finger stroke position

2012-08-08 Thread pabuhr
Is it possible to make the left bar look like the right bar below?

Specifically, there is a clash with the triple number even though I specified:

   StrokeFinger #'add-stem-support = ##t

and I would like the finger strokes to lineup vertically rather than following
the note height.

Using markup is a hack because the distance between notes can change and then
the spacing in the markup has to be manually adjusted.


\version 2.15.41
\language english
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
#(set-global-staff-size 25)

fl = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
sfu = \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up)
sfd = \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
P = \rightHandFinger #1
I = \rightHandFinger #2
M = \rightHandFinger #3
A = \rightHandFinger #4

patternA = \relative c'' {
\new Voice = patternA \repeat volta 1 {
\times 2/3 { \sfd c,-3-\P8 [ \sfu c'-1-\I-\M e-\M-\A ] }
\repeat unfold 2 { \times 2/3 { c, [ c' e ] } } c,4 |
\times 2/3 { \sfd c-3-\P8 [ c'-1^\markup{ \fontsize #1 
\override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \italic \center-column{ m a i  m } } e ] }
\repeat unfold 2 { \times 2/3 { c, [ c' e ] } } c,4 |
} % Voice
} % patternA

\score {

\override Score.Fingering #'font-size = #-3
\override Score.StrokeFinger #'font-size = #0.5
\override Score.StrokeFinger #'add-stem-support = ##t
\override Score.StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #1.4
\context Voice {

} % score

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: lilypond --ps %
% End: %

lilypond-user mailing list

guide finger

2012-08-19 Thread pabuhr
In *classical* guitar-music, there is a finger augmentation called a guide
finger indicating left-hand shifting. Nick Payne uses a mechanism based on the

I found this code written for a finger shift on a violin, which I like because
it handles finger location and color, etc. However, for guitar, there are 3
kinds of finger shift: up, neutral and down, corresponding to about 30 degrees
up, flat and 30 degrees down for the - character.

So I can't make the changes to do what I want. 8-( I have sketched out what I
would like, which is 2 default parameters, the guide character and the rotation
amount, and to rotate this character before concatenating it with the string

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

\version 2.14.2

gn = #(define-music-function (parser location fingering) (ly:music?)
;;   #:properties ((guide-char #x2013) (rotate-guide 0))
   (let ((music (make-music 'FingeringEvent))
 (finger (ly:music-property fingering 'digit)))
 (set! (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)
   (acons 'stencil
  (lambda (grob)
(grob-interpret-markup grob
;; (rotate rotate-guide 
(make-char-markup guide-char) )
 (make-char-markup #x2013)
 (number-string finger)
(ly:music-property music 'tweaks)))
% gu = \override #'(rotate-guide 30) \gn
% gd = \override #'(rotate-guide -30) \gn

\relative c' {
  \override Fingering #'color = #red
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(right)

%  c-\gu-34
%  c4^\gu^3
%  c4-\gu-3
%  c4_\gu_3

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: guide finger

2012-08-20 Thread pabuhr
Thank you so much. However, because rotate performs its rotation around the
center of the character I need to make a small adjustment. There is a
rotation routine allowing rotation at an arbitrary point but it appears to be
solely for music not markups. I tried the following change using translate
but there is no translate-guide routine, which was a guess on my part after
looking at the way rotate is used. I have attempted to locate a list of these
Scheme routines but been unsuccessful. I even downloaded the GIT source for
lilypond and tried to find them there. So I have done due diligence, but I may
have done the wrong things. Can someone show me how to make translate move the
character? I can do the fine tuning of the position after that.

#(define (gx rotate-guide fingering)
  (let ((music (make-music 'FingeringEvent))
(finger (ly:music-property fingering 'digit))
(guide-char #x2013))
(set! (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)
  (acons 'stencil
 (lambda (grob)
   (grob-interpret-markup grob
(make-rotate-markup rotate-guide (make-char-markup 
;;(make-translate-markup translate-guide '(2 . 3) 
(make-rotate-markup rotate-guide (make-char-markup guide-char)))
(number-string finger)
 (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)))


   You might consider upgrading to one of the current development versions if
   you're interested in writing functions like this.  There is now quite a bit
   more flexibility and power to music functions (thanks to David Kastrup).

I am using GNU LilyPond 2.15.41 even though my files still have \version
2.14.2 at the start. Again, I spent some time trying to locate scheme music
functions but was wholly unsuccessful. But I may just be searching with the
wrong magic phrases.

lilypond-user mailing list


2012-08-20 Thread pabuhr
This is probably a historical issue after reading some older posts, but I can't
directly change the size of the notehead for easyHeadsOn. I want the note
heads to be BIG so it is easy to read (and pronounce) the note. Below is my
attempt at adjusting the notehead size directly. Changing the value of
font-size makes no difference in the output.

\version 2.15.41

\relative c' {
  \override Score.NoteHead #'font-size = #-7
  \override Score.NoteHead #'font-size = #7
  \override Score.NoteHead #'color = #red
  a4 b c d e f g

Yes, it is possible to indirectly change the relative size of the notehead for
easyHeadsOn by increasing the global-staff-size. However, to get the notehead
large enough to read the letters, I had to use a value of 50, which means there
is almost no music on a page.

