

You don't have a definition of what your clock means if you don't have a 
specification of the timescale its representing. For the UTC timescale 
you need the Leap Second metadata - all of it.

A clock does not need to represent the infinite past, present, and future of a 
timescale. In the case of UTC the near future is unknowable anyway. The present 
is the requirement. And the past may or may not be a requirement depending on 
the user. Certainly a stand-alone RTC or time code generator or data logger or 
cesium clock keeping UTC does not need to know the past. So a historical table 
is not important. Only the leap second notification is needed.

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-12 Thread Warner Losh

> On Mar 12, 2015, at 3:57 PM, Tom Van Baak  wrote:
> Brooks,
> A couple more comments on your questions.
>> Many timekeeping systems seem to be designed for only indicating "now"
>> counting forward, including NTP, POSIX, and PTP, taking short-cuts to
>> avoid supplying full Leap Second and local-time metadata.
> I'm not clear why you call that a "short-cut". It's just how clocks works. 
> They tick forward and there is no requirement that they keep a record of time 
> in the past. Furthermore, any clock keeping UTC has no need for local time 
> metadata. So you should not lump the tz mess into the simplicity of keeping 
> UTC.
> The only thing a UTC clock requires is advanced notice of the length of the 
> current minute. This is required by no later than second 58 in the minute. 
> But for practical reasons a UTC clock typically gets more notice than that, 
> as you know.
>> I've never
>> been able to understand why that practice persists despite the obvious
>> need to be able to fully represent the entire post-1972 UTC timescale.
>> The policy and forms of the announce signals and Leap Seconds table are
>> obvious missing links, and its regrettable no official attempt has been
>> made since 1972 to rectify those inadequacies.
> I don't know what you mean by represent the entire post-1972 timescale. Or 
> why such a need is "obvious".
> A clock does not need to represent the infinite past, present, and future of 
> a timescale. In the case of UTC the near future is unknowable anyway. The 
> present is the requirement. And the past may or may not be a requirement 
> depending on the user. Certainly a stand-alone RTC or time code generator or 
> data logger or cesium clock keeping UTC does not need to know the past. So a 
> historical table is not important. Only the leap second notification is 
> needed.
> That's why the time codes you see broadcast, like WWVB or GPS only include a 
> leap second notification and not a full table.
> By the way, the downside of WWVB's format is that it is not possible to 
> obtain TAI. With GPS, at least, TAI is not only possible but easier and more 
> reliable than UTC.

A clock doesn’t need to know its past. But a time scale is more than just how 
many seconds the current minute will have. It has a history and to compute 
elapsed time in that time scale, you need to know its history.


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LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-11 Thread Tom Van Baak

A couple more comments on your questions.

> Many timekeeping systems seem to be designed for only indicating "now" 
> counting forward, including NTP, POSIX, and PTP, taking short-cuts to 
> avoid supplying full Leap Second and local-time metadata.

I'm not clear why you call that a "short-cut". It's just how clocks works. They 
tick forward and there is no requirement that they keep a record of time in the 
past. Furthermore, any clock keeping UTC has no need for local time metadata. 
So you should not lump the tz mess into the simplicity of keeping UTC.

The only thing a UTC clock requires is advanced notice of the length of the 
current minute. This is required by no later than second 58 in the minute. But 
for practical reasons a UTC clock typically gets more notice than that, as you 

> I've never 
> been able to understand why that practice persists despite the obvious 
> need to be able to fully represent the entire post-1972 UTC timescale.
> The policy and forms of the announce signals and Leap Seconds table are 
> obvious missing links, and its regrettable no official attempt has been 
> made since 1972 to rectify those inadequacies.

I don't know what you mean by represent the entire post-1972 timescale. Or why 
such a need is "obvious".

A clock does not need to represent the infinite past, present, and future of a 
timescale. In the case of UTC the near future is unknowable anyway. The present 
is the requirement. And the past may or may not be a requirement depending on 
the user. Certainly a stand-alone RTC or time code generator or data logger or 
cesium clock keeping UTC does not need to know the past. So a historical table 
is not important. Only the leap second notification is needed.

That's why the time codes you see broadcast, like WWVB or GPS only include a 
leap second notification and not a full table.

By the way, the downside of WWVB's format is that it is not possible to obtain 
TAI. With GPS, at least, TAI is not only possible but easier and more reliable 
than UTC.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-09 Thread Brooks Harris

On 2015-03-09 02:10 PM, Tom Van Baak wrote:

leap59 and leap61 are Leap Second announce signals, set 12 hours prior
to the insert. There has been discussion about when the official
announcements and expiration should be announced. ITU Rec 460 says
" least eight weeks in advance". PTP can't do that, a point to keep
in mind.

Hi Tom,

You've got to be kidding. Who on earth decided on only 12 hours notice?
IEEE 1588, I guess. Remember, 1588/PTP is intended primarily for 
synchronization via "TAI-like" PTP Time over LAN networks. It requires 
special switches supporting the various "Profiles" to have it work 
correctly with high resolution. It can carry UTC metadata but it looks 
all the world to me to have been a secondary consideration in the 
design. You've seen some of my comments about how I think it's 
definition of its epoch is flawed or misleading.

