The firmware matter

2008-10-11 Thread Rafael Almeida

>From time to time I see people debating about blobs on kernels. I have
some understanding of the issue, but it seems that everytime some
issue comes out that I was not aware of. Not too recently I've seen a
discussion regarding intel wireless device, people from linux seem to
say it doesn't require blobs, though some openbsd users sugested
otherwise. Linux people even refered to some sourceforge link, I think was it. I believe there
are some problems when it comes to firmware. In that sense, is there
even wireless hardware that have no need for any kind of blob?

A while ago I've seen theo slides about how hardware vendors do not
suply the customer with documentation needed for him to operate the
hardware any way he wants. That is a major problem because it does not
let the user chose which operating system he will use. Now, couldn't
the firmware be considered part of the hardware? Why need it be free?
You can program the hardware without knowing about it, right?

Is there some hardware manufacturer that's actually concerned with the
customer's freedom? I know some of them eventually release some
documentation, but are there any hardware vendor which has providing
documentation as one of its goals?

I know this is not enterily on topic, but I was looking for a mature
open source comunity that's willing to discuss those matters with me.
I hope I have found such comunity and I hope not to see too many (or
not at all) aswers like 'linux just sucks' and the like (unless the
phrase comes with proper justification, of course :-)).

Re: Real men don't attack straw men

2007-12-13 Thread Rafael Almeida
On Dec 13, 2007 2:52 PM, Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If OpenBSD could spin off the ports system (perhaps people could put
> it on the Pirate Bay), and break off connection with it, then it would
> cease to convey any message from OpenBSD to the users.  Then I could
> recommend OpenBSD while not recommending its ports system.  Currently,
> that option does not exist.

I have OpenBSD running on my machine, but I do not use the ports tree.
Therefore the option of having OpenBSD without ports exists. You could
still recommend OpenBSD except for its ports tree.

I realise, though, that the reason for you recommending something or
not is rather subjective and discussing it usually doesn't lead to
anything useful. What I oppose is to say that OpenBSD "recomends"
nonfree software.

When you say "OpenBSD recommends non-free software" it leads people to
think that the project tries to convince people to use non-free
software. That's not true at all. The project doesn't support it and
it doesn't try to tell the user he should use it. OpenBSD's port
system merely acknolowdges the existence of non-free software and
makes it easier for the people who chose to install it. That's hardly
recommendation. Moreover, and this is subjective highly subjective, I
think we all should try to make people's life easier and acknowledge
others efforts, even if we think differently. Letting people maintain
non-free packages is giving space to people who think differently than
the OpenBSD developers. And that's a positive thing.

Re: OT Strange Punishment

2007-08-29 Thread Rafael Almeida
The main problem I see here is the government incentivating the
purshase of Microsoft product. It's kinda dumb paying the guy pay to a
company that has nothing to do witht he whole thing as a punishment
for your crimes. It would make sense if the government charged him for
using some government OS.

Re: Intel Core 2

2007-06-27 Thread Rafael Almeida

On 6/27/07, Jacob Yocom-Piatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

when competition is involved companies develop products as quickly as
they can to keep up with the joneses. if your product(s) lack the bells
and whistles the competition has, joey bagoconsumer will not buy your
stuff b/c he's been successfully brainwashed into thinking feature X
will make his life better. for an average computer user multicore
processing doesn't do a whole lot besides compensate for slugware-driven
OSes that are built like amUrican cars, whose primary purpose is to
build product dependency and require replacement 4-5 years down the
road. same lesson henry ford learned with the model t applies to
large-scale hardware manufacturing.

you make more money if your widgets break because your new widget is
vastly improved. new packaging, same great defects!

But I need two cores because I want to run youtube AND the Explorer!

Meanwhile, I think the real problem here is them not releasing much
documentation on the problems to the public.

Bugs will happen, yeah, some are pretty bad; and yeah, part of the
cause of it is that they have unecessarily close deadlines
(unecessarily in the sense that the world doesn't really need the next
generation of processors real soon). But those are not the only
reasons for a buggy hardware, it's also a matter of human limitation.
It's unrealistic to think your hardware will be perfect.

