Re: GSOC 2016 New Idea: Tabbed LibreOffice Pages

2016-03-15 Thread Pedro
Esref Ozturk wrote
> I have an idea I want to work on within LibreOffice. I want to share it
> here and get feedback on whether it is suitable and doable or not. I could
> not see my idea in ideas list. I have seen some past discussions on that
> but it is not clear where the community is at.
> Simply put,  All LibreOffice applications  on multiple tabs under one
> window like web browsers. Consider 1 Writer tab, 2 Calc tabs, etc.
> Since I am not familiar with the codebase of the LibreOffice, I cannot
> determine if it is doable in 3 months.

IBM Lotus Symphony 3.0 (based on 3.0) already did that back
in 2010
Lotus Symphony on Windows XP

According to this Wikipedia page
Apache OpenOffice got the code from IBM.

I believe it would be a great addition to LibreOffice!

Just my 2 (non-dev) cents! :)

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Re: [Libreoffice] Trojan alert for daily 2011-10-15_LibO-Dev_OOO350m1_Win_x86_install-arc_en-US

2011-10-15 Thread Pedro
I'm not subscribed to this list (I'm not a dev)

I'm using MinGW builds and the 2011-10-15 (as all previous MinGW builds) is
clean according to Avira Antivir.

It is a false positive.

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Re: [Libreoffice] mac users and trouble with libreoffice urgent help

2011-11-20 Thread Pedro
You should post this on the Users mailing list

Please provide more details on the LibreOffice and MacOS versions you are

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Re: [Libreoffice] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-05 Thread Pedro

Stephan Bergmann-2 wrote
> Using pretty-printed dates would make it easier to disambiguate the 
> seven-letter commit ID prefixes to the complete IDs if later commits 
> happen to introduce IDs with the same prefix (in which case the commit 
> date would help narrow done in which commit range to look for the given 
> prefix).  (Not that the full Git IDs are unambiguous, either.  But when 
> they start to clash, we are fucked, anyway.)

May I argue that the Age code I propose on this topic fixes that problem?
Since it is an age, there is no chance that in the future the code will
repeat itself.

The truncated 7 letters of the SHA may happen to repeat (although the
probability is possibly very low)

Just a correction to my previous email: in ten years the core would be
4085.31260 which is easily distinguished from the current builds which are
around 414.91491

Best regards,

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Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-05 Thread Pedro
Hi Petr

> Hmm, we check out the five repositories one by one. It might take some
> time if you have slower network connection. There might be more commits
> in the other repositories in the meantime => the question is what time
> to use. We might end up with 5 times in the end, e.g.:
> 41491491-41491527-41491568-41491597-41491613
> It is quite complex in the end. Also, it would be hard for developers to
> get the corresponding commit from it.

That is why I suggested to established a different "birth" date for
each repository.
If we established a 2 day interval since TDF's birthday, then you would have


Because the part before the point means days, a build from the
following day would be (assuming there were changes only to the core)


I.e. you only need to read the first 3 digits to realize if it's older or newer.
Even better: because the fraction part after the point is also time,
you know that any value below 0.5 is before noon and any value greater
is between noon and midnight.

> I see the following needs and solutions:
>     + easily match about dialog with downloaded tarball
>       => we need to use the same string in both
>          I would add one more line with a time generated by configure
>          to the about dialog. The same time should be used in the
>          download tarball name

That would be an easier solution. And human readable.

>     + easily match build with git commit
>       => keep the git IDs in about dialog

My suggestion was to replace the git IDs altogether with the age
system. This solves the potential problem of the truncated 7 digits of
the SHA repeating sometime in the future and it is human readable.
But this is secondary if the date-time code is added to the about box
and to the tarball name (or Windows installer ;) )

>     + human readable string for official builds for normal users:
>      => I would add one more line, .e.g. 3.5.0-beta1
>         it will be used only in the official builds generated from
>         release tarballs or release tags

Couldn't agree more!

> Does it make sense?

Yes. I think that covers all problems.

Best regards,

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Re: [Libreoffice] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-05 Thread Pedro
Hi Lionel

Lionel Elie Mamane wrote
> You may have missed that my "seconds since the epoch" (in my example:
> 1321480648) is also an age, and has mostly the same properties. It is
> somewhat longer than your format, since it takes an earlier epoch (the
> standard Unix epoch, 1 Jan 1970).
> I don't care strongly which epoch we take; IMHO the Unix epoch is a bit
> easier to handle since standard tools already know this format, but
> that's a pretty minor point. 

I didn't miss it. But because I'm not a Dev, I'm not sure I understood.

Do you mean converting the time of extraction from the repositories to a
linear time?

Wouldn't the values for all repositories be the same if you extract them all
at the same time?

If it's based on the last time they were updated wouldn't the value be the
same if all the repositories were updated at the same time?

This is why I'm suggesting an arbitrary birth date with (at least) a 2 day
difference (see other email to Petr)

Best regards,

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Re: [Libreoffice] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-06 Thread Pedro
Hi Lionel, *

> If it's based on the last time they were updated wouldn't the value
> be the same if all the repositories were updated at the same time?

Well, AFAIK the repositories are rarely updated (changed) at the same
time. The "help" or "artwork" repositories get far fewer commits than
the core (code) repository/.

Ok. Then there is no need for the artificial birth date. Excellent!

> Joe downloads the new changes (git fetch) from time 192 to 196
> Joe rebases (or merges) his changes with the new changes at time 198
> Joe successfully pushes his changes to the central repository at time 201

I didn't understand this part. If at time 198 it is included in his
personal repository wouldn't it make sense to use time 201 when the
changes are known to all developers?
Aren't the builds uploaded to the Tinderboxes supposed to be compiled
from the Central repositories only?

In this example, your proposition is time 289, right? But then, if
another person downloads the very same code at time 315, the time in
the about box of his/her build will not be the same, while it is
exactly the same code. In my proposition, both builds will have time
198 in the about box.

Your proposal is much better than mine.
But I would still suggest using as epoch the TDF's Birth date
(midnight Sept 28th 2010) and to use days as unit with the point
separating days from the fraction part. It is easier to refer to a 3
digit version as your email illustrates.

Then the build ID (used by QA, l10n and anyone to refer to a
particular master build) would be e.g.


And the About dialog would also include the information

Build assembled from:
 repo  commit   date   branch
 core: 4f11d0a 198.67866 master
 help: adcf6d5 150.91491 master

for developers to have a relation to GIT

In addition, as suggested by Andras, the About box should have a
Pretty printed date saying something like

Extracted  from Central repositories @ 2011-12-02_22.36.35

This date would be part of the tarball (or other binary package) name e.g.


I think this (or similar) solution would help all interested groups
from developers to occasional users.

Best regards,

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Re: [Libreoffice] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-06 Thread Pedro
Hi Lionel, Petr, *

> Your format needs manual conversion to do that. But it has other
> advantages, which you describe. So  I have no strong opinion on
> this point.

While you (devs) think about this would it be possible to implement
the Pretty Print date on the About box to match the date included in
the filename as suggested by Petr Mladek?

This would be immediately useful for QA and l10n people testing with
daily/nightly builds.

Also, as suggested by Petr

> + human readable string for official builds for normal users:
>  => I would add one more line, .e.g. 3.5.0-beta1
> it will be used only in the official builds generated from
> release tarballs or release tags

Can this be added for the upcoming Beta1 or at least for Beta2 and all
future Betas and RCs?


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Re: [Libreoffice] ecofont

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro

Németh László-2 wrote
> • it works with all fonts.

This. It makes more sense to use printer settings and font color/size to
save on ink/toner/paper than to be restricted to a single font with "cheesy"
(pun intended) copyright :)

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Re: [Libreoffice] fixing fdo#41264: no check marks in Line Spacing and ALignment popup menu

2011-12-13 Thread Pedro

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
>   That - is/was a feature. In the gtk+ world when a menu item is a radio
> or option button, it has a [ ] or [x] checked - which is in the same
> column as an icon would be for a normal item.
>   In various other toolkits and suites things can be done differently,
> but IMHO the above is a pleasant way to arrange menus that doesn't waste
> space hideously. IIRC the Qt theme I worked on once, had no way of
> knowing whether a menu item was check-able unless it was checked, and so
> had some hideous fiddling with the icon to overcome this sort of
> thing :-) Various versions of MS Office (as/when it had menus) had both
> the check and an icon next to each item.

TBH I think it would make sense that for Alignment the same icons used on
the toolbar would show to the left of the text (the space is already there
and unused)

For Line Spacing, since there are no icons for spacing and options are
mutually exclusive, it should indeed have a radio button.

One question: would it be possible to have the selected Style show in the
menu with a darker background (instead of hiding the icon) as it does on the
toolbar? (or is this a Windows bug?)


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Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-13 Thread Pedro

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
>   Gosh; when you say 'crashed' - it took down the whole office suite ?
> that is a pretty horrendous existing bug it'd be nice to fix.

More gory details: 

1) If you install LOdev and no Java is installed, LO 3.5.0 won't even start.
It crashes on the Splash screen while trying to load the Solver for
Nonlinear Programming and the Mediawiki Publisher extensions. Removing these
two allows to load LOdev.

2) Oddly enough on my other Win XP Pro x86 SP3 machine, after uninstalling
Java, LO 3.4.4 also crashes when starting the Letter Wizard. Uninstalling LO
3.4.4, installing again didn't stop it from crashing. The only solution was
to delete the user profile. Now it shows the proper warning that JRE is
needed :)

3) Following the same logic, deleted the LOdev profile and now 3.5.0 also
shows the same nice "JRE needed" message when executing the Letter Wizard
instead of crashing. Similarly, when I re-enabled the extensions mentioned
on 1) LO shows the nice "JRE needed" message, instead of crashing. There is
definitely some problem with whatever is on the profile... 

4) Just noticed that the Wizard items have a nice icon on the left in LO
3.4.4 but not in 3.5.0. Should I add a bug report about this?


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Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-13 Thread Pedro

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
>   Most odd - can you file a bug with more specific details & we can
> continue the discussion there ? can you try from an empty user profile
> etc. ? :-)

I'm confused. I did try an empty profile and reported all the details on the
email you are quoting...

Did you miss points 2) and 3)? Maybe my English was confusing...

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Re: [Libreoffice] [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.0 Beta1 test builds available

2011-12-13 Thread Pedro
I would like to request again that the Devs would consider adding the text
Beta1 in the About box. 

E.g. LOdev 3.5.0 Beta1

There is no way to correlate Build ID:
7362ca8-b5a8e65-af86909-d471f98-61464c4 with Beta1

Can we try to cooperate as a Community?



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Re: [Libreoffice] Tell me Easy Hack 42782 "remove a dog ! " is a joke !

2011-12-15 Thread Pedro
It is quite easy to get the dog image displayed and it shows up in the
Picture dialog replacing the missing image... 

That can be offending in any culture, especially if the image replaced is of
a person and the image replacing it is an offense for your culture (imagine
your picture replaced by a pig or an ass (the animal, obviously :) )

In any case the picture is not particularly helpful or useful.  The problem
is: what do you replace it with?

You can't use what would be more helpful (a plain image with text saying
"Image not found") because that would require to have an image in every
language supported by LO, which IMO is a waste of time and resources.

Can't this image be replaced by a Text message in the GUI language?

Peace! ;)

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Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] Remove options "Show preview of fonts" and "Show font history"

2011-12-22 Thread Pedro
I'm not a Dev or UX, but what is the point of removing Options?

If the Option is already there and it works correctly, why remove it?

Why limit the user's choice?

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Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] Remove options "Show preview of fonts" and "Show font history"

2011-12-23 Thread Pedro

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
>   I tend to agree that removing pointless options, *particularly* from
> the user-interface is an unmitigated good ;-)
>   What I'd really like to see is an "about:config" style UI (that doesn't
> suck ;-) that lets people see & edit all of the obscure tweakables to
> their heart's content: at least for those tweakables that make at least
> some sense to some small population of users.

I agree with both statements. Optimizing the GUI is good, as long as you
don't go to the extremes of the Ribbon where some superior enlightened GUI
experts decided what you use most (based on averages...)

Having these options hidden or accessible thorough an alternate interface
(like the mozilla about:config) would be the best of both worlds.

