Re: Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-09 Thread Barry Hadder
Hi Venkatesh.

Sounds cool.
1.  If you understand the model view controller pattern and the target action 
paradigm, then it isn’t very hard to understand how things are supposed to be 
wired up in the nib.  In the case of the target action, a button has a target 
and a message to send to that target witch is an action.  The target is a 
controller.  So, you want to figure out how to connect the button to the action 
method implemented by the controller.  When you focus on what you want to do, 
the steps will seem natural.  Most of the time, there is very little difference 
between the procedure you read about and the way that is possible using 
A tableviewcontroller is just another kind of view controller.  You would add 
it to the storyboard the same way.  All you need to do is click it with the 
mouse in the library and weight until you hear vo say new window.  Then press 
I haven’t used Map Kit, but all you would do to use a MKMapView is select the 
content view to be used, go to the identity inspector, and set the class to 
MKMapView.  You also need to enable your project to use maps.  Yo can read 
about all of that at
I also recommend examining the Xcode templates and any sample projects you can 
download from the apple developer sight.  I found that to be a very good way to 
learn how things work. 
And, This tutorial covers everything we've talked about so far:

2.  You set constraints from the editor menu.  There are also a couple of 
useful controls on the canvas that you can use.  I don’t know of any button 
that looks like a space ship, but they might be talking about that.  You never 
need to use the mouse to set constraints.

3.  I don’t use auto completion that much and I have completions as I type 
turned off.  However, you can bring up a list by pressing escape or 
option-escape (not sure what the differences are, but they are both there) and 
arrow through the list of options.  Then press enter on the one you want.  I 
just tried it and it works for me.

4.  UBarButtonItems are different from UIButtons so their properties look a 
little different.  In both cases however, buttons don’t have actions or events, 
they send messages to a controller to perform actions or events.  So, you 
connected a selector to it’s sent actions.
Hope that helps.

On Aug 8, 2015, at 2:01 AM, wrote:

Hi Barry,
Thank you so much for the help. I was able to do it and I built a stopwatch app!
I have a few more questions, not specific to navigation bars.

1. How do we figure these things out?
procedures to do certain tasks are quite different for voiceOver and non 
VoiceOver users in xCode. How do we identify such scenarios? And, how do we 
identify VoiceOver specific steps for such scenarios? For instance, in the next 
steps, I will be dealing with tableViews, mapViews, etc. Do we simply drag and 
drop with VoiceOver, or do we embed them like navigation controllers? Is there 
a different procedure with VoiceOver for different sets of UI elements?

2. How do you do auto layout without using the mouse? If you know which 
constraints to add, how do you add them to each of the elements in the user 
interface? In the videos that I am following, the instructor talks about a 
button that looks like a “space ship”. clicking this button presents the 
developers with a set of options to choose from. How do we do this using 

3. How do we take advantages of xCode suggestions with multiple options?
I faced great difficulty in typing a complicated line in particular in this 
exercise. However, I observed that non VoiceOver users do this by typing some 
amount of code, selecting from possible suggestions, and then typing where 
needed. I was able to do this with VoiceOver to some extent, by pressing the 
tab button. However, this seems to insert the first suggestion from the list of 
possible suggestions. In the end, I had to copy-paste the line from the 
original source provided. The line of code is:
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: 
Selector(updateTime), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

How do we have VoiceOver speak the list of suggestions?

4. While connecting barButtonItems to my viewController.swift, I observed that 
there were no touchUpInside option in the connections inspector. Trying to 
connect using the button next to action also did not result in any output. Any 
specific reason for this? However, connecting using the button next to selector 
gave the desired output.

Thank you so much 

Re: Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-08 Thread venky . 92
Hi Barry,
Thank you so much for the help. I was able to do it and I built a stopwatch app!
I have a few more questions, not specific to navigation bars.

1. How do we figure these things out?
procedures to do certain tasks are quite different for voiceOver and non 
VoiceOver users in xCode. How do we identify such scenarios? And, how do we 
identify VoiceOver specific steps for such scenarios? For instance, in the next 
steps, I will be dealing with tableViews, mapViews, etc. Do we simply drag and 
drop with VoiceOver, or do we embed them like navigation controllers? Is there 
a different procedure with VoiceOver for different sets of UI elements?

