Re: Rate limit the httpd web server for signup requests

2024-06-13 Thread Paul Pace

On 6/12/24 10:32 PM, Chris Bennett wrote:

It's not perfect, but I have a long list of regexes that I know are spam
that I have my Perl code that processes the form block. Trying to block
from a log is not very helpful. It can let through thousands of the same
spam attempts before the log catches up to the attempts reaching the log,
which is a pretty long time.

I was just wondering if you've tried requiring email or SMS link to 
unique signup URL?

Thank you,


Re: Rate limit the httpd web server for signup requests

2024-06-11 Thread Paul Pace

On 2024-06-11 15:41, Martin wrote:

I already do some rate limiting with stateful tracking options for PF,
which works really great for the stuff I use it for.

I also use block lists of known bad IP addresses etc.

But what useful methods exists that prevent spamming a HTML signup form
from stuffing the database with useless signups?

Naturally the accounts that haven't been validated one way or another
gets deleted, but the initial signup is a problem as thousands upon
thousands of requests are stored before deletion.

I have tried blocking by IP, but this is difficult as the IP changes
faster than it can be blocked.

The User Agent is spoofed with random garbage.

Honey pot empty hidden fields gets detected and ignored.

Randomly generated form IDs that gets submitted and validated using a
session cookie also doesn't work as the cookie is just stored and then
send along.

A simple CAPTCHA reduces some of the irrelevant noise, but the more
sophisticated bots solves the CAPTCHA.

Using Cloudflare's or Google's CAPTCHA is frowned upon by the real
users, which I fully understand.

So I was wondering, if some other clever method can reduce the noise?

I haven't tried it and I'm not sure how useful it is in your case, but 
mCaptcha uses proof of work.


Re: Relayd forward to multiple ports on one target host?

2024-05-03 Thread Paul Pace

On 2024-05-02 07:32, Manuel Giraud wrote:

table  { }
table  { }
table  { }

On 2024-05-02 07:02, Zé Loff wrote:

table  { }
table  { }
table  { }

Multiple tables - I didn't see that!

I'm going with something like this to keep things simple for myself:

table  { }
table  { }
table  { }

Thank you,


Relayd forward to multiple ports on one target host?

2024-05-02 Thread Paul Pace


I have an OpenBSD server that hosts multiple services listening on 
various ports (some projects have their own web server, some projects 
require a reverse proxy, some projects just use httpd, etc.). This 
server receives requests via relayd on a different server. I was hoping 
to not insert relayd between every request to the host, but it's not the 
end of the world if this is the only viable solution while using relayd.

The requests to relayd go to domains (e.g.,,,, etc.) for web services 
(ports 80 and 443), but I cannot figure out a way to specify a port on 
the target server to forward requests to when there are multiple ports 
(e.g., www is on port 80, serviceone is on port 8080, servicetwo is on 
port 3, etc.). Running relayd -n does not report syntax errors when 
there are multiple forward to rules for the same target server with 
different ports in the relay block, but I can't find a way to specify 
which request should go to which port.

Thank you,

Paul has been down for days

2024-04-24 Thread Paul Pace


Apologies if this was announced some place as planned and I missed it, 
but I just wanted to let everyone know that 
has been down for a few days now.

pkg_add -nu 
TLS handshake failure: handshake failed: error:14004410:SSL 
routines:CONNECT_CR_SRVR_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure TLS 
handshake failure: handshake failed: error:14004410:SSL 
routines:CONNECT_CR_SRVR_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure empty
Couldn't find updates for...

