Re: Indicate a broken chord should ring.

2014-10-17 Thread David Kastrup
Knute Snortum  writes:

> I have a piece of music I'm transcribing that's never been transcribed
> before, so I'm not sure how to notate it.
> It's a broken chord where all the notes should ring for another two
> measures.  My two attempts are below:>

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Indicate a broken chord should ring.

2014-10-17 Thread Knute Snortum
I have a piece of music I'm transcribing that's never been transcribed
before, so I'm not sure how to notate it.

It's a broken chord where all the notes should ring for another two
measures.  My two attempts are below:

\version "2.19.15"
\language "english"

\relative c''' {

  %% Method one
  \slurDown a,,=8 ( e''16 b g ds'8. ~ 2 ) ~ | q1 ~ | q1

  %% Method two
{ \voiceTwo   a,,1 ~ |  a1 ~  | a1 | }
{ \voiceThree r8 e''4. ~   e2 ~  |  e1 ~  | e1 | }
{ \voiceTwo   s8 s16 b16 ~ b4 ~b2 ~  |  b1 ~  | b1 | }
{ \voiceTwo   s4   g4 ~g2 ~  |  g1 ~  | g1 | }
{ \voiceOne \tieDown
  s4   s16 ds'8. ~ ds2 ~ | ds1 ~  | ds1 | }

With method one, it's very evident how to play the line, but only the a and
the ds slurs/ties.  Ideally, all of the notes would have slurs/ties to the
half note chord.

Method two is perhaps more literal, but it's hard to see how the line is

Is there a better way to indicate that the broken chord is held?  In piano
music I would use a sustain pedal indicator, but this music might be played
by a guitar.

Knute Snortum
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Opposite hand indicator

2014-10-17 Thread Abraham Lee

Greetings, All!

I just though I'd share a little solution I made up for piano notation 
when you want to indicate that a note or chord or whatever should be 
played by the opposite hand. It uses the "\finger" function and "\set 
fingerOrientations" override to place them in the right spot. There are 
two versions of each kind, with and without the text annotations "l.h." 
for "left hand" and "r.h." for "right hand". They should be easy to 
customize if you want to make it look different than I've done it or 
use text for another language other than English. 

This really could use a dedicated engraver, probably pulling much of 
the functionality from the FingeringEngraver, but this should work for 
most cases as it is. Enjoy!

Happy Engraving,
\version "2.18.2"

% Hand indicators
%   Note: To use these correctly, the note MUST be part of a chord, even
%   if it's by itself, using, for example, the following syntax:
%   \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
% % or \lhMarkText to add "l.h." to the mark
lhMarkText = \markup { 
  \concat {
\override #'(font-encoding . latin1) \italic "l.h. " 
\path #0.1 #'((moveto 0 -0.5)(rlineto 0 1.5)(rlineto 0.5 0))
rhMarkText = \markup { 
  \concat {
\override #'(font-encoding . latin1) \italic "r.h. " 
\path #0.1 #'((moveto 0 1)(rlineto 0 -1.5)(rlineto 0.5 0))
lhMark = \markup { 
  \path #0.1 #'((moveto -1 0)(rlineto 0 1.5)(rlineto 0.5 0))
rhMark = \markup { 
  \path #0.1 #'((moveto -1 0)(rlineto 0 -1.5)(rlineto 0.5 0))

\relative c'' {
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
  \finger \markup \tied-lyric #"4~3" 
  \finger "2 - 3"
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A solution I've invented for a SATB choir

2014-10-17 Thread Simon Albrecht

Hello Vincenzo,

interesting idea. It might increase organisation expenses, though, if 
you have to provide two different scores instead of just one full score.
Another way to save vertical space is the one used in the 19th century 
complete editions of Mendelssohn, Schumann, and many other comparable 
choral scores (to be found on IMSLP): voices which share (or almost 
share) their rhythms get only one lyrics line between their staves. 
Even, if this is true of all voices, the lyrics will be printed below 
the soprano staff only. And if there are multiple stanzas, they will be 
distributed between the voices, which makes an enormous advantage for 
the engraving.
I find this very reasonable and economic. (I generally think that these 
editions are among the greatest examples of music typesetting we have, 
so it’s always worth considering.)
You’ll almost certainly (at least with amateurs) get complaints from 
choir singers about too large distances between text and music. But I 
think this is likely a matter of habits and needn’t be taken too 
seriously. An alternative would be writing the single lyrics line not 
below the soprano, but between the middle staves, that is for SATB, 
between the alto and tenor staves.
Another question is how to code this in ly if there are more polyphonic 
passages which require separate lyrics again. I tend towards defining a 
command which blanks out the superfluous lyrics (\override 
LyricHyphen.stencil = ##f etc.), and correspondingly shows them again 
(\revert). It separates the presentation from the content better. Maybe 
even use one command for multiple lyric lines using \context (you may 
read that up in the NR if you’re not familiar with it) – and insert that 
command into the soprano staff context instead of a lyrics context.

Just a few thoughts of mine, I hope they make sense.