Removing options which are already implemented and working doesn't make any
sense. It's the same form of "GUI dictatorship" as the Ribbon ;)

In the particular case of the Fonts I can see that a user on a low resource
PC would prefer to quickly see a list with the font names instead of waiting
for each font to be drawn... (I'm guessing here, luckily none of my PCs is
THAT low resource, but Fonts are usually a problem under Windows at least)


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Re: [REVIEW 3-6] Fix pivot table import from xlsx (fdo#53456)

2012-08-14 Thread Pedro
Hi Kohei, all

I know I shouldn't post here.

I came across this awful bug which caused me to loose some work. I'm sure
glad you fixed it.

Can it please be cherry picked to the 3.5 branch?


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Re: [REVIEW 3-6] Fix pivot table import from xlsx (fdo#53456)

2012-08-14 Thread Pedro
Hi Eike

Eike Rathke-2 wrote
> This does not appear to be a problem in 3-5, I assume you'll be happy
> with the fix in 3-6?

You are correct. That bug does not affect Just downloaded the
sample file. My bad for assuming it was the same problem. 
The problem I had is related to


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Re: [PATCH] add close option to findbar in Writer

2013-01-06 Thread Pedro
Well done!  But why only in Writer? This is also badly needed in the other

In fact it would be great if the hotkey for Find (Ctrl+F) would work as a
toggle function (as it does for Find & Replace). Should I add a feature
request for this?


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Re: [PATCH] add close option to findbar in Writer

2013-01-07 Thread Pedro
Hi Joren

Joren DC wrote
>> Well done!  But why only in Writer? This is also badly needed in the
>> other
>> modules/programs...
> I would like to review it by an experienced developer first.
> If my commit passed, I'll integrate it on other components as well.

Fair enough :) Looking forward to seeing this feature on LO.

Joren DC wrote
>> In fact it would be great if the hotkey for Find (Ctrl+F) would work as a
>> toggle function (as it does for Find & Replace). Should I add a feature
>> request for this?
> I'll look at that. To be sure I don't forget it, can you please add new 
> feature request and assign it to me?

Added to bugzilla

I don't know how to assign it to you since I can't see your email address :)


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Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] LATE FEATURE: Personas in LibreOffice

2013-01-08 Thread Pedro
Hi Kendy, all

Adolfo Jayme Barrientos wrote
> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 4:32 AM, Jan Holesovsky <

> kendy@

> > wrote:
>> Please let me know if this is acceptable, and if you need any help with
>> the review.
> It would be really nice to get this landed in 4.0. Many users ask for
> greater UI customization, and this is a great start. Putting technical
> issues aside, I don’t see UX problems in this.

This is a quite nice feature although from my brief tests is only usable
with Solid themes (artistic designs make buttons unreadable...)

I tested under Windows XP with
Version (Build ID: ff927ba4272aa8f115472577ec9393df19016f2)
TinderBox: Win-x86@6, Branch:master, Time: 2013-01-08_01:14:22

Background images (there is a typo in the Select Background Image button)
are not loaded, neither jpg nor png


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Re: [PUSHED 4.0] LATE FEATURE: Personas in LibreOffice

2013-01-08 Thread Pedro
Petr Mladek wrote
> I took the approval from Cor, Olivier, Adolfo, Michael, and pushed into
> 4-0 branch for build.

That means it should be available in the 4.0 daily builds tomorrow?

BTW if anyone is curious I played around with the Persona feature and
created this
You can use it in your FF browser as well :)

Enjoy :)

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Re: [PUSHED] fdo#59101 - [Feature Request] Make Find hotkey (Ctrl+F) a to...

2013-01-25 Thread Pedro
Samuel Mehrbrodt-2 wrote
> Do we really want Ctl+F to be a toggle command? I would expect Ctl+F to 
> always open the Findbar, and if it's already open, put the cursor in the 
> search field (that's what Firefox e.g. also does)

It already does all that ;) If you leave it open, pressing Ctrl+F puts focus
on the input box. 

You may argue that having Ctrl+F as a toggle function is redundant since Esc
already dismisses it, but this way it behaves like the Find dialog in MS
Office (activate with Ctrl+F, dismiss with Esc) and like the one in
OpenOffice (activate with Ctrl+F, dismiss with Ctrl+F or Esc)

So I would say it makes sense to keep it (but I'm suspicious because I made
the request :) )


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Re: [Libreoffice-qa] Master daily builds for Windows are broken

2013-04-14 Thread Pedro
Petr Mladek wrote
> Pedro píše v St 10. 04. 2013 v 02:20 -0700:
>> The last successful build is from April 8th at 5 AM.

Just in case nobody noticed, tinderbox #6 hasn't managed to have success
since April 8th and tinderbox #16 started reporting success as of today but
no binaries were created.

Tinderbox #7 using MinGW hasn't been able to succeed since April 3rd.

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Re: [Libreoffice-qa] Master daily builds for Windows are broken

2013-04-18 Thread Pedro

Tinderbox #6 managed to create two binaries but is back in red

Tinderbox #16 reports success but doesn't produce binaries

Tinderbox #17 gave up trying?

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Update not working as expected?

2013-09-01 Thread Pedro
Hi all

Just checked for updates under Windows XP x86 with LibreOffice and
got "LibreOffice 4.1 is up to date."

Not only wasn't the last RC in the 4.1.0 release but 4.1.1 (aka rc2)
was officially released.

Is this (another) XP issue or is there some problem with version checking?


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Re: Update not working as expected?

2013-09-01 Thread Pedro
Hi Julien

julien2412 wrote
> I've just read about this comment:
> In brief, 4.1 will be proposed via update checking when 4.1.3 or 4.1.4
> will be released (see release plan here:

That is news to me. What the ESC said a few days ago was
"+ upgrade 3.6 users to 4.0.5 once that is out (Cloph)
   [ update switched on 3.6 -> 4.0.5 and 4.1 -> 4.1.0, in a few
 days update to 4.1.1 - waiting on feedback.
 Makes sense - have some slow mirrors (Thorsten) ] "

Which makes sense for 4.1.1 which was officially released 2 days ago but
4.1.0 final was released in July 25th...


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Re: is there a portable version of libre office for win 7 ?

2013-09-03 Thread Pedro
Actually there are two portable versions.

The one suggested by Christian and X-LibreOffice from winPenPack.

You can get the latest version from
or choose any specific version from

Hope this helps!

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Re: is there a portable version of libre office for win 7 ?

2013-09-03 Thread Pedro
Hi Jonathan

Jonathan Aquilina wrote
> How is the portable apps one not as good as the other they should be
> exactly the same.

They are exactly the same package. But the winPenPack packaging has some
fantastic details (ability to choose more than one interface language and
more than one set of language tools). In addition the binaries are somehow
optimized. They just run faster (even faster than the installed official
version) and this is particularly noticeable on slower hardware.

Just try it for yourself.

In any case this is the Dev mailing list and the whole topic is completely
out of place (if this was a Forum it would already have been moved ;) )


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Re: Set Default Language for Documents in LibreOffice deployment

2013-11-05 Thread Pedro
Hi Nelson

The Dev mailing list is not the appropriate place for this question. I
suggest that you post this on the Users list.

Having said that, I find that this is great news (for me as a Portuguese
citizen) and for the project (Marketing?)

Answering briefly I can tell you that if the PCs have the Portuguese version
of Windows and/or the Regional settings are set to Portuguese (they usually
are) then the installer will detect this and use the Portuguese interface
(menus) and set the Default language to Portuguese as well as install the
Portuguese (AO 1990) dictionary.

The only thing you need to install separately is the offline help. Make sure
you get the file ending with helppack_pt.msi

However I don't know if there is an easy way to do a system wide deployment.

Hope this helps ;)


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Re: Tinderbox 'Win-x86@42' seems stuck

2014-07-27 Thread Pedro
Adam Fyne wrote
> Who is responsible for this machine and can maybe quickly check it out?

FYI There is a table in the wikipedia with the contact person for each

Hope this helps ;)

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No x64 Daily builds for Windows

2015-06-04 Thread Pedro
Hi all

In case no one noticed

1)  The latest daily build for Windows x86 in the 5.0 branch is from May

2) There is no Windows x64 folder in the 5.0 branch

3) Tinderbox 42 (the only one producing x64 Windows builds) stopped
producing any builds for the Master branch


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Re: No x64 Daily builds for Windows

2015-06-05 Thread Pedro
Hi Thorsten

Thorsten Behrens wrote
> Sigh, yeah, that box keeps tripping over ooxml unit tests
> recently. Let me try to give that some love over the weekend ...

Thanks and thank you for replying.


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Re: [Libreoffice] Removing LibO on Windows ...

2012-01-05 Thread Pedro

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
>   I was wondering if (just before the string freeze) we could try to
> improve this string / message to make it much more verbose and helpful.
> Preferably to include some text about the 'system tray' or the
> "Tools->Options->Memory->Enable systray quick-starter" item.

Maybe this project should consider if it makes any sense to have a
"quick-starter" loaded any way...

This is a Default option which needlessly (and without asking the user)
loads a heavy module at startup.

IMO this doesn't make any sense: if your PC is low spec you don't _want_
this; if your PC is high spec you don't _need_ this

This was a marketing stunt to show how fast MS Office loaded on "first use"
Obviously your PC would take longer to start (but they never mentioned that
;) )

Even Microsoft has stopped loading the Office Startup

Unless there is some other logical reason for using this, IMO LO should get
rid of it.

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Re: [Libreoffice] Removing LibO on Windows ...

2012-01-05 Thread Pedro

Andras Timar wrote
>> I can't guarantee that it is installed by default (I NEVER use the
>> default install option on any software) but it is selected by default
>> when I switch to Custom (and I always un-select it). Under Windows
>> options already selected in Custom should be the same installed by
>> using the Default option.
> Quickstart feature is installed by default but it is not run by default.

I just did a fresh Default install and I can confirm that under Windows XP
x86. Since which version has this been the default behavior?

So, what is the point of having a Quick Starter installed? Under what
scenario do users deliberately activate it?

Which brings back to the OP. If quick starter wasn't loaded (I assume that
someone who got a software installed by mistake didn't go to Options,
Memory, etc and activated it deliberately) what prevented LO from being

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Re: [Libreoffice] UI disaster on Windows: soffice -h

2012-01-08 Thread Pedro
Hi Andras

Andras Timar wrote
> 1. Dialog is not localisable. Help text comes from const char arrays
> in desktop/source/app/cmdlinehelp.cxx
> 2. Help text is clipped, there is not enough room on the dialog.
> 3. If I resized the dialog, it would not fit on a 1024x768 screen.
> I wonder, if we could fix this before UI freeze on Monday. I need your
> input regarding how to present this information to users. 

I would say disaster is a pretty strong word :) In fact if no one noticed or
complained until now, it means it is a pretty obscure (though interesting
and useful) feature.

1. Making it localisable and getting l10n for all available languages before
Monday seems unrealistic. Which doesn't mean that it shouldn't be tackled
2. That is indeed annoying but adding l10n to that will only aggravate the
problem :)
3. Actually I think LO should use as the minimum reference 1024x600 (the
screen resolution of a 10" netbook)


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Re: [Libreoffice] UI disaster on Windows: soffice -h

2012-01-09 Thread Pedro

Stephan Bergmann-2 wrote
> Not sure we need either this dialog box or any localization at all:
> On other platforms, soffice -h outputs to stdout (or maybe stderr). 
> Given that adding command line arguments (what soffice -h educates 
> about) is presumably done mostly through some terminal, anyway, I'm not 
> sure there is any demand to display this help information in a dialog 
> instead of on stdout/err.  I don't know what the current status of GUI 
> applications like soffice routinely printing to stdout/err is on current 
> Windows versions, so I don't know if this hack to use a dialog is still 
> needed.  (The unopkg executable used to go to pains to be able to use 
> stdin/out/err even though it is a GUI application, wrapping unopkg.exe 
> in a that does the necessary console magic.)

As a long time Windows "Power User", I agree with this comment and also with
Tor's comments on the Bug report mentioned.

If a Windows user is knowledgeable enough to pass command line switches (in
my experience that would be 1% or less :) ) he expects the output of such
switches to be displayed as text on the terminal window (aka DOS box :) )

Otherwise any other Help that requires a GUI, l10n and formatting belongs in
the Help file

Just my 2 (non-dev) cents.

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Re: [Libreoffice] Check for updates uses keep-alive / impacts the server (opengrok, tinderbox..)

2012-01-17 Thread Pedro
Hi Michael, all

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
> I -imagine- we want clients to poll at intervals, instant notification of
> updates is
> not a useful feature to pay for millions of open sockets on the server
> for.