Thank you,


Re: relayd forward with tls

2024-01-08 Thread Paul Pace

On 1/7/24 1:31 PM, Adriano Barbosa wrote:

On Sun, Jan 07, 2024 at 05:21:04AM -0800, Paul Pace wrote:

On 1/6/24 7:35 PM, Adriano Barbosa wrote:

On Thu, Jan 04, 2024 at 06:57:10PM -0800, Paul Pace wrote:

On 1/4/24 10:22 AM, Adriano Barbosa wrote:

I'm trying to use relayd with multiple FQDNs mixing remote servers
with and without tls:

relayd -- fqdn1 --> (no tls)
  -- fqdn2 --> x.x.x.x (with tls)

I wrote my relayd.conf like this:

table  { }
table  { x.x.x.x }

http protocol https {
   tls keypair fqdn1
   tls keypair fqdn2

   match request header "Host" value "fqdn1" tag "fqdn1"
   pass request tagged "fqdn1" forward to 

   match request header "Host" value "fqdn2" tag "fqdn2"
   pass request tagged "fqdn2" forward to 

relay wwwtls {
   listen on egress port 443 tls
   protocol https
   forward to  port 80
   forward with tls to  port 443

With one forward requiring TLS in a relay block, relayd will require TLS for
all forward statements in the relay block.

I have fqdn2 working and fqdn1 giving a "curl: (52) Empty reply from
Removing "with tls" on the second forward, fqdn1 works and fqdn2 gives
a "Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server."

Is it possible to have relayd working on this scenario? What am I
missing here?


Thank you for the response.

Digging a little more, I found that if I change the listen port from
443 to values other than 443 and 80, the "match request host" filter
stops working. The behaviour is the same with or without "with tls" on
the relay.

With port 443:
stable# curl --insecure https://fqdn1
Server 1
stable# curl --insecure https://fqdn2
Server 2

With port 4430 and allegedly any port other than 80 and 443:
stable# curl --insecure https://fqdn1:4430
Server 1
stable# curl --insecure https://fqdn2:4430
Server 1

What does curl -vk show?

Unfortunately, no difference. Follows:

$ curl --insecure -vk https://fqdn2
* Host fqdn2:443 was resolved.
* IPv6: (none)
* IPv4:
*   Trying
* Connected to fqdn2 ( port 443
* ALPN: curl offers h2,http/1.1
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Unknown (8):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 / [blank] / UNDEF
* ALPN: server did not agree on a protocol. Uses default.
* Server certificate:
*  subject: C=BR; ST=MS; L=DOU
*  start date: Jan  6 20:12:43 2024 GMT
*  expire date: Jan  5 20:12:43 2025 GMT
*  issuer: C=BR; ST=MS; L=DOU
*  SSL certificate verify result: self signed certificate (18), continuing 
*   Certificate level 0: Public key type ? (4096/128 Bits/secBits), signed 
using sha256WithRSAEncryption
* using HTTP/1.x

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: fqdn2
User-Agent: curl/8.5.0
Accept: */*

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Connection: keep-alive
< Content-Length: 18
< Content-Type: text/html
< Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2024 21:23:24 GMT
< Last-Modified: Sun, 07 Jan 2024 21:19:24 GMT
< Server: OpenBSD httpd
Server 2
* Connection #0 to host fqdn2 left intact


$ curl --insecure -vk https://fqdn2:4430
* Host fqdn2:4430 was resolved.
* IPv6: (none)
* IPv4:
*   Trying
* Connected to fqdn2 ( port 4430
* ALPN: curl offers h2,http/1.1
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Unknown (8):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 / [blank] / UNDEF
* ALPN: server did not agree on a protocol. Uses default.
* Server certificate:
*  subject: C=BR; ST=MS; L=DOU
*  start date: Jan  6 20:12:43 2024 GMT
*  expire date: Jan  5 20:12:43 2025 GMT
*  issuer: C=BR; ST=MS; L=DOU
*  SSL certificate verify result: self signed certificate (18), continuing 
*   Certificate level 0: Public key type ? (4096/128 Bits/secBits), signed 
using sha256WithRSAEncryption
* using HTTP/1.x

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: fqdn2:4430
User-Agent: curl/8.5.0
Accept: */*

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Connection: keep-alive
< Content-Length: 18
< Content-Type: text/html
< Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2024 21:25:42 GMT
< Last-Modified: Sun, 07 Jan 2024 21:19:15 GMT
< Server: OpenBSD httpd
Server 1
* Connection #0 to host fqdn2 left intact

My best guess is httpd is not receiving a host header so is serving the 
first server block.