So go big or go home with easyHeadsOn! ;-)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: guide finger

2012-08-21 Thread pabuhr
   I suppose you're thinking of ly:stencil-rotate.


Now let me see if I can reward your patience by showing you I have learned

The rotation needs to be along the right centre (center) so the character
appears to rotate in the middle of the finger number, which I figured out.
Also, I put in some documentation. And I generalize one step further by
allowing the ornamentation character to be passed as an argument.  However, I
don't know how to write gsc (see below) to pass in a character or unicode to
gx. So I still need help.

Also, does scheme have optional positional parameters and/or named parameters
to possibly allow more generalization, such as the padding size or putting the
ornamentation before or after the finger symbol? (Yea, I'm probably getting
carried away here. ;-)


\version 2.14.2

#(define (gx slope character fingering)
  ;; Purpose
  ;;   add ornamentation character before fingering symbol
  ;; Parameters
  ;;   slope : angle of rotation around right centre
  ;;   character : ornamentation character before fingering
  ;;   fingering : fingering designation for note
  ;; Examples
  ;;   (gx 0 #x2013 fingering)
  ;;unicode #x2011 - #x2015 are different length - punctuation
  (let ((music (make-music 'FingeringEvent))
(finger (ly:music-property fingering 'digit))
(guide-char character))
(set! (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)
  (acons 'stencil
 (lambda (grob)
 (ly:stencil-rotate (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:char 
  slope 1 0);; rotate slope around right centre
 X 1;; combine stencils along X-axis on right
 (grob-interpret-markup grob (number-string finger))
 0.2))  ;; add padding to move guide slightly left 
from finger number
 (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)))

% guide-neutral
gn = #(define-music-function (parser location fingering) (ly:music?)
   (gx 0 #x2013 fingering))
% guide-down
gd = #(define-music-function (parser location fingering) (ly:music?)
   (gx 30 #x2013 fingering))
% guide-up
gu = #(define-music-function (parser location fingering) (ly:music?)
   (gx -30 #x2013 fingering))
% guide slope
gs = #(define-music-function (parser location slope fingering) (number? 
   (gx slope #x2013 fingering))
% guide slope character
gsc = #(define-music-function (parser location slope character fingering) 
(number? char? ly:music?)
   (gx slope character fingering))

\relative c' {
  \override Fingering #'font-size = #-2
  \override Fingering #'color = #red
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(right)


  c-\gs #-15 -14
  c4^\gs #15 ^2
  c4-\gs #45 -3
  c4_\gs #-45 _4

% these don't work

%  r4
%  c-\gsc #-15 ##x2011 -14
%  r4
%  c4^\gsc #15 ##x2012 ^2
%  c4-\gsc #45 ##x2013 -3
%  c4_\gsc #-4 ##x2014 _4

%  r4
%  c-\gsc #-15 '+' -14
%  r4
%  c4^\gsc #15 '+' ^2
%  c4-\gsc #45 '+' -3
%  c4_\gsc #-4 '+' _4

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-27 Thread pabuhr
   The vertical spacing between systems in lilypond-book is established by
   LaTeX, not LilyPond, so most spacing parameters will not be effective.

Ouch! 8-( Having to fuss with vertical spacing in two places is unfortunate,
especially since the latex version only gives a fixed spacing whereas lilypond
allows control at multiple levels. I don't think knowing the number of files
already included in this snippet is going to be helpful. Maybe I need to
directly include PS/PDF output from lilypond if I want them to be the same. 8-(

   Intersystem spacing in lilypond-book is documented in the usage manual,
   though possibly not really obvious:

Yes, I saw those macros but never imagined I would need them unless I have to
tweak after the fact.

Ok, I'll have to go back and rethink this one.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-27 Thread pabuhr
Is there a way to generate an eps file directly as for a ps file? I need the
bounding box to include the exact output into latex (I'm not using pdflatex).
I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates a file that is
unusable (go figure), and convert generates a low quality image (maybe one of
the many parameters can fix this). Using command-line option backend=eps does
generate a eps file but it's not the same as the original because it is for
lilypond-book (and it generates a lot of extra files).

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-27 Thread pabuhr
Is there a way to generate an eps file directly as for a ps file? I need 
bounding box to include the exact output into latex (I'm not using 
I tried manually converting the ps to eps: ps2pdf generates a file that is
unusable (go figure), and convert generates a low quality image (maybe 
one of
the many parameters can fix this). Using command-line option backend=eps 
generate a eps file but it's not the same as the original because it is for

   I see no reason why there should be a difference.

There is a small shift left and up that is different from lilypondfile, which
is what I was previously using. I can compensate in latex.

   lilypond -dbackend=eps -daux-files=#f

   should be what you are after...

Perfect, except it still generates a PDF file, which I don't need and I could
not find an command-line option to prevent the PDF from being created.
But that's what a Makefile is for: I just delete the PDF.


lilypond-user mailing list

header font size

2012-08-27 Thread pabuhr
As I crank up the global-staff-size, the heading text gets LARGE. I'd like to
uniformly reduce the size of the heading text like this:

\override Score.HeaderText #'font-size = #-1

but HeaderText is not the magic word. Is there a magic word? I did look and
could not find it.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-28 Thread pabuhr
Perfect, except it still generates a PDF file, which I don't need and I 
not find an command-line option to prevent the PDF from being created.
But that's what a Makefile is for: I just delete the PDF.

