bars not getting placed correctly

2007-09-07 Thread Tim Litwiller
I've been working on this piece, it is set in 4/4 time and rather than 
start as I think it should with a whole measure it places a 1/4 note and 
then the first bar.  That throws the bars off for the whole song.

here is a scan of the music I am working from

\header {
	filename = ""
	enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert"
	composer = "Lewis E. Jones, 1865-1936"
	poet = "Lewis E. Jones, 1865-1936"
	date =""
	title = "There is Power In The Blood"
	subsubtitle =  "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb. -Rev. 12:11"
	metre = " "
	meter = \metre
	copyright = "Public Domain"
	style = "Hymn"
	mutopiacomposer = \composer
	maintainer = "Gordon Gilbert"
	maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
	lastupdated = "2005/Dec/14"

\version "2.11.32"

\paper {

	#(set-paper-size "letter")
	line-width = 180\mm
	%line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.00))
	between-system-space = 1\mm
	force-assignment = #""
	between-system-padding = #1
	% ragged-bottom=##f
	% ragged-last-bottom=##f
global= {
  \time 4/4
  \key bes \major
   #(set-global-staff-size 17)
   \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
   \partial 4
   \skip 1 * 20 \bar "||"


sop = \context Voice = "sop"{
	\relative c'  {
	%\set fontSize = #2.5
	f4 f8 f f4 f8 f | 
	g4 g8 g f4. bes8 | 
	a4 c8. b16 c2 |
	bes4 d8. cis16 d2 |
	f,4 f8 f f4 f8 f |
	g4 g8 g f4. bes8 |
	a4 a8. a16 c4 bes8 a |
	bes2. f8 ^ \markup { \large \italic "Refrain"} bes | 
	d2 d |
	c8 bes bes g f4 a8. bes16 |
	c2( c4) bes8. c16 |
	d2( d4) f,8 bes8 |
	d2 d2 |
	c8 bes bes g f4 a8. bes16 |
	c4. es8 d4 c8. c16 |
	bes2. bes4\rest

alto=\context Voice = "alto"   {
	\relative c'  {
	%\set fontSize = #2.5
	d4 d8 d d4 d8 d |
	ees4 ees8 ees d4. f8 |
	f4 f8. f16 f4( ees) |
	d f8. ees16 f2 |
	d4 d8 d8 d4 d8 d |
	ees4 ees8 ees d4. f8 |
	f4 f8. f16 ees4 d8 c |
	d2. d8 d |
	f2 f |
	g8 g g ees d4 c8. d16 |
	ees2( d4) d8. e16 |
	f2( f4) d8 d8 |
	f2 f |
	g8 g g ees d4 c8. d16 |
	ees4. g8 f4 ees8. ees16 |
	d2. bes'4\rest
tenor = \context Voice = "tenor"   {
	\relative c'  {
	%\set fontSize = #2.0
	bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes |
	bes4 bes8 bes bes4. d8 |
	c4 a8. gis16 a2 |
	f4 bes8. bes16 bes2 |
	bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes |
	bes4 bes8 bes8 bes4. d8 |
	c4 c8. c16 a4 f8 f |
	f2. bes8 bes |
	bes4 bes8 bes bes2 |
	bes8 bes bes bes bes4 c,4\rest |
	c4\rest a'8. a16 a4 c,4\rest |
	c4\rest bes'8. bes16 bes4 bes8 bes |
	bes4 bes8 bes bes2 |
	ees8 ees ees bes bes4 c8. bes16 |
	a4. c8 bes4 a8. a16|
	2. d,4\rest

bass = \context Voice = "bass"   {
	\relative c  {
	%\set fontSize = #1.5
	bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes |
	ees4 ees8 ees bes4. bes8 |
	f'4 f8. f16 f2 |
	bes,4 bes8. bes16 bes2 |
	bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes |
	ees4 ees8 ees bes4. bes8 |
	f'4 f8. f16 f4 f8 f |
	bes,2. bes8 bes |
	bes4 d8 f bes2 |
	ees,8 ees ees ees bes4 c4\rest |
	c4\rest f8. f16 f4 c4\rest |
	c4\rest bes8. bes16 bes4 bes8 bes |
	bes4 d8 f bes2 |
	ees,8 ees ees ees bes4 f'8. f16 |
	f4. f8 f4 f8. f16 |
	bes,2. d4\rest