2. How do you do auto layout without using the mouse? If you know which 
constraints to add, how do you add them to each of the elements in the user 
interface? In the videos that I am following, the instructor talks about a 
button that looks like a “space ship”. clicking this button presents the 
developers with a set of options to choose from. How do we do this using 

3. How do we take advantages of xCode suggestions with multiple options?
I faced great difficulty in typing a complicated line in particular in this 
exercise. However, I observed that non VoiceOver users do this by typing some 
amount of code, selecting from possible suggestions, and then typing where 
needed. I was able to do this with VoiceOver to some extent, by pressing the 
tab button. However, this seems to insert the first suggestion from the list of 
possible suggestions. In the end, I had to copy-paste the line from the 
original source provided. The line of code is:
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: 
Selector(updateTime), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

How do we have VoiceOver speak the list of suggestions?

4. While connecting barButtonItems to my viewController.swift, I observed that 
there were no touchUpInside option in the connections inspector. Trying to 
connect using the button next to action also did not result in any output. Any 
specific reason for this? However, connecting using the button next to selector 
gave the desired output.

Thank you so much for your time and help.
Venkatesh Potluri

Sent from my iPhone

 On 04-Aug-2015, at 8:37 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:
 When you set the title of the navigation item, it renames the view controller 
 as well, so there’ isn’t any problem with that.
 The reason you aren't seeing the button is that you have it connected to the 
 backBarButtonItem.  Since the navigation bars app is the top most view 
 controller, the button won’t show when you run the app because there isn’t 
 anything to go back to.
 You might find the UINavigationItem reference helpful at
 If you want to see the button, you could just connect it to the left or 
 wright barbuttonitems instead.
 So, you haven’t done anything wrong and everything seems to be working 
 Hope this helps.
 On Aug 4, 2015, at 8:35 AM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
 Hi Barry,
 Thank you so much for the clear explanation. I was able to go a step further, 
 embed it and add a title to the navigation bar. However, when I add the 
 title, I observe the viewController seen is renamed with the title. I also 
 tried adding a barButtonItem as per your instructions and connect it one of 
 the outlet from the navigation item in the now renamed seen to the 
 barButtonItem.  I named the barButtonItem “play”. When I run the app and 
 navigate the simulator with VoiceOver, I hear VoiceOver speak only the title 
 of the navigationBar. Where am I going wrong?
 My effort to add a navigationBar for now is to complete a tutorial to learn 
 building apps for iOS. I am attaching 2 files that may help you get a clear 
 idea of where I am going wrong.
 1. “my” contains my xCode project. In this project, I 
 attempted to add a navigation bar and a barButtonItem to it.
 2. “original” contains the xCode project provided in the tutorial. 
 My aim is to build a replica or an app similar to this.
 It would be of great help if you could help me identify my mistake.
 Once again, Thank you so much for taking the time to help me understand this.
 Thank you.
 Venkatesh Potluri 
 On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 9:46 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
 You drag a bar button from the library to the view controller seen.
 To connect the bar button to the nav bar, you find the navigation item in 
 the view controller seen and drag from one of it’s outlets to the bar button.
 Let me know if that still isn’t clear.
 On Aug 3, 2015, at 10:10 AM, wrote:
 Thank U!
 That makes things a bit more clear.
 You said, to add UIBarButton items, drag onto the view controller seen.
 What exactly do I drag on to the view controller seen?
 You said, you drag from 