And 8 weeks is wrong too, for a different reason.
That's in the primary document ITU-R Rec 460 we generally base part of 
our "UTC specification" knowledge on, and the very document at the heart 
of the "kill Leap Seconds" discussion. It says - "The IERS should decide 
upon and announce the introduction of a leap-second, such an 
announcement to be made at least eight weeks in advance.". This they 
generally do as far as I know, as Bulletin C. I've never been able to 
locate any official IERS policy that defines any schedule or rules about 
when they will in fact issue Bulletin C.

You can have 8 weeks of notice (or 6 months or 100 weeks) as long as you are 
given the actual future date of the leap second, as is done with GPS. You can 
get away with single warning bits too, as long as they apply to current month 
only, as is done with WWVB. Both of these are models on how to send out leap 
second notifications correctly.
Ah, well, "correctly" I guess - they can "work", but their promised 
schedule is not the *same*.

But allowing 8 weeks without a way to know which month it will occur in is 
wrong. For bit-only leap second warnings 4 weeks is the limit.
Many timekeeping systems seem to be designed for only indicating "now" 
counting forward, including NTP, POSIX, and PTP, taking short-cuts to 
avoid supplying full Leap Second and local-time metadata. I've never 
been able to understand why that practice persists despite the obvious 
need to be able to fully represent the entire post-1972 UTC timescale. 
The policy and forms of the announce signals and Leap Seconds table are 
obvious missing links, and its regrettable no official attempt has been 
made since 1972 to rectify those inadequacies.

I think ITU-R will have no choice but to stay with current policies 
because UTC with Leap Seconds is now too deeply embedded in timekeeping 
legacy and can't realistically be excised. Their decision would be 
easier if some credible proposal(s) had emerged, and its too bad the 
"kill Leap Seconds" argument has diverted all attention and resources 
from any effort to fix the situation. But I'd bet its still going to be 



LEAPSECS mailing list

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-09 Thread Tom Van Baak
> leap59 and leap61 are Leap Second announce signals, set 12 hours prior 
> to the insert. There has been discussion about when the official 
> announcements and expiration should be announced. ITU Rec 460 says 
> " least eight weeks in advance". PTP can't do that, a point to keep 
> in mind.

You've got to be kidding. Who on earth decided on only 12 hours notice? And 8 
weeks is wrong too, for a different reason.

You can have 8 weeks of notice (or 6 months or 100 weeks) as long as you are 
given the actual future date of the leap second, as is done with GPS. You can 
get away with single warning bits too, as long as they apply to current month 
only, as is done with WWVB. Both of these are models on how to send out leap 
second notifications correctly. But allowing 8 weeks without a way to know 
which month it will occur in is wrong. For bit-only leap second warnings 4 
weeks is the limit.


LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-09 Thread Brooks Harris

On 2015-03-09 08:40 AM, Tony Finch wrote:

Brooks Harris  wrote:

On 2015-03-07 03:01 PM, Steve Allen wrote:

I would say that the intent NTP and POSIX is to correspond to civil
time in contemporary use.  Therefore, for dates before 1972-01-01
NTP and POSIX are counting seconds of UT.

This paragraph in your email had me scratching my head a little.

I think none of the "civil" timescales are counting in UT - they are
measured in SI Seconds, even when prolpetic to 1972.

Am I missing something here?

POSIX time is defined by a mapping from broken-down civil time labels to a
scalar value. Currently civil time is UTC; in the past it was some other
variant of UT.

Hi Tony,

So "UT" here is referring generally to the many variants of historical 
"UT", including today's UTC. I see. Thanks.



LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-09 Thread Tony Finch
Brooks Harris  wrote:
> On 2015-03-07 03:01 PM, Steve Allen wrote:
> > I would say that the intent NTP and POSIX is to correspond to civil
> > time in contemporary use.  Therefore, for dates before 1972-01-01
> > NTP and POSIX are counting seconds of UT.
> This paragraph in your email had me scratching my head a little.
> I think none of the "civil" timescales are counting in UT - they are
> measured in SI Seconds, even when prolpetic to 1972.
> Am I missing something here?

POSIX time is defined by a mapping from broken-down civil time labels to a
scalar value. Currently civil time is UTC; in the past it was some other
variant of UT.

Southeast Biscay, Southeast Fitzroy: Variable 4. Rough. Fair. Good.
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-08 Thread Brooks Harris

On 2015-03-08 05:00 PM, Warner Losh wrote:

On Mar 8, 2015, at 10:24 AM, Brooks Harris  wrote:
I think the only way the industry can eventually converge on reliable "civil time" representation 
is to refine the underlying time mechanisms in POSIX in some manner that allows a migration to a more 
comprehensive UTC implementation. I think if a new new POSIX time specification were to take shape it would 
add an option to the the conversation at ITU-R - instead of simply "to kill Leap Seconds or not" 
they'd also have "a viable migration path to comprehensive UTC timekeeping implementation" to 

I think you vastly underestimate the amount of effort this change would entail.