   Lilypond also has a --ps option So what you want is:

 lilypond -dbackend=eps -daux-files=#f --ps

8-) It works, but totally counter-intuitive. I do use --ps all the time, and
the usage manual is clear on this option:

  --ps Generate PostScript.

so it never would have occurred to me that --ps means NOT --ps if the backend
option is eps. Now the usage manual does state:

  The prefix no- may be added to option-name to switch 'off' an option, e.g.


  is the same as


so I tried -dno-ps but that generates:

warning: no such internal option: no-ps

Just to show I am doing due diligence, the usage manual also says:

--png Generate pictures of each page, in PNG format. This implies '--ps'.

--pdf Generate PDF. This implies '--ps'.

but in both cases, no ps file exists after the command. Yes, the output of
the command indicates:

   Layout output to `'...

but creation of this temporary file is an internal issue since it is
subsequently removed, and therefore, irrelevant to the meaning of the
command-line option.

Finally, what does the -o option do?

   -o,--output=FILE or FOLDER

   Set the default output file to FILE or, if a folder with that name exists,
   direct the output to FOLDER, taking the file name from the input file. The
   appropriate suffix will be added (e.g. .pdf for pdf) in both cases.

For this command

$ lilypond -o fred

my expectation is that the PDF output is placed in file fred.pdf rather than
mary.pdf, but here is what occurs:

GNU LilyPond 2.16.0
Processing `'
Interpreting music...[8]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `'...
Converting to `./mary.pdf'...
warning: cannot find file: `-o'
warning: cannot find file: `fred'
fatal error: failed files: fred -o

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondfile

2012-08-28 Thread pabuhr
   I've not tried this to confirm it's correct, but my expectation is that the 
   syntax is

   lilypond options filename

   So you should write

   lilypond -o fred

Works! I'm just an old C programmer and always put the '-o' at the end of the
command. 8-(


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: header font size

2012-08-28 Thread pabuhr
As I crank up the global-staff-size, the heading text gets LARGE. I'd like
to uniformly reduce the size of the heading text like this:
\override Score.HeaderText #'font-size = #-1

   I set the font size explicitly:

   subtitle = \markup {\fontsize #5 No. 12.  Quintet  Finale}

But I have multiple fields in the header: title, composer, arranger, etc., and
I did not want to put a markup around each field. Rather I wanted a global
reduction that maintains the existing font ratios that already exists in the
header, like title is larger than subtitle, etc. I.e., just scale all the
existing header fonts up/down by a constant (log?) factor.

Global-staff-size is clearly doing this uniform scaling of header fonts already
because, as I crank up the staff size, all the header fonts are adjusted
uniformly. So it feels like the mechanism to accomplish this should already be
in place and there just needs to be a handle to rescale the header fonts after
the staff-size scaling or some such.

lilypond-user mailing list


2012-09-01 Thread pabuhr
I have a vertical spacing problem with MetronomeMark and rhythmMark. The
include for comes from here:

In the following example, I have moved the MetronomeMark down and to the left
below the highest beam. However, a ghost spacing for the MetronomeMark still
exists above the highest beam, as if the MetronomeMark was not moved. After
repositioning the MetronomeMark, I want the rhythmMark to appear direct above
the highest beam with the same spacing as when the MetronomeMark is commented
out. Is there a way to accomplish this vertical spacing?

\version 2.16.0
\language english

melody = \relative c' {
\stemUp d8[cs'']  d, a'[e']  d,^[d']  d, a'[a' d]
} % melody

\score {

\context Voice {
\tempo 4=100
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'extra-offset = #'( -5 . 
-4.5 )
\override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
\rhythmMark #Swing \rhyMarkIIEighths 


% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: lilypond --ps %
% End: %

lilypond-user mailing list

Lyric vertical spacing

2012-09-02 Thread pabuhr
Is there a way to control the vertical spacing between the lines of the lyrics?
I want to reduce the spacing slightly between the lines to see if I can get a
piece to fit on one page. I tried playing with these but to no avail.

\override Score.LyricSpace #'padding = #0
\override Score.LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #0

lilypond-user mailing list

finger/ note position

2012-09-03 Thread pabuhr
The following snippet illustrates two problem I'm struggling with.

1. In the first bar, the finger number 2 is not beside the B note because of
   the sharp above it in a different voice. I can tweak the finger number back
   into position beside the B note, but I have a number of these cases in the
   piece I'm working on so is there a global way to prevent this interaction
   between accidents and finger numbers in parallel voices?

2. In the second bar, the A note stem is clashing slightly with the D note
   above it. I've tried to push the A note to the right using \shiftOnnn, but
   I've run out of ns. ;-) How can I push the A note further to the right to
   avoid the stem clash?