Re: Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-04 Thread Alex Hall
For the record, VoiceOver doesn't play very nice with simulators most of the 
time. To get the best idea of how your app is looking and what is where, you 
should run it on an iOS device. Xcode 7 will let you do this on anything 
running iOS9 or newer, so in a couple months, you can start using a real device 
instead of a simulated one. You could do it now, if you want to deal with iOS9 
and Xcode 7 betas. My point is that the simulator may not be giving you the 
full story.
 On Aug 4, 2015, at 9:35 AM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
 Hi Barry,
 Thank you so much for the clear explanation. I was able to go a step further, 
 embed it and add a title to the navigation bar. However, when I add the 
 title, I observe the viewController seen is renamed with the title. I also 
 tried adding a barButtonItem as per your instructions and connect it one of 
 the outlet from the navigation item in the now renamed seen to the 
 barButtonItem.  I named the barButtonItem “play”. When I run the app and 
 navigate the simulator with VoiceOver, I hear VoiceOver speak only the title 
 of the navigationBar. Where am I going wrong?
 My effort to add a navigationBar for now is to complete a tutorial to learn 
 building apps for iOS. I am attaching 2 files that may help you get a clear 
 idea of where I am going wrong.
 1. “my” contains my xCode project. In this project, I 
 attempted to add a navigation bar and a barButtonItem to it.
 2. “original” contains the xCode project provided in the tutorial. 
 My aim is to build a replica or an app similar to this.
 It would be of great help if you could help me identify my mistake.
 Once again, Thank you so much for taking the time to help me understand this.
 Thank you.
 Venkatesh Potluri 
 On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 9:46 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
 You drag a bar button from the library to the view controller seen.
 To connect the bar button to the nav bar, you find the navigation item in the 
 view controller seen and drag from one of it’s outlets to the bar button.
 Let me know if that still isn’t clear.
 On Aug 3, 2015, at 10:10 AM, 
 Thank U!
 That makes things a bit more clear.
 You said, to add UIBarButton items, drag onto the view controller seen.
 What exactly do I drag on to the view controller seen?
 You said, you drag from one of the navigation barButtonItems outlets. Didn't 
 really get that part.
 If explaining through email would be difficult, I would be happy to contact 
 you off list and we could set up a Skype call.
 I really appreciate your effort to explain this procedure in a clear way to 
 Thank U so much for your time
 Venkatesh Potluri 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 03-Aug-2015, at 7:53 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:
 This is the way you add a navigation bar to a view controller.
  Select the view controller and in the editor-embed in menu choose 
 navigation controller.
 To add UIBarButtonItems, drag on to the view controller seen.  Then in that 
 same seen, you should find a navigation item.  You set the title and make 
 connections from it.  To add a button to the bar, you drag from one of the 
 navigation item’s outlets to the bar button.
 After embedding the view controller, you will also have a navigation 
 controller seen where the navigation bar is located.  When you embedded the 
 view controller, it added it to the storyboard and connected it’s relation 
 segue to the view controller.  You need to make sure that the navigation 
 controller is set as the initial view controller in the attributes inspector.
 Toolbars are different.  To add a toolbar, just drag one to the content view 
 and position it at the bottom of the view.
 On Aug 2, 2015, at 10:44 PM, 
 Thank you for the help!
 Could you explain in a bit more elaborate way?
 Do I do what you suggested after adding in navigation bar? Moreover, is the 
 procedure similar for adding a toolbar?
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 02-Aug-2015, at 8:35 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:
 First, you would embed the view controller in a navigation controller from 
 the editor menu.
 You should then find a navigation item in the controller seen when you 
 expand the controller.  You set the title of the bar in it’s inspector and 
 make connections as well.  In the connections inspector, drag from one of 
 it’s outlets, e.g., backBarButtonItem, leftBarButtonItem, 
 rightBarButtonItem to the bar button you dragged to that seen.
 On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 1:52:56 AM UTC-5, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
 Using voice over, I typically add labels, buttons and text fields by 
 dragging them from the library to the document outlin in the Interface 
 builder.  I change the attributes such as the 

Re: Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-04 Thread venky . 92
Hi Alex,
Thank U.
I'm happy to know that we can run our Xcode project on the device starting 
Xcode seven and iOS 9 without having to purchase a developer license.
As much as I would love to go ahead and install the public Beta, I have only 
one iOS device, my iPhone. And if it's going to make the phone buggy, it would 
be a productivity kill for me.
As far as this particular situation is concerned, I have compared the 
voice-over output for both the original source code and my 
implementation.running the original source on the simulator, voice-over speaks 
out all the buttons.
Thank U.