Hi Warner,

Its a world-wide societal problem. I think it would take at least a 
decade for a good specification to find its way into all main stream 
systems and applications, and that's after it was agreed upon. I'd say 
it can't be done, which I don't think that is underestimating it. But 
never say never.

We'd trade
an off by 1 second every other year problem for an off by 36s problem in many 

Even if we left time_t as a legacy thing,
I think you have to to provide reverse compatibility for an extended 
transition period. I mean an *extended* transition period, like, until 
all vestiges of the legacy implementations go offline. Even then, there 
will be boat loads of archival timestamps created by the legacy systems.

and defined a whole new set of interfaces that
did things pedantically correct,

I think that's what's required.

that's a lot of effort to code and adopt.

Oh, lots and lots and lots :-)

And there's almost
no economic incentive to drive the change.

I'm not sure that's true. The "dangers" of incorrect time stamps are 
recognised in many quarters, not the least in financial and high-speed 
trading. The possible catastrophic system failures are exactly where the 
whole "kill Leap Seconds" thing comes from, where Google and others have 
spent boat loads of energy and money to paper over the risk with Google 
Smear. It seems to me like any and all players in the computer industry 
would significantly benefit from real precision timekeeping. All 
industries, jurisdictions, and citizens everywhere would benefit too.

Tons of money was spent on the "Y2K" problem. The "Leap Second" problem 
is more subtle, but similar, and ubiquitous. There is not yet any 
panicked demand for it, but there is building recognition of the issue. 
The resources might still be mustered, especially behind a coherent and 
credible design and plan.

You'd need to change the "It's just a second, who cares?" attitude before 
progress can be made in getting leap seconds right.

There are an awful lot of people that recognize the problem and do care. 
Will it coalesce into a movement? Only if a good plan emerges from 
somewhere. Right now everybody just runs for cover...



LEAPSECS mailing list

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-08 Thread Warner Losh

> On Mar 8, 2015, at 10:24 AM, Brooks Harris  wrote:
> I think the only way the industry can eventually converge on reliable "civil 
> time" representation is to refine the underlying time mechanisms in POSIX in 
> some manner that allows a migration to a more comprehensive UTC 
> implementation. I think if a new new POSIX time specification were to take 
> shape it would add an option to the the conversation at ITU-R - instead of 
> simply "to kill Leap Seconds or not" they'd also have "a viable migration 
> path to comprehensive UTC timekeeping implementation" to consider.

I think you vastly underestimate the amount of effort this change would entail. 
We’d trade
an off by 1 second every other year problem for an off by 36s problem in many 

Even if we left time_t as a legacy thing, and defined a whole new set of 
interfaces that
did things pedantically correct, that’s a lot of effort to code and adopt. And 
there’s almost
no economic incentive to drive the change.

You’d need to change the “It’s just a second, who cares?” attitude before 
progress can be made in getting leap seconds right.


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LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-08 Thread Warner Losh

> On Mar 7, 2015, at 4:50 PM, Joseph Gwinn  wrote:
> On Sat, 07 Mar 2015 14:14:07 -0500, Brooks Harris wrote:
>> Hi Gerard,
>> On 2015-03-07 12:04 PM, G Ashton wrote:
>>> Brooks Harris wrote on Saturday, March 7, 2015 11:50 :
>>> .
>>> .
>>> "The challenge I'm trying to solve is to provide a deterministic
>>> timekeeping
>>> and labeling scheme for date and time *after* 1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC) =
>>> 1972-01-01T00:00:10 (TAI). This is essentially the purpose of "civil time"
>>> timekeeping as is typically intendedThe timescale before 1972 is an
>>> abstract proleptic Gregorian calendar scale for purposes of calculation
>>> convenience. On this scale, like NTP, PTP, and POSIX, any date-time before
>>> 1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC) is considered either inaccurate or invalid."
>>> Civil timekeeping is concerned with many things, including determining when
>>> one date ends and another begins. Thus civil timekeeping is inextricably
>>> linked to civil calendars. Although the time of day of past events become
>>> less and less important as the decades pass, the date of those
>>> events remain
>>> important. Since some computer applications routinely attempt, in their
>>> clumsy way, to account for timezones, timekeeping is potentially important
>>> for the computer representation of timestamps, even when the humans using
>>> the computer are only interested in the date. Of course, dates long before
>>> 1972 are of interest in civil matters; dates of birth immediately come to
>>> mind.
>> I agree.
>>> So when Brooks Harris presents his API to his stakeholders, I think a
>>> more thorough explanation of why date-time expressions before 1972
>>> will be "
>>> considered either inaccurate or invalid" will be needed.
>> It is typically warned that date and time before 1972 cannot be
>> accurately represented with NTP or POSIX, for examples. These
>> timescale's origins precede 1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC) =
>> 1972-01-01T00:00:10 (TAI) and seek to represent date-time counting
>> *forward*. They give no consideration to date-time accuracy before
>> 1972, but operate on proleptic scales convenient for computation.
>> This is generally true with widely available timekeeping services on
>> OSs, systems, languages, and many typical applications because so
>> many of them implement mechanisms based on the heritage of the POSIX
>> timekeeping mechanisms, complete with its flaws with respect to
>> representing UTC and Leap Seconds.
>> In the discussions I've been involved with many people argued
>> strenuously "we don't care about the past, only accurate date-time
>> going forward!". The reason I'm choosing to ignore the subject of
>> accurate date-times before 1972 is not that its not important, but
>> probably the same reason its side-stepped by NTP, PTP, POSIX, and GPS
>> - its just too expansive a topic to tackle in some commonly accepted
>> way. For date-time before 1972 you've got to switch to some other
>> timescale depending on the purpose at hand.
> I figured it out the difference between GMD and UTC for POSIX.  There
> was an 81 microsecond error,  At the time, most UNIX boxes kept time to
> the nearest second, synchronized to a hairy wrist.  There were advanced
> systems that could do milliseconds, and in the 1980s a few that had
> microsecond resolution, but we chained them to GPS via NTP, so the
> error was multiple milliseconds, depending on everything.

