Re: [Mailman-Users] About SMTPDirect

2003-03-17 Thread Elena Fraboschi
Thank you.  As I said, the MTA is listening lo 
localhost.  It is relaying perfectly fine a mailing list using
listserv, without a hitch.  Thanks for answering, though.  Best,

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[Mailman-Users] About SMTPDirect

2003-03-15 Thread Elena Fraboschi
After having experimented with zillions of possibilities,
I went to google with this query

SMTPDirect does not work

and, much to my surprise, found three pages of messages
on that subject.  From, I copy these lines...

# We have to play tricks so that the list object
# isn't locked while delivery occurs synchronously.
# MTA not responding, or other socket problems, or any other kind of
# SMTPException.  In that case, nothing got delivered

Well, I simply state this for the benefit of mailman developers who
might be here.  The tricks played do not suffice, in some cases.

My MTA is well set.  Postfix is delivering listserv out of the
box.  No problem there.

I have checked the python library (2.2 version), and I see that
I have all that SMTPDirect is calling for.

Still, after checking everything that I was told to check (perms,
etcetera), SMTPDirect does not work.  It does exactly what
one of the commented-out lines says:  MTA not responding,
or other socket problems, or anyj other kind of SMTPException.
All gets queued, nothing gets delivered.

I believe the problem (and the fix) is far from transparent.
I'll await eagerly the release of a future version of mailman
where this problem (three pages of msgs in google about it...)
might have been fixed.  Many thanks, best, elena

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Re: [Mailman-Users] README.POSTFIX

2003-03-13 Thread Elena Fraboschi
I too decided to dump sendmail, and installed and now have
Postfix running just fine.  However, I am having problems
getting mailman to marry Postfix.

First of all, when I run 


I get

I never get

This does not *seem* to be a problem, however, since postfix
finds mailman, the messages get delivered to the digest.mbox
of the appropriate list (mailman list, in this case), etcetera.

The main problem is that I am back to square one.  The Outgoing
runner never picks up the message; it never spews it back to the
list.  It simply gets queued and added to the digest.mbox.

By the way, Postfix is working just great with listserv, so I
know that Postfix is fine, but Iwould much rather have mailman 
than listserv.

Yes, I have entered MTA = 'Postfix' in the file.
I just don't get it to deliver... :-(  

Any help will be much appreciated.  Best, elena

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[Mailman-Users] Problem solved: it was the MTA

2003-03-12 Thread Elena Fraboschi
Well, I reasoned that mailman was working just fine, save for
the fact that it was not delivering any messages.  I went to

and there I learned that the makers of mailman, in an over-protective
move, commented out Sendmail as the Delivery_Module, and put
SMTPDirect instead.  All that is fine, except that there should
be a warning about this somewhere in the INSTALL docs.

I do know about the security problems with Sendmail, and I am
applying myself to patching my installation this afternoon.

But, from the point of view of mailman, once the correct
Delivery_Module was specified in, it works fast
as a whistle.

I am glad: the work paid off.  I am mad:  I hate it when something
as basic as 'Sendmail' is commented out because You shouldn't be
running sendmail in the first place.  Fine, but tell me about it
in the README file.  I say it here in case another newbie writes
in the future with the same difficulty.

Many thanks to all who bothered with my problem.  Best, elena

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem solved: it was the MTA

2003-03-12 Thread Elena Fraboschi
ugh, you must be a developer... :-)  (just in case, here comes
another one ;-))

My problem was that mailman received all fine, queued all fine,
and never delivered a thing.  Obviously my sendmail was running.
When I changed DELIVERY_MODULE from SMTPDirect to Sendmail,
it worked just fine.

Now, I do not understand this:

First you wrote:

That's a pretty strong warning against using this in production.

And then you wrote:

There is nothing wrong with using sendmail as your MTA with mailman.  Lots
of people do this (despite sendmail's horrid .cf file, IMO ;).

So, my problem (one of my many problems :-)) is that, I suppose, I
do not know what the hell is SMTPDirect, except that it is not something
standard in Solaris 8, because I have the full distribution.