Sent from my iPhone

 On 04-Aug-2015, at 7:34 pm, Alex Hall wrote:
 For the record, VoiceOver doesn't play very nice with simulators most of the 
 time. To get the best idea of how your app is looking and what is where, you 
 should run it on an iOS device. Xcode 7 will let you do this on anything 
 running iOS9 or newer, so in a couple months, you can start using a real 
 device instead of a simulated one. You could do it now, if you want to deal 
 with iOS9 and Xcode 7 betas. My point is that the simulator may not be giving 
 you the full story.
 On Aug 4, 2015, at 9:35 AM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
 Hi Barry,
 Thank you so much for the clear explanation. I was able to go a step 
 further, embed it and add a title to the navigation bar. However, when I add 
 the title, I observe the viewController seen is renamed with the title. I 
 also tried adding a barButtonItem as per your instructions and connect it 
 one of the outlet from the navigation item in the now renamed seen to the 
 barButtonItem.  I named the barButtonItem “play”. When I run the app and 
 navigate the simulator with VoiceOver, I hear VoiceOver speak only the title 
 of the navigationBar. Where am I going wrong?
 My effort to add a navigationBar for now is to complete a tutorial to learn 
 building apps for iOS. I am attaching 2 files that may help you get a clear 
 idea of where I am going wrong.
 1. “my” contains my xCode project. In this project, I 
 attempted to add a navigation bar and a barButtonItem to it.
 2. “original” contains the xCode project provided in the 
 tutorial. My aim is to build a replica or an app similar to this.
 It would be of great help if you could help me identify my mistake.
 Once again, Thank you so much for taking the time to help me understand this.
 Thank you.
 Venkatesh Potluri 
 On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 9:46 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
 You drag a bar button from the library to the view controller seen.
 To connect the bar button to the nav bar, you find the navigation item in 
 the view controller seen and drag from one of it’s outlets to the bar 
 Let me know if that still isn’t clear.
 On Aug 3, 2015, at 10:10 AM, wrote:
 Thank U!
 That makes things a bit more clear.
 You said, to add UIBarButton items, drag onto the view controller seen.
 What exactly do I drag on to the view controller seen?
 You said, you drag from one of the navigation barButtonItems outlets. 
 Didn't really get that part.
 If explaining through email would be difficult, I would be happy to contact 
 you off list and we could set up a Skype call.
 I really appreciate your effort to explain this procedure in a clear way to 
 Thank U so much for your time
 Venkatesh Potluri 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 03-Aug-2015, at 7:53 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:
 This is the way you add a navigation bar to a view controller.
  Select the view controller and in the editor-embed in menu choose 
 navigation controller.
 To add UIBarButtonItems, drag on to the view controller seen.  Then in 
 that same seen, you should find a navigation item.  You set the title and 
 make connections from it.  To add a button to the bar, you drag from one 
 of the navigation item’s outlets to the bar button.
 After embedding the view controller, you will also have a navigation 
 controller seen where the navigation bar is located.  When you embedded 
 the view controller, it added it to the storyboard and connected it’s 
 relation segue to the view controller.  You need to make sure that the 
 navigation controller is set as the initial view controller in the 
 attributes inspector.
 Toolbars are different.  To add a toolbar, just drag one to the content 
 view and position it at the bottom of the view.
 On Aug 2, 2015, at 10:44 PM, wrote:
 Thank you for the help!
 Could you explain in a bit more elaborate way?
 Do I do what you suggested after adding in navigation bar? Moreover, is 
 the procedure similar for adding a toolbar?
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 02-Aug-2015, at 8:35 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:
 First, you would embed the view controller in a navigation controller 
 from the editor menu.
 You should then find a navigation item in the 

Re: Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-04 Thread Barry Hadder

When you set the title of the navigation item, it renames the view controller 
as well, so there’ isn’t any problem with that.

The reason you aren't seeing the button is that you have it connected to the 
backBarButtonItem.  Since the navigation bars app is the top most view 
controller, the button won’t show when you run the app because there isn’t 
anything to go back to.
You might find the UINavigationItem reference helpful at

If you want to see the button, you could just connect it to the left or wright 
barbuttonitems instead.
So, you haven’t done anything wrong and everything seems to be working 
Hope this helps.