Keep in mind that time-stamps come from things other than computers. So while
this is an interesting footnote, it doesn’t describe the set of all timestamps. 
a general purpose API, it has to encompass more than what a computer was
capable of in the 70’s.


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LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-08 Thread Brooks Harris

On 2015-03-08 01:09 PM, Zefram wrote:

Brooks Harris wrote:

It seems to me NTP and POSIX as well as other timescales concerned
with "civil time", are essentially disconnected from "reality",
expressing "idealized" measurement scales.

That's very much what they're not.  TT is idealised, and TAI less so.

I meant "idealized" in the sense of convenient counting methods. They 
are not accurate in any respect before 1972. If it were up to me I'd 
just abolish legacy timescales and force everybody to use UTC. That's 
not gonna happen, we obviously must accommodate existing systems.

think none of the "civil" timescales are counting in UT - they are
measured in SI Seconds, even when prolpetic to 1972.

NTP doesn't deal with pre-1972 time at all.  (No, the nominal epoch
doesn't count.)
Right. You can, if you like, generate a date and time from a given 
seconds offset from NTPs' prime epoch era 0. Its inaccuracy with respect 
to some other pre-1972 timescale you wanted to compare it to could be 
calculated. That might be useful for some purpose, but its not the 

POSIX time_t notionally can represent pre-1972 times, but in practice no
Unix system of that era was synchronised to UTC.
We're not caring about what systems did then. We're caring about what 
they do now and in the future.

Any use of time_t for
precise pre-1972 time is heavily retrospective, and the interpretation
is more governed by the application than by the POSIX standard.


pre-1972 Unix time_t values heavily predate the POSIX standard, and their
interpretation has little to do with UTC.  They are understood to be vague
UT with usually very poor synchronisation (via the operator's wristwatch).

Right. So what?

Actual civil time, as used in the real world, was rarely precise pre-1972,
certainly not much to do with SI seconds.  Historically civil time has,
over the long term and with large short-term excursions, been synchronised
to the solar day, so effectively to UT.

And that's what we'd hope to make more clear, explicit, and reliable in 
the future. The past is past. What can we do now?

I understand the proper SI second sprung into existence as of 1972.

You understand incorrectly.  As with the existence of TAI (which I
discussed in my previous message), the development of the SI second
happened in stages.  We can start in 1948, with the definition of
Ephemeris Time, which is the first time we got a definition for the
second that was not derived from the solar day.  The ephemeris second is
instead defined in terms of the Earth's orbit around the Sun.  ET was
adopted by the IAU in 1952.  In 1958 the caesium second was defined,
the definition being chosen to match the value of the ephemeris second.
SI was established in 1960, and at that time adopted the ephemeris second
as the SI second.  In 1967 SI was revised to adopt the caesium second
as the SI second, and in 1997 the definition was refined to account for
blackbody radiation.

Yes yes I know.

So the value of the SI second was established in 1948; the present
definition originates in 1958 but its full present form only goes back to
1997; SI (and so the concept of "SI second") originated in 1960; and the
SI second acquired its present basic definition in 1967.  Any of these
dates could be taken as the inception of the SI second, but the only one
that could really be described as the SI second "springing into existence"
is the establishment of SI in 1960.  Nothing relevant happened in 1972.
Yes, I know. What happened in 1972 was the magic moment when TAI - 10s = 
UTC. All the complex, if interesting, history of the development of TAI 
and UTC is over the damn. Discussion of it is all down in the weeds 
until it becomes mostly locked-in in 1972.

I was responding to Steve's "UT" discussion and his comment "Before 1972 
civil time was not SI seconds".