\version 2.16.0
\language english
#(set-global-staff-size 30)

su = \stemUp
sd = \stemDown
fl = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)

melody = \relative c'' {
 { \sd \fl c,4 b-2 } \\ { \su \fl g'8\rest g8 gs4 } \\ { \su \fl 
e'4. d8 ~ }  |
 { \sd \fl a,4 d } \\ { \su \fl \shiftOnnn a'4. } \\ { \su \fl 
\shiftOff d8 c4 c fs8 }  |
\score {

\context Voice {
\key c \major \time 2/4

} % score

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: lilypond --ps %
% End: %

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: finger/ note position

2012-09-04 Thread pabuhr
   For problem 1, if you add \override Fingering #'script-priority = #-100 

Perfect. Nick, I added this line to my copy of your guitar file:

fp = \override Fingering #'script-priority = #-100 

   For problem 2, see the function ncShift below.

Perfect. And this was already in your guitar file but I did not see it.

lilypond-user mailing list


2012-09-23 Thread pabuhr
I've tried everything but I can't get the first bar without square brackets to
look like the second bar with square brackets. Can someone make it so.

\version 2.16.0
\language english
#(set-global-staff-size 24)

\score {
\context Voice = one {
  \key g \major \time 4/4
  \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
  \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(2 2 2 2)
  a e'8 a e'8 a fs'8 a fs'8 a e'8 a e'8 a fs'8 a fs'8
  a e'8 [ a e'8 ] a fs'8 a fs'8 a e'8 [ a e'8 ] a fs'8 a 
  | \bar |.
} % score

lilypond-user mailing list


2012-09-25 Thread pabuhr
I want large note names with EasyHeadsOn for teaching.

I did the following hacks:

1. commented out the explicit setting of NoteHead #'font-size in EasyHeadsOn
   so I could increase the font size.

2. changed the constant dividend in Brew-ez-stencil:

 (radius (/ (+ staff-space line-thickness) 1.5))

   to make the circle larger.

However, I have to constantly play with the dividend as I change staff-spacing.

What I really want to do but don't know how, is to write something like:

 (radius is 1/2 the height of character G in the font for NoteHead)

Or something equivalent.

Personally, I think EasyHeadsOn should work this way and not be keyed to the


EasyHeadsOn = {
\override NoteHead #'stencil = #note-head::Brew-ez-stencil
%   \override NoteHead #'font-size = #-8
\override NoteHead #'font-size = #-1
\override NoteHead #'font-family = #'sans
\override NoteHead #'font-series = #'bold

#(define-public (note-head::Brew-ez-stencil grob)
  (let* ((log (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log))
 (pitch (ly:event-property (event-cause grob) 'pitch))
 (pitch-index (ly:pitch-notename pitch))
 (note-names (ly:grob-property grob 'note-names))
 (pitch-string (if (and (vector? note-names)
( (vector-length note-names) pitch-index))
   (vector-ref note-names pitch-index)
 (+ (modulo (+ pitch-index 2) 7)
(char-integer #\A))
 (staff-space (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob))
 (line-thickness (ly:staff-symbol-line-thickness grob))
 (stem (ly:grob-object grob 'stem))
 (stem-thickness (* (if (ly:grob? stem)
(ly:grob-property stem 'thickness)
 (radius (/ (+ staff-space line-thickness) 1.5))
 (letter (markup #:center-align #:vcenter pitch-string))
 (filled-circle (markup #:draw-circle radius 0 #t)))

  (if (= log 2)
   (make-with-color-markup white letter))
(make-with-color-markup white (make-draw-circle-markup
   (- radius stem-thickness) 0 #t)))
 radius X)))

lilypond-user mailing list

notehead overlap

2012-09-26 Thread pabuhr
Is there an easy way to get the 1st/9th noteheads to overlap like the 7th/15th
noteheads overlap?

\version 2.16.0
\language english
#(set-global-staff-size 25)

su = \stemUp
sd = \stemDown

melody = \relative c'' {
 { \sd a,4. a8 } \\ { \su a16 a' c a c a a, a'}   { \sd d,4. d8 } 
\\  { \su d16 a' b a b a d, a' }  |
} % melody

\score {

\context Voice {
\key c \major \time 4/4

} % score

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Glissando between single notes in chord

2012-10-06 Thread pabuhr
I'm using glissandos to indicate a guide finger in fingering, and in ...

Hey Nick, we certainly struggle with indicating a guide finger. 8-)

First, an observation, which I know you are already aware of, but I'll make it
anyway.  It is important to differentiate between the glissando, which makes a
sound, and a guide finger, which is finger movement without a sound (like a
breath mark).  Therefore, the notation for these two items needs
differentiation or the guitar player can make an uncalled for sound. Clearly,
the glissando with a finger number implies a guide finger.  The notation I like
for the guide finger is a short mark before the finger number so there is less
chance of mistaking it for a glissando.

Below is my attempt at a guide finger (which I'm sure you saw a few months
ago).  I redefined your guide to Guide so both are available in the
example. My complain with your version is that I would play it as a glissando
rather than take it as an instruction for a guide finger.  The problem with my
version is that the combined guide/finger-number are centred above/below the
note. I don't know how to get the finger number centred above the note (i.e.,
right justify the entire glyph); any help would be appreciated. I did try
ly:stencil-aligned-to but no change in the output.