%accomp=\chordmode {}

stanzaa = \lyricmode {
	Would you be free from the bur -- den of sin?
	There's power in the Blood,
	Power in the Blood;
	Would you o'er e -- vil a vic -- to -- ry win?
	There's won -- der -- ful power in the Blood.
	There is power, power, won -- der work -- ing power
	In the Blood of the Lamb;
	There is power, power, won -- der work -- ing power
	In the Pre -- cious Blood of the Lamb.

stanzab = \lyricmode {
	Would you be free from your pas -- sion and pride?
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
	Come for a clean -- sing to Cal -- va -- ry's tide?
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

stanzac = \lyricmode {
	Would you be whit -- er, much whit -- er than snow?
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
	Sin -- stains are lost in its life -- giv -- ing flow;
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

stanzad = \lyricmode {
	Would you do serv -- ice for Je -- sus your King?
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
	Would you live dai -- ly His prais -- es to sing?
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
stanzae = \lyricmode {

stanzaf = \lyricmode {
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
	_ _ _ there is power
	_ _ _ _ _ In the blood 
	of the Lamb; 
	_ _ _ there is power

\score {	%\transpose bes g
	   \context ChoirStaff <<
	%\context ChordNames \accomp
		\unset ChoirStaff.melismaBusyProperties 
		\context Staff ="upper"  { 
		\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() 
	   	\override Staff.Rest  #'style = #'classical
		\clef "G" 
			<< \global \sop \alto 
		\new Devnull="bass"  \bass
		\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-1" {
			\set stanza = "1."
\stanzaa }
		\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-2" {
			\set stanza = "2."
\stanzab }
		\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-3" {
			\set stanza = "3."
\stanzac }
		\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyric

Re: sunday school music

2007-09-07 Thread Tim Litwiller

here is a link to a scan of the original

Ralph Little wrote:

It would be easier to look at an example I guess.
If you can scan it when you get home and send me a link, I'll have a 


Tim Litwiller wrote:

Ok, that fixes something I hadn't noticed yet :)
Maybe that will help with a question I was saving for after I got the 
flags problem fixed.
I have some songs that alto, tenor or bass have some repeating in the 

like the song that Gordon Gilbert sent. in the chorus the soprono and 
alto sing line a abd tenor and bass sing line b

hope fully this example comes thru - without word wrap ruining it.
if not, I can scan it so you can see what I mean when I get home.

a. there is powerpower wonder working power in the 
blood   of the  Lamb
b. there is power there is power wonder working 
power   in the blood  of the Lamb

a. there is power power wonder working power in the 
precious blood of the Lamb
b. there is power  there is power wonder working power in the 
precious blood of the Lamb

Ralph Little wrote:

Hi Tim,
OK I see the problems you are having with \partcombine and lyrics now.

AFAICS, \partcombine seems to mess with the parts to the extent that 
there is no single Voice available that the lyrics can follow. The 
example I tried shows that the documented "one" and "two" voices 
only contain the notes that are separated (not chords) so you only 
get lyrics beneath the separate notes.

Looking at a dump of the stream event output, there are voices 
"one", "two", "shared", and "solo". I think the notes are directed 
at different voices depending on whether they are separate or not, 
so I suspect linking the lyrics to a voice is a non-starter for the 
case of \partcombine. My suspicion is that \partcombine was never 
intended to be used with lyrics, but I could be wrong.

There is an example in the Lilypond docs which show how to generate 
lyrics independently of other voices and that might be the way to 
go. See " Lyrics independent of notes"

OK, enough of that moaning, using the above method, here is what I 
get which seems to work with the previous "fix" for part-combine.scm.

The method involves using the top-most voice and creating a "pseudo" 
DevNull voice context which the lyrics can track. It exists but 
there is no output.

You get a big pile of warnings which I think is a bug because you 
get the warnings with the example in the doc also.