LEAPSECS mailing list

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-08 Thread Joseph Gwinn
On Sun, 08 Mar 2015 12:24:42 -0400, Brooks Harris wrote:
> On 2015-03-07 06:50 PM, Joseph Gwinn wrote:
>> On Sat, 07 Mar 2015 14:14:07 -0500, Brooks Harris wrote:
>>> In the discussions I've been involved with many people argued
>>> strenuously "we don't care about the past, only accurate date-time
>>> going forward!". The reason I'm choosing to ignore the subject of
>>> accurate date-times before 1972 is not that its not important, but
>>> probably the same reason its side-stepped by NTP, PTP, POSIX, and GPS
>>> - its just too expansive a topic to tackle in some commonly accepted
>>> way. For date-time before 1972 you've got to switch to some other
>>> timescale depending on the purpose at hand.
>> I figured it out the difference between GMD and UTC for POSIX.  There
>> was an 81 microsecond error,  At the time, most UNIX boxes kept time to
>> the nearest second, synchronized to a hairy wrist.  There were advanced
>> systems that could do milliseconds, and in the 1980s a few that had
>> microsecond resolution, but we chained them to GPS via NTP, so the
>> error was multiple milliseconds, depending on everything.
> Hi Joe,
> I see the difficulties with UTC implementations and the questions at 
> ITU-R stemming from the historical and legacy misalignment of the 
> timekeeping mechanisms of the c language and POSIX and the UTC 
> specifications. Perhaps that's obvious. I'm not criticizing anybody 
> anywhere for this, its just the way its come about.
> I think the only way the industry can eventually converge on reliable 
> "civil time" representation is to refine the underlying time 
> mechanisms in POSIX in some manner that allows a migration to a more 
> comprehensive UTC implementation. I think if a new new POSIX time 
> specification were to take shape it would add an option to the the 
> conversation at ITU-R - instead of simply "to kill Leap Seconds or 
> not" they'd also have "a viable migration path to comprehensive UTC 
> timekeeping implementation" to consider.
> We understand the folks at POSIX have grappled with this topic in the 
> past and run into all sorts of difficulty. Given the current state of 
> affairs, do you think there's any way IEEE and POSIX could reengage 
> this topic?

The biggest problem was that the time folk couldn't stop arguing, and 
come to a solution that met all of POSIX's technical requirements.  Nor 
should the arguments be held in the POSIX committee, most of which were 
totally unable to follow the arguments.  The committee finally threw 
the time folk out into the snow and settled for minimal changes.  I did 
get the statement that each day has exactly 86,400 seconds written into 
the standard, and that although it resembled UTC is was not in fact 
UTC, to cut off the common misinterpretation that POSIX time was UTC.  
I published the email threads some time ago.  Anyway, if the time folk 
could come to agreement and present one proposal, there is a chance.

Also listed in the email threads were the requirements, and one of the 
requirements is that POSIX time had to work in a reasonable way even in 
totally isolated systems, which have no way to know about leap seconds.

Joe Gwinn
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-08 Thread Joseph Gwinn
On Sun, 8 Mar 2015 17:09:59 +, Zefram wrote:
> Brooks Harris wrote:
>> It seems to me NTP and POSIX as well as other timescales concerned
>> with "civil time", are essentially disconnected from "reality",
>> expressing "idealized" measurement scales.
> That's very much what they're not.  TT is idealised, and TAI less so.
>>  I
>> think none of the "civil" timescales are counting in UT - they are
>> measured in SI Seconds, even when prolpetic to 1972.
> NTP doesn't deal with pre-1972 time at all.  (No, the nominal epoch
> doesn't count.)
> POSIX time_t notionally can represent pre-1972 times, but in practice no
> Unix system of that era was synchronised to UTC.  Any use of time_t for
> precise pre-1972 time is heavily retrospective, and the interpretation
> is more governed by the application than by the POSIX standard.  Wild
> pre-1972 Unix time_t values heavily predate the POSIX standard, and their
> interpretation has little to do with UTC.  They are understood to be vague
> UT with usually very poor synchronisation (via the operator's wristwatch).

The actual timescale in POSIX is a found to Seconds Since the Epoch, 
and fractions thereof.  Negative values are not currently defined.

Joe Gwinn
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-08 Thread Zefram
Brooks Harris wrote:
>It seems to me NTP and POSIX as well as other timescales concerned
>with "civil time", are essentially disconnected from "reality",
>expressing "idealized" measurement scales.

That's very much what they're not.  TT is idealised, and TAI less so.

>  I
>think none of the "civil" timescales are counting in UT - they are
>measured in SI Seconds, even when prolpetic to 1972.

NTP doesn't deal with pre-1972 time at all.  (No, the nominal epoch
doesn't count.)

POSIX time_t notionally can represent pre-1972 times, but in practice no
Unix system of that era was synchronised to UTC.  Any use of time_t for
precise pre-1972 time is heavily retrospective, and the interpretation
is more governed by the application than by the POSIX standard.  Wild
pre-1972 Unix time_t values heavily predate the POSIX standard, and their
interpretation has little to do with UTC.  They are understood to be vague
UT with usually very poor synchronisation (via the operator's wristwatch).

