LL:DDV: Women Say No to the War at Home

2003-10-20 Thread Debbie Brennan
Melbourne Radical Women Meeting

Tuesday, 28 October, 7.00 pm

Women Say NO to the War at Home

Bush's war of global conquest is claiming casualties at home. In the 
United States, women face a full-scale gender war. Hard-won rights to 
reproductive choice and affirmative action are under attack, while the 
militarised economy destroys social services, education funding, welfare 
relief, housing programs, healthcare, childcare and supports for elders 
and the disabled. George W. has defunded agencies that monitor 
discrimination, he opposes sex education programs which advocate 
anything other than abstinence, and he's on a mission to outlaw 
abortion. He wants women to clean up the mess from this broken-down 
profit system.

Bush is not alone. His visit this month with John Howard, fellow 
warmonger and patriarch-in-arms, signals open warfare on women here.

Add your voice to feminists around the world who are speaking out 
against these attacks, and discuss how to build an anti-capitalist 
revolution for global peace and women's rights. Everyone is welcome!

A mouthwatering dinner, with vegetarian option, served at 6.30 pm for a
$6.50 donation.

The meeting will be held at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.
Plenty of parking, or take a North Coburg tram or Upfield train.

For information, contact Radical Women
* Ph: 03-9386-3230 * Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* website: www.radicalwomen.org



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LL:DDV: Aborignal Workers Fight for Stolen Wages

2003-09-08 Thread Debbie Brennan
Radical Women Meeting
Tuesday, 23 September, 7.00 pm

"Pay Up Now! Aboriginal Workers Fight for Stolen Wages"

 From 1897 until 1972, the Queensland Government had the power to declare
Aborigines as wards of the State and therefore take control of their 
lives, including their earnings and their children. Women and men worked 
as domestics, stockmen and labourers in Queensland's most profitable
industries, but this large Indigenous workforce never saw their pay packets.

After decades of fighting for hundreds of millions in back pay, 
claimants last year were given Premier Beattie's "Lousy Little Offer" of 
a few thousand dollars each.

Learn about the historic Stolen Wages Campaign which is winning support 
from unions and activists across Australia. Find out what you can do to 
help win justice. Everyone is welcome!

Hear from Ruth Hegarty, Stolen Wages claimant and Brisbane Indigenous 
Elder, plus speakers:
* Gwynnyth Evans, Member of the Australasian Meat Industry Employees 
Union and Australia-Asia Worker Links
* Debbie Brennan, Feminist and Australian Services Union delegate

At Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
(Plenty of parking, or take a North Coburg tram or Upfield train)

The meeting is free. Dinner, with vegetarian option, will be served at 
6.30 pm for $6.50 donation

For information, contact Radical Women
* Ph: 03-9386-3230 * Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* website: www.radicalwomen.org



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LL:DDV: How you can fight the war and the Blackshirts

2003-03-24 Thread Debbie Brennan

On Saturday, 29 March, fight war AND fascism =8B
Before the anti-war rally at the State Library (1.00 pm),
* Rally from 11.30 am at Brunswick Town Hall (corner of Dawson Street &
Sydney Road, Brunswick).
Speeches start at noon.
* Then come along to a Street Party to celebrate diversity: 2.00 - 6.00 
pm, Percy Street, Brunswick

Hearkening back to Mussolini's fascist gangs, the Blackshirts stalk 
women who leave often-violent relationships, win custody of the children 
or may be in a lesbian relationship. They regularly demonstrate outside 
the Family Court to harass women who are fighting custody battles and to 
recruit like-minded brethren.

Blackshirts' leader, John Abbott, says he has no problem with fascism.
Fascism sent Jews and all groups that big business targeted as threats 
or burdens - women, queers, people with disabilities, immigrants, 
unionists, radicals - to their death.

Organised by Diversity in Safe Communities (DiSC).

ENDORSERS: Victorian Trades Hall Council; Moreland City Council; Denis
Evans, Organiser for Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
(CFMEU); Radical Women; Workers Liberty; Freedom Socialist Party; 
Australia Asia Worker Links; Socialist Alliance; tallpaul, Editor of The 
Internet Anti-Fascist; LaTrobe University Women's Department; National 
Union of Students; Council of Single Mothers and their Children; Friends 
of the Earth; Refugee Action Collective; International Socialist 
Organisation; Monash Student Association; Men Against Sexual Assault; 
Socialist Party; Brunswick Women's Choir; Moreland Peace Group

For the rally, contact Debbie: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For the street party, contact Paula: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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LL:DDV: War No More!

2003-03-20 Thread Debbie Brennan
Tuesday, 25 March, 7.00 pm

International Women's Day Celebration

"War No More! Getting from anti-war protest to permanent global peace"

Almost a century ago, socialist feminists founded International Women's Day
in a world facing an all-out war for profit and power. That was World 
War I. Today, feminists are again marching on the frontlines of a 
burgeoning international movement - this time to stop George W. Bush 
from plunging the world into another corporate war.

Join us as we celebrate IWD's proud fighting tradition and discuss how 
we can build a movement to end all war. Guest speakers are Surma Hamid,
Committee in Defence of Iraqi Women's Rights, Reta Kaur, Women for 
Peace, and Debbie Brennan, veteran anti-war activist.

International buffet dinner, 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. At Solidarity
Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. Everyone welcome!

For information, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone 03-9386-3230



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LL:DDV: Stop the Blackshirts

2003-03-18 Thread Debbie Brennan

Saturday, 29 March
* Rally & March: 12.00 noon, Brunswick Town Hall
(corner of Dawson Street & Sydney Road, Brunswick)
* Street Party celebrating diversity: from 2.00 pm, Percy Street, Brunswick

Hearkening back to Mussolini's fascist gangs, the Blackshirts stalk 
women who leave often-violent relationships, win custody of the children 
or may be in a lesbian relationship. They regularly demonstrate outside 
the Family Court to harass women who are fighting custody battles and to 
recruit like-minded brethren.

Blackshirts' leader, John Abbott, says he has no problem with fascism.
Fascism sent working people - independent women, queers, people with
disabilities, radicals and all groups that big business targeted as 
threats or burdens - to their death.

In September, a public meeting which packed out Brunswick Town Hall 
launched Diversity in Safe Communities (DiSC) to defend everyone's right 
to decide how they will live and with whom - and to enjoy that right in 
safety. The meeting voted to set up a Rapid Response Network and 
organise a protest rally.

The March rally will follow on from DiSC's highly successful
counter-demonstration against the Blackshirts outside the Family Court 
just before Christmas.

After the rally, DiSC is holding a street party in the neighbourhood of 
the Blackshirts' Brunswick organising centre.

For the rally, contact Debbie: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For the street party, contact Paula: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ENDORSERS: Victorian Trades Hall Council; Denis Evans, Organiser for
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU); Radical Women;
Workers Liberty; Freedom Socialist Party; Australia-Asia Worker Links;
Socialist Alliance; tallpaul, Editor of The Internet Anti-Fascist; 
LaTrobe University Women's Department; National Union of Students; 
Council of Single Mothers and their Children; Friends of the Earth; 
Refugee Action Collective; International Socialist Organisation; Monash 
Student Association; Men Against Sexual Assault; Socialist Party; 
Brunswick Women's Choir; Moreland Peace Group



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LL:AA: Call for Endorsements - Rally Against Blackshirts

2003-02-19 Thread Debbie Brennan
Hello LeftLinkers

Rally to Stop the Blackshirts!

This is another chance to endorse and help build a huge anti-Blackshirts
protest rally and march on March 29 in Brunswick. It is being organised 
by Diversity in Safe Communities (DiSC), a coalition of residents, 
grassroots activists and anti-fascist fighters that formed last August 
out of widespread community opposition to these patriarchal thugs.

Hearkening back to Mussolini's fascist gangs, the Blackshirts stalk 
women who leave often-violent relationships, win custody of the children 
or may be in a lesbian relationship. They regularly demonstrate outside 
the Family Court to harass women who are fighting custody battles and to 
recruit like-minded brethren.

In September, a public meeting which packed out Brunswick Town Hall 
launched DiSC to defend everyone's right to decide how they will live 
and with whom - and to enjoy that right in safety. The meeting voted to 
set up a Rapid Response Network and organise a protest rally.

The March rally will follow on from DiSC's highly successful
counter-demonstration against the Blackshirts outside the Family Court 
just before Christmas.


Saturday, 29 March. Rally 12.00 noon at Brunswick Town Hall, corner of
Dawson St and Sydney Rd, Brunswick.

please contact Debbie on (03) 9386 3230 or email:

To get involved, come to the next DiSC working group meeting on 
Saturday, 1 March, 1.00 pm at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd, 
Brunswick, or contact Debbie (details above) to let us know what you can do.

DiSC General Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, 7.00 
pm at Cafe Mingo, 600 Sydney Rd, Brunswick. Next meeting is Tuesday, 11 
March. Everyone is welcome.




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LL:DDV: Dismantle the War Machine, Not Welfare!

2003-02-18 Thread Debbie Brennan
Hi Leftlinkers

Radical Women invites you all to our upcoming meeting:
"Stop Welfare Fraud - No more handouts to the rich!"

Tuesday, 25 February, 7.00 pm

On orders from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Howard=B9s 
Government is planning the biggest ever assault on welfare. One scheme 
is to "encourage working families and individuals to help themselves" by 
slashing benefits. The other is to hand over more Centrelink operations 
to private companies. In this latest pick-pocketing of the poor in order 
to add to the treasures of the rich, women would be robbed the most.

Come along to hear Deb Carlon from the Council of Single Mothers and 
their Children and Alison Thorne, an activist in the Community & Public 
Sector Union, unravel this scam and its consequences. Join us in 
discussing how welfare workers and recipients resisting together can 
stop it.

A refreshing summertime dinner will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50

At Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd, Brunswick (between Blyth and Stewart

For more information, phone 9386 3230 or email



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LL:DDV: Rally to Stop the Blackshirts

2003-01-28 Thread Debbie Brennan
Hello LeftLinkers

Rally to Stop the Blackshirts!

This is a call to endorse and help build a huge anti-Blackshirts protest
rally and march on March 29 in Brunswick. It is being organised by 
Diversity in Safe Communities (DiSC), a coalition of residents, 
grassroots activists and anti-fascist fighters that formed last August 
out of widespread community opposition to these patriarchal thugs.

Hearkening back to Mussolini's fascist gangs, the Blackshirts stalk 
women who leave often-violent relationships, win custody of the children 
or may be in a lesbian relationship. They regularly demonstrate outside 
the Family Court to harass women who are fighting custody battles and to 
recruit like-minded brethren.

