Re: Filter help

2002-08-27 Thread FlexibleLearning
Thank you, Michael... A sneaky bit of latteral thinking there which will certainly accomplish the required result!

But is there no Bourne expression for AND, OR and NOT in a filter command? The Help entry is a bit rudementary on the subject.


Re: Can I put Multiple handlers in a CGI script?

2002-08-27 Thread Sivakatirswami

on 08-27-2002 12:35 PM, Rich Mooney at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> As I understand it, a CGI needs to be in the following format:

Maybe this will help you get started... This CGI drives the "shop site"
dynamic order generation at

I am not an expert, so the code might be much more refined... But it works.
Credit for inspiration goes to Andu Novac

We can develop these things on my own machine now with MAX OSX... Which is
really great!

#!/mc  ## this path will vary  depending on your host...but you can install
MC on a virtual host without root access... No problem.

on startup
  read from stdin until empty
  ## put the form data into an array, sort & save off
  put  urlDecode (it)  into tDataIn
  split tDataIn by "&" and "="
  if "quantity" is among the lines of keys(tDataIn) then
## this is the initial selection of product/quantity choices
## so we process the quantity to build the order form.
 set the numberformat to "#.00"
  ## calculate price by product
   switch tDataIn["00_item_name"]
   case "2003_calendar"
   put calculateCalendar (tDataIn["quantity"]) into tsubtotal
   put "2003 Calendar" into  theItem
   case "box_5_rudrakshas"
   put calculateRudraksha (tDataIn["quantity"]) into tsubtotal
   put "Boxes of Five Rudraksha Beads" into  theItem
   end switch
  ## coerce shipping integer to dollar format with fake calculation
 put 0 into tShipping
  put (0+tShipping) into tShipping
   put tsubtotal+tshipping into tTotal
   ## generate order form
  put url "file:../hawaii/iraivan/donate/order_form_template.html" into

replace "###item###"  with theItem in tOrderForm
 replace "###Quantity###"  with tDataIn["quantity"] in tOrderForm
replace "###item_name###" with tDataIn["00_item_name"] in tOrderForm

  replace "###Subtotal###"  with tSubtotal in tOrderForm
  replace "###Shipping###"  with tShipping in tOrderForm
 replace "###Total###"  with tTotal  in tOrderForm
  put  tOrderForm into tResponse
  ## return online-invoice-order  to client to fill in and exit

  put "Content-Type: text/html" & cr
   put "Content-Length:" && the length of tResponse & cr & cr
   put tResponse
   exit startup
  end if
  # If this is not the entry page submission,
  # then it must be the actual order form submission.
  if "01_Quantity" is among the lines of keys(tDataIn) then
  ##Yes, this is the actual order coming down the pipe
  ## Build the submission data first
  ## First get full product title out
  switch tDataIn["00_item_name"]
 case "2003_calendar"
   put "2003 Iraivan Temple Calendar" into  tDataIn["00_item_name"]
 case "box_5_rudrakshas"
  put "Boxes of Five Rudraksha Beads" into  tDataIn["00_item_name"]
   end switch
 put keys(tDataIn) into tFields
  sort lines of tFields
 repeat for each line x in tFields
put (x & tab & tDataIn[x] & cr ) after tSubmit
 end repeat
 --delete last line of tSubmit
 # Now check for missing fields
 set the itemdel to tab
 put empty into missing_fields
 repeat for each line x in tSubmit
 if (item 1 of x is not among the words of "09_Phone 13_add2 14_add3
19_comments" ) then
   if item 2 of x is empty then put item 1 of x & "" after
  end if
 end repeat
 if missing_fields is not empty then
 sendUserFeedback (missing_fields)
 exit startup
 end if
 # Acknowledge the order to the user:
  put  tDataIn["10_First"] & " " & tDataIn["11_Last"] into vName
 put url "file:../hawaii/iraivan/donate/order_confirmation.html" into
replace "###NAME###" with vName in tResponse
replace "###item_name###" with tDataIn["00_item_name"] in tResponse

end if

  # save the order to file on server

put cr&cr&"=="&cr& the date & "  " & the time & cr& tSubmit after
url "file:../formdata/temple_donations.txt"