I hope you guys manage to fix this for RC1. Currently only the Beta version
has this feature. Considering that only a small proportion of users are
brave enough to try Betas and that Updates are only checked manually, it is
worrying that this can have an impact on the server...

IMO polling at intervals is also overkill (both for the user and for the
servers). LO should have an option to Check at startup or Check manually
(which disables automatic checking)

Just my 2 (non-dev) cents ;)


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Re: [Libreoffice] Check for updates uses keep-alive / impacts the server (opengrok, tinderbox..)

2012-01-17 Thread Pedro

Jonathan Aquilina wrote
>> IMO polling at intervals is also overkill (both for the user and for the
>> servers). LO should have an option to Check at startup or Check manually
>> (which disables automatic checking)
> I think the best solution set it to poll once a week, and we must ensure 
> though that connections get closed once the polling to see if a newer 
> version is available is complete.

My previous suggestion was not so good. "Check at startup" could make it
check several times per day (depending on user habits). Check once a week is
good enough for regular users but is bad for anxious users :)

"Check daily" (with a saved flag) seems like the best option.

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Re: [Libreoffice] Check for updates uses keep-alive / impacts the server (opengrok, tinderbox..)

2012-01-17 Thread Pedro
Hi Christian, all

Christian Lohmaier-2 wrote
> my beta3 defaults to having the weekly auto-check enabled.

My bad for not having noticed the fantastic Online Update configuration
under Tools, Options. 
I was so happy that there was a Check for Updates option  in the Help menu
that I didn't realize there was much more. This definitely needs a HUGE
propaganda in the 3.5 Release Notes!
Kudos to all that worked on this!

Christian Lohmaier-2 wrote
> The problem is just this: 
> But the "bad case" is that the 3 cashiers won't serve the next
> customer unless the previous one did say "I'm done with shopping" as
> the customer might bring another piece to buy, but never does so. 

Thank you for the clear supermarket analogy ;)
I'm glad the cashiers are no longer waiting for the undecided customer :)

Christian Lohmaier-2 wrote
> So thanks a lot Thorsten :-)

+10 ;)


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Re: [Libreoffice] Check for updates uses keep-alive / impacts the server (opengrok, tinderbox..)

2012-01-17 Thread Pedro

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
>   Which reminds me - in common with a number of other features, this is
> not actually in the 3.5 features page; any chance you could add a
> paragraph describing it here:
>   in some sensible section; and credit it to Kendy (Jan Holesovsky) who
> did the work.

Of course. When I mentioned that, I already had planned to do it myself.
Obviously anybody is free to improve, move or totally replace the entry as
long as this new feature is not forgotten! :) It is under GUI.


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Re: [Libreoffice] [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.0 RC1 available

2012-01-20 Thread Pedro

Thorsten Behrens wrote
> Please be aware that LibreOffice 3.5.0 RC1 is not ready for production
> use,
> you should continue to use LibreOffice 3.4.5 for that.

The following sentence (or similar) should be added when announcing a
Release Candidadate: 

"WARNING for Windows users: The Release Candidate will uninstall your
current stable build and replace it. If you do not wish this to happen but
still would like to test this Release you should follow the instructions for
installing in parallel";

I think that this problem does not apply to Mac and Linux, right?


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Re: [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.2 RC2 test builds available

2012-03-28 Thread Pedro

ape wrote
> *Attention! A blocking error Writer (LibreOffice; build_ID
> 281b639-6baa1d3-ef66a77-d866f25-f36d45f; Windows_OS):
>  "File" menu, point "Save as": format FlatXML (*. fodt) is not in the list
> of available formats.*

This is not really a Development question. It would have been more
appropriate in the Users or Discuss mailing list ;)

FlatXML is not installed by default, was it ever?

You can go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, select Libreoffice and
then Change your install options, go to Optional Components and select
Previous Filters (or similar wording). This will add FlatXML to the Save

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Re: [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.2 RC2 test builds available

2012-03-29 Thread Pedro

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
>   Personally, I think the ability to save 30k of stripped install size is
> not really that valuable - so I'd want it to be bundled unconditionally
> really if possible.

I agree that saving 30k in a 200Mb+ install is absurd.

On a opposite trend it would be great if the installer ASKED which
dictionaries should be installed (like Abiword' installer does), while
suggesting the most obvious (based on locale)

Since each dictionary is an Extension and extensions are checked at load
time, having dozens of un-needed dictionaries loaded not only makes first
load take ages but surely increases memory usage? (I haven't tested this but
I can tell for sure that dev builds which only have three languages load
significantly faster)

Please consider this.


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Re: [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.2 RC2 test builds available

2012-03-30 Thread Pedro
Hi Michael, all

Michael Meeks-2 wrote
>> Since each dictionary is an Extension and extensions are checked at load
>> time, having dozens of un-needed dictionaries loaded not only makes first
>> load take ages but surely increases memory usage ? (I haven't tested this
>> but
>> I can tell for sure that dev builds which only have three languages load
>> significantly faster)
>   It'd be interesting to compare like for like; in theory there is no
> reason at all why having a lot of dictionaries installed -needs- to
> cause grief, it'd be interesting to get some hard warm-start time /
> memory numbers on that; if you can (?)

Actually you are right. It is not the dictionaries. I did a parallel install
of LO and run it 3 times with all dictionaries and 3 times only with
the English dictionary. The load time was consistently 29 seconds (a little

Now the interesting part is that I got a dev build from the same day 
( which I know it's not the same code but I believe that is not what
is making the difference) and the load time was repeatedly 4 seconds!!!

I will investigate some more as time allows ;)


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Re: [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.2 RC2 test builds available

2012-03-30 Thread Pedro
Hi Tor, all

Tor Lillqvist-2 wrote
> My *personal* fear is that if we start doing these kinds of
> suggestions, we will get into nasty nationalistic arguments...
> "We here in Freedonia certainly don't need any Sylvanian dictionary;
> we will never forget how they destroyed our Holy Bicycle of Yendor at
> the Glorious Battle of Strawberry Fields in A.D. 567!"

Well, by installing all, not only you waste a "measly" 178Mb(!!!) on
dictionaries only but you are already offending the Freedonians...

Tor Lillqvist-2 wrote
> On the other hand, not suggesting any except that for the UI language
> selected, also opens up a Pandora's Box, "Don't you idiots know that
> Baklavian is also an official language here in Equatorial Kundu, all
> EqK citizens are required by law to be able to write documents in
> either languages, this is an insult to the Kundu People!"

Unless there are a set of rules (e.g. for Equatorial Kundu include Kundulese
and Baklavian, etc) I think that if users see their own language selected
they will be happy and since the installer options are saved, even if they
have to select another language, it  is  a one time operation...

Personally I think that less is more :) and saving 178Mb on dictionaries
only is probably a good idea...


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2015-07-07 Thread Pedro
Hi all

I'm trying to backtrace a bug under Windows and I get an error because

seems to be down?


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Re: Symbols

2015-07-09 Thread Pedro
Hi Christian, all

Christian Lohmaier-3 wrote
> No, that URL is not down. It is intentional (and documented in the
> corresponding wiki page) that the symbols are not web-browsable.
> The symbol server covers all distributed TDF-provided builds also
> starting with 4.2.0 rc1 for 32bit and since also 64bit

The reason I'm asking is not because the address is not browsable but
because I get 

*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for
soffice.bin - 
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for
C:\Programas\LibreOffice 5\program\sal3.dll - 
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for
C:\Programas\LibreOffice 5\program\salhelper3MSC.dll - 
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for
C:\Programas\LibreOffice 5\program\updchklo.dll - 

when testing build (aka rc2)

Is this error expected?


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Re: Symbols

2015-07-09 Thread Pedro
Hi Christian, all

Christian Lohmaier-3 wrote
> → file exists on symbol server, so this is unexpected.
> (the files are compressed, so pretty useless to downlaod them manually
> though)
> also exists, so unexpeted.
> for soffice.bin: yes, but not for the others.

So this should be fixed by someone from TDF or it is not relevant?


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[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - hwpfilter/inc hwpfilter/prj hwpfilter/source LICENSE rat-excludes scp2/source sysui/desktop toolkit/src2xml

2016-02-12 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 LICENSE |   21 
 hwpfilter/inc/   |   43 
 hwpfilter/inc/pch/precompiled_hwpfilter.cxx |   25 
 hwpfilter/inc/pch/precompiled_hwpfilter.hxx |   28 
 hwpfilter/prj/build.lst |5 
 hwpfilter/prj/d.lst |5 
 hwpfilter/source/attributes.cxx |  164 
 hwpfilter/source/attributes.hxx |   70 
 hwpfilter/source/cspline.cpp|  169 
 hwpfilter/source/cspline.h  |   32 
 hwpfilter/source/datecode.h |   53 
 hwpfilter/source/drawdef.h  |  258 -
 hwpfilter/source/drawing.h  |  812 
 hwpfilter/source/fontmap.cpp|  170 
 hwpfilter/source/formula.cpp|  685 ---
 hwpfilter/source/formula.h  |   98 
 hwpfilter/source/grammar.cpp| 1471 
 hwpfilter/source/grammar.h  |   61 
 hwpfilter/source/hbox.cpp   |  701 ---
 hwpfilter/source/hbox.h | 1039 -
 hwpfilter/source/hcode.cpp  | 1492 
 hwpfilter/source/hcode.h|   80 
 hwpfilter/source/hfont.cpp  |  103 
 hwpfilter/source/hfont.h|   73 
 hwpfilter/source/hgzip.cpp  |  333 -
 hwpfilter/source/hgzip.h|  110 
 hwpfilter/source/hinfo.cpp  |  217 -
 hwpfilter/source/hinfo.h|  260 -
 hwpfilter/source/hiodev.cpp |  361 --
 hwpfilter/source/hiodev.h   |  167 
 hwpfilter/source/hpara.cpp  |  320 -
 hwpfilter/source/hpara.h|  178 -
 hwpfilter/source/hstream.cpp|   76 
 hwpfilter/source/hstream.h  |   62 
 hwpfilter/source/hstyle.cpp |  152 
 hwpfilter/source/hstyle.h   |   57 
 hwpfilter/source/htags.cpp  |  158 
 hwpfilter/source/htags.h|   85 
 hwpfilter/source/hutil.cpp  |   97 
 hwpfilter/source/hutil.h|   43 
 hwpfilter/source/hwp.component  |   30 
 hwpfilter/source/hwpeq.cpp  |  763 
 hwpfilter/source/hwpeq.h|   40 
 hwpfilter/source/hwpfile.cpp|  676 ---
 hwpfilter/source/hwpfile.h  |  308 -
 hwpfilter/source/hwplib.h   |  245 -
 hwpfilter/source/hwpread.cpp|  832 
 hwpfilter/source/hwpreader.cxx  | 4938 
 hwpfilter/source/hwpreader.hxx  |  373 --
 hwpfilter/source/ksc5601.h  |  861 
 hwpfilter/source/lexer.cpp  | 2434 -
 hwpfilter/source/list.hxx   |  279 -
 hwpfilter/source/|  100 
 hwpfilter/source/mapping.h  |  396 --
 hwpfilter/source/mzstring.cpp   |  310 -
 hwpfilter/source/mzstring.h |  183 -
 hwpfilter/source/nodes.h|  103 
 hwpfilter/source/precompile.h   |   40 
 hwpfilter/source/solver.cpp |  179 -
 hwpfilter/source/solver.h   |   46 
 scp2/source/writer/registryitem_writer.scp  |   18 
 sysui/desktop/macosx/Info.plist |3 
 toolkit/src2xml/include.lst |5 
 64 files changed, 23505 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 96ba554525f3e6da20ae4f657d2775c01b8dcf00
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Fri Feb 12 21:09:20 2016 +

i126369 - Finish off hwpfilter

The Hangul Word Processor filter was disabled from OpenOffice in
r1677190 due to security concerns. While some extra buffer controls
could  have been made and the filter restored, the truth is a much
bigger effort is required to catch up with this format. Files created
with later editions of Hangul, including Hangul Wordian, Hangul 2002,
Hangul 2005 and Hangul 2007 cannot be opened with the existing filter.
Existing users can apparently download a free viewer and convert their
document to RTF or doc.

