Re: [Mailman-Users] cannot get local connection to an openbsd 6.0 install

2017-02-04 Thread Anne Wainwright
On Thu, Feb 02, 2017 at 05:33:31PM -0800, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On 02/02/2017 12:21 PM, Anne Wainwright wrote:

Thanks for prompt reply Mark
Sorry for hijacking someone else's thread ...

> > 
> > I am building an openbsd 6.0 server utilising their httpd http server.
> > 
> > I am trying to connect locally but get a 500 Internal Server Error. Thus
> > I am connecting and thus have the correct path in httpd.conf I also
> > believe I have other details correct in httpd.conf (location, fastcgi,
> > root) and slowcgi is running. However and whatever I cannot get a
> > mailman page.
> Are there any log messages from the server saying what exception or
> whatever is happening in the CGI script.

There was, so I am now tailing log files
> This might be something as simple as a group mismatch error in Mailman's
> CGI wrappers.
/var/log/maillog showed:

Mailman cgi-wrapper (admin): Group mismatch error. Mailman expected the
CGI wrapper script to be executed by a member of the "_mailmanq" group

I changed the links owner/group to _mailman / _mailmanq

the message above has disappeared, but slowcgi complains that :

execve //mailman is a directory

(slowcgi is fastcgi to cgi wrapper server, and adjunct to openbsd's

... but I still get the 500 Internal Server Error

If no obvious candidate for inspection, maybe I should reinstall the
Mailman package and start afresh :(


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[Mailman-Users] cannot get local connection to an openbsd 6.0 install

2017-02-02 Thread Anne Wainwright

I am building an openbsd 6.0 server utilising their httpd http server.

I am trying to connect locally but get a 500 Internal Server Error. Thus
I am connecting and thus have the correct path in httpd.conf I also
believe I have other details correct in httpd.conf (location, fastcgi,
root) and slowcgi is running. However and whatever I cannot get a
mailman page.

I can access a static index.html fine, no issue.

I suspect some type of permissions problem but can't really say that I
have narrowed it down to that.

I have put individual links to the /usr/local/lib/mailman/bin scripts in
/var/www/mailman to get started with

down at the /usr/ end perms are rwxr-sr-x and owned by mailman
up at the /var/www/ end perms are rwxr-sr-w and owned by root

If any one has any experience in the openbsd setup (and I am staying
with the chrooted httpd setup) then I'd be grateful for any pointers.

Else I have found an online reference to running same but not chrooted.
Since I open my pages for subscription online I am not keen to follow
this. But I might just to see it work. 


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Re: [Mailman-Users] accessing relay mailman server from its own network

2014-05-04 Thread Anne Wainwright
if this is a duplicate, my error, don't see my post anywhere.
see below

On Thu, May 01, 2014 at 05:19:35PM -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On 05/01/2014 11:31 AM, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> > 
> > I still have dyndns addresses showing on the numeric/alpha address
> > listing both locally and from outside
> I do not understand "the numeric/alpha address listing"
The 0-9A-Z table of members under Membership Management - sorry if

> Where specifically do you see these?
> > I have changed DEFAULT_URL_HOST in appropriately, cleared the
> > browser caches. Where can this be dyndns be hiding, or is it time to run 
> > the fix_url script?
> Probably. See the FAQ at <>.
This did however resolve the issue

with thanks
> -- 
> Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
> --
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Re: [Mailman-Users] accessing relay mailman server from its own network

2014-05-02 Thread Anne Wainwright
On Thu, May 01, 2014 at 05:19:35PM -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On 05/01/2014 11:31 AM, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> > 
> > I still have dyndns addresses showing on the numeric/alpha address
> > listing both locally and from outside
> I do not understand "the numeric/alpha address listing"

I was not clear there, I meant the 0-9, A-Z tabular listing of members
under Membership Management / Membership List.
> Where specifically do you see these?
> > I have changed DEFAULT_URL_HOST in appropriately, cleared the
> > browser caches. Where can this be dyndns be hiding, or is it time to run 
> > the fix_url script?
> Probably. See the FAQ at <>.

That is a clear exposition of the issue, I will go that route.

many thanks

> -- 
> Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
> --
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Re: [Mailman-Users] accessing relay mailman server from its own network

2014-05-01 Thread Anne Wainwright
Hello, Mark,

A year has gone by and the system has run well. This was with the ip
address set for users on the network in the 'hosts' file and with the
'absolute=1' setting in

Recently I changed my dns provider (from dyndns to activedns) and was
back reviewing what had happened here because I was again having the
same issues. obviously I had not handled it correctly

In the end I changed the code in from absolute to relative
(deleted all instances of 'absolute=1', changed 'hosts' file to show the
activedns address   but

I still have dyndns addresses showing on the numeric/alpha address
listing both locally and from outside

I have changed DEFAULT_URL_HOST in appropriately, cleared the
browser caches. Where can this be dyndns be hiding, or is it time to run 
the fix_url script?


On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 04:14:32PM -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On 4/14/2013 10:13 AM, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> > 
> > I have tried that with partial success, but there is another odd 
> > unmentioned behaviour that I have/had to cope with.
> > 
> > When I click on a 0-9A-Z link I am dumped outside back at the
> > login window. When I log in a second time I am presented with the
> > list of members that I wanted in the first place, subsequent
> > queries work first time. Similarly when I need to moderate a
> > message.
> If I understand correctly, this is what's happening in those cases.
> You have a /etc/hosts or whatever to direct the 'outside' host to the
> 'inside' host. You go to the admin or admindb page via an 'inside'
> URL (probably a bookmark) and log in. Once there, relative links work
> fine. You go to a link with an absolute URL. This points to the
> 'outside' host which as far as your browser is concerned is not the
> host that set the authentication cookie so it is not returned to the
> 'outside' host and you have to log in again. Once you have logged in
> once for each host, you are authenticated for the rest of the browser
> session.
> The answer is if you have /etc/hosts or whatever routing the 'outside'
> host to the 'inside' host, never go to the 'inside' host (fix your
> bookmarks to point to the 'outside' host name).
> > At the moment removing the 'absolute=1' entries does the job 100%.
> If you do notice any issues related to this, please let me know.
> -- 
> Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
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Re: [Mailman-Users] accessing relay mailman server from its own network

2013-04-15 Thread Anne Wainwright
Hi, Mark,

read below.