In September, a public meeting which packed out Brunswick Town Hall 
launched DiSC to defend everyone's right to decide how they will live 
and with whom and to enjoy that right in safety. The meeting voted to 
set up a Rapid Response Network and organise a protest rally.

The March rally will follow on from DiSCB9s highly successful
counter-demonstration against the Blackshirts outside the Family Court 
just before Christmas.


Saturday, 29 March. Rally 12.00 noon at Brunswick Town Hall, corner of
Dawson St and Sydney Rd, Brunswick.

please contact Debbie on (03) 9386 3230 or email:

DiSC is preparing the first rally leaflet for distribution at Pride on
Sunday, February 2. Endorsements received by this Tuesday, 28 January 
will be included. If you can't send in your endorsement by then, that's 
OK - the leaflet will be regularly updated.

To get involved, come to the next DiSC working group meeting on 
Saturday, 15 February, 1.00 pm at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd, 
Brunswick, or contact Debbie (details above) to let us know what you can do.

DiSC General Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, 7.00 
pm at Cafe Mingo, 600 Sydney Rd, Brunswick. Next meeting is Tuesday, 11
February. Everyone is welcome.




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LL:DDV: Feminist Answer to the "Low Fertility" Hype

2002-09-09 Thread Debbie Brennan

Geelong Radical Women Meeting

Tuesday, 17 September, 7.00 pm

Feminist Answer to the "Low Fertility" Hype

Government has always cracked the whip on working people to deliver 
profits to its corporate masters. John Howard and his business mates are 
now in a flap, because the women they consider suitable for breeding 
future generations of workers have been making their own life choices. 
To stem the "declining birthrate," Howard wants them back behind the 
white picket fence.

Meanwhile, Aborigines, queers, people with disabilities and migrants 
still face various forms of population control. Refugees are denied the 
right to be here.

Join us in discussion about what drives the current fertility hysteria 
and how to win full reproductive freedom for ALL women.

The meeting eill be held at Geelong Radio Building, Meeting Room 3, 9 
Market Street, Geelong. Everyone is welcome!

A tantalising supper, with vegetarian option, will be served at 6.30 pm 
for a $4.00 donation.



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LL:DDV: Winning A Just Peace in Palestine

2002-05-27 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women Meeting

Thursday, 6 June, 7.00 pm

"Global Feminism: An Irrepressible Force for Justice and Peace in Palestine"

Join Radical Women and the Committee in Defence of Iraqi Women's Rights for 
a forum in solidarity with the people of Palestine and feminists in Israel 
working to end the Israeli occupation. Come along and hear a panel 
presentation on the role of women organising for a just resolution to 
Israel's oppression of Palestinians and contribute your ideas on how to 
achieve justice in the Middle East.

Panelists are:
Surma Hamid, Committee in Defence of Iraqi Women's Rights
Jeni Allenby, Palestine Costume Archive, Canberra
Debbie Brennan, Radical Women

A Middle Eastern dinner will be served  at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 
donation.  At Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd, Brunswick. (Just north of 
Blyth Street, on the Sydney Road tram or Upfield railway line. Plenty of 
parking off Staley Street.)

Phone Radical Women (03) 9386 3230 or email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Website: www.socialism.com


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LL:DDV: Equal Pay - Women's Unfinished Business

2002-05-06 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women Meeting

Tuesday, 21 May, 7.00 pm

"Equal Pay: Women's Unfinished Business!"

After decades of struggle, women have still not won wage justice. Today we
get two-thirds of men's average pay. Through casualisation and
privatisation, women keep slipping backwards. In Geelong, the entire
workforce is wracked with job insecurity and unemployment - just because
employers can choose from the most exploited supplies of labour.

Join the discussion on women's unstoppable fight for wage parity and
economic independence, which could only benefit all workers. All welcome!

Supper, with vegetarian option, will be served at 6.30 pm for a $4.00

Venue: Geelong Radio Building, Meeting Room 3, 9 Market Street, Geelong

For more information, phone 5252-3373 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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LL:DDV: Women in the Arab World - Study Group

2002-04-26 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women Study Group

Saturdays, through 25 May
2.00 - 3.30 pm

"Women in the Arab World: Essays by Nawal El Saadawi".
Join in our continuing discussion of selections from "The Hidden Face of
Eve" and "The Nawal El Saadawi Reader." For over three decades, Saadawi 
has analysed the impact of religious fundamentalism and class 
inequalities on women, especially poor women.

Upcoming readings:
27 April: "Women and Islam"
4 May: "Islamic Fundamentalism and Women," "Fundamentalism: Old Friend, 
New Enemy"
11 May: "Arab Pioneers of Women's Liberation"
18 May "Arab Women and Politics"
25 May: "Women in Resistance: The Arab World," "Women and the Poor: The
Challenge of Global Justice"

Everyone is welcome. Lunch is served at 1.30 pm for a $6.00 donation.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd, Brunswick. (North of Blyth St tram 
stop; 5 minute walk from Anstey Station on Upfield Line; parking off 
Staley St)

For more information, phone 9386 3230 or email




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LL:DDV: Stop Howard's "Anti-Terrorism" Laws

2002-03-17 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women Meeting:

Monday, 25 March, 7.00 pm


A bill now before Parliament threatens to severely restrict our civil 
rights. Howard is manufacturing another Big Lie: this time, the 
existence of an 'enemy within.' Similar to George Bush's USA PATRIOT Act 
and Tony Blair's UK Terrorism Act, dissent in Australia - against 
anything from war to loss of jobs - would be treated as acts of terror.

Join a discussion about how we can stop this new McCarthyism. Speakers are:
* John O'Brien, member of the State Committee of Management, Furnishing
Trades Division of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
(CFMEU), Victorian Branch
* Debbie Brennan, campaigner against police spying and Melbourne 
Organiser for Radical Women

Bring your ideas for building a bold feminist civil rights movement, 
capable of strengthening our capacity to defend ourselves and solidarise 
with our sisters and brothers throughout the world.

A hearty dinner, with vegetarian option, will be served at 6.30 pm for a
$6.50 donation. At Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd, Brunswick (north of
Blyth St tram stop; 5 minute walk from Anstey Station on Upfield Line). 
All welcome!

For information, phone: (03) 9386 3230 or email:



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LL:DDV: Women in the Arab World: New Radical Women Study Group

2002-03-03 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women is about to start a new 10-session study group, and 
everyone is welcome:

Saturdays, 2.00 - 3.30 pm, starting March 16

"Women in the Arab World: Essays by Nawal El Saadawi"
Since the 1970s, Egyptian feminist, novelist and physician Nawal El 
Saadawi has documented and organised against female oppression and 
foreign domination in the Middle East. Her stereotype-exploding writings 
examine family, health, sexuality, work, Islamic traditions, the impact 
of religious fundamentalism, and women's role in national liberation 
struggles. We will read selections from "The Hidden Face of Eve" and 
"The Nawal El Saadawi Reader."

16 March - 25 May (no session on 30 March)
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
(Just north of Blyth Street, on the Sydney Road tram or Upfield railway
line. Plenty of parking off Staley Street.)

Lunch is served at 1.30 pm for a $6.00 donation.

For information, call (03) 9386 3230 or email:
Website: www.socialism.com




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LL:DDV: Defend Student Unionism at Chisholm TAFE

2002-02-11 Thread Debbie Brennan


Radical Women Meeting

Wednesday, 13 February, 7.00 pm


Chisholm's Director chose the summer break to change the locks of 
Student Union offices across its campuses. Over a decade of cutbacks, 
TAFE managements have used similar thuggery to crush student unionism 
and silence protest. Discuss how the community and trade unions, in 
solidarity with students, can defend the right to organise and win back 
quality, free education for all.

Special panel of speakers:
* Louise Doolan, President of the Chisholm Student Union
* Caspar Cumming, President of the Victorian TAFE Students and 
Apprentices Network
* Delia Maxwell, veteran of the No More Intimidation of Teacher 
Unionists campaign

A dinner to delight both vegetarians and carnivores is served at 6.30 pm 
for a $6.00 donation. At Solidarity Salon (address below). Everyone is 

At Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.
(Upfield line, near Anstey station; Tram #19, between Blyth St and 
Stewart St stops)

For more information, call 03-9386 3230 or email:




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LL:DDV: Defend Chisholm TAFE Student Union

2002-01-20 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women Meeting

Wednesday, 13 February, 7.00 pm


Chisholm's Director chose the summer break to change the locks of 
Student Union offices across its campuses. Over a decade of cutbacks, 
TAFE managements have used similar thuggery to crush student unionism 
and silence protest. Discuss how the community and trade unions, in 
solidarity with students, can defend the right to organise and win back 
quality, free education for all.

Special panel of speakers:
* Louise Doolan, President of the Chisholm Student Union
* Caspar Cumming, President of the Victorian TAFE Students and 
Apprentices Network
* Delia Maxwell, veteran of the No More Intimidation of Teacher 
Unionists campaign

A dinner to delight both vegetarians and carnivores is served at 6.30 pm 
for a $6.00 donation. At Solidarity Salon (address below). Everyone is 

At Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.
(Upfield line, near Anstey station; Tram #19, between Blyth St and 
Stewart St stops)

For more information, call 03-9386 3230 or email:




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LL:DDV: Stop the War on Immigrants and Refugees

2001-11-12 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women Meeting

Wednesday, 28 November, 7.00 pm

"Feminists Say NO Racism: Stop the War on Immigrants and Refugees!"

John Howard blames migrants for working people's misery and slams the door 
on those seeking asylum. Only big business is welcome.

Join our panel discussion, addressing what people are up against when they 
migrate or escape to this country. What is behind Fortress Australia? What 
role can feminists play in the growing anti-war and anti-racism movements? 
Speakers are  Silvia Martinez, Uruguayan feminist, Rosemary Jimenez, 
journalist working with human rights organisations in Colombia, Rachel 
Evans, member of Refugee Action Collective, Iudita Trifa, from Working 
Women's Health, Surma Hamid, Iraqi refugee working with the Committee in 
Defence of Iraqi Women's Rights, Esperanza Acosta, Salvadoran freedom 
fighter. Everyone is welcome!

Meetings are free. A delicious multicultural dinner is served at 6.30 pm 
for a $6.00 donation.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd, Brunswick Victoria. Solidarity Salon is a 
5 minute walk from Anstey Station on the Upfield train line or between 
Blyth St and Stewart St stops on the #19 Tram. For information, phone 9386 


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LL:DDV: Geelong: Study Series on Socialist Feminism

2001-09-19 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women invites you to join us on Week #2 of
our 6-week study of "The Radical Women Manifesto: Socialist Feminist Theory,
Program and Organizational Structure"

Saturday, 22 September, 2.00 - 3.30 pm

This week: Origins of Oppression; Women under Capitalism; Race and Gender
New participants are most welcome.