# return  order acknowledgement page to client

  put "Content-Type: text/html" & cr
   put "Content-Length:" && the length of tResponse & cr & cr
   put tResponse
# Now email the appropriate notices

put "/usr/lib/sendmail -t" into mprocess
  # Order alert notice to headquarters

put "An order for " & tDataIn["01_Quantity"] & " of "  &
tDataIn["00_item_name"] & "has arrived from " & vName & " of " &
tDataIn["15_City"] & ". Who added this comment: "  & tDataIn["19_comments"]
& cr & cr & ". Go get the CC#." into tMessage
 open process mprocess for write
 write "From:" && "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" & cr to process mprocess
 write "To:" && "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" & cr to process mprocess
 write "Subject:" &&tDataIn["00_item_name"] & "  Order" & cr & cr to
process mprocess
write tMessage & cr to process mprocess

close process mprocess
   wait until the openprocesses is

More CGI Stuff

2002-08-27 Thread Yennie
Hi guys,

With all of this CGI talk lately, I cooked something up.
I've been working with a server program based on the ol' mc httpd stack, since I make heavy use of Valentina. However, I've always wanted to break it down into separate cgi scripts. Among other things, that gives me multiple processes more easily.

So my question... is there *any* way to access externals (including the new Mach-o ones with 2.4.3) from a CGI script?

The best I can come up with is running a separate stack which houses the external, and communicating via sockets.

Any ideas?

In case anyone finds this script useful, this is what I'm using to talk to my mc httpd-inspired stack:

on startup
   open socket to ""

   put $REQUEST_METHOD&&$REQUEST_URI&&"CGI"&crLF into theRequest
   if ($HTTP_COOKIE is not empty) then
     put "Cookie: "&$HTTP_COOKIE&crLF after theRequest
   end if
   if ($REMOTE_USER is not empty) then
     put "Remote-User:"&&$REMOTE_USER&crLF after theRequest
   end if

   if ($REQUEST_METHOD = "PUT") then
     read from stdin until empty
     put crLF&it after theRequest
   end if

   write theRequest&crLF&crLF to socket ""

   read from socket "" until (crLF&crLF)
   put it into theHeaders
   put lineOffset(theHeaders, "Content-Length:") into theLine
   if (theLine > 0) then
     set the itemDelimiter to ":"
     put item 2 of line theLine of theHeaders into theLength
     read from socket "" for theLength
     put it into theBody
     read from socket "" until empty
     put it into theBody
   end if

   ## delete the status line
   delete line 1 of theHeaders
   put (theHeaders&crLF&crLF&theBody)
end startup

Best Regards,

Re: Can I put Multiple handlers in a CGI script?

2002-08-27 Thread andu

--On Tuesday, August 27, 2002 18:35:01 -0400 Rich Mooney 

> As I understand it, a CGI needs to be in the following format:
># ! mc
> on Startup
> #script
> end Startup
> I also have the impression that any script in this CGI had to be between
> "on Startup" and "end Startup".
> So does this mean that one CGI file is one handler and that I can't pass
> arguments to it or can I do something like this:

You can put as many handlers and/or functions in cgi scripts as you need.

># ! mc
> on Startup
> on handler1 param1 param2
> # do stuff
> end handler1
> function dosomething
> # do stuff
> end dosomething
> end Startup
> Rich Mooney
> Payne Sparkman Mfg.
> ___
> metacard mailing list

Regards, Andu Novac
metacard mailing list

Re: Can I put Multiple handlers in a CGI script?

2002-08-27 Thread Phil Davis

- Original Message - 
From: "Rich Mooney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MetaCard Mail List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 3:35 PM
Subject: Can I put Multiple handlers in a CGI script?

> As I understand it, a CGI needs to be in the following format:
> #! mc
> on Startup
> #script
> end Startup
> I also have the impression that any script in this CGI had to be between "on
> Startup" and "end Startup".