HTH, Simon

Am 17.10.2014 um 22:11 schrieb Son_V:

Hi, I made a score for a SATB choir; I had two choices: to make it in a
single page, but really crowded ... or to make it in two pages. I choose
another way; I divided it in SA and TB voices. I made the Soprano+alto part
whit single staff and grouped the TB voices WHITHOUT words; and for the
Tenor+Bass their single staff and grouped the SA voices WHITHOUT words. So I
got a two page score, but with a single page of music for S+A and T+B. I
would like to know what do you think of this "trick". Thanks.

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A solution I've invented for a SATB choir

2014-10-17 Thread Son_V
Hi, I made a score for a SATB choir; I had two choices: to make it in a
single page, but really crowded ... or to make it in two pages. I choose
another way; I divided it in SA and TB voices. I made the Soprano+alto part
whit single staff and grouped the TB voices WHITHOUT words; and for the
Tenor+Bass their single staff and grouped the SA voices WHITHOUT words. So I
got a two page score, but with a single page of music for S+A and T+B. I
would like to know what do you think of this "trick". Thanks.

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Fwd: shapeTieColumn

2014-10-17 Thread Neil Thornock
See the exchange below between myself and David. Hoping for an elegant
solution to this problem.

-- Forwarded message --
From: David Nalesnik 
Date: Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: shapeTieColumn
To: Neil Thornock 

Hi Neil,

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:05 AM, Neil Thornock 

> Hi David,
> Not sure this is worth an email to the Lily list...
> I'm using your shapeTieColumn function. After a line break, the function
> works only if it is not the top staff of a system. So this breaks:
> { s1 \break 8.~ \shapeTieColumn #'((()) (()) (((0 . -4) (0 .
> 1) (0 . 0) (0 . 0))) (()) (()))  }
> Any ideas?
> I've been poking around with this, and I really have no idea.  It _should_

I added two print lines to the function to check if the offsets are
happening.  They are. Run the following on your snippet:
 function for offsetting control-points of a TieColumn
shapeTieColumn =
#(define-music-function (parser location all-offsets) (list?)
 \once \override TieColumn #'after-line-breaking =
 #(lambda (grob)
(let ((ties (ly:grob-array->list (ly:grob-object grob 'ties
;(display ties) (newline)

   (lambda (tie offsets-for-broken-pair)
 (let* ((orig (ly:grob-original tie))
(siblings (ly:spanner-broken-into orig)))

   (format #t "before: ~a~%" (ly:grob-property orig

(lambda (piece offsets-for-piece)
  (if (pair? offsets-for-piece)

  (set! (ly:grob-property piece 'control-points)
 (lambda (x y) (coord-translate x y))
 (ly:tie::calc-control-points piece)
(if (null? siblings)
(list orig)

   (format #t "after: ~a~%" (ly:grob-property orig


   ties all-offsets)))


The problem also happens when the \break isn't manual.  Try:

  \repeat unfold 8 { R1 }
  \shapeTieColumn #'( (()) (()) ( ((0 . 4) (0 . 1)  (0 . 0) (0 . 0
   r8 r2 \repeat unfold 8 { R1 }

My only guess is that the tweaking is happening at the wrong time--too
late? Even though 'control-points is showing a change, the item has already
been finished?

Honestly, I'm at a loss here.  You might want to forward this to the lists
to see if someone else has an idea.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Draw a box spanning multiple staves

2014-10-17 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
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Re: Draw a box spanning multiple staves

2014-10-17 Thread Schneidy
Hi Urs, Hi All
Sorry to come that late but since I had to use it this morning please find
herewith what I come up with so far.

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Re: Bass and Treble Clef notes on the same clef

2014-10-17 Thread David Kastrup
Janek Warchoł  writes:

> 2014-10-17 0:58 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup :
>> Knute Snortum  writes:
>>> I have a situation I don't know how to deal with in LilyPond. I have
>>> bass clef and treble clef notes on the same staff. I guess one way to
>>> do it is to create a markup and a small bass clef sign and put it next
>>> to the treble clef (and incorrect) gf which looks like a tied bf from
>>> the bass clef in the first measure. I could make a temporary
>>> ossia-type staff to hold the bf pedal tone.
>>> Any other thoughts?
>> \new Staff \with { \accepts "Staff" }
>> {
>>   \partial 2
>>   \clef bass
>>   <<
>> \new Voice
>> { \voiceOne r8 \clef treble  
>>   ~ q4 }
>> \new Staff \with { createSpacing = ##f }
>> { \voiceTwo bes,,2~
>>   \once\override Staff.CueClef.Y-offset = #-4 \cueClef bass
>>   bes,,2 }
>>   >>
>> }
> !  This really works! 8O
> LilyPond is awesome.  I knew it.

Well, to be honest, everything in the inner Staff will be equally
visible in the first Staff, so with growing complexity you'll probably
need to throw out more and more engravers from the inner Staff in order
to avoid duplicate typesetting.  I actually tried getting away with just
giving the second Voice a "Staff" alias and just putting the
engravers/settings needed for the separate staff in there, but this did
not work for some reason and threw the first voice/staff into bass clef
positions as well.

David Kastrup

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