Actual civil time, as used in the real world, was rarely precise pre-1972,
certainly not much to do with SI seconds.  Historically civil time has,
over the long term and with large short-term excursions, been synchronised
to the solar day, so effectively to UT.

>I understand the proper SI second sprung into existence as of 1972.

You understand incorrectly.  As with the existence of TAI (which I
discussed in my previous message), the development of the SI second
happened in stages.  We can start in 1948, with the definition of
Ephemeris Time, which is the first time we got a definition for the
second that was not derived from the solar day.  The ephemeris second is
instead defined in terms of the Earth's orbit around the Sun.  ET was
adopted by the IAU in 1952.  In 1958 the caesium second was defined,
the definition being chosen to match the value of the ephemeris second.
SI was established in 1960, and at that time adopted the ephemeris second
as the SI second.  In 1967 SI was revised to adopt the caesium second
as the SI second, and in 1997 the definition was refined to account for
blackbody radiation.

So the value of the SI second was established in 1948; the present
definition originates in 1958 but its full present form only goes back to
1997; SI (and so the concept of "SI second") originated in 1960; and the
SI second acquired its present basic definition in 1967.  Any of these
dates could be taken as the inception of the SI second, but the only one
that could really be described as the SI second "springing into existence"
is the establishment of SI in 1960.  Nothing relevant happened in 1972.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-08 Thread Brooks Harris

On 2015-03-07 06:50 PM, Joseph Gwinn wrote:

On Sat, 07 Mar 2015 14:14:07 -0500, Brooks Harris wrote:

In the discussions I've been involved with many people argued
strenuously "we don't care about the past, only accurate date-time
going forward!". The reason I'm choosing to ignore the subject of
accurate date-times before 1972 is not that its not important, but
probably the same reason its side-stepped by NTP, PTP, POSIX, and GPS
- its just too expansive a topic to tackle in some commonly accepted
way. For date-time before 1972 you've got to switch to some other
timescale depending on the purpose at hand.

I figured it out the difference between GMD and UTC for POSIX.  There
was an 81 microsecond error,  At the time, most UNIX boxes kept time to
the nearest second, synchronized to a hairy wrist.  There were advanced
systems that could do milliseconds, and in the 1980s a few that had
microsecond resolution, but we chained them to GPS via NTP, so the
error was multiple milliseconds, depending on everything.

Hi Joe,

I see the difficulties with UTC implementations and the questions at 
ITU-R stemming from the historical and legacy misalignment of the 
timekeeping mechanisms of the c language and POSIX and the UTC 
specifications. Perhaps that's obvious. I'm not criticizing anybody 
anywhere for this, its just the way its come about.

I think the only way the industry can eventually converge on reliable 
"civil time" representation is to refine the underlying time mechanisms 
in POSIX in some manner that allows a migration to a more comprehensive 
UTC implementation. I think if a new new POSIX time specification were 
to take shape it would add an option to the the conversation at ITU-R - 
instead of simply "to kill Leap Seconds or not" they'd also have "a 
viable migration path to comprehensive UTC timekeeping implementation" 
to consider.

We understand the folks at POSIX have grappled with this topic in the 
past and run into all sorts of difficulty. Given the current state of 
affairs, do you think there's any way IEEE and POSIX could reengage this 


Joe Gwinn
LEAPSECS mailing list

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-08 Thread Brooks Harris

Hi Steve,

On 2015-03-07 03:01 PM, Steve Allen wrote:

On Sat 2015-03-07T14:14:07 -0500, Brooks Harris hath writ:

It is typically warned that date and time before 1972 cannot be
accurately represented with NTP or POSIX, for examples.

I would say that for PTP
* all seconds are always SI seconds
* seconds after 1972-01-01 correspond to (TAI - 10)
* seconds before 1972-01-01 do not align with civil time
* in particular, 1970-01-01 in PTP does not correspond to
   any event in any time scale which was then in use,
   but that does not matter
For PTP it is the uniformity going forward that is the goal.
Keep in mind PTP is for ".. Networked Measurement and Control Systems", 
so its first objective is for things like process control, hence its 
primary timescale is "TAI-like". Civil time, or UTC, is a secondary 
concideration, but it has mechanisms to communicate UTC 
(currentUtcOffset, leap59, leap61). It does not specify the UTC rules by 
which these are set, relying on the UTC background specifications for that.

leap59 and leap61 are Leap Second announce signals, set 12 hours prior 
to the insert. There has been discussion about when the official 
announcements and expiration should be announced. ITU Rec 460 says 
" least eight weeks in advance". PTP can't do that, a point to keep 
in mind.

I would say that the intent NTP and POSIX is to correspond to civil
time in contemporary use.  Therefore, for dates before 1972-01-01
NTP and POSIX are counting seconds of UT.
First let me compliment you on all your excellent work and research at This is an invaluable resource 
and I have learned much from it. Thank you.

This paragraph in your email had me scratching my head a little. So, 
first, off to your time pages to learn more carefully about UT. I think 
I see what you mean generally.