\version "2.11.32"
\include ""
\header {
   title="Fishers Of Men"
   poet="Harry D. Clark"
\layout {
   indent = #0
PartsOne = {
   \relative c' {
   f4 f f g
   a8 a4 gs8 a2
   g8 g4 fs8 g2
   f8 f4 d8 c2
PartsTwo = {
   \relative c' {
   c4 c c c
   f8 f4 f8 f2
   e8 e4 ds8 e2
   c8 c4 bf8 c2

PartsTop = {
   \key f \major
   \clef treble
   \partcombine \PartsOne \PartsTwo

PartsThree = {
   \relative c' {
   a4 a a bf
   c8 c4 b8 c2
   c8 c4 c8 c2
   a8 a4 bf8 a2

PartsFour = {
   \relative c' {
   a4 a a bf
   c8 c4 b8 c2
   c8 c4 c8 c2
   a8 a4 bf8 a2

PartsBottom = {
   \key f \major
   \clef bass
   \partcombine \PartsThree \PartsFour

\score {
   \new Staff = top
   { <<  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
   \new Devnull="nowhere"  \PartsOne

   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "nowhere" { \set stanza = "1. " I will 
make you fish-- ers of men fish-- ers of men fish-- ers of men }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "nowhere"  { \set stanza = "2. " Hear 
Christ call-- ing Come un-- to me Come un-- to me Come un-- to me }

   >> }
   \new Staff = bottom
   {  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()

Regards and have fun!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sunday school music

2007-09-07 Thread Tim Litwiller

Ok, that fixes something I hadn't noticed yet :)
Maybe that will help with a question I was saving for after I got the 
flags problem fixed.
I have some songs that alto, tenor or bass have some repeating in the 

like the song that Gordon Gilbert sent. 
in the chorus the soprono and alto sing line a abd tenor and bass sing 
line b

hope fully this example comes thru - without word wrap ruining it.
if not, I can scan it so you can see what I mean when I get home.

a. there is powerpower wonder working power in the 
blood   of the  Lamb
b. there is power there is power wonder working power   
in the blood  of the Lamb

a. there is power power wonder working power in the precious 
blood of the Lamb
b. there is power  there is power wonder working power in the precious 
blood of the Lamb

Ralph Little wrote:

Hi Tim,
OK I see the problems you are having with \partcombine and lyrics now.

AFAICS, \partcombine seems to mess with the parts to the extent that 
there is no single Voice available that the lyrics can follow. The 
example I tried shows that the documented "one" and "two" voices only 
contain the notes that are separated (not chords) so you only get 
lyrics beneath the separate notes.

Looking at a dump of the stream event output, there are voices "one", 
"two", "shared", and "solo". I think the notes are directed at 
different voices depending on whether they are separate or not, so I 
suspect linking the lyrics to a voice is a non-starter for the case of 
\partcombine. My suspicion is that \partcombine was never intended to 
be used with lyrics, but I could be wrong.

There is an example in the Lilypond docs which show how to generate 
lyrics independently of other voices and that might be the way to go. 
See " Lyrics independent of notes"

OK, enough of that moaning, using the above method, here is what I get 
which seems to work with the previous "fix" for part-combine.scm.

The method involves using the top-most voice and creating a "pseudo" 
DevNull voice context which the lyrics can track. It exists but there 
is no output.

You get a big pile of warnings which I think is a bug because you get 
the warnings with the example in the doc also.

\version "2.11.32"
\include ""
\header {
   title="Fishers Of Men"
   poet="Harry D. Clark"
\layout {
   indent = #0
PartsOne = {
   \relative c' {
   f4 f f g
   a8 a4 gs8 a2
   g8 g4 fs8 g2
   f8 f4 d8 c2
PartsTwo = {
   \relative c' {
   c4 c c c
   f8 f4 f8 f2
   e8 e4 ds8 e2
   c8 c4 bf8 c2

PartsTop = {
   \key f \major
   \clef treble
   \partcombine \PartsOne \PartsTwo

PartsThree = {
   \relative c' {
   a4 a a bf
   c8 c4 b8 c2
   c8 c4 c8 c2
   a8 a4 bf8 a2

PartsFour = {
   \relative c' {
   a4 a a bf
   c8 c4 b8 c2
   c8 c4 c8 c2
   a8 a4 bf8 a2

PartsBottom = {
   \key f \major
   \clef bass
   \partcombine \PartsThree \PartsFour

\score {
   \new Staff = top
   { <<  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
   \new Devnull="nowhere"  \PartsOne

   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "nowhere" { \set stanza = "1. " I will 
make you fish-- ers of men fish-- ers of men fish-- ers of men }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "nowhere"  { \set stanza = "2. " Hear 
Christ call-- ing Come un-- to me Come un-- to me Come un-- to me }

   >> }
   \new Staff = bottom
   {  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()

Regards and have fun!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sunday school music

2007-09-07 Thread Ralph Little

Hi Tim,
OK I see the problems you are having with \partcombine and lyrics now.