Nope. The 'startup' message is the only message MC sends/fires in a CGI script (I 
think), but it's just another Metatalk message and follows all the same rules as all 
the others (no nested handlers). From within the 'startup' handler, you can reference 
any number of other standard or custom handlers/functions/etc. Like this:

-- start of script --

on startup
  if firstchar(the platform) = char 1 of the systemVersion then
doDance "Windows?"
doDance "Mac?"
  end if

end startup

function firstChar pCharString
  return char 1 of pCharString
end firstChar

on doDance pDanceType
  tellSomeone "Are you running" && pDanceType
end doDance

on tellSomeone pMessage
  put "Content Type: text/html" & cr \
  & "Content Length:" && length(pMessage) & cr & cr

  put pMessage
end tellSomeone

on writeSomething
  put "Uh"
end writeSomething

-- end of script --

> So does this mean that one CGI file is one handler and that I can't pass
> arguments to it or can I do something like this:

The 'startup' message has no params, but you can create other handlers in your CGI 
script that use'em (see above).


> #! mc
> on Startup
> on handler1 param1 param2
> # do stuff
> end handler1
> function dosomething
> # do stuff
> end dosomething
> end Startup
> Rich Mooney
> Payne Sparkman Mfg.
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Can I put Multiple handlers in a CGI script?

2002-08-27 Thread Rich Mooney

As I understand it, a CGI needs to be in the following format:

#! mc
on Startup
end Startup

I also have the impression that any script in this CGI had to be between "on
Startup" and "end Startup".
So does this mean that one CGI file is one handler and that I can't pass
arguments to it or can I do something like this:

#! mc
on Startup
on handler1 param1 param2
# do stuff
end handler1
function dosomething
# do stuff
end dosomething
end Startup

Rich Mooney
Payne Sparkman Mfg.

metacard mailing list

Re: Linux and Video

2002-08-27 Thread David Bovill

What's the latest? What's the best format to use for xplatform video in

I thought that MPEG1 was the crossplatform format... looking at the man
pages for xanim... MPEG playback is incomplete, and the player choked on
a downloaded movie. Noatun plays it using Mpeglib...

Reference talks about the videoclipplayer property (well one sentence:).
Should I use this to change it to an mpegplayer?

metacard mailing list

Re: Demo stack not working in Linux

2002-08-27 Thread David Bovill

On Tue, 2002-08-27 at 16:30, andu wrote:
> I use Fluxbox as wm which is as lean and fast as it can get (makes you feel 
> really sorry for kde users;-). The windows looks and behavior can also be 
> customized easily. For desktop I use Rox which uses gtk (I stayed away from 
> gtk 2.x since I got tired of updating zillions of libraries and it doesn't 
> really bring something new). The combination of Fluxbox and Rox is as fast 
> and small and stable as it can get and you get all the features you 
> actually need plus more.

I've heard good things about Fluxbox - tried to install Fluxbox-AA the
other day and failed - but will give Fluxbox a try.

metacard mailing list

Re: Get a List of Files

2002-08-27 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Scott Rossi"  wrote:

> How might one get a list of all files from a folder which contains nested
> folders and files several levels deep?

In my ignorance, I forgot to check my archived mail files which contained
this modified code snippet from Geoff Canyon:

global gHierList,gMainFolder,gBaseLevels
local tCount

on mouseUp
  put "" into gHierList
  put "" into fld tresult
  answer folder "Pick a folder you want to walk:"
  put it into gMainFolder
  if gMainFolder = "" then exit mouseUp
  set the itemDel to "/"
  put 0 into tCount
  put the number of items of gMainFolder into gBaseLevels
  directoryWalk gMainFolder
  put gHierList into fld tresult
end mouseUp

on directoryWalk whatFolder
  --put whatFolder
  --exit to top
  set the itemDel to "/"
  set the directory to whatFolder
  put the files into temp
  add the number of lines of temp to tCount
  # filter temp with "*.html"
  sort temp
  repeat for each line x in temp
put whatFolder & "/" & x & cr after gHierList
  end repeat
  put the folders into tDirList
  sort tDirList
  delete line 1 of tDirList
  repeat for each line x in tDirList
directoryWalk (whatFolder & "/" & x)
  end repeat
end directoryWalk

