[meteorite-list] AD The Meteorite of El Nakhla El Baharia by John Ball (1912)

2013-08-16 Thread Eric Hutton

I have a copy of the following to sell, £40 UK Pounds + shipping.
If interested please email me at book...@rmplc.co.uk
Thanks, Eric Hutton

The Meteorite of El Nakhla El Baharia,
By John Ball, Ph.D., D.Sc, F.G.S.
Survey Department Paper, No. 25 Pub. 1912

1   Introduction
3   General Characters of the Stones
4   Petrographical Characters of the Stones
7   Chemical Composition
11  Position of the Nakhla Meteorite in Classification
13  Remarks on the Origin of Meteorites
19  Possibility of Further Finds of Meteorites in Egypt

I.  Map showing the Locality where Stones fell
II. The largest Stone collected from the Fall
III.Figures of the Stone collected by Mr. Brigstock, showing its External 
and Internal Structure 


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[meteorite-list] meteoritehistory.info now back online

2011-04-11 Thread Eric Hutton
My web site http://www.meteoritehistory.info is now back online, its been 
unavailable for about 3 months, and is now with a new web hosting company.

Check out the what's new page for 'recent' to the web site that is,  at 

Its some time since I mentioned the web site on meteoritecentral so I am 
repeating the background information here...

The web site provides over 10,000 pages of information, 1281 articles, 
representing about 400 meteorite falls/finds and numerious reports of meteor 
showers and individual fireballs. The content was originally published on 3 
CDs between 1998 and 2003, but is now freely available online and has been 
extended as additional items and time become available.

The content is 69% in English, German makes up 19%, with French 11.5% and 
Spanish 0.5%.

The original texts have been scanned, and are viewable on screen as 
'photocopies'.  At the top and bottom of each page are options to go forward 
to the next page, back to the previous page,  or start at the first page. In 
addition the larger articles and books allow you to start at a particular

page number, or use an index.

Becuase of copyright restrictions almost all of the articles, reports and 
books are pre 1923 (USA copyright) or 70 years after death of author (UK)


Eric Hutton. 

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Re: [meteorite-list] Canvas de Onis Fall of 1866

2010-11-15 Thread Eric Hutton

Its mentioned in Walter Flight's 'A chapter in the history of meteorites'.
(in English) which you can see at


And also the article it references (In Spanish) at


If anyone would be willing to do a translation for the list that would be 

Its some time since I have mentioned my Meteors and Meterorites historic 
archive on MeteoriteCentral


Originally published as three CDs and a DVD this website provides over 9,800 
pages of information on the subject taken from old journals and books. Each 
page is presented as a photocopy of the original page. In the few places 
where the information is maintained more up to date elsewhere there are 
links, such as the UK and Ireland Meteroite page, and those to W. F. 
Denning. But essentially you have the content of the CDs, minus the 
magnify option on each page.
If you find this web site useful please consider making a donation for the 
running costs, thank you. (just $5 or £2.50) pays for a month.

Eric Hutton.

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Spratt cspr...@islandnet.com

To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 10:24 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Canvas de Onis Fall of 1866

Does anyone have any more information on this Spanish fall. The  Meteorite 
Catalogue has few details about the fall itself.


Chris Spratt
Victoria, BC
(Via my iPhone)
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[meteorite-list] Request from Kenya on suspect rock

2009-05-28 Thread Eric Hutton
I (Eric Hutton) am conected with the Federation of Astronomical Societies in 
the UK, and we recently had an

unsolicited email asking is this a piece of a meteorite?

I have put up the three photographs received (some are not that clear) 


together with the text of the original email... What do people think?

If anyone want's to follow this up I can forward contact details. I don't 
wan't to post there email
or contact details without asking first, maybe a small piece could be 
chipped off for analysis.

Message follows...

Dear People,

My neighbor, Mr Jarvis Njoroge (pictured) says that he retrieved a whitish
rock in Kitengela, about 40 km south east of Nairobi, Kenya, from maasai
herdsmen who say it fell from the sky.