Come at 1.30 pm for light snacks beforehand ($3.00 donation)

The Radical Women Manifesto is available in English and Spanish for $10.00
by mail (email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details). Copies will also
be available for purchase at study group meetings. Everyone is welcome!

Venue: Wathaurong Cooperative, Morgan St, North Geelong

Sponsored by: Radical Women, PO Box 94, Drysdale Vic 3222, www.socialism.com
For information or a lift, phone Brenda (03) 5253 3373 or Brigitte (03) 5241


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LL:DDV: Socialists Stand Up for Reproductive Freedom

2001-09-14 Thread Debbie Brennan

Wednesday, 26 September, 7.00
Radical Women Meeting

"Not the Church, Not the State. Women Must Decide our Fate!
Stand Up for Reproductive Freedom for ALL Women"

Limited as they are, women's reproductive rights are under fire. Abortion
clinics are under tight protective security from rightwing terror. In
Melbourne, a guard was recently killed. Abortion is still a crime. The
Howard Government is trying to further impose his "family values" by
allowing only certain women access to fertility treatment. Women with
disabilities, Indigenous women and other women of colour are sterilised.
Childcare is only for those who can afford it.

The good news is feminists are fighting back, and we can defeat the Right!
Join us in a panel discussion with Jackie Lynch, Socialist Alliance
candidate for Batman in the upcoming federal election, Melissa Venville,
federal Queer Officer for the National Union of Students, and Debbie
Brennan, veteran reproductive rights activist.

Meetings are free and held at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6.00 donation. For more information,
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone us on (03) 9386 3230


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LL:INFO: Proposed "Peaceful Assemblies Bill"

2001-09-03 Thread Debbie Brennan

Hello LeftLinkers

Below is a letter that Radical Women sent to Steve Bracks about the 
proposed "Peaceful Assemblies Bill" and forwarded to Donna Robertson, who 
recently asked subscribers for opinions. The letter was presented at an RW 
meeting this past Thursday on the militarising of Australia's police (guest 
speaker was Jude McCulloch, feminist community lawyer and author of "Blue 
Army: Paramilitarity Policing in Australia") and signed by RW members and 

Debbie Brennan
Melbourne Radical Women Organiser

Radical Women
PO Box 266, West Brunswick Vic 3055

The Hon Steve Bracks
Office of the Premier
1 Treasury Place
Melbourne 3000

30 August 2001

Dear Premier Bracks

We, the undersigned, condemn your government's proposed "Peaceful 
Assemblies Bill" which would revoke the right of assembly in Victoria. 
Coming just before the Commonwealth Business Forum in October, its 
immediate purpose is self-evident.

Empowering police to crush demonstrations and threatening protesters with 
collective penalties is a transparent and desperate attempt by your 
government to protect the global profiteers. Working people and society's 
most downtrodden, who are the targets of this bill, will not tolerate 
repeats of the infamous scenes at Richmond Secondary College in 1994 and 
the S11 protests last year. We will not be scapegoated for the economic 
crisis, nor coerced into paying for it. Our rights are not for sale.

At the very least, justice requires the establishment of an elected, 
community-controlled police review board, independent of government and the 
police, with power to discipline and dismiss officers who harass, brutalise 
or kill women, people of colour, young people, queers and workers - today's 
protesters. The police must not be unleashed, they must be held accountable.

Yours sincerely


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LL:DDV: Geelong Study Group on Socialist Feminism

2001-09-03 Thread Debbie Brennan

Geelong Radical Women
invites you to a
6-week study series on

The Radical Women Manifesto:
Socialist Feminist Theory, Program and Organizational Structure

Saturdays, 15 September - 20 October
2.00-3.30 pm
(Light snack is served at 1.30 pm for a $3.00 donation)

15 September: Introduction and Preamble --
Who We Are; The Vanguard Role of Women

22 September: Theory --
Origins of Oppression; Women under Capitalism; Race and Gender

29 September: Theory --
Reform or Revolution; Feminism: Class Struggle or Sex Struggle; Women and
Socialism; Building for a Socialist Feminist Future

6 October: Platform --
Legal Rights; Economic Equality; Women and Unions; Biological
Self-Determination; Quality Healthcare; Rights of Children; Education;
Politics; People of Colour, National/Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous

13 October: Platform --
Sexual Minorities; Elder Women; Young Women; Women with Disabilities; Women
and Poverty; Women in Prison; Legalisation of Prostitution; Violence
 against Women; The Environment; Media and Culture; The Military 
and the
Draft; The Right to Self-Defence; For a United Front against the Right Wing
and Fascism

20 October: Organisational Structure & Principles; Notes and Recommended

The Radical Women Manifesto is available in English and Spanish for $10.00
by mail (email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details). Copies will also
be available for purchase at study group meetings. Everyone is welcome!

Venue: Wathaurong Cooperative, Morgan St, North Geelong

Sponsored by: Radical Women, PO Box 94, Drysdale Vic 3222, www.socialism.com
For information or a lift, phone Brenda (03) 5253 3373 or Brigitte (03) 5241


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LL:DDV: Paramilitary Policing - Melbourne Radical Women Meeting

2001-08-20 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women Meeting

Thursday, 30 August, 7.00 pm

Feminists talk about:
Policing Rebellion vs Our Right to Resist =8B the militarising of Australia's

 From Seattle to Prague, Melbourne to Quebec, brutal police attacks on 
massive anti-capitalist protests have shattered the image of the 
community-spirited cop. The shooting down of protesters in Port Moresby and 
Genoa show their far-reaching powers.

Jude McCulloch, feminist lawyer and author of "Blue Army: Paramilitary 
Policing in Australia," will be Radical Women=B9s special guest speaker. 
RW's Delia Maxwell, veteran of the Richmond Secondary College picketlines 
and the anti-capitalist protests of S11 and M1, will chair. In the lead-up 
to Melbourne's demonstrations against the Commonwealth Heads of Government 
(CHOGM) Business Forum in October, join us in learning how Australia's 
police forces have been transformed into crack troops, and why. Discuss 
what those on the front lines of today's revolts  - women, unionists, 
queers, migrants, Aborigines, students, elders and young, people with 
disabilities - can do about it. Everyone is welcome!

The meeting is free and held at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd, Brunswick. 
Dinner is served at 6.30pm for a $6.00 donation. For more information, 
email Radical Women on [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone us on (03) 
9386 3230.


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LL:DDV: Radical Women Study Series

2001-08-07 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women invites you to join us on Week #3 of
our 6-week study of "The Radical Women Manifesto: Socialist Feminist Theory,
Program and Organizational Structure"

Saturday, 11 August, 2.00 - 3.30 pm

This week: Reform or Revolution -- Building for a Socialist Feminist Future
New participants are most welcome.

Come at 1.30 pm for a delicious lunch beforehand ($6.00 donation)

The Radical Women Manifesto is available in English and Spanish for $10.00
from Solidarity Salon (Tuesdays or Saturdays, 10.00 am - 5.00 pm) or by mail
(email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details). Copies will also be
available for purchase at study group meetings.

Radical Women
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd., Brunswick
(Upfield line between Brunswick & Anstey stations,
Tram #19 between Blyth and Stewart St. stops; plenty of parking at rear, off
Staley St.)
Information: (03) 9386 3230 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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LL:DDV: Melbourne Radical Women Study Group

2001-07-12 Thread Debbie Brennan

Melbourne Radical Women
invites you to a
6-week study series on

The Radical Women Manifesto:
Socialist Feminist Theory, Program and Organizational Structure

Saturdays, 28 July - 1 September
2.00-3.30 pm
(Lunch is served at 1.30 pm for a $6.00 donation)

28 July: Introduction and Preamble --
Who We Are; The Vanguard Role of Women

4 August: Theory --
Origins of Oppression; Women under Capitalism; Race and Gender

11 August: Theory --
Reform or Revolution; Feminism: Class Struggle or Sex Struggle; Women and
Socialism; Building for a Socialist Feminist Future

18 August: Platform --
Legal Rights; Economic Equality; Women and Unions; Biological
Self-Determination; Quality Healthcare; Rights of Children; Education;
Politics; People of Colour, National/Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous

25 August: Platform --
Sexual Minorities; Elder Women; Young Women; Women with Disabilities; Women
and Poverty; Women in Prison; Legalisation of Prostitution; Violence
 against Women; The Environment; Media and Culture; The Military 
and the
Draft; The Right to Self-Defence; For a United Front against the Right Wing
and Fascism

1 September: Organisational Structure & Principles; Notes and Recommended

The Radical Women Manifesto is available in English and Spanish for $10.00
from Solidarity Salon (Tuesdays or Saturdays, 10.00 am - 5.00 pm) and New
International Bookshop or by mail (email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
details). Copies will also be available for purchase at study group

Radical Women
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd., Brunswick
(Upfield line between Brunswick & Anstey stations,
Tram #19 between Blyth and Stewart St. stops; plenty of parking at rear, off
Staley St.)
Information: (03) 9386 3230 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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LL:DDV: Women in Prison: Benefit Gig

2001-07-12 Thread Debbie Brennan

Press Release Press Release Press Release Press Release

Advocacy Program for Women In Prison Benefit Gig

Women inside prison have little effective access to the information and
resources they need in relation to their imprisonment and post release needs
such as housing, employment, social welfare, legal rights and access to

The Advocacy Program for Women Prisoners is a non-profit, non-government
funded program that provides pre and post release advocacy and support for
women prisoners in Victoria. Currently the program is run by approximately
12 women activists who volunteer their time and energy to provide resources
and advocacy to women inside. However, the Advocacy Program desperately
needs funds in order to stay alive.

In order to raise funds the Advocacy Program is holding a benefit gig on
Saturday, 21st July at 8pm at: Bar 303, High Street Northcote

Bands included:

Git (little bit of country from Melbounres finest trio)
Milk (divine harmonies, lush melodies and rich textures)
Women (rhythm and blues) featuring Monica Weightman, Kate Hosking and Mia

and heaps more come along and show your support

Tickets cost $10 and $6  and any donations to the program will also
gratefully be accepted on the night or by contacting Cherry or Jiselle

For More Information contact Cherry: 0412 487 779 or Jiselle 0403 278 610


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LL:DDV: Study for Radicals

2001-06-27 Thread Debbie Brennan

Melbourne Radical Women invites you to
a 6-week study group =8B

The Radical Women  Manifesto:
Socialist Feminist Theory, Program and Organizational Structure

Saturdays, 28 July - 1 September
2.00 - 3.30 pm

Feeling radical? Then join other activists in an exciting exploration of 
the revolutionary tendency of the feminist movement, its ideas and 
strategies. This new, updated edition of the Manifesto is required reading 
for rebel
grrrlz, working women and sisters of all colours. Radical Women's brand of 
multi-issue, multi-racial, queer and straight, cross-generational, working 
class politics will inspire you and give you optimism that together we can 
change the world! Everyone is welcome.

