Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman on multiple domains

2008-11-01 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
Thanks for the clarifications, Mark. I had actually forgotten that the way I
formatted the Virtual_Hosts line was equivalent to providing individual
add_virtualhost lines. So, you undoubtedly saved me some grief there. 

Those few lines you see in my apache-postfix-mailman setup files only took
me a week to figure out through web research and trial and error without
pestering you for help. You were so helpful and generous with your support
in June and July, I didn't want to show up at your door with hat in hand
expecting you to lead me by the nose through this setup as well.

As far as the apache config goes, I deliberately opted to put the mailman
commands in individual virtual host files because I don't necessarily plan
to make mailman available to every domain on my server until I've learned
more about how its setup needs to work. For that reason (and since the
Debian definition readily supports it, I chose to install the mailman
definitions domain-by-domain rather than place them at a higher level in the
Apache Definitions and grant them automatically to ALL domains.

And yes, for the record, you're right. I realize these lines:

>#AddDefaultCharset Off

do nothing at the moment. I included them as a reminder to myself that
additional definitions that involve a single mailman domain CAN be included
in Apache's VirtualHost definition files. I believe the post where I found
those example lines recommended adding them as part of a solution designed
to support multiple character sets and languages. As I recall, there may
also need to be an appropriate character set defined for EACH language as
well. In short I retained those lines as a form of reminder -- a "footprint
in the sand" if you will.

As always, thanks for your thoughtful, wise and astute guidance, Mark.
Please keep eating your wheaties, friend. I'm afraid mailman would soon be
unusable without your amazing knowledge and insight at the support helm! :-)

Best Professional Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:27 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Scott Race'
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman on multiple domains

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>VIRTUAL_HOSTS = {'':'',
> '':'',
> '':''}

Just FYI the abbove is EXACTLY eqiivalent to

add_virtualhost('', '')
add_virtualhost('', '')
add_virtualhost('', '')

I.e. all add_virtualhost() does is add an entry to the VIRTUAL_HOSTS
dictionary with key = the first arg and value = the second arg.

>At this point I only have the mailman list for one of these domains
>If I understand the requirements correctly, I will eventually need to add
>"add_virtualhost" lines for 
>add_virtualhost('', '')

Actually, these conflict mildly with what you have. The issue is how
you want to access the web interface for these domains. or . If the former, you want what
you have now or what I indicated was equivalent. If the latter, you
want what you have immediately above, but you probably don't want both.

>Other than those changes which I expect to need to make, the way I have it
>configured now seems to be working. 
>There were also setup requirements in Apache's virtualhost definition files
>too. But the way this is setup is unique on Debian. So I won't try to
>explain it except to say Apache's VirtualHost definition files need these
>lines included:
>## Mailman Setup
>ScriptAlias /mailman/ /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/

Yes, you need the above, but not necessarily in each 
section. You can have it just once outside of the 

>#AddDefaultCharset Off

The above 3 lines appear to do nothing.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman on multiple domains

2008-10-31 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
I'm running MM 2.1.11 on Debian Etch4.0r3 with Postfix 2.3.8. I hesitate to
explain how I made this work... In fact perhaps I shouldn't. It could jinx
me. But in our case, I've got the individual LOCAL virtual email addresses
for each domain defined in the /etc/postfix/virtual file and I've allowed
mailman to define the local virtual email addresses IT needs for the same
domain in the /usr/local/mailman/data/virtual-mailman file. These lists are
mapped to postfix ".db" files /etc/postfix/virtual.db and

These files are defined this way in /etc/postfix/

virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

and in /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/ they're defined this way:

# Virtual domains

# Set up your virtual host mappings here.  This is primarily used for the #
thru-the-web list creation, so its effects are currently fairly limited.
# Use add_virtualhost() call to add new mappings.  The keys are strings as #
determined by Utils.get_domain(), the values are as appropriate for #
# VIRTUAL_HOSTS = {'':'',
#  '':''}


IMAGE_LOGOS = '/icons/'

MTA = 'Postfix'

# added this line to enable POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS # details see:
# also:


# Are archives public or private by default?
# 0=public, 1=private

#-1 - do not do any archiving
# 0 - do not archive to mbox, use builtin mailman html archiving only # 1 -
do not use builtin mailman html archiving, archive to mbox only # 2 -
archive to both mbox and builtin mailman html archiving.
# See the settings below for PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER and
# PRIVATE_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER which can be used to replace mailman's
# builtin html archiving with an external archiver.  The flat mail
# mbox file can be useful for searching, and is another way to
# interface external archivers, etc.