Try setting relay 

Re: relayd forward with tls

2024-01-07 Thread Paul Pace

On 1/6/24 7:35 PM, Adriano Barbosa wrote:

On Thu, Jan 04, 2024 at 06:57:10PM -0800, Paul Pace wrote:

On 1/4/24 10:22 AM, Adriano Barbosa wrote:

I'm trying to use relayd with multiple FQDNs mixing remote servers
with and without tls:

relayd -- fqdn1 --> (no tls)
 -- fqdn2 --> x.x.x.x (with tls)

I wrote my relayd.conf like this:

table  { }
table  { x.x.x.x }

http protocol https {
  tls keypair fqdn1
  tls keypair fqdn2

  match request header "Host" value "fqdn1" tag "fqdn1"
  pass request tagged "fqdn1" forward to 

  match request header "Host" value "fqdn2" tag "fqdn2"
  pass request tagged "fqdn2" forward to 

relay wwwtls {
  listen on egress port 443 tls
  protocol https
  forward to  port 80
  forward with tls to  port 443

With one forward requiring TLS in a relay block, relayd will require TLS for
all forward statements in the relay block.

I have fqdn2 working and fqdn1 giving a "curl: (52) Empty reply from
Removing "with tls" on the second forward, fqdn1 works and fqdn2 gives
a "Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server."

Is it possible to have relayd working on this scenario? What am I
missing here?


Thank you for the response.

Digging a little more, I found that if I change the listen port from
443 to values other than 443 and 80, the "match request host" filter
stops working. The behaviour is the same with or without "with tls" on
the relay.

With port 443:
stable# curl --insecure https://fqdn1
Server 1
stable# curl --insecure https://fqdn2
Server 2

With port 4430 and allegedly any port other than 80 and 443:
stable# curl --insecure https://fqdn1:4430
Server 1
stable# curl --insecure https://fqdn2:4430
Server 1

What does curl -vk show?

Port 8080 also reproduces this last result.
Is that the expected behaviour? BTW, I'm running 7.4.

Please find relayd.conf and httpd.conf below.
fqdn{1,2} are on /etc/hosts as and the respective tls
certificates exists in /etc/ssl and keys in /etc/ssl/private.


# relayd.conf

table  { }
table  { }

http protocol https {
 tls keypair fqdn1
 tls keypair fqdn2

 match request header "Host" value "fqdn1" tag "fqdn1"
 pass request tagged "fqdn1" forward to 

 match request header "Host" value "fqdn2" tag "fqdn2"
 pass request tagged "fqdn2" forward to 

http protocol https2 {
 tls keypair fqdn1
 tls keypair fqdn2

 match request header "Host" value "fqdn1" tag "fqdn1"
 pass request tagged "fqdn1" forward to 

 match request header "Host" value "fqdn2" tag "fqdn2"
 pass request tagged "fqdn2" forward to 

relay wwwtls {
 listen on $addr port 443 tls
 protocol https

 forward to  port 8080
 forward to  port 8081

relay wwwtls2 {
 listen on $addr port 4430 tls
 protocol https2

 forward to  port 8080
 forward to  port 8081

# httpd.conf

server "fqdn1" {
 listen on $addr port 8080
 location "*" {
 root "/htdocs/server1"

server "fqdn2" {
 listen on $addr port 8081
 location "*" {
 root "/htdocs/server2"

Re: relayd forward with tls

2024-01-04 Thread Paul Pace

On 1/4/24 10:22 AM, Adriano Barbosa wrote:

I'm trying to use relayd with multiple FQDNs mixing remote servers
with and without tls:

relayd -- fqdn1 --> (no tls)
-- fqdn2 --> x.x.x.x (with tls)

I wrote my relayd.conf like this:

table  { }
table  { x.x.x.x }

http protocol https {
 tls keypair fqdn1
 tls keypair fqdn2

 match request header "Host" value "fqdn1" tag "fqdn1"
 pass request tagged "fqdn1" forward to 

 match request header "Host" value "fqdn2" tag "fqdn2"
 pass request tagged "fqdn2" forward to 

relay wwwtls {
 listen on egress port 443 tls
 protocol https
 forward to  port 80
 forward with tls to  port 443

With one forward requiring TLS in a relay block, relayd will require TLS 
for all forward statements in the relay block.