Drop completely the code. while here also drop remnants of wpd support
that we dropped since 3.4.1. Having less code is sometimes better.

diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 1e20861..939a109 100644
-For main/hwpfilter/source/ksc5601.h:
-- MIT license
-Copyright (c) 1999-2000  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, a

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch beanshell/bsh-2.0b6-src.patch beanshell/ external_deps.lst

2016-02-22 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch |   64 --
 beanshell/bsh-2.0b6-src.patch |   64 ++
 beanshell/ |8 ++---
 external_deps.lst |7 ++--
 4 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 6675a022a47153b59f4e67ebbba9010c06c7f055
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Tue Feb 23 04:06:11 2016 +

Update the Apache licensed Beanshell to 2.0b6

From it's new home at github:

The new release addresses CVE-2016-2510.

diff --git a/beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch b/beanshell/bsh-2.0b6-src.patch
similarity index 88%
rename from beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch
rename to beanshell/bsh-2.0b6-src.patch
index 04aa721..d4fb3d6 100644
--- a/beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch
+++ b/beanshell/bsh-2.0b6-src.patch
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 misc/BeanShell-2.0b5/build.xml Fri Dec 19 17:14:27 2003
-+++ misc/build/BeanShell-2.0b5/build.xml   Fri Mar 28 15:55:04 2008
+--- misc/BeanShell-2.0b6/build.xml Fri Dec 19 17:14:27 2003
 misc/build/BeanShell-2.0b6/build.xml   Fri Mar 28 15:55:04 2008
 @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- Why can't I nest filesets?  This seems like it would be so 
easy and
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@

 misc/BeanShell-2.0b5/   Fri Mar 28 15:56:40 2008
-+++ misc/build/BeanShell-2.0b5/ Fri Mar 28 15:56:06 2008
+--- misc/BeanShell-2.0b6/   Fri Mar 28 15:56:40 2008
 misc/build/BeanShell-2.0b6/ Fri Mar 28 15:56:06 2008
 @@ -1 +1,29 @@
diff --git a/beanshell/ b/beanshell/
index 5bf174a..fddd5db 100644
--- a/beanshell/
+++ b/beanshell/
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ all:
 # --- Files 
diff --git a/external_deps.lst b/external_deps.lst
index 8110c44..950b598 100644
--- a/external_deps.lst
+++ b/external_deps.lst
@@ -265,9 +265,10 @@ if (RAT_JAR_HOME==BUILD)
 URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)
-MD5 = ec1941a74d3ef513c4ce57a9092b74e1
-name =
-URL1 =$(name)
+MD5 = beeca87be45ec87d241ddd0e1bad80c1
+name =
+URL1 =$(name)
+URL2 =$(name)
 # Libraries with category B license
Libreoffice-commits mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - ooo.lst

2016-03-13 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 ooo.lst |1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

New commits:
commit 11989be26fd48a084b58a7795ed3f2fae11401d7
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Sun Mar 13 15:58:17 2016 +

remove ooo.lst: the file has been replaced by main/external_deps.lst

It is not used by gbuild either so it is time to let go.

diff --git a/ooo.lst b/ooo.lst
deleted file mode 100644
index e3562e5..000
--- a/ooo.lst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# This file has been replaced by main/external_deps.lst
Libreoffice-commits mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - rat-excludes

2016-03-15 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 rat-excludes |   22 --
 1 file changed, 22 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 69d40d8217d2d1fa325f4bc41dd109bb6184aaeb
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Tue Mar 15 15:25:30 2016 +

No need to exclude from RAT scans code that has been cleaned out.

writerfilter is no more.

diff --git a/rat-excludes b/rat-excludes
index 4ecd4f2..3e72473 100644
--- a/rat-excludes
+++ b/rat-excludes
@@ -126,10 +126,6 @@ main/NOTICE_aggregated
 # Contains a list of labels used for printing; no header possible
-# Used in writerfilter/source/doctok/xmigen.el (1), part of the SGA
-# XEmacs List (config file), comments possible (using ';' at each line start), 
ALv2 could be added
 # Used in main/extras/source/misc_config/autotbl.fmt (1), part of SGA
 # Excel format file, binary
@@ -146,10 +142,6 @@ main/scripting/java/org/openoffice/netbeans/editor/
 # binary, file type not clear
-# main/writerfilter/qa/cppunittests/doctok/doctok.job (1), part of SGA
-# ascii, one line, support of comments not clear
 # used in main/officecfg/registry/schema/oo-common.ldif (1), part of SGA
 # ascii, included in makefiles, ALv2 might be added
@@ -198,10 +190,6 @@ 
 # AOO specific OpenSymbol source file, (S)ource(F)orge(D)ata, recently called 
-# used in main/writerfilter/source/rtftok/RTFScanner.skl (1), part of SGA 
-# binary file (?)
 # used in 
main/testautomation/spreadsheet/optional/input/loadsave/microsoft/sylk.slk (1), 
part of SGA 
 # SYLK spreadsheet, ascii. Comments possible (see in file), ALv2 may be added 
@@ -971,15 +959,6 @@ main/wizards/source/template/delzip
@@ -1201,7 +1180,6 @@ 
Libreoffice-commits mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - 2 commits - rat-excludes solenv/inc sysui/desktop toolkit/src2xml

2016-03-15 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 rat-excludes   |   50 ++---
 solenv/inc/  |1 
 sysui/desktop/debian/postinst  |1 
 sysui/desktop/redhat/redhat-menus.spec |1 
 sysui/desktop/solaris/mailcap  |1 
 6 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 81cff162a70c4b56e40beccca38df591fc5ae4f7
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Wed Mar 16 04:01:39 2016 +

writerperfect is no more.

diff --git a/rat-excludes b/rat-excludes
index 4ecd4f2..807e6b4 100644
--- a/rat-excludes
+++ b/rat-excludes
@@ -28,34 +28,6 @@ main/swext/mediawiki/src/filter/odt2mediawiki.xsl
 # small files with no creative content
diff --git a/solenv/inc/ b/solenv/inc/
index fc9aaeb..0c078a4 100644
--- a/solenv/inc/
+++ b/solenv/inc/
@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ MODULES_WITH_WARNINGS := \
 starmath \
 svx \
 sw \
-writerperfect \
diff --git a/sysui/desktop/debian/postinst b/sysui/desktop/debian/postinst
index c2879d2..025a4cf 100644
--- a/sysui/desktop/debian/postinst
+++ b/sysui/desktop/debian/postinst
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ application/vnd.stardivision.draw; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/x-stardraw; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/vnd.sun.xml.base; %PREFIX -view %s
-application/vnd.writerperfect; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/wordperfect5.1; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/x-wordperfect; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/wordperfect; %PREFIX -view %s
diff --git a/sysui/desktop/redhat/redhat-menus.spec 
index d2b95d4..df001e0 100644
--- a/sysui/desktop/redhat/redhat-menus.spec
+++ b/sysui/desktop/redhat/redhat-menus.spec
@@ -233,7 +233,6 @@ application/vnd.stardivision.draw; %unixfilename -view %s
 application/x-stardraw; %unixfilename -view %s
 application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database; %unixfilename -view %s
 application/vnd.sun.xml.base; %unixfilename -view %s
-application/vnd.writerperfect; %unixfilename -view %s
 application/wordperfect5.1; %unixfilename -view %s
 application/x-wordperfect; %unixfilename -view %s
 application/wordperfect; %unixfilename -view %s
diff --git a/sysui/desktop/solaris/mailcap b/sysui/desktop/solaris/mailcap
index c6b21eb..9042162 100644
--- a/sysui/desktop/solaris/mailcap
+++ b/sysui/desktop/solaris/mailcap
@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ application/vnd.stardivision.draw; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/x-stardraw; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/vnd.sun.xml.base; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database; %PREFIX -view %s
-application/vnd.writerperfect; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/wordperfect5.1; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/x-wordperfect; %PREFIX -view %s
 application/wordperfect; %PREFIX -view %s
diff --git a/toolkit/src2xml/include.lst b/toolkit/src2xml/include.lst
index 0706e35..965192c 100644
--- a/toolkit/src2xml/include.lst
+++ b/toolkit/src2xml/include.lst
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@
commit 8558945567b7e7976d2fed2eeb9e7be41092a573
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Wed Mar 16 03:48:37 2016 +

Revert r1735107:

Duh ... this was wrong.

diff --git a/rat-excludes b/rat

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.0 beta0 available

2011-12-02 Thread Pedro Lino
May I add to the known limitations listed below that the Icon showing
on the program window for all applications in Windows is the
StarOffice 5.2 icon?

Although this has been dismissed as cosmetic, it is a regression from
3.4 and it is a major functional flaw in the sense that one can't
visually identify an open spreadsheet from an open text document
(without reading the window or task text, obviously).

I think it would make sense to fix this before the Public Beta...
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-03 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi all

This is my final request about this subject.

Can you please make some sense out of the version naming convention?

I was about to reinstall version 3.4.4 (after it was overwritten by
3.5.0 Beta0) and I already had an unpacked install folder on my
desktop. The only way I could verify that it was for 3.4.4 final, was
to run the installer and check what would be the name of the generated
folder. Since it had the same code (4eb10e5c) it was the same

Another situation: I download a master build from a tinderbox. How do
I know the build included? How do I know if the source it was
generated from is newer or older than the one I already have? Easy.
Just install, open the About box and check if 4f11d0a-adcf6d5-c4bb9bd
is greater or smaller than 4f11d0a-adcf6d5-c4b29bd (just an example)

If the latest final version was named 3.4.4 and build was 402 couldn't
it simple be named

And this new version can't it be simply named

And keep this code constant in the installer, the about box, the
master builds, etc?

I think this is not an unreasonable request... Maybe the codes you use
are perfect for developers, but this is a community and not all users
(namely those in QA, l10n, etc, let alone common users) are version

Here is a proper bug request about this

Please help us to contribute to this project.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-03 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Andras

Thank you for your quick and enlightening reply!

> LibreOffice 3.5 will not unpack anything to desktop. But we can't
> change the past... :)

Fair enough :)

> You can check what's included and what's not, when you visit
> for example 
> Those magic numbers in About box are git commit IDs.

Aha! I knew they meant something :) But that was the first block of
characters from the About box. How do I know if that version is the
same as e.g. master~2011-12-02_22.36.35_libodev35.exe???

> It is not possible to bump a build number each time a build is
> produced, because many people produce builds, not only one central
> build server.

Yes. That makes sense. But build or sub-build is bumped each there is
a new commit, right? Can't this simply be a 7 digit number instead of
4f11d0a? Or increase the digit number to 10. Or parse it as blocks of
5 digits... Anything that a human brain can understand...

And keep that same code in the build name, the about box, etc

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-03 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi again Andras

> We have 5 repositories now: core, binfilter, dictionaries, help, and
> translations. Therefore there are 5 git commit IDs in the About box
> separated by dashes. These are good identifiers of the build, at least
> these uniquely identify the source code that the build was made from.
> Of course the outcome of build  process depends on the configure
> switches, too. Maybe we should hack something in like
> about:buildconfig in Firefox.
> When you see the full build log of
> master~2011-12-02_22.36.35_libodev35.exe, you will see the git commit
> IDs there, but I agree that it is hard to find.

Interesting information about the 5 code blocks. The problem is: if
someone doesn't use the 5 repositories then the build ID only has e.g.
3 blocks like in
master~2011-12-02_22.36.35_libodev35.exe where Kendy only used core,
dictionaries and help
So the About box says a286353-090bcba-3bf3b94
which I just realized are the 7 first letters of each used repository commit ID

tinderbox: git sha1s

(The above four lines were extracted from
master~2011-12-02_22.36.35_build_info.txt which is a separate
download, not included in the msi file.)

Shouldn't it have all five blocks in the same order and just display #
(or some other character for those not used), as in
a286353-#-090bcba-3bf3b94-# (since it lacks binfilter and

So the information is indeed all there, but this is not user friendly at all :)

> No, build numbers do not bump at each commit, they are bumped before
> releases (beta, rc). 4f11d0a is the commit ID that git produces. It is
> not in the source code.

So, 4f11d0a is a global commit ID calculated from the partial 5 git
commit IDs? And obviously this only makes sense when the 5
repositories are used, which is not mandatory for any build...

I think this makes QA work in any master build pointless. QA must then
be restricted to official Betas but then there needs to be more
coordination and time between Beta0 and the public Beta1 (unless TDF
is not worried about the quality and image that a  Public Beta

Thank you again for the excellent explanation, Andras ;)

Best regards,
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-03 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Korrawit

> That is, if your 4f11d0a is the first group of IDs in About box, it's
> the core repository's commit ID.