At this point I only have the mailman list for one of these domains working.
If I understand the requirements correctly, I will eventually need to add
"add_virtualhost" lines for 

add_virtualhost('', '')

Other than those changes which I expect to need to make, the way I have it
configured now seems to be working. 

There were also setup requirements in Apache's virtualhost definition files
too. But the way this is setup is unique on Debian. So I won't try to
explain it except to say Apache's VirtualHost definition files need these
lines included:

## Mailman Setup
ScriptAlias /mailman/ /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/

#AddDefaultCharset Off

I HOPE I've got this right. Most of all, I hope this helps you, Scott.

Good Luck!

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 2:13 PM
To: Scott Race
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman on multiple domains

Scott Race wrote:
>Thanks, fixed the domain name in the to read
>Running the /bin/genaliases doesn't return an error, but doesn't
>generate the /data/virtual-mailman file.  The mailman error logs don't
>show anything (no errors since Oct 22).
>Sounds like the virtual-mailman file missing is my main problem, huh?


Go to the list's General Options page and look near the bottom at "Host
name this list prefers for email.". Does this match

What you ultimately need to do to configure all this depends on whether
or not you will have multiple Mailman domains or a single Mailman

If there is only a single mailman domain = you want
something like



and then run

bin/withlist -l -a -r fix_url

to fix the web_page_url and host_name attributes of all the lists.

If you have more Mailman domains, it's more complex, but until you have
the proper host_name for your lists, genaliases won't create/update

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the archive process running?

2008-10-31 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
Thanks, Mark. That's all I needed to know! 

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 12:59 AM
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the
archive process running?

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:

>I've probably just misunderstood something here... blah... blah... blah...
>...when I asked about ownership and permissions and mentioned "the
>UserAccount/mailman directory", that's the directory I was referring to.
>Sorry if I confused you. :-(
>Should I just remove that "spare" mailman directory from the user's space

The only thing there is the mailman/mail/mailman wrapper whose sole
purpose is to be SETGID mailman so that mail delivery runs in the
mailman group. Since this wrapper isn't SETGID or group mailman, it
wouldn't work in this installation anyway, so yes, just remove this

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Seeking qfiles/shunt recovery advice.

2008-10-31 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
As usual, you're right, Mark. That fixed it. As a result, I was able to
recover at least some of the archived messages from September and many of
the October messages that occurred during the "resurrection" and testing
period too. 

My trouble here was I could find no docs about shunt to guide me and never
realized unshunt existed until I saw your note. I went for help to the only
place I knew of where mailman's command line utilities were listed: Shunt isn't even mentioned there.
Next, I checked the Installation Docs again. No mention of the command line
utilities there at all. Then I tried going to "man shunt" and struck out
there as well. 

You know, Mark, the trouble with the knowledge base surrounding mailman is
there's an excess of knowledge but not enough "base" in any one spot to
enable one to find the 'firmly grounded' answers one needs. It's way too
'swampy' in many places. In fact, it reminds me of the way my father-in-law
(a lifelong soil scientist) used to describe the Rio Grande... Too thick to
drink and too thin to plow! ;-)

Without your patient and expert guidance, mailman would be nearly impossible
to install and use. Thanks again for your patience and help!

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Seeking qfiles/shunt recovery advice.

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:

>Now that my archiver is working again, I have several files in qfiles/shunt
>that I'd like to recover and convince mailman to insert into my (now
>working) October archive. If it's possible to do so, I also have a few
>shunted files from the end of September that I'd like to recover and have
>included in the September archive as well.
>Can anyone point me to a post that explains how to retrieve and
>recover pck files from the qfiles/shunt directory and convince ARCHrunner
to try processing them again?

Run Mailman's bin/unshunt --help

In this case all you should need to do is put the old *.pck files from
the old shunt directory into the current shunt directory along with
the current shunted *.pck files and run 'bin/unshunt'.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] Seeking qfiles/shunt recovery advice.

2008-10-30 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
Now that my archiver is working again, I have several files in qfiles/shunt
that I'd like to recover and convince mailman to insert into my (now
working) October archive. If it's possible to do so, I also have a few
shunted files from the end of September that I'd like to recover and have
included in the September archive as well.


Under the circumstances, I'd rather not attack this using a trial and error
process. Can anyone point me to a post that explains how to retrieve and
recover pck files from the qfiles/shunt directory and convince ARCHrunner to
try processing them again?



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[Mailman-Users] Hurray! My archive works again... User warning for check_perms!