Admission is free. Lunch is served at 1.30 pm for a $6.00 donation. The
Manifesto is $10.00 and available at our office (address below) on Tuesdays
and Saturdays, 10.00 am - 5.00 pm or by mail (add $1.50 postage).

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. Upfield line between 
Brunswick & Anstey stations, Tram #19 between Blyth & Stewart St stops, or 
plentiful parking is available (enter from Staley St).


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LL:DDV: May Day Book Launch

2001-04-30 Thread Debbie Brennan

Saturday, 5 May, 5.00 pm

Feminism and Revolution -- Alive and Inseparable

Join Radical Women in celebrating the publication of their red hot Manifesto
to the world. This book tackles the big questions like why sexism is
intrinsic to capitalism and how to build a movement for international
justice. Festivities include a presentation by Debbie Brennan on the radical
origins of the fight for equal rights, a tribute to our trailblazing
foremothers and readings from the book.

An international hors d'oeuvre buffet will be served for a $6.00 donation.
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick (Upfield train line between
Brunswick and Anstey stations or tram #19 between Blyth and Stewart Sts).
Sponsored by Radical Women. For more information, phone 9388 0062.


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LL:DDV: May Day Book Party

2001-04-15 Thread Debbie Brennan

Saturday, 5 May, 5.00 - 8.00 pm

Feminism and Revolution -- Alive and Inseparable. Celebrate May Day at a
book party for the new edition of "The Radical Women Manifesto: Socialist
Feminist Theory, Program and Organisational Structure." Festivities include
a presentation on the radical origins of the fight for equal rights, a
tribute to trailblazing foremothers and readings from the book.

International hors d'oeuvre buffet available for a $6.00 donation.
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick (Upfield train line between
Brunswick and Anstey stations or tram #19 between Blyth and Stewart Sts).
Sponsored by Radical Women. For more information, phone 9388 0062. Everyone
is welcome.


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LL:REM: Socialist Feminism vs Rightwing Backlash

2001-04-02 Thread Debbie Brennan

Apologies for re-posting. The date and time were missing from the original.

Melbourne Radical Women Meeting. Everyone is welcome!

Thursday, 5 April, 7.30 pm


Around the world, rightwing regimes are being met by grassroots resistance. 
Come along to hear about international and national struggles against the 
likes of John Howard, George Bush and Saddam Hussein. A panel of dynamic 
speakers will feature Surma Hamid, organiser for the Committee in Defence 
of Iraqi Women's Rights; Maria Mardones, Chilean feminist and community 
activist; and Alison Thorne, Radical Women member and a leader in Socialist 
Alliance. We'll explore what drives the Right, why it has become a global 
force and how a multi-issue feminist movement can defeat it.

A tasty dinner, with vegetarian option, is served at 6.30 pm for a $6.00

Place: Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

For more information, contact Radical Women at (03) 9386 3230 or


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LL:DDV: Socialist Feminism vs Rightwing Backlash

2001-03-25 Thread Debbie Brennan

Melbourne Radical Women Meeting. Everyone is welcome!


Around the world, rightwing regimes are being met by grassroots resistance.
Come along to hear about international and national struggles against the
likes of John Howard, George Bush and Saddam Hussein. A panel of dynamic
speakers will feature Surma Hamid, organiser for the Committee in Defence of
Iraqi Women's Rights; Maria Mardones, Chilean feminist and community
activist; and Alison Thorne, Radical Women member and a leader in Socialist
Alliance. We'll explore what drives the Right, why it has become a global
force and how a multi-issue feminist movement can defeat it.

A tasty dinner, with vegetarian option, is served at 6.30 pm for a $6.00

Place: Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

For more information, contact Radical Women at (03) 9386 3230 or


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LL:DDV: Transgenders' Fight for EO

2000-11-20 Thread Debbie Brennan

Melbourne Radical Women Meeting:

"Victoria's Equal Opportunity Law for Transgenders: A Victory that Needs

The Equal Opportunity (Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation) Bill,
recently passed by the Victorian State Parliament, is the first to make
discrimination against transgender people unlawful in a range of areas. Its
passage has been a battle against conservative forces hell-bent on
maintaining society's sexist and homophobic definitions of gender identity.
And limitations have been imposed.

Come along to hear Sharon Saunders, from Transgender Liberation and Care,
Kayleen White, a transgender rights activist, and Alison Thorne, from
Radical Women, discuss why protection for transgenders is an urgent
necessity and what it will take to win full equality.

Thursday, 30 November
7.00 pm (dinner at 6.15 pm for a $6 donation)
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick

For more information, phone Radical Women on (03) 9386 3230.


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LL:DDV: Crisis and Leadership: Study Group

2000-11-06 Thread Debbie Brennan

Freedom Socialist Party and Feminist Education Association
invite you to join a Weekly Study Group:

What can the heady victories and appalling blunders of the volatile '60s 
teach today's activists about what it takes to make fundamental social 
change? "Crisis and Leadership," just re-published with a new introduction 
to the original 1965 work, tackles this question while providing a 
visionary analysis of the United States and world politics and economics. 
The book also contains a hard-hitting indictment of racism and sexism as 
the main sources of conservatism in the union movement and the Left.

8 November - 13 December
Wednesday Nights, 7.00 - 8.45 pm
(Dinner served at 6.30 pm for a $6.00 donation)
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick

Course Outline:
8 November: Enduring lessons of the 1960s for today's freedom fighters
15 November: Crisis for global capitalism, and U.S. ghettoes join a world in
22 November: Crossroads for workers -- unite around the demands of African
Americans and women or stay in chains
29 November: Crisis in leadership -- behind the degeneration of the
Socialist Workers Party
6 December: Birth of new leadership -- founding documents of the Freedom
Socialist Party
13 December: FSP's political program -- Voice of International Revolutionary

The book is available for $19.95. For information, or to obtain the book and
a study guide, phone (03) 9386 3230. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Website: www.socialism.com


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LL:PR: Crisis & Leadership: timely new book

2000-10-29 Thread Debbie Brennan

Dear LeftLinkers

On the heels of S11 and in the midst of exciting global anti-capitalist 
revolt, upcoming discussions about lessons to be drawn and where to go from 
here couldn't be more welcome and timely. To go forward and meet the 
opportunities presented by the new anti-WEF coalitions, as Trotsky might 
have said, one must understand the past. A new publication called "Crisis 
and Leadership," published by Red Letter Press, is a superb resource for this.

Written in 1965, the book examines how and why the U.S. Socialist Workers 
Party, originally a vibrant model of principled Trotskyist organising and 
thought, abandoned its revolutionary program. When the radical 1960s 
exploded, the SWP was paralysed by its ties to the most privileged sectors 
of the union movement and its ambivalent and wildly contradictory approach 
to the upsurges of African Americans, youth, and women. In an attempt by 
the Kirk-Kaye Tendency (Richard Fraser and Clara Fraser) to re-orient the 
SWP, "Crisis and Leadership" studies the SWP's political errors in relation 
to Cuba, the unions, the civil rights movement, feminism, youth, and the 
emerging far right. The authors provide a visionary analysis of world 
economic and political developments. They track down the source of the 
bureaucratic methods that prevented the ranks from correcting the party's 
downward spiral.

Although the SWP failed to change course, the political critique presented 
in these pages became the seeds for a new beginning. The authors formed the 
Freedom Socialist Party, which became the first and only Bolshevik feminist 
party. Founding documents of the FSP are published for the first time in 
this book. Extensive notes clarify the issues and historical events of the 
time, as well as identify the people and organisations involved.

Today's new generation of organisers against global corporate rule will 
find the perspectives offered in "Crisis and Leadership" as fresh and 
relevant as when first written. It also provides answers for a generation 
of exSWPers who dropped out of politics or tried to start new organisations 
or who turned against Trotskyism/Leninism because of their experience.

Here's how to order from the publisher:
Red Letter Press
PO Box 266
West Brunswick Vic 3055

Fax: 03-9386-5065
For more information, visit our website at www.socialism.com

Australia: $19.95, postage $2.50.

In struggle
Debbie Brennan
Freedom Socialist Party


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LL:DDV: Feminism Unites the Global Revolt against Corporate Rule

2000-10-16 Thread Debbie Brennan

Melbourne Radical Women Meeting:
Wednesday, 25 October


In September, the thousands of people who blockaded the World Economic Forum
Summit in Melbourne joined the spreading international resistance against
capitalism. When unionists, Aborigines, migrants, queers, people with
disabilities, young people and seniors linked arms, we united our struggles
and showed our combined power. As the special target of this sexist system,
women were in the forefront.

Join us as we discuss the impact of capitalist globalisation on women and
queers and how we, in all our diversity, are the fiercest fighters for
revolutionary change. Panelists include Jess Permezel from QUEER (Queers
United to Eradicate Economic Rationalism) and Debbie Brennan from Radical
Women. Everyone is welcome.

7.00 pm (dinner at 6.15 pm for a $6 donation)
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick

For more information, phone (03) 9386 3230 or email:


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LL:DDV: Reproductive Rights for ALL Women!

2000-09-18 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women Meeting

Wednesday, 27 September, 7.00 pm

John Howard's attack on the right of lesbians and single women to access IVF
and donor sperm programs is part of a vicious backlash against women's
independence. When Howard preaches "family values," he speaks for big
business. Women are key to maintaining its profits: we reproduce the labour
force; and the system's treatment of women is its benchmark for everyone. To
maintain power, our corporate rulers must control women's reproduction:
sterilising women of colour or with disabilities, deciding who can use
reproductive technology and criminalising abortion.

Come along to discuss how we can defeat this latest assault and win full
reproductive freedom for ALL women. Everyone is welcome!

Dinner will be served at 6.15 pm for a $6.00 donation.

Venue: Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick

For further information, email Radical Women: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or phone (03) 9386 3230.


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LL:DDV: Geelong Radical Women: The Toll on Our Mental Health

2000-08-07 Thread Debbie Brennan

Geelong Radical Women invites you to its inaugural meeting:

Thursday, 17 August, 7.00 pm (light refreshments served at 6.30 pm for $4


When healthcare is handed over to profiteers, women and people with mental
and physical disabilities are the first to feel the pain. The privatisation
and slashing of services, combined with the rollback of Medicare, are
putting more and more people at risk -- especially the young and elderly,
Aborigines, queers, women, immigrants denied benefits, and the poor. Women
are hit doubly hard when public health becomes a private burden, borne
mainly by the huge female labour force of unpaid domestic carers and
under-paid community workers. But there is an alternative!