Yes, obviously. Sorry for the confusion.
I thought Andras was referring to the single 8 letter/number code
added to the Windows install folder name.
Where does that come from?

Build ID: 4f11d0a-adcf6d5-c4bb9bd
Folder name LibO-dev 3.5 (4ec47f5f) Installation Files

Anyway, even if this was a combination of the GIT IDs it would still
be useless as an identification because different binaries using the
same core would have a different code depending on the repositories
used, right?

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-03 Thread Pedro Lino
> No need to know. It is just a random (or not so random) sequence of
> hex digits. If nothing documents it to have some significance, don't
> assume it to have any significance.

Thank you for the clarification. It does have some significance.

>> Anyway, even if this was a combination of the GIT IDs it would still
>> be useless as an identification
> Well, is it claimed anywhere to be useful as an identification?

I (wrongly) assumed it was meant for identification. In fact if the
same build generates the same sequence then they are synonyms and can
be used for some sort of identification (as I just explained in a
previous email).

I realize from your answer that the code was generated simply to make
the folder name unique.

But this is irrelevant since the installer folder will no longer be created.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-03 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Lionel

> Git commit IDs as identifiers have the huge problem that they are not
> comparable (one cannot say which one is "greater") without referring
> to the repository. How about we also put the *commit* (not author)
> timestamp (in UTC) of the top node (commit), and maybe the branch?

That would help!

> Something like:
> Build assembled from:
>  repo  commit   date               branch
>  core: 4f11d0a 2011-11-16 21:57:28 master
>  help: adcf6d5 2011-11-05 14:01:21 master
>  ...
> Or instead of pretty-printing the date, just put it as seconds
> since the epoch:
>  core: 4f11d0a 1321480648 master
>  help: adcf6d5 1320501681 master

That would solve the problem when looking into the log file but not
when looking at the About box.

Picking up your (excellent) idea of using the date and converting to a
linear value: if each repository was given a Birth Date and time since
that date converted to a linear value (age), using the Date function
you could get a 10 digit value able to separate builds with one second
time difference.

E.g. If the Core repository was created at midnight Sept 28th 2010
(TDF's birthday) or in linear time (times 10 to eliminate the
point) 404490, then the 4f11d0a 2011-11-16 21:57:28 master

age would be 41491490. This seems like a nice easy number to compare.
In fact a build using code from one second later would be 41491491.

All this takes is attributing an arbitrary birth date for each
repository and very simple calculations.

Please do consider this!

Thank you again, Lionel!
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Naming builds. Please???

2011-12-03 Thread Pedro Lino
> No, my idea was to put the above text in the about box, to replace our
> current 4f11d0a-adcf6d5-... string.

Oh, I see! But then it would be easier to use the "pretty printing
date" instead of having 2 strings to compare for each repository. That
would be a nice improvement.

What I was proposing was to replace 4f11d0a-adcf6d5-c4bb9bd with
which is a simple numeric value that will continually grow because it
is an age...

One year from now you would be using build 79831260-etc-etc and you
wouldn't have to look twice to know that this build was much newer
than 41491490-etc-etc

Even better, use the string as the actual number of days which is even
easier to visually compare: 414.91490-etc-etc now, 798.31260-etc-etc
in a year, 44534.31260-etc-etc ten years from today at the exact same

It's easy to visualize and to explain to anyone the logic.

Kind regards,
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] RESET - BACK button text and function interchanged

2011-12-04 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Rainer

Since you asked not to discuss on the Bug Tracker here is my opinion:

The function "Back" doesn't make any sense. If the idea is to Undo the
values that you changed and you haven't Saved then you already have
the Cancel button.

If the goal is to return to LO default values then the user should use
the "Reset" button (and the Reset button should indeed Reset the
values _in the current tab_ to the LO defaults).

I think this is a complex decision and that the UX people should be
involved. It's a bit more than just incorrectly identified buttons...

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] LibO 3.5.0 Beta 0 First assessment

2011-12-05 Thread Pedro Lino
> We plan to do the beta builds as dev builds, so they will be installed
> in parallel with the stable release.

Excellent news!
Is this going to be included on the first Public Beta which is
scheduled for today?

> Though, the release candidates are going to replace the stable releases
> on Windows and MAC. They still will install in parallel with 3.4 on
> Linux. So, it will work the same way like with 3.4 vs. 3.3.

Can't this be consistent across OSes?
What option allows RCs to be installed in parallel in Linux?
Can't we use the same option in Windows and Mac?

Best regards,
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] LibO 3.5.0 Beta 0 First assessment

2011-12-07 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Petr, *

> It was not intended for wide functional testing. It helped to find
> exactly the problems that it was supposed to find.
> It is clear that we should have used the name "alphaX". Well, the plan
> was public and nobody protested against the "beta0" name ;-)

You seem to be taking the complaints about Beta/Alpha personally.
I can say for myself (and most probably for everybody that posted on
this topic) that any comments are not and were never ad hominem. It
wouldn't make any sense anyway. You are doing an excellent job and you
can not be blamed for a common decision (or lack of). If this
situation happened is because we all failed. Beta0 should have been a
very internal test build given that the tinderboxes had been failing
for months (and still are working quite irregularly for Windows, at

> I am afraid that beta1 is going to be delayed by two days or so. We want
> to make some testing before we build it.

I'm certainly glad to hear that ;)
If you need some testing on a Windows machine, just yell ;)

> Yes, we should have used "alpha" name instead of "beta0". We will take
> it in mind when updating schedule for 3.6 release.

May I suggest that this is added to the scripts ASAP instead of
leaving it for later? In June (3.6 planned release date) no one will
remember this discussion.

Kind regards,
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
> Support for Java 7 (both Linux and Windows) is now also enabled for the
> upcoming LO 3.4.5.  I just checked on Linux that a JRE 1.7.0_01 can be
> enabled on the "Tools - Options... - LibreOffice - Java" tab page, and that
> "File - Wizards - Letter..." (which uses Java) looks reasonable.
> Would be great if somebody could check Java 7 more thoroughly, for both
> upcoming LO 3.4.5 and 3.5.

I'm new to this QA system, but wouldn't it be useful to know when
(date/time) this was added?

There isn't a 3.4.5 branch yet so I assume this can be tested on the
master? The latest Win daily is from Dec 7th so it probably doesn't
include that fix?

Is there a list of functions that depend on Java? Or a Java test for LO?
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Tor, all

Thank you for all the replies

> Added where? You need to realise that we use a *distributed* version
> control system, git, and time stamps are not important, as far as I
> understand it.

Yes, I do realize. They still are important if you are using daily
builds from the central repository.

> Would you be interested in the time stamp when a change was committed
> to the developer's local repository? Or when it was pushed to our
> "central" repository? Or when it was pulled from there into the build
> machine's repository?

I'm interest in the time a change was committed to the central
repository by a developer (in this case the Java 1.7 change) which can
(I hope!) be compared to the pull time of the dailies in the

If this doesn't work this way, please let me know! :)

>> There isn't a 3.4.5 branch yet so I assume this can be tested on the master?
> Well, master is quite far from the liboreoffice-3-4 branch.

Fixes applied to the 3.4 branch were added back to the master (I
hope). So until a 3.4.5 build is released this is the nearest approach
to test "back" ;)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Michael

>> There isn't a 3.4.5 branch yet so I assume this can be tested on the
>> master ? The latest Win daily is from Dec 7th so it probably doesn't
>> include that fix?
>        Yes - you can test either on master or a libreoffice-3-4 build (RC1
> will be coming next week or so I think).

Excellent. Thank you for the confirmation.

>        Not really; perhaps litmus has some Java related data ? things like the
> hsqldb (default database backend) use Java, also the Wizards currently
> still use Java (File->Wizard etc.) - there are also some Java samples we
> ship I suspect in the macros menu. The nlpsolver is Java, the wiki
> publisher, and base report-builder.

This sure helps ;)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
> But developers don't commit to the central repository. They commit to
> their local "clones" of it, and then at some (much) later stage push
> outstanding commits to the central repository. And then there are
> feature branches and merges...

Ok. Wrong wording. What I meant was "the time a change was pushed to
the central repository by a developer" which is comparable to the pull
time from the central repository.

> In this case (and usually) it is the other way around: Fixes are done
> on master, and those deemed good and important are "cherry-picked" to
> a stable branch. (Although technically, as we use different repository
> structure for master and 3-4 (single "core" vs. a bunch), it isn't a
> cherry-pick.)

Excellent. Then all good changes are in the master already :)

Thank you for the clarification ;)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Call for LO-3.5.0-beta1 pre-tag testing

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi all

> could you please do some testing with the last daily builds from the
> libreoffice-3-5 branch? See below where to get them.
> It would be great if you replay this mail and describe your feeling.
> Please mention the git commit IDs from the about dialog from the tested
> build. We might want to use the tested commit for the beta1 build.

I have successfully installed build
2011-12-09_12.44.50_LibO_3.5.0beta0_Win_x86 under Win XP Pro x86 SP3.

I am glad to confirm that Bug 42979 - Wrong application icon on the
MSVC Master is indeed fixed :)

However, even though the installer correctly uninstalled my existing
LibO-dev 3.5 build, it created a group named LOdev 3.5 and installed
into a folder with the same name under %ProgramFiles%.
This is not a bug but the name change is a bit odd...

I uninstalled it sometime later and found all these leftovers

More impressions later.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Norbert

> the problem is that this 'time' is not recorded anywhere. git does not
> keep track of it.

I have the pull time because the tinderbox code was kindly modified to
provide a log file for each build

And Petr Vladek has suggested that this info should/could be included
in the About box

However Bjoern seems to have a different idea... But I still don't
know what it is :)

> It is possible to do a web service to automate that (that is giving 2
> sha1s and it tell you if the second one (the fix) is an 'ancestor' of
> the first one (your build)
> essentially:  if $(git merge-base  ) = 

That would be nice ;)

The important part here is to know if the fix is included or not. When
or the exact time is not important at all!

Can you do that? :)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
> I know, I did it... but you don't have a 'push time'

:) Thank you, then :)
Why do I need to know the push time? Any commits that were pushed into
Central repository before time X are included in the source that is
pulled after time X... I think?

>> And Petr Vladek has suggested that this info should/could be included
>> in the About box
> it is less reliable and at best redundant with the git-sha...

Redundant is good! Especially if the redundant information can be
understood by non-technical users ;)

>  otoh I
> am considering addin the tinderbox id to the about box, so one can
> know which box built it (and therefore what config was used)

It would be great if that information was added BOTH to the About box
and to the tar/msi file name! Please do consider it :)

>> Can you do that? :)
> The shell script that give you the anwser given the about box info and
> the sha1 of the fix, yes... the web page that wrap it all nicely, no

Does anyone on this list know how to add this script to the wiki? I
think that would be the best place to have this...

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] End of the line for 3.3 family and regressions

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi all

Looking at the Release Plan chart
and wiki
I guess version 3.3.4 is the end of the line for family 3.3.

This means that for many users (and especially for companies, which
only use the most stable build) the next version will (sometimes
forcefully :) ) be 3.4.5.

I think this carries (from a QA point of vue) a much heavier
responsibility and care than the change from 3.4.4 to 3.5.0 (which is

The planned release date for 3.4.5 is on January 11, 2012 and
apparently there won't be any Beta releases, it will jump directly to

I urge everybody to make sure that EVERY regression detected from
3.3.x to 3.4.x is fixed/added to the 3.4 branch

E.g. A bug fix such as this
needs to be "cherry picked" to the 3.4 branch

I volunteer to do any checking (within my limited knowledge) on the
Windows x86 platform but someone with more experience needs to do an
exhaustive search on the Bug tracker (Rainer?)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
> sure. but then how do you known 'when' a given fix was pushed ? (and
> bear in mind timezone :-))

Ah, yes! You were talking about the fix pushes. With your script? :)

> for dailies: to download it you already have all that info since
> otherwise you would not have found the file to start with.

Obviously. But once you have downloaded it there is no way to know
where it came from. Therefore it is important that this is kept in the

> for pre-release, we don't want to have too fancy filename, that would
> make thing much more dicey when we 'release'...