2008-10-30 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
I'm pleased to report my mailman archive update process is working again. As
it turned out, what was keeping the feature from working was ownership
and/or permissions on files in /usr/mailman/archives/private/[LISTNAME] and
/usr/mailman/archives/private/[LISTNAME]/database directories. Somehow, (I'm
not sure how) many -- but not all -- files in those directories were owned
by root rather than by mailman and many of them also had permissions of 644
(rw-r--r--) RATHER than 664 (rw-rw-r--). That has been corrected now and ALL
files in the mailman directory structure are now owned by mailman PLUS the
permissions on virtually all data files are 664 and not 644.


This issue apparently goes back to when mailman was first laid down on our
old server in the early summer; because a check of the last backup taken
from the old server at the end of September shows ALL files in those
directories were owned by root and not by mailman. That was CLEARLY caused
by some error I made when installing and setting up mailman. 


I added, the "User warning for check_perms" because although the perms shown
on that final old-server backup were 664 for all mailman files in
/usr/mailman/archives/private/mylist directory and 660 for all files in
/usr/mailman/archives/private/mylist/database and check_perms reported "No
Problems Found", check_perms was flat wrong about that. The ownership on ALL
those files was wrong but check_perms failed to detect and report that
issue. This issue has been reported and should soon be fixed. But in the
meantime be cautions about putting too much faith in check_perms in mailman


The data files in those directories must ALL be owned by mailman. In our
case they were owned by ROOT! That prevented mailman's ARCHrunner from
updating the archive and produced the same errors every day for almost 3
months when mailman tried to update the archive. The errors were recorded
each day in the mailman error log (/usr/local/mailman/logs/error); but I
never checked the error log!  Duhhh! Also, because of those errors the
archives were not updated for 3 months and mailman's automatic cleanup
process was systematically discarding ALL new posts that hadn't been updated
after 7 days. Sadly, neither I nor anyone else was checking the archive
either. Double Duhhh!! So, in the end we lost 3 months worth of archive


The lessons here are: 


1.Just because check_perms reports "No Problems Found", don't assume
everything is set right or working correctly. CHECK THE ERROR LOG and CHECK
THE ARCHIVES! Then, DOUBLE-CHECK both the file and directory permissions and
OWNERSHIPs in the archive directories for each of your mailman lists. There
is a post in the archives that briefly explains exactly what permissions
should be for both files and directories. You'll find that post here:




2.   If you don't understand why your list's permissions and ownerships
are set the way they are, keep asking questions until you DO understand.
Otherwise you may wake up one day as I did and need to explain to your
client why 3 months of their conversations have unexpectedly gone missing.


A word to the wise.



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Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the archive process running?

2008-10-29 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
LOL!! Bear in mind my guru friend that what's apparent to someone with your
years of experience and wisdom isn't the least bit obvious to a mailman
newcomers like me. Naïve as it may be, we tend to assume that when the
program says it checked permissions and found no problems we're not likely
to encounter permission issues with mailman's own automated processes later.
I know that's a silly assumption to make, but we'll tend to make it anyway.

That's why I deliberately avoided seeking your help while I struggled and
did extensive testing and research for DAYS trying to figure out exactly how
to configure Apache, Postfix and Mailman with virtual alias domains so that
I might at least have a prayer someday of being able to support more than
one mailman discussion list on my server. As a result of that struggle, I
may not know everything there IS to know, but at least understand the basic
concepts now.

I'm engaged in a similar struggle now in trying to understand mailman
ownership and permissions. I'm not sure I understand how ownership and
permissions play out in mailman. So, I'm forced to proceed with absolute
faith that YOU know what you're doing, sir. For my part, I feel like a blind
man who is flying a wide-body jet filled with screaming passengers into
Atlanta at rush hour for the first time. And YOU and the mailman tools are
my ONLY guides. So, since the check_perms tool doesn't work flawlessly, I'm
relying on you to tell me how to do it right, oh Guru! B-)

Thanks for being so patient and understanding.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 9:18 PM
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the
archive process running?

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:

>It looks to me like check_perms has a hole in it, Mark. If you take a close
>look at the error I've been getting repeatedly since early July (see
>you'll see it consistently occurs on the index.html table in the
>/usr/local/mailman/archives/private/mylist directory. Here are the
>permissions on that file:
>12 -rw-r--r--  1 mailman mailman   11452 Oct 20 07:01 index.html
>Please note that the permissions on that file are 644 and not 664. I just
>ran check_perms on this account. It reported "No Problems Found". Yet when
>Archrunner runs and tries to open that file to replace it, it reports a
>permissions error for that file. In short, check_perms reports those 644
>permissions are just fine while you're telling me they should be 664 and
>ARCHrunner complains they're NOT fine. This suggests to me check_perms
>doing its job very well.