Come along to hear Marita Borton, a community psychiatric service worker,
Brigitte Ellery, a mental health consumer, and David Guthrie, from the
Mental Health Consumer Union, and discuss the solution. Everyone is welcome.

Place: Mental Health Consumers Union, 202 Myers Street, Geelong

For more information, phone Brenda on (03) 5253 3373 or email:



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LL:DDV: Women Workers' Victory Over Nike: Melbourne Radical Women

2000-08-07 Thread Debbie Brennan

An invitation from Melbourne Radical Women:

Wednesday, 16 August, 7.00 pm (dinner at 6.15 pm for a $6.00 donation)


Women unionists are at the forefront of resistance against the sweatshop
barons. When the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union and the FairWear
Campaign stood up to Nike -- for the first time anywhere in the world --
this corporate giant had to front a court and answer for its
super-exploitation of its overwhelmingly female labour force. The $15,000
penalty was pitiful. But the significance of this victory is immense.

Next step: September 11 at Melbourne's Crown Casino. There, the World
Economic Forum, the organisation of the world's richest companies, will meet
to plan how they'll extract more profit at our expense. Again, working
people will be there!

Come along to hear special guest speaker, Pam Curr, from the FairWear
Campaign. Join the discussion of how we can defeat the Nikes of the world
and take a lesson from Cuba, where wealth is measured by the well-being of
its people, not the profits of cartels. Everyone is welcome.

Place: Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick.

For more information, phone Radical Women on (03) 9386 3230 or email:



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LL:REM: Welcome Revolutionary Feminists from Cuba

2000-07-17 Thread Debbie Brennan


Bertha Acosta Segua, member of Federation of Cuban Women's National 
Committee, and Nancy Iglesias Mildenstein, from FMC's Department of Foreign 
Affairs, will visit Australia July 22 - 30.

The Federation of Cuban Women, an outstanding champion of women's rights 
around the world, was organised by women leaders of the 1959 Cuban 
Revolution. Its first campaign wiped out illiteracy in the country. For 
more than four decades it has worked tirelessly on behalf of Cuban women.

This is a unique chance to share experiences and learn from women 
revolutionaries who believe that their aspirations are tied to the 
liberation of women worldwide.

Initiated by Radical Women, the tour is co-sponsored by: Australia-Cuba
Friendship Society (Brisbane and Sydney), Committees in Solidarity with
Latin America and the Caribbean, Green Left Weekly, LINKS (Committee in
Solidarity with the FMLN in El Salvador), Ocean Travel, Progressive Labour
Party (Geelong), Resistance

Endorsers: Australia-Cuba Friendship Society (Adelaide & Melbourne); Carlo 
Carli, ALP Member for Coburg (Vic); Chilean Popular & Indigenous Network; 
Committee in Defence of Iraqi Women's Rights; Cuba Solidarity Coalition; 
Democratic Socialist Party; Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Centre; 
Freedom Socialist Party; Friends of the Earth; Geelong Women's Action 
Coalition; Cuba Green Team; Indigenous Social Justice Association; 
International Federation of Immigrant & Refugee Councils Iraq; Craig 
Johnston, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union*; Sue Kelman, Institute 
for Social Research, Melbourne*; Latin American Society, La Trobe 
University; Latin American Studies, University of Western Sydney; Madres de 
Plaza de Mayo; Audrey McDonald, former National Secretary, Union of 
Australian Women*; Graciela Nogues, Latin American solidarity activist; 
Professor James Petras, State University of New York*; Progressive Labour 
Party (Melbourne North branch); Karen Throssell, Women's Information & 
Referral Exchange*; Union of Australian Women; Victorian Trades Hall 
Council; Women's Health in the South East; Wathaurong Women's Group; 
Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (NSW); Working Women 
*Organisation listed for identification purposes only.


Saturday, 22 July, 6.00 pm
Trades Hall, Old Ballroom
(Victoria and Lygon Streets, Carlton)

Reception and Forum --
"Stand in Solidarity with Cuba: We can Turn this Beacon into a Torch!"

Bertha Acosta and Nancy Iglesias, Federation of Cuban Women
Debbie Brennan, Radical Women
Alejandro Rodriguez, Committees in Solidarity with Central America the
Philippa Sandford, LINKS (Committee in Solidarity with the FMLN in El
Deb Shnookal, Ocean Travel
Vivian Messerim,  Resistance

$12/$8 concession

Delicious Buffet Spread
International Entertainment * Raffle

Proceeds go toward the FMC Tour

For information, contact Radical Women: 03 9386 3230

Sunday, 23 July, 12.00 noon
Wathaurong Cooperative
Morgan Street, North Geelong

Bertha Acosta and Nancy Iglesias, Federation of Cuban Women
Brenda Hunter, Radical Women & FMC Tour Coordinator
Deb Nicholson, Regional Woman of the Year

Entry by donation
Lunch $5/$3

Proceeds go toward the FMC Tour

Contact details: Radical Women 03 5253 3373
Progressive Labour Party 03 5241 3901



Tuesday, 25 July, 1.00 - 2.00 pm: Forum hosted by International Conflict
Resolution Centre, University of Melbourne. Room 1123, 11th Floor, Redmond
Barry Building, University of Melbourne. Phone: 9486 8312.

Tuesday, 25 July, 6.00 pm: Dinner with women unionists hosted by Victorian
Trades Hall. La Notte, 140 Lygon Street, Carlton. RSVP required: Ellen
Kleimaker 9662 3511.

Wednesday, 26 July, 12.00 - 2.00 pm: Luncheon hosted by Union of Australian
Women. 4th Floor, Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne.  $10/$8. Phone
UAW: 9654 7409.

Thursday, 27 July, 12.00 - 2.00 pm: Forum hosted by Latin American Society,
La Trobe University. Social Sciences Room 429, La Trobe University,
Bundoora. Phone 9329 5808.

Saturday, 29 July, 9.30 am: Global Action Conference, sponsored by Green 
Left Weekly and Friends of the Earth. University of Melbourne, Daniher 
Hall, Orr Street, Carlton. $10/$5. Phone GLW: 9639 8622.

Saturday, 29 July, 7.00 pm - 1.00 am: =A1Viva Cuba! Fiesta. Sponsored by Cuba
Solidarity Coalition. Brunswick Town Hall, 233 Sydney Rd, Brunswick.
$12/$10. Phone: 9329 5808.

Sunday, 30 July, 12.00 - 4.00 pm: Australia-Cuba Friendship Society
celebrates Cuba's Revolution. Venue: Viva La Vita! Restaruant, 141 Lygon
Street, Carlton. Phone: 9478 9473.


Tuesday 25: 7.00 pm, hosted by UWS Latin American Studies. University of
Western Sydney, Bankstown Campus, Bullecourt Rd, Milpe

LL:DD: Meet the Federation of Cuban Women

2000-07-11 Thread Debbie Brennan


Bertha Acosta Segua, member of Federation of Cuban Women's National 
Committee, and Nancy Iglesias Mildenstein, from FMC's Department of Foreign 
Affairs, will visit Australia July 22 - 30.

The Federation of Cuban Women, an outstanding champion of women's rights 
around the world, was organised by women leaders of the 1959 Cuban 
Revolution. Its first campaign wiped out illiteracy in the country. For 
more than four decades it has worked tirelessly on behalf of Cuban women.

This is a unique chance to share experiences and learn from women 
revolutionaries who believe that their aspirations are tied to the 
liberation of women worldwide.

Initiated by Radical Women, the tour is co-sponsored by: Australia-Cuba 
Friendship Society (Brisbane and Sydney), Committees in Solidarity with 
Latin America and the Caribbean, Green Left Weekly, LINKS (Committee in 
Solidarity with the FMLN in El Salvador), Ocean Travel, Progressive Labour 
Party (Geelong), Resistance

Endorsed by Victorian Trades Hall, Wathaurong Women's Group, Indigenous 
Social Justice Association and many unionist, environmentalist, feminist 
and solidarity organisations and activists.


Saturday, 22 July, 6.00 pm
Trades Hall, Old Ballroom
(Victoria and Lygon Streets, Carlton)

Reception and Forum --
"Stand in Solidarity with Cuba: We can Turn this Beacon into a Torch!"

Bertha Acosta and Nancy Iglesias, Federation of Cuban Women
Debbie Brennan, Radical Women
Alejandro Rodriguez, Committees in Solidarity with Central America the
Philippa Sandford, LINKS (Committee in Solidarity with the FMLN in El
Deb Shnookal, Ocean Travel
A speaker from Resistance

$12/$8 concession

Delicious Buffet Spread
International Entertainment * Raffle

Proceeds go toward the FMC Tour

For information, contact Radical Women: 03 9386 3230

Sunday, 23 July, 12.00 noon
Wathaurong Cooperative
Morgan Street, North Geelong

Bertha Acosta and Nancy Iglesias, Federation of Cuban Women
Brenda Hunter, Radical Women & FMC Tour Coordinator
Deb Nicholson, Regional Woman of the Year

Entry by donation
Lunch $5/$3

Proceeds go toward the FMC Tour

Contact details: Radical Women 03 5253 3373
Progressive Labour Party 03 5241 3901



Tuesday, 25 July, 1.00 - 2.00 pm: Forum hosted by International Conflict
Resolution Centre, University of Melbourne. Room 1123, 11th Floor, Redmond
Barry Building, University of Melbourne. Phone: 9486 8312.

Tuesday, 25 July, 6.00 pm: Dinner with women unionists hosted by Victorian
Trades Hall. La Notte, 140 Lygon Street, Carlton. RSVP required: Ellen
Kleimaker 9662 3511.

Wednesday, 26 July, 12.00 - 2.00 pm: Luncheon hosted by Union of Australian
Women. 4th Floor, Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne.  $10/$8. Phone
UAW: 9654 7409.

Thursday, 27 July, 12.00 - 2.00 pm: Forum hosted by Latin American Society,
La Trobe University. Social Sciences Room 429, La Trobe University,
Bundoora. Phone 9329 5808.

Saturday, 29 July, 9.30 am: Global Action Conference, sponsored by Green 
Left Weekly and Friends of the Earth. University of Melbourne, Daniher 
Hall, Orr Street, Carlton. $10/$5. Phone GLW: 9639 8622.

Saturday, 29 July, 7.00 pm - 1.00 am: =A1Viva Cuba! Fiesta. Sponsored by Cuba
Solidarity Coalition. Brunswick Town Hall, 233 Sydney Rd, Brunswick.
$12/$10. Phone: 9329 5808.

