Re: How do i change page sizes in the document ? :: Any otherideas????

1999-11-27 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Herbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote : 
>>You can choose the combination of geometry-package, minipage and
>>multicols. Here an example
>> bla bla bla 
>>for an a4-paper the minipage can be up to 19cm, in fact of
>>the 1cm margin left and right. I tried this solution and it
>>works well .. ;-)

Thanks Herbert,

it really works well. But only for my smallest files, then LaTeX runs
into some magic memory threshold, wherefore I can´t use this solution.
Do you know how to solve that ?:

TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size 263001]


Re: How do i change page sizes in the document ? :: Any other ideas ????

1999-11-26 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Herbert wrote:
>have you tried the geometry package?

Thanks for your hint, Herbert. I can set page geometry quite well with
that package. But the
results are the same as if i do it by hand: The multicol enironment
remains totally unaware of the extra space that it has, and the fancy
header behaves strange too.

So, does anyone have a concrete solution to changing page geometry
within the document in combination with the use of the multicol
environment ?


How do i change page sizes in the document ?

1999-11-25 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Dear LyXers,

can anyone tell me how change page sizes in a document ? In the main
part of my thesis, i want to use a wide margin because it is more
legible, but in the appendices, where i want to include my code in two
columns, i want to have small margins in order to save space. 

I tried something like:


in the preamble (which seams to work allright), and then after \appendix


in TeX-mode, but this only messes up my headers and keeps the code as
messed up as without it.



Re: Arrays of equations. Problem: sum is not produced correctly.

1999-11-25 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

 charles bouillot 

Thanks, thas was a big help! It looks real nice now. 


Arrays of equations. Problem: sum is not produced correctly.

1999-11-25 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Dear lyx users and developers,

a few weeks before deadline, i have a problem with aligning formulas
that should also be enumerated.
In order to align the formulas, i tried to use array environment (second
from the right in the middle row of the math-panel). The outcome looked
real nice in LyX, but quite different in the generated postscript: the
sum-index does no longer appear underneath the sum-symbol (but like it
would in a normal text context).  

1. Does anyone know a solution to that ? 

2. And, how do i produce an eqnarray (witout typing LaTeX) under LyX ?

3. How do i include a multi-page PostScript image in my document ?



The example document:
- snip

#This file was created by  Thu Nov 25 17:35:15 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\size footnotesize 

\begin_inset Formula 
OP^{(1)}_{HB} & = & \left\langle OP^{(1)}_{hb}\right\rangle =\left\langle 
\frac{1}{NP}\sum _{i=1}^{N}\sum _{s=1}^{P}\left[ \sin \left( 2\varphi 
^{(s)}_{i})\right) \cdot \cos \left( \frac{\pi 
}{a}\frac{2y^{(s)}_{i}}{\sqrt{3}}\right) \right] \right\rangle ,\\
 &  & \\
OP^{(2)}_{HB} & = & \left\langle OP^{(2)}_{hb}\right\rangle =\left\langle 
\frac{1}{NP}\sum _{i=1}^{N}\sum _{s=1}^{P}\left[ \sin \left( 2\varphi 
_{i}^{(s)}-\frac{4\pi }{3})\right) \cdot \cos \left( -\frac{\pi 
}{a}(x^{(s)}_{i}+\frac{y^{(s)}_{i}}{\sqrt{3}})\right) \right] \right\rangle ,\\
 &  & \\
OP^{(3)}_{HB} & = & \left\langle OP^{(3)}_{hb}\right\rangle =\left\langle 
\frac{1}{NP}\sum _{i=1}^{N}\sum _{s=1}^{P}\left[ \sin \left( 2\varphi 
^{(s)}_{i}-\frac{8\pi }{3})\right) \cdot \cos \left( \frac{\pi 
}{a}(x^{(s)}_{i}-\frac{y^{(s)}_{i}}{\sqrt{3}})\right) \right] \right\rangle ,



Short Caption Text in TableOfFigures ? / incrementing the page-counter explicitly

1999-11-10 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Hello you all !

I'm busy writing the last bits of my thesis using LyX. So far, most
issues have been solved. I still have the following problems though:

1. In LaTeX I can use \caption[short]{long} to provide a short and a
long form of the caption, for the contents and the text respectively. Is
there an equivalent in LyX (beside LaTeX code)?