This appears to be a problem with check_perms. You are correct that it
isn't doing its job very well.

There are a lot of files it doesn't check, and at least some of those
should be checked. I'll look into fixing that. Thanks for pointing it

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the archive process running?

2008-10-29 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
I've probably just misunderstood something here. When you helped me with my
setup in July, you had me create a mailman directory in the user's web space
and we used that directory somehow. I've forgotten the exact reason we did
that now but I vaguely recall it had something to do with working around my
old Redhat 7.2 and Apache 1.2 server's suEXEC setup to gain access to the
mailman programs. The user's web account still has that mailman directory
present in it. It hadn't occurred to me yet that it might not need to be
there at all now.

To help jog your memory, its setup looks like this:

myserver:/home/mylist/www# ls -als mailman
total 12
4 drwxr-xr-x  3 mylist mylist 4096 Oct 20 07:22 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 12 mylist mylist 4096 Oct 29 17:46 ..
4 drwxrwsr-x  2598 mylist 4096 Oct 28 06:53 mail

myserver:/home/mylist/www# ls -als mailman/mail
total 48
 4 drwxrwsr-x 2598 mylist  4096 Oct 28 06:53 .
 4 drwxr-xr-x 3 mylist mylist  4096 Oct 20 07:22 ..
40 -rwxr-xr-x 1 598 mylist 39801 Jun 29 18:41 mailman

So, when I asked about ownership and permissions and mentioned "the
UserAccount/mailman directory", that's the directory I was referring to.
Sorry if I confused you. :-(

Should I just remove that "spare" mailman directory from the user's space

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 8:56 PM
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the
archive process running?

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>> Assuming mailman's home directory is NOT /usr/local/mailman and
>> assuming that prefix, and var_prefix are /usr/local/mailman, mailman's
>> home directory is irrelevant.
>But mailman's home directory (where all its programs, scripts, archives and
>discussion lists are stored) IS /usr/local/mailman and according to my
>Mailman/, both var_prefix and prefix are also
>PREFIX  = '/usr/local/mailman'
>VAR_PREFIX  = '/usr/local/mailman'
>How does that change things?

When you said:
>>Now can we talk about the proper ownership of all the mailman files both
>>/usr/local/mailman directory structure and in the UserAccount/mailman
>>directory as well?

it seemed to me you were talking about two separate directories,
/usr/local/mailman and UserAccount/mailman. Whether or not these are
separate directories or the same directory, the ownership and
permissions on /usr/local/mailman are the only ones that matter.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the archive process running?

2008-10-29 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
You said:

> Assuming mailman's home directory is NOT /usr/local/mailman and
> assuming that prefix, and var_prefix are /usr/local/mailman, mailman's
> home directory is irrelevant.

But mailman's home directory (where all its programs, scripts, archives and
discussion lists are stored) IS /usr/local/mailman and according to my
Mailman/, both var_prefix and prefix are also /user/local/mailman

PREFIX  = '/usr/local/mailman'
VAR_PREFIX  = '/usr/local/mailman'

How does that change things?

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 5:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the
archive process running?

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>Now can we talk about the proper ownership of all the mailman files both IN
>/usr/local/mailman directory structure and in the UserAccount/mailman
>directory as well? Shouldn't all (or most of) these files be owned by
>mailman / mailman? Is that also true in the /archives/private/mylist
>directory? What about over in the /home/mylist/www directory? Who should
>the mailman directory there?
>I have run bin/check_perms several times but it doesn't complain about any

check_perms should complain about ownership and permission problems.

Assuming mailman's home directory is NOT /usr/local/mailman and
assuming that prefix, and var_prefix are /usr/local/mailman, mailman's
home directory is irrelevant.

In general everything from /usr/local/mailman on down should be group
mailman (owner doesn't matter) and directories need to be g+rws and
files g+rw.

See the post at
Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

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Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the archive process running?

2008-10-29 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
It looks to me like check_perms has a hole in it, Mark. If you take a close
look at the error I've been getting repeatedly since early July (see below),
you'll see it consistently occurs on the index.html table in the
/usr/local/mailman/archives/private/mylist directory. Here are the
permissions on that file:

12 -rw-r--r--  1 mailman mailman   11452 Oct 20 07:01 index.html

Please note that the permissions on that file are 644 and not 664. I just
ran check_perms on this account. It reported "No Problems Found". Yet when
Archrunner runs and tries to open that file to replace it, it reports a
permissions error for that file. In short, check_perms reports those 644
permissions are just fine while you're telling me they should be 664 and
ARCHrunner complains they're NOT fine. This suggests to me check_perms isn't
doing its job very well.