Thanks to Ken Ray as well for posting his modified modified version. :-)

(I'll probably make some modifications as well...)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list

Re: Get a List of Files

2002-08-27 Thread Ray Horsley

on 8/27/02 12:55 PM, Ken Ray at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I wrote a quick little "directorywalker" stack that does this, and reports
> back whether it is a file (optionally along with its type) or a folder, and
> (optionally) indents the hierarchy. It was for Windows files only (so
> there's no Mac type/creator checking), but here's the script:
> -- Card controls: [X] Show Hierarchy, [X] Show Type, [popup menu
> "Delimiters" - had "Spaces (2)", "Spaces (4)" or "Tabs" as choices
> -- Field 1 holds the result
> global gHierList,gMainFolder,gBaseLevels
> on mouseUp
> put "" into gHierList
> answer folder "Pick a folder you want to walk:"
> if it = "" then exit mouseUp
> set the itemDel to "/"
> put it into gMainFolder
> put the number of items of gMainFolder into gBaseLevels
> directoryWalk gMainFolder,(the hilite of btn "ShowHierarchy"),(the
> selectedText of btn "Delimiters"),(the hilite of btn "ShowType")
> put gHierList into field 1
> end mouseUp
> on directoryWalk whatFolder,showHier,pDel,showType
> set the itemDel to "/"
> if "(2)" is in pDel then put 2 into numSpcs
> else put 4 into numSpcs
> put "" into spcPad
> set the directory to whatFolder
> if showHier then
> put ((the number of items of whatFolder)) - gBaseLevels into numLevels
> if pDel <> "tabs" then
> do "put format(" & quote & "%" & (numLevels*numSpcs) & "s" & quote &
> "," & quote & quote & ")  into tPad"
> else
> do "put format(" & quote & "%" & (numLevels) & "s" & quote & "," &
> quote & quote & ")  into tPad"
> replace " " with numToChar(9) in tPad
> end if
> put last item of whatFolder into tFolderName
> if showType then put numToChar(9) & "folder" after tFolderName
> if numLevels <> 0 then
> put tPad & tFolderName into line (the number of lines of gHierList)+1
> of gHierList
> else
> put tFolderName into line (the number of lines of gHierList)+1 of
> gHierList
> end if
> end if
> put the files into temp
> sort temp
> repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of temp
> if not(showHier) then
> put whatFolder & "/" & (line x of temp) into line (the number of lines
> of gHierList)+1 of gHierList
> else
> put whatFolder & "/" & (line x of temp) into tPath
> put ((the number of items of tPath)) - gBaseLevels into numLevels
> if pDel <> "tabs" then
> do "put format(" & quote & "%" & (numLevels*numSpcs) & "s" & quote &
> "," & quote & quote & ") into tPad"
> else
> do "put format(" & quote & "%" & (numLevels) & "s" & quote & "," &
> quote & quote & ") into tPad"
> replace " " with numToChar(9) in tPad
> end if
> put line x of temp into tFile
> if showType then put addFileType(tFile) into tFile
> if numLevels <> 0 then
> put tPad & tFile into line (the number of lines of gHierList)+1 of
> gHierList
> else
> put tFile into line (the number of lines of gHierList)+1 of
> gHierList
> end if
> end if
> end repeat
> put the directories into tDirList
> sort tDirList
> repeat with x =  2 to the number of lines of tDirList
> directoryWalk (whatFolder & "/" & (line x of
> tDirList)),showHier,pDel,showType
> end repeat
> end directoryWalk
> function addFileType what
> put offset(".",what) into tChar
> if tChar <> 0 then
> put char tChar to length(what) of what into tExt
> put
> queryRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\"&(queryregistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\"&tExt&
> "\")) & "\") into tType
> else
> put "" into tType
> put "" into tExt
> end if
> if tType = "" then
> if tExt <> "" then
> delete char 1 of tExt  -- remove "."
> put toUpper(tExt) && "File" into tType
> else
> put "File" into tType
> end if
> end if
> return what & numToChar(9) & tType
> end addFileType
> Hope this helps,
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web Site:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Rossi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 2:17 PM
> Subject: Get a List of Files
>> How might one get a list of all files from a folder which contains nested
>> folders and files several levels deep?
>> folder1
>> --> file1
>> --> file2
>> --> file3
>> --> folderA
>> --> file1
>> --> file2
>> --> folderX
>> --> file1
>> --> file2
>> --> file 3
>> --> file4
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Scott Rossi
>> Creative Director
>> Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
>> -
>> W:
>> ___
>> metacard mailing list
> ___
> metacard mailing list