My view is the NTP and POSIX are abstract timescales constructed for 
convenient "civil" timekeeping calculation, albeit with their Leap 
Second flaws. I think I would suggest your statement would be better as 
" .. for dates before 1972-01-01 NTP and POSIX are counting seconds on a 
proleptic scale that extrapolates the SI Second prior to 1972-01-01.".

This seems clear epecially in NTP, where RFC 5905 states "It should be 
noted that strictly speaking, UTC did not exist prior to 1 January 1972, 
but it is convenient to assume it has existed for all eternity, even if 
all knowledge of historic leap seconds has been lost."

It seems to me NTP and POSIX as well as other timescales concerned with 
"civil time", are essentially disconnected from "reality", expressing 
"idealized" measurement scales. UTC is an idealized scale expressing an 
approximation of reality derived from UT1, and UT1 will probably always 
undergo some refinement and the sciences advance. I think none of the 
"civil" timescales are counting in UT - they are measured in SI Seconds, 
even when prolpetic to 1972.

Am I missing something here?

For dates after 1972-01-01 I would say that NTP and POSIX are both

You bet

about whether they are counting SI seconds or UT days.
Can you be more specific about what you mean by this? I think I 
understand your general meaning, that the "confusion", or the mis-match 
between the NTP and POSIX and UTC, lies with their methods of accounting 
for LOD. By "UT days" do you mean "86400 seconds per day"?

Therein, of course, lies the basis of this LEAPSECS list.

Sure. Well, at least, therein lies *one reason* for this LEAPSECS list. :-)

I see it as inevitable that the confusion must end, therefore NTP and
POSIX will eventually be unambiguous that they are counting SI
seconds.  That means that, eventually, any general purpose time scale
intended to correspond to civil time will be a piecewise continuous
time scale.  Such general purpose time scales will have a date at
which they switch from counting UT days to counting SI seconds.

Deciding on that date, and how it will be implemented and understood,
is what we hope the ITU-R will accomplish at WRC-15.
Can you elaborate on this point as you've stated it? What exactly do you 
mean "switch from counting UT days to counting SI seconds"? This doesn't 
sound quite like what I understand the question(s) at WRC-15 to be.

For date-time before 1972 you've got to switch to some
other timescale depending on the purpose at hand.

Exactly so.  Before 1972 civil time was not SI seconds.

I understand the proper SI second sprung into existence as of 1972. But 
it seems to me civil time as kept by NTP and POSIX before 1972 is 
measured in proleptically exrapolated SI seconds. Of course this scale 
does not correspond with "actual" historical date and time or UT1. What 
am I missing?



Steve Allen WGS-84 (GPS)
UCO/Lick Observatory--ISB   Natural Sciences II, Room 165Lat  +36.99855
1156 High StreetVoice: +1 831 459 3046   Lng -122.06015
Santa Cruz, CA 95064http:

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-07 Thread Joseph Gwinn
On Sat, 07 Mar 2015 14:14:07 -0500, Brooks Harris wrote:
> Hi Gerard,
> On 2015-03-07 12:04 PM, G Ashton wrote:
>> Brooks Harris wrote on Saturday, March 7, 2015 11:50 :
>> .
>> .
>> "The challenge I'm trying to solve is to provide a deterministic 
>> timekeeping
>> and labeling scheme for date and time *after* 1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC) =
>> 1972-01-01T00:00:10 (TAI). This is essentially the purpose of "civil time"
>> timekeeping as is typically intendedThe timescale before 1972 is an
>> abstract proleptic Gregorian calendar scale for purposes of calculation
>> convenience. On this scale, like NTP, PTP, and POSIX, any date-time before
>> 1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC) is considered either inaccurate or invalid."
>> Civil timekeeping is concerned with many things, including determining when
>> one date ends and another begins. Thus civil timekeeping is inextricably
>> linked to civil calendars. Although the time of day of past events become
>> less and less important as the decades pass, the date of those 
>> events remain
>> important. Since some computer applications routinely attempt, in their
>> clumsy way, to account for timezones, timekeeping is potentially important
>> for the computer representation of timestamps, even when the humans using
>> the computer are only interested in the date. Of course, dates long before
>> 1972 are of interest in civil matters; dates of birth immediately come to
>> mind.
> I agree.
>> So when Brooks Harris presents his API to his stakeholders, I think a
>> more thorough explanation of why date-time expressions before 1972 
>> will be "
>> considered either inaccurate or invalid" will be needed.
> It is typically warned that date and time before 1972 cannot be 
> accurately represented with NTP or POSIX, for examples. These 
> timescale's origins precede 1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC) = 
> 1972-01-01T00:00:10 (TAI) and seek to represent date-time counting 
> *forward*. They give no consideration to date-time accuracy before 
> 1972, but operate on proleptic scales convenient for computation. 
> This is generally true with widely available timekeeping services on 
> OSs, systems, languages, and many typical applications because so 
> many of them implement mechanisms based on the heritage of the POSIX 
> timekeeping mechanisms, complete with its flaws with respect to 
> representing UTC and Leap Seconds.
> In the discussions I've been involved with many people argued 
> strenuously "we don't care about the past, only accurate date-time 
> going forward!". The reason I'm choosing to ignore the subject of 
> accurate date-times before 1972 is not that its not important, but 
> probably the same reason its side-stepped by NTP, PTP, POSIX, and GPS 
> - its just too expansive a topic to tackle in some commonly accepted 
> way. For date-time before 1972 you've got to switch to some other 
> timescale depending on the purpose at hand.