Am I wrong about this?

Here's the error ARCHrunner has been reporting repeatedly since early

Oct 28 10:09:30 2008 (2589) Uncaught runner exception: [Errno 13] Permission
denied: '/usr/local/mailman/archives/private/mylist/index.html'
Oct 28 10:09:30 2008 (2589) Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 120, in _oneloop
self._onefile(msg, msgdata)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 191, in _onefile
keepqueued = self._dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 73, in
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Archiver/", line 217, in
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Archiver/", line 324, in
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Archiver/", line 1097, in
toc = open(os.path.join(self.basedir, 'index.html'), 'w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

What am I missing here?

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 5:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the
archive process running?

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>Now can we talk about the proper ownership of all the mailman files both IN
>/usr/local/mailman directory structure and in the UserAccount/mailman
>directory as well? Shouldn't all (or most of) these files be owned by
>mailman / mailman? Is that also true in the /archives/private/mylist
>directory? What about over in the /home/mylist/www directory? Who should
>the mailman directory there?
>I have run bin/check_perms several times but it doesn't complain about any

check_perms should complain about ownership and permission problems.

Assuming mailman's home directory is NOT /usr/local/mailman and
assuming that prefix, and var_prefix are /usr/local/mailman, mailman's
home directory is irrelevant.

In general everything from /usr/local/mailman on down should be group
mailman (owner doesn't matter) and directories need to be g+rws and
files g+rw.

See the post at
Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the archive process running?

2008-10-29 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
I'm sorry to turn up in your support forum again, Mark. I've fought hard
here to try to avoid that. The truth is it was our struggle with trying to
configure my old server for mailman back in June and July that proved to be
the straw that broke the camel's back with my old dedicated server hosting
service. In early July I asked them about getting an updated server and
software but the price they quoted was so darn high I decided to bail out on
them and ended up choosing a hosting company that provided much more server
for the $ plus the latest version of Debian Etch (rather than the 5 year old
version of RedHat I was running) for the same price I'd been paying to my
old hosting service. The BIG difference was I had to take full admin
responsibility for my server setup and configuration; but I figured what the
hell, I'm already doing 80% of that job anyway with very little support
coming from my old host. 

So, when my old server came up for renewal at the end of July, I went
month-to-month on my lease with them and bought the new server to take its
place. I struggled through server setup and the migration of all my existing
sites from the old server in August and September. At the end of September
with just 3 sites left to move I grabbed the last 3 sites, made my final
backups, and pulled the plug on the old server on the weekend before it
would have renewed for another month... jumping out the window (from what
turned out to be the 12th floor) with my final backups under my arm. :-)

During October, I struggled to get the server set up to support mailman for
multiple accounts. That entailed installing and testing it for the current
client and setting up the server to support virtual domain hosting under
Apache2, postfix and mailman so that we can eventually support mailman for
multiple domains on this server. Until you mentioned suEXEC in your message
yesterday, I'd nearly forgotten that part of our June-July nightmare. 

When I checked this morning, I found that when Apache2 was installed on this
server it's standard installation process did include suEXEC. However, under
Debian's Apache2 setup, it's easy to disable suEXEC and restart Apache. As
far as I know, nothing else on the server was relying on the presence of
suEXEC and it certainly wasn't my intent to install that Apache feature to
begin with. So, suEXEC has now been disabled. 

Now can we talk about the proper ownership of all the mailman files both IN
/usr/local/mailman directory structure and in the UserAccount/mailman
directory as well? Shouldn't all (or most of) these files be owned by
mailman / mailman? Is that also true in the /archives/private/mylist
directory? What about over in the /home/mylist/www directory? Who should own
the mailman directory there?

I have run bin/check_perms several times but it doesn't complain about any



Or should I just put take a large dose of cyanide and go take a long nap


-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 3:21 PM

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>Could this be a group/owner-ship issue?

Yes. It took me a while, but I finally connected you with our exchanges from
last June/July :)


There were undoubtedly problems on the old server because of SUExec issues
which I told you at the time was incompatible with Mailman's security model
since Mailman's CGI wrappers can't be SETGID under SUExec and that's the
whole point of the wrappers in the first place.

So ownership and permissions within Mailman have to be such that the SUExec
user can read and write.

But the qrunner processes also have to be able to read and write and they
will run as the mailman user:group.

Normally the owner doesn't matter because everything runs as group mailman,
but that may not be the case here.

>and when I check the files in that directory, they're owned by root as 
>a member of the group mailman.

That should be OK because ArchRunner should be running as group mailman and
the files should be group writable.