For Pre-release (not dev builds) a simple Beta1 is enough :)

(Also in the About box as requested many times and suggested by Petr :) )
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Call for LO-3.5.0-beta1 pre-tag testing

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Andras

> You use your Windows with an administrator account. It is not
> recommended, however I know that many people do this.  Therefore
> LibreOffice can write into its own Program Files folder.

This is how all personal Windows XP PCs work. Only in
companies/schools/etc does it work differently.
By default the Windows XP user accounts are created as Admin so that
you can install/remove any programs.

If that is what is causing the leftovers then the location of the
files should be modified. All personal files should be created in the
user Profile (and optionally removed on Uninstall) regardless of the
user permissions.

> It is hard to remove files that were not installed by MSI. Not
> impossible, but probably I won't spend time on that, because AFAIK
> Windows 7 does not let this happen. I'm more interested in those
> leftovers, if any, when you start LibreOffice with a non priviliged
> user account.

Yes, it is true that WIndows Vista and 7 have greater protection but
nearly 40% of all PC users worlwide still use Windows XP. I think TDF
shouldn't neglect them :)

Even if the Admin doesn't use LO at all :) the "share" folder and all
subfolders/items (see PDF linked in previous post) are still leftover.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-09 Thread Pedro Lino
> We are not speaking about putting *only* the timestamp(s) as
> *only* identifier, only to give them as an added information for human
> convenience, not as things scripts would use as unique identifier.

That is exactly the point. Quoting a previous answer to Norbert

"> it is less reliable and at best redundant with the git-sha...

Redundant is good! Especially if the redundant information can be
understood by non-technical users ;)"

This is not a SHA vs Timestamp discussion. It is a simple "Please Add both"


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] End of the line for 3.3 family and regressions

2011-12-10 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Korrawit, all

> So, what should we do to each group of bugs? Anyway, I'm not sure
> whether there are how many bugs in each group, or even there is any
> bug in some group. Maybe we need separate discussion?

This isn't simply a matter of checking and reporting bugs. It involves
the Quality of a product this Community claims to be Enterprise ready.
IMO there can be NO regressions.

I think this is way over our (QA) heads given the sheer amount of
unfixed bugs. It doesn't seem realistic the release date of January 11
especially because this is the Christmas season and most people here
are volunteers.

The TDF BoD and the Devs need to make a decision about how to handle this.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] End of the line for 3.3 family and regressions

2011-12-10 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Michael

>        Seems that Eike picked this to -3-4 shortly after you mentioned it ;-)
> of course, if there are more annoying, but trivial / obvious fixes we
> need to get into 3.4.5 it'd be great to know ASAP - the freeze for 3.4.5
> RC1 is early next week, and I'd really like not to see ~anything much go
> in after RC1.

That was just an example.

I think you missed this discussion.Please read it here

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] End of the line for 3.3 family and regressions

2011-12-12 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Petr

> IMHO, community can't support too many stable versions. Customers who
> need it, have to pay someone for it. We should leave 3.3 and concentrate
> on making 3.5 the best release ever.

I couldn't agree more. But someone made up this concept of "rock
solid" and "Enterprise ready". To make things more confusing there are
two versions on the download page that are "Enterprise ready" and
there isn't anyone who can say which are the differences and which one
should companies adopt...

The reason for my post is that family 3.3 will no longer be updated
and the ONLY version this Community is "selling" as "Enterprise ready"
will be version 3.4.5

> I think that there is no need for panic :-) 3.4 has been out since, Jun
> 1, 2011. We did 4 bug fix releases. There was plenty of time to escalate
> bugs that would break people from using this version and there were many
> possibilities to get these fixes.

Currently there are two "rock solid" versions. And you can see from
the comments at the forum that many people (and companies) were
sticking with version 3.3.x just to be on the safe side (maybe that is
why there are not more bug reports for 3.4.4?)

I'm not in panic. I was just sharing my concern. If you guys aren't
worried why should I be?

Best regards,
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-12 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi all

> Would be great if somebody could check Java 7 more thoroughly, for both
> upcoming LO 3.4.5 and 3.5.

Some findings about Java 7 under Win XP Pro x86 SP3:

Uninstalled Java 6 rev 29.
Run LO 3.4.4. Executed File, Wizard, Letter. Reported missing Java
Run LOdev 3.5.0 Build ID: f923851-7f15fca-1f1fd1a-ca8e46d-5bcbce4.
Executed File, Wizard, Letter. LOdev crashed.

Installed Java 7 rev 1 without rebooting
Run LO 3.4.4. Executed File, Wizard, Letter. Reported missing Java
Run LOdev 3.5.0 Build ID: f923851-7f15fca-1f1fd1a-ca8e46d-5bcbce4.
Executed File, Wizard, Letter. LOdev crashed.

Run again LOdev 3.5.0 Build ID: f923851-7f15fca-1f1fd1a-ca8e46d-5bcbce4.
Went to Options, Java, selected Version 1.7.0_01
Executed File, Wizard, Letter. Wizard worked as expected.

Uninstalled Java 7. Rebooted

Installed Java 7 rev 1 and rebooted
Run LO 3.4.4. Executed File, Wizard, Letter. Reported missing Java
Run LOdev 3.5.0 Build ID: f923851-7f15fca-1f1fd1a-ca8e46d-5bcbce4.
Executed File, Wizard, Letter. Wizard worked as expected.

LO 3.4.4 works like a charm but won't detect Java 7;
LO 3.5.0 crashes on Wizard execution if Java is not installed or was
not detected. Works as expected when Java is detected or selected.

One question: if both Java versions are installed and I do not specify
which one to use, which version is used?

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5 (was: minutes of tech. steering call ...)

2011-12-13 Thread Pedro Lino
>> Executed File, Wizard, Letter. LOdev crashed.
>        Gosh; when you say 'crashed' - it took down the whole office suite ?
> that is a pretty horrendous existing bug it'd be nice to fix.

Yep. I would say so :)

>> Conclusion
>> LO 3.4.4 works like a charm but won't detect Java 7;
>        Right there is no support there.

I know that. Just reported it because I'm happy about 3.4.4 :)

>        So - on this basis, it sounds like supporting Java 7 is something we
> should be doing, if only to avoid the crashes when it is not present ;-)
> Having said that - the relevant components will be disabled if there was
> no Java on the system at install time.

What do you mean disabled? Is it automatically enabled when/if Java is
installed? If not then it would be better to keep it enabled and just
pop the warning (like in 3.4.4)

>        You can select it in tools->options IIRC, otherwise the latest version.

Yes I know how to select it. I just wanted to know the criteria.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.0 Beta1 test builds available

2011-12-14 Thread Pedro Lino

> 7362ca8-b5a8e65-af86909-d471f98-61464c4 *is* Beta1, this is the way we
> can identify it, now it is documented in mail archives, so... :)

:) Fair enough :)

I'm glad Petr is on it. I hope he doesn't give up that easily ;)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Java 7 support in LO 3.4.5

2011-12-14 Thread Pedro Lino
> LO stores information about a selected JRE in the user profile at
> config/javasettings_*.xml.  Can you verify that just deleting that file from
> the bad old user profile would already be enough to solve the crash?

Yes, I can confirm that. I made some extensive testing.

This problem occurs if the user uninstalls or downgrades the Java
version (i.e. from 7 to 6)

This happens because under Windows the absolute path to Java is stored
in file javasettings_Windows_x86.xml located in

E.g. file:///C:/Program%20Files/Java/jre6

If LO would delete the xml file when it fails to find JRE at the
specified location and started a new search (as it does currently on
every run if Java is enabled) then the problem would be solved: if no
Java is installed, LO would ask to install; if another version is
installed LO would find it ;)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] QA ideas for 3.5 WAS Re: Improving the QA and Release for 3.5

2011-12-14 Thread Pedro Lino
>> If you feel good about the beta1 build,
> My feeling about it is positive. What do others think?

I think that especially for the Windows platform it was an incredible
evolution since a couple of months ago (when it wasn't even possible
to successfully compile) to arrive at this almost stable Beta1 :)

Kudos to all developers!

BTW I do hope that bug 43422
( can be fixed
before Beta2 :)
It is really a show stopper!

I hope blocker doesn't refer to the final build only? :)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] Bugs in Portable LibO Versions

2011-12-20 Thread Pedro Lino
> I do not know at all how bug fixes for Portable LibO Builds will be
> proceeded. I believe hints in
> <> are not
> useful.
> What do you think?

Are there any specific Portable LO errors?

I assume that the Portable version works 100% like the installed.
If there are any errors they should be detected in the installed version...

In any case there is specific support at

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-qa] [ANNOUNCE] libreoffice- tag created (3.4.5-rc2)

2012-01-03 Thread Pedro Lino
> do you mean 3.4.5-rc1 ?

No. That was almost a month ago :)
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [libreoffice-design] Re[2]: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05

2018-09-12 Thread Pedro Rosmaninho
That's all very nice but... Who fixes it?
It´s nice to vote to keep something in, but when that something is
constantly breaking and there's minimal dev interest to fix or improve it
(and it needs some dire improvements) why keep it then? Would any of the
people in favor be willing to fix it and improve it? It's as simple as that.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 1:50 PM Halmai, Csongor  wrote:

> Hi All,
> from my personal perspective, I don't use personas, I never did. But...
> I taught hundreds of people, children and adults as well and I can say
> most people like "funny little harmless" things
> like this.
> Just imagine how many users change their desktop background, even if they
> cannot see it the whole day. They simply just
> like personalize it. I think such a little thing that makes LO more
> attractive for the newcomers, should be kept.
> If it breaks then it should be fixed.
> Csongor
> On 2018.09.12. 3:44, infinitytec wrote:
> > I'd have to agree with the idea of removing Personas. Why? Because they
> keep breaking. A couple of prebuilt solid themes would do the trick. Allow
> people to make and tweak themes as well, and even add images. It could,
> perhaps, still be compatible with the Persona system, but rely only on LO
> to function, as I know some issues have been caused on Mozilla's end.
> >
> >
> > Any sufficiently advanced technology is magic to those who do not
> understand it.-A variation on Clarke's Third Law
> >  Original message From: Jean-Francois Nifenecker <
>> Date: 9/11/18  12:22 PM
> (GMT-06:00) To: "Роман К." <>, Pedro Rosmaninho <
>> Cc:,
>, libreoffice-dev <
>>, "kainz.a" 
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-design] Re[2]: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from
> the
> >design meeting 2018-Sep-05
> > Le 06/09/2018 à 12:32, Роман К. a écrit :
> >> Hello, all. I agree with "killing" Firefox personas. And I like adding
> just 4-5 solid color themes.
> >>
> > I've (manually) added the LibreOffice 4 Light Ambiance persona from
> > Firefox on my trainer PC
> > (
> ).
> >
> > Adding them is a chore: you've got to use the advanced mode because, as
> > already stated, the UI is not working anymore for a lng time.
> >
> > After having doubts about personas (in fact I was very reluctant to
> > using them), I can tell that it draws attention during training sessions
> ;-)
> >
> > So, I'd strongly vote to keep (and fix) the personas thingy and against
> > having only solid themes.
> >
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: Moving to LibreOffice 8?

2023-03-29 Thread Pedro Rosmaninho
I would just like to counter what Eyal Rosenberg says. Version number
should be a marketing decision.
But I agree with his points that marketing must consider that major
innovations or missing features should be included with a major number
change otherwise said number change will fall flat.
The number 8 is a great opportunity so it shouldn't be wasted without
having something impactful when it is launched.

Regina Henschel  escreveu no dia terça, 28/03/2023
à(s) 15:40:

> Hi Italo,
> the change from 6.x to 7.0 happens together with the change from ODF 1.2
> to ODF 1.3. If the decision it to keep this kind of numbering, I think a
> change to 8.0 should happen when LibreOffice starts support for ODF 1.4.
> ODF 1.4 will hopefully be released end of 2024.
> Kind regards,
> Regina
> Italo Vignoli schrieb am 27.03.2023 um 19:11:
> > Moving to LibreOffice 8 (instead of 7.6) makes sense for marketing
> > purposes, as media is looking at LibreOffice as the real innovator in
> > the open source office suite market, and the feeling of journalists is
> > that we are forever stuck at 7.x.
> >
> > We all know that the next version will not include any significant
> > innovation which can justify the change of version, apart from the new
> > build system for Windows and the availability of LibreOffice for Arm
> > processors on Windows (which has not been announced).
> >
> > Playing with the number 8, which can be rotated 90° to become the
> > "infinite" symbol, we can frame the next version as LibreOffice for an
> > infinite number of users, as we cover all hardware platforms and all
> > operating systems for personal productivity.
> >
> > This is my opinion. If the community wants to stick with 7.6, I won't
> > insist. I have received enough insults both public and private for the
> > marketing plan, and I am still receiving them from a few people, that I
> > am not willing to enter into that process again (even if the decision on
> > the "community" tag has not been mine, but it looks like people have a
> > very short memory).
> >
> > Looking forward to your thoughts.
> --
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> List archive:
> Privacy Policy:

Re: [libreoffice-design] Minutes from the design meeting 2018-Sep-05

2018-09-06 Thread Pedro Rosmaninho
Agreed, I would kill Firefox personas. It works tremendously slow, and it's
not very useful.
Also most personas do not look good with shipped icons. It would be
preferable to adequately offer a dark theme in every OS (Firefox is going
to support W10 dark theme with version 63).
At most offer 4 or 5 color themes (pastel colors based on modules dominant
colors maybe?).