AFAICS, \partcombine seems to mess with the parts to the extent that 
there is no single Voice available that the lyrics can follow. The 
example I tried shows that the documented "one" and "two" voices only 
contain the notes that are separated (not chords) so you only get lyrics 
beneath the separate notes.

Looking at a dump of the stream event output, there are voices "one", 
"two", "shared", and "solo". I think the notes are directed at different 
voices depending on whether they are separate or not, so I suspect 
linking the lyrics to a voice is a non-starter for the case of 
\partcombine. My suspicion is that \partcombine was never intended to be 
used with lyrics, but I could be wrong.

There is an example in the Lilypond docs which show how to generate 
lyrics independently of other voices and that might be the way to go. 
See " Lyrics independent of notes"

OK, enough of that moaning, using the above method, here is what I get 
which seems to work with the previous "fix" for part-combine.scm.

The method involves using the top-most voice and creating a "pseudo" 
DevNull voice context which the lyrics can track. It exists but there is 
no output.

You get a big pile of warnings which I think is a bug because you get 
the warnings with the example in the doc also.

\version "2.11.32"
\include ""
\header {
   title="Fishers Of Men"
   poet="Harry D. Clark"
\layout {
   indent = #0
PartsOne = {
   \relative c' {
   f4 f f g
   a8 a4 gs8 a2
   g8 g4 fs8 g2
   f8 f4 d8 c2
PartsTwo = {
   \relative c' {
   c4 c c c
   f8 f4 f8 f2
   e8 e4 ds8 e2
   c8 c4 bf8 c2

PartsTop = {
   \key f \major
   \clef treble
   \partcombine \PartsOne \PartsTwo

PartsThree = {
   \relative c' {
   a4 a a bf
   c8 c4 b8 c2
   c8 c4 c8 c2
   a8 a4 bf8 a2

PartsFour = {
   \relative c' {
   a4 a a bf
   c8 c4 b8 c2
   c8 c4 c8 c2
   a8 a4 bf8 a2

PartsBottom = {
   \key f \major
   \clef bass
   \partcombine \PartsThree \PartsFour

\score {
   \new Staff = top
   { <<   
   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()

   \new Devnull="nowhere"  \PartsOne

   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "nowhere" { \set stanza = "1. " I will 
make you fish-- ers of men fish-- ers of men fish-- ers of men }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "nowhere"  { \set stanza = "2. " Hear 
Christ call-- ing Come un-- to me Come un-- to me Come un-- to me }

   >> }
   \new Staff = bottom
   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()


Regards and have fun!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: need a slur in a alternative repeat

2007-09-07 Thread yota moteuchi
On 9/7/07, Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> > as for \repeatTie, I'm looking for it's counterpart : a slur bound
> > to an absent following note
> > (whereas \repeatTie is a tie from an absent precedent note)
> I hope the attached helps!
> Kieren.
> _
> \version "2.11.32"
> \paper { line-width = 5\in }
> repeatTieForward =
> {
> \once \override LaissezVibrerTie #'thickness = #1.2
> \once \override LaissezVibrerTie #'control-points = #'((0.8 . 1.3)
> (1.2 . 1.9) (3.2 . 1.9) (3.6 . 1.3) )
> }
> theMusic = \relative
> {
> \repeat "volta" 2
> { c' c c c }
> \alternative
> {
> { d d d \repeatTieForward c\laissezVibrer }
> { d d d e }
> }
> }
> \score { \theMusic }
> %%% END SNIPPET %%%

Thank you for the snippet
unfortunately it is too stiff/rigid/inflexible to be usable
and ... it is a tie, not a slur (see the previously joined picture)

It would be nice however to use the control points if only I could know
there "normal" values (just the triplet without any tweak) so I could modify
them, based on sane values.