>when I look at the qfiles/shunt directory in the 9/28 backup, 
>the oldest file there seems to be from 09-20-2008. So it looks to me 
>like it was only keeping those shunt files 5 or 6 days before discarding

If you are running Mailman 2.1.11, there is a cron that runs daily and by
default it discards anything in qfiles/bad and qfiles/shunt older than 7
days. From

# The length of time after which a qfiles/bad or qfiles/shunt file is #
considered to be stale.  Set to zero to disable culling of qfiles/bad and #
qfiles/shunt entries.

# The pathname of a directory (searchable and writable by the Mailman cron #
user) to which the culled qfiles/bad and qfiles/shunt entries will be #
moved.  Set to None to simply delete the culled entries.

Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the archive process running?

2008-10-29 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
I'm sorry to turn up in your support forum again, Mark. I've fought hard
here to try to avoid that. The truth is it was our struggle with trying to
configure my old server for mailman back in June and July that proved to be
the straw that broke the camel's back with my old dedicated server hosting
service. In early July I asked them about getting an updated server and
software but the price they quoted was so darn high I decided to bail out on
them and ended up choosing a hosting company that provided much more server
for the $ plus the latest version of Debian Etch (rather than the 5 year old
version of RedHat I was running) for the same price I'd been paying to my
old hosting service. The BIG difference was I had to take full admin
responsibility for my server setup and configuration; but I figured what the
hell, I'm already doing 80% of that job anyway with very little support
coming from my old host. 

So, when my old server came up for renewal at the end of July, I went
month-to-month on my lease with them and bought the new server to take its
place. I struggled through server setup and the migration of all my existing
sites from the old server in August and September. At the end of September
with just 3 sites left to move I grabbed the last 3 sites, made my final
backups, and pulled the plug on the old server on the weekend before it
would have renewed for another month... jumping out the window (from what
turned out to be the 12th floor) with my final backups under my arm. :-)

During October, I struggled to get the server set up to support mailman for
multiple accounts. That entailed installing and testing it for the current
client and setting up the server to support virtual domain hosting under
Apache2, postfix and mailman so that we can eventually support mailman for
multiple domains on this server. Until you mentioned suEXEC in your message
yesterday, I'd nearly forgotten that part of our June-July nightmare. 

When I checked this morning, I found that when Apache2 was installed on this
server it's standard installation process did include suEXEC. However, under
Debian's Apache2 setup, it's easy to disable suEXEC and restart Apache. As
far as I know, nothing else on the server was relying on the presence of
suEXEC and it certainly wasn't my intent to install that Apache feature to
begin with. So, suEXEC has now been disabled. 

Now can we talk about the proper ownership of all the mailman files both IN
/usr/local/mailman directory structure and in the UserAccount/mailman
directory as well?

Or should I just put take a large dose of cyanide and go take a long nap


-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 3:21 PM
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the
archive process running?

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>Could this be a group/owner-ship issue?

Yes. It took me a while, but I finally connected you with our exchanges
from last June/July :)

>It hadn't occurred to me to look for mailman's error log. Plus I had no
>where it was. I've seen it mentioned but I'd seen nothing in the docs that
>said where to find it. But with a bit of looking, I found it in
>The error log that was saved when we made our final September 28 backup on
>the old server was last updated 9/25. The more I look the more this looks
>like an ownership issue to me. It may be I screwed up somewhere back in
>July. In our current mailman directory structure a smattering of files
>throughout the mailman directory tree seem to be owned by root / mailman
>now; whereas in the old backup everything seems to have been owned by
>mailman / mailman or www-data (Debian's default Apache user) / mailman. On
>9/28, the error log was owned by mailman / mailman. Indeed everything
>mischief, subscribed and vet were owned by mailman / mailman back then.
>Those three files were different and were owned by "www-data" / mailman.
>Today in our running copy of mailman, all logs are owned by mailman/mailman
>except error which is owned by root / mailman and mischief, vet and
>subscribed which are owned by www-data / mailman.

There were undoubtedly problems on the old server because of SUExec
issues which I told you at the time was incompatible with Mailman's
security model since Mailman's CGI wrappers can't be SETGID under
SUExec and that's the whole point of the wrappers in the first place.

So ownership and permissions within Mailman have to be such that the
SUExec user can read and write.

But the qrunner processes also have to be able to read and write and
they will run as the mailman user:group.

Normally the owner doesn't matter because everything runs as group

Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the archive process running?

2008-10-28 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
Follow-up to last message. Wasn't sure exactly how to examine the contents
of the ourlist.mbox file in /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/ourlist.mbox

SO, I opened it with emacs just to see what it contained. The last message
in that file is one I posted on July 7th.