On Aug 4, 2015, at 8:35 AM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:

Hi Barry,
Thank you so much for the clear explanation. I was able to go a step further, 
embed it and add a title to the navigation bar. However, when I add the title, 
I observe the viewController seen is renamed with the title. I also tried 
adding a barButtonItem as per your instructions and connect it one of the 
outlet from the navigation item in the now renamed seen to the barButtonItem.  
I named the barButtonItem “play”. When I run the app and navigate the simulator 
with VoiceOver, I hear VoiceOver speak only the title of the navigationBar. 
Where am I going wrong?
My effort to add a navigationBar for now is to complete a tutorial to learn 
building apps for iOS. I am attaching 2 files that may help you get a clear 
idea of where I am going wrong.
1. “my” contains my xCode project. In this project, I 
attempted to add a navigation bar and a barButtonItem to it.
2. “original” contains the xCode project provided in the tutorial. 
My aim is to build a replica or an app similar to this.
It would be of great help if you could help me identify my mistake.
Once again, Thank you so much for taking the time to help me understand this.
Thank you.
Venkatesh Potluri 

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 9:46 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

You drag a bar button from the library to the view controller seen.
To connect the bar button to the nav bar, you find the navigation item in the 
view controller seen and drag from one of it’s outlets to the bar button.
Let me know if that still isn’t clear.

On Aug 3, 2015, at 10:10 AM, 

Thank U!
That makes things a bit more clear.
You said, to add UIBarButton items, drag onto the view controller seen.
What exactly do I drag on to the view controller seen?
You said, you drag from one of the navigation barButtonItems outlets. Didn't 
really get that part.
If explaining through email would be difficult, I would be happy to contact you 
off list and we could set up a Skype call.
I really appreciate your effort to explain this procedure in a clear way to me.
Thank U so much for your time
Venkatesh Potluri 

Sent from my iPhone

On 03-Aug-2015, at 7:53 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:

 This is the way you add a navigation bar to a view controller.
  Select the view controller and in the editor-embed in menu choose 
 navigation controller.
 To add UIBarButtonItems, drag on to the view controller seen.  Then in that 
 same seen, you should find a navigation item.  You set the title and make 
 connections from it.  To add a button to the bar, you drag from one of the 
 navigation item’s outlets to the bar button.
 After embedding the view controller, you will also have a navigation 
 controller seen where the navigation bar is located.  When you embedded the 
 view controller, it added it to the storyboard and connected it’s relation 
 segue to the view controller.  You need to make sure that the navigation 
 controller is set as the initial view controller in the attributes inspector.
 Toolbars are different.  To add a toolbar, just drag one to the content view 
 and position it at the bottom of the view.
 On Aug 2, 2015, at 10:44 PM, 
 Thank you for the help!
 Could you explain in a bit more elaborate way?
 Do I do what you suggested after adding in navigation bar? Moreover, is the 
 procedure similar for adding a toolbar?
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 02-Aug-2015, at 8:35 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:
 First, you would embed the view controller in a navigation controller from 
 the editor menu.
 You should then find a navigation item in the controller seen when you 
 expand the controller.  You set the title of the bar in it’s inspector and 
 make connections as well.  In the connections inspector, drag from one of 
 it’s outlets, e.g., backBarButtonItem, leftBarButtonItem, rightBarButtonItem 
 to the bar 

Re: Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-03 Thread Barry Hadder
This is the way you add a navigation bar to a view controller.
 Select the view controller and in the editor-embed in menu choose navigation 
To add UIBarButtonItems, drag on to the view controller seen.  Then in that 
same seen, you should find a navigation item.  You set the title and make 
connections from it.  To add a button to the bar, you drag from one of the 
navigation item’s outlets to the bar button.

After embedding the view controller, you will also have a navigation controller 
seen where the navigation bar is located.  When you embedded the view 
controller, it added it to the storyboard and connected it’s relation segue to 
the view controller.  You need to make sure that the navigation controller is 
set as the initial view controller in the attributes inspector.

Toolbars are different.  To add a toolbar, just drag one to the content view 
and position it at the bottom of the view.

On Aug 2, 2015, at 10:44 PM, wrote:

Thank you for the help!
Could you explain in a bit more elaborate way?
Do I do what you suggested after adding in navigation bar? Moreover, is the 
procedure similar for adding a toolbar?