Does anyone know a way to find the values of the control points elected
during the beauty contest ?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: another harp question

2007-09-07 Thread Ole Schmidt

this looks better in my opinion:

F = #(let ((m (make-music 'ArticulationEvent
  'articulation-type "flageolet")))
   (set! (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)
 (acons 'font-size -3
(ly:music-property m 'tweaks)))

\new Staff {

\relative c'{ c4  d e f_\F }




Am 07.09.2007 um 18:41 schrieb Christopher A. LaFond:

Hi All,
Another question about harp notation. The usual way to indicate that a
harp string is to be plucked as a harmonic is to add a small, empty  
above or below that note. It would be similar to a staccatto mark,  
but a
bit bigger, and not all black. I see that this type of circle is  

with the Hair Pins, but can it be added all by itself?


Christopher A. LaFond  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: another harp question

2007-09-07 Thread Ole Schmidt

^\flageoletor _\flageolet ?

there were discussions about the size of the circle in the forum...

best  ole

Am 07.09.2007 um 18:41 schrieb Christopher A. LaFond:

Hi All,
Another question about harp notation. The usual way to indicate that a
harp string is to be plucked as a harmonic is to add a small, empty  
above or below that note. It would be similar to a staccatto mark,  
but a
bit bigger, and not all black. I see that this type of circle is  

with the Hair Pins, but can it be added all by itself?


Christopher A. LaFond  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: need a slur in a alternative repeat

2007-09-07 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi all,

as for \repeatTie, I'm looking for it's counterpart : a slur bound  
to an absent following note

(whereas \repeatTie is a tie from an absent precedent note)

I hope the attached helps!


\version "2.11.32"
\paper { line-width = 5\in }

repeatTieForward =
\once \override LaissezVibrerTie #'thickness = #1.2
	\once \override LaissezVibrerTie #'control-points = #'((0.8 . 1.3)  
(1.2 . 1.9) (3.2 . 1.9) (3.6 . 1.3) )


theMusic = \relative
\repeat "volta" 2
{ c' c c c }
{ d d d \repeatTieForward c\laissezVibrer }
{ d d d e }

\score { \theMusic }


lilypond-user mailing list

another harp question

2007-09-07 Thread Christopher A. LaFond

Hi All,
Another question about harp notation. The usual way to indicate that a
harp string is to be plucked as a harmonic is to add a small, empty circle
above or below that note. It would be similar to a staccatto mark, but a
bit bigger, and not all black. I see that this type of circle is possible
with the Hair Pins, but can it be added all by itself?


Christopher A. LaFond  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Why can't I get this to work (viola tuning)

2007-09-07 Thread Helge Kruse
You can try an update. see


- Original Message - 
From: "Julian Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Lily Pond" 
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 3:42 PM
Subject: Why can't I get this to work (viola tuning)

\version "2.10.0"
\new TabStaff <<
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'( 9 2 -5 -12)
  { c g d' a'}

This is the open tuning for a viola.
I've tried all sorts of combinations and I can't get the bottom C to 
register as an open string, though if I put in an extra string, even  with 
the same value (-12) then I get the bass string registering as  open. 
What am I doing wrong??

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: need a slur in a alternative repeat

2007-09-07 Thread yota moteuchi
On 9/7/07, Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Yota, Gerard, et al.,
> I assume you've looked at \repeatTie (and the equivalent
> \repeatSlur), and it's not working for you?
> Regards,
> Kieren.
If only \repeatSlur would exist...
as for \repeatTie, I'm looking for it's counterpart : a slur bound to an
absent following note (whereas \repeatTie is a tie from an absent precedent

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Why can't I get this to work (viola tuning)

2007-09-07 Thread Rune Zedeler

Graham Percival skrev:
I'm pretty certain that we won't have any stable releases for the next 
two weeks, and 2.12 will be coming out soon after that.  Therefore I 
don't think it's worth re-opening this bug.