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 04:14:32PM -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On 4/14/2013 10:13 AM, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> > 
> > I have tried that with partial success, but there is another odd 
> > unmentioned behaviour that I have/had to cope with.
> > 
> > When I click on a 0-9A-Z link I am dumped outside back at the
> > login window. When I log in a second time I am presented with the
> > list of members that I wanted in the first place, subsequent
> > queries work first time. Similarly when I need to moderate a
> > message.
> If I understand correctly, this is what's happening in those cases.
> You have a /etc/hosts or whatever to direct the 'outside' host to the
> 'inside' host. You go to the admin or admindb page via an 'inside'
> URL (probably a bookmark) and log in. Once there, relative links work
> fine. You go to a link with an absolute URL. This points to the
> 'outside' host which as far as your browser is concerned is not the
> host that set the authentication cookie so it is not returned to the
> 'outside' host and you have to log in again. Once you have logged in
> once for each host, you are authenticated for the rest of the browser
> session.
> The answer is if you have /etc/hosts or whatever routing the 'outside'
> host to the 'inside' host, never go to the 'inside' host (fix your
> bookmarks to point to the 'outside' host name).

I had attacked this by a circuitous route, putting the ip address in the
bookmark because I did not have an entry in /etc/hosts. When I got to
putting an entry in /etc/hosts I did not change the bookmark. So ...

Yes, that is totally correct. I am leaving it like that for the moment
to ensure there are no issues, and I can modify my FAQ 4.88 to reflect
this. Whatever else, for any one implementing a relay server it seems the
best way rather than have them editing away at key coding files.

> > At the moment removing the 'absolute=1' entries does the job 100%.
> If you do notice any issues related to this, please let me know.

I will return to this configuration in a short while and will report on
any issues or lack thereof.

thanks for all the time taken

> -- 
> Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
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Re: [Mailman-Users] accessing relay mailman server from its own network

2013-04-14 Thread Anne Wainwright
Hello, Mark.

I have tried that with partial success, but there is another odd
unmentioned behaviour that I have/had to cope with.

When I click on a 0-9A-Z link I am dumped outside back at the login
window. When I log in a second time I am presented with the list of
members that I wanted in the first place, subsequent queries work first
time. Similarly when I need to moderate a message.

I am not sure under what exact conditions this happens, even if it is
consistent across the 3 machines that could be used. So will try and
determine a consistent set of circumstances under which this occurs.

At the moment removing the 'absolute=1' entries does the job 100%.


On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 01:35:34PM -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Mark Sapiro wrote:
> >
> >So I would say in your case, you can probably safely remove them all,
> >but in terms of what I might do for a bug and fix, I may not do the
> >one in handle_no_list().
> I was going to file a bug and 'fix' this, but I have instead asked a
> question on mailman-developers. See
> for that post and what I'm concerned about.
> In the mean time, it occurred to me that possibly you could fix this
> without changing Mailman simply by putting an appropriate entry in
> /etc/hosts on your 'inside the lan' work station.
> -- 
> Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
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Re: [Mailman-Users] accessing relay mailman server from its own network

2013-04-11 Thread Anne Wainwright
Mark, hello,

Actually there were 5 'absolute=1' entries in and changing
them all has resolved the issue of pending moderator request, but the
list archives remains absolute.

Awaiting your official confirmation on which entries to change.


On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 02:25:10PM +0200, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> Hello, Mark,
> This action solved the stated problem but now I note that the same
> situation pertains in "Tend to pending moderator requests" where
> held messages cannot be read or actioned.
> Also "Go to list archives". (we do not have this running). The other two
> links are fine.
> I see three more 'absolute=1' entries in - shall I change all
> three?
> regards
> Anne
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 03:00:50PM -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> > Mark Sapiro wrote:
> > >
> > >What we need to do is figure out why those few URLs on the Membership
> > >List page are absolute. It may be a bug. I'll look at that.
> > 
> > 
> > There are two places in Mailman/Cgi/ where it requests absolute
> > URLs. The relevant code bits are
> > 
> > def membership_options(mlist, subcat, cgidata, doc, form):
> > # Show the main stuff
> > adminurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admin', absolute=1)
> > ...
> > 
> > and
> > 
> > def password_inputs(mlist):
> > adminurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admin', absolute=1)
> > 
> > The first of these affects the 'letter/digit' links on the membership
> > ant the action for the Search, Submit Your Changes and Set buttons,
> > and the second affects (I think) only the link to the general options
> > section on the Passwords page.
> > 
> > I see no reason why these need to be absolute URLs. You could just
> > change the two mlist.GetScriptURL lines to
> > 
> > adminurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admin')
> > 
> > and I think that would fix it. If you wouldn't mind trying this and
> > reporting, I'd appreciate it and if it seems OK, I'll file a bug and
> > change it for 2.1.16.
> > 
> > There may be some http/https issue around this, but offhand, I can't
> > think why.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
> > San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
> > 
> --
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Re: [Mailman-Users] accessing relay mailman server from its ownnetwork

2013-04-11 Thread Anne Wainwright
Hello, Mark,

This action solved the stated problem but now I note that the same
situation pertains in "Tend to pending moderator requests" where
held messages cannot be read or actioned.