Thanks Ken!!!   Real handy thing to have.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Get a List of Files

2002-08-27 Thread Ken Ray

I wrote a quick little "directorywalker" stack that does this, and reports
back whether it is a file (optionally along with its type) or a folder, and
(optionally) indents the hierarchy. It was for Windows files only (so
there's no Mac type/creator checking), but here's the script:

  -- Card controls: [X] Show Hierarchy, [X] Show Type, [popup menu
"Delimiters" - had "Spaces (2)", "Spaces (4)" or "Tabs" as choices
  -- Field 1 holds the result

global gHierList,gMainFolder,gBaseLevels

on mouseUp
  put "" into gHierList
  answer folder "Pick a folder you want to walk:"
  if it = "" then exit mouseUp
  set the itemDel to "/"
  put it into gMainFolder
  put the number of items of gMainFolder into gBaseLevels
  directoryWalk gMainFolder,(the hilite of btn "ShowHierarchy"),(the
selectedText of btn "Delimiters"),(the hilite of btn "ShowType")
  put gHierList into field 1
end mouseUp

on directoryWalk whatFolder,showHier,pDel,showType
  set the itemDel to "/"
  if "(2)" is in pDel then put 2 into numSpcs
  else put 4 into numSpcs
  put "" into spcPad
  set the directory to whatFolder
  if showHier then
put ((the number of items of whatFolder)) - gBaseLevels into numLevels
if pDel <> "tabs" then
  do "put format(" & quote & "%" & (numLevels*numSpcs) & "s" & quote &
"," & quote & quote & ")  into tPad"
  do "put format(" & quote & "%" & (numLevels) & "s" & quote & "," &
quote & quote & ")  into tPad"
  replace " " with numToChar(9) in tPad
end if
put last item of whatFolder into tFolderName
if showType then put numToChar(9) & "folder" after tFolderName
if numLevels <> 0 then
  put tPad & tFolderName into line (the number of lines of gHierList)+1
of gHierList
  put tFolderName into line (the number of lines of gHierList)+1 of
end if
  end if
  put the files into temp
  sort temp
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of temp
if not(showHier) then
  put whatFolder & "/" & (line x of temp) into line (the number of lines
of gHierList)+1 of gHierList
  put whatFolder & "/" & (line x of temp) into tPath
  put ((the number of items of tPath)) - gBaseLevels into numLevels
  if pDel <> "tabs" then
do "put format(" & quote & "%" & (numLevels*numSpcs) & "s" & quote &
"," & quote & quote & ") into tPad"
do "put format(" & quote & "%" & (numLevels) & "s" & quote & "," &
quote & quote & ") into tPad"
replace " " with numToChar(9) in tPad
  end if
  put line x of temp into tFile
  if showType then put addFileType(tFile) into tFile
  if numLevels <> 0 then
put tPad & tFile into line (the number of lines of gHierList)+1 of
put tFile into line (the number of lines of gHierList)+1 of
  end if
end if
  end repeat
  put the directories into tDirList
  sort tDirList
  repeat with x =  2 to the number of lines of tDirList
directoryWalk (whatFolder & "/" & (line x of
  end repeat
end directoryWalk

function addFileType what
  put offset(".",what) into tChar
  if tChar <> 0 then
put char tChar to length(what) of what into tExt
"\")) & "\") into tType
put "" into tType
put "" into tExt
  end if
  if tType = "" then
if tExt <> "" then
  delete char 1 of tExt  -- remove "."
  put toUpper(tExt) && "File" into tType
  put "File" into tType
end if
  end if
  return what & numToChar(9) & tType
end addFileType