It worked in 2.8 so it is a regression.
Therefore I definitely think that it should be fixed in 2.10 even if 
2.12 comes out soon.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: need a slur in a alternative repeat

2007-09-07 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Yota, Gerard, et al.,

I assume you've looked at \repeatTie (and the equivalent  
\repeatSlur), and it's not working for you?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: need a slur in a alternative repeat

2007-09-07 Thread yota moteuchi
On 6/24/07, gerard stouten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi there,
> i need a slur in a repeat. i can not figure out how to do it, maybe you
> can
> help me.
> (a8) r8 f4 \bar "||" \mark \default f2 f8(g8) bes8 c8 d2 bes4 f4 c'2 a4 f4
> f2(
> }
> \alternative {{f8) r8 f4} { f8 r4.}}
> The last f2 has a slur to the f8 in alternative ending 1. but it should
> also
> have a slur to the f8 in the second alternative ending, soort of a
> backwards
> slur.
> Is there a solution for this?

I have a similar problem : i.e. a slur in a first alternative, continue to
the start of the repeat
in my edition of the hungarian march it's written like in the picture. The
slur seems to tend toward the repeat sign.

I try this tweak but I'm not satisfied with it

\times 1/3 { sol,8 [ ( la si ] } \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
\once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t do8 )

since the slur go to invisible notehead and not to the repeat bar... and the
empty space let by the invisible notehead is ... really visible.

Would someone have a more elegant way to do this ?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Why can't I get this to work (viola tuning)

2007-09-07 Thread Graham Percival
I'm pretty certain that we won't have any stable releases for the next 
two weeks, and 2.12 will be coming out soon after that.  Therefore I 
don't think it's worth re-opening this bug.

Julian, could you try using 2.11.32?

Rune, don't worry; your fix was included in 2.11.

- Graham

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

That's a bug, which unfortunately seems to survive also in the latest
stable version. According to
this bug was fixed in version 2.10.25, but it's clearly present in 

In the latest development version, 2.11.32,  on the other hand, both 
your example

and the example in the bug report work without problems.


Julian Vincent wrote:

\version "2.10.0"
\new TabStaff <<
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'( 9 2 -5 -12)
  { c g d' a'}

This is the open tuning for a viola.
I've tried all sorts of combinations and I can't get the bottom C to 
register as an open string, though if I put in an extra string, even 
with the same value (-12) then I get the bass string registering as 
open.  What am I doing wrong??

Laburnum Cottage
48 Frome Road
Odd Down
BA2  2QB
tel: 01225 835076
Mob: 07941 933 901

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: autolinebreaks in measureless music

2007-09-07 Thread Mats Bengtsson

with followups for one solution.


Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
For certain (measureless) church music (e.g. Genevian Psalms) I set 
Score.timing = ##f so there are no barlines. But then lilypond tries to put 
everything on one line.

Is it possible to have lilypond automagically break lines so I don't have to 
put \bar"" everywhere to manually create places for breaking lines?

Or is setting e.g. \time 1/2 and remove timesig and barline engravers the 
better way to get what I want?

tiafah :)
w. best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen


Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

autolinebreaks in measureless music

2007-09-07 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
For certain (measureless) church music (e.g. Genevian Psalms) I set 
Score.timing = ##f so there are no barlines. But then lilypond tries to put 
everything on one line.

Is it possible to have lilypond automagically break lines so I don't have to 
put \bar"" everywhere to manually create places for breaking lines?

Or is setting e.g. \time 1/2 and remove timesig and barline engravers the 
better way to get what I want?

tiafah :)
w. best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-- Mahatma Gandi

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Why can't I get this to work (viola tuning)

2007-09-07 Thread Mats Bengtsson

That's a bug, which unfortunately seems to survive also in the latest
stable version. According to

this bug was fixed in version 2.10.25, but it's clearly present in 2.10.29.

In the latest development version, 2.11.32,  on the other hand, both 
your example

and the example in the bug report work without problems.


Julian Vincent wrote:

\version "2.10.0"
\new TabStaff <<
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'( 9 2 -5 -12)
  { c g d' a'}

This is the open tuning for a viola.
I've tried all sorts of combinations and I can't get the bottom C to 
register as an open string, though if I put in an extra string, even 
with the same value (-12) then I get the bass string registering as 
open.  What am I doing wrong??