Anyway, my 2 cents on this on-going struggle. ;-)

\version 2.16.0
\language english
#(set-global-staff-size 30)

% left-hand finger guide finger between notes
#(define (gx slope character fingering)
  ;; Purpose
  ;;   add ornamentation character before fingering symbol
  ;; Parameters
  ;;   slope : angle of rotation around right centre
  ;;   character : ornamentation character for fingering
  ;;   fingering : fingering designation for note
  ;; Examples
  ;;   (gx 0 #x2013 fingering)
  ;;   unicode #x2011 - #x2015 are different length - punctuation
  (let ((music (make-music 'FingeringEvent))
(finger (ly:music-property fingering 'digit))
(guide-char character))
(set! (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)
  (acons 'stencil
 (lambda (grob)
 (ly:stencil-rotate (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup 
#:char guide-char))
  slope 1 0);; rotate slope around right 
 X 1;; combine stencils 
along X-axis on right
 (grob-interpret-markup grob (number-string finger))
 )  ;; add padding to move guide 
slightly left from finger number
 (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)))

% guide-neutral
%   c-\gn-14  c4^\gn^2  c4-\gn-3  c4_\gn_4
gn = #(define-music-function (parser location fingering) (ly:music?)
   (gx 0 #x2013 fingering))
% guide-down
%   c-\gd-14  c4^\gd^2  c4-\gd-3  c4_\gd_4
gd = #(define-music-function (parser location fingering) (ly:music?)
   (gx 20 #x2013 fingering))
% guide-up
%   c-\gu-14  c4^\gu^2  c4-\gu-3  c4_\gu_4
gu = #(define-music-function (parser location fingering) (ly:music?)
   (gx -20 #x2013 fingering))
% guide slope
%   c-\gsl #-15 -14  c4^\gsl #45 ^2  c4-\gsl #-15 -3  c4_\gsl# -14 _4
gsl = #(define-music-function (parser location slope fingering) (number? 
   (gx slope #x2013 fingering))
% guide slope unicode
%   c-\gsl #-15 ##x2011 -14  c4^\gsl #45 ##x2012 ^2  c4-\gsl #-15 ##x2013 -3  
c4_\gsl #-14 ##x2014 _4
gsn = #(define-music-function (parser location slope unicode fingering) 
(number? number? ly:music?)
(gx slope unicode fingering))
% guide slope character
%   c-\gsl #-15 ##\+ -14  c4^\gsl #45 ##\+ ^2  c4-\gsl #-15 ##\! -3  c4_\gsl 
#-14 ##\! _4
gsc = #(define-music-function (parser location slope character fingering) 
(number? char? ly:music?)
(gx slope (char-integer character) fingering))

Guide = #(define-music-function (parser location padleft padright shift 
missacc) (number? number? pair? boolean?)
\once \override Glissando #'(bound-details left padding) = #padleft
\once \override Glissando #'(bound-details right padding) = #padright
\once \override Glissando #'extra-offset = #shift
\once \override Glissando #'(bound-details right end-on-accidental) = 
\once \override Glissando #'breakable = ##t
\once \override Glissando #'after-line-breaking = ##t

fl = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)

\relative c'' {
  \Guide #1 #0.5 #'(0 . 1.4) ##f fs^4 b, a ds,2\glissando g^4 b, g e |
  fs^4 b, a ds,2 g-\gd^4 b, g e |
  fs^4 b, a ds,2 g-\gsn #10 ##x2014 ^4 b, g e |
  \fl fs-4 b, a-2 ds,2 g-\gd^4 b, g-\gu^2 e |

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: lilypond --ps %
% End: %

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Glissando between single notes in chord

2012-10-17 Thread pabuhr
I've been working on the last version of David Nalesnik's guide-finger code.
The reason is a horizontal and vertical placement problem when the guide line
is long and/or at a steep angle. I have managed to fix the vertical problem,
but the horizontal problem has me flummoxed. The example below shows the
horizontal problem by placing a guide finger above/below a normal finger

A stencil is created for the guide-line and finger number, which needs to be
centered above/below its associated note head for fingeringOrientations up and
down. However, something is wrong with the centering calculation. The width of
the stencil seems to be too short so the calculation fails to center it. So
there is something about the width of the stencil I do not understand.

I have heavily comment the code to make it possible to understand.


\version 2.17.4
\language english
#(set-global-staff-size 30)

% left-hand finger guide before note
#(define (guide-finger slope len fingering)
  ;; Purpose
  ;;   add ornamentation line before fingering symbol to indicate figner 
movement along a
  ;;   string without making a sound (i.e., not a glissando)
  ;; Parameters
  ;;   slope : angle of rotation around right centre
  ;;   len : length of line prefacing fingering
  ;;   fingering : fingering designation for note
  (let ((music (make-music 'FingeringEvent)))
   (set! (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)
(acons 'stencil
 (lambda (grob)
  (let* (
;; assign to finger the digit property from parameter 
(finger (ly:music-property fingering 'digit))
(finger-stil (grob-interpret-markup grob (number-string 
;; assign to finger-stil-X the width of finger-stil
(finger-stil-X (ly:stencil-extent finger-stil X))
;; assign to finger-stil-Y the height slightly below the middle 
of finger number
(finger-stil-Y (* 0.4 (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent 
finger-stil Y