All in all, the intel's core 2 clearly is not prepared for some
critical uses. That does not mean that you can't successfuly run it in
your desktop or even some servers. You'll most likely have much more
dangerous vulnerabilities in the software you're using anyway.

Re: The British

2007-06-01 Thread Rafael Almeida

what's happening with [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Instant Messenger client

2007-05-31 Thread Rafael Almeida

On 5/30/07, stuart van Zee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know of a good, easy-to-use client
for Yahoo instant messenger in the ports tree.
I do an internet radio show (definitely not
OpenBSD topical) and I need one that an intern
can use on my spare laptop to interface with
listeners etc.  The laptop will be running
OpenBSD 4.1 w/X and he will also be using
firefox to check Yahoo email.

please note, our intern is STUPID so he needs
something fairly easy to use.

People have told you about gaim (pidgin), which is great, and it's the
one I use, but there are other options, like Kopete and centericq.

PS: it's not very polite of you calling your intern stupid.

Re: Text about openbsd's security technology

2007-03-23 Thread Rafael Almeida

On 3/23/07, Bob Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Look for theo's talk on
for a very good introduction. and beyond that, RTFS

Yes, I've looked those, but most of them were slideshows, not real
articles. I was looking for something more like this:
but for other features as well.

Isn't there a proposal for those techniques before they made it to the
kernel? Something explaining the other developers the new technique.

Text about openbsd's security technology

2007-03-23 Thread Rafael Almeida

I'm aware that OpenBSD's developers create new technology for making
the exploiter's life harder. On the OpenBSD site I could find a list
of some of those kinda features (following this paragraph). Yet, I
could not find any article describing all those ideas. Does anyone
know what would be considered a good source for learning them?

   * strlcpy() and strlcat()
   * Memory protection purify
 o W^X
 o .rodata segment
 o Guard pages
 o Randomized malloc()
 o Randomized mmap()
 o atexit() and stdio protection
   * Privilege separation
   * Privilege revocation
   * Chroot jailing
   * New uids
   * ProPolice
   * ... and others

Re: Does anyone know a good file manager for OpenBSD?

2007-03-20 Thread Rafael Almeida

On 3/21/07, Mark Shroyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But for what it's worth, I'd recommend the command line utility
wget over anything. pkg_add wget and you're good to go.

I second that. Wget is a great software! You can even use the mozilla
cookies to keep the section of some site you're visiting. So you can
download stuff you had to type in your password to be able to see the
link. That option went unknown to me until the day I was having
trouble downloading a file that I had to be logged in to a site in
order to download. I decided I should take a look at wget's manual to
see if it had anything that could help me, and there it was the
--load-cookies argument :).

Re: Have a OpenBSD store in Asia? Is it possible?

2007-03-18 Thread Rafael Almeida

On 3/19/07, Lars Hansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Uh, doesn't look like they're selling OpenBSD reallly...

Nonetheless when I enter the site my account was created and I could
access my website right away using my  IP address
Unfortunately my site looked a lot like theirs :(.

"Your account has been created. You can access your website right away
using your IP address: Over the next few days DNS
servers all across the internet will update themselves with your new
domain name. Once that is done you will be able to access your site at
its permanent address."

Re: No Blob without Puffy

2007-03-18 Thread Rafael Almeida

On 3/18/07, SW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

5. OpenBSD thinks there should be no possibility whatsoever to use Blobs.
FreeBSD thinks it's up to the user to decide what's best for him. And
maybe that will include competition between Open Source BSD-licensed
drivers and Blobs. You can use Nvidia graphics drivers in FreeBSD and
you can use xorg. You can use NVE or NFE soon. That's freedom of choice,
Free as in FreeBSD (and NetBSD and DragonFly BSD etc.).

When you install FreeBSD you are bound to install Atheros blob (correct
me if I'm wrong, but that's what I could figure out from freebsd
documentation), unless you do a little research and customization
before. No warnings pop up to the user, he might even don't know he's
running a blob. There's nothing even on the handbook (at least I didn't
find it). Where's the freedom?