Laburnum Cottage
48 Frome Road
Odd Down
BA2  2QB
tel: 01225 835076
Mob: 07941 933 901

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Why can't I get this to work (viola tuning)

2007-09-07 Thread Julian Vincent

\version "2.10.0"
\new TabStaff <<
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'( 9 2 -5 -12)
  { c g d' a'}

This is the open tuning for a viola.
I've tried all sorts of combinations and I can't get the bottom C to  
register as an open string, though if I put in an extra string, even  
with the same value (-12) then I get the bass string registering as  
open.  What am I doing wrong??

Laburnum Cottage
48 Frome Road
Odd Down
BA2  2QB
tel: 01225 835076
Mob: 07941 933 901

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: guitar polyphony

2007-09-07 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Helge Kruse wrote:


I want to write my first guitar notes with tabs after finishing some 
harp scores.

While I found most guitar specific points, I have problem with polyphony.

The "normal" polyphony gives a problem with tabs. The notes are 
written to the staff instead of tab. (see meaure 4). What's wrong?
The << {...} \\ {...} >> construct will always create Voice contexts, 

you want new TabVoice contexts within your TabStaff. Please read "Explicitly
instantiating voices" in the manual for more information. One way to do 
it in your

score is

\version "2.11.25"

melody = \relative c {

\key d \major
\time 4/4

d8 a' d fis  a,, e' a cis | b, fis' b d  d,, fis' a cis |
g, d' g b  d,, fis' a d  | g,, g' b d  a, e' a cis |

\voiceTwo d,,2 a' }

secondvoice = \relative c {
 s1*4 \voiceOne
 fis'8 d, a' d   e a, cis e,

\score {
   \context Staff = Guit <<
 \clef "G_8"
 \new Voice \melody
 \new Voice \secondvoice
   \context TabStaff = Tab <<
 \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(4 -1 -5 -10 -15 -22)
 \new TabVoice \melody
 \new TabVoice \secondvoice

The bass notes in the first three measures (d, a, b, d, g, d, g, a) 
should be printed as half notes but stick with the beams. This is 
normally not correct but usual in guitar notation. How can this be done?

Certainly! If you define the macro
halfnote = {\once \override NoteHead #'duration-log = #1 }
at the top of your file, you can use it like
\halfnote d8 a' d fis  \halfnote a,, e' a cis |


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: repeats, nested repeats and alternatives

2007-09-07 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Neil Puttock wrote:

Hi Yota,

On 9/6/07, *yota moteuchi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Here, magically, the second alternative bar vanished... why ?!

You can't put overrides (or anything else) between the bracketed 
sections of \alternative; just put the bar number override inside the 
second alternative.

Well, you can, but what your code
\alternative {
   { e f e f }
   \set Score.currentBarNumber = #2
   { e f e b}

means is that the first alternative is { e f e f }, your second 
alternative is

\set Score.currentBarNumber = #2 and your third alternative is { e f e b}.
Read section "Music expressions explained" to understand why.

Also, regarding the bar numbering, the typesetting practice varies from 
score to
score. I've seen many scores where the two alternatives are counted as 


3) Collapsing alternatives
>This is more a suggestion than a question but when dealing with big 
orchestral parts, the >\alternative tag is very painful to maintain. 
Indeed, in some case, trumpets have the same >alternatives bars ( i.e. 
alternative 1. and 2. are duplicates) and should/might be collapsed into 
>one bar. While in the conductor it have to remain expanded (because 
flutes have different >altenatives).
>Could this automatic collapsing (and numbering) be implemeted easily 
or obtained via a


One solution is to define your own music function (or rather use two 
implementations of the same function), which takes two arguments, the 
main part
of the repeat and the alternative. Here's an example. Note that both 
\score blocks

are identical.

\version "2.10.0"
% Definition to use in the individual parts:
repeatSameAlt =
#(define-music-function (parser location repeatbody alternative) 
(ly:music? ly:music?)

 \repeat volta 2 {$repeatbody $alternative }

 \relative c''{
   \time 3/4
   c c c
   \repeatSameAlt { d d d } { g g g }

% Definition to use in the conductors score:
repeatSameAlt =
#(define-music-function (parser location repeatbody alternative) 
(ly:music? ly:music?)

 \repeat volta 2 $repeatbody \alternative{{ $alternative }{ $alternative }}

 \relative c''{
   \time 3/4
   c c c
   \repeatSameAlt { d d d } { g g g }


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