Also "Go to list archives". (we do not have this running). The other two
links are fine.

I see three more 'absolute=1' entries in - shall I change all


On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 03:00:50PM -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Mark Sapiro wrote:
> >
> >What we need to do is figure out why those few URLs on the Membership
> >List page are absolute. It may be a bug. I'll look at that.
> There are two places in Mailman/Cgi/ where it requests absolute
> URLs. The relevant code bits are
> def membership_options(mlist, subcat, cgidata, doc, form):
> # Show the main stuff
> adminurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admin', absolute=1)
> ...
> and
> def password_inputs(mlist):
> adminurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admin', absolute=1)
> The first of these affects the 'letter/digit' links on the membership
> ant the action for the Search, Submit Your Changes and Set buttons,
> and the second affects (I think) only the link to the general options
> section on the Passwords page.
> I see no reason why these need to be absolute URLs. You could just
> change the two mlist.GetScriptURL lines to
> adminurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admin')
> and I think that would fix it. If you wouldn't mind trying this and
> reporting, I'd appreciate it and if it seems OK, I'll file a bug and
> change it for 2.1.16.
> There may be some http/https issue around this, but offhand, I can't
> think why.
> -- 
> Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
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[Mailman-Users] accessing relay mailman server from its own network

2013-04-10 Thread Anne Wainwright

My mailing lists run on a relay server installed as per FAQ 4.88

Accessing the web interface across the internet works fine but accessing
while on the host network is not so fine.

Instead of the DSL (dyndns) address I use the server name or IP address
and all goes fine unless I query the mailing list addresses. Then i am
returned to login again and so on ad infinitum. Same if I try to list

I note that when I mouse-over the menu options the browser bottom line
shows the server name (or IP) address that I have used. When I
mouse-over the 0-9A-Z membership listing then the DSL forwarding address

FAQ 4.29 would indicate that I could change the DEFAULT_URL_HOST setting
for existing lists using - in this case perhaps to the IP

I suppose that would foul up admin access from across the internet but
as that is only me we could live with that.

Before fools rush in where angels fear to tread - is this the way to go?
Maybe there is a route to have the best of both worlds (easy access from
the internet and the local network)

many thanks in advance

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Re: [Mailman-Users] what constitutes spam?

2012-05-19 Thread Anne Wainwright

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 09:33:03PM -0500, Brad Knowles wrote:
> On May 18, 2012, at 5:14 PM, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> > For the record the following URL is of interest
> > 
> >
> > 
> > This clearly makes the point that spam is defined by two factors
> > 
> > "A message is Spam only if it is both Unsolicited and Bulk"
> > 
> > and being who they are their definition must carry some weight. In terms
> > of their definition my mailing was not spam. Still, and I think Stephen
> > made the point, there is also the consideration of good business
> > practice to be considered.
> Actually, if you go back to Mark's message where he said:
>   As an additional FYI in this thread, Mailman sends invitations
>   with a "Precedence: bulk" header. This can only be changed by
>   modifying code.
Thanks for clarifying that, Brad, I wasn't sure what the import of
Mark's messsage was.

Why would this not be set to 'list' rather than 'bulk'?

Just interested


> Then you will note that the message you sent does actually qualify on both 
> counts -- it was most definitely unsolicited (by your own account), and 
> unless you modified the source code then Mailman definitely marked those 
> invitations as "bulk".
> Even if Mailman hadn't marked the messages as bulk per se, if you sent out 
> invitations to more than one person, then that could also be classified as 
> essentially being "bulk".
> There are features in Mailman that can be misused and abused in a wide 
> variety of ways, and it is the responsibility of the Site Administrator(s) 
> and the List Administrator(s) to make sure that they operate the software in 
> an appropriate manner.
> For example, if you were using Mailman internally to your company and could 
> guarantee that no one could ever get on any list unless they were an 
> employee, then by the terms of the employment contract you might be able to 
> do things that might otherwise be considered of a "spammy nature", like 
> requiring that all employees be subscribed to certain lists that they can't 
> unsubscribe from, sending out invitations to join mailing lists that they did 
> not request, etc….
> We have to allow for these kinds of things because not everyone uses Mailman 
> in the same way for the same user community.  And some types of actions are 
> appropriate for certain user communities but not for others.  We can't just 
> disable or remove features simply because they are not appropriate for a 
> particular user community.
> In essence, you're asking us to protect you against yourself, and there is a 
> limit to how much of that we can do.  At least, there is a limit to how much 
> we can do if we want to keep the software usable for other people.
> --
> Brad Knowles 
> LinkedIn Profile: <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] what constitutes spam?

2012-05-18 Thread Anne Wainwright

For the record the following URL is of interest

This clearly makes the point that spam is defined by two factors

"A message is Spam only if it is both Unsolicited and Bulk"

and being who they are their definition must carry some weight. In terms
of their definition my mailing was not spam. Still, and I think Stephen
made the point, there is also the consideration of good business
practice to be considered.

over & out for tonight.