I figured it out the difference between GMD and UTC for POSIX.  There 
was an 81 microsecond error,  At the time, most UNIX boxes kept time to 
the nearest second, synchronized to a hairy wrist.  There were advanced 
systems that could do milliseconds, and in the 1980s a few that had 
microsecond resolution, but we chained them to GPS via NTP, so the 
error was multiple milliseconds, depending on everything.

Joe Gwinn
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-07 Thread Steve Allen
On Sat 2015-03-07T14:14:07 -0500, Brooks Harris hath writ:
> It is typically warned that date and time before 1972 cannot be
> accurately represented with NTP or POSIX, for examples.

I would say that for PTP
* all seconds are always SI seconds
* seconds after 1972-01-01 correspond to (TAI - 10)
* seconds before 1972-01-01 do not align with civil time
* in particular, 1970-01-01 in PTP does not correspond to
  any event in any time scale which was then in use,
  but that does not matter
For PTP it is the uniformity going forward that is the goal.

I would say that the intent NTP and POSIX is to correspond to civil
time in contemporary use.  Therefore, for dates before 1972-01-01
NTP and POSIX are counting seconds of UT.

For dates after 1972-01-01 I would say that NTP and POSIX are both
confused about whether they are counting SI seconds or UT days.
Therein, of course, lies the basis of this LEAPSECS list.

I see it as inevitable that the confusion must end, therefore NTP and
POSIX will eventually be unambiguous that they are counting SI
seconds.  That means that, eventually, any general purpose time scale
intended to correspond to civil time will be a piecewise continuous
time scale.  Such general purpose time scales will have a date at
which they switch from counting UT days to counting SI seconds.

Deciding on that date, and how it will be implemented and understood,
is what we hope the ITU-R will accomplish at WRC-15.

> For date-time before 1972 you've got to switch to some
> other timescale depending on the purpose at hand.

Exactly so.  Before 1972 civil time was not SI seconds.

Steve Allen WGS-84 (GPS)
UCO/Lick Observatory--ISB   Natural Sciences II, Room 165Lat  +36.99855
1156 High StreetVoice: +1 831 459 3046   Lng -122.06015
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Hgt +250 m
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] Civil timekeeping before 1 January 1972

2015-03-07 Thread Brooks Harris

Hi Gerard,

On 2015-03-07 12:04 PM, G Ashton wrote:

Brooks Harris wrote on Saturday, March 7, 2015 11:50 :
"The challenge I'm trying to solve is to provide a deterministic timekeeping
and labeling scheme for date and time *after* 1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC) =
1972-01-01T00:00:10 (TAI). This is essentially the purpose of "civil time"
timekeeping as is typically intendedThe timescale before 1972 is an
abstract proleptic Gregorian calendar scale for purposes of calculation
convenience. On this scale, like NTP, PTP, and POSIX, any date-time before
1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC) is considered either inaccurate or invalid."

Civil timekeeping is concerned with many things, including determining when
one date ends and another begins. Thus civil timekeeping is inextricably
linked to civil calendars. Although the time of day of past events become
less and less important as the decades pass, the date of those events remain
important. Since some computer applications routinely attempt, in their
clumsy way, to account for timezones, timekeeping is potentially important
for the computer representation of timestamps, even when the humans using
the computer are only interested in the date. Of course, dates long before
1972 are of interest in civil matters; dates of birth immediately come to

I agree.

So when Brooks Harris presents his API to his stakeholders, I think a
more thorough explanation of why date-time expressions before 1972 will be "
considered either inaccurate or invalid" will be needed.

It is typically warned that date and time before 1972 cannot be 
accurately represented with NTP or POSIX, for examples. These 
timescale's origins precede 1972-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC) = 
1972-01-01T00:00:10 (TAI) and seek to represent date-time counting 
*forward*. They give no consideration to date-time accuracy before 1972, 
but operate on proleptic scales convenient for computation. This is 
generally true with widely available timekeeping services on OSs, 
systems, languages, and many typical applications because so many of 
them implement mechanisms based on the heritage of the POSIX timekeeping 
mechanisms, complete with its flaws with respect to representing UTC and 
Leap Seconds.

In the discussions I've been involved with many people argued 
strenuously "we don't care about the past, only accurate date-time going 
forward!". The reason I'm choosing to ignore the subject of accurate 
date-times before 1972 is not that its not important, but probably the 
same reason its side-stepped by NTP, PTP, POSIX, and GPS - its just too 
expansive a topic to tackle in some commonly accepted way. For date-time 
before 1972 you've got to switch to some other timescale depending on 
the purpose at hand.


Gerard Ashton

LEAPSECS mailing list

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