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 8:52 AM kainz.a  wrote:

> I am not sure how many work firefox personas are. In general l would prefer
> different color schemes instead of personas.
> Stephan Bergmann  schrieb am Do., 6. Sep. 2018,
> 08:41:
> > On 05/09/18 20:49, Heiko Tietze wrote:
> > >   * Personas not found again
> > > + importance high/major!
> > > +
> > > +
> >
> > > + Options:
> > >   + remove this feature completely
> > >   + don't access images via network but ship a few and make the
> > feature an extension
> > >   + revamp the code to adopt the new API
> > >   + ?
> > > => preference to simplification and extension (Heiko)
> >
> > Not sure from the above what part exactly of the feature you want to
> > turn into an extension (the code itself or the persona data), but one
> > note:  In general, be careful when including new kinds of data content
> > in extensions.  That creates new interfaces between LO and extensions,
> > and those interfaces need to be kept compatible, which is a maintenance
> > burden.
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe e-mail to:
> > Problems?
> >
> > Posting guidelines + more:
> > List archive:
> > Privacy Policy:
> >
> --
> To unsubscribe e-mail to:
> Problems?
> Posting guidelines + more:
> List archive:
> Privacy Policy:
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: apache-commons/ apache-commons/ apache-commons/ apache-commons/

2013-03-26 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 apache-commons/ |2 
 apache-commons/  |2 
 apache-commons/   |2 
 apache-commons/ |5 
 apache-commons/patches/codec.patch  |   23 +-
 apache-commons/patches/httpclient.patch |  119 
 apache-commons/patches/httpclient_no_javadoc.patch  |   11 +
 swext/   |4 
 9 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit adda54b5211916f9b442e8ac7d82cc861bdde54d
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Wed May 9 22:22:11 2012 +

Update Apache Commons

Update commons-codec to version 1.6.
Update commons-lang to version 2.4.
Patch common-httpclient to avoid building issues
with OpenJDK-7.

These versions maintain ABI compatibility while
using features from newer Java versions and
have been tested on the FreeBSD port.

Change-Id: I6aec2b6d22fc3335ffbdda9558f475313ef53c85

diff --git a/apache-commons/ 
index 5b67c35..aaf1520 100644
--- a/apache-commons/
+++ b/apache-commons/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ $(call 
gb_ExternalProject_get_state_target,apache_commons_httpclient,build) :
-f build.xml \

-   -Dcommons-codec.jar="$(call 
gb_UnpackedTarball_get_dir,apache_commons_codec)/dist/commons-codec-1.3.jar" \
+   -Dcommons-codec.jar="$(call 
$(if $(filter yes,$(JAVACISGCJ))\
,-Dbuild.compiler=gcj \
diff --git a/apache-commons/ 
index aaf3b7f..65d302b 100644
--- a/apache-commons/
+++ b/apache-commons/
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ $(eval $(call 
gb_Package_Package,apache_commons_codec_inc,$(call gb_UnpackedTarb
 $(eval $(call 
-$(eval $(call 
+$(eval $(call 
 # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/apache-commons/ 
index 8f93b9be..a9c1eb3 100644
--- a/apache-commons/
+++ b/apache-commons/
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ $(eval $(call 
gb_Package_Package,apache_commons_lang_inc,$(call gb_UnpackedTarba
 $(eval $(call 
-$(eval $(call 
+$(eval $(call 
 # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/apache-commons/ 
index a68c071..6139a94 100644
--- a/apache-commons/
+++ b/apache-commons/
@@ -11,4 +11,9 @@ $(eval $(call 
 $(eval $(call 
+$(eval $(call gb_UnpackedTarball_add_patches,apache_commons_httpclient,\
+   apache-commons/patches/httpclient.patch \
+   apache-commons/patches/httpclient_no_javadoc.patch \
 # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/apache-commons/patches/codec.patch 
index ffbcb57..7a9b489 100644
--- a/apache-commons/patches/codec.patch
+++ b/apache-commons/patches/codec.patch
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
 misc/build/commons-codec-1.3/build.xml-old 2008-01-31 15:28:58.0 
-+++ misc/build/commons-codec-1.3/build.xml 2008-01-31 15:29:21.0 
-@@ -90,14 +90,12 @@
+--- misc/build/commons-codec-1.6-src/build.xml-old 2012-05-05 

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' -

2015-02-13 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 0 files changed

New commits:
commit 0cea7cc1254241b4505f15256e398bc5bf3e0ab8
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Fri Feb 13 23:34:30 2015 +

Use text/xml instead of application/xml in svn:mime-type

This is the recomended value in Subversion's svn-eol-style.txt:

# Please do not use svn:mime-type=application/xml for xml files as that 
# SVN to treat them as binary - use text/xml or omit the setting entirely

This was discussed in the lists on Nov. 2013 but never acted upon.
Libreoffice-commits mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' -

2015-01-16 Thread Pedro Giffuni |   20 
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 86b9900dc449b7b54a4605521b8929ce1a5aebc9
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Fri Jan 16 20:47:02 2015 +

Revert most of r1651396:

We really don't use libwpd but it left some leftover cruft that
has to be removed as well. A mini-project for a rainy day.

Reported by:arielch

diff --git a/ b/
index 97f4b4c..1baf940 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -435,6 +435,9 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(system-jpeg,
 [  --with-system-expat Use expat already on system
+[  --with-system-libwpdUse libwpd already on system
 [  --with-system-libxmlUse libxml already on system
@@ -3764,6 +3767,23 @@ fi
 dnl ===
+dnl Check for system libwpd
+dnl ===
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libwpd to use])
+if test -n "$with_system_libwpd" -o -n "$with_system_libs" && \
+test "$with_system_libwpd" != "no"; then
+dnl ===
 dnl Check for system cppunit
 dnl ===
Libreoffice-commits mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - ucb/source

2015-01-23 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfCallbacks.hxx|2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfCopyReqProcImpl.cxx  |2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfDeleteReqProcImpl.cxx|2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfMkColReqProcImpl.cxx |2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfMoveReqProcImpl.cxx  |2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfPostReqProcImpl.cxx  |2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfPutReqProcImpl.cxx   |2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfRequestProcessor.hxx |2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfRequestProcessorImpl.hxx |2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfSession.cxx  |2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfTypes.hxx|2 +-
 ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfUri.hxx  |2 +-
 12 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 44fda43ca6846b25201eaa7812eb90fc7f79faac
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Fri Jan 23 17:44:53 2015 +

Fix webdav build with external serf.

Building with external serf (which is recommended) has been
broken for a while. Restore the proper include paths for
the external serf to work.

While testing this change, I noticed that downloading the old serf
can fail breaking the build but this is unrelated to this patch.

Authors:Don Lewis, maho@
Obtained from:  FreeBSD port

diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfCallbacks.hxx 
index 0f94c6a..840e3a3 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfCallbacks.hxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfCallbacks.hxx
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 extern "C" apr_status_t Serf_ConnectSetup( apr_socket_t *skt,
serf_bucket_t **read_bkt,
diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfCopyReqProcImpl.cxx 
index a883e2c..4cb0796 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfCopyReqProcImpl.cxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfCopyReqProcImpl.cxx
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "SerfCopyReqProcImpl.hxx"
 namespace http_dav_ucp
diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfDeleteReqProcImpl.cxx 
index 11148d8..54b7190 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfDeleteReqProcImpl.cxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfDeleteReqProcImpl.cxx
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "SerfDeleteReqProcImpl.hxx"
 namespace http_dav_ucp
diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfMkColReqProcImpl.cxx 
index 9b73e9c..14692e1 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfMkColReqProcImpl.cxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfMkColReqProcImpl.cxx
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "SerfMkColReqProcImpl.hxx"
 namespace http_dav_ucp
diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfMoveReqProcImpl.cxx 
index 91a5463..391313f 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfMoveReqProcImpl.cxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfMoveReqProcImpl.cxx
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "SerfMoveReqProcImpl.hxx"
 namespace http_dav_ucp
diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfPostReqProcImpl.cxx 
index 5d5e71d..e9a55d0 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfPostReqProcImpl.cxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfPostReqProcImpl.cxx
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "SerfPostReqProcImpl.hxx"
 using namespace com::sun::star;
diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfPutReqProcImpl.cxx 
index a3f5fba..f24f68d 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfPutReqProcImpl.cxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfPutReqProcImpl.cxx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "SerfPutReqProcImpl.hxx"
 namespace http_dav_ucp
diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfRequestProcessor.hxx 
index c2ab235..673eb39 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfRequestProcessor.hxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfRequestProcessor.hxx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "DAVTypes.hxx"
 #include "DAVResource.hxx"
diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfRequestProcessorImpl.hxx 
index 57611ec..96b0d51 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfRequestProcessorImpl.hxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfRequestProcessorImpl.hxx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include "DAVRequestEnvironment.hxx"
diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/webdav/SerfSession.cxx 
index a5354eb..c639239 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/webda

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - external_deps.lst

2015-01-23 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 external_deps.lst |1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

New commits:
commit 1c1efea327d26d61e3feccbd0ee0275707ba997d
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Fri Jan 23 18:45:39 2015 +

Update URL2 for croscorefonts.

We have been carrying the newer fonts for a while in the
backup repository along with other candidates.

diff --git a/external_deps.lst b/external_deps.lst
index 8395e7c..c679394 100644
--- a/external_deps.lst
+++ b/external_deps.lst
@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ if (WITH_CATA_FONTS==YES)
 MD5 = cfa8bec07bf5b6856dd20f0cb28b3929
 name = croscorefonts-1.23.0.tar.gz
 URL1 =$(name)
+URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)
 if ( true )
 MD5 = fdb27bfe2dbe2e7b57ae194d9bf36bab
Libreoffice-commits mailing list

Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-projects] minutes of ESC call ...

2015-02-04 Thread Pedro Rosmaninho
- Implement Image crop tool similar to the one present in Impress,

- Implement an "Insert" subcategory in the Properties tab of the Sidebar in
- Implement a "Data" subcategory in the Properties tab of the Sidebar in

- Allow to use different shapes in cropped images in Writer/Impress/Draw
(besides the rectangle) - similar to Google Docs.