Hope this helps,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

- Original Message -
From: "Scott Rossi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 2:17 PM
Subject: Get a List of Files

> How might one get a list of all files from a folder which contains nested
> folders and files several levels deep?
> folder1
> --> file1
> --> file2
> --> file3
> --> folderA
> --> file1
> --> file2
> --> folderX
> --> file1
> --> file2
> --> file 3
> --> file4
> Thanks & Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
> -
> W:
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Get a List of Files

2002-08-27 Thread Scott Rossi

How might one get a list of all files from a folder which contains nested
folders and files several levels deep?

--> file1
--> file2
--> file3
--> folderA
--> file1
--> file2
--> folderX
--> file1
--> file2
--> file 3
--> file4

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list

Re: Filter help

2002-08-27 Thread Michael Kann

-- The NOT filter

on mouseUp
  put fld "aFld" into filesList
  replace ".txt" with "!"&"txt" in filesList
  filter filesList with "*.*"
  replace "!" with "." in filesList
  put filesList into fld "bFld"
end mouseUp

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Okay, so one day I'll track down a list of Bourne
> Shell options as mentioned 
> in the Help entry on Filters, but just for now...
> [1] Using AND
> How do we filter to extract both *.gif AND *.jpg
> from a list of file names?
> [2] Using NOT
> And how do we do the reverse, such as 'All files
> except *.txt' ?
> Any pointers would be truly appreciated!
> /H

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metacard mailing list

Re: Filter help

2002-08-27 Thread Michael Kann

-- not using Filter, but does the same thing --

on mouseUp
  put fld "aFld" into filesList
  repeat for each line kLine in filesList
if ".txt" is not in kLine then
  put return&kLine after kHolder
end if
  end repeat
  put kHolder into fld "bFld"
end mouseUp

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Okay, so one day I'll track down a list of Bourne
> Shell options as mentioned 
> in the Help entry on Filters, but just for now...
> [1] Using AND
> How do we filter to extract both *.gif AND *.jpg
> from a list of file names?
> [2] Using NOT
> And how do we do the reverse, such as 'All files
> except *.txt' ?

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metacard mailing list

Re: Filter help

2002-08-27 Thread Michael Kann

-- For simulating a logical AND --

on mouseUp
  put fld "aFld" into filesList
  replace ".jpg" with ".jpg"&"!" in filesList
  replace ".gif" with ".gif"&"!" in filesList
  filter filesList with "*!*"
  replace "!" with empty in filesList
  put filesList into fld "bFld"
end mouseUp

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Okay, so one day I'll track down a list of Bourne
> Shell options as mentioned 
> in the Help entry on Filters, but just for now...
> [1] Using AND
> How do we filter to extract both *.gif AND *.jpg
> from a list of file names?
> [2] Using NOT
> And how do we do the reverse, such as 'All files
> except *.txt' ?

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metacard mailing list

Re: MC CGI - What can't I do?

2002-08-27 Thread Richard Gaskin

David Bovill wrote:

>> --On Monday, August 26, 2002 21:21:49 -0700 Richard Gaskin
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> - paint tools do not generate an error:
>> choose brush tool
>> set the brushcolor to blue
>> drag from 60,60 to 80,80
>> select img 1 of stack "tmp/"
>> export png to file "myimg.png"
> Have you tried accesing the image data directly using 2.4 features - my
> guess is that would work?