Sunday, 30 July, 12.00 - 4.00 pm: Australia-Cuba Friendship Society
celebrates Cuba=B9s Revolution. Venue: Viva La Vita! Restaruant, 141 Lygon
Street, Carlton. Phone: 9478 9473.


Tuesday 25: 7.00 pm, hosted by UWS Latin American Studies. University of
Western Sydney, Bankstown Campus,
Bullecourt Rd, Milperra. $7/$5. PHONE: 9690 1240.

Wednesday 26: 7pm: Celebrate the 41st anniversary  of Cuba's Revolution,
hosted by Australia-Cuba Friendship Society and Committees in Solidarity
with Latin America and the Caribbean. University of Technology, Ground
Floor,Tower Block Entrance, Broadway, Sydney. $7/$5. Phone: 9690

Thursday, 27 July: 12.30 - 2.00 pm, Waratah Room, Parliament House,
Macquarie Street, Sydney.


Thursday, 27 July: 6.00 pm, venue to be confirmed. Organised by Committees
in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean.


Friday, 28 July: 7.00 pm, venue to be confirmed. Organised by 
Australia-Cuba Friendship Society. Phone: (07) 3848 5208.

For updated information, including interstate events, phone RW in Melbourne 
(03) 9386 3230 or Geelong (03) 5253 3373, or email us.



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LL:AA: Federation of Cuban Women Australian Tour

2000-05-01 Thread Debbie Brennan


YOU are invited to help organise the national tour of feminists from 
revolutionary Cuba!

The Federation of Cuban Women, an outstanding champion of women's rights 
around the world, was organised by women leaders of the 1959 Cuban 
Revolution. Its first campaign wiped out illiteracy in the country. For 
more than four decades it has worked tirelessly on behalf of Cuban women.

 From 22 - 30 July, the FMC will be in Australia. This is a unique chance 
to share experiences and learn from women revolutionaries who believe that 
their socialist aspirations are tied to the liberation of women worldwide.

Do you want to:
* Co-sponsor or endorse the tour?
* Help raise funds or publicise the tour?
* Set up a meeting with the Federation?

Then talk to us! Phone: (03) 9386 3230 (Melbourne); (03) 5253 3373 (Geelong)

Sponsors (in progress): Radical Women, LINKS (Committee in Solidarity with 
the FMLN in El Salvador), Progressive Labour Party (Geelong branch), Resistance

Endorsers so far are unions; parliamentarians; activists; socialist, 
feminist, environmentalist, solidarity, indigenous and women's 
organisations from Australia and internationally.


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: No GST on Tampons! No GST on Anything!

2000-04-04 Thread Debbie Brennan

For LeftLinkers in Melbourne -- 

Radical Women Meeting:
Wednesday, 12 April, 7.00 pm

Will tampons be the lever that topples this shamelessly regressive tax?

Howard's barefaced move to shift responsilibity for the economic crisis from
the rich to the poor has created a powerful opposition -- women!

Women are angry, and on the move. We can see that we are being taxed FOR
BEING WOMEN. But we also know that we have to bring down the WHOLE GST --
the tax that makes workers pay the price, while big business takes the
profit. Women's leadership has transformed inactive resentment against the
looming Goods & Services Tax into organised resistance.

Join us in a lively discussion of the GST, based on Marita Borton's
hard-hitting article, "Government officials in hot water over planned new
tax on tampons," in the latest issue of the "Freedom Socialist"
newspaper --
and what is needed to defeat it!

Everyone is welcome.

Where: Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick.
Dinner is served at 6.15 pm for a $6 donation. 
Phone: (03) 9386 3230



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: Cuba Solidarity Coalition 2000

2000-03-29 Thread Debbie Brennan

To LeftLinkers in Melbourne --

The Cuba Solidarity Coalition (CSC) meets each year to plan its exciting
Cuba solidarity activities. In previous years, we have held stimulating
public forums with Cuban speakers, rallies and film nights. And who can
forget the vivacious and successful Viva Cuba Fiestas to celebrate

The next meeting will be:
Tuesday, 11 April, 7.30 pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick

All groups and activists interested in defending Cuba are welcome.

For details, contact Debbie at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone (03)
9386 3230.



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: Study Group: Voices of Color

2000-03-05 Thread Debbie Brennan

To LeftLinkers around Melbourne --

Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party invite you to:

A Weekly Study Group:

Join this lively discussion of writings by activists of colour. Authors
explore their experiences as African Americans, Chicanas/os, Asian Pacific
Americans and Native Americans. They provide fresh, optimistic outlooks on
issues ranging from personal identity and inter-racial solidarity to the
realities of confronting racism, sexism and homophobia at work and in the
movements for social change.

23 MARCH - 20 APRIL, THURSDAY NIGHTS, 7.00 - 8.30 PM


Admission is free * Dinner served at 6.15 pm for $6 donation
"Voices of Color" is available at sessions for $18.95

For information or to obtain the book and study guide, call (03) 9386 3230
* Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Fax (03) 9386 5065
* Website: www.socialism.com


23 March --
* Introduction

30 March --
* Lesbians of Color Conference: The Politics of "Sisterhood"
* Blacks and Asians: We are NOT Enemies
* Leglislating Language: Behind the Attack on Bilingualism
* Turning Rage into Resistance: Solidarity Challenges San Francisco Cop

6 April --
* Women Strikers Shake Up the Bay Area
* After Chavez, Where Next for the UFW (United Farm Workers)?
* Multi-racial Strikers Persevere against Diamond Walnut
* You Were Born

13 April --
* NAFTA: Tri-Country Genocide Against Indigenous People
* For the Good of Palestine and Israel: Bring the Political Exiles Home!
* California Prop 187 Rings with Echoes of Japanese American Concentration

20 April --
* Campasina's Journey
* Invisible Women: Sexism in the Black Panther Party
* We are the Leaders We've Been Waiting For



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: IWD Meeting: Si to Cuba, No to Capitalism's War on Women!

2000-03-01 Thread Debbie Brennan

Special Radical Women Meeting for International Women's Day:

Wednesday, 15 March, 7.00 pm
A Guest Panel Reports on Women's Struggles Around the World

Join us in an Interntional Women's Day salute to revolutionary Cuba. For 41
years, women have played a vital role in their country's transformation from
a playground for Yanqui businessmen into a society that guarantees everyone
the inalienable right to a stable and safe life. Despite severe material
hardship caused by the U.S.-imposed blockade, women have access to
childcare, abortion and equal wages; Cubans aren't homeless; children aren't
malnourished; and everyone enjoys free healthcare and education.

An international panel will also pay tribute to women's resistance against
systemic global violence, including East Timor, Asia, Africa, Latin America,
the Middle East, Eastern Europe, the United States and Australia. We will
discuss the dynamism of the grassroots women's movement and what we can
learn from Cuba.

Guest speakers are:
* Angela Acosta, Salvadoran feminist, nurse & anti-discrimination fighter
* Sonia Acosta, Salvadoran women's rights activist & student at Monash
* Carla Chung, East Timorese fighter for a free Timor Lorosae
* Linda Hadley, Year 12 student at Kurunjang Secondary College & solidarity
* Jocelyn Hunter, Cuba solidarity campaigner & student at LaTrobe University
* Sorma Maoloud, Melbourne representative for the Committee in Defence of
Iraqi Women's Rights
* Shaza Nur, women's health worker & advocate against female genital

A Cuban dinner will be served at 6.15pm for a $6 donation.

Where: Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick
For more information, contact Radical Women at:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone (03) 9386 3230



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:AA: Elian action alert

2000-01-13 Thread Debbie Brennan

Hello LeftLinkers

Below is an action alert on Elian Gonlzales Brotons, forwarded to Melbourne 
Radical Women from our comrades in the United States. Elian's case is now 
at a very critical point.

Radical Women thanks all who supported our petition campaign to free Elian. 
We have just faxed the petition to key U.S. Government players below.

Debbie Brennan
Melbourne Radical Women Organiser

- Forwarded message --
From: ifco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 17:15:38 -0500
Subject: Elian action alert

January 12, 2000


Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) staff members let us know 
yesterday that the 1/11 AP report stating that the INS would not contest 
the Florida court ruling on Eli=E1n's temporary custody was INCORRECT. 
Their actual position is reflected in today's letter from Janet Reno to the 
Miami attorneys Eig and Bernstein, who represent the distant relatives 
detaining Elian.  The essence of this four-page letter, which was just 
released to the press, is as follows:

a) Attorney General Reno sees no reason to reverse the INS Commissioner's 
decision that Elian's custody remains with his surviving parent, who has 
sole authority to speak for his son on immigration matters.

b) Nothing in the local court's action or the temporary protective order 
overrides the father's authority.  "In the Department [of Justice's] 
judgment, the Florida court's order has no force or effect insofar as INS' 
administration of the immigration laws is concerned."

c) While state courts, and not the INS, have authority to rule on custody 
matters, the INS has already made clear that there is no question 
whatsoever of Elian's custody.

d) Reno affirms that "the first responsibility of the INS when confronted 
with an unaccompanied minor is to attempt to remedy the situation by 
finding the child's parent or legal guardian, even if that person is 
outside the United States."

e) Reno affirms the father's close relationship with Elian, and the absence 
of coercion in the father's appeal for his child.  She also indicates that 
there is "no credible information indicating that the child would be at 
risk of torture or persecution if returned to his father," and thus sees 
"no objective basis for a valid asylum claim."

f) The INS' ruling can only be challenged in federal court. "Accordingly, 
Commissioner Meissner has determined that the January 14 date should be 
extended to accommodate any federal court proceedings. This little boy has 
been through so much, and it is therefore imperative that all of us do what 
we can to resolve his case as soon as possible."

to let them know that they do have the political space in which they can 
enforce the  Reno/INS decision and send Elian home.  We need to insist that 
there be no more delaying tactics, that the federal review should be 
immediate, and that the boy must go home as soon as possible.

not to back down; ask Clinton to do the right thing; tell Gore to get out 

Attorney General Janet Reno 202/514-2001202/307-6777
Pres. Clinton and VP Gore   202/456-202/456-2461

We also need to keep reaching out to members of Congress.  Contact your 
senators and rep in Washington (202/225-3121) or at their home district 
offices until 1/27 (meet with them personally if you can!).  Ask them to 
show the Administration that they support the INS ruling to SEND ELIAN HOME 

The New York Committee to Return Elian to His Father In Cuba held a 
tremendously successful demonstration in front of the INS office at Federal 
Plaza in lower Manhattan on 1/11.  Speakers at the rally included Ramsey 
Clark, Rev. Lucius Walker, and activist Minnie Bruce Pratt.  Eleven people 
were arrested for blocking the entrance to the building.  Every TV station 
in the metro-NY area gave positive coverage to the demonstration, and CNN 
and Spanish-language stations 41 and 47 gave national coverage which was 
viewed in Miami.  Another successful demonstration was held on 1/11 at San 
Diego's Federal Plaza; San Francisco and other cities will have 
demonstrations today.  Continued acts of civil disobedience are planned -- 
until Elian is home in his father's arms.  As public outrage over the 
detention of Elian continues to grow, we are confident that this movement 
will gr

LL:ART: Elian Gonzales Case: Eyewitness Account from Miami

2000-01-12 Thread Debbie Brennan

Hello LeftLinkers

Below is an excellent eye-witness report of the demonstrations in Miami, 
organised by the Cuban-American Mafia, to block the return of Elian 
Gonzales to Cuba. Radical Women received the report from the Cuban 
Consulate. It's written by a Cuban journalist in Miami who condemns the 
anti-Cuba thuggery and gives some telling insights.