Sent from my iPhone

On 02-Aug-2015, at 8:35 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:

 First, you would embed the view controller in a navigation controller from 
 the editor menu.
 You should then find a navigation item in the controller seen when you expand 
 the controller.  You set the title of the bar in it’s inspector and make 
 connections as well.  In the connections inspector, drag from one of it’s 
 outlets, e.g., backBarButtonItem, leftBarButtonItem, rightBarButtonItem to 
 the bar button you dragged to that seen.
 On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 1:52:56 AM UTC-5, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
 Using voice over, I typically add labels, buttons and text fields by dragging 
 them from the library to the document outlin in the Interface builder.  I 
 change the attributes such as the title, label text, et cetera using the 
 attributes inspector. However, I am unable to change the title of the 
 navigation bar in this way. How do I do that? Is dragging a bar button on to 
 the navigation bar in the document outline the correct way to add bar buttons 
 to the navigation bar? 
 Thank you. 
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Barry Hadder

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Re: Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-03 Thread Barry Hadder

You drag a bar button from the library to the view controller seen.
To connect the bar button to the nav bar, you find the navigation item in the 
view controller seen and drag from one of it’s outlets to the bar button.
Let me know if that still isn’t clear.

On Aug 3, 2015, at 10:10 AM, wrote:

Thank U!
That makes things a bit more clear.
You said, to add UIBarButton items, drag onto the view controller seen.
What exactly do I drag on to the view controller seen?
You said, you drag from one of the navigation barButtonItems outlets. Didn't 
really get that part.
If explaining through email would be difficult, I would be happy to contact you 
off list and we could set up a Skype call.
I really appreciate your effort to explain this procedure in a clear way to me.
Thank U so much for your time
Venkatesh Potluri 

Sent from my iPhone

On 03-Aug-2015, at 7:53 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:

 This is the way you add a navigation bar to a view controller.
  Select the view controller and in the editor-embed in menu choose 
 navigation controller.
 To add UIBarButtonItems, drag on to the view controller seen.  Then in that 
 same seen, you should find a navigation item.  You set the title and make 
 connections from it.  To add a button to the bar, you drag from one of the 
 navigation item’s outlets to the bar button.
 After embedding the view controller, you will also have a navigation 
 controller seen where the navigation bar is located.  When you embedded the 
 view controller, it added it to the storyboard and connected it’s relation 
 segue to the view controller.  You need to make sure that the navigation 
 controller is set as the initial view controller in the attributes inspector.
 Toolbars are different.  To add a toolbar, just drag one to the content view 
 and position it at the bottom of the view.
 On Aug 2, 2015, at 10:44 PM, 
 Thank you for the help!
 Could you explain in a bit more elaborate way?
 Do I do what you suggested after adding in navigation bar? Moreover, is the 
 procedure similar for adding a toolbar?
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 02-Aug-2015, at 8:35 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:
 First, you would embed the view controller in a navigation controller from 
 the editor menu.
 You should then find a navigation item in the controller seen when you 
 expand the controller.  You set the title of the bar in it’s inspector and 
 make connections as well.  In the connections inspector, drag from one of 
 it’s outlets, e.g., backBarButtonItem, leftBarButtonItem, rightBarButtonItem 
 to the bar button you dragged to that seen.
 On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 1:52:56 AM UTC-5, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
 Using voice over, I typically add labels, buttons and text fields by 
 dragging them from the library to the document outlin in the Interface 
 builder.  I change the attributes such as the title, label text, et cetera 
 using the attributes inspector. However, I am unable to change the title of 
 the navigation bar in this way. How do I do that? Is dragging a bar button 
 on to the navigation bar in the document outline the correct way to add bar 
 buttons to the navigation bar? 
 Thank you. 
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 Barry Hadder
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 MacVisionaries group.

Re: Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-03 Thread venky . 92
Thank U!
That makes things a bit more clear.
You said, to add UIBarButton items, drag onto the view controller seen.
What exactly do I drag on to the view controller seen?
You said, you drag from one of the navigation barButtonItems outlets. Didn't 
really get that part.
If explaining through email would be difficult, I would be happy to contact you 
off list and we could set up a Skype call.
I really appreciate your effort to explain this procedure in a clear way to me.
Thank U so much for your time
Venkatesh Potluri 