I have fqdn2 working and fqdn1 giving a "curl: (52) Empty reply from
Removing "with tls" on the second forward, fqdn1 works and fqdn2 gives
a "Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server."

Is it possible to have relayd working on this scenario? What am I
missing here?


self-hosted script?

2023-12-24 Thread Paul Pace
I have this vague memory of reading someone who posted a script, IIRC, 
to convert the system's man pages to HTML, or similar, into somewhere 
under /var/www and the pages worked just like the highly useful, and not like the plain text pages that everyone always 
posts to their websites.

Does someone happen to know where that is?

On 12/23/23 11:16 AM, Nick Holland wrote:

On 12/19/23 15:38, Nick Holland wrote:

and will be unavailable for site
maintenance starting Thursday, December 21 about 6:00am ET
(UTC-5) and hopefully be back up and running by Saturday,
December 23, 6:00am ET.

Sorry for any inconvenience.


Unfortunately, it seems there's a problem impacting our servers,
and everyone is celebrating the holiday.

So ... return of, and
the install and anoncvs mirrors will be delayed.


gzip-static option isn't working on default index

2023-11-09 Thread Paul Pace

I have gzip-static set in a server block in httpd.conf.

If I make the following request:

curl -I -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate'

the response has no Content-Encoding header and the Content-Length 
matches /var/www/htdocs/index.html.

If I make the following request:

curl -I -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate'

the response includes Content-Encoding: gzip and the Content-Length 
matches /var/www/htdocts/index.html.gz.

Is there some additional configuration required or is this the intended 
output for the option?

Thank you,


Re: Self-hosting OpenBSD server, any documentation?

2023-07-08 Thread Paul Pace

On 7/8/23 1:03 AM, Theo de Raadt wrote:

Jonathan Drews  wrote:

On Sat, Jul 8, 2023, at 01:42, Jonas Borchelt wrote:

The book "Absolute OpenBSD" is an excellent choice to expand your knowledge of 
the OpenBSD operating system. It was written by Michael W. Lucas and is regarded as a 
comprehensive resource for beginners and advanced users alike. It covers various aspects 
of OpenBSD, including installation, network security, system administration, and more. 
Enjoy reading it!

There is another book by Michael Lucas that may be of benefit: "Httpd and Relayd 
You can buy it as a *.pdf from Tilted Windmill Press.

One day I really should try this self-hosting which seems to be all the rage.

For those of us not very good at promoting, it turns out to be a very 
self-serving endeavor.

Re: relayd filter

2023-06-06 Thread Paul Pace

On 6/5/23 3:15 PM, Nick Bouliane wrote:


in relayd.conf I'm trying to do :

pass from path "/something.html"

If I individually specify the "from" or the "path", it works
but when I combine both, it doesn't work.

Nowadays, when I come upon this I just use tags and move on.

Something like this might work:

match path "/something.html" tag something
pass from tagged something

Am I missing something or if it's just not possible ?
Or is there another way to express this another way ?

thank you,

Re: httpd(8) and PHP - more details in error log

2021-10-05 Thread Paul Pace

On 10/4/21 11:45 PM, wrote:


I use PHP on OpenBSD's HTTPD for my private web page. In the default
configuration it's hard
to debug an PHP error, because I don't see a time or the specific
request on which the
error occurred.

Is there a configuration for PHP or HTTPD to print more details in the
error log?

Thanks in advance!

You can send httpd logs to syslog by setting

log syslog

This will log the timestamps, but still not IP addresses in the error 
log. See:


Re: Swap disklabel partition location?

2021-09-15 Thread Paul Pace

On 9/15/21 10:30 AM, Theo de Raadt wrote:

The kernel will automatically add swap if it is partition b.
If it is not partition b, it will get added later by fstab
entries.  Almost noone does this.