The prospects of recovering all those missing messages are looking dimmer
and dimmer... Sigh! :-(

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the
archiveprocess running?

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>I seem to be missing two full months worth of archives. From what I can
>looking at my backups, it appears that the last time the archive process
>actually ran on our old server was in early August. 
>Then for some reason it stopped funning and thee have been no archive
>updates since then. I suspect those "lost messages" aren't really lost at
>all but are merely caught in some sort of internal blockage in mailman.
>I'm trying to figure out here is how to clear the clogged drain pipe and
>the archive working again. 

There are a few possibilities:

1) ArchiveRunner died on the old server in early August. In this case,
the messages would be on the old server in the qfiles/arch/ directory.
If that is the case, you could just move the contents of that
directory to the corresponding directory on the new server and that
should do it.

2) Some error was shunting the archived messages in which case they may
be in qfiles/shunt/ and they may or may not be in the individual
archives/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox files. If the messages
are in qfiles/shunt/, you could just move them and rin bin/unshunt,
but you need to be careful as not all the files in qfiles/shunt/ may
be messages you want. You can look at these entries with
bin/show_qfiles or bin/dumpdb.

If the messages are in the listname.mbox files, the easiest thing is
probably to rebuild the archives with bin/arch --wipe.

>When I first installed the backup from the old server to the new one and
>then checked the list's configuration parameters, I saw some parameters on
>the Archiving options page that provided for "rebuilding" the archive. But
>now those options seem to have disappeared now too.

I don't know what you say, but there's nothing in the web Archiving
Options page about rebuilding archives.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the archive process running?

2008-10-28 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
First, I was wrong here. I was so horrified at the thought of having lost
all those old messages that I got the date wrong. It's actually worse than I
remembered. The last archive update appears to have happened in early
July... not early August. My last backup from the old server was September
28. It took 3 weeks for me to get mailman working again on the new host in
multi-domain (virtual host) mode. So there are 3 months worth of archive
updates that appear to be lost. I looked close at our 9/28 tar-ball backup
from the old server and there seems to be nothing in the qfiles/archive
directory at all. Indeed, there's nothing in qfiles/bad, bounces, command,
in, news, out, retry or virgin either. Shunt has a few pck files but they
all begin on 10/21 which is when mailman started running again on the new

For the record, I see no evidence the cron for archive updates is running
now on the new server either. In fact from your comments, I'd say the pck
files in qfiles/shunt strongly suggest that it's NOT running or at least not
running correctly. Here's what I see when I look at the current mailman
archive/private/listname.mbox directory

   4 drwxrwsr-x 2 ourlistmailman4096 2008-10-28 06:34 .
   4 drwxrws--- 8 nobody mailman4096 2008-07-10 06:53 ..
   0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   mailman  41 2008-10-28 06:34 arc ->
/www/ourlist/newtest/mailman archives/
5624 -rw-r--r-- 1 root   mailman 5743206 2008-07-07 06:22 ourlist.mbox

Note the date on the ourlist.mbox file. That's the last time the archive
process ran successfully.

Something is obviously wrong here; but I'm not sure exactly what.

Can you advise me, Mark?


-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the
archiveprocess running?

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>I seem to be missing two full months worth of archives. From what I can
>looking at my backups, it appears that the last time the archive process
>actually ran on our old server was in early August. 
>Then for some reason it stopped funning and thee have been no archive
>updates since then. I suspect those "lost messages" aren't really lost at
>all but are merely caught in some sort of internal blockage in mailman.
>I'm trying to figure out here is how to clear the clogged drain pipe and
>the archive working again. 

There are a few possibilities:

1) ArchiveRunner died on the old server in early August. In this case,
the messages would be on the old server in the qfiles/arch/ directory.
If that is the case, you could just move the contents of that
directory to the corresponding directory on the new server and that
should do it.

2) Some error was shunting the archived messages in which case they may
be in qfiles/shunt/ and they may or may not be in the individual
archives/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox files. If the messages
are in qfiles/shunt/, you could just move them and rin bin/unshunt,
but you need to be careful as not all the files in qfiles/shunt/ may
be messages you want. You can look at these entries with
bin/show_qfiles or bin/dumpdb.

If the messages are in the listname.mbox files, the easiest thing is
probably to rebuild the archives with bin/arch --wipe.

>When I first installed the backup from the old server to the new one and
>then checked the list's configuration parameters, I saw some parameters on
>the Archiving options page that provided for "rebuilding" the archive. But
>now those options seem to have disappeared now too.