;; assign to guide-line a horizontal line-stencil with thickness
;;   and length len up finger-stil-Y vertically on 
fingering number
(guide-line (make-line-stencil 0.13 0 finger-stil-Y len 
;; rotate guide-line slope degrees around right centre
(guide-line (ly:stencil-rotate guide-line slope 1 0))
;; center line vertically on fingering number
(guide-line-X (ly:stencil-extent guide-line X))

;; assign to stil the concatenation of stencil line and finger 
number along X-axis on right
;;   add padding 0.2 to move guide slightly left from finger 
(stil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge guide-line X 1 finger-stil 
;; assign to stil-ext-X the width of stil
(stil-ext-X (ly:stencil-extent stil X))
  ) ;; end declarations
   ;; fingering oriented on left/right side ?
   (if (= 0 (ly:grob-property grob 'side-axis))
;; return finger guide as is
;; otherwise, create and return new finger guide with X-extents 
positioned with the number
;; centered over the note
 ;; copy expr from stil
 (ly:stencil-expr stil)
 ;; widen the stencil by doubling its width minus one 
finger-number width,
 ;;   which should have a center point under the remaining 
finger number
 (cons 0 (- (* 2 (interval-length stil-ext-X)) (interval-length 
 (ly:stencil-extent finger-stil Y)
   ) ;; end make-stencil
  ) ;; end if
 ) ;; end let
) ;; end lambda
 (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)
   ) ;; end acons
  ) ;; end set
 ) ;; end let

% guide-neutral
%   c-\gn-14  c4^\gn^2  c4-\gn-3  c4_\gn_4
gn = #(define-music-function (parser location fingering) (ly:music?)
   (guide-finger 0 0.7 fingering)) % line-slope line-length
% guide-down
%   c-\gd-14  c4^\gd^2  c4-\gd-3  c4_\gd_4
gd = #(define-music-function (parser location fingering) (ly:music?)
   (guide-finger 20 0.7 fingering))
% guide-up
%   c-\gu-14  c4^\gu^2  c4-\gu-3  c4_\gu_4
gu = #(define-music-function (parser location fingering) (ly:music?)
   (guide-finger -20 0.7 fingering))

% guide slope length
%   c-\gslen #-15 #1 -14  c4^\gslen 

Re: enlarge vertical distance in time signature

2012-10-29 Thread pabuhr
   I consider it much nicer to make strg of type fraction?, and then num
   can be (car strg) and denom can be (cdr strg).
   can just be \spreadTimeSignature #8 2/4 ... which is nicer on the eyes.

I was intrigued and tried to modify the code as you suggested as a learning
exercise. But I ran into a problem I do not understand. I assumed that fraction
is a pair of two numbers, so num and denom are of type number. column needs
strings so the numbers have to be converted. However, I get the following
error: error: syntax error, unexpected NUMBER_IDENTIFIER
/usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ly/ error: error in 
#{ ... #}

I think I'm close but missing some subtle issue about the types.

\version 2.16.0
\language english
#(set-global-staff-size 30)

spreadTimeSignature =
#(define-music-function (parser location baselineSkip strg music)(number? 
fraction? ly:music?)
  (let* ((num (car strg))
 (denom (cdr strg)))
   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil =
   #(lambda (grob)
 (grob-interpret-markup grob
  \markup %\fontsize #5
  \override #`(baseline-skip . ,baselineSkip)
  \column {
 (number-string $num)
 (number-string $denom)
   $(make-music 'TimeSignatureMusic 'beat-structure '() 'denominator denom 
'numerator num)

%  test

\relative c' {
  \spreadTimeSignature #3 2/4
  c8 c c c

  \spreadTimeSignature #8 3/4
  c16 c c c   c c c c c4

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: enlarge vertical distance in time signature

2012-10-30 Thread pabuhr
   Other than that (same with denom), the code looks fine to me.

Works! However, (and there is always a however ;-), the font and font size are
not the same as the regular (default) time signature.

Is there a a way to grab these two pieces of information from the regular
timestamp stencil and set them in this stencil?

lilypond-user mailing list

Note Exercise, Guitar

2013-02-17 Thread pabuhr
I'm creating a simple note exercise for guitar students (see below).

I have 3 problems:

1. The lyric underscores are too close to the low E so there is no room to
   write the note name. How do I add extra padding (spacing) between the staff
   and the lyrics?

2. How do I tweak the vocalName under the treble clef rather than have it
   outside the staff lines?

3. How do I repeat the vocalName at the start of each lyric line rather than
   just having the vocalName on the first line?

Any suggests on how to do this better, would also be appreciated.