If you put a filesystem on partition b, I would be surprised
if something causes you problems later, you are fighting against
decades of practice.

You can allocate the 'b' storage near the end of your partition,
rather than in-order with the other filesystems.  I suspect
a series of operations with with 'Resize', 'delete' and allocating new
space will get you storage near the end.  And then yes, you should
be able to re-allocate it in the future, upon a reboot.

But it is also possible that you'll hit bugs in the disklabel editor,
since I've never heard of anyone doing this.

Paul Pace  wrote:


I am wondering if there is some requirement to have the swap disklabel
partition always as partition b? I have a VPS where I might prefer to
put swap at the end so when the VPS RAM and storage is increased, I
can increase swap size, as needed, but I can't figure out why this
might be a bad idea.

I have so far only found in the FAQ on Disk Setup:

b: The boot disk's b partition is usually a swap partition.

And this isn't clear to me that: when there is a swap partition it
must be on b, but if there is no swap partition then b is something
else, or if it means that usually the swap partition is put on the b
partition but can be on some other partition.

Thank you,


Thank you, that is very helpful.

I will choose an appropriate time in the future to experiment with this.

Swap disklabel partition location?

2021-09-15 Thread Paul Pace


I am wondering if there is some requirement to have the swap disklabel 
partition always as partition b? I have a VPS where I might prefer to 
put swap at the end so when the VPS RAM and storage is increased, I can 
increase swap size, as needed, but I can't figure out why this might be 
a bad idea.

I have so far only found in the FAQ on Disk Setup:

> b: The boot disk's b partition is usually a swap partition.

And this isn't clear to me that: when there is a swap partition it must 
be on b, but if there is no swap partition then b is something else, or 
if it means that usually the swap partition is put on the b partition 
but can be on some other partition.

Thank you,


Non-default partitions and upgrades

2021-04-12 Thread Paul Pace


I generally try and run things as a project recommends, but I am 
wondering about running different additional partitions (e.g., add 
/var/www) or changing partition letter (e.g., move /var to the end for 
convenient VPS expansion).

I know it isn't the biggest thing in the world, but would this ever have 
an impact on running version upgrades?

Thank you,


Client-authenicated TLS handshake with relayd

2021-02-19 Thread Paul Pace


I am putting a small server behind Cloudflare that currently is 
configured to serve everything through relayd.

I want to use their option of client-authenticated TLS handshakes, but I 
can't see a way to do it with relayd - is this possible?

It does look like I could use httpd tls client ca option (assuming I'm 
understanding the man page), which I can use if relayd doesn't support this.

Thank you!


Content-Security-Policy makes page render differently

2020-12-18 Thread Paul Pace
When I load a page from OpenBSD served with relayd and httpd with 
Content-Security-Policy set to default-src self, I can see that a basic 
HTML page that normally renders with all of the text in the center is 
now rendered on the left.

I have this currently configured with not loading 
the header and loading the header.

I have also served the same HTML file in an Ubuntu server with nginx and 
with the header enabled the page still renders in the center.

Is there something I am missing?

I have configured relayd with the following:

log state changes
log connection
prefork 10


table  { }

http protocol "https" {
    tls ciphers $list
    tls keypair
    return error

    match request header set "X-Forwarded-For" value "$REOTE_ADDR"
    match request header set "X-Forwarded-Port" value "$REMOTE_PORT"

    match response header set "Content-Security-Policy" value \
    "default-src 'self'"
    match response header set "Referrer-Policy" value "no-referrer"
    match response header set "Strict-Transport-Security" value \
    "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload"
    match response header set "X-Content-Type-Options" value "nosniff"
    match response header set "X-Frame-Options" value "SAMEORIGIN"
    match response header set "X-XSS-Protection" value "1; mode=block"

    match method GET tag ok
    match method HEAD tag ok

    pass tagged ok forward to 

relay "https" {
    listen on $ipv4 port https tls
    protocol "https"
    forward to  port 8080

relay "http" {
    listen on $ipv4 port http
    forward to  port 8080

Thank you,