Debbie Brennan
Melbourne Radical Women Organiser

Subject: Eyewitness in Miami
Date: 08-Jan-00 at 19:56
From: Luis Martin, INTERNET:canagc.org

The Latest Commotion in Little Havana
By Luis Ortega

Friday, January 7, 2000

On Thursday, January 6, at 12 noon, I went to downtown Miami to see what 
the big demonstration called for in front of the Federal Building to 
protest the case of the child Elian was all about. What I saw there was 300 
yelling Cubans with little flags. One must realize that Miami is always 
congested with people and traffic. It is not exceptional for a bunch of 
people yelling and waving flags on a corner to create a commotion.

In the meantime, I kept listening to all the Radio Mambi slogans on my car 
radio. I heard the ex-Commander, Hubert Matos uttering frightening screams 
and demanding justice. Hubert Matos has a world record on having executed a 
man on a wheel chair in 1959 in Camaguey province and has become incredibly 
rich in Miami with numerous businesses, to the extent that his son is on 
the run for having embezzled millions from Medicare and Medicaid.

I also heard Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart who, in the tone of a media 
pundit, accused Castro of being a monster and insinuated that Clinton is 
despicable. Someday for sure there will be an investigation of the business 
activities of the Diaz Balarts. There are too many of them.

Suddenly, the demonstrators, flags in hand and always yelling, began moving 
eastbound on Flagler Street (yelling is a tradition among my compatriots). 
Then, they sat on the street to stop traffic. I was forced to stop on a 
Flagler side street, I think it was on South Miami Avenue. A stout Cuban 
with a huge cigar in his mouth lay across the street with a Cuban flag 
while an old man sold Cuban and American flags at $5 each. The car horns 
began to sound and then I saw two men with Walkie-Talkies direct the 

Miami police, made up of mostly Cubans, looked the other way. Mayor 
Carollo, probably gave them orders not to become too demanding in defense 
of the rights of the victimized citizens. There was a certain air of 
impunity to the entire show. In other more civilized cities, all would have 
been carried to awaiting cages in accordance with city ordinances. But, in 
Miami, the Cuban Mafia controls everything -judges, lawyers, police, state 
construction, mass media, public officials- that is, everything. Anything 
goes in Miami. Dubious contracts can be concocted, the public can be 
scammed, people can be taken advantage of, the loot of contracts can be 
spread around, criminals can be freed from jail with light penalties, etc. 
Judges here depend on the votes and campaign contributions of the Cuban 
Mafia. The presidential candidates come to Miami and collect millions. It's 
nobody's land.

The Radio Mafia gave the order to paralyze Miami, something easy to do in 
the downtown area. In reality, there were more people on the sidewalks 
watching the unpleasant spectacle of these thugs stopping traffic than the 
number of demonstrators at hand.

Let's be clear about something. They spent thousands of dollars to organize 
the commotion. The CANF, which is agonizing over pending trials for 
fraud,=DD was at the lead of it all. The show over Elian was carried out by 
the CANF as a vendetta against Clinton. Not knowing anything about Cuba and 
not having inherited his father's political chicanery, Mas Canosa Jr. felt 
slighted by the President's apparent willingness to rid himself of the 
Foundation on his recent trip to ask him for money

In retaliation, the Foundation has wanted to show Clinton that they can 
paralyze the city of Miami, Florida. But they didn't, they haven't 
paralyzed anything, although they have certainly annoyed a lot of people. 
Miami Cubans have become a nuisance. They agitate, yell, make a scene, 
create traffic jams. They are a curse for the rest of the Cuban people who 
tend to their daily chores minding their own business.

This entire event has a quality of blackmail. Although there are almost one 
million Cubans in South Florida, only a only a small minority participates 
in these extortions. Of course, Cuban campaign contributions are behind 
this whole thing. But the American candidates have begun to investigate 
where the millions are coming from. At some point, there will be an 
awakening and the federal government will have to ask where these amazing 
fortunes are coming from. When? Who knows.

Corruption in Miami is asphyxiating and its

LL:AA: Abduction of Cuban Child

1999-12-15 Thread Debbie Brennan

For all LeftLinkers

Radical Women has initiated a petition campaign to Pres Clinton for the
immediate release of 5-year-old Cuban, Elian Gonzales Brotons, back to his

The U.S. Government's abduction of Elian Glonzales
Brotons, has disgusted the world. Late last month, Elian was one of 3
survivors of a boat that sank while transporting people from Cuba to Miami.
Thanks to the U.S. Government's vicious and unrelenting efforts to crush
Cuba's revolution, the trafficking of Cubans by petty profiteers (who get
$8,000 - $10,000 per person) has become a new business. Washington DC
swiftly "repratriates" undocumented immigrants, but illegally trafficked
Cubans is another matter. Elian gets to stay in the U.S. -- in the custody
of U.S. Immigration. What's common in this blatant contradiction? The rights
of Elian and his Cuban family, and the sovereign rights of the Cuba, are
utterly violated. Elian is a political hostage, plus a stolen child.

Radical Women's petition campaign to Bill Clinton, demands
the release of Elian to his country and the end of the U.S. embargo against
Cuba. For copies of the petition, contact us. Below are two letters from
Cuba with detailed information.

Debbie Brennan
for Melbourne Radical Women


Letter by Dr. Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada, Speaker of the National Assembly
of People's Power of the Republic of Cuba, to all members of Parliament in
the world.

Letter by Dr. Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada, Speaker of the National Assembly
of People's Power of the Republic of Cuba, to all members of Parliament in
the world.

Dear Members of Parliament,

Cuba has repeatedly denounced the double standard policy that the United
States government pursues towards Cuba with regards to immigration. While
the nationals of other countries are quickly deported when they illegally
enter that country, the Cubans are immediately granted permission of
residence in compliance with the so-called Cuban Adjustment Act thus
undermining the migratory agreements signed by both countries while
encouraging illegal migration. This has lately given rise to a new
phenomenon: the illegal smuggling of aliens when unscrupulous individuals
wanting to profit from others and despising human life have come from the
United States and surreptitiously enter our territory on speed boats to
fetch Cuban citizens that they take to that country on payments of 8,000 to
10,000 US dollars per person.

Most often, the travelling takes place on overcrowded boats and not few
people, women and children included, have perished during such trafficking
in humans. In addition to this, over two thousand weekly hours of radio
stations programming invade our radio-electronic space as part of a
campaign that repeatedly incites to ignore the established procedures for a
legal and safe migration in accordance with aforementioned agreements
signed by the United States and Cuba. The trafficking in humans is
conducted on rudimentary and unsafe vessels, either built or stolen in our
country by people who receive money from and act in complicity with others
living in the United States of America.

Last November 22, ancillary troops of our Coast Guard Forces detected,
within our jurisdictional waters, a vessel carrying a group of people to
Florida. As the efforts to persuade them to abandon their undertaking
failed --and in compliance with the well-known conduct observed in such
cases to avoid the use of force and intimidation to prevent accidents-- it
was decided to escort them up to the international waters. Additionally, an
immediate communication was forwarded through the established channels,
that is, fax and telex to the U.S. Coast Guard Service patrolling the seas
adjacent to Cuba about the presence and characteristics of such vessel
navigating towards Florida "with a group of about 13 people, including
children, on the northern coast of Matanzas province with the intent to
illegally enter the territory of the United States of America.

A few days later, on November 25, we learned that the U.S. Coast Guard
Service had rescued, near the coast of Florida, three survivors of a
shipwreck and that five-year-old Eli1n Gonza1lez Brotins was one of them.
That child was being illegally carried aboard that vessel by a man named
L'E1zaro Munero Garcia who had close personal relations with the child's
mother already divorced from the boy's father, Juan Miguel Gonz=E1lez
Quintana, a resident in the city of Cardenas, Matanzas province, Cuba. The
father had a very close relationship with his son whom he constantly
visited as he properly discharged his obligations as a parent. The child's
grandparents, on both sides of the family, had also a very close and loving
relationship with him as they live in the same ci

LL:DDV: Women Workers of Malaysia and Indonesia are Organising

1999-10-25 Thread Debbie Brennan

You are invited to a Radical Women Meeting:

Thursday, 28 October, 7.00 pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick

In Malaysia and Indonesia: Women Workers are Organising!

In the upheavals that are rocking Southeast Asia, women are on the
frontlines for radical change. As a largely unorganised, super-cheap
workforce for Nike and other corporate fortune seekers, they have every
reason to fight for a social overhaul.

Come along to hear special guest speaker Chloe Beaton, a student at Victoria
University of Technology in Asia Pacific Community Development, who is
researching how working women are organising in these two hotspots.

We will also discuss the Freedom Socialist newspaper editorial, "Union Aid,
Not Foreign Troops, to East Timor!"

Dinner is served at 6.15 pm for a $6 donation. Everyone in welcome.
For more information, phone 9386 3230.



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LL:DDV: We Can Stop Reith!

1999-08-13 Thread Debbie Brennan

Melbourne Radical Women Meeting

Thursday, 19 August, 7.00 pm


State and Federal Government clampdowns on working people's rights are 
being matched by unionist and community defiance. Come along to hear an 
exciting panel of guest speakers who will relate inspiring fights for our 
hospital services and schools and our right to be in a union.

Pam Neisner, member of the Health Services Union, participated in an 8-day
occupation by women and migrant kitchen staff at Box Hill Hospital against
the tendering out of services and loss of jobs. Lilly Rejneveld, from the
Australian Education Union, helped organise the teachers' strike at
Blackburn High which exposed Kennett's "self-governing" schools as a
privatisation scam and showed how it can be stopped. Ruth Frenzel,
industrial officer for the Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers
Union, will tell about the landmark legal victory of Mario Kobza who had
been sacked for being a union member.

Dinner will be served at 6.15 pm for a $6 donation. Everyone is welcome!

Place: Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick.