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 9:47 AM, Noel Grandin  wrote:

> On 2015-02-01 02:05 PM, Michel Renon wrote:
>> here are some ideas : if you think some might be interesting, tell me and
>> I'll make some specs/ux design
> Those are some very good ideas! Even if they don't make the GSOC, they
> should probably be logged in bugzilla.
> --
> To unsubscribe e-mail to:
> Problems?
> unsubscribe/
> Posting guidelines + more:
> List archive:
> All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be
> deleted
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - 2 commits - beanshell/bsh-2.0b1-src.patch beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch beanshell/ beanshell/prj external_deps.lst

2015-01-11 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 beanshell/bsh-2.0b1-src.patch |   77 --
 beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch |   64 ++
 beanshell/ |6 +--
 beanshell/prj/d.lst   |2 -
 external_deps.lst |   12 ++
 5 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 87f6fe9767e845419b8e55ab524aa831b5372f4e
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Sun Jan 11 20:54:52 2015 +

Beanshell 2.0b5 update

The Beanshell source code has been licensed to the Apache Software
Foundation under a SGA. Huge thanks to Patrick Niemeyer for making
this software available under an Apache License version 2.

diff --git a/beanshell/prj/d.lst b/beanshell/prj/d.lst
index 6614623..0fb8c47 100644
--- a/beanshell/prj/d.lst
+++ b/beanshell/prj/d.lst
@@ -1 +1 @@
-..\%__SRC%\misc\build\BeanShell\dist\bsh-2.0b1.jar %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\bsh.jar
+..\%__SRC%\misc\build\BeanShell\dist\bsh-2.0b5.jar %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\bsh.jar
commit 58e32ec03eec9cd1cf68e384b5cade00a71d364a
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Sun Jan 11 20:32:21 2015 +

Beanshell 2.0b5 update

The Beanshell source code has been licensed to the Apache Software
Foundation under a SGA. Huge thanks to Patrick Niemeyer for making
this software available under an Apache License version 2.

diff --git a/beanshell/bsh-2.0b1-src.patch b/beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch
similarity index 84%
rename from beanshell/bsh-2.0b1-src.patch
rename to beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch
index 2d2963f..d81758f 100644
--- a/beanshell/bsh-2.0b1-src.patch
+++ b/beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch
@@ -62,16 +62,3 @@
 misc/BeanShell/src/bsh/ Fri Dec 19 17:14:28 2003
-+++ misc/build/BeanShell/src/bsh/   Fri Mar 28 
15:55:05 2008
-@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@
- package bsh;
- import*;
--import java.lang.reflect.*;
-+import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
-+import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
diff --git a/beanshell/ b/beanshell/
index d11515ee..c163f74 100644
--- a/beanshell/
+++ b/beanshell/
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ all:
 # --- Files 
diff --git a/external_deps.lst b/external_deps.lst
index c32029c..d1d0272 100644
--- a/external_deps.lst
+++ b/external_deps.lst
@@ -252,6 +252,11 @@ if (RAT_JAR_HOME==BUILD)
 URL1 =$(name)
 URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)
+MD5 = ec1941a74d3ef513c4ce57a9092b74e1
+name =
+URL1 =$(name)
 # Libraries with category B license
@@ -323,10 +328,3 @@ if (ENABLE_CATEGORY_B==YES && SYSTEM_GRAPHITE!=YES && 
 name = silgraphite-2.3.1.tar.gz
 URL1 =
 URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)
-MD5 = ea570af93c284aa9e5621cd563f54f4d
-name = bsh-2.0b1-src.tar.gz
-# This used to be the original host, but the link is broken.
-# URL1 =
-URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)
Libreoffice-commits mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - 2 commits - beanshell/bsh-2.0b1-src.patch beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch beanshell/ beanshell/prj external_deps.lst

2015-01-11 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 beanshell/bsh-2.0b1-src.patch |   77 ++
 beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch |   64 --
 beanshell/ |6 +--
 beanshell/prj/d.lst   |2 -
 external_deps.lst |   12 +++---
 5 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 88c30d32457c09fe31502589563affbf776a05bf
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Sun Jan 11 23:41:29 2015 +

Temporarily revert the Beanshell update.

It requires more work.

diff --git a/LICENSE_category_b b/LICENSE_category_b
index c203e9a..52aa393 100644
--- a/LICENSE_category_b
+++ b/LICENSE_category_b
@@ -1482,6 +1482,515 @@ any resulting litigation.
+For Beanshell:
+- SPL 1.0 / LGPL dual-licensed
+  SPL 1.0 is chosen for Apache OpenOffice is chosen
+This file is part of the BeanShell Java Scripting distribution.
+Documentation and updates may be found at
+Sun Public License Notice:
+The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License Version
+1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License. A copy of the License is available at
+The Original Code is BeanShell. The Initial Developer of the Original
+Code is Pat Niemeyer. Portions created by Pat Niemeyer are Copyright
+(C) 2000.  All Rights Reserved.
+GNU Public License Notice:
+Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+the GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL"), in which case the
+provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to
+allow use of your version of this file only under the  terms of the LGPL
+and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the SPL,
+indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace
+them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL.  If you
+do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of
+this file under either the SPL or the LGPL.
+Patrick Niemeyer (
+Author of Learning Java, O'Reilly & Associates
+1. Definitions. 
+   1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the 
+   Covered Code available to a third party. 
+   1.1. "Contributor" means each entity that creates or contributes to 
+   the creation of Modifications. 
+   1.2. "Contributor Version" means the combination of the Original Code, 
+   prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications made 
+   by that particular Contributor. 
+   1.3. "Covered Code" means the Original Code or Modifications or the 
+   combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case 
+   including portions thereof and corresponding documentation released 
+   with the source code. 
+   1.4. "Electronic Distribution Mechanism" means a mechanism generally 
+   accepted in the software development community for the electronic 
+   transfer of data. 
+   1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source 
+   Code. 
+   1.6. "Initial Developer" means the individual or entity identified as 
+   the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A. 
+   1.7. "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered Code or 
+   portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License. 
+   1.8. "License" means this document. 
+   1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum 
+   extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or 
+   subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein. 
+   1.9. "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the 
+   substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous 
+   Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a 
+   Modification is: 
+   A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file containing 
+   Original Code or previous Modifications. 
+   B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or 
+   previous Modifications. 
+   1.10. "Original Code" means Source Code of computer software code 
+   which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as 
+   Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this 
+   License is not already Covered Code governed by this License. 
+   1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or 
+   hereafter acquired, including without limitation, method, process, and 
+   apparatus claims, in any patent Licen

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - beanshell/bsh-2.0b1-src.patch beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch beanshell/ beanshell/prj external_deps.lst LICENSE_category_b

2015-01-11 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 LICENSE_category_b|  509 --
 beanshell/bsh-2.0b1-src.patch |   77 --
 beanshell/bsh-2.0b5-src.patch |   64 +
 beanshell/ |8 
 beanshell/prj/d.lst   |2 
 external_deps.lst |   12 
 6 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 598 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 4ac141eb9915e095d8b86779e7159f644a06e629
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Mon Jan 12 01:10:25 2015 +

Beanshell 2.0b5 update

The Beanshell source code has been licensed to the Apache Software
Foundation under a SGA. Huge thanks to Patrick Niemeyer for making
this software available under an Apache License version 2.

diff --git a/LICENSE_category_b b/LICENSE_category_b
index 52aa393..c203e9a 100644
--- a/LICENSE_category_b
+++ b/LICENSE_category_b
@@ -1482,515 +1482,6 @@ any resulting litigation.
-For Beanshell:
-- SPL 1.0 / LGPL dual-licensed
-  SPL 1.0 is chosen for Apache OpenOffice is chosen
-This file is part of the BeanShell Java Scripting distribution.
-Documentation and updates may be found at
-Sun Public License Notice:
-The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License Version
-1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License. A copy of the License is available at
-The Original Code is BeanShell. The Initial Developer of the Original
-Code is Pat Niemeyer. Portions created by Pat Niemeyer are Copyright
-(C) 2000.  All Rights Reserved.
-GNU Public License Notice:
-Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-the GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL"), in which case the
-provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to
-allow use of your version of this file only under the  terms of the LGPL
-and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the SPL,
-indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace
-them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL.  If you
-do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of
-this file under either the SPL or the LGPL.
-Patrick Niemeyer (
-Author of Learning Java, O'Reilly & Associates

-1. Definitions. 
-   1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the 
-   Covered Code available to a third party. 
-   1.1. "Contributor" means each entity that creates or contributes to 
-   the creation of Modifications. 
-   1.2. "Contributor Version" means the combination of the Original Code, 
-   prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications made 
-   by that particular Contributor. 
-   1.3. "Covered Code" means the Original Code or Modifications or the 
-   combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case 
-   including portions thereof and corresponding documentation released 
-   with the source code. 
-   1.4. "Electronic Distribution Mechanism" means a mechanism generally 
-   accepted in the software development community for the electronic 
-   transfer of data. 
-   1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source 
-   Code. 
-   1.6. "Initial Developer" means the individual or entity identified as 
-   the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A. 
-   1.7. "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered Code or 
-   portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License. 
-   1.8. "License" means this document. 
-   1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum 
-   extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or 
-   subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein. 
-   1.9. "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the 
-   substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous 
-   Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a 
-   Modification is: 
-   A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file containing 
-   Original Code or previous Modifications. 
-   B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or 
-   previous Modifications. 
-   1.10. "Original Code" means Source Code of computer software code 
-   which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as 
-   Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this 
-   License is not already Covered Code governed by this License. 
-   1.10.1. "Patent Claims&

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' -

2015-01-11 Thread Pedro Giffuni |   10 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit c8ba5cef726e7ece43accf98b9d014c31699d850
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Mon Jan 12 02:31:01 2015 +

Beanshell's license is not Category B anymore.

diff --git a/ b/
index ea90014..2d81551 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -919,8 +919,7 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(category-b,
 [  --enable-category-b Activate components under a category B license 
   MPL (seamonkey, hunspell, hyphen, nss, saxon, rhino),
-  CPL (silgraphite), CPL/EPL (CoinMP), SPL (beanshell),
-  OFL (fonts).
+  CPL (silgraphite), CPL/EPL (CoinMP), OFL (fonts).
   Flags for individual libraries override this one.
@@ -1389,7 +1388,7 @@ dnl Build options
 dnl ===
 # Disable or enable category-B librariets: nss, hunspell, hyphen, saxon,
-# rhino, silgraphite, beanshell.
+# rhino, silgraphite.
 # Note that further below they may be enabled or disabled again by
 # more specific options.
@@ -1403,7 +1402,6 @@ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable category B components])
 #   hyphen (hyphen)
 #   saxon (saxon)
 #   rhino (rhino)
-#   beanshell (beanshell)
 #   graphite (silgraphite)
 if test "$enable_category_b" = "yes"; then
@@ -1411,7 +1409,6 @@ if test "$enable_category_b" = "yes"; then
-   enable_beanshell="yes"
@@ -1424,12 +1421,11 @@ else
-   enable_beanshell="no"
-   AC_MSG_RESULT([no: disabled modules nss, hunspell, hyphen, saxon, rhino, 
beanshell, graphite, coinmp])
+   AC_MSG_RESULT([no: disabled modules nss, hunspell, hyphen, saxon, rhino, 
graphite, coinmp])
Libreoffice-commits mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - 2 commits - external_deps.lst LICENSE_category_b more_fonts/fonts more_fonts/prj scp2/source

2015-01-13 Thread Pedro Giffuni
 LICENSE_category_b|  101 --  |   22 --
 external_deps.lst |   10 +-
 more_fonts/fonts/ttf_croscore/ |8 +-
 more_fonts/prj/d.lst  |3 
 scp2/source/ooo/file_font_ooo.scp |4 -
 6 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit d8020927231297bc7faa3bab3d20ee2041eb050a
Author: Pedro Giffuni 
Date:   Tue Jan 13 16:12:12 2015 +

Update ChromeOS fonts to version 1.23.0

As mentioned in their corresponding web pages, the latest versions
of the ChromeOS fonts are under an Apache License V2.

"Updated in May 2013 with improved hinting and released under the Apache
2.0 license."

Thanks to Google for providing this great fonts freely.

diff --git a/LICENSE_category_b b/LICENSE_category_b
index c203e9a..db11caf 100644
--- a/LICENSE_category_b
+++ b/LICENSE_category_b
@@ -1482,107 +1482,6 @@ any resulting litigation.
-For Google Chrome OS fonts:
-- SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
-Digitized data copyright (c) 2010 Google Corporation
-with Reserved Font Arimo, Tinos and Cousine.
-This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License,
-Version 1.1.
-This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
-SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
-PREAMBLE The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate
-worldwide development of collaborative font projects, to support the font
-creation efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide
-a free and open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in
-partnership with others.
-The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
-redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves.
-The fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
-redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
-names are not used by derivative works.  The fonts and derivatives,
-however, cannot be released under any other type of license.  The
-requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to
-any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
-"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright
-Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such.
-This may include source files, build scripts and documentation.
-"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the
-copyright statement(s).
-"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components
-as distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
-"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting,
-or substituting ? in part or in whole ?
-any of the components of the Original Version, by changing formats or
-by porting the Font Software to a new environment.
-"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical writer
-or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify,
-redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font
-Software, subject to the following conditions:
-1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components,in
-   Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
-2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
-   redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
-   contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
-   included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
-   in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
-   binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
-3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
-   Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the
-   corresponding Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the
-   primary font name as presented to the users.
-4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
-   Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
-   Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
-   Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
-   permission.
-5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole, must
-   be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be distributed
-   under any other license. The requirement for fonts to remain under
-   th

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