On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 09:39:44AM +0200, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently sent an invite to an unknown third party. The invite came
> from my mailman list, we gave full particulars of who and where we are.
> We specifically advise that they are not at this stage subscribed to
> anything and will have to follow the detailed instructions (ie confirm)
> if they want to join the list. The third party is in the same trade as
> us, and deals with the same specialities, a third party customer had
> given me their address in good faith.
> This week my ISP contacts me with an upstream request from the national
> backbone provider to in effect desist from sending spam.
> Looking at the email returned, it was to an @yahoo address,  spamcop
> seems to have detected spam on the basis of it being a mailman message,
> I am not certain that it was not initiated by the recipient but the
> official complaint originated from yahoo it seems (who should surely
> know better).
> Subject: [] Yahoo Abuse Report - FW:confirm
> 3a35c56b531368da533112d96a9cb24c17cf6961
> As I said in my reply, this is hardly spam, I did not send it out to
> half a million addresses purchased on a cd. This makes a mockery of
> genuine spam prevention efforts when one email from a genuine address
> can be allowed to cause this. It 
> I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill, but what can I do
> about this. Is this a common occurence? Are invites from mailman now
> considered fair game for spam detection software and humans alike?
> bestest
> Anne
> --
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Re: [Mailman-Users] what constitutes spam?

2012-05-18 Thread Anne Wainwright

Have been offline for a goodly while hence tardy response to the thread
that I started. comments lower down, but thanks to Brad, Richard, Mark,
& Stephen for their input.

On Fri, May 04, 2012 at 12:33:24AM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Anne Wainwright
>  wrote:
> > I recently sent an invite to an unknown third party.
> Normally I agree with Brad Knowles on this kind of thing, but this
> time I can't go 100%.
> People regularly do make contacts with third parties that they have
> not previously met, with the intent of arranging mutually beneficial
> activities.  Heck, if you think about it, that's what you're doing
> every time you make a first post to a mailing list.  There is nothing
> wrong with that in general, and there is nothing (morally) wrong with
> that when done by email, to recipients carefully selected for high
> probability of getting some interest.  (From this point of view,
> "double opt in" is just a useful, fail-safe litmus test for recipient
> interest, not the moral imperative some seem to think it is.)
> Obviously you think your mailing has passed that test.
> That said, it's bad business IMO (except in cases like a double opt-in
> mailing list where every person has explicitly indicated interest in
> receiving list posts).  What *you* think isn't what really matters.
> When done by mutual acquaintance, by phone, or even by form letter,
> there are significant costs to making such contacts, especially when
> you do the phoning yourself.  You must really value the recipient to
> go to such expense, even if small.
> There are no such costs to email, which means that using email as a
> medium puts you in company with some real scum, who send out
> unsolicited email indiscriminately, sometimes laden with malware or
> phishing URLs.  It's unfair, I suppose, but I'm not surprised if you
> get classed with the scum on the basis of the only information the
> recipient has about you as a businessperson: an email that they didn't
> ask for.
> There's another problem.  The ISPs are a pretty quick-on-the-trigger
> bunch, too, as a couple of posters have noted.  But if you're not
> running a double opt-in list, you're not going to be able to get them
> to change your minds about your list.  Everything I know about them,
> they'd rather lose half their clients' mail than get a complaint about
> spam.  And their customers are not well-informed enough to doubt the
> ISPs when they blame somebody else for any problems with mail.  Except
> spam -- it's obvious to the customer that the spam is bogus, why is it
> so hard for the ISP?  You see their incentive, I suppose, and it works
> against legitimate businesses unless they follow the ISPs' rules.
> I conclude that for an honest business, anything is a better way than
> email to make first contact with a third party who doesn't know you.
I have sinned and stand repentant. I hate spam as much as anyone and we
get plenty to deal with. Somehow the Viagra and get rich emails didn't
seem to stand on the same level as a once-off invite. But as pointed out
clearly an unasked for email from an unknown party is just that.

In the light of the spam that we receive, which varies from worldwide
mass mailings (viagra supplies from pharmacies in the USA, say) to lesser
attempts (local suppliers of this & that product or service) there
is no fuzzy line where the definition of spam rests, and much against my
normal judgement where I see things in shades of grey, I am forced to make
this a black and white decision on the basis of the definitions of spam
made in the replies.

So will make sure that this doesn't occur again and will make clear the
distinction to other staff handling these issues.

As an aside, I have to ask whether the 'invite' feature in Mailman has a
function. If one has to have been in existing contact such that you can
ask them if they would not object to an invite then one is in fact at
the point where you can ask them point blank if you can subscribe them. 

Typically someone may query whether we have a specific book title, or
whether one listed on an online catalogue is still available. The usual
drill if this is unavailable is to say so and then recommend that they
join our mailing list for which we will send details (an 'invite') on
the basis that it may show up on a future catalogue. I do not see this
as sending spam. Maybe you differ?

I guess this may be considered a bit off-topic, comments welcome
direct if you feel this is so.


> Regards,
> Steve
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
> http://mail.

[Mailman-Users] what constitutes spam?

2012-04-26 Thread Anne Wainwright

I recently sent an invite to an unknown third party. The invite came
from my mailman list, we gave full particulars of who and where we are.
We specifically advise that they are not at this stage subscribed to
anything and will have to follow the detailed instructions (ie confirm)
if they want to join the list. The third party is in the same trade as
us, and deals with the same specialities, a third party customer had
given me their address in good faith.

This week my ISP contacts me with an upstream request from the national
backbone provider to in effect desist from sending spam.

Looking at the email returned, it was to an @yahoo address,  spamcop
seems to have detected spam on the basis of it being a mailman message,
I am not certain that it was not initiated by the recipient but the
official complaint originated from yahoo it seems (who should surely
know better).

Subject: [] Yahoo Abuse Report - FW:confirm

As I said in my reply, this is hardly spam, I did not send it out to
half a million addresses purchased on a cd. This makes a mockery of
genuine spam prevention efforts when one email from a genuine address
can be allowed to cause this. It 

I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill, but what can I do
about this. Is this a common occurence? Are invites from mailman now
considered fair game for spam detection software and humans alike?