Now, might mailman work if I just put SMTP instead of SMTPDirect?
Any comments?

As for all the warnings you cited, right, I read them.  I read them
*after* I discovered what the problem was, which took me 24 hours...
My only point is that I would not see anything wrong if the README
file, the one we read when we install the thing, had said:

By the way, take a look at  It may well be that your
sistem does not use SMTPDirect bla bla bla.

Best, elena

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem solved: it was the MTA

2003-03-12 Thread Elena Fraboschi
So, I got this:

#telnet localhost 25
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Sendmail bla bla bla versions

Well, let me play with the fun parts :-)  Best, elena

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem solved: it was the MTA

2003-03-12 Thread Elena Fraboschi
Thank you, Todd, for acting so irate ;-) about my bypassing
the warnings and setting up sendmail in the raw as opposed
to going to it via SMTPDirect.

I guess I have demonstrated to be truly a newbie but...

there is hope for me.  I decided to look into the
file, and it turns out that somehow the rest of sendmail
(including listserv) was working fine, but mailman was pickier,
and wanted the canonical domain of the host given there, in 
full.  The canonical name was not there; instead, only the
short name was given (it said mafalda instead of  I edited


and now I can go back to having SMTPDirect.  Nifty.  Many thanks,
best, elena

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem solved: it was the MTA

2003-03-12 Thread Elena Fraboschi
No, it was not a typo, just an ellipsis :-)

I am very careful when it comes to changing things.  I read
that changes are not to go into Defaults, and I made the
changes in   I just omitted the gory details :-)
(that what I put in in the end becomes Defaults).  
But you are right, I should have been more precise.  Best, elena

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Re: [Mailman-Users] From a newbie

2003-03-11 Thread Elena Fraboschi
Thanks, Jon.  Here I answer your questions.

Yes, mailmanctl is running---I checked it.

Mar 10 19:22:50 2003 (9611) BounceRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:50 2003 (9610) ArchRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:51 2003 (9613) IncomingRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:51 2003 (9612) CommandRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:52 2003 (9614) NewsRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:52 2003 (9615) OutgoingRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:52 2003 (9616) VirginRunner qrunner started.

Yes, I am subscribed to the list---here is from the subscribe log:

Mar 10 19:03:43 2003 (9552) argentina-feca: new [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Mar 10 19:03:43 2003 (9552) argentina-feca: new [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The Web-admin pages show up just fine.  They show that I am subscribed.
They also show that my preference is to receive copy of my own
postings, so if I am sending mail to the list, mailman should
spit out a copy back to me.  Finally, when I go to the Moderation
page, that page shows that there is no pending business.

# ./version
Using Mailman version: 2.1.1

I am also using the latest stable python for Solaris (downloaded it
and installed it just for mailman).

I'll keep looking.  I'll recheck perms...  Maybe the directories and
subdirectories are not rightly set.  They are:

# ls -l
total 38
drwxrwsr-x  11 elenamailman 1536 Mar 10 18:52 Mailman
drwxrwsr-x   4 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 18:50 archives
drwxrwsr-x   2 elenamailman 1024 Mar 10 19:00 bin
drwxrwsr-x   2 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 18:50 cgi-bin
drwxrwsr-x   2 elenamailman  512 Mar 11 03:27 cron
drwxrwsr-x   2 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 19:22 data
drwxrwsr-x   2 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 18:50 icons
drwxrwsr-x   4 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 19:02 lists
drwxrwsr-x   2 elenamailman  512 Mar 11 09:06 locks
drwxrwsr-x   2 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 19:01 logs
drwxrwsr-x   2 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 18:50 mail
drwxrwsr-x  18 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 18:52 messages
drwxrwsr-x   6 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 18:50 pythonlib
drwxrwsr-x  10 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 18:56 qfiles
drwxrwsr-x   2 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 19:04 scripts
drwxrwsr-x   2 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 18:50 spam
drwxrwsr-x  21 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 18:52 templates
drwxrwsr-x   4 elenamailman  512 Mar 10 18:52 tests

I ran bin/check_perms, and it said No problems found.
Best, and thanks,
elena (no threats, you see... :-))

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Outgoing runner not running?