2. I want to add my source code in the appendix using the colour
printing of a2ps, I want to be able to reference to it though. Can I use
something like 


to do that ? 
How can I do it exactly ?

ThanX !

with cordial greetings 

Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Extended.lyx talks about minpage radio-button: Where do I find it.

1999-10-31 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn


in Extended.lyx I read about the possibility to create mini-pages using
a radio-button.
I didn't find it anywhere. Can somebody help to remove my blindness ?

I was actually trying to get two subfigures side-by-side within the same

Thanks ;->

Martina Schwarz van Doorn

How to make inline comments in LyX ?

1999-10-31 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

I like the way I can make comments in LyX, with the extra comment style.
But I would also really like 
to make inline comments that do not automatically create extra
paragraphs. I tried the
tex \begin{comment},\end{comment}, but that didn't work; often the first
few words after \end{comment} 
disappear too (the ones that appear on the same line in the
latex-export). I also tried the latex comment
character %-till-end-of-line, but that didn't work either for obvious

Can any of you help me out on that? Will a future version of LyX contain
inline comments too ?

Thank you

Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Including source code (Java, Fortran & Perl) with coloring, mupltiple pages on one page, line numbering & referring.

1999-10-30 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Hello Jean-Marc, thanks for you quick and helpful replies. 

Could anyone help me on the following:

I have to add a whole lot of source codes (Java, Fortran and Perl) as
appendices to my Diploma Thesis.
I realy like the formatting that a2ps does, and I would like to have a
similar formatting
in my appendices too (coloring, multiple pages on one page,
I would also like to be able to refer to certain code fragments. Can
anyone help me on this ?

When I tried to include the a2ps output as an EPS. I noticed that all
pages got printed on the same page. 
Is there any way that I can print multi-page included EPS/PS on multiple
pages ? 

Thanks !!!

Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Lyx 1.04: How do I stop the previous chapter heading from appearing on ´Chapter*´ pages ?

1999-10-26 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

 Hello everybody,
 can anyone help me on how stop the previous chapter heading from
appearing on ´Chapter*´ pages ?

Re: Lyx 1.04:How to enumerate formulas ?

1999-10-26 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

 Hello everybody,
 can anyone help me on how to enumerate formulas in the usual fashion
(between brackets behind the formula) ?


Lyx 1.04:How to include the degrees character ?

1999-10-26 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Hello everybody,

can anyone help me on how to include the degrees character in documents

I can type it into Lyx, I can see it in Lyx, but in Postscript some
weird r with upside down roof appears.


Re: Short Caption Text in TableOfFigures ? / incrementingthepage-counter explicitly

1999-01-16 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Thanks Jean-Marc !

It works. I just didn´t think of switching the caption inside the float
to standard.

Cordial greetings


How do I get all my captions to use a smaller font and have larger margins than the rest of my text ?

1999-01-16 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

I managed to do this in Lyx using the .lyx/layouts/ files, but this does
not result in changes to the generated postscript.

Now, I am a complete rookie when it comes to LaTex, so could anyone help
me on that?


P.S. the LyX/LaTeX output looks great. Better than any MS-Word document
I have ever seen.

Re: Short Caption Text in TableOfFigures ? / incrementing thepage-counter explicitly

1999-01-16 Thread Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Hello Jean-Marc,

Thanks for your answer.

JMarc>No, LaTeX code is the only way currently. Note that you can mark
JMarc>\caption and the brackets in LaTeX, and write the rest in normal

Did you mean that I can write \caption[short] or \caption{short} in the
LyX floating figure? I didn't get that to work. 
Could you give me an example?

Martina> 2. I want to add my source code in the appendix using the
Martina> colour printing of a2ps, I want to be able to reference to it
Martina> though. Can I use something like
Martina> \setcounter{page}{\page+2}\label{main.f}
Martina> \setcounter{page}{\page+2}\label{init.f}
Martina> to do that ? How can I do it exactly ?
JMarc>You mean you want to reference something which is inside your
JMarc>You could try to split the code in several parts and insert labels
JMarc>between. I'm not sure I understand what you mean, though.

I think you understood quite well what I meant. But I don't want to go
about partitioning my code (with a result that the line numbers won't
This is how I solved my problem:


I'm not so happy about the extra dot that I have to put in to get
correct references, but it works fine this way.