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[Mailman-Users] access to list url from own network

2012-04-01 Thread Anne Wainwright

I am running mailman as a relay, it is installed on the office server.

Access from outside the office (home) is fine.

Access from the office network is problematic. It cannot be accessed
using the dyndns address that I have. So I substitute the IP address of
the server and can do most things like adding people to the membership

But, when I search for an address then we get problems, it jumps out of
using the IP address and back to the dyndns address, and we get no hits
from our search, in fact no page.

I guess this is not a mailman issue directly, but any hint as to a
solution would be appreciated. Maybe an apache issue on which subject I
am totally ignorant. Note, apache serves up to the /cgi-bin address
which may or may not be of interest here.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Issue with ISP limiting email

2012-02-13 Thread Anne Wainwright
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 07:16:31AM -0800, scott ewing wrote:
> My ISP limits email sent from our server to 250 / hr. We have 258 subscribers 
> to 
> our list.
> They have recently upgraded the limit to 300 / hr. This means we can send out 
> 1 
> email / hr
Is this a one-way list? No? Does your daily email input exceed 27.91? In
which case you have a problem. I would comment that 300/h is low, mine
allows 2000/h

There is a patch available to mailman that
will allow you to throttle the mailman output. See the url

This at least will automate the despatch process for you.

You must be running Mailman as a relay, same as myself, and  I find that
this patch does the job with no fuss although a fix in postfix may be
preferred if that is what you are using.


> Does mailman offer any functionality to help with this problem? For example, 
> we 
> could approve the messages as they come in and mailman could send them out as 
> allowed?
> As of now, we have to "remember" when the last email was approved for 
> distribution. Kinda cumbersome all around.
> Sincerely,
> Scott Ewing
> --
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Pegasus Mail does not show message except as an attachment

2011-11-17 Thread Anne Wainwright
Hello, Dennis,

On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 16:07:59 -0800 (PST)
Dennis Carr  wrote:

> On Wed, 16 Nov 2011, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > This occurs on one list that I administer. In fuller detail we have two
> > issues.
> >
> > Members want to send .doc file attachments, (and html emails too) and
> > of course have them arrive. If I have content filtering on & which
> > allows .doc file attachments then members using Pegasus Mail complain
> > that the message does not show up on page 1 as it were and has to be
> > found among the tree of attachments. Under different content filtering
> > Pegasus Mail users can be satisfied to see the message on page 1 as
> > it were, but the .doc attachments are no longer there for any one to
> > see.
> >
> Just one question, does the message consist entirely of the aforementioned 
> content?
The message is separate from the .doc file and is explanatory in nature
relating to, say, a complex legal .doc file with annotations.

As you will see from my reply to Mark I am hopeful that removing header
and footer text has resolved the issue. The header was shown as the
message and the message as an attachment. So fingers crossed.

> Also, note that I've seen Sylpheed basically choke on a message if the 
> message was HTML only with no straight text as well - normally this happens 
> in attachment view.  I haven't used Pmail in years, so I don't remember if 
> the layout is anything similar.
I also have Claws lockups but never found out why. Most unladylike as
even the Force Quit button is rendered nonop. PMail is way ahead of
Sylpheed or its more popular cousin Claws in terms of features. With a
floating window structure I would not say it resembled either. It is my
own favourite on Win for handling heavy mail loads, but then I am only
just looking at mutt and never have seen alpine! More like Mark's
Popcorn from a look at his screenshot.

> -Dennis
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Pegasus Mail does not show message except as anattachment

2011-11-17 Thread Anne Wainwright
Hello, Mark,

On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 15:15:04 -0800
Mark Sapiro  wrote:

> Anne Wainwright wrote:
> >
> >This occurs on one list that I administer. In fuller detail we have two
> >issues.
> >
> >Members want to send .doc file attachments, (and html emails too) and
> >of course have them arrive. If I have content filtering on & which
> >allows .doc file attachments then members using Pegasus Mail complain
> >that the message does not show up on page 1 as it were and has to be
> >found among the tree of attachments. Under different content filtering
> >Pegasus Mail users can be satisfied to see the message on page 1 as
> >it were, but the .doc attachments are no longer there for any one to
> >see.
> Is there a msg_header defined for the list. If so, it will be added as
> the first text/plain message part which some MUAs will call the body.
> It may look empty but contain white space. If you want the message
> header, see the FAQ at <>.
Yes, there was, and I removed both headers and footers since the
membership on this list is static and the info given is really
cosmetic only. Based upon limited postings today this has had beneficial
results for those that I spoke to.

I read the faq which is clear but which I would not have picked up on
from the title as a guide to any solution.


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[Mailman-Users] Pegasus Mail does not show message except as an attachment

2011-11-16 Thread Anne Wainwright

This occurs on one list that I administer. In fuller detail we have two

Members want to send .doc file attachments, (and html emails too) and
of course have them arrive. If I have content filtering on & which
allows .doc file attachments then members using Pegasus Mail complain
that the message does not show up on page 1 as it were and has to be
found among the tree of attachments. Under different content filtering
Pegasus Mail users can be satisfied to see the message on page 1 as
it were, but the .doc attachments are no longer there for any one to

I can see the messages plain and clear in Claws email and the .doc
files are of course shown as attachments. I conclude that Pegasus is
somehow at fault in its display of the message as an attachment instead
of as the body of the message (my terminology may be lacking here).

I have searched but can find no answer, do other users find display
issues of mailman content filtered posts with Pegasus Mail?

If I have content filtering off, Pegasus Mail users suffer the same
display issue.