2003-03-11 Thread Elena Fraboschi
OK, here is the situation now.  

I re-started the qrunner (mailmanctl restart), and I note
that the OutgoingRunner qrunner is not listed.  Is that
a symptom of something?

Mar 11 12:59:05 2003 (10832) BounceRunner qrunner started.
Mar 11 12:59:05 2003 (10833) VirginRunner qrunner started.
Mar 11 12:59:06 2003 (10834) CommandRunner qrunner started.
Mar 11 12:59:06 2003 (10837) IncomingRunner qrunner started.
Mar 11 12:59:06 2003 (10836) ArchRunner qrunner started.
Mar 11 12:59:06 2003 (10835) NewsRunner qrunner started.

No errors in the error log.  Here is the syslog:

Mar 11 12:52:03 mafalda sendmail[10789]: [ID 801593] MAA10788: 
to=|/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post
 mailman, delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=prog, stat=Sent
In effect, the digest mbox shows that the message was received,
and it appears in the digest.  It has got to be that the
Outgoing Runner is not running.  And that happens because...


Many thanks for any help you can give, best, elena

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RE: [Mailman-Users] Can someone tell me how do their locks behave?

2003-03-11 Thread Elena Fraboschi
I have been tweaking with things, and have gotten the following

If I completely stop mailman, and then start it, I get *one*
message delivered.  A lock forms, like this:

-rw-rw-r--   2 mailman  mailman   53 Mar 12  2003 master-qrunner
-rw-rw-r--   2 mailman  mailman   53 Mar 12  2003 

Now that process number corresponds to:

8 S  mailman 11448 1  0  40 20?827? 14:29:42 ?
0:00 /usr/local/bin/python ./mailmanctl 

that is, it corresponds to the start of *this* session of mailman.

Is this normal behavior?  What can possibly trigger the fact that
*one* message will get delivered upon mailmanctl start, and then

Please forgive my insistence.  Best, elena

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Re: [Mailman-Users] From a newbie

2003-03-11 Thread Elena Fraboschi
Hi Jon,  Here is the logs directory.

# ls -ltr
total 20
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman  454 Mar 11 13:37 subscribe
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman0 Mar 11 14:06 error
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman   98 Mar 11 14:08 post
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman  963 Mar 11 14:29 smtp
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman0 Mar 11 15:52 vette
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman 6756 Mar 11 16:16 qrunner

I did not have a vette file, so I created with cp /dev/null vette
vette and error give nothing.  post gives the sole message
that was delivered:

Mar 11 14:08:04 2003 (11306) post to mailman from [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
size=1825, success

smtp shows other messages that were received, and that form part
of digest.mbox, though they were never delivered:

# more smtp
Mar 10 18:56:41 2003 (9505) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp for 1 recips, 
ted in 0.420 seconds
Mar 10 19:22:53 2003 (9615) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp for 1 recips, 
ted in 0.724 seconds
Mar 11 13:28:38 2003 (10957) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp for 1 
, completed in 0.275 seconds
Mar 11 14:07:44 2003 (11299) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp for 1 
, completed in 0.821 seconds
Mar 11 14:08:04 2003 (11306) [EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp 
for 2 recips, completed in 0.739 s
Mar 11 14:08:22 2003 (11316) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp for 1 
, completed in 0.373 seconds
Mar 11 14:29:48 2003 (11454) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp for 1 
, completed in 0.693 seconds

qrunner shows a completely normal qrunner.