On 3/18/07, Matthew Weigel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You just made private emails public, almost certainly without the permission
> of the other parties involved.

I dunno, Daniel indicates Theo wrote the following:

> If you release that poster which uses our slogan in such an incredibly
> false way, I will come out swinging.  I will probably post all these
> emails.

That was more of a threat than a permission.

Re: Have a OpenBSD store in Asia? Is it possible?

2007-03-18 Thread Rafael Almeida

On 3/18/07, Bibby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I live in China, Is it possible to have a OpenBSD store in Asia?
China? Japan? Korean? or other coutries?

OpenBSD site says there is one in Hong Kong:

The brazillian store in the site doesn't seem to have newer versions of
openBSD, so I don't know if you'll be able to get new versions in the
Hong Kong store. Another option is to order it online from the online
store, although you could have to pay importation fees and they might be

The cheapest way to get it is probably creating a boot disc or boot
cdrom and doing a internet install.

Re: Symbols in a .so

2007-03-18 Thread Rafael Almeida

On 3/18/07, Woodchuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would like to know which symbols are defined in a shareable
object library, say

I think readelf might be what you want.

Re: No Blob without Puffy

2007-03-18 Thread Rafael Almeida

On 3/18/07, SW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No, I havent't told you I would write that and you haven't seen the
unfinished flyer yet. You are assuming that I will tell lies, which
I will not. I will tell people which Blobs are used in each BSD and
that this is wrong imho. I'm not in a position to lie about anything,
neither to you nor any other person.


Sorry, this is personal without any evidence/argument.

I'll have to agree with Theo on this one. You're definetly spreading a lie
with that flyer.

Anyone who reads the flyer as it is will probably assume that the 4 BSDs
are against blobs. When it's not really a fact. Maybe the greatest part
of freebsd and netbsd community is against blobs, but that's not what
the flyer is saying, it's saying that the projects are against blobs.
That's what those symbols represent, isn't it? And that's obviously not
true, since freebsd and netbsd ship with blobs. It's not like they have
no choice, there are big projects that ship their products without

You may write nice documents explaining what a blob is and which systems
have and which do not. The problem is that the flyer is not telling us
that, it's suggesting that those 4 BSDs are against blob, and therefore
they don't have blobs. It may even trick people into installing freebsd
or netbsd thinking they're installing blob-free software and therefore
contributing to make the world free of blob.

Re: Compiling your own system as a way of upgrading it is not supported

2007-03-16 Thread Rafael Almeida

Just as a note, when I first read the section 5.2 of the FAQ I was
also a bit confused. The line "Compiling your own system as a way of
upgrading it is not supported." made think that maybe following the
-stable branch wasn't supported. But after doing more research I
figured that following -stable was good practice and it was the most
recommended way of following the patches on releases.

English is not my native language, so I thought maybe was the reason
why I found that particular section confusing. I think that becomes
clearer in some part of the document, I recall reading something about
changing versions being what's defined as upgrade. But making it clear
to begin with is probably a good thing. So I think the section would
look better if the line

Compiling your own system as a way of upgrading it is not supported.

was changed to something like:

Compiling your own system as a way of upgrading (e.g., going from
openbsd 3.9 to 4.0) it is not supported.

Following the patch branch

2007-03-06 Thread Rafael Almeida


I'm reading the documentation about the errata patches application on
openbsd and I thought following the -stable branch would be the best way
to go. After downloading the CVS repository of /usr/src and reading the
openBSD FAQ I couldn't figure out a clean way of only upgrading the
binaries that are already in my system, without installing anything new.
That is, I want to have installed on my system only the sets I chose
during the installation process.

Actually, I think maybe creating a release will let me do that, but it
looks like an overkill. And I'll still have to build everything even
though I won't install it all (my computer is slow). Am I missing
something? I think maybe manually patching things will be easier and
faster. What do you recommend?