Sent from my iPhone

 On 03-Aug-2015, at 7:53 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:
 This is the way you add a navigation bar to a view controller.
  Select the view controller and in the editor-embed in menu choose 
 navigation controller.
 To add UIBarButtonItems, drag on to the view controller seen.  Then in that 
 same seen, you should find a navigation item.  You set the title and make 
 connections from it.  To add a button to the bar, you drag from one of the 
 navigation item’s outlets to the bar button.
 After embedding the view controller, you will also have a navigation 
 controller seen where the navigation bar is located.  When you embedded the 
 view controller, it added it to the storyboard and connected it’s relation 
 segue to the view controller.  You need to make sure that the navigation 
 controller is set as the initial view controller in the attributes inspector.
 Toolbars are different.  To add a toolbar, just drag one to the content view 
 and position it at the bottom of the view.
 On Aug 2, 2015, at 10:44 PM, wrote:
 Thank you for the help!
 Could you explain in a bit more elaborate way?
 Do I do what you suggested after adding in navigation bar? Moreover, is the 
 procedure similar for adding a toolbar?
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 02-Aug-2015, at 8:35 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:
 First, you would embed the view controller in a navigation controller from 
 the editor menu.
 You should then find a navigation item in the controller seen when you 
 expand the controller.  You set the title of the bar in it’s inspector and 
 make connections as well.  In the connections inspector, drag from one of 
 it’s outlets, e.g., backBarButtonItem, leftBarButtonItem, rightBarButtonItem 
 to the bar button you dragged to that seen.
 On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 1:52:56 AM UTC-5, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
 Using voice over, I typically add labels, buttons and text fields by 
 dragging them from the library to the document outlin in the Interface 
 builder.  I change the attributes such as the title, label text, et cetera 
 using the attributes inspector. However, I am unable to change the title of 
 the navigation bar in this way. How do I do that? Is dragging a bar button 
 on to the navigation bar in the document outline the correct way to add bar 
 buttons to the navigation bar? 
 Thank you. 
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 Barry Hadder
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Re: Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-02 Thread venky . 92
Thank you for the help!
Could you explain in a bit more elaborate way?
Do I do what you suggested after adding in navigation bar? Moreover, is the 
procedure similar for adding a toolbar?

Sent from my iPhone

 On 02-Aug-2015, at 8:35 pm, Barry Hadder wrote:
 First, you would embed the view controller in a navigation controller from 
 the editor menu.
 You should then find a navigation item in the controller seen when you expand 
 the controller.  You set the title of the bar in it’s inspector and make 
 connections as well.  In the connections inspector, drag from one of it’s 
 outlets, e.g., backBarButtonItem, leftBarButtonItem, rightBarButtonItem to 
 the bar button you dragged to that seen.
 On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 1:52:56 AM UTC-5, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
 Using voice over, I typically add labels, buttons and text fields by 
 dragging them from the library to the document outlin in the Interface 
 builder.  I change the attributes such as the title, label text, et cetera 
 using the attributes inspector. However, I am unable to change the title of 
 the navigation bar in this way. How do I do that? Is dragging a bar button 
 on to the navigation bar in the document outline the correct way to add bar 
 buttons to the navigation bar? 
 Thank you. 
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Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-02 Thread venky . 92
Using voice over, I typically add labels, buttons and text fields by dragging 
them from the library to the document outlin in the Interface builder.  I 
change the attributes such as the title, label text, et cetera using the 
attributes inspector. However, I am unable to change the title of the 
navigation bar in this way. How do I do that? Is dragging a bar button on to 
the navigation bar in the document outline the correct way to add bar buttons 
to the navigation bar?
Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Xcode: adding navigation bars and bar buttons

2015-08-02 Thread Barry Hadder


First, you would embed the view controller in a navigation controller from 
the editor menu.

You should then find a navigation item in the controller seen when you 
expand the controller.  You set the title of the bar in it’s inspector and 
make connections as well.  In the connections inspector, drag from one of 
it’s outlets, e.g., backBarButtonItem, leftBarButtonItem, 
rightBarButtonItem to the bar button you dragged to that seen.
On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 1:52:56 AM UTC-5, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:

 Using voice over, I typically add labels, buttons and text fields by 
 dragging them from the library to the document outlin in the Interface 
 builder.  I change the attributes such as the title, label text, et cetera 
 using the attributes inspector. However, I am unable to change the title of 
 the navigation bar in this way. How do I do that? Is dragging a bar button 
 on to the navigation bar in the document outline the correct way to add bar 
 buttons to the navigation bar? 
 Thank you. 

 Sent from my iPhone

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