\version 2.16.0
\language english
#(set-global-staff-size 28)

\paper {
#(set-paper-size letter)
top-margin = 0.75\in
markup-system-spacing #'padding = #3 % spacing between title and staff
bottom-margin = 1.25\in
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
tagline = ##f
} % paper

\layout {
\override Score.LyricText #'font-size = #3
\override Score.vocalName #'direction = #'(left)
\override Score.vocalName #'X-offset = #5
indent = 0
\context {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
} % context
\include music/
} % layout

\header {
title = \markup {\fontsize #-2 Note Exercise: 1st Position, Form 3 }
enteredby = Peter Buhr
} % header

melody = \relative c {
e, a d g b e \bar | \break  % string names (standard tuning)
e,, f g a b c d e f g a b c d e f g \bar | \break % all notes in 1st 
e g d c e f g e b d c g' f d c f \bar | \break  % top 6 notes (c-g), 
e, g f a b f a g e f a e b' a e f \bar | \break  % middle 6 notes (b-e), 
d c g d' b e, a f c' d f, g a c e, d' \bar | \break  % bottom 7 notes 
(d-E), random
} % melody

verseA = \lyricmode {
\set vocalName = \markup {\fontsize #-2 Note}
\repeat unfold 6 {_}
\repeat unfold 17 {_}
\repeat unfold 3 {
\repeat unfold 16 {_}
} % verseA

verseB = \lyricmode {
\set vocalName = \markup {\fontsize #-2 Fret#}
\repeat unfold 6 {_}
\repeat unfold 17 {_}
\repeat unfold 3 {
\repeat unfold 16 {_}
} % verseA

\score {

\context Voice = one {
\clef treble_8
\lyricsto one \new Lyrics \verseA
\lyricsto one \new Lyrics \verseB

} % score

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: lilypond --ps %
% End: %

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Note Exercise, Guitar

2013-02-17 Thread pabuhr
   instead of using shortVocalName ... you could also use stanzas:

Perfect! I should have seen stanza, but missed it.

So below is the result. I tried to create a macro, Fred, to replace the many
repeated lines, but was unsuccessful. Suggestions on how to make it work?



\version 2.16.0
\language english
#(set-global-staff-size 28)

\paper {
#(set-paper-size letter)
top-margin = 0.75\in
bottom-margin = 1\in
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
tagline = ##f
} % paper

\layout {
\override Score.OctavateEight #'font-name = #times
\override Score.OctavateEight #'font-size = #-1
\override Score.LyricText #'font-size = #3
indent = 0
\context {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
} % context
} % layout

\header {
title = \markup {\fontsize #-3 Note Exercise: Form 3, 1st Position }
enteredby = Peter Buhr
} % header

melody = \relative c {
e, a d g b e \bar | \break  % string names (standard tuning)
e,, f g a b c d e f g a b c d e f g \bar | \break % all notes in 1st 
e g d c e f g e b d c g' f d c f \bar | \break  % top 6 notes (c-g), 
e, g f a b f a g e f a e b' a e f \bar | \break  % middle 6 notes (b-e), 
d c g d' b e, a f c' d f, g a c e, d' \bar | \break  % bottom 7 notes 
(d-E), random
} % melody

Fred = #(define-music-function (parser location name times) (string? number?)
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 #name \repeat unfold #times {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }

notes = \lyricmode {
%\Fred Note 6
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 Note \repeat unfold 6 {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 Note \repeat unfold 17 {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 Note \repeat unfold 16 {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 Note \repeat unfold 16 {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 Note \repeat unfold 16 {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }
} % notes

fretno = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 Fret \repeat unfold 6 {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 Fret \repeat unfold 17 {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 Fret \repeat unfold 16 {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 Fret \repeat unfold 16 {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }
\set stanza = \markup \fontsize #-2 Fret \repeat unfold 16 {\markup 
\combine \with-color #white | _ }
} % fretno

\score {

\context Voice = one {
\clef treble_8
\lyricsto one \new Lyrics \notes
\lyricsto one \new Lyrics \fretno

} % score

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: lilypond --ps %
% End: %

lilypond-user mailing list

Adrian le Roy

2013-03-03 Thread pabuhr
This question is not about lilypond, so feel free to shame me.

I have played a few Adrian le Roy pieces on guitar and enjoyed them. I'd like
to go back to the original manuscripts and write out a few songs in lilypond
for teaching purpose (and no copyright issues). However, easier said than done.

Here is an original manuscript:
  Tiers Livre de Tabvlatvre de Gviterre 1552

Whoa!!! Can someone explain this musical notation to me? Is it for a lute?
What does it mean? Is there a book that might explain it?

If this question is inappropriate for this newsgroup, please post directly to
me rather than cause problems on the group.

lilypond-user mailing list

tempo failure

2013-11-11 Thread pabuhr
This lilypond code snippet:

%% Generated by
%% Options: 

% Start cut--pastable-section

\paper {
  indent = 0\mm
  line-width = 160\mm
  % offset the left padding, also add 1mm as lilypond creates cropped
  % images with a little space on the right
  line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.00) (* mm 1))
  line-width = 160\mm - 2.0 * 10.16\mm
  % offset the left padding, also add 1mm as lilypond creates cropped
  % images with a little space on the right
  line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.00) (* mm 1))

\layout {

\relative c'

% ly snippet contents follows:
\sourcefileline 1274
\tempo 4 = 40 ~ 46
c4. e8 a4 g
b,2 d4 r

% end ly snippet

generates this error:

Compilation started at Mon Nov 11 22:06:59
lilypond --ps
GNU LilyPond 2.17.28
Processing `'
Parsing... error: syntax error, unexpected EVENT_IDENTIFIER
\tempo 4 = 40 
  ~ 46 error: errors found, ignoring music expression

\relative c'
fatal error: failed files:

Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Mon Nov 11 22:06:59

lilypond-user mailing list

fingering font

2013-12-24 Thread pabuhr
I've looked but I can't find the answer.