There're no other rocks of that type in the area. It looks burnt on the
edges and is probably a shard of something bigger. Might it be a

I have pictures of it and will be happy if you could guide me on where
to send them.

Thanks for your time,

Kariuki Kiragu,
Nairobi, Kenya

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteors and Meteorites an Historic Archive now available online

2008-08-08 Thread Eric Hutton


Meteors and Meteorites an Historic Archive

Originally published as three CDs and a DVD this website provides over 9,800 

of information on the subject taken from old journals and books.
Each page is presented as a photocopy of the original page. In the few 
where the information is maintained more up to date elsewhere there are 

such as the UK and Ireland Meteroite page, and those to W. F. Denning.
But essentially you have the content of the CDs, minus the magnify option 
on each page.


Eric S. Hutton 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Could it be....

2007-01-24 Thread Eric Hutton
My earliest email I have saved is from 10th May 1997, amazing that I am 
still using the same personal email address!. Within the header of the email 
it says...archive/latest/325
this number seems to increment on later emails, so is the email I have the 
325th posted to the list. It would be interesting to see the first few if 
anyone has copies.

Eric Hutton.

- Original Message - 
From: Alexander Seidel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:38 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Could it be

 ...that this, our METEORITECENTRAL list, is now slowly approaching it´s 
 tenth year of existence? Art Jones, where art thou? Is there some truth to 
 my sudden thought about this very list´s age?

 I have been one of the first members, and after my initial subscription 
 here, often changed my internet provider, and as I am rather lazy than 
 busy in some respects, I haven´t kept track of the exact timeline records, 
 which now adds to my confusion of history facts. But anyway I somehow have 
 the feeling that Art´s list might possibly approach 10 years of 
 existence. Or am I completely wrong? Other oldtimers like Bernd or 
 perhaps Cap´n Blood or other oldies-but-goodies may contribute more on 
 this point...

 Hi Art - great job, still well and alive after all those years! Give him a 
 hand up, folks!


 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] J.B.BIOT

2004-07-26 Thread Eric Hutton
Hi Pierre, 

Biot's book appears to be reproduced in full as a German translation in volume 16
of Annalen der Physik pages 44 to 71, published in 1804.

This is reproduced on my latest Meteors and Meteorites volume 3 CD and also on 
the DVD version.

If you like to buy a copy send me an email, for anyone else interested in the
CD's or the new DVD see http://planetwhy.com/

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

 Hello Steve,
 Thanks for taking some time for searching J.B. Biot books. In fact, the original 
 study about the L'Aigle Fall is entitled Relation d’un voyage fait dans le 
 département de l’Orne pour constater la réalité d’un météore observé à l’Aigle le 26 
 Floréal an 11 and was written in 1803.
 It's nearly impossible to find but it's one of the most important book about 
 meteorites. It's the first to describe precisely what a strewnfield is and is a 
 model of serious study of meteorite fall.
 Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Eric Hutton

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Old Roman coins

2003-12-09 Thread Eric Hutton
extract from the Catalogue of the Ward-Coonley collection of meteorites,
by Henry A. Ward. 1904 edition.


The people of antiquity looked upon the heavenly bodies as the places of
abode of gods and being higher than mankind. Thus it came to pass that they
gave divine worship to objects which  were seen to fall from the celestail
spaces. They built special temples, in which they preserved  them with
sacred care. They were also displayed for public worship under a priest
appointed for  the special purpose. These Meteorites received from the early
Greeks the name Betyls,  probably from the earlier Hebraic Beth-el, or home
of God. In the early centuries--both B.C. and  A.D.--the habit prevailed in
Macedonia, Cyprus, Mallos, Perge, Sidon, Tripolis, Tyrus and many  other
places to make medals to commemorate the fall of meteorites. Such medals
were struck by  order of Philip II, Alexander III, Augustus, Caligula,
Vespasian, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Septimus  Severus, Heliogabalus, and
others. Dr Aristides Brezina, of Vienna, has given much study to this 
numismatic meteorology. From him our collection has received a series of
sixty casts or replica  of these medals. We give below Dr. Brezina's list of
these with his prefatory words:

By Dr. Aristides Brezina

As the ancients supposed the stars to be the domiciles of gods, falling
stars and falling meteorites signified to them the descending of a god or
the sending of his image to the earth. These envoys  were received with
divine honors, embalmed and draped and worshipped in temples by emperors and 
autonomous cities. In general the image of a stone was first given in
naturalistic manner, then by  and by became more human-like. Many of these
betyl coins represent stones expressly reported  to have fallen from heaven.
They present many common features, the likeness to obelisks or cones,  and
later on a half-human likeness or half-iconic form. So it came that similar
representations of  unknown origin were likewise supposed to represent
meteorites in the same manner as among meteorites are recorded those seen to
fall and others which had been only found and had been supposed  to be
meteorites because of the likeness to the former and their difference from
terrestrial rocks. 

Betyls reported to have fallen from heaven are the Ompholos of Delphi,
represented on coins  of sixty-five towns and countries; the stone of Emisa
(El Gabol) from seven towns; Zeus Katabates  of Kyrrboro and Anazarbos, Zeus
Keraunios (two towns); stone of Aphrodite Paphia (five towns); Artemis
Ephesia (sixty-nine towns); stone of Astarte (eight towns); stones of Athena
(seventeen towns). Betyl coins accepted by analogy are: The Pyramids of
Apollon, the Stones of Zeus Dolicheros  of Tarsos and of Zeus Kasios of
Seleucia, the Simulacres of Artemis Pergia, Samian Hera,  Persephone, etc.,
together 342 towns. Related celestial bodies are the Comets, represented on
the  coins of Rome and (in modern times) of Silesia. 

The present collection of sixty coins with meteorits symbols represents 
nineteen deites and thirty-seven towns.  [Footnote..The full collection 
of Betyl medals of Dr. Brezina number several hundred kinds.]

[ Lars,  I have also some pictures from the 1901 edition which I will send seperate ]

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

 Hello all
 Does anyone have an idea of how many different old Romans have relation to
 meteorites ?
 And does anyone have pictures/data of them ?
 If so, I will be happy if someone will send me the pics.
 I have a fast connection so hi reolution is ok.
 Best wishes
 Lars Pedersen
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Eric Hutton

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteors and Meteorites CD/DVD testers picked

2003-08-01 Thread Eric Hutton
The proof copies of the CD's and DVD's have now been sent out to the winners, 
Christian in Austria, Ken in Ireland, Peter in Switzerland and Elton in USA.

To those who where not picked out, but would still like a copy you will
only have to wait to mid September. When volume 3 and the DVD combining
volumes 1,2 and 3 will be available.

Eric Hutton

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Tester's for Meteors and Meteorites volume 3 required

2003-07-18 Thread Eric Hutton
Volume 3 of Meteors and Meteorites (an historic archive) 
CD is to be published soon, There will also be a DVD-ROM
version combining volumes 1 to 3.

I have 4 proof copies to give away to those willing to try
them out and return comments and any suggestions.

You have until 28th July to email me personally, do not
reply to the list, when I will pick out the lucky winners
out of a hat. Please indicate if you will be using a
PC or Mac computer, and what you can read on your PC. 
Either a CD or a DVD.

What is on the CD's ( a brief introduction )...

Each  CD  in the series contains thousands of pages taken from old 
journals and books. Each page is presented as a photocopy of the
original page.   At the top and bottom of each page are options to 
go forward to the next page,  back to the previous page,  or start 
at the first page. THere are also various indexes to help you find
the relevent information.

a summary of the journal content on volume 3 follows:

Anales and Boletin of the Sociedad Espanola de historia natural, Madrid (1872-96)
American Journal of Science and Arts (1819-1918)
Annalen der Physik (1800-1823)
Journal of the Iron and Steel institute (1887-1902)
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (1839-79)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne, Austraila (1860-1908)
Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (1861-69)
Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (1886-1922)

Eric Hutton

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