The list has run for years with no complaints. Recently the issue of
sending .doc files has just been raised and it is the provision of pass
rules that seem to put Pegasus users in a whirl.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] bounces not getting through for processing

2011-11-15 Thread Anne Wainwright
Hello, Mark,

On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 15:15:29 -0700
Mark Sapiro  wrote:

> Anne Wainwright wrote:
> >
> >I queried this with my isp provider who queried it with IS (Internet
> >Solutions, smtp server & backbone provider) who said that ',' should
> >work. That has me worried, did they misunderstand my query?
> I'm sure they misunderstood. ',' is a delimiter between email
> addresses, not a delimiter between a local part and a local part
> suffix in a single address.
Right, it straightway plonks back a message about the address missing a
> >I'll have to
> >adjust the regex given in the FAQ. Should I try this or is this so
> >unusual as to be unlikely?
> >I do have all 10 addresses now, just to be sure.
> OK. First make sure that the fables-list Bounce processing ->
> bounce_unrecognized_goes_to_list_owner setting is Yes.
> Then send test messages via the relay server to
> ,
>  and
> . These messages can be very
> simple, say both subject and body containing just 'test' or something
> similar.
> The message to  should definitely
> result in an unrecognized bounce notice to the list owner. One or both
> of the others may result in a rejection by the relay, but at least one
> may get relayed to the Mailman server and result in an unrecognized
> bounce notice to the list owner.
> If none get through, there is still a problem with the relay. If only
> the  message gets through, you can't
> use VERP. If one of the others gets through, you can use VERP with the
> corresponding delimiter.
We can't use VERP as neither got through

-bounces messages were being passed to /var/mail/sendmail and stacking
up there. They indicated that there was no such address. I never did
see the exact fault but it was likely something with the aliases as
after checking, tidying, etc, all of a sudden we were up and running
with bounce processing operational. All other addresses could be seen
to be going, particularly noticeable being the -request address, but
-bounces was not processed.

Thank you for the help


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Re: [Mailman-Users] bounces not getting through for processing

2011-10-31 Thread Anne Wainwright
Hello, Mark,

Thank you for detailed reply.

I queried this with my isp provider who queried it with IS (Internet
Solutions, smtp server & backbone provider) who said that ',' should
work. That has me worried, did they misunderstand my query? I'll have to
adjust the regex given in the FAQ. Should I try this or is this so
unusual as to be unlikely?

I do have all 10 addresses now, just to be sure.

I'll do a complete FAQ on this saga when I'm done!


On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 14:49:54 -0700
Mark Sapiro  wrote:

> Anne Wainwright wrote:
> >
> >Sorry if this is a bit vague.
> And my guesses at what's going on may be a bit vague too.
> >I give an excerpt from a log file today. One of many with slightly
> >different wordings depending on which server was responding. Some
> >reporting me as 'exceeding the limit for bounced messages'.
> I don't know about 'exceeding the limit for bounced messages', but see
> below.
> >Oct 30 16:02:39 jason postfix/smtp[11547]: B6883E81A7:
> >to=,
> >[]:25, conn_use=5, delay=45,
> >delays=0.02/0/0.24/45, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host
> >[] said: 550 Sorry, I don't accept bounce
> >messages with a invalid recipient. (in reply to RCPT TO command))
> The recipient here is
> which
> thinks is an invalid address. Apparently
> is one of the names of one of the IPs of
> which is the MX for the domain.
> >(some of the bounce addresses _were_ valid, I checked one, got an
> >answer back from the addressee, but that could be a different issue)
> The address that thinks is invalid is
>, not
> The most likely reason for this is that Postfix's on
> (if the MTA on is Postfix) is lacking
> recipient_delimiter = +
> This is required for VERP to work with the default delimiter (+). It
> tell Postfix that the recipient
> is actually
> fables-list-bounces. Without this, Postfix attempts to deliver to the
> full VERPed recipient which is
> invalid.
> >Verp is on as you can see. But on a run last week without verp we were
> >left in the same situation as described here.
> Then there's more to it than what I'm saying. Does (and
> the other relays) know how to deliver or relay to all 10 of the
> fables-list addresses including fables-list-bounces,
> fables-list-confirm, fables-list-request, fables-list-owner,
> fables-list-join, fables-list-leave, fables-list-subscribe and
> fables-list-unsubscribe?
> >There were a lot similar to this. I note that get_bounce_info shows no
> >bounce information when I ran it after the run.
> Because none of the bounce DSNs ever got delivered to Mailman.
> [...]
> >Further, since I am running this through a relay, the relevant email
> >account fables-list-bounces@ shows no activity whatsoever today. No
> >bounce mail passed through there.
> I'm not sure what you're saying, but I would expect something in the
> MTA log of at Oct 30 16:02:39 because there was at
> least a connect, a MAIL FROM and a RCPT TO from jason.
> OTOH, if all you are saying is that no mail was relayed to
> fables-list-bounces@, that's because it was all rejected at the relay.
> >Not a doubt that I should have had a lot of bounces on this list which
> >has been dormant for months, and the log file did show plenty.
> >
> >Any idea where I might find the holdup? I suspect either the postfix
> >configuration or something to do with the smtp relay isp. I don't think
> >the bounces get back to the isp email account, are then not downloaded,
> >are then not processed. ???
> Right. They get rejected as undeliverable by, either
> because it doesn't know how to relay for
> or it doesn't recognize that should
> be relayed the same as
> If it's the latter, and you don't control the MTA there and can't teach
> it that '+' is a valid separator between a local part and a suffix, it
> might recognize '-' in this role in which case see the FAQ at
> <>.
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[Mailman-Users] bounces not getting through for processing

2011-10-30 Thread Anne Wainwright

Sorry if this is a bit vague.