I am beginning to suspect that, with so much tweaking, I may
have corrupted permissions.  check_perms still says No
problems found.  I wonder whether anyone can look into the
Mailman and the tests directories (just for random sampling)
and say whether their permissions are 755 or 775.  I think
I am looking at a re-install, without really knowing what to
do differently. :-(  Many thanks, elena

Mailman directory (in part):

drwxrwsr-x   2 mailman  mailman  512 Mar 10 18:52 Archiver
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman 1608 Mar 10 18:50
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman 1117 Mar 10 18:52 Autoresponder.pyc
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman12108 Mar 10 18:50
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman10639 Mar 10 18:52 Bouncer.pyc
drwxrwsr-x   2 mailman  mailman 1024 Mar 10 18:52 Bouncers
drwxrwsr-x   2 mailman  mailman 1024 Mar 10 18:52 Cgi
drwxrwsr-x   2 mailman  mailman 1024 Mar 10 18:52 Commands
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman51978 Mar 10 18:50
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman19587 Mar 10 18:52 Defaults.pyc
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman 5644 Mar 10 18:50

tests directory (in part)

-rw-r--r--   1 mailman  mailman 2279 Mar 10 18:52
-rw-r--r--   1 mailman  mailman 1878 Mar 10 18:52
drwxrwsr-x   2 mailman  mailman 1536 Mar 10 18:52 bounces
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman 1358 Mar 10 18:52
drwxrwsr-x   2 mailman  mailman  512 Mar 10 18:52 msgs
-rwxr-xr-x   1 mailman  mailman 2521 Mar 10 18:52
-rw-r--r--   1 mailman  mailman 2430 Mar 10 18:50
-rw-r--r--   1 mailman  mailman 7288 Mar 10 18:52

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[Mailman-Users] From a newbie

2003-03-10 Thread Elena Fraboschi
Before committing suicide :-), I felt that life was wonderful enough
to ask the question to all of you and then, if no solution, I
guess suicide will have to be my answer :-)

I have installed mailman (in a Sparc Ultra-5 running Solaris 8)
by now 4 times.  It works to perfection...

for the first message.

It does the first message... 

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Your new mailing list: mailman
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 18:55:59 -0500
X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.1
X-List-Administrivia: yes

The mailing list `mailman' has just been created for you. . . blah blah

and thereafter, it does anything it pleases EXCEPT... sending any
messages at all.

Yes, I subscribed myself as a member.  I checked the permissions.
I looked into the qrunner log, saw that it had caught a SIGTERM,
and re-started it.  So far, this is that log:

Mar 10 18:56:51 2003 (9499) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit
(pid: 9500, sig: None, sts: 15, class: ArchRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Mar 10 18:56:51 2003 (9499) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit
(pid: 9502, sig: None, sts: 15, class: CommandRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Mar 10 18:56:51 2003 (9499) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit
(pid: 9501, sig: None, sts: 15, class: BounceRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Mar 10 18:56:51 2003 (9499) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit
(pid: 9504, sig: None, sts: 15, class: NewsRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Mar 10 18:56:51 2003 (9499) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit
(pid: 9506, sig: None, sts: 15, class: VirginRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Mar 10 18:56:51 2003 (9499) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit
(pid: 9505, sig: None, sts: 15, class: OutgoingRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Mar 10 19:22:50 2003 (9611) BounceRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:50 2003 (9610) ArchRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:51 2003 (9613) IncomingRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:51 2003 (9612) CommandRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:52 2003 (9614) NewsRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:52 2003 (9615) OutgoingRunner qrunner started.
Mar 10 19:22:52 2003 (9616) VirginRunner qrunner started.

I checked the syslog, and this is what it says, for example:

Mar 10 14:34:11 mafalda sendmail[3464]: [ID 801593] OAA03464: 
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=664, 
class=0, pri=30664, nrcpts=1, 
msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP, []
Mar 10 14:34:12 mafalda sendmail[3465]: [ID 801593] OAA03464: 
to=|/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post argentina-feca, delay=00:00:01, 
xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=prog, stat=Sent

which I interpret it to mean that the message was accepted and,
theoretically, sent.  Indeed, it was sent to the queue.  Then,
silence.  It's like a black hole.  Anyone can lend me a hand?
I don't know where else to look or what to do---I am at a loss.
Many thanks.  Best, elena

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