I thought about it, but at that point I'd be recreating a combination of
MC's graphics routines and OS graphics routines in MetaTalk.  Likely slow,
and certainly more than I'd want to chew off:  who wants to calculate curves
in imagedata?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Custom Software and Web Development for All Major Platforms
 Developer of WebMerge 2.0: Publish any Database on Any Site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

RE: XP - window metrics

2002-08-27 Thread Chipp Walters


Thanks!! I'll check it out.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ken Ray
> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 12:06 AM
> Subject: Re: XP - window metrics
> Chipp,
> I just discovered that Tuviah's External Collection 1.0 (the one with the
> Windows version included) has support for getting the rect of the TaskBar.
> It won't tell you if it's always on top, but at least you'll know where it
> is...
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web Site:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Chipp Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 1:03 AM
> Subject: RE: XP - window metrics
> > Richard (or anyone else)..
> >
> > Do you know how to check (registry settings) for the taskbar
> height...and
> if
> > it's set to 'always on top'? And..if it works on different Win32 OS'es.
> > I'm building an app which toggles a control bar from the top of
> the screen
> > to the bottom and need to know where to set it's loc at the bottom. Any
> help
> > would be great!
> >
> > -Chipp Walters
> >
> > ___
> > metacard mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Filter help

2002-08-27 Thread FlexibleLearning
Okay, so one day I'll track down a list of Bourne Shell options as mentioned in the Help entry on Filters, but just for now...

[1] Using AND
How do we filter to extract both *.gif AND *.jpg from a list of file names?

[2] Using NOT
And how do we do the reverse, such as 'All files except *.txt' ?

Any pointers would be truly appreciated!


Re: Demo stack not working in Linux

2002-08-27 Thread andu

--On Tuesday, August 27, 2002 17:07:14 + David Bovill 

> Anyone use any others that work well for them... I'm looking for
> something lean and fast that I can customize to make standalone machines
> out of?

I use Fluxbox as wm which is as lean and fast as it can get (makes you feel 
really sorry for kde users;-). The windows looks and behavior can also be 
customized easily. For desktop I use Rox which uses gtk (I stayed away from 
gtk 2.x since I got tired of updating zillions of libraries and it doesn't 
really bring something new). The combination of Fluxbox and Rox is as fast 
and small and stable as it can get and you get all the features you 
actually need plus more.

> Thanks,
> david
> NB - I've also found that large stack won't display in the latest
> version of KDE, they open but are not visible... works fine with
> windowmaker.
> ___
> metacard mailing list

Regards, Andu Novac
metacard mailing list

Re: Demo stack not working in Linux

2002-08-27 Thread David Bovill

On Mon, 2002-08-26 at 17:42, Scott Raney wrote:

> No, it's apparently just a conflict in the way the KDE (didn't try
> Gnome) window manager stacks windows: it's putting the backdrop window
> on *top* of the other windows.  Worse, KDE at some point completely
> lost the ability to show a window with no title bar, ruining many of
> the other animation effects in the demo stack.

Don't get me wrong - I kind of like the minimal aesthetic of the new
Demo Stack :) I think I can dump KDE for now... it is pretty slow. Which
window managers work the best with mc? From reading the instal docs -
windowmaker seems preffered. 

Anyone use any others that work well for them... I'm looking for
something lean and fast that I can customize to make standalone machines
out of?



NB - I've also found that large stack won't display in the latest
version of KDE, they open but are not visible... works fine with

metacard mailing list

Progress During Downloads

2002-08-27 Thread Ray Horsley

If I use "put url myUrl into url myDiskPath" for a lengthy download, does
anybody know of a way to receive information from MetaCard during the
download so a progress graph can be shown to the user?

metacard mailing list

Re: MC CGI - What can't I do?

2002-08-27 Thread David Bovill

On Tue, 2002-08-27 at 05:31, andu wrote:
> --On Monday, August 26, 2002 21:21:49 -0700 Richard Gaskin 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > - paint tools do not generate an error:
> > choose brush tool
> > set the brushcolor to blue
> > drag from 60,60 to 80,80
> > select img 1 of stack "tmp/"
> > export png to file "myimg.png"
> >

Have you tried accesing the image data directly using 2.4 features - my
guess is that would work?

metacard mailing list