I don't know what you say, but there's nothing in the web Archiving
Options page about rebuilding archives.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

[Mailman-Users] What happened to my archive? Why isn't the archive process running?

2008-10-24 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
Okay, so now that I've got finally mailman moved and running on the new
server and working with postfix and apache2 and sending and receiving emails
and all that basic "stuff", I still have one question I haven't been able to


I seem to be missing two full months worth of archives. From what I can tell
looking at my backups, it appears that the last time the archive process
actually ran on our old server was in early August. 


Then for some reason it stopped funning and thee have been no archive
updates since then. I suspect those "lost messages" aren't really lost at
all but are merely caught in some sort of internal blockage in mailman. What
I'm trying to figure out here is how to clear the clogged drain pipe and get
the archive working again. 


When I first installed the backup from the old server to the new one and
then checked the list's configuration parameters, I saw some parameters on
the Archiving options page that provided for "rebuilding" the archive. But
now those options seem to have disappeared now too.


Can Mark or someone else tell me how I go about figuring out where my
missing messages have gone and get the archive working again as it should



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Re: [Mailman-Users] How did I break my mailman?

2008-10-24 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
Thanks Mark... obviously one of those things was exactly the enema mailman
needed because as soon as I finished them (and restarted our server) I found
a whole boatload of emails in each of my test subscriber inboxes. I guess
that means all the other list members probably got them too. 

Although I've absolutely nothing that should have changed permissions in
DAYS now (and when I last checked permissions, it was clean, check_perms
still did find a single permissions error on aliases.db 

Could THAT have somehow been the cause of mailman's sudden bout of email
constipation? If so, do you any idea what might have caused the permission
change when I'd done nothing to those files?

I'm going back to do some further testing now, but it looks like we managed
to break the log jam.

Thanks again.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] How did I break my mailman?

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>All this stuff worked FINE yesterday before the move; so somehow this is
>clearly related to the move; but I'm not exactly sure what could be wrong.
>Any troubleshooting suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to
>answer these questions:

See the FAQ at <> for a troubleshooting
check list.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] How did I break my mailman?

2008-10-24 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
I took an existing mailman web account that was working just fine and moved
it from our test directory to our production directory. Mailman remains
unchanged. Relative paths are all the same as they were before. I checked
that. Subscriptions still work (as long as "confirm" is turned off in the
privacy options) and all the admin functions seem to work as well. 


Yet, suddenly mailman seems unable to send out emails to any of its
subscribers. It can't even send out new subscriber confirmation emails or
"your message was held for approval emails".  In fact when I tried to turn
enrollment confirmation on, pretty much everything stopped working but when
I turned it back off again then users could once again sign up; but none of
the messages mailman should be sending out to list members are actually
getting mailed. 


All this stuff worked FINE yesterday before the move; so somehow this is
clearly related to the move; but I'm not exactly sure what could be wrong.
Any troubleshooting suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to
answer these questions:


1.  Why don't confirmations work? 
2.  2. Why can't mailman send emails to list members? 




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[Mailman-Users] Somewhere I think I've missed a step. Did I finish the Install wrong?

2008-06-25 Thread TGPlatt, WebMaster
I'm a new mailman server administrator. I'm trying to install the app on my
server for a new client who has been running it for 2 years on another host.
I'm using Python 2.4.5 (a fresh install downloaded from the site
and mailman 2.1.11 downloaded from SourceForge via the site
(i.e. these are pure vanilla - straight from the box - installs) It's
installed on my dedicated RedHat Linux server running RH v7.1


Mailman is installed in /usr/local/mailman/ 


./Configure, make and "make install" all ran okay from WITHIN
/usr/local/mailman/src once I finally figured out I could not put both the
source and the runtime into /usr./local/mailman and moved the source to the
src subdirectory. 


HOWEVER, please note that I have ONLY run "make install" in
/usr/local/mailman/src. I have NOT installed mailman in any user domain's
home directory (or subdirectory) yet. I DID make my target user domain (lets
call it riverrats) a member of the mailman group; but that's as far as I've
gone at the moment. Mailman isn't even in the search path for the riverrats
domain. I have a hunch this was a mistake or that there's SOMETHING else I
still must do INSIDE the riverrats domain in order to enable users to access
mailman from there. As it stands now, the ONLY way to run the mailman apps
on the server would be for riverrats users to log into /usr/local/mailman
and run them from there. Yipes! :-( 


I believe I made all the required configuration changes to set up the apache
server properly and I've restarted apache. I also made the required alias
changes and modified the file in mailman to reflect the domain's 


So, theoretically I SHOULD be ready to run. Except I have a hunch I've
managed to overlook or skip over some key step somewhere. Am I right?



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