I give an excerpt from a log file today. One of many with slightly
different wordings depending on which server was responding. Some
reporting me as 'exceeding the limit for bounced messages'.

Oct 30 16:02:39 jason postfix/smtp[11547]: B6883E81A7:
to=,[]:25, conn_use=5, delay=45,
delays=0.02/0/0.24/45, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 Sorry, I don't accept bounce
messages with a invalid recipient. (in reply to RCPT TO command))

(some of the bounce addresses _were_ valid, I checked one, got an
answer back from the addressee, but that could be a different issue)

Verp is on as you can see. But on a run last week without verp we were
left in the same situation as described here.

There were a lot similar to this. I note that get_bounce_info shows no
bounce information when I ran it after the run.

anne@jason:~ ssh$ sudo /usr/lib/mailman/bin/withlist -r get_bounce_info
Importing get_bounce_info...
Running get_bounce_info.get_bounce_info()...
Loading list fables-list (unlocked)
Bounce info for fables-list list

ditto bounce results for a small test list as well which has
deliberate dud addresses on.

Further, since I am running this through a relay, the relevant email
account fables-list-bounces@ shows no activity whatsoever today. No
bounce mail passed through there.

Not a doubt that I should have had a lot of bounces on this list which
has been dormant for months, and the log file did show plenty.

Any idea where I might find the holdup? I suspect either the postfix
configuration or something to do with the smtp relay isp. I don't think
the bounces get back to the isp email account, are then not downloaded,
are then not processed. ???


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Re: [Mailman-Users] throttling mailman for a relay smtp server

2011-10-24 Thread Anne Wainwright
Hello, Mark,

in essence this has worked well and I did not exceeded the limits given
for the smtp connection.

I retained use of Postfix relaying to the isp's smtp server purely
because it is going as is. No idea of whether setting 
SMTPHOST = would be what I should do to any advantage
but since it wasn't broken I didn't fix it.

Now the question of the initial settings for the throttle patch:

THROTTLE_LIMIT = 20 (since upped nearer to stated limit for 60s)

so tailing the log I see them leaving in batches of 20. ie 20 messages
in 60 seconds, no problem

Our most common local domain is and when I see one of
those picked up in the batch of 20 the following messages in that batch
were all to that domain.

The setting for

Am I right that this would be the max number of messages
that could be grouped together to that domain? (I don't know how this
works but imagine that you can send one message bagged with multiple
addresses to one domain)

Therefore as I understand this, no point in having SMTP_MAX_RCPTS >
THROTTLE_LIMIT as in the example given the result would be unchanged
from setting SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 20

Is my understanding correct?


On Sun, 16 Oct 2011 09:20:21 -0700
Mark Sapiro  wrote:

> On 10/16/2011 6:09 AM, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> > 2. I see a patch for SMTPDirect that looks like it might be good and
> > perhaps an easier route
> It should work.
> > 3. Then I see Mailman FAQ 4.72 "How do I configure Mailman to use an
> > external SMTP server?"
> > 
> > 4. confusion because this says "In add or modify:
> > SMTPHOST = '' "
> > 
> > and they are not in my and anyway we are running with postfix
> SMTPDirect is the default. See
> The default for SMTPHOST is 'localhost', i.e. your Postfix. If you
> override this in, you are saying connect to port 25 of
> whatever host you specify to send the mail rather than your own Postfix.
> > ??? does SMTPDirect replace having postfix do the smtp-ing?
> No. SMTPDirect is the Mailman module that delivers to your Postfix (or
> to SMTPHOST) via SMTP. There is no viable alternative - the 'Sendmail'
> module is NOT recommended.
> > ??? the patch patches SMTPDirect so it won't do anything if I do not
> > explicitly declare it in
> Wrong. SMTPDirect is the default handler.
> > ??? what will happen then?
> > ??? should I just patch it anyway and it will go for me?
> Probably.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Digests and HTML-enhanced email

2011-10-22 Thread Anne Wainwright
Dear Lindsay,

perhaps I can make an input to this thread since I was about to
post something similar. If my comments are incorrect, please advise
since I have no desire to mislead any one.

We, too, have a load of old dinosaurs on one list who always manage to
post to wrong addresses and whose posts are of often rejected.
Getting the plain-text gospel across is hard.

Outside of digests, of which I know nothing, I see two approaches.
One aimed at getting plain text conformity from member input and the
other at getting plain text readability from Mailman output.

The first is reflected in the users FAQ 3.10 "How to enforce a
text-plain policy". The answer being "with difficulty" because this
option probably (as I read it) ensures that any message with
non-plain-text content is completely, utterly, and totally, rejected,
even if plain-text is present, rejecting all non-conformist messages and
requiring you to drill your recipients into plain-text submission.

The second is Content Filtering. I understand that this is to remove
objectionable content types, and steamroller the rest into conformity as
plain-text. It appears not to be 'on' by default.