For more info, ph (03) 9386 3230 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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LL:DDV: Fighting the Heroin Epidemic

1999-07-21 Thread Debbie Brennan

For Melbourne Subscribers --

Thursday, 29 July, 7.00 pm
Radical Women Meeting:
Fighting the heroin epidemic -- treat addiction as a health issue, NOT a

At the beginning of 1999, more Victorians died from drug overdoses than in
road accidents. As heroin dependency rises throughout the country, the
Howard Government's answer is to crack down on users. His "zero tolerance"
regime turns a public health and social policy problem into a criminal one,
sending more poor women, women of colour and young people to prison or
causing them to die in the streets.

Join us as we look at why effective strategies, such as needle exchange and
safe injecting facilities, are considered a crime -- and what we can do
about it.

Solidarity Salon
1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick

Dinner will be served at 6.15 pm for a $6 donation. Everyone is welcome!

for more information, phone (03) 9386 3230



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LL:DDV: 1999 Viva Cuba! Fiesta

1999-07-01 Thread Debbie Brennan

You are invited to
A Latin American Fiesta to celebrate 40 years of inspiration.

The Cuba Solidarity Coalition presents:
Guararey, authentic Cuban Salsa
Espiritu Latino, Latin American Orchestra

Saturday, 24 July
7.00 pm - 1.00 am
North Melbourne Town Hall (cnr Errol and Queensberry Sts, North Melbourne)
Tickets; $12/$10 concession
For tickets, phone: Andrea 9376 8840, Adam or Sharryn 9416 8812,
Marita 9306 3312, Brenda (03) 5253 3373 (Geelong)

All proceeds to aid projects in Cuba:
Australian Conservation Foundation Green Team -- Urban Permaculture Project
Committee in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean -- Children's
Asthma Clinic in Havana
Radical Women -- July 2000 Australian Tour of the Federation of Cuban Women

To endorse the 1999 Viva Cuba! Fiesta:
Send your endorsement (indicating whether as an individual or an
organisation) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or radical.women.melb @ bigpond.com
Or phone 9416 8812

If you can help with publicity, please let us know.




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LL:PR: Activists of Color Speak Out in New Anthology

1999-05-24 Thread Debbie Brennan

Dear Leftlinkers

As fighters for justice and human rights, you will undoubtedly be as
thrilled as I am by "Voices of Color," a new offering from Red Letter Press.

This powerful anthology, edited by Yolanda Alaniz and Nellie Wong, is an
essential tool for anyone who wants to hear what grassroots activists of
colour have to say about the forces impacting their lives. In 35 articles,
writers of different racts, genders, and sexual orientations offer
insightful reports on little-known union and community organising campaigns,
news on Native struggles, frank discussions on how to combat racism within
progressive organisations, film and book reviews and much, much more. All
articles tie together the issues of sex, sexuality and race in a way that is
seldom seen.

The book conveys great optimism about race relations and social progress,
because it presents the actual experiences of people who are out there every
day in the struggle. As Ria Roncales-Goodwin writes in The Asian Reporter,
"Their writings urge us to realise that we are powerful as individuals, that
people will listen to us, and that we can make a difference." Another
appreciative review by Aboriginal activist Ray Jackson is reprinted at the
end of this letter.

I urge you to purchase "Voices of Color" for your library, or perhaps as a
special gift for a friend. By responding immediately, you will not only gain
an inspiring new book but you will also help Melbourne Radical Women and the
Freedom Socialist Party, make our collective goal of selling 85 books by 14

If you email your order form (below) to us by 14 June, you will get a free
copy of the current issue of the Freedom Socialist newspaper, featuring the
Voices of Color column: "Energy and optimism of young people needed to win
back affirmative action." I will contact you directly to make arrangements
for payment.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

In solidarity,
Debbie Brennan
Freedom Socialist Party (Melbourne)

Clip here__


Yes, I want a copy of "Voices of Color"
Red Letter Press, 160 pp, paperback, ISBN 0-932323-05-7
$18.85 (AUD) + $2.50 for shipping

Area Code:

PO Box 266 
West Brunswick Vic 3055
Tel: (03) 9386 3230
FAX (03) 9386 5065
Find out more about Red Letter Press at:

(Email bookstore and review requests to: [EMAIL PROTECTED])


Book Review by Ray Jackson

In 35 exciting articles, "Voices of Color" encompasses the whole rainbow of
struggle and empowerment for people of colour in the United States and
Canada. We hear the strong, vibrant voices of African Americans,
Chicanas/os, Asian pacific Americans and Native Americans detailing their
fights for social justice over the past 15 years.

These are the voices of the Comrades of Colour Caucus of the Freedom
Socialist Party and Radical Women. In their writings is the recognition that
struggles for the equality of all races, sexes, sexualities and working
people are linked -- each finding strength and purpose by being mutually

The 20 authors are all leading activists with attitude -- and proper
attitude at that!

Though the writers are in the United States, their struggles for justice
mirror ours in Australia. In "NAFTA: tri-country genocide against indigenous
people," Chippewa writer, Ann Rogers, explains most clearly how the North
American Free Trade Agreement is being used to sweep aside all remaining
rights of the original peoples of Mexico, Canada and the United States and
give corporate capital open slather. She calls NAFTA "a cannon aimed by big

NAFTA is precursor to even more ambitious boardroom plans, like the
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), to turn the world into one big
"free trade" zone. For Aboriginal people everywhere, this would be the
ultimate genocide. But Ann Rogers doesn't mourn. She talks about resistance
-- Native peoples, trade unions and environmentalists unifying as a
counterforce that can beat our common enemy: international big business.

The authors cover so many more shared struggles -- against bans on bilingual
education, racism in sport and entertainment, racist police crackdowns and
racist bosses. They are activists in the trade unions and the movements of
gay/lesbian/transgender rights, Native American cultural and land rights,
among others.

This is but a taste of the banquet served up in "Voices of Color." It is not
a book to just read and then put back on the shelf. "Voices" is a resource
for day-to-day struggles -- struggles that are worldwide and as fresh today
as they were in 1982. It is a call for urgent, united action.

"Voices of Color" is a very st

LL:DDV: Workers Strike Back!

1999-05-24 Thread Debbie Brennan

An invitation to all Melbourne Leftlinkers:

Radical Women Meeting --
"Workers Strike Back! Teachers, hospital and garment workers are on the move"

Wednesday, 26 May, 7.00 pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick

Come along to hear about the battles and victories that you won't find
highlighted in the Packer and Murdoch press.

The bad news is:
* nearly 1 in 5 workers in Australia is a casual
* they are just part of an expanding pool of low-paid and discardable
labour that also includes wage earners forced onto individual contracts and
unregistered outworkers
* bosses need them all as a bulwark against waning profits
* unions are under attack

The GOOD news is: these workers -- most of them women and migrants -- are
fighting back!

Come and hear Pamela Curr tell us about the FairWear Campaign to unionise
outworkers in the garment industry. She will introduce the video, "20
Pieces: outworkers tell the real fashion story." Hear about the recent
landmark victory of Mario Kobza in the Victorian Civil and Administrative
Tribunal! He was sacked for joining the Liquor, Hospitality and
Miscellaneous Workers Union. VCAT ruled that it is unlawful for employers
to disciminate on the basis of industrial activity. And there's more.

Everyone is welcome. Dinner will be served at 6.15 pm for a $5 donation.


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LL:DDV:Join in organising for the Cuban Revolution's 40th...

1999-05-03 Thread Debbie Brennan

YOU are invited to participate in organising activities in Melbourne 
to mark the 40th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution:  

Thursday, 6 May
7.00 pm
Overseas Service Bureau
88 Kerr St, Fitzroy 

Cuba has held out against decades of systematic U.S. Government 
harassment and needs our ACTIVE solidarity. Last year, the Cuba 
Solidarity Coalition organised a successful fiesta and film screening 
which raised funds for projects of direct benefit to Cuba.  

For more information about the Cuba Solidarity Coaltion, phone Allen
Jennings on 9455 1329 or Marita Borton on 9306 3312.


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LL:DDV: Solving the Housing Crisis

1999-04-21 Thread Debbie Brennan

Melbourne Radical Women Meeting
Wednesday, 28 April, 7.00 pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick Vic

The Housing Crisis: A Refreshing Electoral Solution

At Least 200,000 Australians are on public housing waiting lists, while the
shrinking private rental market costs at least 50% more for a roof over the
head. The major electoral parties have no answers to this escalating crisis.
Instead, they consistently legislate in the interests of the speculators. On
the other hand, the Progressive Labour Party (PLP) is committed to low-cost,
quality shelter as a fundamental right for everyone. 

Radical Women will look at the PLP's official draft housing policy. Join us
as we study its program for the elimination of housing insecurity and

EVERYONE IS WELCOME. Dinner will be served at 6.15 pm for a $5 donation.

For more information, phone Radical Women: (03) 9386 3230 or email:



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LL:DDV:Feminists Defend Cuba

1999-02-27 Thread Debbie Brennan

In Melbourne, the theme for International Women's Day this year is "Women
and workers of the world united in action." 

Radical Women invites everyone, women and men, to our special IWD meeting:
Feminists Defend
Monday, 8 March, 7.00 pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick.

Celebrate with Radical Women as we join the global feminist call to support
Cuba and salute its revolutionary achievements! In the spirit of
International Women's Day, we continue the pressure on Washington DC to end
its inhumane blockade -- the most vicious and relentless violation of human
rights ever inflicted on one country by another.

We will also launch the organising for the upcoming Australian tour of the
Federation of Cuban Women for 26 July 2000, and invite all feminists to

A delicious Cuban buffet dinner will be served at 6.15 pm for a $5 donation.

For more information, phone 9386 3230.


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LL:DDV:Upcoming Radical Women Meeting (Melbourne)

1999-02-05 Thread Debbie Brennan

Monday, 22 February 1999
7.00 pm
Place: Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick Vic
Ph (03) 9386 3230

Melbourne Radical Women Meeting:
Understanding Society ‹ and Changing It!

What may appear unchanging and permanent isn't. We're indoctrinated that
class divisions and male supremacy have always existed. We're taught that
this inequality is a natural part of life. But these are fictions invented
to bolster private property. Racism and heterosexism are even more recent
fabrications of capitalism. On the other hand, women and all exploited
people can transform our oppression into its opposite and guarantee
equality, security and freedom for everyone. A Marxist understanding of
society is essential for achieving this transformation.

Come along and hear Radical Women lift the veil on the illusion that change
is impossible and why, as Marxist Feminists, we are optimistic about
creating a socialist society. Everyone is welcome!

Dinner is served for a $5 donation at 6.15 pm.


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   The Year 2000 Bug - An Urgent Sustainability Issue