I want all the fingering symbols to be in a san-serif font. This:

\layout {
\override Score.Fingering #'font-family = #'sans
} % layout

does not work.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Odp: fingering font

2013-12-24 Thread pabuhr
You can always do:

\override Score.Fingering #'font-name = #Vera Bold

and replace Vera Bold with name of your preferred font.


\override Score.Fingering #'font-name = #sans-serif

lilypond-user mailing list

shorten stem

2013-12-25 Thread pabuhr
Merry Christmas, if anyone is out there today.

I'm trying to squeeze a piece onto a single page, and I'm fussing with stem
direction to control the height of the lines. I got the song to fit on a page,
except there are few note/beam clashes (see example below). Is there a way to
manually raise the beam to prevent the note clash. It's not going to look
pretty, but its more important to prevent page flipping.

\version 2.16.0

melody = \relative c' {
 \time 3/4
 { \stemUp e2 e4 } \\ { \stemDown s2 \shiftOn e,4 } \\ { \stemDown s4 
g4 s4 } \\ { \oneVoice \stemDown e'8 [ c ] \stemUp g [ c ] \stemDown e c }  | 
 { \stemDown \shiftOn f,2. } \\ { \stemUp f'2 f4 } \\ { } \\ { 
\oneVoice \stemDown f8 [ d ] b [ d ] \stemDown f d }  |

\score {

\context Voice {
\clef treble_8

} % score

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: lilypond --ps %
% End: %

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: shorten stem

2013-12-25 Thread pabuhr
You can explicitly set the position of the left and right ends of a beam 
with \override Beam #'positions.

Perfect. It's a bit fussy getting the numbers right but I like the control.

BTW, I had the slope macro in the suite of guitar macros I got from you a few
years ago and which I use all the time. I just forgot about it.

lilypond-user mailing list

note / rest clash

2013-12-26 Thread pabuhr
How do I move the rests further to the right to avoid the clashing note

\version 2.16.0

melody = \relative c' {
\time 3/4
 { \stemDown b,2 b4\rest } \\ { g'4 g g } \\ { \stemUp d'2 d4\rest } 
 | \break

\score {

\context Voice {
\clef treble_8

} % score

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: lilypond --ps %
% End: %

lilypond-user mailing list

decrescendo mark

2014-01-12 Thread pabuhr
I want the decrescendo mark to extend from the first bar into the second bar,
ending under the c,4 node. What do I have to do to make this happen?

\version 2.16.0

melody = \relative c' {
 \time 2/4
  { \stemDown d,8\ [ g g, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp b4 b }  |
  { \stemDown c,4\! c8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp c'4 c8 \rest } 
 \bar ||

\score {
  \context Voice {
   \clef treble_8
} % score

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: lilypond --ps %
% End: %

lilypond-user mailing list


2014-01-12 Thread pabuhr
I'm sorry, I can't make this example smaller and generate the problem.

I want line 2 to end with the mark Fine, but the mark Fine appears at the
start of line 3. How do I get Fine to appear at the end of line 2?

\version 2.16.0

melody = \relative c' {
\time 2/4
\partial 8
\repeat volta 2 {
 { c,8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp g'8 }  |
 { \stemDown d8 [ g c, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp f'4 e }  |
 { \stemDown b,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 c }  |
 { \stemDown g,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp b4 c }  |
 { \stemDown b,8 [ g' b, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 d }  |
 { \stemDown a4 g } \\ { \stemUp a8 [ f' g, e' ] }  |
 { \stemDown f,4 e } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' e, c' ] }  |
 { \stemDown f,4 d } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' d, b' ] }  |
 { \stemDown c,4 c8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp c'4 c8 \rest }  \break
\repeat volta 2 {
 { c,8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp g'8 }  |
 { \stemDown d8 [ g c, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp f'4 e }  |
 { \stemDown b,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 c }  |
 { \stemDown g,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp b4 c }  |
 { \stemDown b,8 [ g' b, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 d }  |
 { \stemDown a4 g } \\ { \stemUp a8 [ f' g, e' ] }  |
 { \stemDown f,4 e } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' e, c' ] }  |
 { \stemDown f,4 d } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' d, b' ] }  |
 { \stemDown c,4 c8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp c'4 c8 \rest } 
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
\mark Fine \break
\repeat volta 2 {
 { c,8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp g'8 }  |
 { \stemDown d8 [ g c, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp f'4 e }  |
 { \stemDown b,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 c }  |
 { \stemDown g,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp b4 c }  |
 { \stemDown b,8 [ g' b, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 d }  |
 { \stemDown a4 g } \\ { \stemUp a8 [ f' g, e' ] }  |
 { \stemDown f,4 e } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' e, c' ] }  |
 { \stemDown f,4 d } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' d, b' ] }  |
 { \stemDown c,4 c8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp c'4 c8 \rest }  \break

\score {

\context Voice {
\clef treble_8

} % score

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: lilypond --ps %
% End: %

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: decrescendo mark

2014-01-12 Thread pabuhr
 I want the decrescendo mark to extend from the first bar into the second 
 ending under the c,4 node. What do I have to do to make this happen?

Search the documentation for “to-barline”.

Perfect. If I'd flick one more page, I would have found it.

lilypond-user mailing list