With a number of lists running I had played about with these items, but
we have a residual core of trouble. I have just (read last night)
reverted to switching Content Filtering 'on' with the default settings
and will monitor results closely. The lists are now set identically
in this regard. Text-plain enforcement policies are not in place at


On Fri, 21 Oct 2011 23:21:09 -0500
Lindsay Haisley  wrote:

> I host a list for about 700 autoharp musical enthusiasts on Mailman
> 2.1.12.  The subscribers are by and large somewhat elderly and non
> techie, and to most of them an explanation of the difference between
> HTML-enhanced email and plain text email would be unintelligible
> geek-speak.  I recently received the following email from one of the
> subscribers:
> > "Scrubbed" messages as they appear in my cyberpluckers DIGESTS:
> > This type of problem is perhaps a bit over 6 months old, and evidently
> > is caused by the manner in which some people have tried to attach
> > their message to their cyberplucker posting.
> > 
> > How can this problem be resolved?THANKS ... Drew Smith
> > ***
> > 
> > Message: 25
> > Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2011 08:42:29 -0700
> > From: "foo bar" <...>
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [CP] Intro
> > Message-ID: 
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> > 
> > An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> > URL:
> >
> >
> > ...  ... other examples
> I took a look at the list archive and indeed the email appears in the
> archives also with only a link to the attachment, which is the
> HTML-enhanced message, visible as HTML code.  There's no plain text
> version in the archive.
> I explained to the subscriber, and to the list admins, that this (and
> similar) posts were probably HTML-only posts, and that, absent a plain
> text rendering in a multipart email, the list server had no way to
> generate a plain text version, and that including multiple HTML-enhanced
> emails in a digest was problematic and not going to work very well, if
> at all.  The list admins are aware that plain text is the appropriate
> format for posting to a mailing list, but subscribers come and go from
> this list, and as I said, many don't understand such things, and it
> seems that there are a number of mail programs out there which will
> generate an HTML-enhanced email without an accompanying MIME text/plain
> version.
> The list is configured with mime_is_default_digest set to MIME, which I
> assume sends digests with each post as a separate attachment (I've never
> subscribed to the digest for this list, so I don't really know).  I had
> assumed that this might address this problem, but apparently not.
> One of two things needs to happen.  Either the list server should refuse
> and bounce posts with no MIME text/plain part, or some more intelligent
> configuration of Mailman needs to be available so that posts within a
> digest will render properly under these circumstances.  Maybe a more
> recent version of Mailman can do this, I don't know.  Any suggestions
> would be appreciated.
> I rather dislike HTML-enhanced email (to put it gently).  There's no
> fixed standard for it, and what renders one way in one mail reader
> renders some other way in another mail reader, and it confuses the hell
> out of list servers.  But people will use it, increasingly it seems, and
> insist on doing so, so somehow this kind of problem needs to be dealt
> with.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] FAQ 4.12 "What about Verp" as applicable to sending to a relay host

2011-10-21 Thread Anne Wainwright
Hello, Ralf, & Mark,.

We running now, thanks for the help.

I will send out on my large list over the w/e (splitting the membership
just in case) and will report how the throttle patch performed. But on
a small list we are up, up, & away.

I'll look at verp next, don't want to have to tweak anything else so if
it's a standalone item to tick on/off as it were, then I'll do that.

Lots of nice questions on your list, with nicer answers. no rtfm all
the time.


On Sun, 16 Oct 2011 22:22:54 +0200
Ralf Hildebrandt  wrote:

> * Anne Wainwright :
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Not that I am going to switch on Verp, but ...
> > 
> > I read this, and interesting sums there too. I note that
> > still carries SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 500 despite good conclusions in the FAQ
> > based upon a statistical analysis of a large mailing list user base that
> > the sweet spot is likely between 2 and 5.
> Well, it doesn't hurt. Let the MTA do the sorting and splitting.
> > In my case where I am relaying to the isp's smtp server I indeed do
> > have all my posts to one domain and so I presume that a larger value
> > could be appropriate?
> Yes.
> > Given that they limit me to 100 recipients per smtp session it would
> > seem that I should adjust this downwards to <100 (in to avoid
> > breaking this rule.
> Yep.
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[Mailman-Users] FAQ 4.12 "What about Verp" as applicable to sending to a relay host

2011-10-16 Thread Anne Wainwright

Not that I am going to switch on Verp, but ...

I read this, and interesting sums there too. I note that
still carries SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 500 despite good conclusions in the FAQ
based upon a statistical analysis of a large mailing list user base that
the sweet spot is likely between 2 and 5.

In my case where I am relaying to the isp's smtp server I indeed do
have all my posts to one domain and so I presume that a larger value
could be appropriate?

Given that they limit me to 100 recipients per smtp session it would
seem that I should adjust this downwards to <100 (in to avoid
breaking this rule.

Please tell me that I'm heading in the right direction here.

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[Mailman-Users] throttling mailman for a relay smtp server

2011-10-16 Thread Anne Wainwright

My isp decided to close his Mailman server,  so you know the bit about
fools and angels... 

Following the link below I got my list up and running only to find
Mailman can send so many posts in so short a time that I overloaded my
isp's smtp server with dire results :(
(I found you have to add forwarding addresses and aliases for
list-bounces which this article ignores)

So Mailman 2.1.12 on ubuntu with fetchmail, postfix, smtp relay via isp

OK, i have more names than a family list, so  investigating ideas for
throttling I am left confused.

1. I read Mailman FAQ 4.51 "How do I limit the rate (throttle) at
which Mailman sends mail?"

2. I see the policyd link but this look a little complex (and scary) for
my needs (<2000 members, outgoing posts only, one per month tops, maybe
switch on postfix/fetchmail/mailman only when needed)

2. I see a patch for SMTPDirect that looks like it might be good and
perhaps an easier route

3. Then I see Mailman FAQ 4.72 "How do I configure Mailman to use an
external SMTP server?"

4. confusion because this says "In add or modify:

and they are not in my and anyway we are running with postfix

??? does SMTPDirect replace having postfix do the smtp-ing?
??? the patch patches SMTPDirect so it won't do anything if I do not
explicitly declare it in
??? what will happen then?
??? should I just patch it anyway and it will go for me?

Someone please illuminate me a bit here on the true path ahead.

thanks for any and all comments


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